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19:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Log 2-21.

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
GM Heath
GM, 572 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2007
at 23:20
  • msg #28

Re: Log 2-21

You have 5 charges of Tornadium D-19.  Each is 50 grams.

As Bartja looks at the lock, it looks like it would be difficult to pick, but someone with a specialty in such matters might be able to do it.

You are not exactly sure what will happen with the explosives, but Desiraye might.
player, 24 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2007
at 23:49
  • msg #29

Re: Log 2-21

Lerku uses the vaporscanner to determine just how fast the room is losing pressure - if he's got time he'll re-form himself with a big pocket of air inside him.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 376 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Sat 21 Jul 2007
at 14:25
  • msg #30

Re: Log 2-21

Desiraye looks around the locked room at the doors and tries to survey the the situation frokm her limited demolitions 'expertise.'  "Well, I'll put it to you all like this.  I've got me some demo charges that should be able to breach the door however, we stand a chance of killing us all in the blast.  I think we should try to open the door first before we try to set a charge and blow it from our side.  If it doesn't work, then we try the charges.  Inta, that cloth you got, was it in the boxes on the shelf or just lying out?  What's in the boxes?"
Becka Norend
player, 26 posts
Sat 21 Jul 2007
at 16:03
  • msg #31

Re: Log 2-21

"Sounds good... if we have time," Becka replies to Desiraye.  "Lerku, how's it looking?"
Inta Karlsenn
player, 265 posts
Sat 21 Jul 2007
at 16:19
  • msg #32

Re: Log 2-21

"It was sort of stacked on the boxes. Why, do you think we need it?" Inta grips the fabric a bit tighter. "Maybe you should use a small amount of explosives on the lock and not blast the whole door?"
GM Heath
GM, 573 posts
Sat 21 Jul 2007
at 16:45
  • msg #33

Re: Log 2-21

You determine that the air is being pumped out slowly.  It will take 30 minutes to fully empty from the room.

In the boxes and crates, you find a bunch of the following:

Boxes of crystal bolts
Electrical batteries
Spools of plastic tape
Boxes of crystal spheres
Boxes of putty
Jars of iron filings
Jars of powder sulfur
Large jars of water
Boxes of protein cubes Boxes of rubber hoses
Spools of insulated wire
Boxes of crystal lights
Boxes of plastic squrares
Jars of saltpeter
Jars of powdered calcium
Jars of powdered charcoal
Jars of fermented fruit juice
Bolts of shimmering cloth

5 minutes have passed. You have 25 left.  You will have to determine who will try to open the lock, at 5 minutes per try.  If you are going to blow the door, also allow 5 minutes to set the timer and explosives and (presumably) try to take cover.

25 minutes...
player, 26 posts
Sat 21 Jul 2007
at 20:51
  • msg #34

Re: Log 2-21

"Hmmm... Gunpowder ingredients, and other chemicals," says Lerku as he adjusts his shape to enclose as large an air bubble as he can.  "And the cloth..."  Lerku takes the end of one of the bolts of cloth and sees how easy it is to tear.  "Anyone have a small blade I could use?" he asks.  He plans on testing it on the cloth also.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:51, Sat 21 July 2007.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 303 posts
Sun 22 Jul 2007
at 00:32
  • msg #35

Re: Log 2-21

Bartja too looks over the find.  "Not only gunpowder Lerku, but the makings of crystals as well!  Iron and calcium can form Andradite - or something like that - which very well could be the basis for a lot of these crystalline life forms we've seen so much of.  They're also ingredients used in pyrotechnic displays.  With the batteries, wire, putty, gunpowder and plastic tape, we could probably rig up a slow burning ring on the door to cut a section out without explosion.

Maybe we do both.  We can try to rig up a gunpowder and putty mix to tape on the door.  We can also place the TD-19 on the door.  We set off the putty with the batteries and wire bit if it doesn't burn through the door, then we set off the TD-19 and hope for the best."

Desiraye Lipost
player, 377 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Sun 22 Jul 2007
at 00:41
  • msg #36

Re: Log 2-21

Desiraye sets down her laser rifle and pulls out the TD-19 and timers from their personal collection.  She begins to carefully rig a single charge to the door while Bartja looks over the other materials.  "I could try the fry the door first with a charge.  If that doesn't work, we'll have at your plan with a slow burn.  Keep getting the stuff ready to go in case the charge fails.  Anyone of you new people know anything about demolitions?  I'm just a beginner and won't mind a little help!  Too bad you couldn't make air Bartja!  I hope the blast doesn't use up too much of our remaining air!"
Becka Norend
player, 27 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 03:29
  • msg #37

Re: Log 2-21

Desiraye Lipost:
"Anyone of you new people know anything about demolitions?  I'm just a beginner and won't mind a little help!"

"I am a mere beginner, too, but we're all in this together.  Let's see what we can do," Becka suggests enthusiastically and steps forward to assist Desiraye.
player, 11 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 16:59
  • msg #38

Re: Log 2-21

Frisky says, "We should try to blow it in several segments.  Gunpowder first.  TD-19 second, and then possibly a third TD-19 explosion, just in case the door is more resistant than we thought.  We won't have much time."  He helps with the preparations.
player, 220 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 17:29
  • msg #39

Re: Log 2-21

Dulob says, "I have some experience in lockpicking, but not a lot.  I'll try picking the lock while you guys are making the explosives."  He makes an effort.
GM Heath
GM, 574 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 17:42
  • msg #40

Re: Log 2-21

The party begins making the explosives and Dulob begins trying to pick the lock.  After five minutes of trying, he determines that it is too difficult for him.  (Check failed, -20 modifier)

20 minutes remaining

It takes about 10 minutes to get the gunpowder assembled, and 5 for the TD-19.  Then Desiraye sets up a charge of TD-19.

It looks like a tough, but not impenetrable door.  (70 structural points. TD-19 causes 5d10 dmg per charge, blast radius is 1 meter per charge.)

10 minutes remaining.

You set off the gunpowder and get back, ready for the fireworks.  It does moderate damage to the door.  (20 dmg)  No one is hurt.

You set off the TD-19 next.  Because it is such a low charge, it is easy for you to get back out of range.  Unfortunately, that means its structural damage is also low when it blows.  The door is again damaged but not quite enough.  (36 dmg).

Door:  14 structural points of damage left.
5 minutes remaining.

You feel the air getting stuffy, and you start to feel lightheaded.
player, 12 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 17:56
  • msg #41

Re: Log 2-21

Frisky says, "Hurry, blow another charge or two before it's too late!"
GM Heath
GM, 575 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 17:59
  • msg #42

Re: Log 2-21

Lerku has been testing the cloth and sees that it does, in fact, tear.  It is shimmering and reflective but not anything special in material makeup.
player, 27 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 18:42
  • msg #43

Re: Log 2-21

"Yes, get that door open!"  cries Lerku.  He's clearly disappointed that the fabric wasn't usuable for some kind of protective suit.
GM Heath
GM, 576 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 19:40
  • msg #44

Re: Log 2-21

OOC: Unfortunately, the adventure didn't mention a capability of the fabric as fireproof; that would have been my guess too.
player, 28 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 20:18
  • msg #45

Re: Log 2-21

Now that his interior air bubble is solid, Lerku says to Desiraye and Becka, "Show me what button to hit on the detonator, should you become incapacitated."
Inta Karlsenn
player, 267 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 20:33
  • msg #46

Re: Log 2-21

Inta quickly builds a wall with the crete sprayer. "Everyone hide behind here."
GM Heath
GM, 577 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 20:55
  • msg #47

Re: Log 2-21

Are you going to leave an opening so you can get out?
Bartja Nemuco
player, 304 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 21:06
  • msg #48

Re: Log 2-21

Bartja helps wherever and whenever he can.  The cloth in intriguing and he wonders if it would reflect or refract a laser blast....
Inta Karlsenn
player, 268 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 22:45
  • msg #49

Re: Log 2-21

I thought it could build a wall and not just a shelter?
Otherwise, yes it would be in Inta's best interests to have a way out.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 378 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Tue 24 Jul 2007
at 14:38
  • msg #50

Re: Log 2-21

Desiraye scrambles for two more charges, giving one to Becka to administer to the door and make sure the job gets done.  She waits for them to be set and sets them off.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:39, Tue 24 July 2007.
GM Heath
GM, 578 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2007
at 17:42
  • msg #51

Re: Log 2-21

4 minutes...
Inta begins to build a wall from the crete sprayer as Desiraye sets the charges.

Desiraye gets the charges set and begins setting up the remote.
3 minutes...
It is taking time to make these preparations.

Bartja is examining the cloth and helping out.
2 minutes...
The air is beginning to get very thing, and breathing is more difficult.

Becka also assists.

Finally, the charges are set, but Inta is still working on the wall...

1 minute...
You are struggling to breathe.

Inta finishes the makeshift wall, and everyone gets behind it.

The air is almost gone.  You are beginning to see spots.
Lerku has his air bubble and is fine.

0 minutes
Desiraye detonates the two charges.  The door is destroyed, and air comes rushing in.  You take some deep breaths and are ready to proceed through the door after catching your breath.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 305 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2007
at 17:55
  • msg #52

Re: Log 2-21

"Well, so much for sneaking in but I must say, that was some good work!  I probably should have tried to rig the lock as well, but I didn't want to get in the way and these injuries are killing me!  Besides, pyrotechnics are much more impressive!"

Bartja shambles forward with the little robot, following the others into the newly exposed passage beyond the shattered door.
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