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19:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Log 2-18.

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
Desiraye Lipost
player, 343 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Mon 4 Jun 2007
at 19:16
  • msg #32

Re: Log 1-18

"The Eorna huh?  Those are the one's the Edestakei were referring to as messengers of the God's or something like that right?  Pirates got you guys too huh?  Nasty habit they got.  I think we just shut their main base of operations down on this shitty planet.

Anyway, you say these things you came out of are used for healing right?  How long were you guys in there and to you think you could use them?  My friend Bartja here is pretty banged up from a run-in with some kind of worm.  He did a pretty good job of fixing me up and Dulob here took a round from some kind of crystal,"
Desiraye asks of the new arrivals from the UPF.
GM Heath
GM, 529 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2007
at 19:23
  • msg #33

Re: Log 1-18

In discussing what has happened, you discover the following information:

Their ship was attacked by pirates, and they escaped in an escape pod, which crash landed.  They crossed a desert, following the instrument's sensors to the nearest "city," which turned out to be the ruins above.  A Sathar attack slither came out of nowhere and severely wounded three of them and killed two others.

Then they were approached by friendly and curious fur-covered creatures that called themselves "Eorna."  They stabilized their vitals and told them that they would need to be placed in a crystal stasis to heal.

They mentioned something about the Day of Doom, and that the "Day of Doom will come again soon.  This is a sign."  They then talked of the evolution of a life form to prevent the Day of Doom from repeating.

Then they were placed in these crystal stasis chambers, where they have been ever since.  In doing the math, you realize that they have been in stasis probably for over a year, since the second mission (where Bartja, Desiraye, Dulob and Inta came from) was sent to reach Volturnus within one year of the first disappearance and you have been stranded on the planet for quite awhile now.
player, 3 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 02:17
  • msg #34

Re: Log 1-18

Lerku exclaims, far too loudly, "But I've lost all my instruments!!"  Looking at Becka and Fr'ssky he adds, "You know I feel so much better when I've got all my instruments!!!"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:19, Tue 05 June 2007.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 286 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 05:45
  • msg #35

Re: Log 1-18

Bartja consider the crystals as they talk with the three new companions.  It would be nice to be healed of the horrible bite he now suffers from, but four years?  With the Sathar approaching, there didn't seem to be enough time to enter crystal stasis for healing.

"This Day of Doom is coming fast, at least if it's the impending Sathar invasion we've learned about.  I do wonder what this other life species is that they talk of evolving.  Is it something we can locate and allie with?"
Becka Norend
player, 5 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 11:14
  • msg #36

Re: Log 1-18

Holding up a hand, Becka gives Lerku a small smile.  "Yes, yes, that is true, Lerku.  And maybe we will locate them.  Maybe.  But we may have to soldier on even without such things."  She looks around and realizes that the instruments are not the only things missing.  With a sigh she adds, "It seems that we all lost our belongings.  That does not make me feel good either, big fella."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 344 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 12:19
  • msg #37

Re: Log 1-18

Desiraye looks around to the three new finds, "Can any of you use a laser pistol?  It's a different kind of laser pistol but, the same basis," she says holding up a pistol from her holster.
GM Heath
GM, 530 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 19:50
  • msg #38

Re: Log 1-18

OOC:  The equipment list is on a separate thread.  Some characters have multiple weapons, and there are survival kits, etc. that can be spread around.  If you see a weapon to change hands, that's fine.  Just ask or offer or work it out.
Inta Karlsenn
player, 245 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 21:38
  • msg #39

Re: Log 1-18

OOC:Inta was not on any mission with Desi and the gang.
Inta with nothing to say, moves to the opening that leads farther into the cavern. There she will watch the shadows to make sure they are not surprised by nasty things like snakes or monkeys.
GM Heath
GM, 531 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 21:54
  • msg #40

Re: Log 1-18

OOC:  That's right.  The others were from that expedition.

For weapons, there are laser rifles for all, 1 extra needler, and stunsticks, all taken from ransacking the last pirate camp.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 345 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 21:57
  • msg #41

Re: Log 1-18

Desiraye will holster up the Maser pistol as the laser rifles are passed about.
GM Heath
GM, 532 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 23:33
  • msg #42

Re: Log 1-18

There are also many grenades and a few other items, as indicated in the last two posts on the equipment list.

For the newcomers:

When you want a piece of party equipment, you claim it by putting your name next to it.  To do this, "quote" the last equipment list, delete the quote code, and add your name where appropriate.  I think you can see this if you look at the guide to date.  I can add your name to the list if you're not sure how to do that.  Just let me know what equipment you want.
GM Heath
GM, 533 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 23:36
  • msg #43

Re: Log 1-18


gyrojet pistol (10 shots), Dulob,
1 incendiary grenade <Desiraye>
4 frag grenade. - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1,Inta <Desiraye- 1>
4 doze grenades  - BARTJA takes 2, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>
1 tangler grenade - BARTJA
Rafflur M4Inta
Maser Penetrator <Desiraye>
10 10SEU minipowerclips , <Desiraye- 3>Inta
laser pistol with 20 SEU - BARTJA
20 powerclips - BARTJA takes 5 additional clips from this stockpile.Inta
2 power beltpack <Desiraye- 1>
5 charges of tornadium D-19 (50 gms, ea.)
5 ropes (15 meters ea.) - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
4 sungoggles - BARTJA (1 pair), Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
8 all weather blankets - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
3 vials solvaway - BARTJA takes 1Dulob 1Inta
4 bottles vitasalt pills - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
5 days' water and rations for 4 people.
5 shirts with pirate logo on them - BARTJA will take 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
A small (2 foot high) robot. - BARTJA lays claim and begins tinkering.
1 pair of omnoculars <Desiraye>
1 robcomkit - BARTJA
4 power lights - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
1 infralightDulob 1
1 inflatent
1 crete sprayer
1 water distiller/purifier - BARTJA (woohoo!)
1 grappling gunInta
1 emergency beeper
1 food purifier
1 techkit - BARTJA (if no one else needs it)
2 medkits - BARTJA
1 envirokit
1 pirate logbook - BARTJA
1 printout of a map and instructions to reach the pirate mining town where Lt. Jameson and Grod were taken.

Whoever has the maser and the rafflur should have the minipowerclips.  They do not fit the other weapons but the regular powerclips and beltpacks fit laser weapons.

24 frag grenades (Desiraye [x4])
24 tangler grenades (Desiraye [x2])
24 doze grenades (Desiraye [x2])
10 stunsticks (Desiraye [x1])
100 recoilless rounds
30 power backpacks (Desiraye [x1])
10 laser rifles (Desiraye [x1])
2 needler rifles Dulob [x1]
20 needleclips  Dulob [x10]
100 powerclips (Desiraye [x10])
1 holo screen

player, 3 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2007
at 23:43
  • msg #44

Re: Log 1-18


gyrojet pistol (10 shots), Dulob,
1 incendiary grenade <Desiraye>
4 frag grenade. - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1,Inta <Desiraye- 1>
4 doze grenades  - BARTJA takes 2, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>friskyx1
1 tangler grenade - BARTJA
Rafflur M4Inta
Maser Penetrator <Desiraye>
10 10SEU minipowerclips , <Desiraye- 3>Inta
laser pistol with 20 SEU - BARTJA
20 powerclips - BARTJA takes 5 additional clips from this stockpile.Inta
2 power beltpack <Desiraye- 1>
5 charges of tornadium D-19 (50 gms, ea.)Frisky x1
5 ropes (15 meters ea.) - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Intafrisky
4 sungoggles - BARTJA (1 pair), Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
8 all weather blankets - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>IntaFrisky
3 vials solvaway - BARTJA takes 1Dulob 1Inta
4 bottles vitasalt pills - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
5 days' water and rations for 4 people.
5 shirts with pirate logo on them - BARTJA will take 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
A small (2 foot high) robot. - BARTJA lays claim and begins tinkering.
1 pair of omnoculars <Desiraye>
1 robcomkit - BARTJA
4 power lights - BARTJA takes 1, Dulob 1, <Desiraye- 1>Inta
1 infralightDulob 1
1 inflatent
1 crete sprayer
1 water distiller/purifier - BARTJA (woohoo!)
1 grappling gunInta
1 emergency beeper
1 food purifier
1 techkit - BARTJA (if no one else needs it)
2 medkits - BARTJA
1 envirokit frisky
1 pirate logbook - BARTJA
1 printout of a map and instructions to reach the pirate mining town where Lt. Jameson and Grod were taken.

Whoever has the maser and the rafflur should have the minipowerclips.  They do not fit the other weapons but the regular powerclips and beltpacks fit laser weapons.

24 frag grenades (Desiraye [x4])Frisky x4
24 tangler grenades (Desiraye [x2])Frisky x4
24 doze grenades (Desiraye [x2])Frisky x4</brown>
10 stunsticks (Desiraye [x1])friskyx1
100 recoilless rounds
30 power backpacks (Desiraye [x1])friskyx2
10 laser rifles (Desiraye [x1])friskyx1
2 needler rifles Dulob [x1]
20 needleclips  Dulob [x10]
100 powerclips (Desiraye [x10])friskyx10
1 holo screen
frisky?unless someone else wants it
player, 4 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2007
at 04:26
  • msg #45

Re: Log 1-18

Lerku, noticing that Fr'ssky just took the only envirokit, says in that really loud screech, "Other than food and water, there's nothing here I can use!!!  All these weapons!  I don't know how to use any of them!!"  He sits down next to the stasis pod he just left, and adds, "But if I have to take weapons, I'll take these,"  indicating some tangler and doze grenades.

24 tangler grenades (Desiraye [x2])Frisky x4 - Lerku X 4
24 doze grenades (Desiraye [x2])Frisky x4</brown> - Lerku X 4
player, 4 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2007
at 04:36
  • msg #46

Re: Log 1-18

Frisky gives the envirokit to Lerku.  "I just took it because it was available," he says.  "And I'd suggest you at least take a rifle of some sort for protection, right?"
player, 5 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2007
at 04:54
  • msg #47

Re: Log 1-18

"Thank you, Fr'ssky," says Lerku, softer, but not softly enough.  "And as for a rifle, I've never used one...  I'd probably end up shooting my own arm off."

Lerku will run a diagnostic on the envirokit, while muttering, "If only I had a medikit..."  Unfortunately, even his muttering has that same screechy quality to it.
player, 5 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2007
at 05:22
  • msg #48

Re: Log 1-18

Frisky makes an attempt at humor.  "At least you could grow a new one."
player, 7 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2007
at 11:45
  • msg #49

Re: Log 1-18

Lerku pauses for a moment, and then begins chortling.  "You know I could, at that...  I guess I've just been in stasis too long to think straight.  Still, shooting one's arm off isn't something I want to try simply to grow another."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 347 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Wed 6 Jun 2007
at 12:17
  • msg #50

Re: Log 1-18

Desiraye turns to Lerku, "You've got Environmental skills?  Shit, we could've used you crossing the desert and the woods and all the other places we've been!  You got med skills too Lerku?  Bartja's been keeping us together for the most part and a second person with those skills could come quite in handy down here.

I might also suggest that you take some sort of weapon with you in case you do need it.  You can't use it if you don't have it I always was taught.  The way we're going, you've got some time to learn how to use it!"

player, 211 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2007
at 16:00
  • msg #51

Re: Log 1-18

"If all you've got is grenades as weapons, I don't want to be there when you panic," Dulob says with a dralasite squishy smile.
player, 6 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2007
at 19:55
  • msg #52

Re: Log 1-18

Frisky says, "I'm of military stock.  Weapons and martial arts are my specialties."  You notice when Frisky talks that there is a slight buzzing and click within his mouth.  The translator he uses to convert his speech to Pan-Galactic makes him sound like a very formal, deep-voiced gentlman.
player, 9 posts
Thu 7 Jun 2007
at 03:15
  • msg #53

Re: Log 1-18

Lerku continues chortling, this time at Dulob's comment.  "All right, then... you've talked me into it.  But perhaps someone could instruct me if we have the time?  What kind of rifle would you suggest?"

Lerku will take whichever rifle, ammo, and/or powerclips the more experienced fighters give him.
Becka Norend
player, 7 posts
Thu 7 Jun 2007
at 11:22
  • msg #54

Re: Log 1-18

Nodding, Becka echoes Lerku's comments.  "Better make mine simple, since I haven't even held a thought in quite a while."  She grinned briefly and waited for direction from her companions.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 288 posts
Thu 7 Jun 2007
at 12:05
  • msg #55

Re: Log 1-18

"When we're ready, we should keep going further into this complex.  Now we at least know that the Eorna are not gods but are intelligent.  Our directive is to make contact with the intelligent life here, so let's see what these guys know.  They might be the only race here capable of organizing the technology needed to drive back the Sathar invasion that is coming."

Bartja moves to the southern door and looks it over carefully before opening it.

05:05, Today: Bartja Nemuco rolled 22 using 1d100. Security Systems: Detect.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 349 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Thu 7 Jun 2007
at 12:06
  • msg #56

Re: Log 1-18

Desiraye turns to Lerku, "Why don't we start off simple and take the needler rifle.  It's got no kick to it and it's best against soft skinned targets.  Now, the laser rifle, is usable against anything and better against thincker skinned or hard targets."

Desiraye will take the needler rifle and explain it to Lerku on its basic functions, how to shoot, reload, safety, etc,.
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