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RoA Community Chat Take 2.

Posted by DM WindwalkerFor group 0
PC praguepride
player, 82 posts
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 07:15
  • msg #957

Re: CoDM needed

My significant other dragged me to see This Christmas that's out right now. It's was a decent family feel-good movie. Kinda the same cliche "everyone's all set for the perfect family Christmas but everyone has their own little secret drama that resolves by the end so that everyone can come together" but it tackles slightly more "edgey" topics. There's a little adultery, a little incident involving MP's, and a couple of thugs that break legs and amuse me :D

All in all I'd give it a 'B'. Nothing new, but still a solid Christmas movie.
DM Annihilator
GM, 237 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 09:51
  • msg #958

Re: CoDM needed

DM Windwalker:
So don't go spilling the blood of babies for me or anything terrible like that., oops?  :p

Seriously, though, I hope you'll feel better soon, darling!  <3  I'm sure all of RoA will be praying/doing their non-religious equivalent of praying for you, too!  *tons of hugs*
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 109 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 10:25
  • msg #959

Re: CoDM needed

I'm an animist, so no, no spilling of babies' blood. It really is over-rated. I mean, when you get down to it, there's no real difference between a two-year-old virgin and a thirteen-year-old virgin...

I'm joking :p

But yeah, I'll ask my friends to look out for you... since some of them air currently air spirits, hopefully they should have some connections with your locals.
DM Kitty
GM, 130 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 15:51
  • msg #960

Re: CoDM needed

WW, surely you have typer's cramp by now! :P

And you'd better get better long before Christmas, that's an order! ;)
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:53, Tue 27 Nov 2007.
DM Windwalker
GM, 591 posts
Property of
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 16:35
  • msg #961

Re: CoDM needed

Thank you guys!!!  *hugs all around*  No kisses, I might get everybody sick and then where would RoA be?  :p

Feeling a bit better because that strong pain killer the doctor gave me is the good stuff!  :p  Whatever he gave me to help me cough up all the stuff in my lungs is working too, but it's still hard to breathe.  And my temp is still too high, but not as dangerous as it was.  Still, I'll have to stay careful for awhile so I don't get worse again.

Anyway...good, no hurting babies or kids!  In case nobody's noticed, I'm so way kid-friendly.  :p  Since I am and will always be one myself, I figure I should kinda stand up for them.  *giggles*  *begins to sing...*

I don't wanna grow up.
I'm a Toys-r-Us kid.
There's a million toys at Toys-r-Us
that I can play with!
From bikes to trains
to video games,
It's the biggest toy store there is!
I don't wanna grow up,
'Cause if I did,
I couldn't be a Toys-r-Us kid!

Sorry.  :p  *giggles*  My own personal theme song.  Though growing up, I didn't get to shop there, it was too expensive for my parents.  We were really poor.  But I've spoiled my kids rotten with it.  :p  Oh!  That reminds me, I just got great news!  My kids and I LOVE Build-A-Bear workshop (and I think that Anni likes it to after his introduction to it while visiting us this year - ask him to show you his kitty cat dressed in St. Louis Cardinals finery!).  For every dollar you spend, you earn a point, and during your birthday months you get 1.5 points (that means we've got March and July through October if you include my nephew, and we do because we take him with us and let him get things there, and December).  Earning 100 points earns you a certificate for $10 off any purchase in the store.  Well sometimes I'm scatterbrained and forget to print out and use those certificates.  :p  So I just called them to see if we could figure out which I've not used because the kids really, really want to go and make Rudolph (check out how cute it is at for Christmas.  I can't afford to buy them each one at $22 a pop.  That's four because I'm totally addicted to Christmas, snowmen, and reindeer and would need one too.  Anyway, the lady was fabulous and sweet, even put up with my awful coughing and silliness because I can't think straight under all these meds.  We worked out that I have SEVEN certificates available!  Now, I already have coupons for $5 off a $25 purchase.  So I can let the kids make Rudolph and even get him a small accessory for about $5 so that each of their totals will be over $25.  Then use a coupon to get it to a bit over $20, then use the certificates to pay that off and only owe a few dollars for each of theirs and about $10 for mine!  Isn't that great!?

Oh, and I'm going to be able to get the kids a Wii for Christmas, the only other thing they really, really want!  My momma is going to buy the system and a few of the things needed like extra controllers, and then she's going to let me use her credit card to buy a few games since I just don't have enough money right now to get them much.  I used my latest paycheck to get the girls some perfume and jewelry and games and Joshua some toys and games, but only a few things each so this is really, really great news!

And I just have to tell oldest is so excited...she just loves that I'm in the church Christmas play, if you ask her, I'm the best singer in the entire world.  She's so biased.  :p  Anyway, she wants to be like me when she grows up and tries very hard to be a good singer, and she is.  And she got a speaking part and a SOLO in her school Christmas play!  *beams proudly*  Before I got sick I practiced with her a lot and she's doing really great.  I read her lines with her and then play the piano for her to sing her solo.  I'm so proud of her!

Oh, and no typer's cramp for me.  :p  The last time I checked, I typed at well over 150 wpm so I can go on and on and on and not get tired.  After all, this is how I talk to Anni every day.  :p

Oh yes, I almost forgot!  It might seem like I'm so materialistic, caring so much about giving the kids good things for Christmas.  I am a little probably, but I have such good memories of pretty packages under the tree, the anticipation, the excitement...that I want to share with the kids.  I just love seeing their little faces...  Anyway, I teach them much more than that, I promise.  And I can prove it.  Yesterday after I picked up the kids from school, we got in the car and the radio station was talking about some kids that needed adopting for the Christmas season.  Their parents can't afford to buy them much if anything, so other people can "adopt" them and get them 3-5 toys, one new outfit, and mittens, a scarf, and a hat.  You can get more, but that's the minimum the station asks for you to get.  Well all three of my kids were just heartbroken at hearing that.  I tell them, but when other people talk about it, too, and can give the names of some of these kids, well that just kind of brings it home.  My babies were so upset that they begged me to let them adopt one of the children for Christmas.  I explained to them that if I did, then that would mean less presents for them on Christmas morning.  And they didn't care.  What were new toys to them when they have so many wonderful things already, when they already have warm clothes, coats, hats, gloves, and scarves?  My kids got it!  They understood!  And so we adopted a 3-year-old named Elijah.  I've already bought the books for him and will spend the last of my Christmas money on the clothing and toys.  *wipes tears away*  And my momma said that she would pay for pajamas and slippers for Elijah.  Isn't that wonderful!?  I'm so proud of my wonderful kids!
DM Kitty
GM, 131 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 16:43
  • msg #962

Re: CoDM needed

GAH!  My eyes!  Too much text! :P

(Sorry, I feel silly today.)
DM Windwalker
GM, 593 posts
Property of
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 10:11
  • msg #963

Re: CoDM needed

Uh-oh.  I'm hallucinating and am way too mellowed out.  :p  Some kind of adverse reaction to my meds.  Aren't I so much fun?  I just talked to one of the doctors at my hospital's local clinic, and he thinks I need to go in first thing in the morning but that I should be okay through the night at least.  But I'm way to jittery, like muscle and brainwise, to sleep.  :p  Normally I'd be a bit upset about my symptoms, but I'm so not.  I guess that can be a good thing.  :p  *giggles*
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 110 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 10:49
  • msg #964

Re: CoDM needed

Eek! *hides* Scary high lady! :p

>> No, really, meds are fun, I guess, but I'm always the one who has to stay sane and look after the giddy one. >< Which gets less fun when that person is overtired, grouchy and in a foul mood... but they're doped up to their eyeballs on painkillers and other medicine, so they're insane and giddy-happy at the same time.

So I guess what I'm saying is, get enough sleep :p
DM Windwalker
GM, 594 posts
Property of
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 10:55
  • msg #965

Re: CoDM needed

I can't.  It's nearly five in the morning, I've not slept a wink, and I'm still totally unable to sleep.  I am now making this really, really cool noise when I swallow though.  It's like those little rubber poppy thingies that you push down onto a table or onto a window and then the suction builds up and then it lets go and that little pupper just jumps up!  Or away, if it was on a window, of course.  But it sounds really cool to make that sound every time I swallow.  That just started.  I like it.
DM Kindred
GM, 219 posts
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 16:48
  • msg #966

Re: CoDM needed

Poor WW, get better soon!

P.S. Your kids are sweet
PC praguepride
player, 84 posts
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 20:04
  • msg #967

Re: CoDM needed

Wow...just wow. WW, you're crazy :D
This message was last edited by the player at 20:04, Wed 28 Nov 2007.
PC Shigoki
player, 19 posts
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 21:01
  • msg #968

Re: CoDM needed

You are enjoying a 'toxic' release of endorphins (did I spell it right?) by sickness and medicine fight. :S I don't think its bad. I have one of those every 2 years. Cant take much care of my person some times. I also get high on not sleeping. I tell you, its bad for the job because I'm just so happy the kids don't know what to make of me. They expect me to be on the same mood the next day and they get disappointed that I'm in a bad one.
One time a electric tower exploded, the kids where all scared and I was like 'hahahaha scary rats'
DM Kitty
GM, 132 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 22:53
  • msg #969

Re: CoDM needed

I'm sure, eventually, you'll get so tired that you'll fall asleep.  Or faint...but hopefully the former. ;)
PC Shigoki
player, 20 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 01:00
  • msg #970

Re: CoDM needed

That only happened when I was awake 5 days. Cant figureout when did I fall sleep.
DM Windwalker
GM, 595 posts
Property of
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 04:01
  • msg #971

Re: CoDM needed

Well, it turns out I was having a severe allergic reaction, and if Anni hadn't kept me up all night talking, it might have been...well...extremely bad...  My throat swelled so slowly that it is doubtful I would have noticed before suffocating to death according to both my personal feelings and the professional opinion of the doctors.

Anyway, I'm over my lovely hallucinations.  It was like what I would imagine being on LSD and marijuana at the same time might be.  But since I've never done either, I can't say for sure.  :p

But I'm not crazy, I'm mental.  :D
PC praguepride
player, 85 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 16:29
  • msg #972

Re: CoDM needed

Wow, that's actually pretty scary.

On a side note I'm actually working on a project to help link gene expressions to medication dosages for use for pharmacists. It's not really applicable right now, but once genetic testing becomes the norm for people it will really start to shine.

Also, glad to hear you're feeling better.
DM Kool
GM, 130 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 19:58
  • msg #973

Re: CoDM needed

That sounds like a scary episode last night.  Hope you're better now.
DM Kitty
GM, 133 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 20:20
  • msg #974

Re: CoDM needed


Annihilator, keep taking care of her!
Windwalker, get better!

And yes, those are both orders. ;)

I'll keep you in my prayers.
PC quickj
player, 144 posts
Commiting the oldest sins
in the newest ways!
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 20:49
  • msg #975

Re: CoDM needed

Damn WW! Sounds like a close call. Glad to hear you are recovering. Good luck!
DM Koboldking
GM, 23 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 23:34
  • msg #976

Re: CoDM needed

Wow, I'm glad you're ok WW. Hope you get better soon.
PC solo
player, 76 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2007
at 08:31
  • msg #977

Re: CoDM needed

PC praguepride:
Wow, that's actually pretty scary.

On a side note I'm actually working on a project to help link gene expressions to medication dosages for use for pharmacists. It's not really applicable right now, but once genetic testing becomes the norm for people it will really start to shine.

Now, that's scary! Don't think I'd like my genetic code to be available to every pharmacist.
PC Ionari
player, 10 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2007
at 13:47
  • msg #978

Re: CoDM needed

I might even be fine if it were available just to pharmacists, but of course it wouldn't be - they would use Microsoft, or Google, to store the information, and from there it would leak all over.  It might not even leak "intentionally" (e.g. through contracts with those ubiquitous "third party service providers") - our British friends can fill us in on recent issues with accidental leaks of private information...
PC praguepride
player, 86 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2007
at 22:44
  • msg #979

Re: CoDM needed

The key about this information, as far as privacy is concerned is that it only tells pharmacists how you'd react to a certain drug.

They wouldn't be able to look it up and say "hey, this guy's prone to heart attacks" or "this lady is going to get cancer in 5 years." Think about it more like allergy information. This is taking knowledge about your allergies to a new level, the genetic level.
PC Alesandra
player, 7 posts
Like felines!!
Sat 1 Dec 2007
at 00:13
  • msg #980

Re: CoDM needed

Will this be able to tell me if Im alegic to someone? Or how about genetic compatibity (did I spell it right?)?
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 143 posts
Sat 1 Dec 2007
at 00:26
  • msg #981

Re: CoDM needed

allergic to people?

I'm pretty sure that that's impossible, as anything other people would do would be done by your own body and have you allergic to yourself.
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