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18:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by DM-HeathFor group 0
Shae Shadowglen
player, 78 posts
Elven Druid
Wed 10 Sep 2003
at 11:14
  • msg #30

Re: IC7-37

Shae shrugs in frustration when the Symbol of Death doesn't destroy the undead creature as she expected.

"I just don't get it!" she exclaims as she ties both symbols securely within her sash, "Perhaps it would be best to use the teleportation staff to escape further into the cavern away from these things!" she indicates one of the squirming undead with a wave of her hand, "and climb the rest of the way out."
player, 12 posts
Thu 11 Sep 2003
at 04:58
  • msg #31

Re: IC7-37

Rathyl turns his head to the others and begins to grunt and growl, pointing with one paw at the door, with the other hanging at his side.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 79 posts
Elven Druid
Thu 11 Sep 2003
at 05:17
  • msg #32

Re: IC7-37

Hearing the bear growling and noticing it motioning at the entrance, the druidess turns her gaze in that direction, her golden eyes straining to see what it is the Rathyl does.
GM, 126 posts
Thu 11 Sep 2003
at 22:58
  • msg #33

Re: IC7-37

The reanimated forms move with various body parts of their own volition, but none seems to be doing much more than move randomly around.  They do not appear to be hostile or self aware...

...except for one figure pushing its way through the mass of bones and flesh.  He crawls through towards you with a staff in one hand.  He seems to be fully regenerated and human although wrapped in traditional mummification wrapping.  He looks around in confusion, his head moving back and forth as he crawls out of the mess of bodies.
player, 13 posts
Fri 12 Sep 2003
at 07:15
  • msg #34

Re: IC7-37

Rathyl drops back to all fours as lightly as possible and ambles over to the side of the door.
Sir Floradine
player, 61 posts
Human Paladin
Fri 12 Sep 2003
at 07:21
  • msg #35

Re: IC7-37

Floradine helps Joseph to his feet and away from the moving corpse.  Then he holds his two handed sword ready while going to the arch to see the intentions of the mummy-like thing approaching.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 80 posts
Elven Druid
Fri 12 Sep 2003
at 07:26
  • msg #36

Re: IC7-37

Shae moves back to stand near Shanjalae, urging the girl to retrieve the Placating Figure.  Her eyes don't move from the approaching figure however, apprehension clearly lining her features.

"Let us hope its intentions are not hostile." she murmurs.
player, 17 posts
Fri 12 Sep 2003
at 14:12
  • msg #37

Re: IC7-37

Shanjalae removes the sceptre from Bezbalath's rotting corpse.
player, 14 posts
Fri 12 Sep 2003
at 14:24
  • msg #38

Re: IC7-37

Garanon rifles through Bezbalath's belongings to see what he has.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 81 posts
Elven Druid
Fri 12 Sep 2003
at 19:11
  • msg #39

Re: IC7-37

The druidess notes Garanon's actions out of the corner of her eye and her brow furrows.  "What else does Bezbalath have on him Garanon?  Does he hold any of the other relics.?" she asks.
player, 1 post
A master socerer of fire
Fri 12 Sep 2003
at 20:36
  • msg #40

Re: IC7-37

From within the heap of bodies, out crawls Fire, the master socerer of the element of his name and holder of many secrets of the land as it was in the past.

"You have awakened me from my slumber.  I give my thanks to and from the power of Fire, by which I am called"

He kneels down before the group.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:34, Fri 12 Sept 2003.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 82 posts
Elven Druid
Sat 13 Sep 2003
at 07:37
  • msg #41

Re: IC7-37

One delicate eyebrow arches at the approach of the man named Fire as the druidess awaits a reply from Garanon. She remain quiet however, her golden eyes merely watching the newcomer as he kneels before her companions.
player, 14 posts
Sat 13 Sep 2003
at 19:03
  • msg #42

Re: IC7-37

Rathyl remains to the side of the door, making as little sound as possible and watching the newcomer with his mouth hanging open.
GM, 127 posts
Sun 14 Sep 2003
at 23:23
  • msg #43

Re: IC7-37

Garanon sifts through Bezbathal's things.  All he finds is a magical rod of some sort and an empty bag.

An explosion rocks the cavern.  Behind you, the sound of cracking rock comes from the area of the stone coffin.  As you watch, its lid cracks and fresh lava begins to flow out.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 83 posts
Elven Druid
Mon 15 Sep 2003
at 01:07
  • msg #44

Re: IC7-37

Shae scoops Shanjalae up into her arms and bolts towards the door. "We're leaving! Introductions will have to wait until later.  Mind the undead things on your way out!"

She assures that Kallad, and her other companions follow, "Floradine, that teleportation staff would be mighty handy about now!"
player, 15 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2003
at 06:52
  • msg #45

Re: IC7-37

Rathyl releases a whine of fear and bolts for the door on all fours, running as fast as he can away from the lava.
player, 2 posts
A master socerer of fire
Mon 15 Sep 2003
at 21:09
  • msg #46

Re: IC7-37

"You have nothing to fear of me.  I realize that normal people don't climb out of piles of body parts but I am not like the average person.  I am a master of fire and was once a scholar of the land.  I could be a very useful asset to your group and would more than pull my share of fighting wieght if you'll have me"
Fire says as he kicks aside the decaying body parts around his feet.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 84 posts
Elven Druid
Tue 16 Sep 2003
at 00:23
  • msg #47

Re: IC7-37

The druidess often raises one eyebrow when she is puzzled, and as Fire speaks its delicate curve does so again.

“We’ll discuss you travelling with us later, if we escape the burning inferno this volcano is rapidly becoming.” she calls over her shoulder, pausing long enough to point at the Lava spewing into the room.

She sounds a little harsh when she speaks, but from the look on her face it would seem her words are driven from apprehension over surviving the current situation.

“Now let’s move people!”
Sir Floradine
player, 62 posts
Human Paladin
Tue 16 Sep 2003
at 22:44
  • msg #48

Re: IC7-37

Sir Floradine follows Shae's directive and tries to use the teleportation staff, facing it so that 50 feet should open up into the room with the cages.
GM, 128 posts
Wed 17 Sep 2003
at 22:43
  • msg #49

Re: IC7-37

Floradine uses the staff, and the liquid level in its vial drains down to one last usage.  The portal opens up, and the party steps through one by one...

...and safely into the room with the trap cages.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 85 posts
Elven Druid
Thu 18 Sep 2003
at 03:26
  • msg #50

Re: IC7-37

The druidess places her younger but wiser sister down beside Kallad before turning  to her companions.

"Remember to follow closely behind me so you dont get caught as the traps reset." she says before turning on her heel and running across the room, dodging pieces of  broken masonry, diving and rolling to avoid the traps as she makes for the safety of the other side of the room.
player, 31 posts
Thu 18 Sep 2003
at 03:32
  • msg #51

Re: IC7-37

Joseph's not sure what to make of this new Fire person and does not let him out of his sight.  Entering the portal after him Joseph waits for Fire to cross the cage room before he does so himself.  "Let's get the heck out of here." he calls out as he gets to the other side.
player, 16 posts
Thu 18 Sep 2003
at 05:58
  • msg #52

Re: IC7-37

Rathyl rushes across the room, being careful to stay behind Shae.
player, 3 posts
A master socerer of fire
Thu 18 Sep 2003
at 20:58
  • msg #53

Re: IC7-37

Fire stays close to the group to avoid being trapped.  He holds his staff in battle stance to defend against the traps
player, 5 posts
A master socerer of fire
Tue 7 Oct 2003
at 22:12
  • msg #54

Re: IC7-37

As Fire moves futher into the chamber he feels his stomach lurch
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