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09:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

RoA Community Chat Take 2.

Posted by DM WindwalkerFor group 0
DM Windwalker
GM, 465 posts
Property of
Thu 17 May 2007
at 14:07
  • msg #1

RoA Community Chat Take 2

Here ya go.

Happy Norway Day!
Some Norwegian Dude
Thu 17 May 2007
at 15:11
  • msg #2

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

PC jhpa4:
And by the way who says Norwegians are good at what they do.

Wikipedia does:
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:11, Thu 17 May 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 60 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 17 May 2007
at 15:20
  • msg #3

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

The game menu says the old chat has 2500 posts, but the last post is number 2510.  ?
DM Kitty
GM, 55 posts
Don't mess with me
or I'll -- ooo, shiny!
Thu 17 May 2007
at 15:36
  • msg #4

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

PC jhpa4:
Ireland forever and ever dudes.

Hey, we're part Irish!  Or was it Scottish... dern, I can never remember!
Hold on, we're both!
DM Kool
GM, 61 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 17 May 2007
at 15:37
  • msg #5

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Hey, jhpa4, there you are!

He's related to the duke of Ireland.

Cellist you are, famous you ain't.  Unless you are, and haven't told me.

She actually just told me she's never heard you play.
DM Kitty
GM, 56 posts
Don't mess with me
or I'll -- ooo, shiny!
Thu 17 May 2007
at 15:41
  • msg #6

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Yeah, I've never heard you play.
Wait a minute, you're related to the duke of Ireland?
PC Jinx
player, 5 posts
Thu 17 May 2007
at 17:45
  • msg #7

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

dam You guys post alot here huh ( newb here )

I am curious , do alot of you read forgotten realm novels? Am I the only dork that reads those books?
PC quickj
player, 135 posts
Commiting the oldest sins
in the newest ways!
Thu 17 May 2007
at 18:11
  • msg #8

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

No way dude. R.A. Salvatore is a GOD!!!!
PC Brianna
player, 57 posts
Thu 17 May 2007
at 18:56
  • msg #9

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I own a lot of them, have read about half of them, met several of the authors - one of these days I'll read the rest.
PC Kaladorm
player, 48 posts
Dwarven Chunkmonster
Halfling Loon
Thu 17 May 2007
at 20:10
  • msg #10

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Ohh read plenty, just finished the war of the spider queen series, Masquerades and Tymora's Luck. Reading Stormlight now (my last chance for Storm to redeem herself in my eyes, I hated her in the Avatar Trilogy and in the Last Mythal trilogy). I'm not too impressed thus far, but I have enjoyed Ed Greenwoods books so far, so I'll give it a chance.
PC Jinx
player, 6 posts
Thu 17 May 2007
at 20:27
  • msg #11

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

ahhhh ok cool , I read em all the time.

I just finished the Everis Cale trilogy I loved it. Always cool when you have the anti hero trying to do good.

( If you have not read it I suggest you check it out, pretty good to me )

I am sure you all read RA Salvatore so I will not even go there, although its strange how I went from rooting against Jarlaxle to rooting for him! , lol
PC quickj
player, 136 posts
Commiting the oldest sins
in the newest ways!
Thu 17 May 2007
at 20:34
  • msg #12

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Artemis Entreri is AWESOME!!!!
PC Kaladorm
player, 49 posts
Dwarven Chunkmonster
Halfling Loon
Fri 18 May 2007
at 00:35
  • msg #13

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Th R.A.Salvatore books are good, but a little overrated in my opinion, and the series is starting to become a little worn for me (though I've yet to read promise of the witch king). The Cleric Quintet was quite good.

Waterdeep:CoS has to be one of my favourites, I only read it recently but it was fantasically well done (and Ed and Elaine were a great pair, though you could clearly see which part had whose touch to it hehe).

I'd also highly recommend Azure Bonds (an old but good one), Blackstaff, the War of the Spider Queen books, City of Ravens, and the additional books from the Avatar Trilogy.

Looking forward to reading the Erevis Cale trilogy myself too, as I've heard lots of good things about it (and I'm a bit of a fan of Mask). Having said that it might be a while as I've just ordered a copy of Pages of Pain, a planescape novel, as I love the way the Sigilisians (Cagers!) speak :)
DM Kitty
GM, 57 posts
Don't mess with me
or I'll -- ooo, shiny!
Fri 18 May 2007
at 01:13
  • msg #14

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

PC Jinx:
dam You guys post alot here huh ( newb here )

Only when I have a lot to say, which isn't too often.
PC jake4405
player, 9 posts
Fri 18 May 2007
at 05:01
  • msg #15

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Azure Bonds was a great series.  The game module is one of my favourites as well, I wish they would revise it for 3.5 rules though.

I'm a big fan of Entreri and Jarlaxle.  I've kind of modeled one of my characters like Entreri here on the games - Barra Velve.

The Harper books are was pretty good too and I always have a soft spot for Ravenloft - Lord Soth all the way!
DM Kremti
GM, 181 posts
Fri 18 May 2007
at 14:02
  • msg #16

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

DM Kitty:
PC Jinx:
dam You guys post alot here huh ( newb here )

Only when I have a lot to say, which isn't too often.

And we gotta keep our post counts up!

DM Kitty
GM, 58 posts
Don't mess with me
or I'll -- ooo, shiny!
Fri 18 May 2007
at 22:50
  • msg #17

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Yup! :P
DM fbaker4
GM, 32 posts
Sun 27 May 2007
at 18:43
  • msg #18

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Welcome To Realms Of Adventure - Updated 17 Feb 2007

WW's last post says something about the gold that one gets when one levels...???

Am i reading that wrong?
DM Windwalker
GM, 466 posts
Property of
Sun 27 May 2007
at 18:55
  • msg #19

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I haven't made a post in a very long time in that thread, but perhaps another DM editied my post and bumped it.  I've certainly never posted anything about getting gold when leveling.  I'll go try and find what you're talking about though.
DM Windwalker
GM, 467 posts
Property of
Sun 27 May 2007
at 18:58
  • msg #20

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Is this what you are referring to?

RoA Rules:
P.S. Please note: This is an XP award. It does not include the gold should your character level.

If so, it is saying that if you use XP awards to level, even if it is at character creation, you do not get gold for that level.  I.e., if at character creation you use award or DM XPs to bump your character to fourth level, you still only get max gold for third level like everybody else.  Just another way we keep award and DM XPs from bumping PCs too much.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:58, Sun 27 May 2007.
DM fbaker4
GM, 33 posts
Sun 27 May 2007
at 19:11
  • msg #21

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

That's it exactly.  Thanks for doing the legwork.

'Property of'?  Does that mean you got hitched?
DM Windwalker
GM, 468 posts
Property of
Sun 27 May 2007
at 19:17
  • msg #22

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Not a problem.  Glad I could be of service.

Not yet, no.  He's got university to finish, and I've got a Master's degree to finish before we can do anything like that.  Have to be responsible adults first and all that jazz.  But that is the current plan.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 343 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Mon 28 May 2007
at 01:10
  • msg #23

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I've purged the Stupid Blue Lights PM thread, as it's just not necessary for PCs. Using this to solve the problem just increases the problem.

I've mentioned it to jase & cruinne, but they probably didn't get my rMail. I'll try again soon, after some info gathering.

Now, it seems that it's just a problem for the DMs, right? PCs are unaffected?

And is anyone else having a wierd problem  where whenever they click on a PM or
quote - edit - delete in a post, the page jumps right to the top and nothing happens, and you have to click it again to get it to work?
PC Brianna
player, 58 posts
Mon 28 May 2007
at 01:26
  • msg #24

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Is it possible the PM thing is only a problem for coGMs, not primary ones?  I know my coGM in one game keeps complaining about it.  And that jumping to the top thing sounds familiar; did someone complain about it in one of the bug threads?  BTW the best place to comment is on the Beta site - there's not so much mess for things to get lost in there.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 344 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Mon 28 May 2007
at 01:39
  • msg #25

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

No, I'm getting it too, in all boards I am primary GM of.
DM Windwalker
GM, 469 posts
Property of
Mon 28 May 2007
at 02:27
  • msg #26

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Me too, even in the ones I'm primary GM of as well.
PC Brianna
player, 59 posts
Mon 28 May 2007
at 02:40
  • msg #27

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

OK.  I don't seem to be having that problem, particularly, more just wonky notifications, that I have unread messages when I don't, that all messages are read when they aren't, and the like.  I had some of that in the old version, but not so persistently.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 345 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Mon 28 May 2007
at 12:18
  • msg #28

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I have sent all the above problems to the Bug Reports.
PC Jinx
player, 7 posts
Tue 29 May 2007
at 19:14
  • msg #29

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

a quick stupid question that might be in the wrong

If we have a character sitting in a dead game, can we take that character out and enter him into another game ?

Thanks in advance....
DM Windwalker
GM, 471 posts
Property of
Tue 29 May 2007
at 22:16
  • msg #30

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Absolutely you can!  That's one of the benefits of RoA.  Whom do you need to place/move?
DM Vallah
GM, 97 posts
Note to self:
Stop buying dice.
Wed 30 May 2007
at 17:54
  • msg #31

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

DM Kaladorm:
Just a few more days to sign up before this game gets underway. Ideally the party could use a divine caster now (isn't that always the case?)

I've seen so many posts like this one that I've long since run out of fingers and toes to count them on.

What is it that people don't seem to like about playing clerics?  *is puzzled*

DM Kitty
GM, 61 posts
Don't mess with me
or I'll -- ooo, shiny!
Wed 30 May 2007
at 17:57
  • msg #32

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I like playing clerics! :)
PC Arkanum
player, 9 posts
pre sti di ga what?
Wed 30 May 2007
at 17:58
  • msg #33

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

there was a stretch where games in the Players wanted thead were looking for arcane casters. maybe casters in general have low appeal?
PC Jinx
player, 8 posts
Wed 30 May 2007
at 17:58
  • msg #34

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I like clerics as well, can do many things with them. I always wanted to play an evil cleric...never had a chance

Dm WW - thanks for your answer above. ;)
DM Kitty
GM, 62 posts
Wed 30 May 2007
at 18:03
  • msg #35

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I also feel like having a new picture! :P
PC Arkanum
player, 10 posts
pre sti di ga what?
Wed 30 May 2007
at 18:06
  • msg #36

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

yea, evil clerics are very interesting, i dm'd a game once with evil characters, and the cleric had an army of half skeletons, (3.0 ed) so he and his army if childlike skeletons would go and rampage a village...

i think book of vile darkness is pretty much written for an evil cleric, lots of fun stuff there.
DM Vallah
GM, 98 posts
Note to self:
Stop buying dice.
Wed 30 May 2007
at 18:30
  • msg #37

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

PC Jinx:
I like clerics as well, can do many things with them. I always wanted to play an evil cleric...never had a chance

That's one of the secret perks of DMing.  You can try out some of the class ideas you like as an NPC to see if you like it before you need to commit to it as a player ;-)
DM Kaladorm
GM, 7 posts
Wed 30 May 2007
at 18:36
  • msg #38

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I love clerics personally, heavy armour, not bad BAB, and 'full' spellcasting (plus spontaneous healing means you can memorise all those utility spells and not worry about the healing until it's necessary).

I have one player who wants to play an archer type, and I'm a firm believer of the clerical archer, so I mentioned it to him. If you worhsip Sheverash or Corellon you can take the Elf and War domains, meaning you get Point Blank Shot and Weapon Focus (Longbow) for free. With Divine Favour you have the equivalent attack bonus of a level 3 fighter, plus you have equivalent 2 'bonus feats' AND spellcasting!
Take zen archery, and later on combine it with Divine Power and Righteous Might and you have yourself a killing machine, one that can nearly keep up with a fighter before you even consider all the other spells you can cast.

Also clerics provide a great way to help roleplay. With the number of different gods out there, you can bet a clerics beliefs and personality will hold up fairly closely to his gods. If you're short on ideas, find a god you think it would be fun to emulate and make a cleric ;)

I honestly think Clerics and Fighters provide the most amount of 'variety' when making your character. How could anyone not like playing a cleric? I've not once seen one reduced to the infamous 'heal bot' that I hear of so much
PC quickj
player, 137 posts
Commiting the oldest sins
in the newest ways!
Wed 30 May 2007
at 19:02
  • msg #39

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I have to agree with DM Kaladorm. Clerics get mad powerful at higher level with 3rd edition rules.
PC Brianna
player, 61 posts
Wed 30 May 2007
at 19:38
  • msg #40

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Hmm, interesting idea, Kaladorm, I've never tried that one!
DM Kremti
GM, 184 posts
Wed 30 May 2007
at 19:41
  • msg #41

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

DM Vallah:
DM Kaladorm:
Just a few more days to sign up before this game gets underway. Ideally the party could use a divine caster now (isn't that always the case?)

I've seen so many posts like this one that I've long since run out of fingers and toes to count them on.

What is it that people don't seem to like about playing clerics?  *is puzzled*


Yeah, I noticed that as well.  Out of my wizard, bard, cleric and knight, my level 3 cleric feels the most developed.  Don't really think he needs anything at all.

Maybe it's because clerics often end up as a 'primary healer', and that might be a problem.  People think they'll be forced to be nothing but the local infirmary.

Also I think people tend to want to be the melee characters because they tend to fit the 'heroic' template better than straight casters.

Dunno, a couple of guesses.

DM Kaladorm
GM, 8 posts
Wed 30 May 2007
at 20:07
  • msg #42

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

In my mind fighters are possibly the most fun to develop in terms of combat (naturally), because of the vast amounts of available feats you can really make some absolute demons on the battlefield, including some very clever tactic (anyone think much of a dervish with acrobatic strike and expeditious dodge? or how about a spiked chain user with improved trip, robilars gambit, karmic strike, combat reflexes, and deft strike? The list goes on)
However, with fighters I find the most fun is in the building. Once you've perfected your tactic, assuming it isn't only applicable to a certain type or group of enemies, you tend to use it as much as possible.

However that doesn't necessarily mean they are the most 'heroic'. Support classes generally don't have as much of an 'oooh' factor. Nnot just in D&D, look for example at EQ2 when people said Bards were crap because they didn't really do much damage of any kind. But when you look deeper at 'implicit' damage (i.e. the amount they boost their comrades by) you realise that damage doesn't have to be directly caused by the character. In a similar way people tend to think "you just stick to keeping the fighter alive". It's the fighter who gets the praise for killing the thing, but who kept it going? Sports cars get the praise for going fast, but no one praises the fuel that it needs so badly ;)

Aside from the 'heal bot' Clerics can definitely handle their own (and druids too). If you look at the wizards optimisation board you will find people who know how to squeeze every beautiful combination and power out of every class/race/feat combination you can think of, and yet still one of the highly respected builds is - druid 20. hardly a blow for the divine casters there then?

So why aren't clerics popular? Who knows? I wish I could play in my game, clerics are great fun ;). Sure a party needs healing, but like I say I've rarely seen a cleric use nearly all his/her spells for just healing. In fact I'd say the proportion of healing spells used is maybe 1/3 at most. At low levels Bless, Bane, Divine Favor, Bulls Strength, Spiritual Weapon,.... etc can be just as useful if not more useful than a few extra hitpoints

I think I've rambled long enough. :)
DM Windwalker
GM, 472 posts
Property of
Wed 30 May 2007
at 22:41
  • msg #43

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I love playing clerics.  Just ask Annihilator.  I think my ratio is something like 60/40/10 (cleric, rogue, other).  :p

Anyway...I answered a question?  :p  When, what, where, who, why, how?  :p
DM BadCatMan
GM, 346 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 31 May 2007
at 01:36
  • msg #44

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Building a good fighter is a lot of hard work I find. All those feats! You have to decide on which tactics to focus on, and hope they continue to be useful. Its the weakest and plainest class, so you have to work to make it good and interesting. Its the easiest to learn and play, but the hardest to master.

As for clerics, I guess most people are uncomfortable with the idea of having a faith, a different faith, or find them just plain dorky. I used to feel the same way, but now I play two! FR's plethora of deities makes finding an interesting god  easy, and you don't have to play the standard ultra-devout cleric. You can literally call up your god and chat to him, so you can be as casual as you like about the faith. They're more like bosses than gods.

Heck, worship a dead god and you can do what you like! :D
PC drobvious
player, 17 posts
Thu 31 May 2007
at 02:32
  • msg #45

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I love playing clerics.  Best built in RP.  One of the most powerfull melee combatants post lvl 6 or 7.  The only available healing.  Second best buffing for other people.  One of my RoA characters is a dwarven cleric who just got going, and at lvl 3, he's still pretty much a beast in every way.

I don't have a clue why people don't like them or play them.
DM Windwalker
GM, 473 posts
Property of
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 03:48
  • msg #46

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Whew!  I have a couple of minutes without a crying child...And I have a burning questions!  I need to know if Pirates 3 is as amazing as it looks on all the commercials I'm seeing while rocking my sick son.  So anybody that's seen it, please tell me if my hopes are going to be dashed.  I'd rather know now!  :p
PC drobvious
player, 19 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 03:55
  • msg #47

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Your opinions of Pirates 3 will probably be the exact same as your opinions of Pirates 2, whatever they happened to be.
PC bakho
player, 14 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 06:04
  • msg #48

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I was really disappointed by the new PoC...I mean, I expected so much after the Part 2, and they totally blew it. But that's just me. Some of my friends liked it.
DM Korenth
GM, 35 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 06:58
  • msg #49

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Clerics are nothing to sneeze at in my opinion.  They get 3/4th BaB progression, a d8 hitpoints the ability to spontaniously cast heal spells, the abliity to rack harm spells, and a whole slew of buff spells, and attack spells so while they might not be as good as the fighter in melee, they /can/ hold their own while wearing platemail.

On top of that at later levels Clerics get a version of Enlarge person and Tensers transformation, that are /way/ better than their arcane equivalent.  +6 to strength, your BaB becomes your caster level, you gain hitpoints, AND can still cast spells.  And then there's miracle.  It doesn't cost a cleric 5000XP to cast, and if what the Cleric is requesting is impossible, God just says "no" instead of the spell twisting your 'wish' and you comeing out with a monkey's paw..
DM Kaladorm
GM, 9 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 09:27
  • msg #50

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Note with divine power that the base attack bonus becomes your character level, not your caster level (otherwise it could be nicely abused with some fighter levels and practiced pellcaster)
DM Annihilator
GM, 174 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 09:31
  • msg #51

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Any cleric with enough levels to cast Divine Power would be out of his mind to even concider taking Fighter-levels, heh.  :p
DM Wolf
GM, 45 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 10:07
  • msg #52

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Got a dworven clereic in one game. he rules the battle with his axe and forth level spells.
DM Kremti
GM, 185 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 12:01
  • msg #53

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

DM Kaladorm:
Note with divine power that the base attack bonus becomes your character level, not your caster level (otherwise it could be nicely abused with some fighter levels and practiced pellcaster)

Actually, if it were the caster level, I would stack up the caster level bonus stuff like Divine Spellpower and Beads of Karma (Can easily add +10ish at the level around the level you can cast Divine Power) as a straight Cleric and then, DMM: Persist it.

Wow, that would be horribly, horribly broken.  Around level 7, one would get BAB +16...

DM Korenth
GM, 36 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 12:54
  • msg #54

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

my bad :-p I didn't have the book infront of me.  that's why I didn't name the spells.  I believe they are Divine power, and Righteous might, yes?  I seem to remember there's a third spell, forget what it's called, a friend of mine had a cleric of Thor named Thoden that had some elixers that did all three spells when was his digivolving potion..
DM Kaladorm
GM, 10 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 12:58
  • msg #55

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Divine Favor is the first level one, gives you a luck bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls 1/three caster levels.

Actually if you look at the cleics attack progression, the attack bonus from divine favor plus BAB is equal to or better than a fighters (except at level 5 only). That's why clerics high enough level should 'always' take persistent spell - divine favor.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:23, Fri 01 June 2007.
DM Vallah
GM, 99 posts
Note to self:
Stop buying dice.
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 13:05
  • msg #56

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Sure they do (if they're a cheese merchant) ;-)
PC willvr
player, 67 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2007
at 21:53
  • msg #57

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Clerics can get frustrating. Either you use your spells to make yourself a handy combatant; or you save them for healing. Either way, you're going to have people cursing you.

I thought PotC: 3 was good. I can see why people felt let down by it; but nowhere near as much as, say, Spiderman 3 for example.
DM Korenth
GM, 37 posts
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 13:59
  • msg #58

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

What is PoTC?
PC Hyperion
player, 10 posts
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 14:06
  • msg #59

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Pirates of the Caribbean.
DM Windwalker
GM, 474 posts
Property of
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 14:06
  • msg #60

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Only one of the movies I absolutely cannot wait to see!  Pirates of the Caribbean!  I've asked if I will like it or not.  Since I don't go to places alone, I will not get to see it until it comes out on DVD, even though it's killing me to wait.  But none of my local friends like action/adventure movies like I do.  My girlfriends are "lightweights" as I call them, in that department.  My guyfriends, who would take me, I'm not having a whole lot to do with at the moment until the divorce is final, which hopefully won't take much longer!

So, in short, I drool at each commercial for it that I see while I'll have to wait months to actually see the entire movie.
DM Vallah
GM, 100 posts
Note to self:
Stop buying dice.
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 14:07
  • msg #61

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Pirates of the Caribbean.
DM Vallah
GM, 101 posts
Note to self:
Stop buying dice.
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 14:09
  • msg #62

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

LOL.  Beat me to it guys :-)

The wife and I went to see it last week but we couldn't get seats together so we gave it a miss.  Definately one I want to catch before it closes though.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:09, Sat 02 June 2007.
DM Windwalker
GM, 475 posts
Property of
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 15:13
  • msg #63

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

I know!  I'll fly to England real quick and see it with you two.  :p
DM Vallah
GM, 102 posts
Note to self:
Stop buying dice.
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 15:59
  • msg #64

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

Bring nachos ;-)
DM fbaker4
GM, 36 posts
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 17:54
  • msg #65

Dead PC's?

Is there a Hall where we remember the Fallen?
DM Steel
GM, 8 posts
My comp beat me at chess
but I throw farther!
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 18:23
  • msg #66

Re: Dead PC's?

Are we expecting a sudden and horribly tragic loss of a player's prize anytime sone?

By that line of thought, have many characters died in RoA to date?
DM Kitty
GM, 63 posts
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 18:25
  • msg #67

Re: Dead PC's?

I've never had a character die.  But then again, my first character here hasn't even left the tavern yet...
DM fbaker4
GM, 37 posts
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 18:31
  • msg #68

Re: Dead PC's?

I'm asking because usually, if a Player goes AWOL from my game, abandoning their Character, I replace them with another Player to continue on with the adventure if continuity necessitates.  When available, I allow the take-over player to introduce a character of their own.  At that point, I either make the old, abandoned PC an NPC, or I kill them off in a suitably dramatic way that advances the plot.

Well, I just killed one.  No, I'm not joking, and don't call me Shirley.  It's just that I don't know anyone named Ruth.

So do we remember them anywhere?  It might be nice to have a list of fallen heroes - and the names of the Players that went AWOL.
DM Steel
GM, 9 posts
My comp beat me at chess
but I throw farther!
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 18:54
  • msg #69

Re: Dead PC's?

Well I have 3 to add if there is one... as I killed them off just recently.

It was of course highly dramatic and their deaths were suitable for heroes, covering the flanks of the active PCs in the wake of surging swarms of undeath.  Their bodies were given tribute in a pyre just after the ultimate goal was accomplished.

It would be appropriate that their names be accorded in some sort of legendary annal of RoA... as I believe at least one or two of the players who originally ran the PCs were in good standing or left on reasonable terms.

I honestly didn't think PC death - even as NPC - happened much here, if at all... so didn't even think to bring it up.

I know of a 'Ruth' so I assume that counts.  It's only when I'm not reminded of her that I'm entirely ruth'less' ~
DM HackDoc
GM, 657 posts
ROA Sage
Defender of the Truth
Sat 2 Jun 2007
at 19:50
  • msg #70

Re: Dead PC's?

And one of my PCs just killed another PC....

Hey don't look at me like that....

The DM set it up..I had no idea until it was too late...
PC LadyPhoenix
player, 51 posts
Thu 7 Jun 2007
at 23:23
  • msg #71

Re: Dead PC's?

Remembering dead pcs is a good thing. Perhaps a hall of hallowed heroes thread where the dead character name, class and a brief description of death could be listed.

LadyPhoenix mourning that her Evermeet Born, House Amarillis Elf is too high a level and to active in another region to join the region of her birth.
PC Brianna
player, 62 posts
Fri 8 Jun 2007
at 00:08
  • msg #72

Re: Dead PC's?

Does she have a younger sibling?  *grin*
PC crazykev
player, 35 posts
Fri 8 Jun 2007
at 11:22
  • msg #73

Re: RoA Community Chat Take 2

DM Windwalker:
Only one of the movies I absolutely cannot wait to see!  Pirates of the Caribbean!  I've asked if I will like it or not.  Since I don't go to places alone, I will not get to see it until it comes out on DVD, even though it's killing me to wait.  But none of my local friends like action/adventure movies like I do.  My girlfriends are "lightweights" as I call them, in that department.  My guyfriends, who would take me, I'm not having a whole lot to do with at the moment until the divorce is final, which hopefully won't take much longer!

So, in short, I drool at each commercial for it that I see while I'll have to wait months to actually see the entire movie.

I went last weekend with my 10 year old daughter. I had the POTC2 dvd for xmas and watched it one early evening. My daughter sat spellbound with me whilst my wife fell asleep after an hour and my daughter said then she wanted to see number 3 so off we went.

I really enjoyed the film and considering it is 3 hours long so did she, she only went to the toilet once and for the rest of it she really followed the plot. 8-D
This message was last edited by the player at 11:22, Fri 08 June 2007.
PC LadyPhoenix
player, 52 posts
Fri 8 Jun 2007
at 15:18
  • msg #74

Re: Dead PC's?

PC Brianna:
Does she have a younger sibling?  *grin*

It is likely or cousins. Basically in the contest to see what family would become King/Queen of evermeet, it was the family with the most active and enduring moonblades that could judge the souls of weilders. House Moonflower had 6 and houw Amarillis had 6 but those of Amarillis went inactive in few generations than Moonflower so that Moonflower became the Royal Family. Probably a good thing since Amarillis as moon elf house tends to have lots of wanderers. Symbol of the house is the Green Dolphin. My pc is cousin to head of house (Mother's father was youngest brother to current head of house's father)
This message was last edited by the player at 15:21, Fri 08 June 2007.
PC Poppaea
player, 1 post
Sat 9 Jun 2007
at 00:38
  • msg #75

Re: Dead PC's?

Hi guys. My two friends and I are new to this website. We're looking for a skilled DM to take us in =)  We would really appreciate it and do our best, we're all able to post daily and ussually multiple times. So if you like a fairly fast paced game then you might like our company =) 2 of us are very experienced and one is completely new.

I plan to play a hexblade and my friends wish to play a cleric and an arcane archer. We don't mind others joining as well! =) Please message me if you're interested or have any questions.

P.S I hope this is the right place to post but I'm new here so please just message me =)
PC Pinkbunny
player, 1 post
Sun 10 Jun 2007
at 20:40
  • msg #76

Re: Dead PC's?

Hi everyone, just popping in to say hi. I'm new to ROA, but I've got some rping experience under my belt.

I'm looking foreward to blowing up another campaign world gaming with you.
DM d-wiz
GM, 30 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Sun 10 Jun 2007
at 21:53
  • msg #77

Re: Dead PC's?

Welcome to the new faces.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 42 posts
Sun 10 Jun 2007
at 23:19
  • msg #78

Dead Regions?

How come the regions I am in are so slow?  I love to roleplay, but its so rare for the regions I am in to develope my characters.  Heck I can't even move them due to the fact that the games they are in are so slow.  What can we do to at least get a notice on how fast these different regions post?  Maybe a thread in here stating the rate required for each region?  Just something to think about...
DM Vallah
GM, 105 posts
Note to self:
Stop buying dice.
Sun 10 Jun 2007
at 23:51
  • msg #79

Re: Dead Regions?

I sympathise with your situation 'Peekachu.  I got lucky when I joined RoA and got into a couple of regions that posted quite quickly (and thus allowed a lot of character development), but I also played in one that ran much slower and made it harder to develop the PC as I would of liked, so I know where you're coming from.

This is also something one of the DMs has mentioned recently over in the DMs Lounge and we have discussed ways of noting expected posting rates for the different regions.  It's still a work in progress at the moment but generally each DM mentions how quickly the game updates when they post an ad in the 'Availlable space for PCs' thread (particularly if it's different from the expected RoA norm of 3+ posts per week).  Of course, RL affects both players and DMs alike from time to time so maybe you just got unlucky?

I suggest you talk to your current DM(s) about it.  It may just be that he or she has RL stuff that's keeping them busy at the moment, but if not, then you can always consider moving to a new region with a posting rate that matches your own a little more closely in any case.
PC Brianna
player, 63 posts
Mon 11 Jun 2007
at 00:01
  • msg #80

Re: Dead Regions?

Besides having a suggested posting rate, how about also giving some idea what kind of campaign the DM has in mind?  Like a ratio of combat, puzzles, and roleplaying, whether it's primarily urban or rural, maybe a bit of a teaser for the plot?
DM Vallah
GM, 106 posts
Note to self:
Stop buying dice.
Mon 11 Jun 2007
at 00:06
  • msg #81

Re: Dead Regions?

Again, this info is generally posted with the advert in the 'Availlable space for PCs' thread.  More detailed information is invariably added in the ARP (adventure reply posts) where characters select what kind of adventure they want to participate in.

If you want to know more than is being offered in these then you can always ask the DM in question for a look at the game you're interested in.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:11, Mon 11 June 2007.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 348 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Mon 11 Jun 2007
at 02:12
  • msg #82

Re: Dead Regions?

A few DMs have begun listing their predicted post-rates in the DMs And Their Regions thread.

And of course, we always need new DMs. If you graduate from player to DM, you get to be part of creating the magic that is RoA (yep) and get that warm fuzzy feeling for providing an adventure for players just like you. Plus we have some small perks as a sweetener: XP and unusual options for your characters.

The following games are in need of new DMs:

Savage Species - bubble region for monstrous characters
Hunters - naval bubble region
Pirates - pirate bubble region
Non Good Moonsea Bubble - bubble region for evil characters
Psionics - bubble region for psionic characters
DM Steel
GM, 12 posts
My comp beat me at chess
but I throw farther!
Mon 11 Jun 2007
at 05:59
  • msg #83

Re: Dead Regions?

As far as the general idea of a campaign, I'm fairly certain that a lot of DMs here use the ARP format.  I know I do.  This ensures player enjoyment by providing them a democratic vote on several various themes/choices for how the game will run.

So as far as what kind of campaign it turns out to be, I'd say that is more a player option by majority as opposed to something the DM just levies off the bat. In cases where a region is established and seeking additional/replacement characters, an ARP may have already been decided or in the process of completion.  In a new region, for example: Evermeet... I'm waiting for at least 4 confirmed and approved characters before I establish the campaign.  I'm obviously not going to design an entire adventure set around the Coral Kingdom if I'm looking at a group of terran and aerial based PCs (as stands, one natural woodlands variant race and an avariel).  It will still be an option and I try to keep all the bases covered as most of us DMs do.  Roleplay, Puzzles, Combat.  One or two will be the focus of each scenario as well as an overall theme.

On posting rates, it's good to list these but I think they also vary.  There are several games who suffer from RL induced sluggishness, whether players are overwelmed or DMs.  You aren't going to be seeing too many games recruiting where the pace is currently or expected to be slow but there is no telling what RL has in store for most of us.

I tend to believe that is something that works itself out among the cast and crew (Players and DMs).
PC Pinkbunny
player, 3 posts
Mon 11 Jun 2007
at 17:46
  • msg #84

Re: Dead Regions?

remaining relatively free with characters is my favorite sort. sandbox :D
DM Annihilator
GM, 175 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Mon 11 Jun 2007
at 20:15
  • msg #85

Re: Dead Regions?

DM BadCatMan:
The following games are in need of new DMs:

Savage Species - bubble region for monstrous characters
Hunters - naval bubble region
Pirates - pirate bubble region
Non Good Moonsea Bubble - bubble region for evil characters
Psionics - bubble region for psionic characters

Sembia could also use a new DM - I'll be running it until one comes along willing to take over, however.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 4 posts
Mon 11 Jun 2007
at 20:27
  • msg #86

Re: Dead Regions?

I might try my hand at GMing again once I get a bit used to the game and know some more about FR.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 350 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 02:27
  • msg #87

Re: Dead Regions?

Okay, let us know when you want to try it.

Update - the following regions could do with a new DM:

Sembia - levels 3-4
Underdark - levels 3-6
Thesk - levels 3-5
Savage Species - bubble region for monstrous characters; ECLs 4-8
Waterdeep levels 7-11
One-Shot Adventures - a wandering, disconnected campaign; levels 3-4
One-Shots & Orphanage - a planned holding region for spare PCs
Hunters / Sea Of Fallen Stars - naval bubble region; levels 3-4, ~7
Pirates - pirate bubble region; level 3
Non Good Moonsea Bubble - bubble region for evil characters; level 6
Psionics - bubble region for psionic characters; level any (3-6)
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:11, Tue 12 June 2007.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 43 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 04:29
  • msg #88

Re: Dead Regions?

What are the level averages for the different areas needing DM's?  I may be willing to take one up with a an adventure idea.  As for the Psionic, Pirates, Savage Species, and Underdark where all are they allowed to go?
DM BadCatMan
GM, 351 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 05:13
  • msg #89

Re: Dead Regions?

I've added the level ranges above, though some get complicated.

I'll PM you. And if anyone else is interested, PM Annihilator and myself.
DM Steel
GM, 13 posts
My comp beat me at chess
but I throw farther!
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 06:13
  • msg #90

I love Steel!

Anyone here play NWN2?  I just caved in and bought it, working on a some modules right now that reflect my design for the regions I run.  If you have the game, I'll upload and make available my mods for you when they are done before I post them to the NWN comm sites.

Fun idea, RoA persistent world on NWN2?
PC O_man_13
player, 1 post
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 09:12
  • msg #91

Re: I love Steel!

I figure this is as good a place to post this as any.

I'm new to ROA (Hi by the way) and just wanted to know if the community has a non-evil necromancer yet?

From what I've read its allowed, but needs plenty of fluff to support it. Has anyone gone that route yet and if not is it really do-able without being done in a bubble region?

In other words, if I get a character approved by one GM that is not in a bubble region can that character move freely or does the character need to be re-approved?
PC Arkanum
player, 15 posts
pre sti di ga what?
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 12:16
  • msg #92

Re: I love Steel!

well, each DM has a say on if they need a certain character type in their game, but if HacDoc approves the character for non bubble regions then at least the character doesn't need to be re approved.

i think its just easier if you start talking to the DM of the region you want to jump into, that way if they're looking for a thief, you aren't wasting your time creating a bard.
DM Kremti
GM, 186 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 15:12
  • msg #93

Re: I love Steel!

Actually, in the case of Necromancer, it's not that any sort of build is illegal/non-bubble, but the question of 'Do you want to have animated undead minions?' is the issue, when you consider non-bubble characters are restricted to non-evil alignment.

I'm sure you can build a Necromancer, and not animate undead, but use other necromancy spells (Heck, I'd allow Commanding Undead, to fight against other necromancers' minions)

But once you start animating corpses and having them follow you around and do the dirty job for you…well, you will have problem with the alignment issue, not to mention some social issues (Hey, these friends of yours smell bad, and their flesh is rotting.  You can't stay in this inn, sorry.)

PC Jinx
player, 9 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 16:28
  • msg #94

Re: I love Steel!

DM Steel:
Anyone here play NWN2?  I just caved in and bought it, working on a some modules right now that reflect my design for the regions I run.  If you have the game, I'll upload and make available my mods for you when they are done before I post them to the NWN comm sites.

Fun idea, RoA persistent world on NWN2?

Now that sounds like a good idea...

I never played NWN2 but I did play the first one.

Was hooked....
PC Astos
player, 22 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 18:14
  • msg #95

Re: I love Steel!

I think you could even raise dead without being evil, so long as you had a non-evil reason for it and didn't use them for evil ends (and respected them to some degree).  See the Anita Blake books for an example.  (Main character is sort of a necromancer.  I recommend you look at the early books rather than the later books....)
DM Kremti
GM, 187 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 18:59
  • msg #96

Re: I love Steel!

Agreed.  At that point, those aren't your standard 'undead minions'.  Then again, how to work that out within the confine of standard RoA game, where you start out at level 3…I have no idea.  I'd love to hear if there's a good solution for this…

PC Pinkbunny
player, 5 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 19:12
  • msg #97

Re: I love Steel!

A party I'm in has mutterings about bone puzzle and sentient undeads

I think bone puzzle makes them look alive, but I don't know how she plans to keep em sentient
DM Kremti
GM, 188 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 19:43
  • msg #98

Re: I love Steel!

Well, you can 'create' undead, and you'll end up with intelligent undeads.  Then again, we are talking about level 6 spells…will be a long time before we get those.  Even the Animate Undead (you get zombies and skeletons) spell is level 4.  Practically speaking, having undead-'companions' sounds like pretty difficult to do.

Now, if someone simply use necromancy spells to fight against evil things, I don't have much problem.  Use false-life to buff themselves, and primarily use necromancy attack oriented spells like Vamparic Touch or array of good ability damage causing spells like Chill Touch.  But I don't think those approaches are particularly popular.

DM Halaster
GM, 126 posts
You don't know.
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 20:25
  • msg #99

Re: I love Steel!

I've bounced around the idea of playing a neutral necromancer, one who studies life forces and how to manipulate them.  Not necessarily evil, as he'd be more than willing to destroy undead things, but he'd definitely have a "waste not, want not" mentality, not to mention a morbid streak wider than his back.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 6 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2007
at 23:45
  • msg #100

Re: I love Steel!

that would make a good cleric too, dedicated to a god of knowledge maybe
PC O_man_13
player, 2 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 00:13
  • msg #101

Re: I love Steel!

A Chaotic neutral type of character is what I'm going for really.

Having undead minions is sort of the idea, but having a good reason for raising them and then putting them back to rest once they have served their purpose.

The moral code of this character would simply be warped be the normal standards.

For example, killing an orc because he was attacking a village is a good act. Then raising the orc and having the skeleton rebuild the village is also a good act (by his standards). So is raising the orc and some of his friends and having them go after the remaing orcs so they don't attack again.

On the very edge of the moral code would be the question: Is it ok to raise the dead villagers to re-build the village for those that survived and attack the orcs. If the families of the villagers objected he would not do so, but if no one said anything then yes. Still it would only be after all the orcs bodies were used up. He would then make sure the undead village would put down and giving proper rights once their work was done.

On the flip side the necromacer would never enchant a living creature as controlling the mind of a living creature to do his bidding is evil by his standards. So would be summoning living creatures.

Needless to say his intentions are always good, but he has little use for laws regarding the undead. He also follows his own moral code so sometimes he might do "evil acts" such as raise the undead, but with good intentions. A very "means to an end" type character.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:14, Wed 13 June 2007.
DM Lobo
GM, 68 posts
When all hope seems lost,
blame the DM.
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 00:20
  • msg #102

Re: I love Steel!

DM Steel:
Anyone here play NWN2?  I just caved in and bought it, working on a some modules right now that reflect my design for the regions I run.  If you have the game, I'll upload and make available my mods for you when they are done before I post them to the NWN comm sites.

Fun idea, RoA persistent world on NWN2?

   Are you saying they have released a fully functional, patched DM client for the NWN2 system? My brother has it and told me just last week they were still ironing out the kinks....

   Not to mention the single-player game has gotten such terrible reviews for the anti-storybook ending it forces on you for a conclusion....
DM Annihilator
GM, 176 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 00:33
  • msg #103

Re: I love Steel!

Just remember - in D&D, alignment isn't just loose concepts of morality, it is the very fabric that binds reality.  Some deeds are inherently Evil, no matter what the reason for doing them is - and as Animate Dead and it's like has the [Evil]-descriptor, their use are always Evil.  Now, single acts of evil doesn't have to change a person's alignment, and many Good heroes have taken actions which were Evil for the greater Good.  This doesn't make them Evil (or even Neutral) by default - it just means they aren't Paladins, who are held to a much stricted moral code, prohibiting taking Evil actions even for the greater Good.

At any rate, animating undead creatures is very much Evil, and no justification will make it otherwise.  Good clerics cannot do it, at all.  A Good or Neutrally aligned Wizard/Sorcerer (or anyone else with the capability of using Animate Dead or it's like) can cast them, but it will be an Evil act, no matter why you're doing it.

Personally, I find the idea of a non-evil character focused on creating undead almost impossible to pull off, and I can count on one hand the number of players I know who I'd trust with playing.  Anyone who'd try it in my regions would probably find themselves being hunted by adventurers, as well as the churches of Kelemvor and Lathander.

That being said, I do have a PC playing a Necromancer in one of my regions, who is doing an excellent job of it, as well.  It's a perfectly fine concept to play, as long as you stay away from the [Evil] spells that are so often connected to this particular school of magic.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 7 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 01:36
  • msg #104

Re: I love Steel!

so, anyone know if ninjacow is actually here or not?
PC RahXephon
player, 9 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 08:57
  • msg #105

Re: I love Steel!

A cleric can’t cast spells of an alignment opposed to his own or his deity’s (if he has one). Spells associated with particular alignments are indicated by the chaos, evil, good, and law descriptors in their spell descriptions.

So no, there's no way a good Cleric can Animate minions, Create/summon undead, cast Death Knell and so on... Any Wizard and Neutral Cleric can cast them but as it has already been explained, they have the [Evil] descriptor and thus they are of the most evil acts in the eyes of the sheer majority of the population and also the gods of Faerun. Do it several times and your alignment is not the same again. You start finding it convenient/useful to commit an evil act to do what you want, so...

Desecrating the bodies of the dead, not letting them rest in piece, calling their souls back and not giving them an option to do anything else other than what you command them to do... That certainly can't be "neutral". And even if a person does that kind of thing to help others that can't be "neutral", or even if he thinks he makes those ones at fault pay for their crimes in that way it's just a very sick sense of justice. Had a person like that before in a game, he wasn't Chaotic Neutral but Lawful Evil instead, and he was in a neutral party and always fighting with the other members because of that reason.

Anyway, I'm the one behind that Necromancer DM Annihilator mentioned. Neutral, not a single spell with the [Evil] descriptor, yet. ^^ My character is only studying that School more than others, he has found that necromancy is what he's good at. Curiosity led him at first perhaps, his obsession to seek knowledge. But his personality, shaped through his background and the deity he worships, have led him on the right path and he hates those who misuse Necromancy or abuse it for their own gains. It's a concept I like a lot...
DM Kaladorm
GM, 11 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 09:00
  • msg #106

Re: I love Steel!

I was going to write something here, but Annihilator said it perfectly ;)
DM Windwalker
GM, 477 posts
Property of
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 11:26
  • msg #107

Re: I love Steel!

Annihilator always does.  *smiles proudly*
PC O_man_13
player, 3 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 12:08
  • msg #108

Re: I love Steel!

A good explaination and at least it lets me know what I'm in for in the ROA worlds.

I'm a use to a bit more flexibility in the alignments, but when in Rome...

Thanks for clearing that up.
DM Kremti
GM, 189 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 14:59
  • msg #109

Re: I love Steel!

DM Annihilator:
Just remember - in D&D, alignment isn't just loose concepts of morality, it is the very fabric that binds reality...

Actually, I'm going to offer a counter point to this one.  It is not D&D's concept of morality as is, but it's setting specific idea.  Case in point is that Eberron has much looser concept of morality, I believe.

Of course, in FR setting, it's pretty rigid.

I prefer it Eberron way actually.  I would personally let good characters animate dead within reason (such as explained above, although, I still don't know if animating into a mindless undead, which I consider more like a drone/automaton, and not sure if having the mindless creature try to do good deed really 'amending evil deed'...but in any case, we aren't really argueing that here) if this were my personal game I'm running alone, with home brew world/etcs.

Having said that, this is a community game, and I'd rather see a unified continuity to the world view as a whole, so I had to tell one of my new player 'I'll be very difficult' to the animating necromancer idea.

Now, something to ponder about…If I remember correctly, there are 2 metamagic feat in Book of Exalted Deeds.  It adds [good] descriptor to a spell.  I think it's Conscecrate Spell and Purify feat.  I think one of them showed up in another of them Complete books.

I am away from the book at the moment, so I can't say for sure.  But if you apply them to the Animate Dead spell, I believe the spell ends up with both [good] and [evil] descriptor (I don't think it'll erase the existing descriptor.  It simply adds [good], I think).  So, what's the consequence of casting that spell?

DM Annihilator
GM, 177 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 15:02
  • msg #110

Re: I love Steel!

DM Kremti:
So, what's the consequence of casting that spell?


The only thing that I can think of, is that neither Good or Evil clerics would be able to cast it, heh.  :p
DM Kaladorm
GM, 12 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 16:08
  • msg #111

Re: I love Steel!

I haven't checked it but can consecrate spell be applied to evil spells?
PC Astos
player, 23 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 16:31
  • msg #112

Re: I love Steel!

I will buy that a cleric cannot cast a spell of the Evil descriptor no matter what his motives if that is against his own or his deity's alignment.  That's right in the rule book:

Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells

A cleric can’t cast spells of an alignment opposed to his own or his deity’s (if he has one). Spells associated with particular alignments are indicated by the chaos, evil, good, and law descriptors in their spell descriptions.

Same thing for druids.  So a Good cleric/druid, or a cleric/druid of a Good deity, could not cast an Evil spell for any reason.  Period.  So sayath God, and you can't argue with that.

But what keeps a wizard or sorcerer from casting it?  It's an Evil spell, but that doesn't mean you are necessarily using it in an evil way.  Where does it say in the rules that you become evil if you cast enough evil spells (no matter their purpose)?

This is the SRD on Alignment, in part:

SRD on Purpose of Alignment:
Alignment is a tool for developing your character’s identity. It is not a straitjacket for restricting your character. Each alignment represents a broad range of personality types or personal philosophies, so two characters of the same alignment can still be quite different from each other. In addition, few people are completely consistent.

SRD on Good vs. Evil:
Good characters and creatures protect innocent life. Evil characters and creatures debase or destroy innocent life, whether for fun or profit.

"Good" implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others.

"Evil" implies hurting, oppressing, and killing others. Some evil creatures simply have no compassion for others and kill without qualms if doing so is convenient. Others actively pursue evil, killing for sport or out of duty to some evil deity or master.

People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Neutral people are committed to others by personal relationships.

Being good or evil can be a conscious choice. For most people, though, being good or evil is an attitude that one recognizes but does not choose. Being neutral on the good-evil axis usually represents a lack of commitment one way or the other, but for some it represents a positive commitment to a balanced view. While acknowledging that good and evil are objective states, not just opinions, these folk maintain that a balance between the two is the proper place for people, or at least for them.

Animals and other creatures incapable of moral action are neutral rather than good or evil. Even deadly vipers and tigers that eat people are neutral because they lack the capacity for morally right or wrong behavior.

Take home points:

1.  Alignment is not a straight jacket; it is a tool to develop a character.
2.  Good vs. evil depends on your intent.  If your intent is to help people and make sacrifices to to do so, you are probably good.  If you want to oppress or hurt people, you are probably evil.  If you don't think of a decision in moral terms (like an animal) then it can't have alignment repercussions.

Nothing there leads me to believe you will turn evil if you cast enough evil descriptor spells--it leads me to believe that you might be walking the knife's edge, but it will still depend on your purpose and intent.

Let's see what the spell descriptor says:

SRD on Spell Discriptors like "Evil":
Most of these descriptors have no game effect by themselves, but they govern how the spell interacts with other spells, with special abilities, with unusual creatures, with alignment, and so on.

OK, so it governs how it interacts with alignment--that's not a surprise.  Nothing about necessarily becoming evil.

Nothing in the rules I know of says you would become automatically evil casting repeated Animate Dead spells.

(In fact, if you did become automatically evil (or chaotic, or lawful, or whatever) casting these spells, why bother to have a rule that clerics cannot cast them if they are opposed to their alignment or their deities' alignment?  They would be smote down by heaven, or change their alignment involuntarily and lose their powers, etc.  A rule saying they couldn't cast them would be, at best, mostly duplicative, and at worst completely unnecessary.)

If nothing in the rules says you must become evil casting these spells, then it is a DM judgment call based upon the alignment rules.  The alignment rules emphasize the purpose of your moral judgments--sacrificing to help others vs. repressing others.

I could easily conceive of a Good Sorcerer Necromancer.

Again, see the Anita Blake books.  Let's say you have a sorcerer who concentrates on necromancy spells.  He was BORN to it--it's in his blood.  Maybe his father was a vampire, or something, who knows.  But his association with it is involuntary.  Yet, he has seen the evil worked by indiscriminate necromancy and he has consciously chosen the path of good.

Now, he uses Animate Dead.  The question under the rules should not be, "Did you cast an Evil spell multiple times?  Sorry guy, you are evil."  Instead, it appears to me that the question is, "You are casting an Evil spell?  You need to be VERY specific to tell me your reasons for this, and to justify it in the context of your alignment, or you are going to go downhill fast."

If the necromancer did things like people have suggested on this thread--raised the bodies of vicious, evil enemies to fight against the enemies' evil comrades, then let them go back to their "rest" afterwards, etc.--let's say in defense of a town--he is committing a good act.  The only problem is it is by an "evil" method.

But that is well-tread ground; people debate that sort of thing all the time.  Does it make you "evil" to torture someone if it is absolutely necessary to get information that would save a city?  Does it make you evil to, say, "Charm" someone (controlling their mind) if you need to do so to save, say, a room full of innocent children?

Torture is a good example.  Torture by itself is an evil act, I think most people would agree--you are intentionally causing someone pain to make them do something you want them to do.  But I don't think torturing people, even repeatedly, would make you evil by itself--you would have to have evil motives.  If you always had extremely good motives, then I don't see why the torture would make you evil.

Same thing for Raise Dead.

That said, you would certainly have to be extremely careful not to taint your motives.  If so, you would become evil very quickly.  But if all of your motives were pure, why would you become evil for saving the room full of kids, keeping the bomb from going off in the city, etc. etc.

In summary:

1.  There appears to be no rule that casting Evil descriptor spells will make you evil.  (Only that divine casters cannot cast them in violation of their or their deity's alignments.)
2.  The alignment description in the SRD indicates that alignment "isn't a straight jacket" and that what matters, for good and evil, is your intent.

Therefore I see no reason why an arcane caster could not be a good necromancer and make repeated, descriminating use of the Animate Dead spell for good ends.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:36, Wed 13 June 2007.
DM Kremti
GM, 190 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 16:36
  • msg #113

Re: I love Steel!

DM Kaladorm:
I haven't checked it but can consecrate spell be applied to evil spells?

There don't appear to be any restriction on what kind of spells it can be applied...Just restriction on who can use'em (Good characters)

DM Kremti
GM, 191 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 16:47
  • msg #114

Re: I love Steel!

PC Astos

I agree with you on the rules issue.  As I said, I think the alignemnt issue is not the D&D system issue under the 3.5 system.  I however think it's campaign setting/world view/flavor issue, and the Forgotten Realms setting, it appears to me, is pretty rigid on the interpretation on those issues.  Possibly have something to do with the fact that the setting originated from the older version of the game...

PC Astos
player, 24 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 17:06
  • msg #115

Re: I love Steel!

DM Kremti,

I agree that, with "personal flavor" in mind you could do whatever you wanted to alignment and even stay within the alignment rules, because it is the DM's call as to whether someone's motives are as pure as they believe they are--it's an "objective" state of mind, after all (which basically means it is "objective" to the PCs and NPCs and almost perfectly subjective to the DM, since someone has to be the arbiter of what is "objective"!).

I don't know where in the published FR books it makes a solid enough statement of this alignment issue that a DM would have to feel bound by it, however.  I also don't know where the ROA rules lay it out.  I am not claiming to be an expert on either subject, but unless it is in black and white somewhere, wouldn't it be the ROA DM's prerogative?
PC Pinkbunny
player, 8 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 17:17
  • msg #116

Re: I love Steel!

and this is why I've only played 2 normal casters. Warlocks, rogues, and fighter-types never have these issues. I <3 warlocks.
DM Annihilator
GM, 178 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 17:29
  • msg #117

Re: I love Steel!

Alignment, for the purposes of Player Characters, is a very vague subject, yes.  And it's almost always up to the DM in question, unless a character puts on one of those cursed helmets, or something like that.  But, some acts are inherently evil, despite the reason for doing them.  You cannot claim that killing a newborn child is a Good action, even if doing so will prevent the God of Murder from destroying your entire village.  It is an Evil act, done with Good intentions in mind.  But, as many (former) Paladins have experienced throughout various editions of D&D, doing Evil in the name of Good, is still doing Evil.  Undead are, by default, evil (with very few exceptions - I'm thinking maybe Ghosts?), and their creation goes against all which is Good - even if you're doing it for a very Good reason, it will at best average out to being Neutral in the end.  Not that there's anything wrong with being Neutral, mind you - and it doesn't make you any less a hero in the eyes of those you saved by doing foul, twisted magic.

But, in the end, it all boils down to the DMs decision - if your DM doesn't mind having Lawful Good characters walking around raising undead, summoning Evil Outsiders (who are actually made up of the very essence of Evil, making it very much a real thing for them), and kicking puppies, then nothing in the rules says that your alignment have to shift.
DM Lobo
GM, 69 posts
When all hope seems lost,
blame the DM.
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 17:31
  • msg #118

Re: I love Steel!

   Did you just say you 'boobs' warlocks? Oh, wait, that's a heart going in the other direction....   :P
DM Kremti
GM, 192 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 17:37
  • msg #119

Re: I love Steel!

PC Astos,

PC Astos:
...I am not claiming to be an expert on either subject, but unless it is in black and white somewhere, wouldn't it be the ROA DM's prerogative?...

I agree, except I see it as somewhat unified front of all of DMs' stance, rather than individual DMs, when it relates so closely to character creation issue.

Again, if this were a stand alone game where I'm running the show, I have no problem with this.  But when I have to consider the possibility of my quitting DMing and someone else taking over the region, or, character deciding to move to different regions, I have to warn the player 'Hey, I think you are gonna have problems.' if I think it will (Note I'm practically the only 'loose alignment' DM at the moment :p  Heck, I play Hero System and GURPs normally.  I wouldn't have alignment system at all...).

It's the fact that the issue is closely related to the character creation.  I don't want to say Yes to the creation of such character now, and having to quit DMing in next few months, and then the next DM comes in and tell the player 'Hey, that thing you are doing (which is sort of the main focus of the character) isn't kosher' when it appears majority opinion thinks it's not kosher (I'm not expert on FR setting either, so someone enlighten us...).

PC Astos
player, 25 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 17:58
  • msg #120

Re: I love Steel!

DM Annihilator:
You cannot claim that killing a newborn child is a Good action, even if doing so will prevent the God of Murder from destroying your entire village.  It is an Evil act, done with Good intentions in mind.

Yes, exactly!!  It's an evil act, but with good intentions.  That means that your alignment could remain good, as your intentions are what determines alignment.  It's an objective standard regarding your intentions, so the "crazy person" exception wouldn't apply--i.e., not only do you have to believe you are helping others, but it has to be a reasonable belief.  Other than that, the alignment rules don't say anything about it.

If, as DM Kremti says, the DMs are unified in not wanting such issues in their game, then that's that for ROA.  Under the SRD, and written ROA rules as I can find them, it should be ok with good intentions.  (With the provisos that the DM is the subjective arbiter of objective good intentions; and can exclude things from their game as a matter of "flavor" at will.)

Edit:  Also, as to the paladin example, paladins are "special".  They "lose all class abilities if they ever willingly commit an evil act."  In other words, like clerics, their class specifically restricts their ability to commit evil acts, rather than just their alignments.

This is a higher standard, and that makes sense for paladins just like it does for clerics--you are representing a god, or a cause, or a church, and they require that, effectively, the ends never justify the means.  You cannot commit an evil act for a good purpose.

However, this exception just proves the rule--for most characters, this isn't the case.  You CAN commit an evil act for a good cause.  You will probably feel bad about the evil part of it, but you aren't going to change alignments if your intentions were pure and reasonable--at least according to the SRD!
This message was last edited by the player at 18:14, Wed 13 June 2007.
DM Annihilator
GM, 179 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 18:51
  • msg #121

Re: I love Steel!

Astos:  In your SRD quote above, I still can't see where you get the idea that intentions are what really matters.  Many a villain have started out on that path, thinking that as long as they do evil for a just cause, it's okay.  I've seen several published NPCs who are/were like that - some of them still work for Good organizations, furthering their causes, but in the end, their personal alignment is still Evil.
PC RahXephon
player, 10 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 19:20
  • msg #122

Re: I love Steel!

SRD on Good vs. Evil:
Good characters and creatures protect innocent life. Evil characters and creatures debase or destroy innocent life, whether for fun or profit.

Well I'm pretty certain calling someone back from the dead and commanding him to do something for you, or using the carnal remains of an intelligent being to create something mindless that would obey your command, whether that command is good or evil, does debase the life of the targeted subject. And innocent, well it is rather vague but the sinner is already dead and paid for his crimes with his life, right?

I cannot see another reason why WotC decided that the spell has the [Evil] descriptor. And coming right from the SRD quote that person who does such a thing is evil. Now, if that person has an alignment that does not include evil I fail to see why it is not so on the character sheet - it does need changing to evil, doesn't it?

And well, you could say "OK he's not evil, he's neutral cause he helps people with that". So that person goes about committing evil acts (by the rules) because he believes it is a way to do good, like desecrating the dead henchmen of a Necromancer so he can fight him on better odds, beat him and save the realms, and also give him "a taste of his sins"?

This case of doing evil in order to do good is very different from the example above. Doing evil and slaying the baby because if it stays alive millions will die for certain is so different from doing evil and animating the dead so you can do/fight something better. In the first case you do not have the option to do otherwise to save the people, but in the second you do have the option not to do evil in order to do good/accomplish your noble goals.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:23, Wed 13 June 2007.
PC Astos
player, 26 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 20:12
  • msg #123

Re: I love Steel!

DM Annihilator:
Astos:  In your SRD quote above, I still can't see where you get the idea that intentions are what really matters.  Many a villain have started out on that path, thinking that as long as they do evil for a just cause, it's okay.  I've seen several published NPCs who are/were like that - some of them still work for Good organizations, furthering their causes, but in the end, their personal alignment is still Evil.

Oh, I agree.  The path to Hell is paved with good intentions, and all that.  It is, after all, an objective standard.  If you are kidding yourself about whether your actions are good or not, then you will be evil.

As to why I believe it is the intentions that matter--first of all, it does not say so specifically, but it also does not say otherwise.  It's ambiguous.  Then you hit the animal description:

"Animals and other creatures incapable of moral action are neutral rather than good or evil. Even deadly vipers and tigers that eat people are neutral because they lack the capacity for morally right or wrong behavior."

In other words, animals can do evil things and not be evil.  What do animals lack that we have?  I would argue that since animals do things based on instinct, they cannot have good or bad intentions to their actions--they just do what they do.  If human beings reacted completely instinctually to things, we would also be excused.  In fact, the law does this to a degree--if you see your wife cheating on you, and kill the other man right then and there, it is considered depraved heart murder in most states, and you don't get as heavy of a penalty--because you were too angry to think straight, you just reacted.  Similarly, and more controversially, if you are deemed legally insane (which usually means something along the lines of, "Does not understand the difference between right and wrong," (flag that as disputed)), then you usually cannot be guilty of a crime, because you did not have the requisite mens rea ("guilty mind")--in other words, you did not have bad intentions.  (Instead they lock you up for life civially as a danger to the populace, but that's different!)

Similar to the above examples, a lion could come up and eat a baby--a terrible act!--and he wouldn't be evil in the SRD.  The only reason I can fathom for that is that that he did not "mean anything by it" when he ate the kid--to him, it was just a snack.

Therefore, it is completely reasonable to believe that the SRD looks at intentions--whether or not you truly (and correctly) believe that your actions are self-sacrificing, helping others, etc.  Under the SRD, it appears to be up to the DM whether or not someone's alignment changes.

I could understand how a DM might reasonably decide that, if you cast an Evil spell X number of times, eventually the ends don't justify the means and you will tilt towards neutral.  I could also completely understand how a DM might reasonably decide that, if your actions are actually helping others, then the ends can justify the means sufficiently for your alignment to stay good.  The SRD appears to allow for either view, since it concentrates on the objective measure of someone's consciousness (ie, whether the are trying to help others).

If ROA has a ruling otherwise, that's cool; I just don't think it is in the rules that repeated Raise Dead spells will necessarily make you evil.  It depends on the circumstance.
PC Astos
player, 27 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 20:25
  • msg #124

Re: I love Steel!

PC RahXephon:
SRD on Good vs. Evil:
Good characters and creatures protect innocent life. Evil characters and creatures debase or destroy innocent life, whether for fun or profit.

Well I'm pretty certain calling someone back from the dead and commanding him to do something for you, or using the carnal remains of an intelligent being to create something mindless that would obey your command, whether that command is good or evil, does debase the life of the targeted subject. And innocent, well it is rather vague but the sinner is already dead and paid for his crimes with his life, right?

I cannot see another reason why WotC decided that the spell has the [Evil] descriptor. And coming right from the SRD quote that person who does such a thing is evil. Now, if that person has an alignment that does not include evil I fail to see why it is not so on the character sheet - it does need changing to evil, doesn't it?

And well, you could say "OK he's not evil, he's neutral cause he helps people with that". So that person goes about committing evil acts (by the rules) because he believes it is a way to do good, like desecrating the dead henchmen of a Necromancer so he can fight him on better odds, beat him and save the realms, and also give him "a taste of his sins"?

This case of doing evil in order to do good is very different from the example above. Doing evil and slaying the baby because if it stays alive millions will die for certain is so different from doing evil and animating the dead so you can do/fight something better. In the first case you do not have the option to do otherwise to save the people, but in the second you do have the option not to do evil in order to do good/accomplish your noble goals.

You flagged the key word there yourself--"innocent".  If a good person is acting in a way that will consistently harm innocent life, he will probably become evil.

However, you aren't necessarily harming innocent life casting an Animate Dead spell.  Let's take someone's example above.  Some orcs decide they want to raid a village, kill the men and rape the women.  All that stands between them and their evil scheme is one good necromancer.  He manages to kill a couple orcs with some spells, but he is going to be overwhelmed.  He decides to cast Animate Dead on the dead orcs to get reinforcements, and saves the village because of it.

Is that an evil act?  What innocent life is he debasing?

You can't just argue that he is debasing life and is therefore evil; it depends on the sort of life.  You can debase guilty lives, just like you can kill guilty lives--if not every PC would be evil for going out and slaying the archvillan rather than bringing them back for their life sentance in the Waterdeep prison.

So where are the innocents he is hurting in that scenario?  I don't see them.  I don't buy the fact that if the orcs died they paid for their crime--I bet Grummash is beaming down on them with his one good eye, and once they are gone they will spend the rest of eternity in some outer plane where they can drink and pillage 24/7 for their loyalty to his causes.  Hardly punishment. In fact, in the Forgotten Realms, death is arguably a wonderful thing, if you have been loyal to your god and he isn't a complete bastard.  (In fact, I often have a hard time figuring out why a PC would really fear death in the FR; I think it is often the player's fear more than the PC's fear.)

I would submit that if you raise those orcs to save the city, you are committing a very clear GOOD act, because you are saving a bunch of women and children from being murdered and worse.  Let's not even think about the worse!

But you used an EVIL spell for it!  Doesn't that matter?  Sure, it matters, just like torturing someone to get necessary information "matters"--it raises the bar:

1.  Anyone who believes that the ends cannot justify the means cannot do it.  (IE, paladins, arguably clerics.)
2.  Anyone whose deity--essentially a philosophy writ large--believes that evil acts should never be committed for any reason cannot do it (clerics, druids).
3.  Even those without such restrictions have to have a really, really good reason--you can't just go raise the dead to do your laundry, not without changing alignments!

It's just like torture--ask yourself when you would accept torture as an essentially "good" thing to do.  Everyone will have a point where they will assent that it is a good thing--if they are "loose" on this stuff, it will be something like "to save someone's life".  If they are "strict" on this stuff, it will be something like, "to save a city" or "to save the life of my child" or "to save my own life".  But everyone will get there.  (This range of "what is good" is why I think the DMs still have a lot of discretion no matter your interpretation, since it is an "objective" standard determined subjectively by the DM.)

Is it still an evil act?  Sure.  But are the results at that point good?  Yes.  So why would you change alignments?  Nothing in the SRD says you would!
This message was last edited by the player at 20:26, Wed 13 June 2007.
DM Halaster
GM, 127 posts
You don't know.
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 20:39
  • msg #125

Re: I love Steel!

Just some quick input — I usually stay well away from discussions about alignment in D&D, it's a rather volatile subject.

Evil is defined as something that is "morally wrong", "harmful", and "characterized by misfortune or suffering".  The first part excludes non-sentient beings, such as animals and plants; they don't have the intelligence to make moral decisions, so are exempt from performing evil acts.  (They can actually DO things that people consider evil, but they don't have knowledge that it is wrong.)

Sins are committed when the person doing so has full knowledge of what they are doing, understand that it is harmful, and do it anyway.  Even if they feel guilty about it, it was still wrong.  (Let's leave it at that, I don't want this discussion to devolve into a religious argument.)

In the D&D game's magic system, casting any spell with an alignment descriptor is considered a full-fledged act toward that alignment.  Casting animate dead to create a zombie is just as evil as, say, murdering puppies.  (Again, I don't want to start arguments regarding degrees of wickedness.)  Most characters who cast evil spells should eventually become evil, though it should be a gradual process — and the player (if it's a PC) should be notified when his alignment is on the verge of changing.

Also note that clerics and druids are prohibited from casting spells that are opposite their alignment; good clerics cannot cast evil spells at all.  The restriction should also extend to paladins, but it's moot: their spell lists don't have any evil or chaotic spells at all.  The restriction applies to ALL spells, so a wizard who gains a level in cleric may lose access to some of his arcane spells.

They don't have rules on exactly how much you have to do to cause an alignment change because they were intentionally vague on that point.  The D&D alignment system is meant to be a reflection on the characters' moral and ethical viewpoints, which can change over time.  If a PC selects one alignment and consistently displays another one, talk to the player about changing to the one that fits.  Most classes suffer no penalties for changing alignment, because people's views DO change.  If the character in question would suffer — loss of class abilities, spell selection, or forced atonement — the player should know in advance before such changes, to allow him to adjust his character's behavior.

In the game I run at home, the group's neutral wizard has been gradually veering toward good, but this is the result of nearly a year's worth of battling evil.  Likewise, the CN rogue has just recently changed to CG.  He's still an individualist, but being put in a save-the-world position has made him more altruistic.  This is reflecting how the players have portrayed their characters, not some arbitrary "I'm changing things" decision.

Okay, I'm stopping here.  Otherwise, I'll take up an entire page on one post.  Heh.
PC Astos
player, 28 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 20:46
  • msg #126

Re: I love Steel!

But you are begging the question, DM Halaster.  Why exactly does committing an evil act, for a good purpose, make you evil alignment?  I can see how it is an evil act, sure.  But that's only half of the question.

Clerics, druids, paladins, they all have a special restriction that boils down to:  The ends don't justify the means.

For everyone else, there is no rule that says that.  That means the ends CAN justify the means.  Committing an evil act for a good purpose with good results doesn't not, in the SRD, affect anyone negatively except paladins, clerics, and druids.

Now, you are a DM and I don't dispute that you are perfectly, 100% certainly entitled to run your game in a manner where the ends cannot justify the means, and evil acts will make you evil over time no matter how many innocents you save with them.  However, the SRD does not require that.  (And if they were purposefully ambiguous, they were purposefully ambiguous for a reason--because there are multiple possibilities that are each reasonable under the SRD and they did not wish to choose one of them for you.)

Also, I am not sure the definition of "evil" gets us very far.  "Harmful" is too broad--it's harmful to hack off an orc's head, but that doesn't mean it is evil.  "Morally wrong" is begging the question--If an act is evil because it is morally wrong, why is it morally wrong?  You just sub "morally wrong" for "evil" in the above discussion and start all over.

And I don't think "feeling guilty" is a good litmus test for "morally wrong" (or evil, or anything else).  People feel guilty for lots of things that aren't morally wrong.  Witness the "Spider Man choice"--your girlfriend and an elevator full of people are both hurtling to their doom.  Which do you save?  I don't care which you pick, you are going to feel guilty the next day for the choice!  Yet few would argue that either choice would be "morally wrong".

Whether something is "morally wrong" in the D&D alignment context boils down to one's views on whether the ends justify the means.  If they do, it's not morally wrong.  If they don't, it is despite good intentions.  Nothing in the SRD resolves this debate (and it would be rather ambitious to try, considering the philosophers lined up on both sides!).

A DM would be perfectly reasonable taking either position, and unless there is an ROA house rule, it seems to me a DM would be perfectly reasonable to allow a good necromancer to cast Animate Dead numerous times if they were all in appropriate circumstances.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:02, Wed 13 June 2007.
DM Korenth
GM, 39 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 21:59
  • msg #127

Re: I love Steel!

Cleric, Druid, Palidin, that's a good chunk of the core classes, add to that Knight, samurai, probably a few others.  I have to agree, some actions, no matter how 'justified' they are, is still evil.

You travel back through time to murder a child that will become the destruction of mankind.  It's still murder, instead of murdering the guy, work against him to make sure he never comes to power to cause the end of the world.  Evil act averted..
DM Steel
GM, 14 posts
My comp beat me at chess
but I throw farther!
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 22:14
  • msg #128

Re: Fun with Subject Lines

Ok just interrupting real quick to change the subject line.  I changed it earlier this week on my last post as a joke to see how far it would go but didn't expect it to fill a page lol.  Starting to wig me out and I know noone is really paying attetion to it hehe..

Anyways, continue!
DM Windwalker
GM, 478 posts
Property of
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 22:17
  • msg #129

Re: Fun with Subject Lines

Aw, and here I meant it.  :p  *giggles*
PC Astos
player, 29 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 22:17
  • msg #130

Re: I love Steel!

DM Korenth:
Cleric, Druid, Palidin, that's a good chunk of the core classes, add to that Knight, samurai, probably a few others.

Oh I agree--like I said, classes with a specific moral code might not be able to use any sort of an "ends justify means" argument.

  I have to agree, some actions, no matter how 'justified' they are, is still evil.

You travel back through time to murder a child that will become the destruction of mankind.  It's still murder, instead of murdering the guy, work against him to make sure he never comes to power to cause the end of the world.  Evil act averted..

I think that we are mixing several concepts here.  These are the questions I would ask.

1.  Q.  Is murdering the child an evil act?

    A.  Yes.  We agree on this point.  It is certainly an evil act.

2.  Q.  In the abstract, would there be circumstances where murdering the child could result in a good outcome and be done exclusively and explicitly for that purpose (helping others), and therefore would not shift a character's alignment towards evil?

    A.  Yes, certainly this is in theory possible.  If there was absolutely no way to stop this kid other than kill him, and he would rain death and destruction upon the earth, it could be a good outcome to kill him, and, depending on your view of whether ends justify means, could be a "good" thing to do on the alignment scale.  (Imagine for this purpose that you, say, cast powerful divination spells, Miracles, etc., and all the deities agree, there is no stopping the kid besides killing him.  Furthermore, all deities agree that killing him would save 1,000s of lives and make the world a safer place.)

I cannot tell if we disagree on this answer.

3.  Q.  If there are options other than killing the child, is it still good to kill the child?

    A.  No, you can't kill the kid out of expediency.  If there are other options, you need to use them.  That's part of "respecting life"--you have to do what you can to preserve it, and the farther you move from the "it's the only option" scenario the weaker your "the ends justify the means" argument becomes.  If you can achieve the same ends through a different means, that changes the scenario.

So, let's take your example.  You go back in time.  Let's say you can stay back in time as long as you want, and working against this kid is likely to do the trick.  As a DM, I would assign an alignment shift "counter" (for lack of a better word) to someone who just kills the kid out of expediency--they had other options.

On the other hand, let's say your Time Travel spell only lets you stay back in time for 20 minutes.  Assume that leaves you no option but to kill the kid if you want to stop him.  I would rule that the ends justify the means in that situation, and no one would receive an alignment shift "counter".  (However, paladins would lose their special abilities subject to atonement rules, as they committed an evil act, and the ends cannot justify the means for them under their strict moral code.)

I believe we agree on this answer.

I don't know about you all, but this issue has come up in my campaigns all the time!  You don't need time travel--you just need baby orcs.  The old MM provided for baby orcs in orc communities, and faithfully following it I would insert youngsters.  The moral debate was always, "Should we kill the baby orcs?"  Orcs by definition are inherently evil (or at least were back in the day, who knows now) and if let grow up they were assumed to be evil and continue their evil ways.  Is it an evil act, then, to kill them?

Tough question, and I think that there are (or at least were) a number of reasonable answers to it.  I did not make my PCs evil for killing them, or even neutral, if they truly believed they were doing it to save lives, and that the orc had no chance to grow up to be other than evil and wicked.  (And I believed this was probably true.  In early AD&D I think it was; I am not sure it is in 3.5 or was in late AD&D.  But you get the point.)
This message was last edited by the player at 22:27, Wed 13 June 2007.
DM Korenth
GM, 40 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 22:28
  • msg #131

Re: I love Steel!

write a manifesto, not just with what the kid will do and how to counteract it with out killing him, also put other stuff that a person of your choice would find out to know the manuscript is correct, accurate and true.  Travel back in time, spend 20 minutes there, and give the book to that trusted palidin, who happens to be your ancestor..
PC Astos
player, 30 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 22:30
  • msg #132

Re: I love Steel!

DM Korenth:
write a manifesto, not just with what the kid will do and how to counteract it with out killing him, also put other stuff that a person of your choice would find out to know the manuscript is correct, accurate and true.  Travel back in time, spend 20 minutes there, and give the book to that trusted palidin, who happens to be your ancestor..

And I said, "Assume this means you have no other option but to kill the kid if you want to stop him."  That's the crux of the issue, but if you want a better alternate hypothetical:

Assume the Time Travel spell puts you back in time for 6 seconds (1 combat round), that you appear in the nursery right by the Ultimate Evil Kid's cradle, you are naked and have no possessions (no books, no paper, etc.), there is nothing in the room except a wooden cradle with a kid in it (they are tough parents; maybe that's why he is evil!), and no one is around except the kid.  You have Improved Unarmed Strike and have just enough time to Coup De Grace the youngster and do a short victory dance before you zoosh back through time to the new future.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:32, Wed 13 June 2007.
DM Korenth
GM, 41 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 22:34
  • msg #133

Re: I love Steel!

Ehh, it all boils down IMO, 'Heroes don't kill the helpless, or the weak, no matter what the ends of doing such might be'
PC Astos
player, 31 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 22:35
  • msg #134

Re: I love Steel!

DM Korenth:
Ehh, it all boils down IMO, 'Heroes don't kill the helpless, or the weak, no matter what the ends of doing such might be'

That's a fine philosophy, and I think it's grand if you run your game based on it, but I don't see a requirement for it in the SRD.  The SRD allows room for both views.
DM Halaster
GM, 128 posts
You don't know.
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 22:39
  • msg #135

And Now for Something Completely Different

Looks like your changed subject line didn't hold, Steel.

I think we need to close off this discussion, there's entirely too many opinions about it, and most of the games in RoA really don't go that far into 'shades of gray' morality.  (At least, I don't think they do.)  Besides, if we dwell too much on the topic of whether or not killing things is wrong, we'll end up derailing one of the staples of D&D — killing monsters.

And without that, we remove all the action, most of the game-mechanics, and (in my opinion) a major reason to play D&D in the first place: laying the smack-down on evil critters that deserve what they get.

Players, if you have a question about the moral and/or ethical status of your character, discuss it with your DM privately, or with your group in your local OOC forum.  DMs, if you feel that someone is acting contrary to their alignment, talk it out with the player; a change of alignment might be appropriate, or the player can adjust her character's actions.

I'm not against discussing the matter, mind you, but it's one of the thorniest subjects in RPGs, and everyone has their own opinions about it.  We'll never reach a consensus on it, either.  So let's change the subject, please.
PC Astos
player, 32 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 22:47
  • msg #136

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different

I could see how you would never reach a consensus on what the correct moral view is--I agree with that completely. If philosophers can't manage it, we have pretty poor odds ourselves.  However,  I would think you could reach a consensus that the SRD does not require one method or another, but instead leaves that choice, essentially, to the DM.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:48, Wed 13 June 2007.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 9 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 23:07
  • msg #137

Re: Fun with Subject Lines

DM Steel:
Ok just interrupting real quick to change the subject line.  I changed it earlier this week on my last post as a joke to see how far it would go but didn't expect it to fill a page lol.  Starting to wig me out and I know noone is really paying attetion to it hehe..

Anyways, continue!

*raises hand*

I noticed, but I didn't feel like saying anything, it's a common enough practice in most of my game's OOCs
DM Korenth
GM, 42 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2007
at 23:30
  • msg #138

Re: I love Steel!

PC Astos:
DM Korenth:
Ehh, it all boils down IMO, 'Heroes don't kill the helpless, or the weak, no matter what the ends of doing such might be'

That's a fine philosophy, and I think it's grand if you run your game based on it, but I don't see a requirement for it in the SRD.  The SRD allows room for both views.

as is everything else.  The DM is god, if he wants something to work a certain way, they can.  here's an example with my RL group.

Death isn't at -10 it's 1 round after you've reached -con score
Kip-up is a DC20 tumble check
in the games I run, there is no such thing as improved familiar, it works like a pally's or a druids companion/mount,
spells that you have to roll to hit, have a critical of 20 x2 unless stated otherwise in the spells description. (ray of enfeeblement is an example of this rule being applied)
various other rules I can't remember are there as well, these are just the majority.

you want haste to age a person 1 year like in 2nd ed, sure, go ahead, want it to give spell casters the ability to cast 2 spells like in 3.0? go ahead..etc etc.a DM doesn't have to follow the rules, he can consider them guidelines.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 12 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 01:10
  • msg #139

Re: I love Steel!

DMs get a rule 0: DM does whatever he wants with the rules
Players get theirs: DM goes overboard, you get fed up, leave

you can only go so far before noone will play with you
DM BadCatMan
GM, 355 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 02:37
  • msg #140

Re: I love Steel!

Oh noes! An alignment debate!

For the record, morality in Forgotten Realms is as shades-of-grey as it is in Eberron or anywhere else. The only difference is that the gods are real and pay attention. The whole alignment system and associated debates only really creeped in from standard D&D (Greyhawk).

Actual Alignment doesn't matter so much in FR. Gods are more interested in pursuing their portfolios, and as a result churches of supposedly Good deities have caused a lot of trouble. Well-intentioned acts have threatened the world, and evil acts have saved it. A LG silver dragon has ruined one nation, while a CE red dragon has saved another.

We do allow Necromancers (that is, Wizards specialising in Necromancy) here in RoA, and Neutral Clerics with a Necromancy focus. We even allowed the Dread Necromancer with a Restricted clause. These, as with Chaotic Neutral or Clerics of Evil deities, or any character with something iffy or problematic in their concept, should be worked out carefully with the DM. If being the cliche necromancer who digs up graves to steal corpses to animate as minions is going to cause problems - such as disgusted party members or paladins and torch-wielding villagers hunting him down - then the DM is free to turn it down. What matters is everyone's enjoyment of the game.

But if anyone comes up with a necromancy-focused character who can work in a traditional party and goodly campaign, then they'd probably be welcome to. All it really needs is a different spin.

Here's some ideas for non-evil necromancers I sketched out once, some useful, some not:

Undead Hunter: Fight fire with fire. The best way to fight undead as a wizard is with necromantic spells. And undead servants are resistant to many of another undead's attacks. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. This kind of character walks a very narrow and dangerous path. Not to mention that people might mistake him for a genuine necromancer.

Baelnorn: FR Elves have been doing the Aerenal thing for ages, with good liches acting as guardians of ancient lore and heritage. They just haven't discovered Deathless yet. The character is an elf, or from some other culture where undeath is accepted, studying to be a baelnorn or something like it. Long-dead honoured ancestors are happy to rise again to help out.

Mortician/Funeral Director: Bit like above, but it's more of a job. Uses necromancy spells to make granny look nice for her funeral, and gets her moving again so she can attend it. And she can take care of a few loose ends, or the mortician does it for her. More to the point, this character is a shepherd of the dead, who helps them cross to the other side, defends graveyards, and generally honours the deceased.

Cursed: Got on the wrong side of a powerful lich or death god and now for some reason, all his spells are necromantic and he just can't help it. Gee. And zombies keep appearing to serve him. This requires glazing over the nature of wizards preparing spells in the morning. And acting dumb.

Take a look at Libris Mortis or the Spell Compendium for some necromancy spells that have useful benefits: healing, buffs, and undead destruction.
DM Annihilator
GM, 180 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 08:36
  • msg #141

Re: I love Steel!

Lots of posts here since I last checked these boards, but I figured I'd mention that the Champions of Ruin FR-sourcebook mentions 'The end justify the means' as one of several 'Philosophies of Evil'. . .  :p

For the record, I've never suggested that any one evil act, no matter how big (except for jamming kittens down your pants) should affect your alignment, though a series of them probably should, even if done for a good and just cause.  That's my personal opinion, though - those of my fellow RoA DMs might vary.  :-)
PC Pinkbunny
player, 14 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 08:46
  • msg #142

Pilliage Then Burn

silly people...

I never really have alignment problems, I don't play many classes that require alignments, so basically I get to play whatever alignments I want, just changing it and telling the GM when I feel it's appropriate.

alignment is so subjective, basically I'd just let the GM decide what he thinks is best, he's the boss.
DM Kaladorm
GM, 13 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 10:31
  • msg #143

Re: Pilliage Then Burn

The Undead Hunter that BCM mentioned could indeed be a very interesting one. Especially taking the Heretic of the Faith and worshipping Kelemvor, now that would be interesting :D
DM Windwalker
GM, 479 posts
Property of
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 12:43
  • msg #144

Re: Pilliage Then Burn

I am with DM Annihilator on this.  Back when I still had a table-top group, several of the guys had a really tough time playing their alignments.

"But I'm Chaotic Good, so it's okay for me to just go blazing into that inn and kill the one Zhent I know to be in there, even though I'm going to kill at least ten innocent people since I don't really know which one is the Zhent anyway."

That was just an example, but unfortunately that attitude was prevalent with a couple of them.  It disgusted everybody else, myself included.  So when I DM'd I added a spot to my record sheet where I kept track of each PCs stats and things.  It looked like a timeline and had their alignment firmly in the middle.  The top part was for Chaotic vs. Lawful and the bottom was for Good vs. Evil.  (Note: I never allow evil since I know I couldn't handle running that.)  Whenever a PC made a big shift as in the example I provided, I made a little mark that took him closer to the left on the bottom, where I had evil written.  More actions like that took him even closer.  Halfway there, he got a warning.  Three-quarters of the way there, a second warning.  Finally he did turn evil, and the idea turned out to be a hit.  Everybody in the game could see the path the guy took and nobody, not even the guy, was very upset that I made him change his alignment.  By the same token, though, an evil person could atone and change for the good.

Anyway, I'm awful at putting things in here, but I'll try to give you a visual.  If the person did a really good thing to atone for an evil act, I of course erased one of the marks.  A big part of that, except for evil spells and such, is DM discrtion, of course.

Chaotic            | Neutral             Lawful
Evil         | | | | Neutral               Good
DM Kremti
GM, 193 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 14:27
  • msg #145

Re: Pilliage Then Burn

PC Pinkbunny:
alignment is so subjective, basically I'd just let the GM decide what he thinks is best, he's the boss.

Except that here on RoA, we don't have a singular 'GM'.  We have the collective GMs, and we all have different ideas/styles.

When I say yes to a character for my region (which is non-bubble) I would like it to be something that works for most GMs, and not just myself.  So it's good to know what the general concensus among all of the GMs are.

That's the meat of this discussion is about (Or, at least, what the initial question was about, to me anyways).  I'm pretty sure we all agree that everyone won't really agree on the idea of 'What is good/evil/etcs.'  But it's nice to have some sort of guideline and idea about things like 'Can a player play the classic necromancer archtype?' or 'What sort of necromancy focused characters are workable within RoA?'

PC Astos
player, 35 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 16:33
  • msg #146

Re: Pilliage Then Burn

DM Kremti:
That's the meat of this discussion is about (Or, at least, what the initial question was about, to me anyways).  I'm pretty sure we all agree that everyone won't really agree on the idea of 'What is good/evil/etcs.'  But it's nice to have some sort of guideline and idea about things like 'Can a player play the classic necromancer archtype?' or 'What sort of necromancy focused characters are workable within RoA?'


DM Korenth
GM, 44 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 17:05
  • msg #147

Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

I like that gradient thing
PC Pinkbunny
player, 15 posts
Thu 14 Jun 2007
at 20:01
  • msg #148

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

yes, it's a good idea, and if you think of it that way, then raising the dead, while evil, gets balanced out by the good things one does with them. Now, if you did selfish things once in a while with them, then you might need to do some non-undead good, but that's doable.
PC O_man_13
player, 4 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 00:37
  • msg #149

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Ummmm wow....

I thought the dicussion was over and I come back a day or two later and I've got two full pages of posts to read.

I am in no way trying to start this discussion up again, or fan the flames if people still have more to say but I'm still confused and have one more question.

Who has the final say on my character's concept?

I know my first DM does, but like it was brought up by someone what if that DM decides to become a PC and drops the game. Is there a DM concil that decides stuff like this?

Not that it would matter much, but I did see several people post in directions my concept doesn't plan on going.

My concept is a cleric class.

The character would have a Chaotic netruel allignement that would allow the cleric to wield negative energy and cast evil spells. From my understanding that cleric would also be able to cast good spells as well. (Not sure on this)

The character would have a Major vampire bloodline (Good job on whoever called that), so being around "undead" is sort of a way of life.

The moral reasons would be simply failing to see undead as evil (Even though they are) and uses the tools he has to do good works to make up for his hertiatage. His intentions are key as he wants to do good, just with evil tools.

Now I'll be happy to write up a great deal more on the character's moral code, ethics, and anything else suggested/required, but what I really don't want is to have this character hung out to dry if my game dies/changes hands.

I wanted to try the necromacer for two reasons. One the moral conflict is very interesting as can be seen by the comments. Two is that every group I've ever joined always has someone "Having to play" the cleric/healer rather then "wanting to play" the cleric/healer.
DM Windwalker
GM, 480 posts
Property of
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 00:43
  • msg #150

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

I can tell I've never played with you then.  I love to play the cleric/healer.  :)
DM Halaster
GM, 130 posts
You don't know.
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 01:34
  • msg #151

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

As do I, I've been having a lot of fun playing a cleric of Lathander in the North.  (I just wish the pace would pick back up, there's evil to smite and all.)  I'm also the 'find a need and fill it' type of player, finding out what roles everyone else has taken and making a character that fills in the gaps.  One thing I hate to hear from a DM is "forget the others, just play what you want."
   I tend to respond with "what I WANT is a well-rounded group, so tell me what they've got already."

As for the alignment/channeling energy/casting aligned spells, it's true that a neutral cleric can both channel negative energy (i.e., rebuking undead) and cast good-aligned spells.  It's an odd dichotomy, but workable; the group that playtested the Age of Worms campaign at Paizo's offices included such a cleric.

While you can definitely argue toward the usefulness of turning the enemy to your side, I don't think it compares with the option of clearing a crowded battlefield of zombies with one action.  (I tend to get pretty descriptive with clerics' turning undead, and spellcasting in general.  So I'm a sucker for special effects.)
DM Windwalker
GM, 481 posts
Property of
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 01:44
  • msg #152

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Me too, me too!  You and I, it seems, are a lot alike.  :p
PC O_man_13
player, 5 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 03:00
  • msg #153

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

In all due fun I'd like to point out the slot that was open for DM Halaster to fill was a cleric slot. (I assume because the others wanted to play something else.)

I'm not saying clerics are not fun to play, I'm simply saying people would rather play other classes when given the choice.
DM Windwalker
GM, 482 posts
Property of
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 03:28
  • msg #154

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

You know, I was thinking about that, Halaster, while watching a soccer/football game which, of course, reminded me of Annihilator.  He's always telling me to play what I want to play.  That's great, but what I want to play is what we need.  :p  *giggles*
PC Pinkbunny
player, 16 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 05:39
  • msg #155

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

clerics can be fun, but I've only played one once, so you all probably know better
PC solo
player, 40 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 12:52
  • msg #156

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Clerics rule! I'm having a blast playing my greatsword-wielding dwarven powerhouse. I'm not sure he's that excellent as a healer, but as soon as I get access to lvl 2 spells and can start self-buffing more seriously he should be able to cut through hordes like a hot knife through butter!
PC drobvious
player, 20 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 14:05
  • msg #157

Re: Come to the dark side, together we can rule the galaxy!

They don't call them CoD-Zilla for nothing.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 17 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 14:27
  • msg #158

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

human cleric of kord here, I skimped on cha and dex, but she was such fun in combat, I got to wade in with her greatsword and then be close enough to help heal the front line easily
PC solo
player, 41 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 16:35
  • msg #159

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

What's a CoD-Zilla?
PC drobvious
player, 21 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 16:50
  • msg #160

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Cleric or Druid - Zilla.  Get big, start pulling high tension wires down and hitting things with commuter trains.  Out Fighter your Fighter, and patch him up after combat, too.

Both use self buffs to beef up, and then wade into combat.  Druids have some great self buffs, a pet, and a number of animal forms that are really good.  Clerics have decent HD, good armor, access to feats like Divine Vigor, and fantastic self buffs starting with Divine Power and only getting better after that.
DM Halaster
GM, 131 posts
You don't know.
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 20:08
  • msg #161

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

If you play a druid, try to convince your DM to allow you to have familiarity with jungle terrain, especially the sort that has dinosaurs in it.  (In Eberron, this is very easy to do.)  That way, once you make 5th level and get the wild shape ability, you can change into a velociraptor.

Impressive damage, the pounce ability, and a 60-foot land speed.  Can't ask for more.
PC drobvious
player, 22 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 20:17
  • msg #162

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Well, the Fleshraker Dinosaur from MMIII is the default stupidly powerful critter for druids.  Better damage, poison on 3 attacks, pounce, free trip attempts, free grapple and automatic pins, and 50 ft movement.

Probably only applicable for games where seeing a polar bear piloting a fighter jet is a real possibility.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 18 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2007
at 20:26
  • msg #163

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

I'll probably never play a druid, all the funky abilities would make my head go kablooey.
PC LadyPhoenix
player, 53 posts
Sat 16 Jun 2007
at 15:48
  • msg #164

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Alignment is one of the trickiest things in the game. One evil act is not going to make you evil. Repeated such acts will. One really bad act might put you on border of being Neutral depending on what it is. Good intentions do NOT though mean the act is less evil.

Good: The means matter as much as the ends
Neutral: Then ends justify the means somewhat (some evil means for a very good end) that is why alignment is balanced between the two poles
Evil: Ends justify any means and almost any means goes.

If your character does a evil act for very very good reasons repeatedly, you will end up neutral (and staying there). Alignments generally shift slowly depending the degree. Killing 10 babies because one will become the evil overlord will likely shift you to neutral immediately. Killing the 1 baby that will become evil overlord will be a small shift to start the degeneration. One game that I like is vampire (the original one) with its path of humanity for alignment. In that game, you have a humanity rating (very much like a rating on the good/evil scale). Each act is assigned a rating level and you do an act below your current level, you risk dropping down. Alignments are like that too. You do an evil act and you drop toward evil. Do a completely good act and you rise toward good. A neutral will have a good balance of the two, a good character will be almost all good.

However to help with spells, certain spells are classified as evil or Good (and lawful and chaotic) to clarify things. For example. No good cleric can EVER cast animate dead. It is an evil spell and good clerics can't cast spells of Evil. They can't summon fiendish creatures because such is evil spell. In another game elsewhere my good wizard used summon monster 5 to summon an evil creature. She had to, it was only way to defeat a regenerating monster far more powerful than her that was killing innocents. (Devil with weapon that caused bleeding 2/round that could not be healed normally, no stopping it since creature had no healing magic). She knew when she cast it was an evil act and hated it and regretted that there was no other way. It was a hit to her alignment. This is where tragedy sometimes enters into games and good characters can fall.

This actually is why my character in the Cormyr region is having problems. The so called Good harpers have been using means in her eyes that seem to match the evil Zhentarim. So much so that she isn't sure icly that they are the harpers and the ones coming to attack are Zhents instead of vice versa. That one of them is half drow and my character is gold elf with usual racial biases just makes it that much worse.
PC Astos
player, 36 posts
Sat 16 Jun 2007
at 16:48
  • msg #165

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

PC LadyPhoenix:
Alignment is one of the trickiest things in the game. One evil act is not going to make you evil. Repeated such acts will. One really bad act might put you on border of being Neutral depending on what it is. Good intentions do NOT though mean the act is less evil.

Good: The means matter as much as the ends
Neutral: Then ends justify the means somewhat (some evil means for a very good end) that is why alignment is balanced between the two poles
Evil: Ends justify any means and almost any means goes.

Again, this is your opinion of how the philosophies should work, and it is certainly one way a DM could handle it, but where does it say in the SRD that this is how it has to work?

I think people get an idea into their head about how this stuff should work and assume that it is in the SRD somewhere, when it isn't.  By the SRD the DM could legitimately handle it several other ways, including allowing the ends to justify the means when it is a really good end, the bad means is the only option, and the character truly intends to do good.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 19 posts
Sat 16 Jun 2007
at 17:46
  • msg #166

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

man... fitting everything into 26 pounds of carrying capacity is tough, but that's what I get for having 8 strength
PC LadyPhoenix
player, 54 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2007
at 06:10
  • msg #167

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

PC Astos:
PC LadyPhoenix:
Alignment is one of the trickiest things in the game. One evil act is not going to make you evil. Repeated such acts will. One really bad act might put you on border of being Neutral depending on what it is. Good intentions do NOT though mean the act is less evil.

Good: The means matter as much as the ends
Neutral: Then ends justify the means somewhat (some evil means for a very good end) that is why alignment is balanced between the two poles
Evil: Ends justify any means and almost any means goes.

Again, this is your opinion of how the philosophies should work, and it is certainly one way a DM could handle it, but where does it say in the SRD that this is how it has to work?

I think people get an idea into their head about how this stuff should work and assume that it is in the SRD somewhere, when it isn't.  By the SRD the DM could legitimately handle it several other ways, including allowing the ends to justify the means when it is a really good end, the bad means is the only option, and the character truly intends to do good.

If you murder 10 babies to kill one potential overlord, I don't care how good your end is, the means make it an evil act. This is why many of the realms harpers have shifted to neutral alignment for the western branch. The harpers did some evil acts for good means and Alienated both the temple of Tyr, the city of waterdeep and the morals of many of the east branch (lead by storm).

There are sayings that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is the same sort of thing. No matter how good the end, evil occured and you take the hit to your alignment for doing the evil deeds. Now your good deeds might counter it enough that your alignment stays put or that you only drop neutral but you did evil.
PC O_man_13
player, 6 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2007
at 06:57
  • msg #168

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Just to throw two more weapons into the arena...

In the Complete Scoundrel there is a PRc called the Malconvoker. Basically the class summons fiends and other evil outsiders to do good works. The alignment restriction on the class is non-evil. This is in direct conflict with the concept below.

In the Book of Exalted Deeds it says very clearly that the concept of "Means to an End" is not acceptable. That means a Good character is expect to allow the whole world to die rather then kill one baby. Regardless of the inhuman quality to this view, it seems pretty clear what the intent is. Good characters simply can not do evil acts for any reason.

Now one last thing to throw out there. I've heard no one talk about this evil character turning good because he did a good act. It's a two way road after all.
Would a character be good, evil, or netrual, if they did a good act for evil ends. For example:

A character kills a dragon that was destorying the villages (A good act)

The reason the character did this was to get to the gold the draong had (A selfish possibly evil act)

The reason the character wanted the gold was to build an army to enslave the villages the character just "saved". (An obviously evil act)

Is this character evil?  If yes, at what point is he evil? Was he evil because of his intentions? (Keep in mind he has not enslaved the villagers yet, base your ruling on what the character has done so far.)
This message was last edited by the player at 06:58, Sun 17 June 2007.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 20 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2007
at 08:37
  • msg #169

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

In the Book of Exalted Deeds it says very clearly that the concept of "Means to an End" is not acceptable. That means a Good character is expect to allow the whole world to die rather then kill one baby. Regardless of the inhuman quality to this view, it seems pretty clear what the intent is. Good characters simply can not do evil acts for any reason.

No, this means an exalted character cannot do evil acts for any reason. An exalted character could probably lose their powersfor doing that, while a good character might take a hit against their alignment.

good =/= exalted

now, that's not to say that my good characters would kill the baby, most of my characters don't have the rigid view of fate being a one track thing, and thus would feel that stealing it and putting it in the care of an undisputibly good person would be sufficient, though they wouldn't be too happy about taking it away fom it's family.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:44, Sun 17 June 2007.
DM Halaster
GM, 132 posts
You don't know.
Sun 17 Jun 2007
at 09:02
  • msg #170

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

PC O_man_13:
Just to throw two more weapons into the arena...

Is there any chance we can stall this argument?  Theologians have been debating for centuries about just what constitutes "evil".  That's why the Book of Exalted Deeds is rated M, it brings up some very complicated moral issues.  If you REALLY want to discuss degrees of evil and all the morality that goes along with it, I'll gladly make another forum for it.

Seriously, people, the constant debate is really interfering with the signal-to-noise ratio in this thread.  I'm glad to see the amount of posting, but can we take it outside the general OOC area?
PC Pinkbunny
player, 21 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2007
at 09:12
  • msg #171

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

we could talk about something cheerier

so, has anyone caught my edit of the subject?
DM Steel
GM, 15 posts
My comp beat me at chess
but I throw farther!
Sun 17 Jun 2007
at 09:31
  • msg #172

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

lol pink, pretty much did for my part but I was staying out of this discussion as a whole.  I think that, while all of us are very intelligent and capable of making sound arguments... this is one of those discussions that just needs to be let go.

I mean, come on, we're discussing morality and good versus evil in realistic terms... alignment is the biggest farce of dnd.  It's just there to give some sense of identity.  Ruleswise, paladins and what else... let's see... cleric deities need it to gauge character depth and portrayability?

In real life I would consider myself chaotic good.  I hate the law but I obide by it.  Why?  Because I'm not rich.  If I broke the law, I would be sentenced tried and punished to full extent because I cannot afford lawyers who have the ability to bend the rules through their economically based connections to the powers that be.

Law is a craptastic alternative to logical application of imprejudice.  As such, if you are a piece of crap or not at all becomes irrelevant, that you broke the law regardless of your intention or the circumstances prevailing *and* how much  money you can afford to spend to validate your actions is, in fact, what justifies all lawful decision as to your good or evil judgement.

Look at Paris Hilton for example.  She broke the law by driving on a suspended license.  She is sentenced accordingly and it is a top news story for some God forsaken reason.  I grow sick and tired of it day by day but it is as severe a breakdown in the lawful/chaos dynamic as anything I can imagine.  In reality, lawful application of the rules creates chaos.  Chaotic application of the rules creates chaos.  Means to an end is irrelevant, all means lead to chaos.

My point is alignment is a retarded (not mentally instable for those of you who mistake my use of the word as nonPC... instead retarded as in flame-retardant maybe... if you come at me with some freaking massive uproar in the defense of mentally unstable people, I'm going to proclaim you severely mentally instable) application of means to an end.  It is ridiculous to even take seriously.  Good people sometimes do bad things and bad people sometimes do good things.  What we each, as individuals, think to be  good or bad is - in the large picture - not at all aplicable.
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:33, Sun 17 June 2007.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 22 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2007
at 10:16
  • msg #173

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

I'd probably be around NG, but I have my moments for all of the alignments, with the possible exception of LN

the truth is that people don't really fit into 9 distinct slots, the world works on shades of grey
This message was last edited by the player at 10:17, Sun 17 June 2007.
PC juhisu
player, 1 post
Mon 18 Jun 2007
at 14:40
  • msg #174

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Anyone know of an exotic (light) thrown weapon (preferably somewhat similar to the dagger)? Dagger won't do because I want to take classes in exotic weapon master. I would like it to be 19-20 critical (otherwise I would just use shuriken).
DM Kremti
GM, 194 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2007
at 17:55
  • msg #175

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

PC juhisu:
Anyone know of an exotic (light) thrown weapon (preferably somewhat similar to the dagger)? Dagger won't do because I want to take classes in exotic weapon master. I would like it to be 19-20 critical (otherwise I would just use shuriken).

Frostburn (The book) has a couple of wierd Exotic Thrown weapons.

Glot and Razer Skipdisk.  They both have 18-20 critical.  Glot let you do trip attack, even.

PC Pinkbunny
player, 27 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2007
at 18:00
  • msg #176

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

nice, I looked a bit for ya, but would never have even thought of looking in frostburn.
DM Kremti
GM, 195 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2007
at 19:15
  • msg #177

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

<- Cold Lands DM, otherwise, I wouldn't have known.

PC juhisu
player, 2 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2007
at 19:22
  • msg #178

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Wow thanks!

Um, any idea what kind of weapons they are? How do you exactly attack with them (rp sense)?
DM Kremti
GM, 196 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2007
at 19:59
  • msg #179

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

Both of them are sort of thrown low the the ground and skipped across.  As such, they have 10' range increment, but their range increment increases to 20' on solid ground, and 30' when skipped across icy ground.

PC Pinkbunny
player, 28 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2007
at 20:07
  • msg #180

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

so you're essentially taking EWP(hockeypuck)
DM Kremti
GM, 197 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2007
at 20:25
  • msg #181

Re: Come to the dork side, together we can rule the galaxy!

PC Pinkbunny:
so you're essentially taking EWP(hockeypuck)

Indeed.  It says you *can* throw normally (Like to the air bourne target) at 10' increment...but where's the fun in that!

PC solo
player, 42 posts
Tue 19 Jun 2007
at 10:45
  • msg #182

D&D Tactics

Dungeons&Dragons: Tactics for the PSP is coming later this year, check out the official homepage:

I see this as an excellent tool for character build trials...
PC Pinkbunny
player, 29 posts
Tue 19 Jun 2007
at 10:59
  • msg #183

Re: D&D Tactics

these things never really work like pen and paper (or online), they lack human flexibility :(
DM Korenth
GM, 45 posts
Tue 19 Jun 2007
at 11:38
  • msg #184

Re: D&D Tactics

That's the main reason I dislike RPG video games, specially the ones that are based off DnD.

now if DnD online had gone with forgotten realms instead of Ebberon, I /would/ have bought it..Sure, I might not be able to play a custom build character like I can in Tabletop, but it's F@#$ing Forgotten Realms! soul weeps..
PC solo
player, 43 posts
Tue 19 Jun 2007
at 12:09
  • msg #185

Re: D&D Tactics

Sure, the games are a bit one-dimensional and many aspects of roleplaying are lost (like actual roleplaying). But, for testing builds and parties in combat, they work very nicely, revealing strengths and weaknesses. And it gives me a D&D fix!
DM Windwalker
GM, 485 posts
Property of
Tue 19 Jun 2007
at 13:49
  • msg #186

Re: D&D Tactics

*giggles*  I'm thinking of getting the game.  Not necessarily to try things out, but just to play a violent video game.  :)
PC solo
player, 44 posts
Tue 19 Jun 2007
at 14:04
  • msg #187

Re: D&D Tactics

Gamewise, it should be a little like Baldurs Gate, rather than NWN. You manage a whole party, with a protagonist and supporting characters. A major difference will be that combat will be strictly turn based, rather than the pseudo real-time combat offered by Bioware.
DM Windwalker
GM, 486 posts
Property of
Wed 20 Jun 2007
at 12:04
  • msg #188

Re: D&D Tactics

Turn=based is better for me what with my "helper" and all.  :p  My son always has to "play" with me and so real-time games and I no longer get along.  But when he's asleep I love to play games like Empire Earth and Age of Empires in real-time.
DM Halaster
GM, 133 posts
You don't know.
Wed 20 Jun 2007
at 18:21
  • msg #189

Re: D&D Tactics

A really good game for turn-based D&D combat is Temple of Elemental Evil.  While there are some aspects of the game it doesn't use (like grappling), it does just about everything else right.  If you have an ability that can be used in increments (like Power Attack, or laying on hands), it gives you a slider to set how much you use.  It does counterspelling, metamagic, spontaneous conversion of spells*, everything.  None of the class abilities are nerfed, and it doesn't have NWN's thing of giving clerics half their domain spells.  Basically, it's as close you can get to playing the pen-n-paper rules on a computer, short of using something like RPoL or Fantasy Grounds.

* Spontaneous healing in ToEE has a strange bug that I discovered, that makes the game a LOT easier to go through.  I won't reveal it here, though.
DM Windwalker
GM, 487 posts
Property of
Wed 20 Jun 2007
at 22:52
  • msg #190

Re: D&D Tactics

Any idea where I could get that pretty cheap?  I'm strapped for cash while hunting for that ever elusive first teaching job and raising three kids by myself.
DM Grimclaw
GM, 60 posts
Wed 20 Jun 2007
at 23:43
  • msg #191

Re: D&D Tactics

I picked up my copy of ToEE at Wal-mart for $10 in their bargain rack. However, since I started playing World of Warcraft, I almost can't play linear single-player type games. (Though BGII is an exception since it is not so linear, but NWN2 is painful - I am waiting for expansions/modules)
PC Astos
player, 37 posts
Thu 21 Jun 2007
at 00:15
  • msg #192

Re: D&D Tactics

DM Windwalker:
Any idea where I could get that pretty cheap?  I'm strapped for cash while hunting for that ever elusive first teaching job and raising three kids by myself.

I just ordered a copy on Halaster's advice.  It's also 10 bucks on Amazon, but you have to pay for shipping.  ($4 more or so I think.)
DM BadCatMan
GM, 356 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 21 Jun 2007
at 02:03
  • msg #193

Re: D&D Tactics

Ugh, ToEE.

I found that game to be buggy and awkward. Not to mention slow and boring. And the voice acting is excruciating. Most encounters are terribly easy, while others are painfully difficult.

There's a fan-made patch/mod floating around that fixes most bugs, but introduces a few others. It also gives masterwork weapons which is a bonus.

There's an internal encyclopaedia (it's the PHB essentially) which is helpful, though not readily accessible.

There's few good magic items, and most of the good magic weapons are exotic, like bastard swords and spiked chains. I'd advise you to check out websites that list them all so you don't wind up taking Weapon Focus in useless weapons.

And Magic Item Crafting barely works. You can get maybe 1 enchantment on an item. Afterwards, it just fails and nothing happens.

Don't play a Diviner. IIRC, there weren't even enough divination spells to fill the bonus spell-slots, and none of them were useful.

Killing Zuggtmoy at the end was fun though. Mainly in the sense of "thank the gods I've finished that accursed game!"
PC Astos
player, 38 posts
Thu 21 Jun 2007
at 02:47
  • msg #194

Re: D&D Tactics

Do you have a specific patch / website you recommend?  I will just install the patch straight off.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 357 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 21 Jun 2007
at 02:59
  • msg #195

Re: D&D Tactics

I think it was called Circle Of 8, or by a group of fans called Circle of 8. It's difficult to find though. Don't forget to get official patches as well.

GameBanshee is pretty good for RPG games. Here's ToEE:
DM Halaster
GM, 134 posts
You don't know.
Thu 21 Jun 2007
at 05:33
  • msg #196

Re: D&D Tactics

I'd strongly recommend getting the fanmod, myself.  It adds some new quests, fixes some things that were messed up (and, really, what software doesn't ship with a few bugs anymore?), and adds a lot more items.

I wouldn't recommend finishing the extra side-quest they added to the town though.  Whenever I tried to, it would freeze the game.  That might've been fixed by now, and it might've just been something with my computer, but your mileage may vary.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 358 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sun 24 Jun 2007
at 05:54
  • msg #197

RoA Wants You!

Do you want to DM for RoA? Please say you want to DM for RoA.

'Coz we need DMs, lots of them, for all sorts of games to run for your fellow PCs. You too can become part of this grand adventure, and have all the fun your DM is no doubt having.

We DM for you - will you DM for us?

PM DMs Annihilator and BadCatMan to discuss.
DM Windwalker
GM, 490 posts
Property of
Sun 24 Jun 2007
at 16:27
  • msg #198

Re: RoA Wants You!

Besides, Mike throws toga parties with lots of pizza over in the DM's lounge.  ;)  *giggles*
DM Wolf
GM, 76 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sun 24 Jun 2007
at 22:01
  • msg #199

Re: RoA Wants You!

And he brings all kind of pizza as well. What do you want. American style or italian style. We got it all. Come joine us.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 33 posts
Sun 24 Jun 2007
at 22:10
  • msg #200

Re: RoA Wants You!

do you have hawaiian?
DM Wolf
GM, 77 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sun 24 Jun 2007
at 22:12
  • msg #201

Re: RoA Wants You!

We3ll I can always make some if you want it. I'm the chef at the lounge and can make whatever you want. I promise that you will not be dissapointed.

After 20 minuites a wolf come over with a hawaiian on the back.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 34 posts
Sun 24 Jun 2007
at 22:13
  • msg #202

Re: RoA Wants You!

I'm in, mmmmmmm, pinapples ^.^

(I was in anyway)
This message was last edited by the player at 22:15, Sun 24 June 2007.
DM Wolf
GM, 78 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sun 24 Jun 2007
at 22:35
  • msg #203

Re: RoA Wants You!

Oh the prospective DM kind of made me unsure that you where all the way through the door and it was shut. But It seems it is.
PC Pinkbunny
player, 35 posts
Sun 24 Jun 2007
at 22:36
  • msg #204

Re: RoA Wants You!

I kinda think badcatman forgot to change it over

or maybe he wwas planning to change it when I started
DM Windwalker
GM, 491 posts
Property of
Sun 24 Jun 2007
at 22:53
  • msg #205

Re: RoA Wants You!

I've updated your access here, and if you've been given GM access you'll have to change your name by yourself.  The only person in each RoA that could change it for you would be the owner, so you could ask either BCM or Anni to change it for you depending on where you're at.
DM Wilbur
GM, 10 posts
Wed 27 Jun 2007
at 18:18
  • msg #206

Re: RoA Wants You!

Check out a new arena game:

link to "Arena at the Vortex of Worlds (DnD 3.5 Gestalt)"

Hope to see some of you there!
DM House
GM, 1 post
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Thu 28 Jun 2007
at 13:23
  • msg #207

Re: RoA Wants You!

I've slowly been paying attention around here.

I see the talk about NWN2... How is it?  Is it better then the first?  I liked the first, but I wasn't overly keen on the small party... and in the BG games, I wasn't keen on not being able to build your party, just the main character.

When answering, please don't compare the game to Evercrap, or World of Worsecraft.  Both of those suck.  Horribly.  And I refuse to downgrade my CPU to a pile of junk just to play either of those.  I wasn't thrilled with DDO either.

When it comes to MMORPGs... Gimme my Advanced Power Armor, and my Mini Gatling Laser in Fallout 3, and my Pipboy, and I'll be fine. :D
DM Windwalker
GM, 492 posts
Property of
Thu 28 Jun 2007
at 14:00
  • msg #208

Re: RoA Wants You!

House!  My favorite show, my favorite doctor!  The only doctor I like, actually.  :p  Wait!  I forgot Dr. Kovac, or however you spell it.  He's awesome, too.  :)
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:07, Thu 28 June 2007.
DM House
GM, 2 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Thu 28 Jun 2007
at 16:30
  • msg #209

Re: RoA Wants You!

It is a great show.

I like the entire cast.

I noticed something about this game though...  Why am I being pegged with PMs that I can't see?
DM Windwalker
GM, 493 posts
Property of
Thu 28 Jun 2007
at 16:31
  • msg #210

Re: RoA Wants You!

I do too.  But he's always been one of my favorite actors.  Ever since the old English show Black Adder.  It's Monty Python-esque.

Anyway, it's likely because of your name change.
PC spaceace
player, 74 posts
Do, or do not,
there is no try
Thu 28 Jun 2007
at 16:37
  • msg #211

Re: RoA Wants You!

DM House:
When it comes to MMORPGs... Gimme my Advanced Power Armor, and my Mini Gatling Laser in Fallout 3, and my Pipboy, and I'll be fine. :D

I still play Fallout 1 & 2 for enjoyment, I didn't know they had a 3rd.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 36 posts
Thu 28 Jun 2007
at 21:53
  • msg #212

Re: RoA Wants You!

hello mr. house!

is it lupus?

gotta love that show
DM BadCatMan
GM, 359 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Fri 29 Jun 2007
at 01:14
  • msg #213

Re: RoA Wants You!

I'm visiting Hell for a few days.

If anyone needs me or my characters, then I'm probably unavailable.
DM Annihilator
GM, 181 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Fri 29 Jun 2007
at 01:21
  • msg #214

Re: RoA Wants You!

This place?
DM BadCatMan
GM, 360 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Fri 29 Jun 2007
at 02:03
  • msg #215

Re: RoA Wants You!

Sadly no, just metaphorically.

My PhD supervisor has a habit of surprising me with big projects based on unfinished work shortly before they're due. This tends to happen when I accidentally meet her around the building, which makes me wonder just when she was planning on telling me. :(
PC Jinx
player, 10 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2007
at 17:05
  • msg #216

Re: RoA Wants You!

yeah anyone have Never winter nights 2 ? Worth buying or no?
DM Halaster
GM, 137 posts
You don't know.
Fri 29 Jun 2007
at 20:40
  • msg #217

Re: RoA Wants You!

Worth buying, if you've got the hardware to handle it.  I'm running a 1.9 GHz machine with 768 MB of RAM and a 512 MB video card, and it runs around 20 FPS with all the graphics turned down; acceptable for MY standards, but a lot of people on the forums are spoiled for that all-important 60 FPS framerate.

The story is a lot more involved, and better told, than the one in NWN1.  They've updated things to the 3.5 rules, and even included things from some of the new splatbooks — you can play a warlock, for instance.  They have the same array of prestige classes, with some new ones thrown in.  They've added a lot more spells as well, for all classes.

Unlike NWN1, they actually allow subraces in fact, rather than just making it a name you select.  If you want to play a tiefling, or a dark elf, or an aasimar, you can, though you have to deal with the level-adjustment penalty.  You can also start with a background trait, which gives some minor bonuses and penalties, and affects how some people act toward you.

You start getting henchmen pretty early, without having to shell out coin for them.  Each has his or her own agenda, and the way they respond in the later stages of the game depend on how you'd been treating them beforehand.  The problem is, the game limits how many of them you can bring along at any one time (usually three), and character-relevant stories only happen if you have the relevant NPC in your party when you encounter the event.

There is a cheat code that lets you increase the number of followers, and I highly recommend using this.  It makes the fights a lot easier, since you have more combatants, and ensures you'll get those cutscenes and freebies.  When your group gets very large (more than about six members), you'll take a framerate hit in large fights, but I think it's worth the price.

Unlike NWN1, you can tweak the UI itself; there's a lot of people that have made alternate inventory windows, more toolbars, resized minimaps, etc.  There's also a community that's working on making all of the core and prestige classes from the various rulebooks available.  I don't know what their progress is on it, but you'd be able to play things like duskblades and warmages.
DM Halaster
GM, 138 posts
You don't know.
Fri 29 Jun 2007
at 20:41
  • msg #218

Re: RoA Wants You!

Oh, for those of you who're playing Temple of Elemental Evil, if you want to know that bug I found that makes the game a LOT easier, I'll share it via PM.
DM House
GM, 3 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Fri 29 Jun 2007
at 23:07
  • msg #219

Re: RoA Wants You!

There.  For the question concerning Fallout 3...  There's the teaser link.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 361 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 12:44
  • msg #220

Re: RoA Wants You!

Well, I'm back from Hell. But excuse me while I recuperate and catch-up.

Despite everything, I got absolutely not a damned thing done.

Because Linux is evil. Pure evil and madness spawned from the outer darkness.

I was all ready to run my calculations and simulations, and went off to university. On a Saturday. I hate working weekends. I log into the computers, make my changes then compile. All bad, errors and wierdness. It turns out one of the other guys had decided to do an update of the computers last night. Although it started out looking fine, it had in fact screwed over the compilers and other stuff. The update itself was buggy.

I spent the rest of the day fiddling and waiting for him to fix it, while he got nowhere. At one stage he tried a dodgy hack and broke everything, though luckily for him he fixed that later. He's probably still working on it.

You see, this is all because Linux is hideously complicated and makes it all to easy to screw everything up.

So big waste of time, nothing done, all effort for naught, no images of acoustic waves propagating through funky environments calculated for talks and conference, and me just too tired and frustrated to even muck about with RoA.

At least I won the argument on Windows vs Linux. :D And by default, Apple Macs. Windows is the lesser of three evils.
PC Shoytempus
player, 2 posts
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 12:48
  • msg #221

Re: RoA Wants You!

SHAME ON YOU!!!!! Apple Macs rule, they are far superior to any windows model, end of story.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 37 posts
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 12:50
  • msg #222

Re: RoA Wants You!

'pends on what yo want to do with them

if you're a normal, well adjusted person they're great, if your a computer geek wanting to tinker with it, not so fine
PC Shoytempus
player, 3 posts
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 12:52
  • msg #223

Re: RoA Wants You!

I am "the" computer geek and the only thing I will ever use is a Mac!! Windows is extremely bad and don't come close to what a mac can do, ohhh and no viruses XD
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 38 posts
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 12:54
  • msg #224

Re: RoA Wants You!

get a firewall, don't download porn, don't pirate things from questionable places, and windows is fine
DM BadCatMan
GM, 362 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 13:05
  • msg #225

Re: RoA Wants You!

Apples are round and fruity and dull, like the fruit. Fruit-flavoured lollypop computers for the technologically illiterate masses. Granted, it probably wouldn't have broken, but of course, one wouldn't be able to do anything of import with it in the first place. They only get so few viruses (yes, there are some) because 90% of the computer-using population know better than to use them, and 99.99% of virus makers are looking for more spread.

Of course, the virus makers are most likely to be embittered Linux-wielding loners out to prove their misplaced sense of superiority. "Yes, you tinker with the inner most workings of your machine, and congratulations, you just broke it. Now you can spend a week rebuilding it."
PC Shoytempus
player, 4 posts
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 13:05
  • msg #226

Re: RoA Wants You!

Only for the basic average person. Me? I'm not so normal, heheheheh. So only the Mac shall suit my taste, anyway I do alot of photography and you know Windows can not come close to what a mac can do with photography!
DM BadCatMan
GM, 363 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 13:08
  • msg #227

Re: RoA Wants You!

Oh yeah, have you ever seen an elderly Mac? Like more than a few years old? I'm talking iMacs. You can't even clean them out and reinstall.

A boulder with a seam of silicon has more computing power, while a PC is still marching on just fine.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 364 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 13:11
  • msg #228

Re: RoA Wants You!

Yeah, multimedia doesn't count. :p Now, networking, programming and playing games - these are all worthwhile computational pursuits.

PC Shoytempus
player, 5 posts
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 13:24
  • msg #229

Re: RoA Wants You!

This by far is one of biggest debates of modern day and we can argue all day, I say MAC RULES and since I am of course god it is/will be true!
DM Korenth
GM, 46 posts
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 13:33
  • msg #230

Re: RoA Wants You!


Tale as old as time,
Song as old as rhyme
PC and the beast


Thank you, thank you very much! *lip curls*
PC esc
player, 57 posts
I'll admit it...  I'm a
Rules Lawyer...  :)
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 14:32
  • msg #231

Re: RoA Wants You!

Ok, to get us off the everlasting PC/Mac Debate, I thought I'd share a treasure that I found with you all...

My wife and I were going to garage sales yesterday, and hadn't found anything that caught our eye.  But then I saw IT laying there on a blanket amongst some toys...  A HeroQuest game!  I hurried over to it, and picked it up, not even caring how much it was.  I opened it, and found everything there (except I now see the information (gm) screen isn't there), and all in mint condition!  (Some of the skeletons still had the little plastic bits between their skull and scythe)  The tag on the top said $1.50!  I couldn't believe it!  The kid who was sitting next to the woman running the sale said that he tried playing it once, but couldn't figure it out.  He then admitted that he hadn't even read the rules book.  They didn't know how much that game is worth.  I searched for prices, and have found anywhere from $49 to $111 (excluding the Ebay auctions that start at around $9.99.  I'm hoping to actually play it today, but I might have to wait until my gaming group gets together in a week.  :D
PC Shoytempus
player, 6 posts
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 14:39
  • msg #232

Re: RoA Wants You!

Someones lucky!! I wish I went to that garage sale!! = /
DM House
GM, 4 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 20:28
  • msg #233

Re: RoA Wants You!

Hero Quest.

Very first "RPG" game I ever played. :P

And to add to the mix of coolness about the game, I used to always take the monster cards and mix them with the treasure cards and keep it behind my screen so the players couldn't see what was next.  I remember even building my own maps and stuff for that game...  Oooollllld school!
DM Wolf
GM, 79 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sat 30 Jun 2007
at 22:12
  • msg #234

Re: RoA Wants You!

DM BadCatMan:
I'm visiting Hell for a few days.

If anyone needs me or my characters, then I'm probably unavailable.

I saw that post from Annihilator. Just wanted to say that I have
Slept in Hell
Dinned in Hell
Watched TV in Hell.
DM Halaster
GM, 139 posts
You don't know.
Sun 1 Jul 2007
at 08:16
  • msg #235

Re: RoA Wants You!

HQ very strongly encourages the players to exploit a loophole in the rules, the one regarding the 'search for treasure' action.  The rules state that, if a monster is drawn on the attempt, that said monster appears in a space adjacent to the searcher.  So, with 4 heroes, stick one in a corner, and have the other three surround him before he searches.  No adjacent spaces open, so no monster.

It was an interesting game, for a short time, but I don't think it's worth upwards of $100.
PC esc
player, 58 posts
I'll admit it...  I'm a
Rules Lawyer...  :)
Sun 1 Jul 2007
at 11:30
  • msg #236

Re: RoA Wants You!

Actually, in the rules I have, it states if no adjacent square is present, it appears in the closest open square...  No loophole there.
DM Kindred
GM, 189 posts
Mon 2 Jul 2007
at 09:35
  • msg #237

Re: RoA Wants You!

I guess they fixed it! I've always heard of that game but have never seen it.
PC Jinx
player, 11 posts
Mon 2 Jul 2007
at 19:34
  • msg #238

Re: RoA Wants You!

Thanks Halaster, I might actully go out and purchase NWN2, I was just waiting and figured I would buy a ps3 instead.

Still going to get a ps3 but might add that game to the cart....

instead of mac vs pc

how  about 360 vs ps3 ??????

or is it no contest? lol
PC Shoytempus
player, 7 posts
Mon 2 Jul 2007
at 20:14
  • msg #239

Re: RoA Wants You!

The Wii beats both systems, its cheap, its good and its a helluva alota fun!
DM House
GM, 5 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Mon 2 Jul 2007
at 20:16
  • msg #240

Re: RoA Wants You!

I go for the Wii too, just because I like the thing... and because anybody can pick it up and play it.

But the 360 is still a beast that smears the PS3 all the way around the board.
PC Astos
player, 39 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2007
at 03:14
  • msg #241

Re: RoA Wants You!

PS3 is a great Blu Ray DVD player--and that's about it at the moment.  The system itself is great, but there are no games for it that I would even call decent, let alone good.  I only use mine for DVDs and PS2 games, and that's sad.  If you buy a PS3 you are buying it on hopes for the future releases.  Personally I would wait to buy one unless you want a Blue Ray player.

Wii is a lot of fun; seems to be more group games though, besides Zelda.  We love it though... it has my wife playing some video games for the first time ever.  And my 80-year-old grandmother, who was a champion bowler but has never touched a video game in her life, firmly trounced me at Wii bowling.  It's impressively intuitive to use.
DM House
GM, 6 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Tue 3 Jul 2007
at 04:32
  • msg #242

Re: RoA Wants You!

...And certain titles you may expect to see on PS3 are actually making the jump to 360 instead.

Such as Devil May Cry...
PC Shoytempus
player, 8 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2007
at 04:36
  • msg #243

Re: RoA Wants You!

For next gen the order of best consoles in my opinion is:

Wii (cuase its cheap, fun and is overall a really cool system)
XBox 360 (medium pricing, great graphics with a bunch of great titles out and coming out)
PS3 (way too over-priced, not many good titles and the blue-ray technology is not very popular so alot of the money invested in PS3 is gone to waste)
PC Jinx
player, 12 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2007
at 18:00
  • msg #244

Re: RoA Wants You!

It is funny how I go to different sites and talk to my friends and EVERYONE I mean EVERYONE agrees that the Wii is the best.


in that order and like everyone stated above its because of those simply reasons. no games for the ps3....

I was going to buy a ps3 but figured I would wait. I have heard horror stories about the 360 dying out in about 8 months ( hence why I did not get one right away )so who knows

But I live in California and I cannot find a Wii for the life of me, LOL all sold out. Dammit to hell.
DM House
GM, 7 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Tue 3 Jul 2007
at 19:20
  • msg #245

Re: RoA Wants You!

That's crazy.  Wii's are all over the place here. :)
DM Windwalker
GM, 494 posts
Property of
Wed 4 Jul 2007
at 13:27
  • msg #246

Re: RoA Wants You!

I found that HeroQuest game at a thrift store, mint condition, every single piece there, for $1.00.  It's how I'm going to introduce the kidlets to DnD rules and stuff when they're a bit older.  I found a copy of RailBaron once for $1.50 at a thrift store, mint, and it ebays for upwards of $75.  In the condition it's in, I could clear $100 easy.

I think I'm going to take Anni yard saling and to some thrift stores.  So far he loves the U.S.  He got a free meal at Taco Bell for being a foreigner his first time in one.  :p
DM House
GM, 8 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Wed 4 Jul 2007
at 21:18
  • msg #247

Re: RoA Wants You!

That's sweet.  I'd have been the guy to hook him up, too.  Well, except I don't work at Taco Bell.  I work at a bar, and I'm a caterer for big parties, but I'd have still hooked him up. :D

I still have my HeroQuest game.  Now the box is shot, but I still have all of the pieces (and manual... I even have the cutout card thingies for the players) and all of it looks fine to me.  :D

Here's an interesting question...

And it really brings to mind, a quote by my good friend Carlos Mencia "De Dee De".

Why, would you play a priest of death, and go around talking about how you're going to raise an undead army, and then wonder why nobody wants you in their group?
DM Kitty
GM, 66 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2007
at 04:33
  • msg #248

Re: RoA Wants You!

Happy 4th of July! =D
DM BadCatMan
GM, 365 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 5 Jul 2007
at 04:45
  • msg #249

Re: RoA Wants You!

DM House
GM, 9 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Fri 6 Jul 2007
at 00:04
  • msg #250

Re: RoA Wants You!

I wonder what type of Character I should play now?  I am thinking maybe a Warmage, or perhaps just a regular Wizard, with the Invocation school specialty.  Thoughts from the other gamers & DMs?
DM Kremti
GM, 201 posts
Fri 6 Jul 2007
at 00:44
  • msg #251

Re: RoA Wants You!

DM House:
I wonder what type of Character I should play now?  I am thinking maybe a Warmage, or perhaps just a regular Wizard, with the Invocation school specialty.  Thoughts from the other gamers & DMs?

Vicodin popping healer, I think.

DM House
GM, 10 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Fri 6 Jul 2007
at 01:04
  • msg #252

Re: RoA Wants You!

Ironically enough, I was thinking a Half-Orc Paladin (2) / Cleric (1) of Tyr from the Dalelands.
PC Elerndale
player, 46 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Fri 6 Jul 2007
at 12:47
  • msg #253

Re: RoA Wants You!

Anybody know where I can get a download for dungeon map making program?
DM BadCatMan
GM, 366 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Fri 6 Jul 2007
at 14:15
  • msg #254

Re: RoA Wants You!

Dungeon Crafter is pretty good. Very simple to use, and has some tilesets to be found on the web.

v1.41 and v2

v3, though I haven't tried it yet
DM Wolf
GM, 83 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Fri 6 Jul 2007
at 14:50
  • msg #255

Re: RoA Wants You!

DM BadCatMan:
Dungeon Crafter is pretty good. Very simple to use, and has some tilesets to be found on the web.

v1.41 and v2

v3, though I haven't tried it yet

Well I have tried v 1.41 and v2. They are good, but it's a shame that you can't downloaad it any more.

As for v3. I would not recommend it. I think it's not better then the other two versions.
DM Halaster
GM, 140 posts
You don't know.
Fri 6 Jul 2007
at 19:52
  • msg #256

Re: RoA Wants You!

Version 3 is also still in development; they released a download to let people play around with it, bug-test it, and make up tiles for it.

And you CAN download 1.4, just look in the Legacy section of the site.  If you're having trouble locating it, I'll be happy to send you a direct link to the file.
PC Elerndale
player, 47 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Fri 6 Jul 2007
at 23:00
  • msg #257

Re: RoA Wants You!

Could you send me the link pls.
DM Wolf
GM, 84 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Fri 6 Jul 2007
at 23:05
  • msg #258

Re: RoA Wants You!

Here you go. Now that I found it I downloaded it as well.
DM Halaster
GM, 141 posts
You don't know.
Sat 7 Jul 2007
at 05:41
  • msg #259

Re: RoA Wants You!

For those that missed it, this is the link to download the older versions of DC, along with their tilesets:
DM FairieFire
GM, 107 posts
I am NOT a Pixie!!
Not that kind of Fairy...
Mon 16 Jul 2007
at 21:49
  • msg #260

Re: RoA Wants You!

I was told in no uncertian terms to make sure I came in and checked in in here, and said hello, so if there was anyone that missed me, well, I'm here, I'm fine, I'm alive and in one piece, and most of my sanity is still intact.
   How have you all been doing? I Missed you guys.
DM Wolf
GM, 86 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Mon 16 Jul 2007
at 22:41
  • msg #261

Re: RoA Wants You!

and we have missed you fairiefire. We are doing good right
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 41 posts
Mon 16 Jul 2007
at 22:43
  • msg #262

Re: RoA Wants You!

*waves hello to the unknown person*
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:43, Tue 17 July 2007.
DM Annihilator
GM, 184 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Tue 17 Jul 2007
at 00:02
  • msg #263

Re: RoA Wants You!

DM FairieFire:
I was told in no uncertian terms to make sure I came in and checked in in here, and said hello, so if there was anyone that missed me, well, I'm here, I'm fine, I'm alive and in one piece, and most of my sanity is still intact.
   How have you all been doing? I Missed you guys.

*big hug for FairieFire*  Whew, am I glad to see you back here!  :-)  I was worried about you!
DM Jim
GM, 107 posts
An old player
in a new place
Tue 17 Jul 2007
at 02:25
  • msg #264

Re: RoA Wants You!

*makes sweeping bow to FaerieFire*

Greetings and welcome back, lady.  You've been missed.  Hope you're doing better.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 368 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Tue 17 Jul 2007
at 02:30
  • msg #265

Re: RoA Wants You!

FairieFire?! Welcome back!
DM Kindred
GM, 190 posts
Tue 17 Jul 2007
at 04:51
  • msg #266

Re: RoA Wants You!

Yay! Good to have you back!
PC Brianna
player, 64 posts
Tue 17 Jul 2007
at 05:07
  • msg #267

Re: RoA Wants You!

Welcome back!
DM Halaster
GM, 143 posts
You don't know.
Tue 17 Jul 2007
at 09:02
  • msg #268

Re: RoA Wants You!

DM FairieFire:
How have you all been doing? I Missed you guys.

That's because we've been claiming cover.  Get that Dexterity up, you might hit next time.  :)

Believe it or not, even I missed you.
DM Steel
GM, 16 posts
My comp beat me at chess
but I throw farther!
Tue 17 Jul 2007
at 20:06
  • msg #269

Re: RoA Wants You!

Hello to you FaerieFire and welcome back.
DM FairieFire
GM, 108 posts
I am NOT a Pixie!!
Not that kind of Fairy...
Tue 17 Jul 2007
at 21:21
  • msg #270

Re: RoA Wants You!

Thanks for all the welcome backs, you guys always make me feel right at home. I see we have some new faces here that is very good.....
DM House
GM, 12 posts
I am the Dr House
of DMing
Sun 22 Jul 2007
at 19:59
  • msg #271

Re: RoA Wants You!

I've got Dungeon Crafter 2, but I don't like any of the overland selections that come with it.

I've also got the Campaign Mapper software that came with the old DnD Core Rules program years ago.

I need to know how I can save the map file from campaign mapper (trust me, it doesn't let you save it as a readable file - at least anything my cpu can read) so that I can use my maps drawn on it...

Or, I need some good overland stuff for DC 2.

Anybody? :D
DM Kremti
GM, 204 posts
Sun 22 Jul 2007
at 20:06
  • msg #272

Re: RoA Wants You!

IIRC, the tiles for DC2 are jpg files.  Small ones are 20x20, and larger ones are combinations of it.

So what you need to do is somehow get those images from Campaign Mapper, put it into some sort of image editing software like Photoshop, or Paint, crop what you want, change the size into 20x20 or multiple there of, and save as .jpg file.

If you really can't figure out how to have Photoshop/etcs read the Campaign Mapper, your last resort should be opening the map/map segments you want in Campaign Mapper, and then take the screenshot.

Let me know if you need to know more specifics.

DM Windwalker
GM, 497 posts
Property of
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 19:47
  • msg #273

Re: RoA Wants You!

DM FairieFire:
I was told in no uncertian terms to make sure I came in and checked in in here, and said hello, so if there was anyone that missed me, well, I'm here, I'm fine, I'm alive and in one piece, and most of my sanity is still intact.
   How have you all been doing? I Missed you guys.

*grins big time*

Anni and I have been so worried!  We talk about you often, wondering how you are.  We are both so thrilled your back, safe and sound!  *lots of hugs*
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 42 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2007
at 21:49
  • msg #274

Re: Arcanist needed for Underdark

On a completely unrelated note, our wizard for Underdark has been unresponsive for over a month, anyone with an orphan arcanist, or less than 2 characters who is interested, shoot me a PM.
PC jhpa4
player, 4 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2007
at 14:58
  • msg #275

Re: Arcanist needed for Underdark

May be we ought to expand our realms I have made a tottaly new world it doesn't exactly fit standards but I can make it adapt to any style I like.
DM Kremti
GM, 205 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2007
at 17:54
  • msg #276

Re: Arcanist needed for Underdark

Well, we have 'bubble' system, where a DM can open up his/her campaign of choice, and *not* follow the RoA standard.  There are Monster-Race-As-Player bubble region, Psionics bubble region, and so on.  The characters are then labeled 'Bubble', and may not move around to other regions easily.

If you are interested in DMing, you should send PM to…someone.  BadCatMan, I think :p

DM Windwalker
GM, 499 posts
Property of
Tue 24 Jul 2007
at 18:03
  • msg #277

Re: Arcanist needed for Underdark

Not necessarily a bad idea...but it is very hard to find DMs for bubble regions if the DM of that region, for some reason, needs to quit or disappears.  I am not the boss, but I would say anybody that wants to run a bubble region should be firmly established as both a player and a DM before opening a new bubble region.

However, I am not trying to stifle the idea whatsoever.  Perhaps, jhpa4, you could try DMing or CO-DMing here in RoA for awhile and then, when the timing is right, if it is okay with RoA leadership, try that idea.

DM Kremti is right, though, PM DM BadCatMan to discuss this.  He very well might say it's okay as is.  Either way, he'll know what you should do.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 43 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2007
at 21:33
  • msg #278

Re: Arcanist needed for Underdark

if the campaign settings are different, you'd probably want to have a "ROA 9: Adventures, Assorted" or some such
PC jhpa4
player, 5 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2007
at 00:11
  • msg #279

Re: Arcanist needed for Underdark

I'll take the advise to try to establish my self here.

[10 blank lines suppressed]

 off subject Is anyone here thinking of starting a Lord of the rings community for if you are I would like to help you any way I can.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 44 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2007
at 00:35
  • msg #280

Deep thoughts

I've got some people interested, no more PMs for underdak, ok? :D
PC Elerndale
player, 48 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Wed 25 Jul 2007
at 10:25
  • msg #281

Re: Deep thoughts

You know there is a role play game they made for films.  I like the system but nobody seem to have it or what play it.
DM Jim
GM, 108 posts
An old player
in a new place
Wed 25 Jul 2007
at 22:34
  • msg #282

Re: Deep thoughts

What's it called, Elerndale?  And what do you mean by 'made for films'?  Do you roleplay actors/actresses?  Or is a film design tool that happens to also be a game?
PC Elerndale
player, 49 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Wed 25 Jul 2007
at 23:02
  • msg #283

Re: Deep thoughts

OK history of Lord of the Rings and roleplay.

Back in days before the Lord of the Rings Films there was Lord of the rings role play game.  It was a type of Rolemaster if know that set of rules.  We talking 1980+

This not game I am talking about.

When the films came out they came up with two major games.  Table top figures game.  Not this game.  They also make a Lord of Rings Role play game.  It called The Lord of The Rings Roleplay Game.

It system is very link to world and film.  If your looking for fireballs and flying magic user - forget it.  It made by decipher


If anybody starts one I have elf law-master I really want play.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 45 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2007
at 23:08
  • msg #284

Re: Deep thoughts

I've never loved mucking around in someone elses setting which was constructed for one epic adventure, but not much else. I've never felt confortable.
PC Elerndale
player, 50 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Wed 25 Jul 2007
at 23:20
  • msg #285

Re: Deep thoughts

How many Books have you read by Tolkin?
DM Jim
GM, 110 posts
An old player
in a new place
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 01:30
  • msg #286

Re: Deep thoughts

Actually, the one from the 80's was sold by Iron Crown, and was called Middle Earth Role Playing or MERP.  It was based very strongly on the Rolemaster/Character Law rules.  Not a bad system, and some fascinating sourcebooks.

I have seen the new one in stores, but have never played it.  You really seem to like it, though.  Tell me about it.  What really stands out as a plus for that game system?

And even though your last question wasn't directed at me, I've read most of the Tolkien that I've been able to track down since I first read the Hobbit in about 1975.  I've even read some of the stuff that Christopher has extracted from his father's notes and files, but they generally seem to lack the flair that the professor brought to his material.
PC Elerndale
player, 51 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 01:40
  • msg #287

Re: Deep thoughts

I only read the book - yet to play :(

The main thing is keeps to idea of world.
You play main race and class (If played Lord of rings on line it like them).

You have both health and fatigue.
Spells are limited and skill based often.
No - fire ball, cure light wounds, spells are nature based (unless your evil).
Character creation is complicated but give you change make own character not just another fighter and not just another fighter.

Your wounds effect how effective you are - make complicated but it realistic.
No you taken 50 hp and only have 4 left but still running around as if not wounded.

You have additional class to work to wards.

Class and race traits which effect your character but again you have choose.

It give good feel of being in middle earth and dangers.
DM Jim
GM, 111 posts
An old player
in a new place
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 01:42
  • msg #288

Re: Deep thoughts

Sounds like fun.  If I see it again, I'll probably give it a closer look.
DM Halaster
GM, 144 posts
You don't know.
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 03:35
  • msg #289

Re: Deep thoughts

I have a PDF floating around here somewhere that details how to use the Rolemaster rules in Middle-Earth, and it doesn't limit itself to the period covered in J. R. R.'s trilogy (i.e., the Third Age) — it has information on races, classes, and skills to allow people to run games in any age between the First and the Fourth.

Incidentally, MERP was first, and Rolemaster evolved as a non-Middle-Earth version, though much of what was covered there remained.  (They just made things like the 'human' races, and languages, non-setting-specific, though it's easy enough to change some of it back.)

I tried setting up a game using this document and the RM rules in another site, but everyone involved had different versions of the game (there are four or five, and while they're essentially the same, the differences can catch you off-guard), and my initial ideas for what to tell became moot with the character-types that everyone opted for.

I've entertained the idea of trying again here, but I'd really want to get my hands on the latest version of RM (some of the minor changes have a big impact on play), and I'd prefer to have a scripted scenario first.  I'm running way too many games as it is, I'd pretty much have to make it a no-brainer for myself.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 46 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 08:07
  • msg #290

Re: Deep thoughts

PC Elerndale:
How many Books have you read by Tolkin?

all of the LOTR books, including hobbit, and I tried to read that thing with all the mythology, but it was horrible :(

it still goes that I don't feel comfortable in that setting, though that shouldn't stop anyone else playing in it.
DM Kaladorm
GM, 16 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 08:23
  • msg #291

Re: Deep thoughts

The Silmarillion? Sitting on my shelf,but I only got a few chapter in befoer I gave up with it :)
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 47 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 08:27
  • msg #292

Re: Deep thoughts

that one, yea, it's not as good.

On another note, just finished harry potter last night, somebody finish so I can talk about it.
PC crazykev
player, 36 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 08:30
  • msg #293

Re: Deep thoughts

DM Pinkbunny:
that one, yea, it's not as good.

On another note, just finished harry potter last night, somebody finish so I can talk about it.

Finished it Monday evening!
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 48 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 08:47
  • msg #294

Re: Deep thoughts

I woulda finished it saturday, but I've been busy :(
PC crazykev
player, 37 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 09:01
  • msg #295

Re: Deep thoughts

Yes isn't it terrible when RL gets in the way of really important matters.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 49 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 09:05
  • msg #296

Re: Deep thoughts

yea, too bad I need the munnies to buy more books.
PC crazykev
player, 38 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 09:23
  • msg #297

Re: Deep thoughts

Thats why I didn't say to much in the pm. I don't want to spoil it for anyone but its hard as no one else I know has finished it. 8-(
This message was last edited by the player at 11:12, Thu 26 July 2007.
PC Elerndale
player, 52 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 10:54
  • msg #298

Re: Deep thoughts

Anyway is anybody interested in running a game using the new rules.
As said you have 4 ages to play with and loads of battle without getting near the ring quest.
DM Kaladorm
GM, 17 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2007
at 13:14
  • msg #299

Re: Deep thoughts

If you want to talk about it, please use the <spoiler> command
DM Jim
GM, 112 posts
An old player
in a new place
Fri 27 Jul 2007
at 21:25
  • msg #300

Re: Deep thoughts

PC Elerndale:
Anyway is anybody interested in running a game using the new rules.
As said you have 4 ages to play with and loads of battle without getting near the ring quest.

I might like to watch a game, but I don't have time to run one, and don't have the rules yet anyway.  If you find one though, please let me know.
DM Windwalker
GM, 501 posts
Property of
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 00:57
  • msg #301

Re: Deep thoughts

I finished the HP book in less than 11 hours, and that's not subtracting the time it took for me to feed the kids, put them to bed, post on RPoL and RoA, etc., and so on.  Great book.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 52 posts
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 09:22
  • msg #302

Re: Deep thoughts

that's about what I take usually, course, I did it in spurts over 3 days
DM House
GM, 13 posts
I am the
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 14:29
  • msg #303

Re: Deep thoughts

The quickest I've ever read a novel was less then 6 hours.  It was Watchers, by Dean Koontz.

Other then that, the other novels I read very quickly are the Richard Marcinko novels.  But those to me, are pretty quick reads.
DM Windwalker
GM, 502 posts
Property of
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 15:02
  • msg #304

Re: Deep thoughts

I can read a normal novel, like DragonLance, FR, Laurell K. Hamilton, etc., in about three hours with only potty/beverage breaks.  I love to read.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 370 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 15:14
  • msg #305

Re: Deep thoughts

I know a guy who can read David Eddings's entire Belgariad or Mallorean in a single day. These are 6-7 book series, and big books too.

But then he reads them on a regular basis out of habit, and books get quicker with familiarity.
PC spaceace
player, 76 posts
Do, or do not,
there is no try
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 16:00
  • msg #306

Re: Deep thoughts

DM BadCatMan:
I know a guy who can read David Eddings's entire Belgariad or Mallorean in a single day. These are 6-7 book series, and big books too.

But then he reads them on a regular basis out of habit, and books get quicker with familiarity.

Actually each series consist of five books. I was about to that myself, but finding an entire day for uninterrupted reading is pretty rare now, but when I was a teenager I could knock out both in a single weekend. Of course my books are pretty well falling apart by now. I just recently had to rebuy the Belgariad as a two book compilation set.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 53 posts
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 16:28
  • msg #307

Re: Reading

DM Windwalker:
I can read a normal novel, like DragonLance, FR, Laurell K. Hamilton, etc., in about three hours with only potty/beverage breaks.  I love to read.

I kill those similarly quickly, I consider them semi-lite novels. "animal farm" took me an hour years ago. The novels that take me the longest are RR Martin, I have to take breaks to mourn when he kills off one of the characters I like. I took a week long break when he killed off one of the major characters.

On the topic of FR novels and stuff, I've recently found Elaine cunningham, which "windwalker" most likely knows... wow, I'm going to have to go on a book-raid soon. I'd be broke if the second hand bookstore didn't have so many FR novels.
DM Windwalker
GM, 503 posts
Property of
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 16:32
  • msg #308

Re: Reading

I do, yes.  Somewhere I think I have something of hers...  Can't remember now and I'm not at home with my books so I'm not sure.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 54 posts
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 16:35
  • msg #309

Re: Reading

so your name is windwalker and in no way related to elaine cunningham?

starlight and shadows, Liriel?
DM Windwalker
GM, 504 posts
Property of
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 16:39
  • msg #310

Re: Reading

It wasn't no.  I 'made it up' on my own.  I wanted a name for a fairy because at the time, two of the other three female DMs here were fairies (and Raven is an angel according to littlewing).  So I did it on my own.  Later on I did see that Windwalker book at a used book store by Cunningham, and I bought it.  But I haven't read it yet.  I need to get the other books first.
DM Kindred
GM, 192 posts
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 16:41
  • msg #311

Re: Reading

Those books are cool. I wanna be like Fyodor when I grow up!
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 55 posts
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 16:59
  • msg #312

Re: Reading

her books are better than salvatore in my opinion, the style and characterization tend to be a bit better.
DM House
GM, 14 posts
I am the
Sat 28 Jul 2007
at 23:22
  • msg #313

Re: Reading

The Belgariad!

I haven't read (or for that matter, seen) those books / that name since I was in school.


Belgarian of Riva.

I was fond of Kal Zakath myself. :P

I recall one particular scene where he's discussing plans of war with his council, and one of them tells him that war on two fronts is madness, and that war on three fronts is suicide.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 56 posts
Sun 29 Jul 2007
at 02:08
  • msg #314

Re: Reading

wait, huh?
PC Evil66Drizzt
player, 2 posts
Sun 29 Jul 2007
at 11:08
  • msg #316

Re: Reading

DM House:
The Belgariad!

I haven't read (or for that matter, seen) those books / that name since I was in school.


Belgarian of Riva.

I was fond of Kal Zakath myself. :P

I recall one particular scene where he's discussing plans of war with his council, and one of them tells him that war on two fronts is madness, and that war on three fronts is suicide.

Go Belgarian! One of my favorite series! (sorry for the jumping into conversation)
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 57 posts
Sun 29 Jul 2007
at 11:12
  • msg #317

Re: Reading

we don't mind, it's the OOC, you're fine

now, do that in an IC thread and you're dead :P
PC Jinx
player, 13 posts
Mon 30 Jul 2007
at 19:50
  • msg #318

Re: Reading

The windwalker series...good trilogy

Although the first two books were in 2nd ed ....thats when Drow weapons were destroyed once they were in sunlight.

I forgot all about Fydor....

I like elaine and Salvatore...both good decent writers.

My all time Personal Fav

Everis Cale
DM Kindred
GM, 193 posts
Tue 31 Jul 2007
at 02:43
  • msg #319

Re: Reading

Elfshadow was my first Forgotten Realms novel and I love it. I like Salvatore too. Drizzt is one of my favorite characters. I really don't understand how that adventuring group fights wuthout a cleric. :)
DM Windwalker
GM, 505 posts
Property of
Tue 31 Jul 2007
at 02:46
  • msg #320

Re: Reading

Easy, darlin', they don't get hit very often.  :p  Except for Bruener, but he's a tough old coot and can take it.  *giggles*

*grabs Kindred and hugs him like crazy before letting him go again with more giggles*
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 59 posts
Tue 31 Jul 2007
at 08:42
  • msg #321

Re: Reading

adventuring sin cleric is more suspenseful, and planning becomes much more important

I've done it for a while, befre we got a cleric :P
PC Furyou Miko
player, 80 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 31 Jul 2007
at 13:54
  • msg #322

Re: Reading

On the other hand, our D20 Modern party did fine without a healer for ages... then an NPC medic showed up and mysteriously we all started getting a lot more badly injured...
DM Windwalker
GM, 506 posts
Property of
Tue 31 Jul 2007
at 15:30
  • msg #323

Re: Reading

Hey hon, do you want me to update your status here in the OOC to DM?  I noticed you've still got the player tag.

And I think it's your turn in Amn.  Somebody just whispered in your ear.  :)
DM House
GM, 15 posts
I am the
Tue 31 Jul 2007
at 16:20
  • msg #324

Re: Reading

I wanna play something.  :P  The only opening I seen though was for something I don't have a lot of interest in.  I've been mulling over this Cleric now for a hot minute.

Go figure... a Cleric, I know.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 60 posts
Tue 31 Jul 2007
at 21:34
  • msg #325

Re: Reading

I've got my character from ninjacow's game, he seems to have disappeared.

anyways, I like the character, but the game seems dead.

If there were another game somewhere near the surface in the general vicinity of menzoberranzan, I'd love to retool the character a little and have a new game...

maybe we can convince someone to start up a region Dr. House...

*looks around for a victim to give lupus... I mean DMing, to*
PC Furyou Miko
player, 81 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Wed 1 Aug 2007
at 12:22
  • msg #326

Re: Reading

Update my status? Sure, if you want... ADM maybe, for Assistant DM ;) But DM just feels scary... >>
DM Windwalker
GM, 507 posts
Property of
Wed 1 Aug 2007
at 15:24
  • msg #327

Re: Reading

We don't differentiate here.  RoA is a family anyway, yes we have DMs or PCs, but we don't draw lines like that.  Trust me, you'll be fine.  Revered as a goddess maybe.  :p  *giggles*
DM House
GM, 16 posts
I am the
Wed 1 Aug 2007
at 15:58
  • msg #328

Re: Reading

So there is no room in any game for either a Complete Warrior Samurai or a Cleric of Tyr?

Have I scared that many of you DMs? >:P
DM Annihilator
GM, 185 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 1 Aug 2007
at 17:10
  • msg #329

Re: Reading

The Samurai isn't an allowed base class in RoA, though it might be permitted in some regions (Kara-Tur, and perhaps other eastern regions, as well).

According to the space for players-post, you'd be best of PMing either DM Kool about his openings in the Moonsea, or DM Neptune about the Shaar/Great Rift region.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 61 posts
Wed 1 Aug 2007
at 22:06
  • msg #330

Re: Reading

hmmm, I've been looking about for a place to put the character from ninjacow's game, it's a drow, and, as nothing's started, I'm happy to tone it down to ROA standard ECL 3 or ECL 4 if I spend DMXP.

I was looking somewhere north, but with all the crazy portalling around the realms, it's plausible to end up anywhere.

maybe halruhaa needs a PC, or, I've heard DC speaking of restarting Savage species...
PC solo
player, 45 posts
Thu 2 Aug 2007
at 16:47
  • msg #331

Re: Reading

Savage species is still running.
DM Kool
GM, 64 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 2 Aug 2007
at 17:17
  • msg #332

Re: Reading

Halruaa just lost all but one of it's players(me), and DM Lobo is ready to hand it off to the next person who comes along.
DM House
GM, 17 posts
I am the
Thu 2 Aug 2007
at 17:51
  • msg #333

Re: Reading

The next DM to take over the region or the next player to come along?
DM Windwalker
GM, 509 posts
Property of
Thu 2 Aug 2007
at 18:11
  • msg #334

Re: Reading

At the moment it looks as if Halruaa will be absorbed into a nearby region.  More details will follow once we know what's going on.
DM Annihilator
GM, 186 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 18:38
  • msg #335

Re: Reading

Weeeh!  :D  I'm using my PSP to browse RPoL!  :D
DM Kindred
GM, 194 posts
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 18:52
  • msg #336

Re: Reading

Show off! :P
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 62 posts
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 18:57
  • msg #337

Re: Reading

... I have to get one of those now...
DM Annihilator
GM, 187 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 19:09
  • msg #338

Re: Reading

DM Kindred:
Show off! :P

Heck yeah!  :D
DM Windwalker
GM, 510 posts
Property of
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 19:47
  • msg #339

Re: Reading

Wait!  What!?  Why didn't you tell me that I could do that!?  I could be on RPoL all the time that way.  Quick, give me instructions right away.  :p  Doctor's appointments will no longer bore me to tears.  Hopefully.  :p
PC solo
player, 46 posts
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 20:23
  • msg #340

Re: Reading

The PSP is a wonderful toy...
DM Windwalker
GM, 511 posts
Property of
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 20:38
  • msg #341

Re: Reading

My five-year-old just loves mine.  If I could afford to, I'd get him one for Christmas.  Though, I'm thinking of getting a DS for me in the spring if possible, so I might just let him borrow one of them when I'm not using one.  :p
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 63 posts
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 20:43
  • msg #342

Re: Reading

i'd so be on Rpol all the time if I knew how to do that, second the instructions
DM Annihilator
GM, 188 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 21:49
  • msg #343

Re: Reading

DM Windwalker:
Wait!  What!?  Why didn't you tell me that I could do that!?  I could be on RPoL all the time that way.  Quick, give me instructions right away.  :p  Doctor's appointments will no longer bore me to tears.  Hopefully.  :p

I'm not the one who set it up, so I wouldn't know how to do it, really.  :p  I'm sure there's got to be a guide for it online, though. . .
DM Annihilator
GM, 189 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Sat 4 Aug 2007
at 21:52
  • msg #344

Re: Reading - this looks to be helpful, maybe?
DM Windwalker
GM, 512 posts
Property of
Sun 5 Aug 2007
at 02:03
  • msg #345

Re: Reading

Did Tony do it?  If so, ask him how.  :p  I can't follow online guides very well, as you know.
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 82 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Sun 5 Aug 2007
at 19:32
  • msg #346

Re: Reading

Oh, my. Why did no-one tell me of this?

Wait, I don't even have a PSP, that's probably why... *makes plans to steal her girlfriends' brothers' PSP*
PC fabtinus
player, 19 posts
Sun 5 Aug 2007
at 19:34
  • msg #347

Re: Reading

even soldiers are loving the PSP, I browse internet with mine if I am not killing somebody in Worms :) but it takes forever to write a message on the PSP, you only need a wireless internet and it is ready to go
PC jhpa4
player, 6 posts
Sun 5 Aug 2007
at 22:36
  • msg #348

Re: Reading

Interested in a good LotR Coda game. Well here it to a message in "The Elder days (LotR)"
DM BadCatMan
GM, 371 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Mon 6 Aug 2007
at 03:16
  • msg #349

Re: Reading

Can anyone see any of the old game threads in RoA 1 and RoA 2, with last posts earlier than Jul 2006? Because I can't see them at all, on both Firefox and IE.

The others seem to be intact.

Let me know. If we have lost our old games, I'll contact the RPoL people to see if they have them.
DM Annihilator
GM, 190 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Mon 6 Aug 2007
at 03:40
  • msg #350

Re: Reading

I don't see any threads with last posts earlier than August 25th of 2006, and the total post count does seem to have gone down. . .
DM Windwalker
GM, 514 posts
Property of
Mon 6 Aug 2007
at 13:36
  • msg #351

Re: Reading

I can't see them either, and the post count definately has gone way down.
PC jhpa4
player, 7 posts
Mon 6 Aug 2007
at 15:36
  • msg #352

Re: Reading

Interested in a good LotR Coda game. Well here it is. link to a message in "The Elder days (LotR)"
PC jhpa4
player, 8 posts
Slay the Dragon
Tue 7 Aug 2007
at 00:49
  • msg #353

Re: Reading

Could some one help me with my character or possibly let me play a character that isn't involved in the game posting wise..........

Please let me know as soon as possible if you can help me in either ways.

, THANKS!         

DM Kindred
GM, 195 posts
Tue 7 Aug 2007
at 18:47
  • msg #354

Re: Reading

I could help you with your character. What sort of help would you need?
PC jhpa4
player, 10 posts
Slay the Dragon
Tue 7 Aug 2007
at 19:12
  • msg #356

Re: Reading

Some, What about the advancements how many woould we need at Level three for a warrior wizard.
DM Neptune
GM, 32 posts
Tue 7 Aug 2007
at 21:56
  • msg #357

Re: Reading

DM Kool:
Halruaa just lost all but one of it's players(me), and DM Lobo is ready to hand it off to the next person who comes along.

Well, I kinda anted up to absorb Halruaa into what is now The Shaar/Great Rift but would be recast as The Shining South. We're at a point where the party can accept a new player. Are you ready to move?
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 83 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Wed 8 Aug 2007
at 01:33
  • msg #358

Re: Reading

I'm going to be away for a week or so, starting now... just a heads up to those people in groups I'm with. ^^
DM Kindred
GM, 196 posts
Wed 8 Aug 2007
at 04:15
  • msg #359

Re: Reading

Not sure what you mean by advancements, but if you want a war wizard check out the warmage prestige class in The Complete Arcane sourcebook. Concentrate your stats in charisma, intelligence and dex in that order. You'll end up with a mage who does damage.
DM Windwalker
GM, 516 posts
Property of
Wed 8 Aug 2007
at 04:21
  • msg #360

Re: Reading

*tackles Kindred and hugs lots*  I miss you!
PC Hyperion
player, 11 posts
Wed 8 Aug 2007
at 12:16
  • msg #361

Re: Reading

Actually, the warmage isn't a prestige class.  It's a new base class, so you can start blasting the bad guys right from level 1.   Plus you get to wear armor and carry semi-decent weapons.

If your campaign is combat-centric, the warmage is simply too good to be true, especially once you get up to level 6 or higher (who doesn't love fireballs?).  If your campaign revolves around diplomacy and problem solving, it's dead useless unless the problem to be solved dissolves when subjected to an Orb of Acid.
PC jhpa4
player, 11 posts
Slay the Dragon
Wed 8 Aug 2007
at 18:34
  • msg #362

Re: Reading

I do not have the core book for dnd.
PC jhpa4
player, 12 posts
Slay the Dragon
Wed 8 Aug 2007
at 18:40
  • msg #363

Re: Reading

PC Hyperion:
Actually, the warmage isn't a prestige class.  It's a new base class, so you can start blasting the bad guys right from level 1.   Plus you get to wear armor and carry semi-decent weapons.

If your campaign is combat-centric, the warmage is simply too good to be true, especially once you get up to level 6 or higher (who doesn't love fireballs?).  If your campaign revolves around diplomacy and problem solving, it's dead useless unless the problem to be solved dissolves when subjected to an Orb of Acid.

Characters can be used in many different ways it depends on how you use them I'll probably go with the war mage.
PC jhpa4
player, 13 posts
Slay the Dragon
Wed 8 Aug 2007
at 18:41
  • msg #364

Re: Reading

<quote PC Hyperion>
PC Hyperion
player, 12 posts
Wed 8 Aug 2007
at 18:52
  • msg #365

Re: Reading

PC jhpa4:
Characters can be used in many different ways it depends on how you use them I'll probably go with the war mage.

True, but the point is that if you're in a campaign that strongly requires detective work and problem solving, then a character which is 95% founded on combat and combat alone, isn't going to be much good; any more than a wizard in a campaign that takes place solely inside an antimagic field.  Classes like the warmage are heavily weighted towards one kind of thing.   Remove the need for the specialty, and the roleplaying opportunities are drastically reduced.  Sure, you can still have fun regardless, but it's always good to know what you're getting into, and why start yourself out at an intentional disadvantage?  Unless the disadvantage is the thing you want to explore.
DM Kremti
GM, 206 posts
Wed 8 Aug 2007
at 19:13
  • msg #366

Re: Reading

PC jhpa4:
I do not have the core book for dnd.


Try this link:

It should contain almost all the rules that are in core D&D Books (Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, and Expanded Psionics Handbook)

It is not particularly good guide to learn how to start playing D&D.  But it is a wonderful resource (Searchability is very nice, compared to physical books).  Plus, it has all the rules, so you can, in theory, learn how to play.

Read around a little, and come back here if you have more questions...We'll be more than happy to answer.

DM Kindred
GM, 197 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2007
at 17:05
  • msg #367

Re: Reading

Did I really call the Warmage a Prestige Class? Must have been more tired than I thought. lol.


I tried calling you last night sweety!
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 65 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2007
at 22:19
  • msg #368

Re: Reading

warmage is a fun class, allways wanted to play a halfling warmage...
PC jhpa4
player, 14 posts
Slay the Dragon
Fri 10 Aug 2007
at 22:28
  • msg #369

Re: Reading

I think I'll play a gnome warmage.

By the way thanks for the Link.

PC jhpa4
player, 15 posts
Slay the Dragon
Sat 11 Aug 2007
at 13:36
  • msg #370

Re: Reading

I've even got a name for him and here it is.
Bippity Boppoty Boo you can just call him boo if you wan't.

Well what do you think cool name right.

PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 46 posts
Sat 11 Aug 2007
at 13:52
  • msg #371

Re: Reading

Thats like naming a Pali Sir Random the Obvious.  I have yet to see a GM that would let me do that.
PC jhpa4
player, 16 posts
Slay the Dragon
Sat 11 Aug 2007
at 16:31
  • msg #372

Re: Reading

It would be a pretty sweet World of Warcraft Guild name.
DM Windwalker
GM, 517 posts
Property of
Mon 13 Aug 2007
at 03:15
  • msg #373

Re: Reading

DM Kindred:

I tried calling you last night sweety!

I'm so sorry I missed it!  :(  I can't remember now why I did, but when I saw that you'd called, I was very upset and still am.  Hope you and DC are doing well.  *hugs lots*
DM Kool
GM, 65 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Wed 15 Aug 2007
at 10:18
  • msg #374

Re: Reading

jhpa4, wanna join my region?  I'm down a player.  I'll help you with that there warmage, I know you've been bugging me about that.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 66 posts
Wed 15 Aug 2007
at 10:46
  • msg #375

Re: Reading

Does anyone have an orphaned caster character they'd like to find a home in the underdark for? My talks have "fallen through" and I'd like an arcane caster, but don't want to deal with getting a new character into the game.

If noone has an orphan, my players can just go without :D
PC quickj
player, 140 posts
Commiting the oldest sins
in the newest ways!
Wed 15 Aug 2007
at 18:59
  • msg #376

Re: Reading


Hey, don't we get some XP's on our birthday??
PC Astos
player, 40 posts
Wed 15 Aug 2007
at 22:49
  • msg #377

Re: Reading

Does anyone know of an easy to use, online sketch pad where you can save and link your drawing online?

I am asking because I believe it would be extremely useful to be able to draw little "football" maps sometimes and link the picture on an RoA post, so that the DM knows what I am talking about.  Someone must have thought of that before me, so I am hoping someone has a good link!

Thanks in advance for any help.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 67 posts
Wed 15 Aug 2007
at 23:00
  • msg #378

Re: Reading


something with layers might be easier, but that's about as basic as it gets.
PC Astos
player, 41 posts
Wed 15 Aug 2007
at 23:13
  • msg #379

Re: Reading

Thanks, I know MS Paint and Imageshack.  I was looking for something that you just sketched online and hit save or sent a link, to avoid the entire uploading process.  I believe I have seen online sketch pads like that, but I can't seem to find one now that I am actually looking.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:14, Wed 15 Aug 2007.
PC jhpa4
player, 17 posts
Slay the Dragon
Wed 15 Aug 2007
at 23:38
  • msg #380

Re: Reading

DM Kool I would love to join your Region.

DM Kool
GM, 66 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 00:12
  • msg #381

Re: Reading

where can I find the warmage class?
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 68 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 00:24
  • msg #382

Re: Reading

complete arcane

I'd like to also send out a request for PCs in need of a region who wish to play a caster, underdark needs you.
DM FairieFire
GM, 109 posts
I am NOT a Pixie!!
Not that kind of Fairy...
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 00:41
  • msg #383

Re: Reading

*pops head up* did someone say they were looking for a wizard? who when where? what level?
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 69 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 00:45
  • msg #384

Re: Reading

woo, sure, level three, though I'd allow DMXP to start you higher, and I might be lenient if you have a LA.

shoot me a PM with a concept if you want, I'm here all night, work :(

PS: in the underdark, we're under old shantr at the moment
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:46, Thu 16 Aug 2007.
DM FairieFire
GM, 110 posts
I am NOT a Pixie!!
Not that kind of Fairy...
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 00:59
  • msg #385

Re: Reading

I was actually thinking Tiefling wizard....
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 70 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 01:05
  • msg #386

Re: Reading

oi, no stealing my characters :P

tieflings are cool, and experienced players will help newbie DM
DM FairieFire
GM, 111 posts
I am NOT a Pixie!!
Not that kind of Fairy...
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 01:11
  • msg #387

Re: Reading

okay, tiefling wizard it is then. what region is underdark in, i may need acess to it.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 71 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 01:16
  • msg #388

Re: Reading

DM FairieFire
GM, 112 posts
I am NOT a Pixie!!
Not that kind of Fairy...
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 01:25
  • msg #389

Re: Reading

All right, i went over and requested access over there. now you just got to let me in.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 72 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 01:25
  • msg #390

Re: Reading

you're in ms. not pixie
DM FairieFire
GM, 113 posts
I am NOT a Pixie!!
Not that kind of Fairy...
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 01:51
  • msg #391

Re: Reading

What all are you looking for in the background?
DM BadCatMan
GM, 372 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 02:25
  • msg #392

Re: Reading

DM BadCatMan
GM, 373 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 02:53
  • msg #393

Re: Reading

Ooh, locked out now. Someone's messed up, and big.
DM Kremti
GM, 207 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 03:41
  • msg #394

Re: Reading

1337 h4x0r.

DM Kremti
GM, 208 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 03:44
  • msg #395

Re: Reading

Gen Con starts tomorrow...maybe announcement of the 4th edition at the Gen Con?

DM BadCatMan
GM, 374 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 03:59
  • msg #396

Re: Reading

I was one of the lucky few to tour the 4e forums before they locked us out again. There was virtually nil information, it was all 'tell us what you think about 4e blah'.

I suspect the whole shebang is simple an announcement for the commencement of 4e design. The forums are for people to whine about what they want to see or not see in the new edition, with WotC bods to gather it all up, and ultimately, for someone in charge to not give a damn about it.
DM Kremti
GM, 209 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 04:04
  • msg #397

Re: Reading

Yeah, announcement of commencement at Gen Con.  It'll probably take like a year or more to actually come into print (If they decides to go with hard-copy at all.  They might just end up with all-electronic form).

DM BadCatMan
GM, 375 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 04:09
  • msg #398

Re: Reading

It will be based on a new d4 system. Whenever you want to do something, you simply roll a d4 to decide the outcome:
1 - Screwed, 2 - Suck, 3 - Meh, 4 - Whoo!
DM Kremti
GM, 210 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 04:18
  • msg #399

Re: Reading

Sweet!  I'll make a 10-armed dervish multipounder who has attack bonus of -100, and just have 200 attacks.  50 of them will hit on natural 4!

DM Pinkbunny
GM, 73 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 08:27
  • msg #400

Re: Reading

I liiiike 3.5, I'm just starting to get the finer points

hopefully ROA doesn't transfer over for a while
DM BadCatMan
GM, 376 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 09:14
  • msg #401

Re: Reading

DM Kremti:
Sweet!  I'll make a 10-armed dervish multipounder who has attack bonus of -100, and just have 200 attacks.  50 of them will hit on natural 4!


But not when your only choice of weapons are a block of hard cheese and a sharpish spoon. Races are Human, Shortie, Meanie and Elf. Classes are Hitter, Poker and Magicker (which slings out save-or-dies even before character creation).

I am, of course, lying. :p

Given the all of nothing that was shown, I don't think we'll have to worry about switching or adapting any time soon.

Though after taking a year and half to gain one level for my characters, let alone getting into prestige classes, I'm a little peeved. I'd have preferred 4e to be played out in Star Trek style holodecks.
DM Annihilator
GM, 191 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 10:07
  • msg #402

Re: Reading

Right - if they release a new edition before 2010 or so, I'm officially boycotting it.  :p
DM BadCatMan
GM, 377 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 10:16
  • msg #403

Re: Reading

Hell no, we won't... play?

Based on the artwork on the main page, I'd say there's a dwarf warrior, a human cleric, a tiefling wizard and an elf rogue. I think these might be the new iconics. Obviously these are the four core classes/roles (which goes without saying in D&D), and tieflings must be core.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 74 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 10:17
  • msg #404

Re: Reading

one good thing... core tieflings... might be alright anyway
DM Kremti
GM, 211 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 13:40
  • msg #405

Re: Reading

I for one am looking forward to it.  Always up for new stuff.  I assume there will be some sort of conversion process going 3.5 to 4, and some things translates, and some won't.  I'll be fun learning brand new stuff, discussing it, disecting it, etcs :D

PC spaceace
player, 77 posts
Do, or do not,
there is no try
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 13:51
  • msg #406

Re: Reading

I for one would like to see a totally revised magic system. ;>
DM BadCatMan
GM, 378 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 14:06
  • msg #407

Re: Reading

Psionics! (the system, I mean, not necessarily the flavour)

I'd like to see the various classes, roles and races balanced against each-other (warrior vs magic-user!), the intentional imbalance and brokenness removed (it's true, D&D was designed to be breakable), and the whole generally streamlined and simplified.

But a 3.75 edition would have been nicer. Pity they can't just patch the game like in computer games.
DM Kremti
GM, 212 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 14:18
  • msg #408

Re: Reading

I wouldn't mind seeing fighters/mundane combatants get the ToB style maneuvors.

PC spaceace
player, 78 posts
Do, or do not,
there is no try
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 14:38
  • msg #409

Re: Reading

I've always thought all classes should get the same amount of skill points, the difference being fighter-types have to devote points to their fighting skill, magic-types to magic skill, and so on.

That would allow a lot more flexibility, but the combat and magic systems would have to be reworked.

For example, I've always thought spellcasting should always require a skill check of some sort, I mean come on, casting a spell has got to be more complicated that swinging a sword or picking a lock, I'd like to see more chance of spectacular failure. ;>

And the whole spell level thing and memorizing spells? There are what about a dozen healing spells? Healing magic should be reduced to a single spell, the more you want to heal the more energy you have to put into it and the harder it is to cast, but the more skill you put into it the batter you are at casting. And many spells are the same way.

That's just my 2 cents though, I doubt they'd do something that drastic. ;>
DM BadCatMan
GM, 379 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 14:50
  • msg #410

Re: Reading

Truenaming requires a skill check, but the DCs are screwy - your fighter buddy gets harder and harder to buff as he levels up, even if you've known him since level 1 through to 20. I don't know if there's a chance for failure though. Even Binding Magic, wherein you rent your soul to strange entities, doesn't have a big drawback on a failed binding check.

I get the feeling that Psionics & Sublime Way and maybe some others is more-or-less the 4th edition that everyone was looking for (fighters don't suck! balance! no more Vancian spell slots!). Who knows what we'll get now.

Irrespective of what I think off the record of the various new magic systems (rather nice, actually), RoA will continue to use the standard for the time being for various reasons.
PC esc
player, 59 posts
I'll admit it...  I'm a
Rules Lawyer...  :)
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 14:55
  • msg #411

Re: Reading

Here's a good thread about 4e...;page=1&pp=40

EDIT: And here's an article about it.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:16, Thu 16 Aug 2007.
DM Kindred
GM, 198 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 21:46
  • msg #412

Re: Reading

PC spaceace:
For example, I've always thought spellcasting should always require a skill check of some sort, I mean come on, casting a spell has got to be more complicated that swinging a sword or picking a lock, I'd like to see more chance of spectacular failure. ;>

Thats a good idea but it would unbalance things towards fighters I think. Its true that fighters have to make a roll to hit with their strikes and spellcasters cast their spells automatically but they have a limited number of spells per day while a fighter can just keep swinging all day. If they had to roll to cast their spells it would weaken them too much I think. Unless they rework the magic system where a spellcaster can cast as many spells per day as they wish but the would have to make a spellcraft check to do so.
PC spaceace
player, 79 posts
Do, or do not,
there is no try
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 21:54
  • msg #413

Re: Reading

DM Kindred:
PC spaceace:
For example, I've always thought spellcasting should always require a skill check of some sort, I mean come on, casting a spell has got to be more complicated that swinging a sword or picking a lock, I'd like to see more chance of spectacular failure. ;>

Thats a good idea but it would unbalance things towards fighters I think. Its true that fighters have to make a roll to hit with their strikes and spellcasters cast their spells automatically but they have a limited number of spells per day while a fighter can just keep swinging all day. If they had to roll to cast their spells it would weaken them too much I think. Unless they rework the magic system where a spellcaster can cast as many spells per day as they wish but the would have to make a spellcraft check to do so.

My though was to have a fatigue system, swinging a sword and casting a spell are both pretty exhausting, of course powerful spells would be as exhausting as swinging 50 swords. ;>
DM Annihilator
GM, 192 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 22:48
  • msg #414

Re: Reading

Well, it's official:

DM Kremti
GM, 213 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 22:53
  • msg #415

Re: Reading

Yay!  I'm excited :D

DM BadCatMan
GM, 380 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Fri 17 Aug 2007
at 02:07
  • msg #416

Re: Reading

Gah! I can't even get into the freaking website, so I don't know if I should be angry or happy.
DM Kremti
GM, 214 posts
Fri 17 Aug 2007
at 03:06
  • msg #417

Re: Reading

Well, I suppose, the moral of the story is,

We shoulda gone to the Gen Con.

DM BadCatMan
GM, 381 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Fri 17 Aug 2007
at 03:17
  • msg #418

Re: Reading

Even with a killer university internet, I can't break in.

Here's a thread with some of the new info being posted:
(scroll down to WotC_Mark)
DM BadCatMan
GM, 382 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Fri 17 Aug 2007
at 03:33
  • msg #419

Re: Reading

And down here for some links to YouTube of the promo videos. With a rather arrogant assumption that 4e is going to be just so much better than all the others that it comes with rock music.
DM Kindred
GM, 199 posts
Fri 17 Aug 2007
at 17:51
  • msg #420

Re: Reading

I don't know, I was just getting used to this edition...
DM Kremti
GM, 215 posts
Sat 18 Aug 2007
at 14:27
  • msg #421

Re: Reading

I love the fact that Halleluja thread has about 181 replies so far, but Doomsday thread has 864...

DM Pinkbunny
GM, 78 posts
Sat 18 Aug 2007
at 16:58
  • msg #422

Re: Reading

it's much more fun to talk about doom than ssay "nah, everything's fine" and it's easier to debate, with more reasons to toss out
PC solo
player, 48 posts
Sun 19 Aug 2007
at 10:23
  • msg #423

Re: Reading

I hope ranged combat will be less useless.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 79 posts
Sun 19 Aug 2007
at 10:50
  • msg #424

Re: Reading

seconded, it makes me sad that only a faw builds can use it decently
DM Windwalker
GM, 520 posts
Property of
Sun 19 Aug 2007
at 20:14
  • msg #425

Re: Reading

Amen to that!
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 47 posts
Sun 19 Aug 2007
at 21:05
  • msg #426

Re: Reading

where is the arena
DM Kremti
GM, 217 posts
Sun 19 Aug 2007
at 21:12
  • msg #427

Re: Reading

DM BadCatMan
GM, 384 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Mon 20 Aug 2007
at 03:03
  • msg #428

Re: Reading

We need DMs for the following regions:

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:38, Fri 24 Aug 2007.
DM Jim
GM, 115 posts
An old player
in a new place
Mon 20 Aug 2007
at 03:32
  • msg #429

Re: Reading

DM BadCatMan:
We need DMs for the following regions:

Chult - The dark and terrible jungles of Faerun.

I'll have to go look, but I think I'm willing to pick Chult back up, if they're willing to have me.  I'm not sure about the two groups situation, though.  If I can work it out, I'd have to find some way to merge the two.

 - jim
DM BadCatMan
GM, 385 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Tue 21 Aug 2007
at 02:26
  • msg #430

Re: Reading

Chult has been rescued, thanks to DM Jim!
DM Brimstone
GM, 1 post
Tue 21 Aug 2007
at 03:41
  • msg #431

Sea of Fallen Stars

I'd be willing to pick the Sea of Fallen Stars game up, if nobody else is going to jump on it.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Beuller?

PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 48 posts
Tue 21 Aug 2007
at 04:02
  • msg #432

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

Awwwwww, and I wanted to run a Jungle adventure *pouts* I even watched alot of stuff on the dangers.  Oh well...

DM Windwalker
GM, 521 posts
Property of
Wed 22 Aug 2007
at 03:59
  • msg #433

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

*pouts*  Yet another game folds.  :(  (Non-RoA)  I hate losing what was a good game.  And she was my only swashbuckler, too.  I was beginning to really learn and enjoy the class.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 80 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2007
at 09:32
  • msg #434

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

swashbuckly types are fun, I've got one who's using the rogue class :P In ROA no less
DM Kool
GM, 67 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Wed 22 Aug 2007
at 19:56
  • msg #435

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

My sister has a charactyer with the Swashbuckler class...
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 84 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Thu 23 Aug 2007
at 23:39
  • msg #436

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

Never tried playing that class, though I have a Scout in a non-ROA game... more annoying than a game folding, though, is getting kicked out of a game for being 'argumentative and unreliable'... for missing two days with a scheduled absense and asking for clarification on two rules points. Sigh. I was really getting into that game, too...
DM Kool
GM, 69 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 23 Aug 2007
at 23:43
  • msg #437

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

Wow, either it wasn't as clear to them as it was to you, or you have a really #@!% DM.
DM Windwalker
GM, 524 posts
Property of
Fri 24 Aug 2007
at 02:34
  • msg #438

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

Unfortunately, I've played under a couple of DMs like that.  :(
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 85 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Fri 24 Aug 2007
at 15:19
  • msg #439

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

Yeah. I was all set to convert all the Drizzt-clones to Shar as well... (Underdark 'rebel drow' game... I think I was the only one who wasn't a chaotic good dual-wielder...)
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 84 posts
Fri 24 Aug 2007
at 15:31
  • msg #440

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

oh my. Rebel drow are all well and good, but they should be taken in small doses.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 49 posts
Sat 25 Aug 2007
at 00:10
  • msg #441

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

I wonder if i am a good or up-to-par GM...
DM Jim
GM, 120 posts
An old player
in a new place
Sat 25 Aug 2007
at 01:08
  • msg #442

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

Only one way to find out for sure. ;-)

Dive in, the water's fine.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 86 posts
Sat 25 Aug 2007
at 01:09
  • msg #443

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

the water is indeed fine, and new GMs are allways welcome
DM BadCatMan
GM, 389 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 25 Aug 2007
at 02:08
  • msg #444

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

If anyone would like to become a DM (and you should, it's great), please PM both DM Annihilator and myself, DM BadCatMan.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 50 posts
Sat 25 Aug 2007
at 02:12
  • msg #445

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

well my last statement was more or less towards WW.  No offence but of the DM's I have been under in here the best 2 so far is WW and Mike.  And truth be told I am a bit frustrated otherwise, but its a family place so I grin and bear it, lol, besides not everyone can be up to the way you like to play right, heh heh

my feet hurt, so I am done talking...
DM BadCatMan
GM, 390 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 25 Aug 2007
at 03:14
  • msg #446

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars




Please welcome our new DMs, who will be adopting, restarting or opening several new regions in RoA:

DM Brimstone, The Kingdom Of Impiltur
DM Fletch, Orphanage Games
DM Greensocks, Sea Of Fallen Stars
DM Koboldking, Halruaa
DM Shoytempus, Here Be Wyrmlings

And we could do with some DMs for the following regions:
One-Shots & Orphanage
Terrors Of The Underdark (Drow)

And don't forget to check the Available Space For PCs list, where you'll see several new games are open for business:
link to a message in "RoA: OOC Forum"
Impiltur, the Forgotten Kingdom
One-Shots & Orphanage
Business Game

With more on the way soon.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:16, Sat 25 Aug 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 70 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Sat 25 Aug 2007
at 05:43
  • msg #447

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

Yay!  Halruaa!  Barry gets to see someone new!
DM Windwalker
GM, 525 posts
Property of
Sat 25 Aug 2007
at 20:08
  • msg #448

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

PC Piercedpeekachu:
well my last statement was more or less towards WW.  No offence but of the DM's I have been under in here the best 2 so far is WW and Mike.  And truth be told I am a bit frustrated otherwise, but its a family place so I grin and bear it, lol, besides not everyone can be up to the way you like to play right, heh heh

my feet hurt, so I am done talking...

Hon, you're a great DM.  :)  (*blushes due to the compliment, btw*)

This is a great place, but we've had some upheaval a lot due to the inescapable dreaded RL.  If you have any problems, any of you, please let me and Anni and BCM know.  Any DM will do if you feel more comfortable speaking with somebody else, but Anni and BCM are the bosses, and I will be a bulldog to get problems fixed, much to BCM's chagrin, I am certain.  Sorry, dear.  :p

Anyway, my friend, if you would like to try your hand here in RoA, I encourage you to do so!  I think you'll do great.  :)
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 51 posts
Sat 25 Aug 2007
at 23:11
  • msg #449

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

I'm running 2 games on RPOL as is, and to tell the truth when I try to run more I get burned out, and REALLY fast at that.  Thanks though, but I will pass on the GM'ing here.  Dont want to burn my self out in a game setting I like.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 391 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Tue 28 Aug 2007
at 12:54
  • msg #450

Re: Sea of Fallen Stars

Alright. This goes to everyone.

If you have a character who is:

a) in a game without a DM,
b) in a game that has been closed,
c) has moved out of one game but not found another to move into,
d) or is your only character and you do not play in any other games,

then please RTJ at the Orphanage here:
link to "RoA: One-Shots and Orphanage"
with your up-to-date character sheet(s). Or apply to standard game when they open.

Here we can take a proper accounting of who here needs a game, and keep you occupied in the mean-time.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:55, Tue 28 Aug 2007.
DM Windwalker
GM, 528 posts
Property of
Thu 30 Aug 2007
at 19:18
  • msg #451

Baseball Heaven

Woo-Hoo!!  I finally found a STL ringtone!  Thank heaven for the Black-Eyes Peas.  :p  *giggles*
DM Charon
GM, 1 post
Across the river, eh?
Thu 30 Aug 2007
at 19:42
  • msg #452

Re: Baseball Heaven

Hello Everyone. :)
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 91 posts
Thu 30 Aug 2007
at 19:48
  • msg #453

Re: Baseball Heaven

another new one ^.^

more DMs make everyone happy, even grouchy old badcatman
DM Charon
GM, 2 posts
Across the river, eh?
Thu 30 Aug 2007
at 19:51
  • msg #454

Re: A Wha-Whaa Heaven?

Not new, just renamed from DM forums, the one who is looking for a DM. *wink-nudge*. :P
DM Annihilator
GM, 195 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 30 Aug 2007
at 20:07
  • msg #455

Re: Baseball Heaven

DM Windwalker:
Thank heaven for the Black-Eyes Peas.

...I'll pretend I never read that, heh.  :p
DM Windwalker
GM, 529 posts
Property of
Thu 30 Aug 2007
at 21:46
  • msg #456

Re: Baseball Heaven

What?  Did I say something wrong?  :p
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 92 posts
Thu 30 Aug 2007
at 22:15
  • msg #457

Re: Baseball Heaven

not a fan?

I don't remember too well, but I think I think they're decent
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 53 posts
Fri 31 Aug 2007
at 04:03
  • msg #458

Re: Baseball Heaven

"Pump It" is not a bad song, but its a bad rip off, like, well every other rap group solo artist if you can call rap that.  I learned in school that singing well is singing, and rap is talking, I think they forgot the "c" in front of rap when they made it a catagory at any award show.  OR MTV, why is that tv station so hard to actually see music videos now?
DM Windwalker
GM, 530 posts
Property of
Fri 31 Aug 2007
at 04:16
  • msg #459

Re: Baseball Heaven

*giggles*  I'm not really a fan of theirs, but the Cards ringtown is from their Let's Get It Started.  Instead of that, though, it's St. Louis Cardinals!  I love it!  And that's going to be your ringtone for when you call me, Piercedpeekachu!  Just imagine your boys singing that!  *giggles lots*
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 54 posts
Fri 31 Aug 2007
at 04:17
  • msg #460

Re: Baseball Heaven

PC Brianna
player, 69 posts
Fri 31 Aug 2007
at 06:00
  • msg #461

Re: Baseball Heaven

You guys don't like Fergie?  You could always turn the sound off.  ;-)
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 87 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Fri 31 Aug 2007
at 20:52
  • msg #462

Re: Baseball Heaven

Rap, I just don't get... but I quite enjoy kitchen foil music. So maybe I'm just weird. I will agree that Rap doesn't belong in a song contest - poetry contest, yes, but...
DM Koboldking
GM, 1 post
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Sat 1 Sep 2007
at 00:11
  • msg #463

Re: Baseball Heaven

It's my experience that rap, like any other genre, has some good songs, and many many bad ones.  One of the best raps I've ever heard was in French,  I couldn't understand a word of it, but it sounded great (:
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:12, Sat 01 Sept 2007.
DM Wolf
GM, 88 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sat 1 Sep 2007
at 01:01
  • msg #464

Re: Baseball Heaven

Okey I'm going into the differnt side of music. I like metal music, but I have been truely inspired and enjoy the Opera that Paul Potts sings. He won the BGT. Here is a link to his homepage that contains a lot of movies.

Here is one of the songs that he has performed
DM Kindred
GM, 201 posts
Sat 1 Sep 2007
at 16:56
  • msg #465

Re: Baseball Heaven

DM Koboldking:
It's my experience that rap, like any other genre, has some good songs, and many many bad ones.  One of the best raps I've ever heard was in French,  I couldn't understand a word of it, but it sounded great (:

I totally agree, I heard a rap in french once. It was in the final episode of Sex and the City. A friend of mine had the track on cd and I just loved it. Couldn't understand the words but it had a nice sound.
DM Annihilator
GM, 196 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Sat 1 Sep 2007
at 17:02
  • msg #466

Re: Baseball Heaven

Some rap I like, most I don't. . .  pretty much all of the rap I like is Norwegian, too, maybe that's why?  *shrugs*
DM Windwalker
GM, 531 posts
Property of
Sat 1 Sep 2007
at 17:41
  • msg #467

Re: Baseball Heaven

I don't like most of it either, but that's generally because of the verbiage.  The sounds, nothing wrong with that at all.  Music isn't just notes, it is sound and it is silence, after all.  All of it equally important, meshing together just so or perhaps clashing together...It is an art form, whatever 'form' the music appears in.  As a singer, though, I much prefer things that I can actually sing and not speak.  :p
PC solo
player, 50 posts
Tue 11 Sep 2007
at 12:19
  • msg #468

D&D for the PSP?

Has anyone tried D&D Tactics for the PSP yet? Impressions?
DM Annihilator
GM, 198 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Tue 11 Sep 2007
at 13:07
  • msg #469

Re: D&D for the PSP?

Unfortunately, no.  Really looking forward to trying it out, though.

<shameless advertisement>I hear you can play Psionic characters in it, which you may also do in the newly re-opened Psionics-region right here in RoA!  Check the Available Space for PCs-thread for more information on this amazing offer!</shameless advertisement>

PC solo
player, 51 posts
Tue 11 Sep 2007
at 13:15
  • msg #470

Re: D&D for the PSP?

I will probably get the game no matter the verdict, and yes; I did notice the presence of psionic characters. Pretty cool, can't remember seeing those in any other computer D&D game.
DM Kindred
GM, 204 posts
Tue 11 Sep 2007
at 16:52
  • msg #471

Re: D&D for the PSP?

They need to bring out another Icewind Dale/Baldur's gate type game.
PC RahXephon
player, 11 posts
Tue 11 Sep 2007
at 20:57
  • msg #472

Re: D&D for the PSP?

They're waiting for May or whenever the 4th Edition will be out. Expect at least 2 games at that time. Of course, never close enough to BG in awesomeness... ^^
DM Wolf
GM, 90 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Wed 12 Sep 2007
at 01:17
  • msg #473

Re: D&D for the PSP?

Well for other news I'm taking over the Mulhorand game. So may any players from that game please read my post in the Mulhorand OCC and we'll all get started.
PC Ionari
player, 2 posts
Wed 12 Sep 2007
at 05:26
  • msg #474

Re: D&D for the PSP?

PC RahXephon:
They're waiting for May or whenever the 4th Edition will be out. Expect at least 2 games at that time. Of course, never close enough to BG in awesomeness... ^^

IWD may have a 4e reincarnation, but the successor to BG is apparently the Dragon Age, which isn't based (to the best of my knowledge) on D&D at all.  Looks awesome though!
PC solo
player, 52 posts
Wed 12 Sep 2007
at 07:54
  • msg #475

Re: D&D for the PSP?

There *are* other developers than Bioware!

And yes, I would also expect a few games to come out based on 4e.

All this talk about making race matter more: makes me think of the older version of D&D when race was also class: Elf, with a cap of level 10... mmmm...
DM BadCatMan
GM, 394 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Wed 12 Sep 2007
at 14:27
  • msg #476

Re: D&D for the PSP?

DMing, anyone?

One-Shot Adventures - a series of unrelated, roaming adventures
One-Shots & Orphanage - a planned holding region for spare PCs
Terrors Of The Underdark
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:30, Wed 12 Sept 2007.
DM Vinny
GM, 8 posts
Sat 15 Sep 2007
at 15:49
  • msg #477

Re: D&D for the PSP?

Folks, if any of you are interested in taking over an existing character in an ongoing game, please take a look at the end of the post here link to a message in "RoA: OOC Forum"
DM Kremti
GM, 228 posts
Sat 15 Sep 2007
at 16:41
  • msg #478

Re: D&D for the PSP?

I just had to share.

DM Pinkbunny
GM, 108 posts
Sat 15 Sep 2007
at 17:23
  • msg #479

Re: D&D for the PSP?

DM Wolf
GM, 91 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sat 15 Sep 2007
at 23:28
  • msg #480

Re: D&D for the PSP?

o boy now it's done. Now we will have a lot of pictures of small furry cats.

<The Truth> Okey I do not like cats, but would never ever kill one. Well unless it is at the size of a tiger and attacking. Then I would kill it. I'm more of a dog person. May I just add that I have never willfully killed or harmed a cat.</end of Truth>
DM Kremti
GM, 229 posts
Sat 15 Sep 2007
at 23:45
  • msg #481

Re: D&D for the PSP?

I know how you are going to kill kittens.

DM Wolf
GM, 92 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sat 15 Sep 2007
at 23:49
  • msg #482

Re: D&D for the PSP?

Then I wonder how there can be any cats left. Seen how many men and women that does just that would mean that several million die each day and then I just mean because of that.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 65 posts
Sun 16 Sep 2007
at 05:05
  • msg #483

Re: D&D for the PSP?

Ok I know this is a strange request, but does anyone have the link to the web page that tells you everything about your birthday?  I saw it on here once and showed alot of people but I lost the link when I cleaned out my other PC.  The site had american, indian, and asian zodiacs, as well as how old you were, how many BTU's your candles put off, and so forth.  IF I could get that again that would rock, thanks.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 109 posts
Sun 16 Sep 2007
at 08:34
  • msg #484

Re: D&D for the PSP?

I had to counter:

A pic of our baby bunnies from a looong time ago, there's 4, one is hiding
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:35, Sun 16 Sept 2007.
DM Kremti
GM, 230 posts
Sun 16 Sep 2007
at 14:46
  • msg #485

Re: D&D for the PSP?

I don't see a pink one.  Although I see a pink butt.

DM Pinkbunny
GM, 110 posts
Sun 16 Sep 2007
at 14:51
  • msg #486

Re: D&D for the PSP?

they're not naturally pink, it's the bloodstains that make them that way
DM Kremti
GM, 231 posts
Sun 16 Sep 2007
at 14:53
  • msg #487

Re: D&D for the PSP?


DM Kool
GM, 81 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Sun 16 Sep 2007
at 17:50
  • msg #488

Re: D&D for the PSP?

Is that the last one's ear poking up in the back?
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 111 posts
Sun 16 Sep 2007
at 18:04
  • msg #489

Re: D&D for the PSP?

yea, I have other pics, but she's hiding in most of them

I do have proof that she existed though :P
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 66 posts
Mon 17 Sep 2007
at 18:57
  • msg #490

Manic Monday

Just because everyone else is adding strange pet pics...

<IMG src=>
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 112 posts
Mon 17 Sep 2007
at 19:11
  • msg #491

Re: Manic Monday

yea, but they're actually our pets
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 91 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Mon 17 Sep 2007
at 23:39
  • msg #492

Re: Manic Monday

I admire cats. They rule the world, after all.

Plus, they aren't obsessed with licking me to death, like dogs. I don't do slobber. Unfortunatly, dogs seem to like me. Most animals do, so long as they're larger than a Jack Russel. Guinea Pigs just hate me though. So does Gizmo, my girlfriends' lizard.
PC O_man_13
player, 9 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2007
at 01:46
  • msg #493

Re: Manic Monday

I've never really understood why people like cats over dogs. Most of them seem to run and hide or simply never want to be touched/petted/played with. The best cats in the world are the ones that act like dogs.

This brings up the question of why not get a dog in the first place?

Still, to each their own, even if they are wrong. :P
DM Wolf
GM, 93 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Tue 18 Sep 2007
at 01:56
  • msg #494

Re: Manic Monday

In my book dogs always wins. I'm more of a dog person. I don't know what it is. I have lived with a cat while in Italy. I don't dislike them. Well not anymore anyways. I owned a beautiful dog once, Well two actually

A Gordon Setter.

Also Annihilators dog is a dog I like. A little wild, but a good dog.
DM Kool
GM, 82 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Tue 18 Sep 2007
at 03:21
  • msg #495

Re: Manic Monday

Have you seen the Ask a Ninja stuff?  Like: 'If ninjas ruled that world, what would you change?'  'We do rule the world, this is exactly the way we like it!'  Or something like that.
DM Koboldking
GM, 12 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Tue 18 Sep 2007
at 03:34
  • msg #496

I Am Ninja

Darn it!  Now I can't get the theme song out of my head   (:

... I am ninja, she is ninja, he is ninja too ...
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:44, Tue 18 Sept 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 83 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Tue 18 Sep 2007
at 03:44
  • msg #497

Re: I Am Ninja

I am ninja, he s ninja, she is ninja too.  I am ninja, we are ninja, unt I believe that you are ninja too!

Ask-a-ninja DVD, apply directly to your brain! Ask-a-ninja DVD, apply directly to your brain! Ask-a-ninja DVD, apply directly to your brain!

Absolutely hilarious, if you haven't seen them:
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:49, Tue 18 Sept 2007.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 113 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2007
at 08:40
  • msg #498

Re: I Am Ninja

the best cats are a little like dogs, but the best dogs are a little like cats
DM Kool
GM, 84 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Tue 18 Sep 2007
at 14:44
  • msg #499

Re: I Am Ninja

You know what, gauntlet thrown, gauntlet picked up, and now I'm getting ready to bludgeon you over the head with the gauntlet.

I could go on quoting these for ever, which is why I'm just not quoting any.

How about a little Q/A?

If a ninja falls down in a forest, and there's no-one there to hear it, does it still make a sound?
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 114 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2007
at 19:11
  • msg #500

Re: I Am Ninja

ninjas don't make sound.

the real question is:

How many nuns could a nunchuk chuck if a nunchuk could chuck nuns?
DM Kitty
GM, 68 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 03:54
  • msg #501

Re: Manic Monday

PC Piercedpeekachu:
Just because everyone else is adding strange pet pics...

<IMG src=>

Hey, GIMME DAT!  *munches on invisible sammich*
DM Kool
GM, 85 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 06:21
  • msg #502

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Pinkbunny:
How many nuns could a nunchuk chuck if a nunchuk could chuck nuns?

Nah, that won't work...

DM Kool:
If a ninja falls down in a forest, and there's no-one there to hear it, does it still make a sound?

If a ninja does anything anywhere, it doesn't make a sound.  And if it does, it's probably the last sound you'll ever hear.

Could a ninja create a shuriken so large that even he himself cannot throw it?
PC RahXephon
player, 12 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 07:48
  • msg #503

Re: I Am Ninja

Yes, watch Naruto. All things of meaningless, pointless, idiotic things go on there...
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 115 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 08:32
  • msg #504

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Kool:
DM Pinkbunny:
How many nuns could a nunchuk chuck if a nunchuk could chuck nuns?

Nah, that won't work...

Wrong, The answer is "All of them, if the nunhuk was chuck norris."
DM Annihilator
GM, 199 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 09:03
  • msg #505

Re: I Am Ninja

Vin Diesel > Chuck Norris!
DM Kitty
GM, 69 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 16:15
  • msg #506

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Kool:
Could a ninja create a shuriken so large that even he himself cannot throw it?

The answer to that is clearly, maybe.
PC quickj
player, 142 posts
Commiting the oldest sins
in the newest ways!
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 19:59
  • msg #507

Hard times

Hey all, I usually don't do this but I have recently had a major financial setback which I am afraid is going to hit my wife and I a little hard just before winter sets in here in the great northeast, so I need to scrape together some extra cash. I am going to be opening myself up for charcter sketch commisions to anyone who is interested. Feel free to check out my artwork on my DeviantArt site... If anyone is interested the sketches will be $10 a piece for pencil sketches. Again, I am sorry for using ROA as an advertising forum and the DM's are more than welcome to delete this from the site if they want, but I figured I would try. Thanks for listening and happy gaming! :)

PM me if you are interested.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:05, Wed 19 Sept 2007.
DM Annihilator
GM, 200 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 20:43
  • msg #508

Re: Hard times

PC quickj:
Again, I am sorry for using ROA as an advertising forum and the DM's are more than welcome to delete this from the site if they want, but I figured I would try. Thanks for listening and happy gaming! :)

As far as advertising goes, I find this fairly innocent - it's not like you're doing it for some big, evil corporation (and really, is there any other kind?  :D), or anything.  You've got my blessing for it, at least.  :-)
DM Kremti
GM, 232 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 21:06
  • msg #509

How could I forget!

Arrrrrr!  Matey!

DM Pinkbunny
GM, 116 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 21:07
  • msg #510

Re: Hard times

I'd love to help you out, but I haven't got any cash either
DM Koboldking
GM, 13 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 21:58
  • msg #511

Re: Hard times

I'm broke, but I wish you luck.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 67 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 23:07
  • msg #512

Re: Hard times

whats this thing called cash?
DM Darkchylde
GM, 68 posts
Wed 19 Sep 2007
at 23:12
  • msg #513

Re: Hard times

Its something that rich people have. People like you and me can only read about it in books or view it on TV. For what its worth, I'll pray for you for that all I can do at this point.
DM Kool
GM, 86 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 04:53
  • msg #514

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Kitty:
DM Kool:
Could a ninja create a shuriken so large that even he himself cannot throw it?

The answer to that is clearly, maybe.

You answered correctly!  1 point!

....../  ---_______________----______|] - - - D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..)), ----"

I know that's not actually a question, but, uh, I just thought it looked cool.

Ooh, the gun!  10 points for me!
DM Koboldking
GM, 14 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 07:40
  • msg #515

Re: I Am Ninja

Now that I think about it, it's been to long since I've seen an Ask a Ninja vid, I'm gonna have to re-watch them ( :
PC RahXephon
player, 13 posts
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 07:41
  • msg #516

Re: I Am Ninja

They Kirby ninja sword ('_')-|==-- or the Kirby ninja punch (o'_')=o are cooler!

Just watch Naruto, you'll change your mind about the shuriken thing. ^^
DM Wolf
GM, 95 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 12:09
  • msg #517

Re: I Am Ninja

Well just as long as you don't get kicked in the nuts.

I can't stop laughing.
DM Annihilator
GM, 201 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 13:01
  • msg #518

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Kool
GM, 87 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 14:03
  • msg #519

Re: I Am Ninja


Like I said earlier, absolutely hilarious, if you haven't seen them:
DM Darkchylde
GM, 69 posts
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 17:31
  • msg #520

Re: I Am Ninja

Is this guy serious?

I love Britney!
DM Darkchylde
GM, 70 posts
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 19:30
  • msg #521

Re: I Am Ninja

Ha ha ha I didn't see that was a cat until a while ago. thats funny.
DM Kool
GM, 88 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 19:31
  • msg #522

Re: I Am Ninja

'Nother question/quiz:

What is the circumference of a moose?!
DM Kitty
GM, 70 posts
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 20:13
  • msg #523

Re: I Am Ninja

I don't know the answer to that one...

ROFL that cat actually looks like a bunny! :P

What is intregal theory?
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:45, Thu 20 Sept 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 89 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 21:47
  • msg #524

Re: I Am Ninja


And the answer was something like 'It's Michael paylimit it's face in a pie times Douglas Adams squared.'

What is the best way to start a strongly worded message to a retailer who has wronged you?
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:52, Thu 20 Sept 2007.
DM Darkchylde
GM, 71 posts
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 22:02
  • msg #525

Re: I Am Ninja

To whom it may concern,

I am Ninja, I regret to inform you that your level of customer service is beyond deplorable... prepare to die.

What is the best way to screw in a florescent bulb?
DM Kitty
GM, 72 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 20 Sep 2007
at 22:44
  • msg #526

Re: I Am Ninja


Answer the following questions:
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:44, Thu 20 Sept 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 90 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 00:29
  • msg #527

Re: I Am Ninja

What is the best way to start a strongly worded message to a retailer who has wronged you?

I'll answer it then: I'm a ninja.

DM Kitty:
Answer the following questions:

I'm a ninja.
DM Kitty:

I'm a ninja.
DM Kitty:

...I'm a ninja!
DM Darkchylde
GM, 72 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 02:03
  • msg #528

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Kool:
What is the best way to start a strongly worded message to a retailer who has wronged you?

I'll answer it then: I'm a ninja.

Oh but I did; I posted right after you.
PC Elerndale
player, 53 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 02:31
  • msg #529

Re: I Am Ninja

No I go for the.

From (what ever your name is)
20th Level wizard
Expert in polymorph spells.

Dear Sir.

Have you ever wounder what like to be rabbit the being chased by hungry fox?
Or want like be floating 30ft up covered in jam with 20 Wasps in same room?

These and many other fun past time I can offer you if don't sort out my complete.

Why kill him - he just dead.  Offer him life time pain now that more like it....
This message was last edited by the player at 02:35, Fri 21 Sept 2007.
DM Kitty
GM, 73 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 03:01
  • msg #530

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Kool:
What is the best way to start a strongly worded message to a retailer who has wronged you?

I'll answer it then: I'm a ninja.

DM Kitty:
Answer the following questions:

I'm a ninja.
DM Kitty:

I'm a ninja.
DM Kitty:

...I'm a ninja!

We have a winner!  1 point for you! :D
PC praguepride
player, 1 post
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 08:27
  • msg #531

Re: I Am Ninja

And ninja FTW.

PS, I'm new. Hello all.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 117 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 08:49
  • msg #532

Re: I Am Ninja

I would like to drop in my support for the infinitely more cool pirates.
PC Mortixx
player, 20 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 09:57
  • msg #533

Re: I Am Ninja

The top ten reasons why pirates are better than ninjas:
1: Rum! It makes them bolder, it makes them tougher, and it makes them sway.

2: Pirates cheat like the Devil himself.

3: Pirates have guns.

4: Ninjas can't swim.

5: Pirates get to plunder and pillage - they fight for loot, not honor.

6: Grape Shot

7: Pirates have parrots and monkeys.

8: Pirates have cool lingo: even "GAR!" or "ARGH" could convey a message. Ninjas talk in symbols.

9: Pirates live a life of danger, whereas ninjas live a life of training and solitude.

10: Pirates get the girls!
PC praguepride
player, 2 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 10:45
  • msg #534

Re: I Am Ninja


Neither side can hold a candle to robot-ninja-pirates.

Let's see you try to beat that :D
DM BadCatMan
GM, 396 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 10:48
  • msg #535

Re: I Am Ninja


Yes, there is a difference. :)
PC praguepride
player, 3 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 11:02
  • msg #536

Re: I Am Ninja

What about a robotic-ninja-pirate?
DM Kremti
GM, 235 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 14:04
PC praguepride
player, 4 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 16:27
  • msg #538

Re: I Am Ninja

Psssh... no robots :(
DM Kitty
GM, 74 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 17:14
  • msg #539

Re: I Am Ninja

Pirates vs Ninjas?  ROFL OOTS...

Haley RULES!!!
DM Kremti
GM, 236 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 18:37
  • msg #540

Re: I Am Ninja

PC praguepride:
Psssh... no robots :(

Pssst, be a Warforged.  Now you are a robot.

DM Kool
GM, 91 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 19:16
  • msg #541

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Kitty:
Pirates vs Ninjas?  ROFL OOTS...

Haley RULES!!!

Naw, duh!

I'll be gone tonight through tomorrow night, be back sometime Sunday.
PC praguepride
player, 5 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 19:45
  • msg #542

Re: I Am Ninja

Speaking of 'warforged' I believe that the whole "fantasy robots" concept ruined the entire Eberron setting for me.

It is at that point that I believe D&D 'jumped the RPG shark'
DM Kitty
GM, 75 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 19:57
  • msg #543

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Kool:
I'll be gone tonight through tomorrow night, be back sometime Sunday.

DM Kool
GM, 92 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 21:12
  • msg #544

Re: I Am Ninja

Q: How can you speak so clearly with that mask on?
DM Darkchylde
GM, 73 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 21:15
  • msg #545

Re: I Am Ninja

PC praguepride:
Speaking of 'warforged' I believe that the whole "fantasy robots" concept ruined the entire Eberron setting for me.

God, I hate it when people say that. They are simply sentient constructs with thoughts and feelings and even the same five senses that human beings do: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and even taste. Just like any other race. Why are you discriminating just because they are made of metal and wood?
PC praguepride
player, 6 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 21:21
  • msg #546

Re: I Am Ninja

So they're 'feeling' robots?

Isn't there a rule where they don't get healed with normal spells, they have to be 'repaired?'
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 118 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 21:40
  • msg #547

Re: I Am Ninja

yep, there are some sorc/wiz spells that magically heal them though.
PC praguepride
player, 7 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 21:49
  • msg #548

Re: I Am Ninja

So, they're not robots, but they're made of inorganic material, have to be "repaired" and are "constructed"

Boy, that really sounds like a fantasy robot to me :D

edit: To put it into perspective, I re-affirm that the day they made golems playable characters (and not even with hodge-podge rules in the monster manual, but as an actual PC race) is the day that D&D jumped the shark.

Next up will be the Spellforged where PC's can be pencils, bookshelves and other objects permanently animated with "animate object."

edit 2:
To get to the core of my frustrations, I have a hard time when companies push quantity over quality, as it is painfully obvious they're only desire is to make more money. There are about 1,001 things that need to be fixed with D&D without adding even more, crazier, game-breaking things. Look at how many 3.5e books are banned from use because they are either too bizarre or too game-breaking. Innovation is an ideal that should be preserved and an ideal strive for, but it should never be at the expense of the existing material. It reminds me of Magic: the Gathering, and even Warhammer where every month they come out with something new that either has to a) be banned because it's too overpowering or b) everyone has to buy into it because otherwise they have no chance to compete. Wizards should try and make things easier for the poor beleaguered GM instead of introducing more and more munchkin material. Instead of introducing fantasy robots why not spend time cleaning up the existing system, updating all those 3.0 books, or even just proof-reading a wee bit.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:04, Fri 21 Sept 2007.
DM Darkchylde
GM, 74 posts
Fri 21 Sep 2007
at 23:15
  • msg #549

Re: I Am Ninja

PC praguepride:
So they're 'feeling' robots?

Isn't there a rule where they don't get healed with normal spells, they have to be 'repaired?'

Ha ha ha, no they are not. No Healing, thats right but that does not a robot make. What? Did that make sense? Anyway that doesnt mean they are robots.

1. a machine that resembles a human and does mechanical, routine tasks on command.
2. a person who acts and responds in a mechanical, routine manner, usually subject to another's will; automaton.
3. any machine or mechanical device that operates automatically with humanlike skill.
–adjective 4. operating automatically: a robot train operating between airline terminals.

Warforged are so much more than that my friend.

Ok I see what you mean and I understand where you are coming from in your second rant. I feel the same way to an extent but there are so many things that I like in one new book or the other that I no longer feel the same way. I also say that they can do what they like because at the end of the day RoA is speical. If it were just your group then you or your player would buy the books you want/need and forget about the rest... right?
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:28, Fri 21 Sept 2007.
PC praguepride
player, 8 posts
Sat 22 Sep 2007
at 05:22
  • msg #550

Re: I Am Ninja

I'm just a little frustrated. It's funny because I grew up on AD&D (that's 2nd ed for those of you newbies :D) and I know 2nd ed was convoluted and confusing and everyone always complains about THAC0 (which I never minded too much) but it stayed true to the roots. Sure there were a couple 'out there' expansions like the Oriental settings, but at least it stayed true to the genre. Even Spelljammer, as crazy as it sounds was nice because it stayed true to the fantasy. Instead of space ships they were galleons in the stars. No steampunk mumbojumbo, just a good ole fashion mage at the helm. For whatever reason I felt that even something as crazy as spelljammer added something to the whole game.

And looking at the other settings, they all stayed fairly true to the original fantasy, just with different quirky reams (Ravenloft's evilness, Greyhawks smart minotaurs, Dragonlance, even Dark Sun and Gazetteers were fantasy).

Then comes Eberron, which goes into steampunk. I'm sure it's well developed, I'm sure 'war-forged' are well implemented, but come on, I think a warforged qualifies under #3 definition of a 'robot'.

3. any machine or mechanical device that operates automatically with humanlike skill.

Let's define machine or mechanical device

If you look on you'll notice a recursive definition.
1. having to do with machinery: a mechanical failure.
2. being a machine; operated by machinery: a mechanical toy.
3. caused by or derived from machinery: mechanical propulsion.
4. using machine parts only.

1. an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work: a sewing machine.
2. a mechanical apparatus or contrivance; mechanism.

1. an assemblage of machines or mechanical apparatuses: the machinery of a factory.
2. the parts of a machine, collectively: the machinery of a watch.

So let's be smart about this and define it in our own ways. A machine is a
1) Non-living
2) Moving/working/operating some task for a purpose

And I believe that both of these qualify for a Warforged. Even though they are sentient and can move and taste and feel, they are still made of metal, constructs of man. Therefore you have a moving, working machine operating with humanlike skill (being that they can taste and touch and feel) and so, we have a robot, by definition.

Now, we can argue semantics and lexicon all we want, but let's be honest. They are fantasy sentient robots.
DM Koboldking
GM, 15 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Sat 22 Sep 2007
at 16:41
  • msg #551


On the warforged debate I have to say I agree with both praguepride and Darkchylde.  As awsome as warforged are they do carry great resmeblence to robots.  There's no rational way for me to deny that if I was new to Ebberon and flipped open the book to a picture of a warforged I would think "huh?  A robot?"

At the same time however I don't think that it shows DnD has "jumped the shark" (DnD itself may have, but I don't think the warforged were really a part of that).  Rather I think the warforged are a genius and essential part of the Ebberon setting, that are used exemplifing reminder two of Ebberons most defining traits.

First is the blurring of magic and technology.  praguepride mentioned steampunk earlier and I think that's a not a bad context to place them in.  After all, Ebberon is rife with steampunk remiscent elements, even if they are powered by magic, not steam.  A warforged in the party ensures that even if you're a thousand miles from civilization you won't forget that you are in Ebberon, not Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms.  For a newcoming campaign setting, being able to distinguish yourself from the pack is essential.

Second is the Last War, the empire destroying conflict that (until recently) has been raging for the last century.  Being products of it, the Warforged (both in-game and out) serve as an easy reminder that it did happen, though the players themselves weren't there.  They also serve as a an icon for one of the problems that's always plagued post-war societies.  The returning veterns who have survived the war, but upon re-entering their old world find themselves a) ostrichized by a society that sees them as reminders of an endured hardship, and b) unable to find a place for themselves in a world completely different from the one they've grown accustomed to.

Really if DnD's jumped the shark it's because of the unending torrent of supplements WoTC puts out.  With all that matireal you can't hope for a well balnced system, simpley because (at least in my group) someone will always by a copy, and then they'll share it with the other players.

I usually run my games on the fly, so if someone shows up with an unbalnced character I won't say "sorry you can't use that" I'll say "good, less gaming time wasted".

Well, that's my two cents.  Thanks if you read this whole post (it's longer than I thought it'd be).

DM Darkchylde
GM, 75 posts
Sat 22 Sep 2007
at 19:40
  • msg #552

Re: I Am Ninja

PC praguepride:
Now, we can argue semantics and lexicon all we want, but let's be honest. They are fantasy sentient robots.

Ok you got me; you win this round PC praguepride. I still love them though, you should read all you can about their history, it’s really well done. And the thought of playing an fantasy Android appeals to me. How do you put yourself in the shoes of a 3 year old who has to act think and reason like an adult? How do you put yourself in the position of a living, thinking person who is made not born?

DM Koboldking said it better than I ever could. That’s why I like them. But in essence they are fantasy robots, I can’t (in good conscience) deny that fact. But they are so much more…
DM Darkchylde
GM, 76 posts
Sat 22 Sep 2007
at 20:05
  • msg #553

Re: I Am Ninja

Oh I am Old school and I was ok with THACO. The first DND supplement I ever bought was Council of the Wyrms. I still remember it vividly; it’s the reason why I switched to 3.5 when it came out. I use to be a Palladium fan…
DM Koboldking
GM, 16 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Sun 23 Sep 2007
at 20:20
  • msg #554

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Darkchylde:
DM Koboldking said it better than I ever could.

Thanks, it's a combination of writing to many english essays and reading to many DnD novels ( :
DM Kitty
GM, 76 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sun 23 Sep 2007
at 21:43
  • msg #555

Re: I Am Ninja

DM Kool:
Q: How can you speak so clearly with that mask on?

I'm a ninja.
DM Kitty
GM, 77 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Mon 24 Sep 2007
at 03:35
  • msg #556

Re: I Am Ninja


Frequent dying miles...
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 92 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Mon 24 Sep 2007
at 07:02
  • msg #557

Re: I Am Ninja

So Ebberon is Magepunk? :p

... Frequent dying miles. Ouch.
DM Kindred
GM, 207 posts
Mon 24 Sep 2007
at 07:06
  • msg #558

Re: I Am Ninja

I see what you are saying about the robot thing but I think that warforged are only superficially reminiscent of a robot and thats in looks. The main thing to remember is that a robot even if it has sentience is still a machine which means it is not a living thing. The main difference is that a warforged is not only sentient but it is actually classified as being alive. Animated by magic certainly but not a machine.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:06, Mon 24 Sept 2007.
DM Kitty
GM, 79 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 17:15
  • msg #559

Re: I Am Ninja

What would you say is the proper etiquette for hugging a ninja?
PC praguepride
player, 9 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 17:19
  • msg #560

Re: I Am Ninja

The proper etiquette is to close your eyes, remove any back armor you have so that while hugging them you expose as much skin as possible on  your back
DM Kitty
GM, 80 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 17:21
  • msg #561

Re: I Am Ninja

*EEEERRR*  Wrong.
PC praguepride
player, 10 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 17:40
  • msg #562

Re: I Am Ninja

What? That's what they told me to do.

P.S. Ninja hugs hurt a lot.
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 93 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 18:40
  • msg #563

Re: I Am Ninja

The proper etiquette for hugging a ninja is to offer them tea first, then do it gently from behind. But only if you're very close friends with them. Otherwise, you should keep them at cubit's length at all times.
DM Kitty
GM, 81 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 18:45
  • msg #564

Re: I Am Ninja

*EEEERRR*  Wrong.
PC Astos
player, 43 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 18:51
  • msg #565

Re: I Am Ninja

Relevant to a much earlier discussion we had on these boards, I saw this Sage Advice answer about "Evil" spell discriptors and Necromancy:

Sage Advice:
Q: Dear Sage
Necromancy sounds evil. Are all the necromancy spells available to good-aligned spell casters?

A:First of all, most necromancy spells aren’t considered “Evil,” at least as far as the game rules are concerned. The game rules only care whether a spell has the Evil descriptor, such as animate dead.

That said, most spellcasters aren’t prevented from casting spells with the Evil descriptor, nor do they suffer any penalty or ill effect for doing so. Only certain classes have restrictions or ramifications involved with using spells with an alignment descriptor, and those are clearly spelled out in the class descriptions.

For example, clerics and druids can’t cast spells of an alignment opposed to his or his deity’s (if he has one). A neutral good cleric of Moradin couldn’t cast spells with the Evil descriptor (because that’s opposed to both his and his deity’s alignment). Even though the cleric himself isn’t lawful, he also couldn’t cast spells with the Chaotic descriptor, because that’s opposed to Moradin’s alignment of lawful good.
PC praguepride
player, 11 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 20:21
  • msg #566

Re: I Am Ninja

Awww, why can't my lawful good paladin raise an army of dead to conquer "evil"
DM Wolf
GM, 96 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 20:31
  • msg #567

Re: I Am Ninja

Because the gods find it inappropriate to do it.
DM Kremti
GM, 237 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 21:37
  • msg #568

Re: I Am Ninja

PC praguepride:
Awww, why can't my lawful good paladin raise an army of dead to conquer "evil"

According to the FAQ, you can, as long as you somehow find the way to remove '[evil]' descriptor from the spells that raises undead.

YMMV depending on your local DM...

PC Astos
player, 44 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 21:48
  • msg #569

Re: I Am Ninja

So long as the paladin didn't cast the spell himself, it would be ok!!
PC praguepride
player, 12 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2007
at 23:51
  • msg #570

Re: I Am Ninja

So you're saying a Lawful Good paladin could hire an Evil cleric to raise an army of dead to go conquering with?
PC Shigoki
player, 2 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 00:04
  • msg #571

Re: I Am Ninja

That somehow doesnt sound right. it would be like evildeath.
DM Kremti
GM, 238 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 00:05
  • msg #572

Re: I Am Ninja

He's saying there is no rule that explicitly prohibits it.

As opposed to Lawful/Good Paladin of Lawful/Good deity trying to cast a spell with [evil] desriptor.  It is explicitly forbidden by rule.  Can't be done.

The paladin can, hire an evil cleric.  The said paladin will gravely jeopadize his Paladin-hood.  But it's not something explicitly forbidden.  Otherwise, how could we have fallen-paladins/Black Guard/etcs?

That's not to say it's recommended by under standard RoA "No Evil Character" rule.  That's an separate issue.  Your DM could say, "Hey, you are breaking your Paladin status and your deity's wish by hiring that dude.  Your character is now evil and s/he no longer belongs in my campaign because this region is explicitly non-evil." or something along that line.

PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 68 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 00:12
  • msg #573

Re: I Am Ninja

What if you hired some one to hire some one to keep it secrect from you and when you showed up to the battle field your undead army showed up to support you?  Would you then be a pali in the eyes of your god since in all truth you didnt know that they were hired to do this?
DM Kremti
GM, 239 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 00:18
  • msg #574

Re: I Am Ninja

Famous two words...

"It depends."

PC praguepride
player, 13 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 01:38
  • msg #575

Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

If the <subject line> guy hires an evil person to commit evil acts under your name, it could constitue under the clause "unknowining/unwillingly committing an evil act" and so you would need an atonement spell to recover.

It's obviously up to GM discretion and and I think it would really depend on if you could feasibly have known but just chose to ignore the signs.

Case 1: You hire Joe Schmoe. He secretly and behind your back hires Sneaky Pete who hires Evil-Jerk Cleric to raise an army of dead. The army is kept hidden from you until the last possible moment and then they appear. If paladin immediatly orders the destruction of the army, I'd argue that because the evil people went through so much lengths to hide it from you, you couldn't feasibly know and wouldn't threaten your P-hood.

Case 2: You hire Joe Schmoe. Joe Schmoe brings his best friends, Sneaky Pete and Evil-Jerk Cleric to the introductory meeting, making jokes about how much easier it is to marshal dead troops then living ones. Then, during a status meeting Joe mentions how the troops are gathering just fine but they smell bad and he needs to find another graveyard. THEN the undead army appears (shock) then I would rule that the PC was an idiot and allowed evil to go about through ignorance and incompetence and so would need to atone.
PC Mortixx
player, 21 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 10:05
  • msg #576

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

Do not forget that a palladin never voluntairily and willingly works with a person of evil alignment and as such he can not ask someone to hire a Cleric to do it as he knows that kind of cleris are evil and as such he can not work with them in any way.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 69 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 11:24
  • msg #577

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

BUT...If he hires a NG guy to go find a army, who in turns hires a CN person to do the same who in turn hires a NE person to do his job since he is to lazy and they in turn hire a LE cleric to create the army is the same pali still held acountable?
PC praguepride
player, 14 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 12:40
  • msg #578

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

I believe I just wrote a long thread that just answered that question
DM Kremti
GM, 240 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 14:41
  • msg #579

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

PC praguepride:
I believe I just wrote a long thread that just answered that question

And I also summed that up by two words.

PC Mortixx
player, 22 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 15:32
  • msg #580

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

The palladin will be held accountable if he actually sides with the undead army as thats an evil army he will never work alongside of.
DM Kindred
GM, 208 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 17:07
  • msg #581

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

This argument is just going in circles.... :)
DM Kitty
GM, 82 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 17:09
  • msg #582

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

Alright, I'll answer it, since  don't think Kool saw it...

Q: What would you say is the proper etiquette for hugging a ninja?
A: Don't.
PC praguepride
player, 15 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 17:19
  • msg #583

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

Awwww, but ninjas are always so grumpy, they NEED hugs every now and then to keep them from getting a bad case of the mondays
DM Kremti
GM, 241 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 17:25
  • msg #584

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

PC praguepride:
Awwww, but ninjas are always so grumpy, they NEED hugs every now and then to keep them from getting a bad case of the mondays

Which is why Pirates > Ninjas.

-K, who starts yet another circular argument.
DM Kitty
GM, 83 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 17:34
  • msg #585

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

Um, praguepride, never hug a ninja.  It is imperative that you understand.

Q: What's the difference between Jedi and Ninjas?
DM Darkchylde
GM, 77 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 22:09
  • msg #586

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

The force?
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 70 posts
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 23:26
  • msg #587

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

why cant they have good undead?  the ghosts in harry potter are good, casper is good, i mean come on, he could have a army of good undead, its not set in stone you know, the rules are all just guidelines...
DM Wolf
GM, 97 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Wed 26 Sep 2007
at 23:43
  • msg #588

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

I believe that would be a problem. I don't thin k undead in themself are evil. It's the act of raising the that is bad. I mean here you take something not alive and you make it walk and do things it should not do. It's breaking the laws of nature.
DM Kremti
GM, 242 posts
Thu 27 Sep 2007
at 00:49
  • msg #589

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

PC Piercedpeekachu:
why cant they have good undead?  the ghosts in harry potter are good, casper is good, i mean come on, he could have a army of good undead, its not set in stone you know, the rules are all just guidelines...

The D&D rule actually has good 'undead'.  They are called Deathless.  I think it showed up in the Book of Exhalted Deed or something.

Also, there is a buncha Elves in Eberron who does the Deathless thing.  They become 'Good Undead' to get second chance, sort of.

They are in practically every way Undead except 'Cure' spells actually cures them, and 'Inflict' spells hurt them.  Also, good Clerics Rebuke them, and Evil Clerics Turn them, and so on.

The biggest problem with the Deathless is that there is no non-Eberron way to animate Deathless.  Eberron has Undeath Domain, and related spells that animate Deathless, I believe.  But there is no Faerun or non-setting specific way to do it.  So the best you can do is to run into an NPC or two, and don't ask how they were created...

DM Jim
GM, 125 posts
An old player
in a new place
Thu 27 Sep 2007
at 00:58
  • msg #590

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

Although Faerun does have both archliches and baelnorns, both of which are good aligned.

You're right though in that they gloss over completely the process used to produce them.
DM Kremti
GM, 243 posts
Thu 27 Sep 2007
at 01:00
  • msg #591

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

Well, characters can also change alignment as well.  They could start as evil undead thingie and change later or something.

But ultimately, something you just gotta make it up...

PC praguepride
player, 16 posts
Thu 27 Sep 2007
at 03:13
  • msg #592

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

The Libris Mortis has rules for good undead, as well a PC's playing undead characters and "positive poisons" that effect undead like regular poisons do to the living.
DM Kitty
GM, 84 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 27 Sep 2007
at 03:58
  • msg #593

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

Q: What's the difference between Jedi and Ninjas?
DM Darkchylde:
The force?

Haha, good one, but not quite.

A: Jedi are tucked away safely on your DVD.  Ninjas are standing right behind you.  Seriously.

Q: Can I have it back?
A: You never had it to begin with.

Q: Why do I suck at life?
A: Be cause you let life suck at you.

Q: Do you ever get tired of being a ninja?
A: Do you ever get tired of being alive?

Q: Did you ever went to school?
A: Did you?

Q: How do ninjas suppress vestibular or equilibrium abnormalities during a kill so that aerial acrobatic maneuvers don't cause them to fall victim to themselves?
A: I'm a ninja?

Q: What do ninjas do for money?
A: Ninja-nomics are more confusing than Alan Greenspan skiing backwards down a black hole made of laffer curves.
(or something like that)

Q: Do ninjas fall in love?
A: No, ninjas glide silently into love with two swords drawn!

Q: Of all the ninja skills in the world, which one is the deadliest?
A: The one that kills you.

Q: What is the deadliest move you know?
A: Probably from New York to Florida.  People don't come back.

Those are just a few of the funniest...
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:01, Thu 27 Sept 2007.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 397 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 29 Sep 2007
at 01:58
  • msg #594

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

DMs Wanted:

Waterdeep & Skullport - needs a temporary DM
Terrors Of The Underdark (Drow)
One-Shot Adventures
One-Shots & Orphanage - a holding region for spare PCs
The Moonsea
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:44, Tue 02 Oct 2007.
DM Darkchylde
GM, 80 posts
Sat 29 Sep 2007
at 02:52
  • msg #595

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

DM BadCatMan:
DMs Wanted:
One-Shots & Orphanage - a holding region for spare PCs

Hey what am I; chopped liver?
DM BadCatMan
GM, 398 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 29 Sep 2007
at 03:07
  • msg #596

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

The Orphanage is always considered to be looking for DMs, for whenever someone wants to run a small game. It will always be on that list.
DM Darkchylde
GM, 81 posts
Sat 29 Sep 2007
at 05:44
  • msg #597

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

Oh that's great! I'll take a look at the others and see if I have what it takes to do a job.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:46, Sat 29 Sept 2007.
PC Alesandra
player, 2 posts
Thu 4 Oct 2007
at 04:19
  • msg #598

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

With the gms permission I would make another character just to pass the time and see if I can get in another play. ;) good luck there!
PC praguepride
player, 18 posts
Thu 4 Oct 2007
at 04:20
  • msg #599

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

I don't know if I should ask this here or in sage advice, but how often is the Available Space thread updated?
DM BadCatMan
GM, 400 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 4 Oct 2007
at 04:33
  • msg #600

Re: Brother's cousin's uncle's nephew's former roommate

Alesandra: New players have up to two at first. Those who stick around a while can ask for more. So yes.

praguepride: When it's updated? There's no schedule or anything, it just gets updated when a game is open or a space becomes available, or when the DM remembers to take down the ad for a filled space.
DM Brimstone
GM, 5 posts
Thu 4 Oct 2007
at 14:01
  • msg #601

PM's becoming burdensome.

Is there any way to configure my account so I don't get everyone's PM's?  My list of PM's is way long and only a few of them are actually related to me at all.  Just wondering.

DM BadCatMan
GM, 401 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 4 Oct 2007
at 14:12
  • msg #602

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

Nope. Sorry. It's something all of us DMs have to put up with. Just hit 'Mark All As Read' and move on. The ones that aren't addressed to you will come and go on their own, and can be ignored.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 119 posts
Thu 4 Oct 2007
at 20:50
  • msg #603

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

you might want to read the ones addressed to you, though.
PC rgr
player, 7 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 18:28
  • msg #604

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

 Hola, hope this is the correct forum to ask a general question of the learned.

 In our FTF game, i am running a 15th rogue CG, who is married to a cleric of pelor, now the question i wonder is what would be a good prestige class to go into?, or should he change anything now?. Only quirk he has is his hatred of slavers, which he does when not with the group.

ooc if this is in the wrong forum, i will delete. TY
PC praguepride
player, 22 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 18:37
  • msg #605

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

Umm... you should probably provide some more meta-game details about your character. Being married to a cleric of pelor and hating slavery is good RP stuff, but doesn't really help in finding a prestige class. Most prestige classes focus on some aspect of the "base class"

So what do you like most about being a rogue? Is it...

A) Sneak attacks
B) Sneaking around in general
C) Stealing stuff
D) Fast-talking/bluffing
E) Getting where you shouldn't be
F) Raw damage
G) Knives
H) Shadows

on the flip-side, what do you want your character to do? What is his primary role in the party

A) Combat support
B) Frontline combatant
C) Scout
D) Expert (trap remover, lock picker)
E) Information gatherer
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 76 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 18:42
  • msg #606

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

are you saying with his quirk he is also a part time slaver when not with the party?
PC praguepride
player, 23 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 18:43
  • msg #607

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

it does sound like that, but I think he meant that he fights slavers in his free-time.
DM Kitty
GM, 85 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 18:44
  • msg #608

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

Yeah, because he mentioned his hatred of slavers.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 77 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 18:51
  • msg #609

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

ahhh but if we want to be picky perhaps its his split personality and that is why he is having such a hard time thinking about what to be picking for a PC,  Perhaps when he wakes each day he is bed with his wife the cleric of pelor.  Thinking of fighting those vile wretched slavers.  And at night when he goes to earn his keep "finding information" for the party kidnaps the girl they are hired to find the next day, HA diabolical.  well done friend.  He can be a good rogue and with the rise of the moon a slaver that doesnt know better.  A midevile heckle and hyde so to speek.  in fact I am off to make one right now, that is a BRILLIANT idea.

(spelling is awful due to wonderful meds surpressing my urge to sleep for 7 days and my migrains heh heh gotta love them high paid docs.)
DM Windwalker
GM, 532 posts
Property of
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 18:55
  • msg #610

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

link to a message in "RoA: OOC Forum"

Updated with a brand new region available, five slots available.
PC rgr
player, 8 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 19:09
  • msg #611

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

 Little background of the game sofar, the Cleric of pelor (my wife) was once the mistress of pain in the underworld (she is an elf, and was kidnapped/brainwasher/tortured into being the mistress, we rescued her from the underworld)(hades), once out she chose to follow pelors ways.

 As to my toon, he kills slavers who enslave people to make them slaves to lust of the flesh, (and yes this is an adult group), we still keep it fairly clean.

 As to the toons party support, he does combat support, does sneak damage if he can, likes to scout ahead of the group but at times his greed gets in the way, ex: =, the caliph quested us to find a symbol, we found it and some other good items (rod of smiteing), anyway he tried to recover it for the party, umm, nice reward on his head from the caliph now. ). ty
PC praguepride
player, 24 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 19:37
  • msg #612

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.


For this kind of topic, we'd need specific meta-game knowledge. I understand that a rogue can sneak attack, spy, steal etc, I was asking what you as a player most enjoy about rogues. Prestige classes tend to be very specific, so you need to know specifically what you are looking for? You don't need RP justifications (yet) for wanting your rogue to be stronger in combat, faster at stealing loot, or a better scout.

Say you decide that either you or your character REALLY likes loot, that's the best part of the game when you kill that dragon/evil villain and get to divvy up the loot. Well what do you know, there's several prestige classes that help with loot, so then you apply your character's RP (whether he's good, he's bad, he's greedy, he's generous) and that should help you narrow the categories down.

Say you decide that the thrill of sneaking and scouting ahead, behind, around enemies is where the fun is at. There are a lot of extra-sneaky prestige classes that can make you invisible in shadows or increase your awareness about your surroundings.

Say you decide that you want your rogue to be better in combat, there are plenty of combat-oriented prestige classes.

Say you decide that XXXXX is best. There are plenty of XXXXX oriented prestige classes that you can choose which one has the best RP aspect to it. Fill in XXXXX and we can help narrow down your choices of prestige classes.
PC rgr
player, 9 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2007
at 20:13
  • msg #613

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

 ok, last time to bother the group, he likes sneaking in behind enemy lines and taking a item that the enemy wants to use or kill slavers (from his background)
PC praguepride
player, 25 posts
Sat 6 Oct 2007
at 01:29
  • msg #614

Re: PM's becoming burdensome.

Now that's better

Sneaking and stealing:
Arcane Trickster let's you do ranged pickpockets. I'll type up more later tonight.
PC jhpa4
player, 18 posts
Slay the Dragon
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 01:18
  • msg #615


Ok' I'm a little bit behind on the posts I've been making. Although I don't entirely blame my self I blame school the thing I love to hate. And I think the people in my class are total idiots.

Give me some advice on what I should do before asking the teacher to put me in a better class.
DM Kitty
GM, 86 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 01:22
  • msg #616

Re: School

PC jhpa4:
And I think the people in my class are total idiots.

Of course you do!  That comes naturally when you're that much smarter than them because you were homeschooled for years.  Homeschoolers get more attention from the teacher, because the teacher doesn't have a whole class to pay attention to.  Therefore, most homeschoolers are smarter than most public school kids.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 121 posts
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 04:20
  • msg #617

Re: School

Smart != Well Educated

And that really depends on who is doing the homeschooling, high school is impossible to homeschool, as noone has that breadth of knowledge. I'm here anticipating every word of my calc class, and I wasn't homeschooled :P
DM Kindred
GM, 211 posts
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 04:22
  • msg #618

Re: School

I dunno if I agree with you about highschool and homeschooling. I've met some brilliant people in my life who could propbably teach an entire high school curriculum.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 122 posts
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 04:30
  • msg #619

Re: School

so they have the talent needed for teaching?

and speak 3 languages, and advanced calculus, and advanced programming, and know how to write not only a kickass technical paper, but fiction, and journalism, and are good artists, and singers, and musicians, and have an encyclipedic knowledge of history and government, and are experts in all the sciences, and know how to repair a car, can teach a cosmetology class, can teach a firefighting class, know how to repair computers, know sports well enough to do gym...

I can continue... No one is that good
PC O_man_13
player, 10 posts
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 04:55
  • msg #620

Re: School

Hmmmm, not to be to confontational, but I've know highschool history and english (and a few other subjects) teachers that couldn't do anything without a text book. Someone only needs to be able to have a good enough working knowledge of all those topics and some darn good text books.

It probably woulnd't be a good education, but I'm sure someone could manage to teach a 2.0 public school quality education.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 123 posts
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 11:03
  • msg #621

Re: School

ha, maybe I'm too used to the good public schools around here...

they could teach at a "get a diploma" level, but they wouldn't be able to do the options and AP classes the child of a person capable of that would likely want.
DM Wolf
GM, 99 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 12:16
  • msg #622

Re: School

DM Kitty:
PC jhpa4:
And I think the people in my class are total idiots.

Of course you do!  That comes naturally when you're that much smarter than them because you were homeschooled for years.  Homeschoolers get more attention from the teacher, because the teacher doesn't have a whole class to pay attention to.  Therefore, most homeschoolers are smarter than most public school kids.

I would not say that. All comes on the students ability to learn. His thirst for knowledge. The same goes in public schools. Now also one must remember the teacher ability to teach. Each student is different. Some like working in projects, some like working with the book, some by seeing it happen. Some like to work alone, while others like groups. Now IF you get a brilliant teacher and a student who seeks knowledge you get a well educated person. It does not matter if you are home schooled. It matters only on your will to learn. I'll admit that it's sometimes harder to do so in a large class then in a small class.
DM Kool
GM, 94 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 17:26
  • msg #623

Re: School

Rather, what should be said of homeshoolers is that they can keep up with their own learning pace, instead of having to try to pace yourself to that of everyone else.  Also, like she said, you get more attention from the teacher, which means you will be able to grasp things a lot quicker, and skim over things you already know.
PC Alesandra
player, 4 posts
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 17:36
  • msg #624

Re: School

"A good teacher can fix a bad teacher and a good teacher can fix a bad student."
By....  dont remember.

This is a true case. In that if you dont have a good teacher (Interested, cult....) you dont develop more than what you originaly know. But also if the student had mental problems it can only be taken so far. BUT, you need to add the knowlwdge. Its a give and take. there are tree modes of lerarning.

They both interact with the knowledge.

The teacher teaches the student bassed on what the student knows.

The sudent interrogates the teacher on what he knows.

NOTE: This is a smimplified version. Dont ask for the full one. O_O
This message was last edited by the player at 17:58, Sun 07 Oct 2007.
DM Kitty
GM, 87 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 19:05
  • msg #625

Re: School

DM Pinkbunny, I don't agree with your highschool = impossible theory.  My family homeschools through highschool, and we all have waaaay above average IQ. :)

Also, this is kinda an add-on to what DM Wolf said.  There are different types of learning.  Some people are better with some, and worse with others.  There's sight, sound, and I think the third one was feeling.  It was explained to me better than this, I just can't remember the wording.

Let's say you're learning a piano peice.
Sight Learning: You learn it by looking at the notation on paper.  Later on, you can picture the paper in your head.
Sound Learning: You learn it by listening to it being played.  Later on, you can remember the tune in your head.
Feel Learning: You learn it by the feel of the keys.  Your hands kind of do it for you.

I, personally, combine the three when learning, and end up being able to do it by feel in the end, and the sound and feel both tell me if I goofed.

I'm not quite sure where memory and imagination fit into this, but I think they did somewhere...
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:07, Sun 07 Oct 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 95 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Sun 7 Oct 2007
at 19:36
  • msg #626

Re: School

I am particularly good at sound learning, especially so, but not so good at feel.  I will often hit the wrong key when trying to play something on the piano.
DM Windwalker
GM, 533 posts
Property of
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 03:40
  • msg #627

Re: School

DM Kitty:
Let's say you're learning a piano peice.
Sight Learning: You learn it by looking at the notation on paper.  Later on, you can picture the paper in your head.
Sound Learning: You learn it by listening to it being played.  Later on, you can remember the tune in your head.
Feel Learning: You learn it by the feel of the keys.  Your hands kind of do it for you.

Good example (especially since I'm a pianist and love all music references), but technically there are many more areas than that.  Broadly they're called kinesthetic, visual, and aural learners, by the way.  Though when it comes to piano, very few people learned kinesthetically.  It's almost always visually or aurally.  But those kinesthetic learners (I'm mostly k but also a lot visual) really excel with things like experiments, artistic representations (not me, though), woodworking, taking things apart - fixing them - putting them back together.

And actually...I know several people who went to public school (even a couple who never went to college) who could easily teach an entire high school curriculum.  My daddy is one of them, and he never went to college.  Considering I didn't learn a darned thing in high school and still graduated with a 3.9-something GPA, I could most likely do it, too.  Yes, even calculus (which I love) and music (I have tons of awards), and even shop class whether you're talking about cars or woodworking or whatever (I know more about cars and making things than most guys I know).  Because I've helped on my family's farms, I also know about agriculture, too.  Not only a working knowledge but also 'book' stuff.

Now I've got absolutely nothing wrong with homeschooling.  I actually homeschooled my children for awhile, and many of my dearest friends do it and do a wonderful job.  But just because somebody is homeschooled doesn't mean he or she is 'smarter' than a public school student.  Smart isn't even the right word anyway.  They might be better educated, but they also might not be.  For example, one of my best friends actually has me come in a teach her kids about geology, and has her kids take music lessons elsewhere (even though she can sing and play piano better than average).  The best homeschooling parent(s) know where there strengths and weaknesses are and plan accordingly.  And I think that's great.

There are lots of things wrong with education, sure.  But the biggest is really the lack of discipline from parents and parental involvement.  Kids come to our public schools (in the U.S.) with no respect for others, authority, or even themselves, with little to no empathy for others, with little to no skills (such as holding a pencil or scissors correctly or knowing the alphabet), without having been read to or possibly even communicated with much, etc., and so on...  It is no coincidence that children in the poverty level tend to do much poorer, on average, than their peers from the middle or upper class.  It isn't just chance that shows us that children whose parents are educated or show their children how much education is valued do better than their peers.

Sorry, soapbox, huh?  :p  I've had a long day.  :p  I could go on, but I'll stop.  :p
DM Kitty
GM, 88 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 04:18
  • msg #628

Re: School

Yeah, like I said.  Most, not all.

Our public schools have become's just sad.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:18, Mon 08 Oct 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 96 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 06:20
  • msg #629

Re: School

...taking things apart - fixing them - putting them back together...

I'm like that some.

You know, everyone's IQ in my family is within the top, what 5%?  And half in the top 2%?  Or was it 2 and 1?
DM Kitty
GM, 89 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 14:36
  • msg #630

Re: School

You and Elfear are in the top 2%, and I believe Dad is the charts.  Literally.
As for me, and I think just about all the others, I think we're in the top 5%.
DM Annihilator
GM, 204 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 21:58
  • msg #631

Re: School

Just looked out the window before going to bed, and noticed that it's snowing, and by the looks of things, quite a lot, too.  First snow of the winter.

I hate snow.  And cold.  :|
DM Kool
GM, 97 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 21:59
  • msg #632

Re: School

Winter?  Snow?!  Where do YOU live?
DM Annihilator
GM, 205 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 22:22
DM Annihilator
GM, 206 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 22:30
  • msg #634

Re: School

Try this link, then zoom out some, to see for yourself:

I can find my house on that thing, heh!  :D
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:32, Mon 08 Oct 2007.
PC jhpa4
player, 19 posts
Slay the Dragon
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 23:29
  • msg #635

Re: School

DM Pinkbunny:
so they have the talent needed for teaching?

and speak 3 languages, and advanced calculus, and advanced programming, and know how to write not only a kickass technical paper, but fiction, and journalism, and are good artists, and singers, and musicians, and have an encyclipedic knowledge of history and government, and are experts in all the sciences, and know how to repair a car, can teach a cosmetology class, can teach a firefighting class, know how to repair computers, know sports well enough to do gym...

I can continue... No one is that good

I have all of these except for advanced calculus they won't let me take it yet and to the essay its quite contrary as is all that you have said. Meaning teachers don't have to learn all that they are teaching I mean it helps! of course, but most of my teachers do not know a thing that they are talking about.
PC jhpa4
player, 20 posts
Slay the Dragon
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 23:41
  • msg #636

Re: School

I'm Ok with maps but I'm geussing Norway or close to that area.
PC jhpa4
player, 21 posts
Slay the Dragon
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 23:41
  • msg #637

Re: School

I'm Ok with maps but I'm geussing Norway or close to that area.
DM Kool
GM, 98 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 8 Oct 2007
at 23:59
  • msg #638

Re: School

We had 90 degrees here yesterday.

There, found my house.  Dot's on the driveway, you can see the house if you look.  You can even see the yard, and the fact that half the roof is one color, and the other half another.  Zoom out to find out where it is.
DM Windwalker
GM, 534 posts
Property of
Tue 9 Oct 2007
at 03:06
  • msg #639

Re: School

Yes, he lives in Norway.  As does DM Wolf.  But Anni won't live in Norway for long if I have anything to say about it.  :p  And Wolf is going to have to come visit us.  :)

My IQ is in the top 1 or 2 percent, but I don't remember which (proving that those tests are junk since I can't remember how old I am, let alone how high my IQ is *giggles*).  IQ doesn't really prove anything about education, anyway.  It's an emotional judge of reasoning, not facts and figures that people have learned.  The better a person is at solving problems, the higher that person's IQ will be.  The fact that I love puzzles and do them all the time is the only reason why my IQ is high because I'm really not all that smart, as I'm sure all of you can tell.  :)
PC solo
player, 56 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2007
at 06:07
  • msg #640

Re: School

And I'm a Swede. We're expecting that snow to come in tomorrow or the day after... Grrr! Have to change to snow tires, already!
DM Annihilator
GM, 207 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Tue 9 Oct 2007
at 07:13
  • msg #641

Re: School

I was expecting the snow to be gone by the morning, but it's even worse than it was last night!  :p  And turns out, I forgot to close the window before I went to bed, so now I'm freezing. . .  :|

DM Windwalker:
I'm really not all that smart

Silly girl, lying to the people of RoA.  :p
DM Wolf
GM, 100 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Tue 9 Oct 2007
at 12:02
  • msg #642

Re: School

DM Annihilator:
I was expecting the snow to be gone by the morning, but it's even worse than it was last night!  :p  And turns out, I forgot to close the window before I went to bed, so now I'm freezing. . .  :|

DM Windwalker:
I'm really not all that smart

Silly girl, lying to the people of RoA.  :p

Oh yes. I'm going farther north in a weeks time. Back to home. I just hope that it's not like last year when Tromsø got snow before Alta.

And PC solo where in sweden are you from.
DM Kool
GM, 99 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Tue 9 Oct 2007
at 14:09
  • msg #643

Re: School

DM Annihilator:
I was expecting the snow to be gone by the morning, but it's even worse than it was last night!  :p  And turns out, I forgot to close the window before I went to bed, so now I'm freezing. . .  :|

And we've got near record highs predicted for today... :|
DM Annihilator
GM, 208 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Tue 9 Oct 2007
at 14:12
  • msg #644

Re: School

DM Kitty
GM, 90 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 9 Oct 2007
at 15:37
  • msg #645

Re: School


We never get snow... :(
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 127 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2007
at 20:38
  • msg #646

Re: School

DM Kool:
DM Annihilator:
I was expecting the snow to be gone by the morning, but it's even worse than it was last night!  :p  And turns out, I forgot to close the window before I went to bed, so now I'm freezing. . .  :|

And we've got near record highs predicted for today... :|

So does he, Norway ;)
PC praguepride
player, 26 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 01:29
  • msg #647

Re: School

For the record, Indiana = retarded on most things.

Schooling - check
Political swing - check
Industry management - check
Weather - check.

It's 80 then it's 40 then it's 70 then it's 50 then it's 90 then it's 12. I hate this state.
DM Windwalker
GM, 535 posts
Property of
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 01:32
  • msg #648

Re: School

So Indiana's weather is similar to but tamer than Missouri's.  That's not so bad then.  :p  I have to say, though, I am actually strangely proud of that.  I love that I can blink and the weather will change, that one day I'm all bundled up and the next I can wear next to nothing.  It's better than always have the exact same weather all of the time.
DM Kool
GM, 100 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 01:48
  • msg #649

Re: School

Well yeah, having 80 degree weather for 8 out of 12 months gets a bit tiring, then in a week it goes to 50s...
DM Kitty
GM, 92 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 04:34
  • msg #650

Re: School

More like a day.
PC solo
player, 57 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 05:58
  • msg #651

Re: School

I'm from Stockholm, so winters are fairly mild (well, it's all relative).
DM Kool
GM, 101 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 06:08
  • msg #652

Re: School

We hardly get snow.  A lot of snow for us is about two inches.

Although, that's not counting the occasional ice storm, and those can be pretty severe.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 79 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 06:34
  • msg #653

Re: School

Am I the only one here from Wyoming?
DM Wolf
GM, 101 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 10:19
  • msg #654

Re: School

Well I have not laughed so in a long time. Check it out. Strange what you can find on the net is it not.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 405 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 12:36
  • msg #655

Re: School

Here it rains in spring, it's hot in winter, and even hotter in summer. Perth - the end of the world:
AKA "Dullsville"
DM Kitty
GM, 93 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 14:09
  • msg #656

Re: School

Australia?  AWESOME!!!  Australian accent = favorite :)

That was a cool picture with the lightning.
DM Kindred
GM, 212 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 14:14
  • msg #657

Re: School

Well the weather here is usually 80's or nineties most of the time. No snow for us! *sigh* I just love the Caribbean.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 406 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 15:08
  • msg #658

Re: School

Right in the centre of that pic, between the fireworks and lightning is the Comet NcNaught. It was on Australia Day 2007, though I didn't get to see any of the three.

I don't have an Australian accent, I'm glad to say. I'll let you all in on a little secret: we don't actually have an accent. The Australians that the rest of the world are familiar with are in fact Queenslanders, which would be like judging all America by Alabama or England by Yorkshire. I'm guessing; wherever you guys keep your country hicks. :p Steve Irwin = Queenslander.

To imagine the true Australian idiom, take a basic version of English and render it in a painful whine, like a squealing pig. Take every noun, chop it in half and finish with an 'o' or an 'i' (breakfast - brekkie, afternoon - arvo). Take every other two words that are left and ram them together like they were one (would you - wouldja). Then sprinkle liberally with the 'f' word.

Sorry folks.

Well, I don't speak like that. Except maybe that bit about ramming words together. The above is the accent of our bogans, our equivalent of Jerry Springer people and chavs.

Okay, I'm not much of an Australian.

wanders off into a late night haze
DM Annihilator
GM, 209 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 15:14
  • msg #659

Re: School

DMs Wanted:

Waterdeep & Skullport - needs a temporary DM
Terrors Of The Underdark (Drow)
One-Shot Adventures
One-Shots & Orphanage - a holding region for spare PCs
The Moonsea
DM Kitty
GM, 94 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 17:07
  • msg #660

Re: School

DM BadCatMan:
Steve Irwin = Queenslander.

And Rebecca St. James?  If you've heard of her.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:08, Wed 10 Oct 2007.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 129 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 20:17
  • msg #661

Re: School

well, how posty are the lot that need one shot adventures, if you can get a reliable group, I might be willing to babysit them :P
DM Annihilator
GM, 210 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 20:19
  • msg #662

Re: School

Well, you've already accepted two of them into the Underdark, and two of the others have also moved on.  There might still be one character left there, I don't know.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 130 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 20:23
  • msg #663

Re: School

oh, the whole "lots of open areas" thing? :P
DM Koboldking
GM, 17 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 21:50
  • msg #664


What part of the Underdark is the Drow game set in?  Is it normal PCs fighting Drow, or (evil?) Drow PCs fighting each other, and if the PCs are Drow does that mean ... Drizzt clones!?  'Terrors' is right (:

Last question, is there any on-going plot right now?  (I don't have the time to run an Underdark game right now but once I to get better at running Halruaa I might want to give Underdark a shot if its still open then)
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:55, Wed 10 Oct 2007.
DM Jim
GM, 127 posts
An old player
in a new place
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 22:40
  • msg #665

Re: School

DM BadCatMan:
I don't have an Australian accent, I'm glad to say. I'll let you all in on a little secret: we don't actually have an accent. The Australians that the rest of the world are familiar with are in fact Queenslanders, which would be like judging all America by Alabama or England by Yorkshire. I'm guessing; wherever you guys keep your country hicks. :p Steve Irwin = Queenslander.
Emphasis added.

*laughs* As a person who has lived in Alabam for 35 years, but who wasn't born here, I really don't know whether to laugh my butt off or be offended.

DM Kitty
GM, 95 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Wed 10 Oct 2007
at 23:58
  • msg #666

Re: School

...maybe Tennessee would be a better example?
DM Jim
GM, 128 posts
An old player
in a new place
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 00:52
  • msg #667

Re: School

I don't know about that.  From my front door, I can be in Tennessee in about 15 minutes, or Mississippi in about 30, and having lived briefly in Mississippi, I can say it may be the best example of the lot... (no offense if any of you are from there).
DM BadCatMan
GM, 407 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 02:29
  • msg #668

Re: School

I'm guessing! I'm guessing! :D

Rebecca St James? No idea.

IIRC, Terrors Of The Underdark was set in Menzoberranzan, actually before Drizzt ever left the place. The PCs were mercenary company, doing the usual Drow thing, but the group ranged from good to evil. This was all a long time ago though.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:31, Thu 11 Oct 2007.
DM Windwalker
GM, 536 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 02:35
  • msg #669

Re: School

I can be in Tennessee in a couple of hours, but they all sound like we do here.  Except we're a bit worse.  Are accents aren't quite as strong as those in Alabama, but some of our words and such are a bit more strange.  Here in this area, we didn't get electricity and indoor plumbing until much later than the rest of the country.  We don't say wash, we say warsh.  I actually had a student say that today, and I just giggled out loud.  Most of the kids aren't as bad as the adults.  :p  And we're the masters at squishing things together, BCM.  Instead of 'all right,' we say 'awright.'  Instead of 'you want to,' we say, 'yooawntoo.'  And the list goes on and on.

Brits have the hottest accents, and then Aussies like Keith Urban (country singer) and the guy off of House have the second hottest accents.  Croatians are the third hottest (aka 'Dr. Kovac' on ER and the bad sabertooth leader in Ice Age).  Just so you know.  :p
DM Kitty
GM, 96 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 05:02
  • msg #675

Re: School

DM Jim:
I don't know about that.  From my front door, I can be in Tennessee in about 15 minutes, or Mississippi in about 30, and having lived briefly in Mississippi, I can say it may be the best example of the lot... (no offense if any of you are from there).

Well, I wouldn't know.  I've mostly been stuck in SC. :P

DM BadCatMan:
Rebecca St James? No idea.

lol Just messin' with ya. :)  She's a singer from Australia.  And she happens to be one of my favorites.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:02, Thu 11 Oct 2007.
DM Annihilator
GM, 211 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 10:55
  • msg #676


Since everyone knows that Vikings are awesome, and everyone should want to be one, here's a test that'll give you your official Viking name!  Huzzah!

Már Oakenwulf
Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle -- unfortunately, you're not terribly good at it. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination.

You can handle long sea voyages easily, despite the lack of amenities. You possess some skills which other Vikings respect, though in your case their respect is tinged with fear.

You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. You sometimes come off as a bit of a snob. Vikings are not snobbish people -- they either like you, or they kill you. Try to be more like a Viking.
PC esc
player, 64 posts
I'll admit it...  I'm a
Rules Lawyer...  :)
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 11:59
  • msg #677

Re: School

DM Kitty:
DM BadCatMan:
Rebecca St James? No idea.

lol Just messin' with ya. :)  She's a singer from Australia.  And she happens to be one of my favorites.

I'll second that!  I once went to one of her concerts and sat front row center.  Oh man, what a voice, and gorgeous to boot!
PC solo
player, 59 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 12:06
  • msg #678


Hilarious read, and here's my Viking name:

Kóri Steadythews
Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. You're not a "berserker", but you're among the toughest sane Vikings around.

You might grumble a bit at the lack of amenities on board a Viking longboat, but you can handle it. Other Vikings consider you "one of the guys".

You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Due to your gregariousness, you don't strike fear into the hearts of your victims. Try to be a little more surly in the future.

Sounds like Gwendol's personality description ;-)
DM Koboldking
GM, 18 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 13:08
  • msg #679

Re: Vikings!

Sigh ... I'm a sissy viking (:

Vígsterkr Weakarm
Your Viking Personality: You might have a Norse name, but you really don't have what it takes to be a true Viking. You're not a belligerent person by nature, which is unfortunate if you want to be a Viking. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination.

You would have a very tough time making a long sea voyage in a Viking longboat. Other Vikings consider you "one of the guys".

People tend to treat you like a doormat, generally because they know they can get away with it. Other Vikings would be calling you "tree-hugging hippie peacenik" if the phrase had been invented.
PC praguepride
player, 31 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 13:15
  • msg #680

Re: Vikings!

It wouldn't generate a viking name for me, I think I broke the system.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:51, Thu 11 Oct 2007.
PC solo
player, 60 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 13:26
  • msg #681

Re: Vikings!

Just scroll down, way down.
PC praguepride
player, 32 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 13:45
  • msg #682

Re: Vikings!


 Dufniall Stronglegs

Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. You're not a "berserker", but you're among the toughest sane Vikings around.

A long sea voyage aboard a Viking longboat would be difficult for you, but you might be able to manage it. You possess some skills which other Vikings respect.

You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Due to your gregariousness, you don't strike fear into the hearts of your victims. Try to be a little more surly in the future.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 408 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 13:50
  • msg #683

Re: Vikings!

PC praguepride:
Also, could a GM delete those posts previous.

What posts? :)
PC praguepride
player, 33 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 13:51
  • msg #684

Re: Vikings!

DM BadCatMan:
What posts? :)

What quote? :)
DM Kool
GM, 104 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 13:52
  • msg #685

Re: Vikings!

They been deleted already, apparently.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 409 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 13:59
  • msg #686

Re: Vikings!

:) That was me.
DM Kool
GM, 105 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 13:59
  • msg #687

Re: Vikings!

Ah, the smile.  Of course. :)
DM Kitty
GM, 97 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 16:45
  • msg #688

Re: School

PC esc:
DM Kitty:
DM BadCatMan:
Rebecca St James? No idea.

lol Just messin' with ya. :)  She's a singer from Australia.  And she happens to be one of my favorites.

I'll second that!  I once went to one of her concerts and sat front row center.  Oh man, what a voice, and gorgeous to boot!

I've never been to any of her concerts, but I have...five of her CDs. :)

Vikings?  Let's see... ROFL You Are:  Male;  Female;  An orang-outan
And another one: I'm always courteous to other people.  At least to their faces.
And here's me: (meh, it doesn't think I'm really a viking)

Katla Thickjaw

(Well, actually, that wouldn't really be your name -- since you're female, your name would be something like "Katla Björnsdottir". But this is the twenty-first century, and you want to be known for who you are, not for who your father was, right? Right.)

Your Viking Personality: The tougher Vikings might let you on the boat, but generally only when they need ballast. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. You might be able to hold your own on the battlefield, but you're no "berserker".

You would have a very tough time making a long sea voyage in a Viking longboat. Other Vikings tolerate your presence, though they're not quite sure if they can trust you to fight dirty.

You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Due to your gregariousness, you don't strike fear into the hearts of your victims. Try to be a little more surly in the future.
DM Windwalker
GM, 538 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:07
  • msg #689

Re: School

Kaðlín Fairlegs

(Well, actually, that wouldn't really be your name -- since you're female, your name would be something like "Kaðlín Björnsdottir". But this is the twenty-first century, and you want to be known for who you are, not for who your father was, right? Right.)

Your Viking Personality: The tougher Vikings might let you on the boat, but generally only when they need ballast. You are strong and tireless, frequently shouldering burdens that would tire lesser women. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination.

You would have a very tough time making a long sea voyage in a Viking longboat. Other Vikings have a little respect for some of your abilities. Very little.

People tend to treat you like a doormat, generally because they know they can get away with it. Due to your gregariousness, you don't strike fear into the hearts of your victims. Try to be a little more surly in the future.

Am I really all that bad?
DM Annihilator
GM, 212 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:15
  • msg #690

Re: School

Yeah, you're way too nice and sweet to be a viking, hon.  :-)
DM Windwalker
GM, 539 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:16
  • msg #691

Re: School


But I truly am 1/4 Norwegian!  Why can't I be a good viking?
DM Kitty
GM, 98 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:17
  • msg #692

Re: School

Yeah, and the test doesn't like that stuff.  Unfortunately.  :/  It didn't like me either.
I guess we're just not meant to be vikings, WW!
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:18, Thu 11 Oct 2007.
PC praguepride
player, 34 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:19
  • msg #693

Re: School

Although a female viking with the name 'Fairlegs' presents an interesting mental piture

*ahem* I mean... um... hi
DM Windwalker
GM, 540 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:20
  • msg #694

Re: School

I do know that Rebecca St. James.  I forgot to mention that.  But Keith Urban is sexier.  And he's married to Nicole Kidman to boot.  :p
DM Windwalker
GM, 541 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:21
  • msg #695

Re: School

PC praguepride:
Although a female viking with the name 'Fairlegs' presents an interesting mental piture

*ahem* I mean... um... hi

I like you!  :p
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:22, Thu 11 Oct 2007.
PC praguepride
player, 35 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:22
  • msg #696

Re: School

It's gotta be the glasses. Chicks dig the glasses.

<---- chick magnets
This message was last edited by the player at 17:23, Thu 11 Oct 2007.
DM Windwalker
GM, 542 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:26
  • msg #697

Re: School


Well, I do love my fiancé in his glasses, so it could be that.  But most likely it's thinking about my viking legs.  :p
DM Wolf
GM, 102 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:28
  • msg #698

Re: School

Ah my ancestors would be proud of me.

Végestr Warbear
Your Viking Personality: You're a doughty, stalwart Viking. You have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. You're not a "berserker", but you're among the toughest sane Vikings around.

You can handle long sea voyages easily, despite the lack of amenities. You possess some skills which other Vikings respect.

You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. You sometimes come off as a bit of a snob. Vikings are not snobbish people -- they either like you, or they kill you. Try to be more like a Viking.

or maybe not.
DM Kitty
GM, 99 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:29
  • msg #699

Re: School

My brother (Elfear) saw a funny shirt a couple weeks ago.  It had something to do with magnets and baby chickens.  It was a chick magnet. :)
DM Windwalker
GM, 543 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:30
  • msg #700

Re: School

A boyfriend of mine once bought me a t-shirt that said, "Not only am I perfect, I'm Norwegian, too."  :p
DM Kitty
GM, 100 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:32
  • msg #701

Re: School

I just did the test again, but said I'm an orangutan, and here's what it came up with:

Koko the Orang-outan

Your Viking Personality: Koko smart! Koko click on button! Koko even type on typing-place! Koko still Orang-outan, though, and Vikings no let Orang-outan play. Maybe if Koko come back in next life as human, Koko can play Viking game.
DM Kremti
GM, 252 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:36
  • msg #702

Re: School

DM Wolf:
Végestr Warbear

Shouldn't this be Warwolf?

DM Wolf
GM, 103 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:38
  • msg #703

Re: School

Bears are cool, but wolfs are better. Wolfs rule the world.
DM Annihilator
GM, 213 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:40
  • msg #704

Re: School

DM Wolf:
Try to be more like a Viking.

Useful advice for us all, I'm sure.  :p
PC praguepride
player, 36 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:45
  • msg #705

Re: School

I'm going to try and use that in a sentence today.

Something like "You know, you really should act more Viking-ly and then this problem won't occur."
DM Windwalker
GM, 544 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:49
  • msg #706

Re: School

*giggles at Anni and Prague lots*

Kay, now I'm in a test-taking mood.  :p

Kristin, your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Cute

Your natural, no nonsense approach to life is like a breath of fresh air in the hoopla of Hollywood. A sweetheart like you would be best matched with a celeb who's as down-to-earth as you are. Someone who is cute and fun to be around is what it'll take to make your heart go pitter-patter. A cutie pie like Orlando Bloom is just what the love doctor ordered for you.

You and your perfect partner would have a blast on low-key dates away from all the glitz and glam of Tinseltown. What could be better than a quiet night at home with a movie, popcorn, and plenty of one-on-one time with your beloved? So, pop in a DVD and enjoy a cozy night with your celeb soul mate! And if your celeb soul mate can't make it, someone sweet is probably waiting to curl up with a cutie like you! So get out there and meet them!
DM Windwalker
GM, 545 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:54
  • msg #707

Re: School

Kristin, your pop star style is Mellow 'n Earthy!

You've got an inner calm about you that makes others — family, friends, even little kids — feel better just being near you. This doesn't mean that you don't have strong ideas and opinions. You've got your own special brand of determination. In fact, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about how to make the world a more harmonious place by getting your ideas across with patience and compassion. That's part of your charm and probably the reason people simply can't resist listening to what you have to say — whether you're telling them through your hot new single or over a hot cup of herbal tea.

Your free-spirited style calls for a naturally flowing and fun look. From 60s-style, vintage-wear in bold prints and colors to peasant shirts, relaxed jeans, and a cool mother-of-pearl pendant. Make sure to stick with clothes that let you move and groove to your own beat. You're an individual with a true commitment to the world and to all people, whether they like your music or not. So let your style really reflect your passion. Peace.
DM Windwalker
GM, 546 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 17:56
  • msg #708

Re: School

What's really sad is that I don't like this show.  :p  Naughty language and crass jokes.  :p

Kristin, your animated show is The Simpsons

It's hard to improve when you're pretty much it, right? You're an original, a trend-setter, and, well, completely hilarious. Always a pioneer, you know what you're good at and go with it, no matter what the critics think. At times controversial, you know that you have to make waves to get a big splash. No wonder your way of doing things is always ahead of the crowd.

Just because something's popular, doesn't mean it's hot. From clothes to music to movies, you're way above following trends. Look up "timeless" in the dictionary and there's your face. Such a classic!
DM Kitty
GM, 101 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:00
  • msg #709

Re: School

Katie, your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Cute

Your natural, no nonsense approach to life is like a breath of fresh air in the hoopla of Hollywood. A sweetheart like you would be best matched with a celeb who's as down-to-earth as you are. Someone who is cute and fun to be around is what it'll take to make your heart go pitter-patter. A cutie pie like Orlando Bloom is just what the love doctor ordered for you.

You and your perfect partner would have a blast on low-key dates away from all the glitz and glam of Tinseltown. What could be better than a quiet night at home with a movie, popcorn, and plenty of one-on-one time with your beloved? So, pop in a DVD and enjoy a cozy night with your celeb soul mate! And if your celeb soul mate can't make it, someone sweet is probably waiting to curl up with a cutie like you! So get out there and meet them!

Nah, half that stuff doesn't really fit me, because it didn't have enough choices.

WW, wow, we got the same thing!
DM Windwalker
GM, 547 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:02
  • msg #710

Re: School

*giggles*  That's good.  :)


Are You More Angelina or Jennifer?

Kristin, you're 87% Angelina.

Grrr! Sexy and smart has never looked so good. Go get 'em tiger!
DM Windwalker
GM, 548 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:06
  • msg #711

Re: School

Kristin, you are Hermione Granger.

Raise your hand if you can picture yourself at the head of the class — any class. Though sometimes you might crack under pressure, that doesn't mean you're not brave and strong; you just care about doing things right. After all, you don't want to mess up your toads' eye and frogs' blood spell, do you?

Some people might say you could stand to work a bit less, but you know a little sweat will get you right to the top. And, hey, if you have a spare second can you help us with our homework? Thanks!
DM Kitty
GM, 102 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:10
  • msg #712

Re: School

Katie, your pop star style is Mellow 'n Earthy!

You've got an inner calm about you that makes others — family, friends, even little kids — feel better just being near you. This doesn't mean that you don't have strong ideas and opinions. You've got your own special brand of determination. In fact, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about how to make the world a more harmonious place by getting your ideas across with patience and compassion. That's part of your charm and probably the reason people simply can't resist listening to what you have to say — whether you're telling them through your hot new single or over a hot cup of herbal tea.

Your free-spirited style calls for a naturally flowing and fun look. From 60s-style, vintage-wear in bold prints and colors to peasant shirts, relaxed jeans, and a cool mother-of-pearl pendant. Make sure to stick with clothes that let you move and groove to your own beat. You're an individual with a true commitment to the world and to all people, whether they like your music or not. So let your style really reflect your passion. Peace.

Wow!  Is it always the same answer, or are we really just that similar?
DM Windwalker
GM, 549 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:11
  • msg #713

Re: School

Good, I'm the better singer and all-around person.  :p

Kristin, you are Gabriella Montez.

We'd all be so jealous of you — if we didn't like you so much, that is! So if you were cast in High School Musical, we're pretty sure you'd land the part of Gabriella (or at least her BFF). On the outside you seem smart, kind, and sometimes a little shy, but we know that you've got a feisty side too! It might seem uncommon to have such great traits, but somehow you manage it.

Don't believe us? Maybe you don't believe in yourself as much as you should. But don't worry — as long as you work hard and dream big there's no limit to what you can achieve. You're a star!
DM Annihilator
GM, 214 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:11
  • msg #714

Re: School

DM Windwalker:

Are You More Angelina or Jennifer?

Kristin, you're 87% Angelina.

Grrr! Sexy and smart has never looked so good. Go get 'em tiger!

I got the exact same result!  :D
DM Windwalker
GM, 550 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:12
  • msg #715

Re: School

Kristin, you're a Love-Struck Valentine.

Of course your heart's a-flutter over Valentine's Day: Cupid's arrows seem to have hit you right on target. This holiday was obviously made for smitten lovebirds like you. We bet you'll be whispering sweet nothings long after the 14th. Just try not to make everyone too jealous.
DM Kitty
GM, 103 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:15
  • msg #716

Re: School

Wow, you are Hermione Granger!

Raise your hand if you can picture yourself at the head of the class — any class. Though sometimes you might crack under pressure, that doesn't mean you're not brave and strong; you just care about doing things right. After all, you don't want to mess up your toads' eye and frogs' blood spell, do you?

DM Kitty
GM, 104 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:20
  • msg #717

Re: School

Wow, you're Gabriella Montez!

We'd all be so jealous of you — if we didn't like you so much, that is! So if you were cast in High School Musical, we're pretty sure you'd land the part of Gabriella (or at least her BFF). On the outside you seem smart, kind, and sometimes a little shy, but we know that you've got a feisty side too! It might seem uncommon to have such great traits, but somehow you manage it.

...WW I think we're long lost twins! lol
DM Kitty
GM, 105 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:23
  • msg #718

Re: School

Wow, you're a Love-Struck Valentine!

Of course your heart's a-flutter over Valentine's Day: Cupid's arrows seem to have hit you right on target. This holiday was obviously made for smitten lovebirds like you. We bet you'll be whispering sweet nothings long after the 14th. Just try not to make everyone too jealous.

Heh, really weird, isn't it?
DM Windwalker
GM, 551 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:27
  • msg #719

Re: School

Oh wow!  :p  *hugs*

Kristin, your palm reveals you are especially good at Expressing your true self.

Our psychologists were able to confirm what palmists have known for centuries: the lines in your palm reveal many things about you — including details about your future.

Your palm shows you are vivacious, energetic, flexible and creative. You will be most content in professions that allow you to exercise your imagination.
DM Windwalker
GM, 552 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 18:38
  • msg #720

Re: School

Kristin, your handwriting reveals that you are Expressive.

Your writing style reflects your awareness of your thoughts and feelings as well as your ability to articulate this understanding through your exceptional self-expression. Is it your letter size, your bottom margin, or your slant that gives you away?
PC praguepride
player, 37 posts
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 19:08
  • msg #721

Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

Where do you find all of those things? (Don't answer literally, I can view the URL)
DM Windwalker
GM, 553 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 19:23
  • msg #722

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

DM Windwalker
GM, 554 posts
Property of
Thu 11 Oct 2007
at 20:56
  • msg #723

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

DM Kool
GM, 106 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Fri 12 Oct 2007
at 14:44
  • msg #724

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

High 80s Tuesday, mid 60s Thursday...

Somewhere in the past two days, Fall arrived.
DM Kitty
GM, 106 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Fri 12 Oct 2007
at 15:29
  • msg #725

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

And today I'm freezing my tail off.  The high is supposed to be 70.  It's not there yet.  It was 40 this morning.  B-b-b-brrrrr!  :|
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 94 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 02:45
  • msg #726

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

Balmy english autumn here, so far. My favourite time of year, actually... heh.


Bjollok Bonesmasher

(Well, actually, that wouldn't really be your name -- since you're female, your name would be something like "Bjollok Björnsdottir". But this is the twenty-first century, and you want to be known for who you are, not for who your father was, right? Right.)

Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle -- unfortunately, you're not terribly good at it. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination.

You might grumble a bit at the lack of amenities on board a Viking longboat, but you can handle it. Other Vikings tolerate your presence, though they're not quite sure if they can trust you to fight dirty.

You consider yourself to be better than a lot of people. Although you might not know it, the people you despise laugh at you when they see you sucking up to your superiors. Other people tend to think of you as manipulative and conniving.

Bjollok? Ew. Bollocks. :p And I think I'm better than people? Intriguing, considering the number of times I get told to give myself more credit... then again, I'm also more Raven than any of the animal options there! Considering the importance of ravens to scandanavian mythology, I'm surprised it wasn't listed...

The whole 'grumble a bitt at the lack of amenities' is rather humerous, since I'm a a yacht sailor by trade!

Benedicte, your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Classy

Hmm. Classy, huh? I guess that's pretty cool - I always was more Willow than Cordelia though. ><

Benedicte, your pop star style is Loud 'n Proud!

Haah... ironically, the loud, wildflower rebel that description gives is... pretty much my opposite at parties. ><

Benedicte, your animated show is The Simpsons

That makes me wonder what the other options are...

Benedicte, you're 62% Angelina

Uh... yay? >< Is it bad that, as far as I know, I've never actually seen a movie with Angelina in it? And my main exposure to Anniston is Friends?

Benedicte, you're Hiro Nakamura

Haha... Hiro-kun, huh? I started to get the impression that's what I was heading towards halfway through... (That's the Heroes character test)

Benedicte, you are Ginny Weasley

Can I just say that I honestly expected to be Hermione? lol

Benedicte, you're a Love-Struck Valentine

Heh. Oddly appropriate, I suppose. ^^

Benedicte, the shape of your hand reveals that you are especially good at Letting your love flow

I guess that's a good thing? >< I tend to care too much about people who betray that trust... even afterwards...

Benedicte, your handwriting reveals that you are Resilient

That one, at least, I can agree with... ehe... or maybe just jaded. ><
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:46, Sat 13 Oct 2007.
DM Windwalker
GM, 555 posts
Property of
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 03:07
  • msg #727

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

DM Kool:
High 80s Tuesday, mid 60s Thursday...

Somewhere in the past two days, Fall arrived.

That's nothing.  One day was in the upper 80s.  The very next day was in the lower 40s.  We swing big time here.  :p
DM Kitty
GM, 107 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 04:31
  • msg #728

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

Wow.  Oh, so that's why we keep out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt in the winter! lol
DM Windwalker
GM, 556 posts
Property of
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 13:14
  • msg #729

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

And jeans and a sweater in the summer, yeah.  :p
DM Kitty
GM, 108 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 16:43
  • msg #730

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

Eh, I wear jeans just about all the time anyway.  :P
DM Windwalker
GM, 557 posts
Property of
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 16:48
  • msg #731

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

Me too unless I'm teaching or at church.  It's nearly impossible to get me to dress up.  Just ask Anni.  Even to pick him up from the airport I was totally casual, no dressing up, Cardinals shirt for me as usual.  :p
DM Kitty
GM, 109 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 16:54
  • msg #732

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

Yeah, I don't dress up much.  Jeans and a t-shirt is fine for me!  I like comfortable clothes. :)
Except, of course, on a Sunday.  Though I still don't like to dress up too much.  Just a long skirt and plain colored, comfortable shirt.  Maybe a little bit of jewelry.  Nothin' fancy. :P
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 132 posts
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 17:55
  • msg #733

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

Atheists NEVER have to dress up :D

except for those stupid events and junk...
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 80 posts
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 20:44
  • msg #734

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

I like to wear my watch and glasses, shorts if I have to step out side, and more if i have to go to work heh heh
DM Raven
GM, 269 posts
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 21:31
  • msg #735

Re: Tests, quizzes, and exams...oh my!

I can't help it: I just LOVE to dress up! Too bad there is little reason for me to do so. Usually I'm in blouse and jeans in the office, except when we have visitors then it is a pantsuit or costume.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 82 posts
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 21:46
  • msg #736

Good News Everyone....

I got a promotion this past week, I will be coming a supervisor starting monday, I found out I will be a daddy to #3 and I got a raise to help support my diaper habbit.  And I got a puppy thats a beener (Half Beagle/Half Weener dog) Named Dreenna

<IMG src="">
This message was last edited by the player at 21:46, Sat 13 Oct 2007.
DM Raven
GM, 270 posts
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 21:50
  • msg #737

Re: Good News Everyone....

Congrats to that promotion and: Awww... she's so cute!
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:01, Sat 13 Oct 2007.
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 83 posts
Sat 13 Oct 2007
at 21:54
  • msg #738

Re: Good News Everyone....

DM Windwalker
GM, 558 posts
Property of
Sun 14 Oct 2007
at 00:57
  • msg #739

Re: Good News Everyone....

Wow, congratulations!  Here's hoping number three looks like Tayzen and Gauge and you!  :p
DM Kitty
GM, 110 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sun 14 Oct 2007
at 02:46
  • msg #740

Re: Good News Everyone....

Aww, so cute! :)
PC praguepride
player, 38 posts
Sun 14 Oct 2007
at 17:36
  • msg #741

Re: Good News Everyone....

wow, when I first read that post I thought he said 'diaper hobbit.' I laughed for a good while before realizing that I misread the post :(
DM Kitty
GM, 111 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 16 Oct 2007
at 02:59
  • msg #742

Re: Good News Everyone....

PC praguepride
player, 39 posts
Tue 16 Oct 2007
at 04:30
  • msg #743

Re: Good News Everyone....

PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 84 posts
Tue 16 Oct 2007
at 15:34
  • msg #744

Re: Good News Everyone....

DM Pinkbunny
GM, 133 posts
Tue 16 Oct 2007
at 19:24
  • msg #745

Re: Good News Everyone....

meep... *dives for cover from the resulting fury of a scorned WW*
DM d-wiz
GM, 31 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Tue 16 Oct 2007
at 21:46
  • msg #746

Re: Good News Everyone....

Sticks in head and greets familiar faces, as well as unknown ;P
DM Windwalker
GM, 559 posts
Property of
Tue 16 Oct 2007
at 22:14
  • msg #747

Re: Good News Everyone....

PC Piercedpeekachu:

Oh my.  Now you asked for it.  I had hoped to keep this out of the way so as not to embarrass you in front of all of RoA, but too late now.  :p

*giggles*  Wait...the Rockies go to the Series for the first time and that's supposed to prove they're better than the Cardinals who have won the Series what 10 times?  (1926, 1931, 1934 '42, 1944, 1946, 1964, 1967, 1982, 2006)  Not to mention, of course, that there is only ONE team in MLB that has won more times than the Cards?  That, obviously, being the Yanks since they've got the money to pay for their entire line-up to be huge, big talent?  Whatever, silly boy.  Still, I rejoice with you for I don't hate the Rockies.  Only the Cubs and the Red Sox are so vile in my book.  Congrats, and here's hoping we have a great contest in the Fall Classic!  :)   *

*Note: This is what I posted in a game that PC Pierced and I are in together.  :p  *giggles lots*  All hail the amazing, spectacular, wonderful Cardinals.  Even they can't win every year.  :)  And yes, I'm a girl that loves sports this much.  Especially baseball.  Especially my Cardinals.  :)
DM Koboldking
GM, 19 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Tue 16 Oct 2007
at 22:25
  • msg #748

Re: Good News Everyone....

DM Windwalker:
Only the Cubs and the Red Sox are so vile in my book.

... sigh, nobody loves the Red Sox (well except for near the whole of MA)
DM Kitty
GM, 112 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 16 Oct 2007
at 22:27
  • msg #749

Re: Good News Everyone....

DM d-wiz:
Sticks in head and greets familiar faces, as well as unknown ;P

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:27, Tue 16 Oct 2007.
PC Elerndale
player, 55 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 07:46
  • msg #750

Re: Good News Everyone....

What a "Red Sox"?
DM d-wiz
GM, 32 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 08:02
  • msg #751

Re: Good News Everyone....

DM Kitty:

Hey Kitty!!! :D
DM Kool
GM, 107 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 08:31
  • msg #752

Re: Good News Everyone....

Yo man, where you been?
DM d-wiz
GM, 33 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 09:18
  • msg #753

Re: Good News Everyone....

Life and a bad internet connection got the best of me, in retrospect I should have dropped a sentence or two in here (sorry).
DM Windwalker
GM, 560 posts
Property of
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 12:16
  • msg #754

Re: Good News Everyone....

Glad to see you, d-wiz.  :)  Hope things are looking up for you.  If there's anything I can do, let me know.  :)

One of my best friends is from Boston (though she thankfully lost the accent years ago :p) and loves the Red Sox.  But I'm a good and forgiving friend and love her anyway.  :p  *giggles*
DM d-wiz
GM, 34 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 12:47
  • msg #755

Re: Good News Everyone....

Right back at ya WW. Yup things are starting to clear up, I got my financial situation solved so I don't have to work along with my fulltime studies ;P

I still have a lot of catching up to do in school, but it is definitely going in the right direction.

I take it everything has cleared up for you as well? You were pretty hung up last time I was around?
DM Annihilator
GM, 215 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 13:09
  • msg #756

Re: Good News Everyone....

Velkommen tilbake, D-Wiz!  :-)
DM d-wiz
GM, 35 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 16:07
  • msg #757

Re: Good News Everyone....

Jo tak Anni. Det var Norge ikke? I er da med helt fremme om at komme med til EM?! ;D
DM Annihilator
GM, 216 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 16:59
  • msg #758

Re: Good News Everyone....

Da skal vi først slÃ¥ Bosnia i kveld, men klarer vi det, tror jeg sjangsene er gode.  ;-)  Hvordan ligger Danmark an?
DM d-wiz
GM, 36 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 17:34
  • msg #759

Re: Good News Everyone....

Vi er allerede røget, var kampen mod Sverige hjemme hvor ham tilskueren løb ind og slog ud efter dommeren og så et par røde kort, der har ødelagt det.

Vi skal spille om lidt. Held og lykke med jeres kamp!
DM Annihilator
GM, 217 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 18:07
  • msg #760

Re: Good News Everyone....

Jo, husker den kampen. . .  synd nÃ¥r slikt skjer, det ødelegger for idretten.  :(
DM d-wiz
GM, 37 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Wed 17 Oct 2007
at 20:49
  • msg #761

Re: Good News Everyone....

Ja, det er noget skidt når der sker sådan noget.

Tillykke med sejren, nu er det lidt op til jer selv en sejr hjemme over Tyrkiet og så ser det rigtig godt ud.
DM Windwalker
GM, 561 posts
Property of
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 02:57
  • msg #762

Re: Good News Everyone....

Honey, I hate it when you do that.  :p  How am I supposed to translate all of that.  *giggles*  I'm going to start signing to you so that you won't know what I'm saying.  :p
DM BadCatMan
GM, 411 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 03:40
  • msg #763

RoA Wants YOU!

It's time for our regular DM round-up.

Do you want to be inducted into the secret world behind RoA? Do you want to be a controlling force in the world? Do you want Absolute Power?

Then you should consider becoming a DM.

The following games are in need of adoption:

Sea Of Fallen Stars
Waterdeep & Skullport - needs a temporary DM until DM Mike can return
Terrors Of The Underdark (Drow)
One-Shot Adventures
One-Shots & Orphanage - a holding region for spare PCs

Please PM both DMs Annihilator and BadCatMan if you are interested.

We now return you to your Norwegian Chat.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:53, Fri 19 Oct 2007.
PC solo
player, 61 posts
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 06:49
  • msg #764

Re: RoA Wants YOU!

Actually it's one norwegian and one dane. :-)

Looks like the second coming of the vikings...
DM Annihilator
GM, 218 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 09:37
  • msg #765

Re: Good News Everyone....

DM d-wiz:
Ja, det er noget skidt når der sker sådan noget.

Tillykke med sejren, nu er det lidt op til jer selv en sejr hjemme over Tyrkiet og så ser det rigtig godt ud.

Ja, om vi vinner den kampen, så er vi kvalifisert for EM for første gang siden 2000, og vår andre gang noensinne.

DM Windwalker:
Honey, I hate it when you do that.  :p  How am I supposed to translate all of that.  *giggles*  I'm going to start signing to you so that you won't know what I'm saying.  :p

Silly girl - it's just football-talk.  :p
DM Wolf
GM, 105 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 12:59
  • msg #766

Re: Good News Everyone....

DM Annihilator:
DM d-wiz:
Ja, det er noget skidt når der sker sådan noget.

Tillykke med sejren, nu er det lidt op til jer selv en sejr hjemme over Tyrkiet og så ser det rigtig godt ud.

Ja, om vi vinner den kampen, så er vi kvalifisert for EM for første gang siden 2000, og vår andre gang noensinne.

La oss bare si det sånn at Okey vi vant i går 0-2, men har ikke noe å gjøre i EM. Hvis vi kommer videre så kommer det til å bli en stor skuffelse. Norge spilte ikke bra fotball. Det var en skam å se på. Det holdt ikke engang tippeliga nivå.
DM Annihilator
GM, 219 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 15:02
  • msg #767

Re: Good News Everyone....

Tull!  Et landslag ligger ikke pÃ¥ andreplass i kvalifiserings-gruppen sin fordi de er heldige - og klarer vi Ã¥ kvalifisere oss fra denne gruppen har vi sÃ¥ definitift noe i EM Ã¥ gjøre!  Gledesdreper.  :|
PC praguepride
player, 40 posts
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 15:11
  • msg #768

Re: Good News Everyone....

Recently saw this and thought it was pretty funny, so I shall share.
DM Kool
GM, 108 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 15:19
  • msg #769

Re: Good News Everyone....

And if you can stand one more...
DM d-wiz
GM, 38 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 17:26
  • msg #770

Re: Good News Everyone....

Wolf og Anni -> Altså kommer i med må det jo være fortjent. Nu har jeg ikke set jeres kampe, men det kan da ikke være held det hele?! Og det er vel også et tegn på klasse man kan spille dårligt og vinde i Bosnien?!

Lidt trist vi er skandinaviens ringeste hold lige pludselig ;/
DM Windwalker
GM, 562 posts
Property of
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 17:49
  • msg #771

Re: Good News Everyone....

Well I figured it was football talk.  :p  *giggles*

Seriously though, I am so going to start signing to you.  I'm going to need the practice anyway for a new thing we're starting at church to help our local deaf people.  Practice is the only way to be fluent in sign language, as with all languages really.  :p
DM Kitty
GM, 114 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 17:54
  • msg #772

Re: Good News Everyone....

Yeah, I've never been very good at sign language.  I could do my name, and at one point the alphabet, but that's about it.  Oh, and milk.  And pasteurized milk. :P
You can only get the joke if you know those two. :)
DM Windwalker
GM, 563 posts
Property of
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 17:58
  • msg #773

Re: Good News Everyone....

*giggles*  Thankfully I got the joke.  :p

I can translate basic conversations slowly.  And I can do an entire slew of religious and also preschool songs, but I've had tons of practice at that.  I learned because my oldest has a little hearing problem and when she was young we didn't know if it would get worse or better.  Thankfully she's okay, though she is getting a hearing aid, but still it's good to know.  And hopefully I can do a lot of good with it.
DM Kitty
GM, 115 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 18:15
  • msg #774

Re: Good News Everyone....

Yeah, slowly.  The problem is, people who use sign language all the time, i.e., deaf people, do it very fast. :/
DM Windwalker
GM, 564 posts
Property of
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 18:17
  • msg #775

Re: Good News Everyone....

I know!  :p  But usually as long as you're trying, most deaf people try to slow down and be patient with you.  Most of them are just thrilled that you're willing to try to communicate with them and treat them as if they're important.

I teach sign to my kids and use it in the classroom all the time.  Kids can pick up on it so quickly, I think it's silly to not make it a basic part of the curriculum starting in preschool.
DM Annihilator
GM, 220 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 18:37
  • msg #776

Re: Good News Everyone....

DM d-wiz:
Wolf og Anni -> Altså kommer i med må det jo være fortjent. Nu har jeg ikke set jeres kampe, men det kan da ikke være held det hele?! Og det er vel også et tegn på klasse man kan spille dårligt og vinde i Bosnien?!

Lidt trist vi er skandinaviens ringeste hold lige pludselig ;/

Tja, jeg tror egentlig ikke at Norge er bedre en Sverige og Danmark, men klarer vi å gå videre fra en gruppe med Hellas, Tyrkia, Bosnia og Ungarn, så har vi gjordt en god jobb.

ForhÃ¥pentligvis sÃ¥ møtes vi i VM i 2010.  ;-)
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 134 posts
Thu 18 Oct 2007
at 22:09
  • msg #777

Re: Good News Everyone....

DM Windwalker:
I know!  :p  But usually as long as you're trying, most deaf people try to slow down and be patient with you.  Most of them are just thrilled that you're willing to try to communicate with them and treat them as if they're important.

I teach sign to my kids and use it in the classroom all the time.  Kids can pick up on it so quickly, I think it's silly to not make it a basic part of the curriculum starting in preschool.

it'll give us an advantage in ninjaing, like the drow.
DM Annihilator
GM, 222 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 12:57
  • msg #778

Bad News Everyone....

I've been in a (small-ish) accident on the bus-ride home not too long ago, the breaks stopped working, or something like that, we crashed into something, and I smacked my head really hard into a metal bar.  :(  I'm not feeling good at all right now, and I don't know when I'll be able to get back online.  I might go see a doctor if I don't feel better soon.  I'll be back as soon as possible, but for all my DMs out there, please NPC my characters for the time being, and for the people playing in my regions, I might be out for a bit, sorry.
PC solo
player, 62 posts
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 13:17
  • msg #779

Re: Bad News Everyone....

Yeah, you should see a doctor about that. Take that from someone who has had his head smacked all too often (a lot of contact sports, and worked as a bouncer).
DM BadCatMan
GM, 412 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 13:45
  • msg #780

Re: Bad News Everyone....

Ouch. Get well soon.
DM Annihilator
GM, 223 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 15:18
  • msg #781

Re: Bad News Everyone....

Saw a doctor, and while it doesn't appear to be anything serious, I'm still feeling pretty bad, my neck is starting to hurt a lot, so I'll probably take the weekend off from gaming here.
DM d-wiz
GM, 39 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 17:02
  • msg #782

Re: Bad News Everyone....

God bedring Anni - pas lidt på hvis det er et piskesmæld de kan være nasty uden man kan se det!
DM Kindred
GM, 214 posts
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 17:09
  • msg #783

Re: Bad News Everyone....

Get better soon Anni, Windwealker will be worried otherwise and we can't have her stressed out anymore :P
DM Kitty
GM, 116 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 21:38
  • msg #784

Re: Bad News Everyone....

Hope you feel better soon!  A weekend of rest should do the trick, I hope.
PC Alesandra
player, 5 posts
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 21:45
  • msg #785

Re: Bad News Everyone....

Take care and by gods sake, go see a Quiropractic. I had my right arm 70% paralised for more than half a year after the cast was removed. Was really sad because it was my good arm. A friend of mine tricked me into going to one. THE GUY POPPED MY WHOLE BACK! it was such a shock, but I started moving my arm again. He told me a lot of how the nerves get stuck after heavy hits and, well, 2 vertebraes were pinching my arms nerves.
DM Kitty
GM, 117 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 21:47
  • msg #786

Re: Bad News Everyone....

Yikes.  Good thing you went, then.
PC praguepride
player, 41 posts
Fri 19 Oct 2007
at 22:05
  • msg #787

Re: Bad News Everyone....

Just be careful. Chiropractors are good to go to when you need it, but some unscrupulous chiropractors will try and tell you it's a miracle cure. Remember, they go to a specialized school for it, but they're not doctors and have not had the comprehensive background that doctors have. Not to say doctors always know what they're talking to, but I'd consult a doctor before trying chiropracty.
PC praguepride
player, 43 posts
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 05:14
  • msg #788

And now, something completely different

This is an opinion question which is why I'm not asking it in the sage advice.

Q: How cheap/cheesy/min-maxy would it be to have a tiefling dragon disciple. Namely at the end level when you get the half-dragon template (turning you into 1/2 dragon, 1/4 human, 1/4 infernal)

I like Dragon Disciple because I enjoy playing melee oriented sorcerers (so dragon disciple is a pretty natural evolution) but just wondering how much cheese I'm creating here.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 414 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 05:28
  • msg #789

Re: And now, something completely different

It's odd, but not impossible. Fiendish dragon types do exist, such as abishai devils and abyssal drakes. Even Tchazzar, dragon-god-king of Chessenta is a fiendish red dragon.

And it's legal, because half-dragon can only be applied to living corporeal beings, which tieflings are.

Plus, neither are particularly powerful, so it's not very mix-maxy.

Overall, it's about a mozzarella. :)
DM Kitty
GM, 118 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 06:20
  • msg #790

Re: And now, something completely different

I like dragon disciple because...well, just because I like dragons.  Very much so. :)
DM Kool
GM, 109 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 07:05
  • msg #791

Re: And now, something completely different

DM BadCatMan:
...Tchazzar, dragon-god-king...

I thought it was Bahamut. :P
DM Kremti
GM, 254 posts
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 15:24
  • msg #792

Re: And now, something completely different

PC praguepride:
This is an opinion question which is why I'm not asking it in the sage advice.

Q: How cheap/cheesy/min-maxy would it be to have a tiefling dragon disciple. Namely at the end level when you get the half-dragon template (turning you into 1/2 dragon, 1/4 human, 1/4 infernal)

I like Dragon Disciple because I enjoy playing melee oriented sorcerers (so dragon disciple is a pretty natural evolution) but just wondering how much cheese I'm creating here.

As far as the min-maxing (Or, more commonly referred as optimizing) goes, Dragon Disciple is cinsidered sd one of the worst prestige class ever amongst the optimizing community.  No one will tell you it's cheesy.  Most optimizers will tell you not to do it because it'd suck.

So you probably have no problem there.

PC praguepride
player, 44 posts
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 15:50
  • msg #793

Re: And now, something completely different

Why is dragon disciple considered so poor? Free flight, huge stat bumps adn immunities. I thought the D.D. was pretty powerful, in it's own way.
DM Annihilator
GM, 224 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 16:08
  • msg #794

Re: And now, something completely different

Basically, it's a terrible choice for anyone wanting to cast spells, what with it not giving an increase in spellcasting (apart from a few bonus spell slots).
PC praguepride
player, 45 posts
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 16:27
  • msg #795

Re: And now, something completely different

Eh, I guess that's why I'm weird. I like to add a dash of magic to my characters, not nearly enough to make them anything of a dedicated user, just a level or two, so dragon disciple appeals to me because I can use that one level of sorcerer to create a powerful melee character.

In hindsight it is a bizarre prestige class, turning a caster into a buff front line combatant.
DM Kitty
GM, 119 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 16:46
  • msg #796

Re: And now, something completely different

Dragon Disciple rules!  Because it makes you almost half-dragon.  Almost.
DM Kremti
GM, 255 posts
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 16:58
  • msg #797

Re: And now, something completely different

It's a class that can't decide what it wants to do, and end up doing everything badly.

#1, it requires spontaneous arcane spell casting to enter.  So this means sorcerer or something...BUT

#2, the class itself doesn't give you any spellcasting advancement.  Sure, you get extra spells, but you don't get higher level spells.  That's poor.  If you enter it as a level 5 sorcerer, while you keep advancing DD (It's 10 level PrC), you only got level 2 spells.  At level still has level 2 spells, while straight sorcerers are slinging level 7 spells (And wizards got level 8 spells).

#3, the class gives you buncha melee combat bonus...BUT

#4, it gives only medium advancement on base attack bonus.  AND you are delaying your melee attack further by having to pick up spell-casting classes to enter (See #1).  And the best bonus you get is +8 strength at the end and claws and bit, which need some feat investment to make it work.  Everything else is sort of weak/can be found cheaply with spells/items/etcs.

The reward is just not enough when you sacrificed so much of spellcasting *and* melee bonuses.


Sorcerer 1/Fighter 4/DD 10


Fighter 1/Sorcerer 6/Eldrich Knight 8

DD gets +11 BAB, 7 extra level 1 spells, +8 STR, +2 con, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +4 NA, Bites and Claws, Once a Day 6d8 breath weapon, flight, and 1 extra fighter feat.

EK gets +12 BAB, 4 level 6 spells, 6 level 5, 6 level 4, 6 level 3, and 6 level 2 spells.

I think that number of spells easily cover everything DD gets, and some more.  That's 21 extra spells, and all the spells DD has are level 1.

And mind you, Eldrich Knight is considered 'Not-so-hot' prestige class.

DM Annihilator
GM, 225 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 17:19
  • msg #798

Re: And now, something completely different

Kremti:  Would it be possible to go Duskblade 5/Dragon Disciple?  They've got spontaneous casting, and wouldn't take as bad a hit to their BAB, I'm thinking?
DM Kremti
GM, 256 posts
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 17:42
  • msg #799

Re: And now, something completely different

Yeah, Duskblade or Hexblade probably works better.  I'll still have to look through the class abilities on each of them and figure out which one works better with DD.

Then again, I dunno if you'd rather have Duskblade 5/DD 10, instead of Duskblade 15.  That class is pretty good as-is.

There are people who try hard to optimize Dragon Disciple on Character Optimization forum on WoTC website.  I'll see if I can dig up some of those.  The key might be to do something with Bite and Claw attacks.

PC praguepride
player, 46 posts
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 18:07
  • msg #800

Re: And now, something completely different

While that is technically true, if I was a GM I wouldn't allow a duskblade to be a dragon disciple. I like how NWN2 it specifically says bard or sorcerer.

As for why I wouldn't allow it, the main reason is because PHBII would be banned from any campaign I run (even I can't stand that much cheese) and I think it subverts the spirit behind the theme of Dragon Disciples. With bards and sorcerers, the ability to spontaneously cast does not come from years of dedicated training, quite the opposite it comes from an innate ability, just like running or jumping or breathing air. This can be further explained by having a bit of supernatural blood in the system, hence dragon disciple. Duskblades practice "ancient traditions" to gain their abilities, not so much on the draconic blood.

But remember you can also take bard levels and then become a dragon disciple. I think that would be more effective because bards are typically support casters and then are combatants. A DD Bard would be fairly powerful in combat while still having access to a wide range of bardic abilities.
DM Kremti
GM, 257 posts
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 18:15
  • msg #801

Re: And now, something completely different

PC praguepride:
But remember you can also take bard levels and then become a dragon disciple. I think that would be more effective because bards are typically support casters and then are combatants. A DD Bard would be fairly powerful in combat while still having access to a wide range of bardic abilities.

But you don't get the wide range of bardic abilities.  Imagine Bard 5/Dragon Disciple 10.  All of your bardic abilities are stunted at level 5.  Spell casting, Inspire Courage is stuck at +1 (At level 14, straight bard has +3 bonus), No Inspire Greatness, Heroics, Song of Freedom or even suggestion.  In the meanwhile, your BAB is even worse at +10...

PC praguepride
player, 47 posts
Sat 20 Oct 2007
at 18:59
  • msg #802

Re: And now, something completely different

So would DD be 'fixed' and 'decent' if it had a high BAB progression like an eldritch knight does?
PC Elerndale
player, 56 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Sun 21 Oct 2007
at 01:51
  • msg #803

Re: And now, something completely different

I always like the class but it kills your spell casting ability dead if take it to high level.

If had +1 arcane spell caster level every 2 or even 3 levels it be lot better.

Just looked at it.

3) +1 Arcane Spell level.
6) +1 Arcane Spell level.
9) +1 Arcane Spell level.

That would Change Sorcerer 5 Dragon Disciple 10

Level           0       1       2      3        4
Spells          6       6       4(+7)
Know            6       4       2


Spells          6       6       6       5       3
Know            8       5       3       2       1

It may only be few more spell per day but jump from 2nd level to 4th.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:09, Sun 21 Oct 2007.
PC praguepride
player, 48 posts
Sun 21 Oct 2007
at 02:15
  • msg #804

Re: And now, something completely different

Wow, that would help a lot. Just getting access to 3rd level is huge because the 3rd circle is when mages start getting the really effective spells (fireball, fly, etc.)
DM Kool
GM, 110 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Sun 21 Oct 2007
at 17:54
  • msg #805

Re: And now, something completely different

Can someone get a summary of this discussion?  I'm very interested, but don't have the time to dig through and find everything about it.
PC praguepride
player, 49 posts
Sun 21 Oct 2007
at 20:54
  • msg #806

Re: And now, something completely different

Umm, we discussed several different things, but right now the discussion is mostly on Dragon Disciples and how much it a) sucks the way it is and b) how to fix it.
DM Kitty
GM, 120 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Mon 22 Oct 2007
at 04:15
  • msg #807

Re: And now, something completely different

The actual prestige class sucks, yes, but I still say the idea rules. :P
PC praguepride
player, 50 posts
Mon 22 Oct 2007
at 06:09
  • msg #808

Re: And now, something completely different

Oh, I agree which is why I'm playing a character on that path as we speak. Right now my only frustration is that as Elerndale pointed out it's an easy fix to make it from suxxor to roxxor by giving +1 spellcaster level every 3rd level (3,6,9)

Such a simple fix and yet it remains craptacular :(
PC quickj
player, 143 posts
Commiting the oldest sins
in the newest ways!
Mon 22 Oct 2007
at 15:25
  • msg #809

Re: And now, something completely different

Is there a link to a complete listing of magic items somewhere so I might get an idea of something to buy with my ROA gift $?
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 96 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 23 Oct 2007
at 00:34
  • msg #810

Re: And now, something completely different

There's a pretty compehensive list on Crystal Keep, I think...
PC Piercedpeekachu
player, 85 posts
Wed 24 Oct 2007
at 22:53
  • msg #811

Re: And now, something completely different

hpw about a list of magic items for your pets?
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 135 posts
Sat 27 Oct 2007
at 19:14
  • msg #812

Re: CoDM needed

Hello PCs, I am considering picking up the Sea of Fallen Stars region, but I would like some help, and I'm looking for a CoDM to bounce ideas off of and help with running combat. Someone with MSN that is on to talk to often enough.

In addition to giving back to rpol, there are some perks, including playing god, and a little bit of xp every month to do fun things and level up.

Send me a PM if you're interested.
DM Wolf
GM, 107 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Mon 29 Oct 2007
at 13:40
  • msg #813

Re: CoDM needed

Look what I found at youtube.
PC solo
player, 67 posts
Mon 29 Oct 2007
at 14:52
  • msg #814

Re: CoDM needed

DM Darkchylde hasn't attended his flock (or horde, rather) in the savage species region for a while, is he missing or just really busy?
DM Windwalker
GM, 568 posts
Property of
Mon 29 Oct 2007
at 16:57
  • msg #815

Re: CoDM needed

I haven't heard anything to suggest otherwise, so I would assume just very busy.  I'll see what I can find out for you.
DM Annihilator
GM, 226 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Mon 29 Oct 2007
at 20:42
  • msg #816

Re: CoDM needed

PC solo
player, 68 posts
Mon 29 Oct 2007
at 20:48
  • msg #817

Re: CoDM needed

Grrr! :-) Like a true Minsc, I can't get this image gizmo to work! Time to kick the computer around!

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:08, Mon 29 Oct 2007.
DM Windwalker
GM, 569 posts
Property of
Mon 29 Oct 2007
at 21:06
  • msg #818

Re: CoDM needed

DM Wolf
GM, 108 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Mon 29 Oct 2007
at 21:14
  • msg #819

Re: CoDM needed

They know me so well.
DM Kool
GM, 113 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 29 Oct 2007
at 22:14
  • msg #820

Re: CoDM needed

I'm Edwin.  Hehehe...
DM Kitty
GM, 123 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 04:22
  • msg #821

Re: CoDM needed

Once again, I got the same as WW!  Boo! :P  Which proves my point.  We must be long-lost twins! :)
DM BadCatMan
GM, 423 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 04:45
  • msg #822

Re: CoDM needed

There's only the four characters available, it's inevitable. :)
DM Kitty
GM, 124 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 04:46
  • msg #823

Re: CoDM needed

Yeah, true, but don't you see a pattern here? lol
PC Elerndale
player, 59 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 04:47
  • msg #824

Re: CoDM needed

Well the answer I got was one I thought all alone.
The poor quiz could not cope with my answer and gave me no result at all.
Seems I not just outside the box but in a in it at same time.
DM Kool
GM, 114 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 05:39
  • msg #825

Re: CoDM needed

Wow, it gave you no must have gotten smack-dab in the middle, or else it just got messed up...
PC praguepride
player, 54 posts
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 05:44
  • msg #826

Re: CoDM needed

I'm sad it didn't include more characters. I was hoping to see if I could get Quayle :D
PC solo
player, 69 posts
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 08:59
  • msg #827

Re: CoDM needed

Thank you WW, I'll kick evil butt for you anyday!
DM BadCatMan
GM, 424 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 11:09
  • msg #828

Re: CoDM needed

DMing, anybody? Please?

The Shaar / Great Rift
Border Kingdoms - high level region
Sea Of Fallen Stars
Terrors Of The Underdark (Drow)
One-Shot Adventures
One-Shots & Orphanage - a holding region for spare PCs
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:17, Wed 31 Oct 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 115 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 13:31
  • msg #829

Re: CoDM needed

Moonsea reaching the end of the adventure, still waiting for a DM to pick up after me!  If no one shows up I may end up deciding to continue, and that wouldn't really be the best thing for my schedule.
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 98 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 15:08
  • msg #830

Re: CoDM needed

... Minsc? interesting. I'd expected Edwin.

<img src="" alt="">

Am I really so unsubtle? >< Then again, if there's only four options...
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:17, Tue 30 Oct 2007.
PC RahXephon
player, 15 posts
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 16:43
  • msg #831

Re: CoDM needed

I got Xan... >.< Hmm, not that good eh? T_T
DM Kool
GM, 116 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 16:49
  • msg #832

Re: CoDM needed

I took it twice, differently, and ended up with Edwin each time.  It must read minds...
DM Windwalker
GM, 570 posts
Property of
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 17:52
  • msg #833

Re: CoDM needed

PC solo:
Thank you WW, I'll kick evil butt for you anyday!

Thank you, doll!  :)  Oh, and you're welcome.  :p  Almost forgot that part.  :p
PC solo
player, 70 posts
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 22:54
  • msg #834

Re: CoDM needed

A celebration is in order; I just got to be a father, again! Mother and daughter are doing great, and me and Jr hope to take them home soon.
DM Kitty
GM, 125 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 23:21
  • msg #835

Re: CoDM needed

DM Annihilator
GM, 227 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Tue 30 Oct 2007
at 23:29
  • msg #836

Re: CoDM needed

Congrats, man!  :-)
PC Shigoki
player, 10 posts
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 02:41
  • msg #837

Re: CoDM needed

Happy Baby day man!! :D
DM Windwalker
GM, 571 posts
Property of
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 13:09
  • msg #838

Re: CoDM needed

PC solo:
A celebration is in order; I just got to be a father, again! Mother and daughter are doing great, and me and Jr hope to take them home soon.

Wow!  Congratulations!  I'm so happy for you!

DM Furyou Miko
GM, 99 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 14:30
  • msg #839

Re: CoDM needed

^^ Definite congrats. I'm never sure what to do with babies - always worried if I'll hold them too tight or not tight enough ><
PC Elerndale
player, 60 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 14:39
  • msg #840

Re: CoDM needed

Hi all:-

I want to run a game but the idea I have / rules does not fit into RoA
(I will be limiting a lot of stuff and want start at 1st).
My first attempt at doing so was failure on my part.

1) I would like to open it up first to people in RoA as know I got good chance getting good player and people that stay around.

2) If it runs well i may pick up GM an area here.

Can I post a link to the game in ROA so I can open it to RoA first?
DM Windwalker
GM, 572 posts
Property of
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 14:46
  • msg #841

Re: CoDM needed

Don't worry, Miko.  Unless you try, you could not squeeze a baby too tightly.  And besides, they like to be held close and comfortably tight.  That's what they're used to in the womb.

Elerndale, I believe it is okay to post a link and let people know you're hosting a game.  RoA isn't competing with other games, we're just happy to have the great DMs and PCs that are here.
PC Elerndale
player, 61 posts
+2 Ini  AC 14 / 12 / 12 
HP 12/12  Sa +3/+2/+7
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 15:07
  • msg #842

Re: CoDM needed

That Dm windwalker is why I want to post it here first.
To these that know Slove or Thamol - well my DM is like my character roleplay.
Run for the hills (he he)

link to "Nifice Fort"
DM Kindred
GM, 215 posts
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 17:01
  • msg #843

Re: CoDM needed

That sucks! I'm Garrick!
DM Annihilator
GM, 228 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 17:30
  • msg #844

Re: CoDM needed

You mean that useless bard who never got to join my Bhaalspawn's party?  :p
DM Kindred
GM, 216 posts
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 19:55
  • msg #845

Re: CoDM needed

The useless bard I think I killed... :P
DM Jim
GM, 131 posts
An old player
in a new place
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 21:29
  • msg #846

Re: CoDM needed

Better late than never, I suppose...

Congratulation, Solo!
PC solo
player, 71 posts
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 22:37
  • msg #847

Re: CoDM needed

Thanks everyone!
PC praguepride
player, 55 posts
Wed 31 Oct 2007
at 23:03
  • msg #848

Re: CoDM needed

Sweet, while I didn't get Quayle, I sure got Tiax

I also found out that Viconia and Quayle were also added. Huzzah.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:12, Wed 31 Oct 2007.
PC crazykev
player, 40 posts
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 09:58
  • msg #849

Re: CoDM needed

I ended up as Quayle!

DM Kool
GM, 117 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 13:50
  • msg #850

Re: CoDM needed

I took the quiz more seriously, since there are more, and I got Boo.  Like my brother, and my sister.  Must have something to do with the fact that my family has super IQ.
DM Annihilator
GM, 229 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 15:36
  • msg #851

Re: CoDM needed

DM Kool:
I took the quiz more seriously, since there are more, and I got Boo.  Like my brother, and my sister.  Must have something to do with the fact that my family has super IQ.

If that was true, you'd think you'd all get this one instead, though:

DM Windwalker
GM, 573 posts
Property of
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 16:55
  • msg #852

Re: CoDM needed

I'm still Boo even with the new stuff added in.  And Anni is correct on that point.  Your IQ doesn't have anything to do with why you got what you did or else you surely would have gotten Quayle if for no other reason than you are fascinated with your own brain.  :p  But IQ isn't how smart you are, it's what you do with what you know.  And Boo, from what I can see, utilizes the people and environment around him to the best possible advantage.  That's how you ace an IQ test, too.  You figure things out whether it's visual or spatial or however you do it.  Doesn't mean you're smart, just that you can use things around you to help you.
DM Kool
GM, 118 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 17:52
  • msg #853

Re: CoDM needed

Elfear got Boo...that is him, in the extreme.
DM Windwalker
GM, 574 posts
Property of
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 18:20
  • msg #854

Re: CoDM needed

Then it seems like Elfear and Kitty and I would get along famously, then.  :)
DM Kool
GM, 119 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 18:23
  • msg #855

Re: CoDM needed

One word to describe Elfear?  Manipulative.
One word to describe Kitty?  Sister.
DM Windwalker
GM, 575 posts
Property of
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 18:33
  • msg #856

Re: CoDM needed

That's not very nice.  I hope he doesn't take offense at that.  Nor Kitty either, really.  I sure hope nobody thinks I'm manipulative because I got Boo.  That's not what being able to use things to your advantage means.  Manipulative sort of implies that somebody is being hurt in the process.
DM Kool
GM, 120 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 18:34
  • msg #857

Re: CoDM needed

He's the kind, and he says so himself(with that grin of his) that he can make people see his way or do what he want them to(within reason) without them knowing.
PC praguepride
player, 56 posts
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 19:41
  • msg #858

Re: CoDM needed

Boo is a complete manipualtor. When Minsc gets captured and gets to hide ONE item on his body, what does he hide? A sword? Armor? A magic item? No, a hamster. Total manipulation of poor Minsc's subpar I.Q.
DM Annihilator
GM, 230 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 20:08
  • msg #859

Re: CoDM needed

Not just a hamster - a giant, miniature space hamster!  :D
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:03, Thu 01 Nov 2007.
PC Shigoki
player, 11 posts
Thu 1 Nov 2007
at 21:13
  • msg #860

Re: CoDM needed

Manipulative is good. In my country its the only way to deal with 40 kids on a class room. :S
And you dont have to be bad to be manipulative. Sometimes is to make people better.
DM Windwalker
GM, 576 posts
Property of
Fri 2 Nov 2007
at 01:54
  • msg #861

Re: CoDM needed

Am I manipulative in a bad way?  Or even a good way?  I get my students to behave simply be being nice and cheerful at least 90% of the time.  Middle schoolers are the only ones I have any problems with (ages 11-14, usually), but they always settle down after a small amount of time with me.  But I don't knowingly do anything other than talk to them like their human beings worthy of respect, even if I do happen to be the person in charge.
PC Shigoki
player, 12 posts
Fri 2 Nov 2007
at 03:04
  • msg #862

Re: CoDM needed

Right now I don't know enough to tell you if you are evil... even if you are practically telling I am. :( So I will elaborate a little.
I can only tell you I respect my students, but its not the same to teach in japan as it itis in Europe or USA. There was no way one can teach 40 2nd grade children to read as they should have in 1st grade. There is always the misguided ones that like to see how far my patience will reach. Its my job, I like it, sometimes there are so many things to do. ;)
PC praguepride
player, 57 posts
Fri 2 Nov 2007
at 03:26
  • msg #863

Re: CoDM needed

DM Windwalker:
Am I manipulative in a bad way?  Or even a good way?  I get my students to behave simply be being nice and cheerful at least 90% of the time.  Middle schoolers are the only ones I have any problems with (ages 11-14, usually), but they always settle down after a small amount of time with me.  But I don't knowingly do anything other than talk to them like their human beings worthy of respect, even if I do happen to be the person in charge.

Yeah, that's a whole new kind of evil. :D

j/k, you sound like a cute cuddly hamster instead of a miniature giant space invader
DM Windwalker
GM, 577 posts
Property of
Fri 2 Nov 2007
at 15:03
  • msg #864

Re: CoDM needed

PC Shigoki:
Right now I don't know enough to tell you if you are evil... even if you are practically telling I am. :( So I will elaborate a little.
I can only tell you I respect my students, but its not the same to teach in japan as it itis in Europe or USA. There was no way one can teach 40 2nd grade children to read as they should have in 1st grade. There is always the misguided ones that like to see how far my patience will reach. Its my job, I like it, sometimes there are so many things to do. ;)

Nah, I'm not telling you that you are, I'm only asking questions.  My class sizes are only about 20-30 kids, and I'm from a very small town in the middle of the Bible Belt.  Sure we have some unmotivated (and quite rotten somtimes) kids, but I've known most of them their entire lives, not to mention their parents and entire families.  So there's already a built-in relationship there, and most everybody in town knows me and knows that I'm nice and a happy person and such.  That makes my situation much different.  I just wonder if I'm manipulative in either a good way or a bad way, because if possible I'd rather not be either just because of the connotations.  But then, I'm also quite silly.  Just ask Anni, he'll tell you.
DM Windwalker
GM, 578 posts
Property of
Fri 2 Nov 2007
at 15:04
  • msg #865

Re: CoDM needed

PC praguepride:
DM Windwalker:
Am I manipulative in a bad way?  Or even a good way?  I get my students to behave simply be being nice and cheerful at least 90% of the time.  Middle schoolers are the only ones I have any problems with (ages 11-14, usually), but they always settle down after a small amount of time with me.  But I don't knowingly do anything other than talk to them like their human beings worthy of respect, even if I do happen to be the person in charge.

Yeah, that's a whole new kind of evil. :D

j/k, you sound like a cute cuddly hamster instead of a miniature giant space invader

Silly.  :p  Thank you.  I know that I'm cuddly.  When I'm teaching in the elementary, I get hugs and kisses constantly.  And from my own children, too.  :)
PC Shigoki
player, 13 posts
Fri 2 Nov 2007
at 15:15
  • msg #866

Re: CoDM needed

Ahh, ok. Sorry about that. :'( I teach in a conflictive zone, some of the parents dont even go to pick up their grades. 3 years on the same zone and they have yet to show thir faces. I shouldnt have answered like that. Its no escuse. sorry.
DM Kitty
GM, 126 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Fri 2 Nov 2007
at 20:50
  • msg #867

Re: CoDM needed

DM Kool:
One word to describe Elfear?  Manipulative.
One word to describe Kitty?  Sister.

That hurt.

Someone please remind me why I have to live with an insensitive brother, and an annoying brother?  The other two aren't as bad, Elfear can be funny sometimes, and the other one, who sadly moved out, as did my only sister, was actually nice to me. :/
DM Windwalker
GM, 579 posts
Property of
Sat 3 Nov 2007
at 02:48
  • msg #868

Re: CoDM needed

PC Shigoki:
Ahh, ok. Sorry about that. :'( I teach in a conflictive zone, some of the parents dont even go to pick up their grades. 3 years on the same zone and they have yet to show thir faces. I shouldnt have answered like that. Its no escuse. sorry.

Oh, hon.  Please don't worry.  You did nothing wrong.  We do have some parents like that here, even in the middle of the Bible Belt, believe it or not.  Smalltown, USA, isn't always what the movies portray it to be.  Meth is really big in these parts, and the poverty level is very, very high.  Lots of our kids do not come from ideal situations.  But also those kids, when reached at a young age, will still respond to love and kindness.  That's one of the reasons my school district keeps expanding our preschool and Parents as Teachers programs.  Anything to teach these parents how to be a good parent, find and stop abuse, and reach kids before they get lost.  So far, I've never met an elementary school student I didn't like, one that I couldn't reach somehow.  But I'm sure the day will come as our kids are forced to grow up faster and faster.
DM Windwalker
GM, 580 posts
Property of
Sat 3 Nov 2007
at 02:53
  • msg #869

Re: CoDM needed

DM Kitty:
DM Kool:
One word to describe Elfear?  Manipulative.
One word to describe Kitty?  Sister.

That hurt.

Someone please remind me why I have to live with an insensitive brother, and an annoying brother?  The other two aren't as bad, Elfear can be funny sometimes, and the other one, who sadly moved out, as did my only sister, was actually nice to me. :/

*hugs lots*  Poor dear.  I know how you feel.  My sister and I have never gotten along.  Not to this day.  She usually just ignores me completely unless forced to.  We're polar opposites.  She cares about people's social status and bank accounts whereas I care more about how people treat others.  Since I don't care about money and wearing Tommy Hilfiger every single day (though I will admit that I am so in love with his socks - they're so comfortable and since I can wear girls socks instead of womens they are not extremely way too expensive, and they also are such good quality that they last forever), she doesn't "understand" me.  That feeling is definately mutual.'re a sweet girl, so just ignore those negative things.  They don't matter.  What matters is what kind of a person you are and choose to be.
DM Kitty
GM, 127 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sat 3 Nov 2007
at 03:23
  • msg #870

Re: CoDM needed

Aw, WW, you're so sweet.  You deserve a hug or five. :) *hugs*

They can be nice, though (sometimes).  They really only get on my nerves.  all the time :P
Of course, Kool'd probably say the same thing about me. :/ lol
DM BadCatMan
GM, 425 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Sat 3 Nov 2007
at 11:42
  • msg #871

Re: CoDM needed

Godsdamnit. More DMs have departed for the great beyond.

DMs are wanted for the following regions:

Savage Frontier
The Shaar / Great Rift
Border Kingdoms - high level regions
Sea Of Fallen Stars
Terrors Of The Underdark (Drow) - Drow region
One-Shot Adventures
One-Shots & Orphanage

Please PM DM Annihilator and DM BadCatMan if you are interested.

Look, if you like what we do for you, please consider returning the favour. Honestly, it's lots of fun behind the screen, it's enjoyable and satisfying.

And please remember to post promptly and properly, so that your DM does not get frustrated at the lack of attention.
DM Kool
GM, 121 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Sat 3 Nov 2007
at 17:40
  • msg #872

Re: CoDM needed

Looks like RoA's reaching a standstill!  *Ksshht* Sending out an all channel call for GMs!  Emergency, repeat, emergency!  GMs needed desperately! *Ksshht*
DM Kitty
GM, 128 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Sat 3 Nov 2007
at 19:03
  • msg #873

Re: CoDM needed

DM BadCatMan:

Not again!  Will it ever end? :/
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 136 posts
Sat 3 Nov 2007
at 21:28
  • msg #874

Re: CoDM needed

if anyone wants to try out DMing but doesn't want to commit to full time DMing, I'd love a Co DM to help me take on Sea of Fallen Stars
DM d-wiz
GM, 40 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Sun 4 Nov 2007
at 04:39
  • msg #875

Re: CoDM needed

I am taught to be manipulative since I'm going to an business commercial orientated education. I think it's interesting to see what triggers people, and if you don't hurt people I don't really see anything wrong with manipulating people.

I found these quotes that says it really well. I'd like to share with you. I've translated it from danish so I hope nothing gets lost in the translation. It was actually said about search engine optimization and ethics.

"If the receiver isn't cheated, and the representation isn't illegal or involve exploitation it's ethical. It's really that simple."

"When we do search engine enhancement, it is really ethical. The ethic is: we do everything we can to make sure our client gets the best value for the money he spend with us. If we do things that has high risk for our client, he is informed and has accepted the risk there might be. To not take any legal method in to use to make sure our client gets the best possible result, would be unethical. It applies to search engine optimizing as well as other parts of marketing."

-Thomas  Rosenstand Concept Interest

I think he has a really good point, that can be used in other parts of your life as well. Just remember that sometimes it's not up to you to choose for other people.

Hope it all makes sense?!
PC praguepride
player, 58 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 07:56
  • msg #876

Re: CoDM needed

I'm tempted to run a Cormyr campaign. I spent about 3 months establishing a huge, epic length campaign. It's got everything, dragons, dungeons, kingdoms in peril, grandoise bad-guy plots to disrupt. Lenght/depthwise, if it was converted to a computer game, it would be on par with the full Baldur's Gate series (1 & 2). It wasn't designed to but it would probably take a PC from level 1 -> epic by it's conclusion years from now. The only trouble is two-fold

1) I originally designed it for AD&D (2nd ed for you newbies) and so conversions would have to be made

2) I'm kinda lazy, so the above takes awhile to do

3) I've lost a stable, reliable internet connection and am unsure if/when a more reliable, easy to use internet will be available

4) It's epic and while most of the action takes place in Cormyr, the surrounding regions do play an important role in the campaign. Like I said, it's pretty epic. The basic summary is Cormyr is seiged and invaded by evil. Can't go into more details but again it's grandiose in nature. I don't know how grandiose plots would effect such an inter-connected community like RoA.

But if the above 4 points aren't considered a problem, then point me in the right direction.
DM Kool
GM, 122 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 08:25
  • msg #877

Re: CoDM needed

I know what ADnD is, that's what I started on(be it five years ago...).  My first char ever was a 2nd ed Pally.  The GM was a good GM, and I wasn't a good Pally, so I ended up switching to a mage.

Anyway, 1) Get crackin!
2) Like said, get crackin!
3) Who hasn't?  Just make sure it's not too bad.
4) Epic can be worked with, just discuss.

That looks good to me!
PC praguepride
player, 59 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 08:39
  • msg #878

Re: CoDM needed

Ok, some follow-up questions. I had originally had pre-gen'd PC's for the players to use. Each was designed to be integrated fully into the storylines to give each particular character their own hooks. Each character had their own "main villian" and could unlock additional powers/magic item abilities upon confronting and successfully defeating their "bad guy."

I understand that PC's will be pre-rolled at level 3 like the rest of RoA, my question is if I will be allowed to influence the backgrounds of said PC's.

Let's say PC Bob had a level 3 character that chilled in the orphanage/short campaign so he's still level 3. He wants to join my campaign and I have the perfect roll for him. But he has to be from a noble family to fit in so I would try and work in noble heritage (he could be a black sheep or turned his back on the family and taken a different name) but the heritage would be there. How would that be looked upon by players and other DM's?

Second question: Again because of the main villian for each PC concept, each PC got a unique power/ability based upon who they were going to fight and what background they had. Converted to 3rd ed these powers translate pretty accurately into various feats, so I guess the question is could I offer bonus feats to starting PC's?
DM Kool
GM, 123 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 08:47
  • msg #879

Re: CoDM needed

I would say give the PCs some facts you want them to work into a background, then work it out and show you what they come up with.

Answer: Only if this is going to be a bubble region.  The characters have to follow the same rules as everywhere else, or else it will unbalance things if they move.
PC praguepride
player, 60 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 08:57
  • msg #880

Re: CoDM needed

You know what, what the heck. I mean worst comes to worst and I can't handle the added load and the campaign gets called early and at least a few people had a little bit of a good time. I like your idea of providing background and letting them work it out.

I'm thinking of instead of asking for party slots like "we need a fighter, a rogue, and 2 arcane users" I would offer the following background templates:

Noble from the Skatterhawk family
Son/daughter of a priest of Tymora
Character with elven heritage (either elf or half-elf, no drow)
Good character from an "evil" area (Zhentarim, Luskan or Thay preferred)

etc. etc.

Let the PC's mix and match backgrounds.

Also, no straight-rogues needed. Stealthy is fine, but dedicated trap detector/lock picker not needed. From my experience in dungeon crawls in PbP the rogue gets most of the attention. Excluding combat it's always "the rogue searches for traps, the rogue sneaks ahead, the rogue searches for loot, the rogue listens for bad guys, the rogue does this and that and the other" so my thoughts would be to help streamline things to make the rogue an NPC, at least the dedicated trap detector rogue.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:58, Mon 05 Nov 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 124 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 08:59
  • msg #881

Re: CoDM needed

I like that, I think I'll be using that idea from now on.
PC praguepride
player, 61 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 09:05
  • msg #882

Re: CoDM needed

Which part? The background selection or the NPC rogue?

Final question. When this game was run I used the Book of Humanoids and one of the PC's was a minotaur. How do monstorous races fit into RoA? Is it only allowed in bubble realms or can PC's be made exlusive for a particular campaign (or is that what a bubble realm is?)
DM Kool
GM, 125 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 09:08
  • msg #883

Re: CoDM needed

A bubble realm is a realm that stands alone, you can't move to it or from it.  Characters are created specifically for that region and no-where else, usually following slightly different rules.
PC praguepride
player, 62 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 09:13
  • msg #884

Re: CoDM needed

See, I'd want to allow players to move into and out of my realm, at least from other realms. It's just the primary protaganists that the main story arc would follow would be tailored to that campaign. When wars erupt all across Cormyr other heroic adventurers will be needed, and so that would open up some one-shot campaigns, running a series of mini-skirmishes with a dungeon thrown in here or there.

I can understand the monsterous PC not being allowed out of my campaign, but other then that one character would the rest of the party be forced into a 'bubble realm'?

The easiest solution would be to just axe that part of my campaign, but it lead to a beautiful story arc about choices when the PC was going to have to fight first members of it's own race, and then members from it's former tribe.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:14, Mon 05 Nov 2007.
DM Kool
GM, 126 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 09:18
  • msg #885

Re: CoDM needed

You need to explain what you want to be able to happen, and what you think would be different from a normal game here.
PC praguepride
player, 63 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 09:23
  • msg #886

Re: CoDM needed

Meh, nevermind. I allow it in face-to-face but I'll scrap it here. I'll just re-work and find another story arc to fill in the gap. I guess it's time to get my ducks in a row and to get pointed into the right direction for GMing.

edit: As a DM in my own little region, can I not allow certain character classes that don't really fit into the campaign or my play style?
This message was last edited by the player at 09:34, Mon 05 Nov 2007.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 427 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 10:46
  • msg #887

Re: CoDM needed

The first step is to PM Annihilator and BadCatMan. :) I'm PMing you with my comments now. Hold on.

In the last year, we've been moving away from the idea of restricted bubble regions and now work in terms of bubble characters: PCs allowed in certain regions with certain specialties (like Orcs in the otherwise standard Chessenta), who may only move to certain other regions that can handle them.
DM Kool
GM, 127 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 10:55
  • msg #888

Re: CoDM needed

As the GM of your region, you can disallow players from entering because they have a class you don't want.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 428 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 12:37
  • msg #889

Re: CoDM needed

Orphanage Adventure - The Twilight Tomb
DM BadCatMan
RoA Orphanage

Shadows in the forest deepen as an oracle among the Yuirwood's half-elf inhabitants foretells the reemergence of the Duskwalker, an ancient and corrupt star elf wizard. Missing travelers and lost goods all point to a circle of standing stones within the forest. Perhaps, like its counterparts elsewhere in the Yuirwood, this stone henge allows for travel to another place - but where? And what growing darkness awaits those bold enough to find out?

This stand-alone adventure based on the published module is looking for 4-6 PCs of 3rd to 4th level to explore the mysterious and dangerous Twilight Tomb. PCs should come from games that have lost their DMs, or belong to players who are in no game at all.

It is recommended that PCs be capable of dealing with traps and undead.

Please PM DM BadCatMan if interested.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:07, Tue 06 Nov 2007.
PC praguepride
player, 65 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 19:51
  • msg #890

On another note

In the face to face game I'm in, we've recently come under an interesting situation. The "dumbest" PC in the party (int < 10, wis < 10) has also shown himself to be the most religious. He has been the only person who consistantly values religion and makes sure to perform all the rituals required every day. He is a very religious character. He has also acquired a powerful artifact that super-focuses clerical powers by providing a direct conduit to his diety, basically. So now he is talking about multiclassing from fighter to cleric to follow his strengthened religious values, and that leads us to an interesting connundrum.

How can you be a good cleric with an 8 wisdom? And therein lies a problem I see with the D&D divine magic system. It is said that divine magic is granted by the gods themselves, so wouldn't a cleric's ability be more focused on his relationship with the gods then his own ability scores? Why does wisdom equate to religious potential? Sure being wise is important, but isn't raw belief in the power and ability of his god be just as important, if not more so?

I was just kicking around the idea that a character's alignment in regards to his deity should be more important then the PC's ability scores themselves, because the closer in alignment he/she is to the god, the more able (and willing) the god is to bestow his/her/its gifts upon the cleric. Sure wise characters can use the gifts more ably, but alignment difference should play heavily into it as well.

My homebrew rule that I"m kicking around is that clerics/druids who do not completely follow their deities alignment should be penalized by a spell a level per alignment shift. This would eliminate the need for "required" alignments because theoretically, someone could be CE and still worship Tymora (especially if they've never heard of Beshaba). However their improper alignment would penalize them 2 spells cast on each level, resulting in a rather poor cleric.

Anyway, just a little idea I was kicking around in the back of my head.
PC Astos
player, 51 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 21:37
  • msg #891

Re: On another note

I understand where you are coming from.  I personally think Wisdom makes sense, however.

"Wisdom describes a character’s willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition. While Intelligence represents one’s ability to analyze information, Wisdom represents being in tune with and aware of one’s surroundings."

Even just take "willpower".  You could be extremely in tune with a diety's alignment, and believe in the deity more than anyone else believes in him--and still lack the willpower to make that deity's energy manifest on the prime material plane.

There is also a more heavy-handed argument that someone with a low will power could never be as "in tune" with his deity, or have the "intuition" necessesary to know his deity's will, since he, in fact, is just not very good at that.  Blind faith might not do the trick if you are always stepping on the high priest's metaphysical toes or besmirching the good name of the church or something.

Also consider this:  Belief in the Forgotten Realms is the EASIEST part of being a cleric (IMO).  It's not like our world, where you really need faith to believe in God.  As a cleric, you can commune with the god, cast magic spells based upon its power.  Hell, the gods walked the earth in the Time of Troubles, for goodness sake--some people in Waterdeep saw Ao, the Overpower!  Believing in the god?  That's easy--that's like believing in Jay Leno.  How can these people NOT believe in gods?

Honestly, I really don't understand why everyone in the FR isn't just a religious zealot.  A fanatic.  All you have to do to go to your eternal rest, heaven, your perfect afterlife until the end of time (or the change of an Edition), is to pick a god that fits your philosophy ("We have all flavors!"), and then just do whatever that god wants you to do.

Why do people fear death in the FR?  The only reason I would fear death in FR is if I had really pissed off my god!  Then I might get stuck on one of those weird walls of people in that gray plane, whatever it is called, instead of going to do whatever heaven stuff I want to do.  MAYBE at most I can see viewing life as a chance at promotions in the afterlife--if I serve my god well here on Toril, maybe I will come back as a slightly higher angel or fiend!

All of these issues stem from being able to talk to your gods and know where you go in the Afterlife.  It takes the mystery out of it, and thus takes the fear out of it.  It's like an entire world filled with one of those crazy bezerker cultures that were just *sure* they would go to Valhalla if they died in battle.  No fear!  Death = glorious heaven.  Bring it on.  No reason not to die for your god, or at least serve him however he wants.  You have HUGE carrots.

Eberron, for instance, does it differently and makes religion more like "our world."

But in the FR--why on earth would "belief" be the paramount trait of a cleric??
And, if you went with alignment as a proxy for belief, I think you would just have all your PCs picking their alignment based on the god they want, or picking their god based on the alignment they want.  Who would mismatch something like that?  It's so easy to change one or the other.

At least with Wisdom, you force people to have a stat to represent their link.  The more "in tune" they are with things, the more willpower they have, the more you can force the god's will through your little brain and into the world.

(Forgive the rant.  I have run FR for 10 years, and the "knock over a hut and a demigod falls out" mentality has become one of my pet peeves.)
This message was last edited by the player at 21:53, Mon 05 Nov 2007.
PC praguepride
player, 66 posts
Mon 5 Nov 2007
at 22:18
  • msg #892

Re: On another note

I would say that the beauty of being alive is that you do get to choose your path. I have a suspicion that when you die you get turned over to your deity as a servant. While most people that's still a good thing you cease to be you. As a LG character in LG heaven, you will not be able to indulge in a little chaos now and then. And as fun as the 24-hour party is in CG afterlife, good luck trying to accomplish anything :D

Anyway, my 2 cents on why PC's should still fear death.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 429 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Tue 6 Nov 2007
at 00:10
  • msg #893

Re: On another note

IMO, Wisdom represents your intuition, your ability to see connections between things and understand things from other points of view. Theories on the development of human kind suggest that as the brain grew more interconnected between its various faculties and people developed empathy for one another (understanding somebody else's thoughts and feelings), people began to apply that empathy everything in their world. This was the beginnings of religious thought, which fed back and increased imagination and intuition further. The ability to see and understand the world as one connected construct with minds behind it is important to one's spirituality.

In D&D, the dead tend to be turned into petitioners, base servants of their deities who lose their memories and personalities, who slowly evolve into higher forms (outsiders). Eventually they are absorbed into their deity, increasing their power. No matter how much that process might be enjoyable to the believers, that's a scary enough prospect that not everyone would go to that willingly.

It's mean to penalize someone for being slightly off their deity's dogma. Most religions in RW and D&D have enough flexibility for some differing POVs.

I'm guessing this guy is a warrior-type and hopefully didn't dump Charisma? Try a few levels of Paladin or a variant, or some of the non-casting PrCs from Complete Divine or Complete Champion. Or allow some rebuilding.
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 101 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 6 Nov 2007
at 13:36
  • msg #894

Re: On another note

I had a Monk/Paladin with eight Charisma... once she was rescued from the darkness of her childhood (a tiefling who grew up in the Hells and believed she was a full-blooded devil), she was the most devoted Tyrran you could ever imagine. She believed with every fiber in her body that Justice was the correct path. She devoted her life to Tyr, and when events beyond her control gave her a crisis that cast her from Paladinhood, she became a Consecrated Harrier.

When she died, she was used as cement in the wall of the faithless, because, by that time, she was Lawful Evil and a fallen Paladin - who still believed. She thought that the evils she killed were being justly punished. She believed with all her soul that every time she took the life of a suspected miscreant or evil creature, she was entirely justified because they'd done something wrong.

Yes, she had Wisdom 20 by that point, but because her mind and thoughts had been twisted by magic, she was psychically unable to properly understand the tenets of her faith.

That is why blind faith isn't enough. You need Wisdom to understand what you have faith in enough to be granted the spells.
PC praguepride
player, 68 posts
Tue 6 Nov 2007
at 14:22
  • msg #895

Re: On another note

Hmmm, now I'm just confused.

If I'm reading you write (and I might not be) you said you had a Wisdom 20 LE Follower of Tyr that got sent to the faithless because didn't follow the core tenants of Tyr's faith.

Doesn't that go to prove my point that a high wisdom doesn't equate to high religious value?
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 102 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 6 Nov 2007
at 14:40
  • msg #896

Re: On another note

I kinda lost myself, actually, when I remembered that Minori had a high wisdom score. >>

But no, my point was that even though she was blindly devoted and her faith in the god was unshakeable, she still wasn't granted spells or abilities because - despite her wisdom - she didn't understand the faith well enough.
PC praguepride
player, 69 posts
Tue 6 Nov 2007
at 14:52
  • msg #897

Re: On another note

Now that I think about it, it can also be argued that although divine magic is "granted" that a person needs their own force of will to be able to channel their god, and that is represented in Wisdom (as mentioned before by BadCatMan). That is why low wisdom doesn't allow a cleric to cast the high end spells because they don't have the ability to properly channel their faith.

Furyou Miko -> I can't tell if you're arguing for me or against me. If your character was fully devoted to justice, why was she cast to the faithless? She believed in a diety, didn't she? She followed the tenants of her god, didn't she?
This message was last edited by the player at 14:53, Tue 06 Nov 2007.
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 103 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 6 Nov 2007
at 15:00
  • msg #898

Re: On another note

The tenets of the faith say that they must be brought to justice and serve the proper punishment. Minori was counted among the False because she tracked down wrongdoers and killed them, while claiming to serve justice.

The Tyrran faith involves the punishment fitting the crime, but Minori always killed her targets, often painfully. She believed she was doing what Tyr wanted, but really, she was just excusing her own bloodlust.
PC Astos
player, 52 posts
Tue 6 Nov 2007
at 15:18
  • msg #899

Re: On another note

DM BadCatMan,

You have a good point.  I could see people being fearful, apprehensive, or both about the prospect of losing their "self" (or some of it) when they become a petitioner.  That helps to put some sting in death.  I like that idea.

Still, becoming a petitioner sure beats the alternatives.  If you don't make the "petitioner" cut, you get stuck wandering around the Fuge Plane (whatever it is called) doing manual labor.  Or, you are stuck into a freaking wall as cement.  Petitioner for me, please!  There are clear, indisputable rewards for following a deity, and clear, indisputable penalties for not following one.  Because of that, I think that FR should be a culture of religious zealotry by our standards.  All it takes is consistent, real worship of a deity to avoid an eternity of torture.

And there is a deity "right" for everyone, so you don't have to make any fundamental compromises.  In a world with probably 100+ deities and demi-powers to chose from, how hard can it be?  Picking a religion for a person in FR is probably like choosing a college for us.  I can see people coming of age and roaming from church to church, getting leaflets and trying to figure out "what is the best faith for me?"  Big, small, influential, party religion--whatever you are looking for, you can find it.  Big on law and order?  Tyr's your huckleberry.  Love to travel?  See the world while wearing a Shaundakul holy symbol.  Want to be an insane axemurderer when you grow up?  Cyric will welcome you with a mad giggle.  Is your goal to accumulate so much wealth you can swim through it like Scrooge McDuck?  Waukeen (or whomever took over her portfolio) is the Goddess for you!

And as an adventurer, there is always Tymora--every time you do something foolhardy, say you are "trusting to your luck," add a little prayer, and drop some coins in Tymora's box when (or if) you live through it.

There's something for everyone.

In my mind, people in FR would tend to pick deities that fit their lifestyles and then believe in them zealously, to assure a good afterlife.  It follows from this, in my mind, that the "belief in your god part" of being a cleric/paladin/etc. would be the easiest part of being its servant.

I think the hard part would probably be the extra duties demanded of you, the fewer compromises you are allowed to make, and the sheer work/willpower/effort it takes to actually manifest a deity's will on the world through your mortal mind.  I think these facets are fairly well represented by a combination of XP/Levels, Wisdom, and the Paladin's Code or the Cleric's inability to cast certain spells or perform certain acts explicitly against its deity's alignment.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:39, Tue 06 Nov 2007.
DM Kremti
GM, 266 posts
Tue 6 Nov 2007
at 15:33
  • msg #900

Re: On another note

And discussions like above is exactly why it's better to simply have a system where you 'Have some arbitrary number, and spellcasting depends on that number, and let's call it Wisdom', in a game like this.

D&D, ultimately, is a game, and I'd rather not bog the underlying game rule itself with moral arguments like 'what is just, good, etcs', where there are a lot of grey area, and have many different oppinions depending on culture, individuals, and situations.  It's something better dealt within the narrative structure of the individual game, and not the rule itself.

PC Astos
player, 53 posts
Tue 6 Nov 2007
at 15:36
  • msg #901

Re: On another note

DM Kremti:
And discussions like above is exactly why it's better to simply have a system where you 'Have some arbitrary number, and spellcasting depends on that number, and let's call it Wisdom', in a game like this.

D&D, ultimately, is a game, and I'd rather not bog the underlying game rule itself with moral arguments like 'what is just, good, etcs', where there are a lot of grey area, and have many different oppinions depending on culture, individuals, and situations.  It's something better dealt within the narrative structure of the individual game, and not the rule itself.


I agree there! :)
DM BadCatMan
GM, 433 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Wed 7 Nov 2007
at 00:05
  • msg #902

Re: On another note

Furyou, you should have converted to Hoar. :)

Being a Faithless in the Wall doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. While I'm not too good on the theology, it appears that they might keep their minds and memories intact. I've heard it said that they can talk and chat with each other (talking bricks, yeah), and always meet new people. That could be a pleasant alternative. It's like being on internet forums for all eternity (actually, that just might be hell).

I once had an idea for a freelance cleric (of Waukeen, really) who'd try to sell religion to people on behalf of lesser gods and smaller priesthoods.

I even threw a market for such things into Procampur in RoA's The Vast, where the PCs were accosted by a Cyricist seeking converts. They later convinced him that converting to Oghma would be much safer.

I don't think zealotry is really required. The gods really only require a basic level of acceptance, and enough time will be spent already on the day-to-day observance of the other gods. (Going on an ocean voyage? Better make some prayers to Valkur, Umberlee, Talos, Istishia, Selune, Shaundakul...)
DM Kremti
GM, 267 posts
Wed 7 Nov 2007
at 01:02
  • msg #903

Re: On another note

DM BadCatMan:
Being a Faithless in the Wall doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. While I'm not too good on the theology, it appears that they might keep their minds and memories intact. I've heard it said that they can talk and chat with each other (talking bricks, yeah), and always meet new people. That could be a pleasant alternative. It's like being on internet forums for all eternity (actually, that just might be hell).

Maybe we can start a Cyberpunk game based on people stuck in there...

DM Koboldking
GM, 21 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Wed 7 Nov 2007
at 01:47
  • msg #904

Re: On another note

I think a game in Kelemvor's realm could be quite cool, a party could easily be made up of deceased worshippers of Kelemvor and Jergal, extraplanar creatures, and those Faerunians who betrayed thier faith in some big way, who unlike the faithless are sentanced to guard Kelemvor's city from incursion.  Adventures could involve the schemes of outsiders, the retreval of souls stolen in the demonic raids that sometimes take place there, and perhaps even a diplomatic misson to the Nine Hells ...

Heh, sorry about the little rant there, Kelemvor's always been one of my favorite gods, and a game based on his home turf would be awesome.
PC praguepride
player, 70 posts
Wed 7 Nov 2007
at 02:18
  • msg #905

Re: On another note

Sounds like the makings of a bubble realm :D
PC praguepride
player, 71 posts
Wed 7 Nov 2007
at 08:23
  • msg #906

Re: CoDM needed

I have started up my epic campaign and we need about three more players to join to round out the party. I can promise you that I am a dedicated and committed DM who takes pride in his work and has loads of free time to update frequently.

link to "(DnD 3.5)FR: Defenders of the Crown"

Unfortunately the nature of the game didn't fit too well into the RoA style, so to avoid any headaches I just created the game as a separate entity. However, I am hoping that RoA players will join as I would like to provide for those who have helped build RoA into what it is today. So, if you mention that you are in RoA in your RTJ, you'll be given priority over the rest of applicants.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:24, Wed 07 Nov 2007.
PC praguepride
player, 74 posts
Sat 10 Nov 2007
at 20:33
  • msg #907

Re: CoDM needed

Well, that was quick. Had about 23 RTJ's in the first 24 hours. I filled every position but who knows if players will stick around or not. I took the opportunity and plugged RoA to all the applicants, so hopefully a couple of them will join up.
PC harryx
player, 1 post
Mon 12 Nov 2007
at 12:22
  • msg #908

Re: CoDM needed

I did  :)
PC praguepride
player, 75 posts
Mon 12 Nov 2007
at 15:42
  • msg #909

Re: CoDM needed

Welcome aboard!
DM Jim
GM, 132 posts
An old player
in a new place
Tue 13 Nov 2007
at 21:58
  • msg #910

Re: CoDM needed

Welcome, harryx!
DM Kitty
GM, 129 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Wed 14 Nov 2007
at 06:23
  • msg #911

Re: CoDM needed

DM d-wiz
GM, 41 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Wed 14 Nov 2007
at 20:53
  • msg #912

Re: CoDM needed

PC praguepride
player, 76 posts
Wed 14 Nov 2007
at 22:39
  • msg #913

Re: CoDM needed

That reminds me of one of my favorite robot chicken star wars skits
PC harryx
player, 2 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2007
at 02:15
  • msg #914

Re: CoDM needed

How long does it usually take for a PC to be approved? mines been in since last friday.
PC praguepride
player, 77 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2007
at 14:04
  • msg #915

Re: CoDM needed

I think mine took about a week or so. Dependent on the real world responsabilities of the DM's involved.
DM Windwalker
GM, 582 posts
Property of
Thu 15 Nov 2007
at 14:29
  • msg #916

Re: CoDM needed

PC harryx:
How long does it usually take for a PC to be approved? mines been in since last friday.

Did you PM it to all the DMs who check character sheets or just to one?  I haven't seen a character sheet from you, and DM Hackdoc isn't able to get on much anymore.  If you didn't PM it to all of those that check, PM it to me and I'll check it just as soon as I can.
DM d-wiz
GM, 42 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Tue 20 Nov 2007
at 14:45
  • msg #917

Re: CoDM needed

Does anyone recall how much the RoA birthday award was?

My kind DM (Jim) allowed me to get it later since I was really busy at the time, so a little help would be appreciated.
DM Annihilator
GM, 232 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Tue 20 Nov 2007
at 14:51
  • msg #918

Re: CoDM needed

I'll go give the thread a bump for you - it's on the second page, here.
DM d-wiz
GM, 43 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Tue 20 Nov 2007
at 14:57
  • msg #919

Re: CoDM needed

Forgot about pages *blushes* thanks Anni :)

Det var en skam i tabte mod Tyrkiet i var ellers kommet foran ;(
PC harryx
player, 4 posts
Tue 20 Nov 2007
at 16:55
  • msg #920

Re: CoDM needed

PM'd the character sheet to you as well Windwalker.

Shall I resend?
DM Wolf
GM, 113 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 01:20
  • msg #921

Re: CoDM needed

Ah this one made me laugh.
DM Annihilator
GM, 233 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 02:03
  • msg #922

Re: CoDM needed

The best country to live in

Well, we all knew that already, right?  :p
DM Wolf
GM, 114 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 02:08
  • msg #923

Re: CoDM needed

DM Annihilator:
The best country to live in

Well, we all knew that already, right?  :p

Yes we did didn't we. This is only the confirmation of what we already know.
DM Annihilator
GM, 234 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 02:12
  • msg #924

Re: CoDM needed

Also, we're very modest about it.  :D
DM Wolf
GM, 115 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 02:18
  • msg #925

Re: CoDM needed

yeah totally. Yep we hardly ever mention it. Oh what can it be under 4 times a day. Yes that seems like a modest amount. Also I must say that our national anthem is very good. With the pictures they use during the kings new years speech. it almost moves me so much that I could cry.

What a great country. Why are you moving to the US again??
DM Annihilator
GM, 235 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 02:22
  • msg #926

Re: CoDM needed

Because I couldn't convince Windwalker to move here with the kids.  :p
DM Wolf
GM, 116 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 02:25
  • msg #927

Re: CoDM needed

Hey WW. come to Norway. I'm sure you'll like it. Just look at how fun we got it.
PC solo
player, 74 posts
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 13:16
  • msg #928

Re: CoDM needed

Well, at least the Swedes finally managed to qualify for the European championship... How did the danes and norwegians fare again?
DM d-wiz
GM, 44 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 15:11
  • msg #929

Re: CoDM needed

Since we have won it and you haven't, we decide to let you give it a go ;P
DM Wolf
GM, 117 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 15:16
  • msg #930

Re: CoDM needed

that's nice
Ah I got a little thing from youtube I think you might find funny or be offended by.
DM d-wiz
GM, 45 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 16:41
  • msg #931

Re: CoDM needed

I thought it was funny.
DM Wolf
GM, 118 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 18:22
  • msg #932

Re: CoDM needed

yeah, but your danish. It might not show the swedish in a nice way. Nut still it's good for a laugh.
DM d-wiz
GM, 46 posts
Viking of blood
and nature
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 20:43
  • msg #933

Re: CoDM needed

I know, but if can't laugh of yourself, who can you laugh of?
DM Wolf
GM, 119 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Thu 22 Nov 2007
at 20:58
  • msg #934

Re: CoDM needed

So right so right. A few people could learn a few things about that. some take things to personal.
PC solo
player, 75 posts
Fri 23 Nov 2007
at 15:24
  • msg #935

Re: CoDM needed

Very funny! Seriously though, the nordic countries should consider a union again. At least those with no oil.
DM Windwalker
GM, 583 posts
Property of
Fri 23 Nov 2007
at 22:28
  • msg #936

Re: CoDM needed

I'd love to visit Norway.  Two of my great uncles and my grandparents were born there, after all.  It's a beautiful country, and I'm envious of all your snow.  But I'm so gosh-darned bless to live in my very favorite country of all.  I'm so way incredibly proud to be an American, and I just know that I couldn't handle living anywhere but here.  I'm related to two of our now-deceased presidents, after all.  This is the land where our great forefathers gave everything to earn our freedom and say such things as, "Give me liberty, or give me death."  Or, "If you take advantage of everything America has to offer, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish."  Or, "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country."  Or, "I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.  I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him."  Or, "There are those, I know, who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream.  They are right.  It is the American dream."  Or, "Our great modern Republic.  May those who seek the blessings of its institutions and the protection of its flag remember the obligations they impose."  Or, "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in."  Or, "I love my freedom.  I love my America."  Or, "I believe in America because we have great dreams - and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true."  Or, "America is much more than a geographical fact.  It is a political and moral fact - the first community in which men set out in principle to institutionalize freedom, responsible government, and human equality."  Or, "And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free.  And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.  And I'll proudly stand up, next to you and defend her still today.  For there ain't no doubt, I love this land.  God bless the USA."  Or, "May I never wake up from the American dream."  Or, "United we stand, divided we fall."  Or, "Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance.  It is also owed to justice and to humanity.  Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong."  Or, "Those who won our independence believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty."  Or even, "A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the system works."  :p  And yes, I've really done that when I got a speeding ticket once.  The system worked beautifully.  I shouldn't have been speeding, and I was happily and properly punished for it.  :p  "I think there is one higher office than president and I would call that patriot."  This one, I think, is so necessary to remember each and every day, "We have enjoyed so much freedom for so long that we are perhaps in danger of forgetting how much blood it cost to establish the Bill of Rights."  But it isn't really even so much that people once said these things, it's that I live in a country where almost everybody truly believes these things.  I might disagree with my much more liberal neighbor on what it will take to keep our country strong and safe, but that we can disagree, and can democratically participate in the election of others who believe and will vote as we do, well, that means the world to me.

So no, I cannot live anywhere else but my America.  I would die for her, even though it would leave my beautiful children without a mother.  Because by my dying for my country, I might be able to ensure that my children could grow up as free as I was.  Anything is possible here.  No matter how poor I might have started out, and I did, believe me, I can rise up beyond that with the American Dream.  A dream that, so far, I am playing out happily.  I will start out my first year teaching at over double what my daddy makes now, and he's worked for almost 50 years.  I will make over four times what my momma makes now, and she's worked for about 40 years.

Anyway, I know, I know...I go on and on about my country.  I just can't help it.  :p  I'm prouder than I could ever hope to express that this is my country, and that I can be a small part of ths wonderful place.  Lecturing me on the great parts of other countries won't make any difference, either.  Believe me, Anni has tried.  :p  Just as I'm hopelessly in love with Anni, my children, and my nephew, I am also hopelessly in love with the good ole US of A.  :p
DM Windwalker
GM, 584 posts
Property of
Fri 23 Nov 2007
at 22:35
  • msg #937

Re: CoDM needed

Note: I might not have posted those quotes verbatim.  It's been years since my last history course, although many of those are on some of my Americana decor.
PC Alesandra
player, 6 posts
Like felines!!
Sat 24 Nov 2007
at 05:54
  • msg #938

Re: CoDM needed

You tell them! Dont let others influece you that much. :)
DM Wolf
GM, 120 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sat 24 Nov 2007
at 16:05
  • msg #939

Re: CoDM needed

When it comes to America. I got nothing against it's people. Just sometimes their politics. Like going into Iraq. Stuff like that. Also the way elections are being held in America seems a bit faulty. You might get most votes, but still not win. That makes me wonder is it then the will of the many or the will of the few as long as you get enough states.  It just makes me wonder. To all Americans reading this. Don't shoot me for expressing my opinion.
PC praguepride
player, 80 posts
Sat 24 Nov 2007
at 18:23
  • msg #940

Re: CoDM needed

Just remember that generally speaking, our politicians don't do anything anyway.

These past couple years have been an exception, however :(
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 139 posts
Sat 24 Nov 2007
at 19:49
  • msg #941

Re: CoDM needed

Now, It's not all our fault. Bush tended to lie to us.

On the electoral college, it is constructed in quite a specific way, and, barring a total rewrite(which would not happen, and it wouldn't be much better) it is the best system. It ensures that noone neglects the smaller states completely, as they can have an equal impact on the process for the amount of time spent pleasing their people. It also ensures that the minority isn't ignored, as candidates have to get their crucial votes in tight elections, whereas they wouldn't care about them without the "winner take all" system.

Superficially, it is objectionable and undemocratic looking, but deeper, it is a well thought out system.

Oc course, that doesn't prevent people from being stupid.
DM Wolf
GM, 121 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Sat 24 Nov 2007
at 20:27
  • msg #942

Re: CoDM needed

Yeah, but can you then say that all voices are equal. That one man in Florida and one man living in some other part of America has the same amount of power if there votes does not have as much meaning as some the other guys vote. Can you then say that all are equal. No. The system you have now is a system developed a long time ago. Is it then not time for a upgrade. IF all shall be equal in a nation then each and every vote must have just as much power. You mentioned minorities. Well would not there vote also be just as important if you removed the system of today. would not the politicians just as eagerly hunger for there vote. The same goes for the small places. Would not also they be hunted for there votes. The election system you have now was great when your country was buildt, but now I fear out of date.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 140 posts
Sat 24 Nov 2007
at 21:00
  • msg #943

Re: CoDM needed

It becomes much more efficient to campain in large places where more people will hear you than in small states, so very little attention would be payed to them.

Minorities COULD be safely ignored, instead of campaigning for their vote, you would just go somewhere where people are more disposed to your ideas and it's just a matter of getting them to the polls, whereas the 100,000 minority in a state represents a small drop in a big bucket, whereas they would be a big drop when they are the swing factor, voting against a candidate that doesn't protect their rights.

The electoral college is a tool of "Majority Rule, Minority Rights" and has only failed a couple of times. It is almost allways representative of the majority vote.
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 105 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Sat 24 Nov 2007
at 22:17
  • msg #944

Re: CoDM needed

That's the problem with having a "united states" at all. Each state has to believe that it's mostly self-governed. I know that we in England are starting to move that way, what with giving Scotland its own parliament, but even so... I like the method we use - vote for an MP for your area, who then counts as a 'seat'. Whichever party has the most 'seats' wins the election - so counties can have their say without being ignored or pushed aside, because (as far as I'm aware) different counties have different numbers of candidates - larger counties have more candidates, but also more people to vote for them... basically, it's one MP per however many people, not one MP per geographical region.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 141 posts
Sat 24 Nov 2007
at 23:25
  • msg #945

Re: CoDM needed

we have aproooooooximately 1 electoral college member attached to each 600,000 people, and we try to keep it that way.

(though, most US citizens don't understand the electoral college, I don't know how well all you know it.)
DM Windwalker
GM, 585 posts
Property of
Mon 26 Nov 2007
at 17:50
  • msg #946

Re: CoDM needed

Well first, Bush hasn't lied to us any more than any other president in recent years starting with his father.  Clinton was the king of lying, as even liberal democrats have admitted.  So it's not really fair to just say one guy lied because he's the current president.  They're all politicians.  Almost every single politician is going to lie at one time or another because he either feels it necessary for the greater good or because it personally benefits him or her.

Second, our system of the electoral college for voting in the president and vice-president has been time-tested and proven.  (Now I'm really sick, so please forgive me if I say some facts wrong here.)  The minority vote, first off, isn't ignored in the least.  Believe me, our politicians go for every vote possible, in ways I can't even stand sometimes.  But the system is set up in such a way that every vote means the same as every other vote.  For instance, some states have a lower population than others and thus have very different priorities such as farming.  Other states are much more industrialized.  This isn't bad, and it certainly doesn't mean that the farming states should be 'run' by the industrialized (i.e., more populated) states.  That would be a terrible thing for the people living in those states that are smaller (population-wise).  To have our laws and decisions based on what is only best for big business would harm the middle and lower classes, especially small-business owners and farmers and the like.  Our system of government, the way we elect our president and vice-president as well as our senators and congressmen, is designed to make certain that the 'little people,' as they are often called, are not forgotten.  My vote counts.  Every vote counts.  It doesn't matter what state you live in (Although, coincidentally, my state has a very good record of "predicting" the next president - basically, whichever candidate 'wins' us is usually elected president.  Ohio is another good predictor.), your vote counts.

Plus, no matter who is elected president, he does not get to just run roughshod over the rest of the country.  He is held accountable to the other two branches of government, the judicial (The Supreme Court which can tell the other two branches they are in breach of the Constitution), and the legislative (Congress - the Senate and the House of Representatives who are the ones who actually MAKE our laws and CAN and sometimes does override a presidential veto.)  To use local history, Bush had to get permission from the Senate to go to war, even though he is the Commander in Chief of our entire armed forces.  He got that approval.  Even people who are crying out against the war now voted for it.  Not because Bush lied, but because that's politics.  You have to look past the name calling and what the liberal media says and focus on the facts that you can find if you look hard enough.  I am so not trying to get into an argument about whether the war is right or not, just providing an example of how our president, while a supreme ruler in a way, is most definately held accountable by others.

Now some of these others, the Supreme Court, are nominated by presidents and generally hold a life-long term.  These nominations are then reviewed by and either accepted or rejected by the Congress.  There's another example of a president not getting to do whatever he wants.  And, of course, we elect our Congress in a very democratic fashion, again ensuring that every vote counts but also that the 'little people' are not forgetten.  The two houses of Congress hold similar, though not quite equal power in the legislative branch.  The Senate is slightly higher and has two elected officials from each state.  No matter what their population, they only get two.  The House of Representatives is based on population with more populous states receiving more Representatives.  The Senate ensures that every state has an equal voice.  The House of Representatives ensures that every citizen has an equal voice.  They work together and check each other to prepare laws.  Laws (called bills until made official) have to pass through BOTH or meet extraordinary requirements to pass through to the president who then either signs that measure into offical law or veto it.  The congress can then override the veto if they feel he has made an error.

Now all of this has to be taken with a grain of salt as does every other form of government out there for nothing is perfect.  A perfect government can, after all, only be perfect if all the government officials and citizens of a country are perfect and we all know that's impossible.  The president, senators, and representives help each other out by voting yea or nay on each other's bills or by supporting each other and things.  Crazy little attachments are made to bills to get somebody's pet project approved.

It's something that I have to research carefully before making a decision on who I will vote for.  A little playing of the game is necessary, I understand that.  But somebody whose position is always what's popular at the time is not going to get my vote.  Somebody who seems to always be 'in the pack,' voting for things just to do that old 'I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine' isn't going to get my vote.  Some integrity is most definately required, and I prefer candidates who try to keep the power in the hands of the people than taking it over themselves.

So, is our system perfect?  No, of course not.  But it is darned good.  Is it old?  Yep, it sure is.  Is that a bad thing?  No, not really.  I've learned a lot in my 30 years, though not near enough I know.  One thing I have learned, by listening to my parents and grandparents, by really and truly learning my history and civics, by just paying attention to the world around me, etc., is that things that can last and stand the test of time can very often be a very good thing.  Certainly there are bad things that unfortunately stick around, of course.  But if you notice, people try to stop those bad things.  Cancer?  Have any idea how much money is spent on the reseach of that to treat, cure, and prevent it?  Tons.  And cancer has most likely been around for far longer than we can even imagine.  AIDS?  Poverty?  World Hunger?  Same things.  People want to end these bad things.  But how many people try to change our system of government?  We've had only one major conflict amongst ourselves, for many reasons people do not even think of.  Not just slavery, although that certainly was a part of it.  Mostly it was the economic differences between the northern and southern states of our country that started the problems.  Slavery was an issue, of course.  A big one!  One I'm sorry to say that this country and many others have been a part of.  But if you notice, the straw that broke the camel's back was some states wanting even MORE freedom than our federal government allowed at the time.  As time had passed since the Revolution that gained us our Independence, the government had gotten bigger and more powerful.  Some of that was necessary, some of it wasn't.  The northern states began to grumble about things, and so did the southern.  Some had more money and more people, greater wealth per person.  Some had lots of people, but as so many of these were slaves, the money was scattered among only a few.  Definately not the American dream of, and forgive me the tears I will shed as I type some of the most beautiful and true words ever written, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  But what began the war was the right of succession.  The southern states, displeased at the northern state's interferences and the decisions of the current government, felt that they had the right to leave the Union of These United States of America.  Did they?  The country is still divided on that very issue, as am I to be honest.  I strongly believe in, "United we stand, divided we fall," and firmly believe that we are stronger together.  Try to break one twig, and it snaps easily.  Bundle up lots of twigs, and the job is infinitely harder.  The more tightly they are bundled, the harder it is to snap them.  It's true, believe me, as one of those 'have-to-see-it- or do-it-to-believe-it kind of people, I tried with many different experiments as a child and have actually taught that to my own kids and students.  But I also empathize that the needs of the south was not being met in the government in many ways.  I take a strong exception to slavery, however, and thus fall on the side of the northern states and can only hope and pray that were I alive then that I would have the same morals and know the same truths that I do in these times.  So were it not for slavery, I can definately see what the South was trying to do and can encourage their attempts to equalize the government to serve ALL states and ALL citizens.  But the problem is that that South wasn't trying to protect ALL citizens, only the white ones as they wanted blacks to be considered as partial citizens ONLY for the purposes of counting their populations as higher when electing the very president/vice-president team and Congressmen that we've been talking about.  Again, not wanting to get into a fight over who was right or wrong there, like I said, I'm not even sure myself.  But if there's only been one major problem and the system has worked for 230 years (I was born in the USA's bicentenial in the first state that actually ratified the Constitution and was, thus, the first state of the Union - yep, I'm obviously very proud of those happenstance circumstances :p), then that's certainly proof that it's working pretty good even if other countries do not always understand it.

After all, I can't understand for the life of me how people can like being under the rule of a monarch or dictator.  Does that mean that it's necessarily bad?  No, it just means that it's not in the realm of my experience.  So I've tried to learn more about it.  And I certainly accept that it's very normal for some people, and that they actually enjoy it and even are quite proud of it.  I think that's great.  That all citizens of the world are so different, to me, makes life all the more exciting.  I love to get to know people whose experiences are similar to and also different from my own.  I love getting to know other small-town mothers and big city mothers to compare notes.  I love knowing all of Anni's much more liberal thoughts, even though it means we sometimes can't agree.  That he has researched his position, however, and doesn't just blindly believe whatever he's been fed shows me that his passionate views are firmly based and aptly gotten.  I don't agree with him in how we wants to get things done, even though we both would love for the same things to ultimately happen (you know, world peace, and end to hunger and poverty and sickeness, etc.), because I think that the way I believe in is more likely to accomplish those things.  But I respect his right to his opinion, and he has my utmost respect for how he has come by his opinions, that he can back up his views and make me have to defend my own with facts and information.  Though mostly, we talk about the kids.  :p  *giggles*

So anyway, our government isn't perfect.  But it also isn't really broken either.  It's worked pretty darned good for over 230 years.  Many other countries do not understand why we have gone to war in Iraq.  Or why we were in Vietnam.  Or Korea.  Or even WWII or WWI for Pete's sake.  But they also do not have our mindset.  If you haven't grown up here, if you do not have the same burning desire for freedom and liberty that we do, then you'll never truly understand why we want to help others achieve what we have.  Certainly some wars are entered into for political reasons, both local and world-wide.  But that is true of all countries.  And yes, sadly, there have been times when we should have acted sooner.  Much sooner.  World War II specifically coming to mind.  Many other conflicts that I wish we could have or would help with.  But even we cannot be everywhere, although I know it appears to others as though we try.  Many people, even many Americans, think we have know business 'interfering' with others.  But just imagine, what if there hadn't been a D-Day?  On June 4, 1944, the Battle of Normandy began.  The United States firmly allied itself with Britain, et. al., and entered into the war with a vengeance born of Patriotism in an act of true heroism this world has too far seldom seen.  Operation Overlord, as the allied invasion was termed, lasted 24 days.  Twenty-four days of nearly certain death and horrible injuries.  The land forces on that first day came only from the US, the UK, and Canada, truly brave heroes, though French, Norwegian, Polish, Greek, Czech, and Belgian forces assisted in later phases (again, I'm very sick so please, please forgive me if I've left any heroes out).  These allies forces were certainly at a huge disadvantage.  Terrible and well-defensible and protected terrain, plus they were outnumbered about 2 to 1.  The United States lost 1,465 heroes, with an additional 5,138 wounded, missing or captured.  The United Kingdom statistics state that 2,700 heroes were dead, wounded, or captured.  And Canada suffered the losses of 340 heroes with an additional 621 wounded or captured.  The United State's assistance certainly, without doubt, made a huge difference.  We helped to keep the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Norway, etc., and so on free from the tyrannical rule of one seriously deranged man.  Do we deserve a pat on the back?  Our heroes do, but that's not my point.  What I'm saying is, that is only one example of our desire to protect freedom wherever we can.  I know, some people are going to cry, 'But you only joined the war because of Pearl Harbor.'  That certainly gave us a great political reason to get the country behind the president to be sure.  But come now, we really could have just bombed all of Japan and been done with it.  That's not our way, though, no matter how many people try to look at us as monsters.  We don't like killing people.  We don't want people to be poor, hungry, injured, sick, or unhappy.  We're not these battle-crazed, modern day versions of beserkers, vikings, et. al.  We try as best as we can to do what is right, to fix wrongs that we see as much as possible.  And here's the thing, if we ever come over to your country to help you and you don't want our help, just say so.  But no matter what you're hearing on the news or reading in the paper, I personally know a lot of soldiers right now in Iraq who know the truth of how the people there feel about us being there.  Are they excited about the day we can be gone?  Absolutely, who wouldn't be?  So are we, believe it or not.  But we are saving lives, helping people rebuild their lives.  Many women, for the first time ever, are actually getting to have lives of their own.  They can be free, can go to school and not have to do whatever their husband or father or brother tells them.  The country has a long way to go, however.  I just hope the job can be finished quickly so that no more of my friends or my friends' sons, daughters, cousins, nieces, nephews, parents, etc., has to die to protect others.  Whether people agree with the war or not, it's already done.  Crying over spilt milk never did anybody any good, I know, my kids spill enough milk to have cost me a fortune over the years.  It's better to focus on finding solutions to the problems so that no more people have to die, no matter their nationality, culture, age, gender...

Anyway, I'm so good at rambling, aren't I?  It's even worse when I'm sick.  Sorry.  :p
PC praguepride
player, 81 posts
Mon 26 Nov 2007
at 20:14
  • msg #947

Re: CoDM needed

Sorry WW, but tl;dr.

w00t america though.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 142 posts
Mon 26 Nov 2007
at 20:24
  • msg #948

Re: CoDM needed


DM Windwalker
GM, 586 posts
Property of
Mon 26 Nov 2007
at 20:36
  • msg #949

Re: CoDM needed

Wow, I write a lot when I'm sick!  I wish I'd known that while still in university!  Just think of how much easier it would have been to write all those papers!  :p  See, I had one professor who pounded it into my head that less is more and always write succinctly.  She was really intimidating, so like a good little student, I quickly made six page papers down to three.  But then I got into the education department, and they wanted more, more, more.  :p  So I really had to ramble quite a bit to earn my A's.  :p  Sorry.  It's the natural blonde in me coming out.  :p

Anyway...I had a really long nap, but I still feel awful.  I called the doctor who is angry with me for not going to the hospital last night when my fever got so high.  He's already overbooked today but is going to try to work me in even though I'm certain it's just the flu no matter his concerns for pneumonia.  I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong, but I'm too tired to think about it and try to remember.  Anyway, I'm on here because if I don't keep my brain active, I'm afraid I'll fall asleep again and miss picking up the kids after school.  That would be very bad, so you're stuck with me again.  :p  Any less possible-volatile subjects we could discuss before I get every terrorist in the world after my poor small town just to smite me?  :p

Hmmmm...Christmas movies?  I'm addicted to them.  I just watched Deck the Halls with Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick and loved it.  Anybody got any suggestions of Christmas movies I could buy really cheap?  Also, I need new copies of Jingle All the Way, The Santa Clause, and The Santa Clause 2.  Oh yeah, and since I loaned them out and they still haven't been returned, I also suppose I need both Dr. Seuss', The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and The Grinch, with Jim Carrey.  They're all more than I can spend this year when I found them on eBay, does anybody know if big stores like Best Buy or Circuit City or something might have them cheaper?  I'd go look, but that's an awful long drive for this country girl.  :p
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 106 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Mon 26 Nov 2007
at 21:43
  • msg #950

Re: CoDM needed

Nah, you spelled it right.

For movies, I'm not sure if it really counts as a Christmas movie, since it's kind of morbid and only partially takes place in winter, but The Illusionist is a really great movie that may or may not be about bringing people back from the dead... but I can't tell you any more about it because I suck at summaries that don't spoil.

Also, Gremlins is a great choice ;)
DM Windwalker
GM, 588 posts
Property of
Mon 26 Nov 2007
at 22:03
  • msg #951

Re: CoDM needed

*giggles*  Doesn't sound like my cuppa tea for Christmas.  :p  Though I've been known to be wrong.  About once a year, actually.  :p  Just kidding, of course.

Gremlins?  Yuck.  :p  I think that's one of those I kinda missed the boat on, like Star Wars.  I didn't see those when they were new and cool and exciting.  Like Star Wars, my ex grew up watching them when they were the best special effects out there.  But I saw Independence Day first, not to mention others, so the special effects are nothing to me.  (Note: My parents are/were really strict and deemed such movies to scary for me - rightfully so.  I used to have awful, terrible nightmares.  In school, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe scared me so badly I couldn't sleep for weeks.  Obviously I've grown up some.  :p)

I'm a bit of an old romantic, despite my tomboyish tendancies, and I love families, of course, so I love Christmas romances, movies where people remember what Christmas is really all about, when people come together as friends and families.  Oops, gotta go.  The doc wants me there now...
DM Windwalker
GM, 589 posts
Property of
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 00:06
  • msg #952

Re: CoDM needed

DM Furyou Miko:
Nah, you spelled it right.

Wait, I did?  Well that's good then, 'cause that's what I've got apparently.  Bad, too.  :(  If I'm not better in a day or two, the doctor might put me in the hospital even, which really upsets me.  But with all three of my kidlets there, I don't think he really had the heart too.  Anyway, he gave me one of the strongest antibiotics out there, really strong ibuprofen, a strong dosage of musinex (spelling?), and an inhaler to help me breathe since I'm not doing that too well.  So, if I take a little break, everybody will know why.  Sorry to those of you in my games, both with me as a player or DM.  I'll try to still check on often, though.   After all, online is about the only way I can talk to Anni without it costing a huge fortune.  Anyway, since I can barely breathe, I certainly can't talk well anyway so the phone is out for that reason, too.  :p
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 107 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 01:40
  • msg #953

Re: CoDM needed

Ouch. Pneumonia is bad. *hugs* Sympathy. I'll do my thing if it won't tarnish your Christian soul - sorry, that sounded really sarcastic, but I can't think of a better way to ask. ><

It's not 'great'. We have a saying in England, after all - "Don't be silly, you can't have Pneumonia unless you can spell it."
DM Windwalker
GM, 590 posts
Property of
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 03:03
  • msg #954

Re: CoDM needed

Depends on what your thing is, I guess.  :p  My two wiccans friends light candles and do their kind of prayer for me, and I pray for them as I do for any other friend of mine.  So unless it's like some kind of ritualistic torture or something, I don't think I'll be offended.  I believe what I believe, and I'd love it if everybody believed it, too.  But it's terribly unrealistic of me to expect everybody to, and I'm certainly not going to pressure anybody to.  I'm no evangalist, I know I'm not capable of 'winning' souls or anything.  I'll leave that to the experts and just do the best I can at living right.  :p  I've got to be like the world's worst Christian when it comes to that, but I don't feel I have the right to force my faith on other people.

So don't go spilling the blood of babies for me or anything terrible like that.  Now basketball players are fair game, however.  They need to get themselves a real sport.  :p  Just kidding.  Seriously, I could definately use lots of prayer, happy thoughts, well wishes, etc., right now.  I've taken the prescription strength ibuprofin AND tylenol, and my temperature is still 103.5.  :(  I'm too achy to sleep anymore, I had a nice long nap but woke up to watch Dancing with the Stars (Go Helio!) and can't go back to sleep.  It doesn't matter how I sit or lay down, nothing is comfortable for more than about 10 seconds.
PC Brianna
player, 72 posts
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 06:21
  • msg #955

Re: CoDM needed

Home Alone, and Home Alone 2 - I watch both fairly often, and not just at Christmas time!
PC Shigoki
player, 18 posts
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 06:28
  • msg #956

Re: CoDM needed

Well, you earned my happy thoughts and best wishes. And earned them once again with the "I don't feel I have the right to force my faith on other people."
I will pray to my angel to get you lots of others angels angelic help. Hope it doesn't sound too dumb. Its nice for me to think my I can talk a little with my guardian angel. Even if its just to complain he is always there. :) I think like this, I have connections with the biggest brotherhood in this whole universe. ;) Its a plus my angel is the annunciation angel. The one in charge of giving the call to the shepherds in christmas.
PC praguepride
player, 82 posts
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 07:15
  • msg #957

Re: CoDM needed

My significant other dragged me to see This Christmas that's out right now. It's was a decent family feel-good movie. Kinda the same cliche "everyone's all set for the perfect family Christmas but everyone has their own little secret drama that resolves by the end so that everyone can come together" but it tackles slightly more "edgey" topics. There's a little adultery, a little incident involving MP's, and a couple of thugs that break legs and amuse me :D

All in all I'd give it a 'B'. Nothing new, but still a solid Christmas movie.
DM Annihilator
GM, 237 posts
The future
Mr. Windwalker!  :-)
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 09:51
  • msg #958

Re: CoDM needed

DM Windwalker:
So don't go spilling the blood of babies for me or anything terrible like that., oops?  :p

Seriously, though, I hope you'll feel better soon, darling!  <3  I'm sure all of RoA will be praying/doing their non-religious equivalent of praying for you, too!  *tons of hugs*
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 109 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 10:25
  • msg #959

Re: CoDM needed

I'm an animist, so no, no spilling of babies' blood. It really is over-rated. I mean, when you get down to it, there's no real difference between a two-year-old virgin and a thirteen-year-old virgin...

I'm joking :p

But yeah, I'll ask my friends to look out for you... since some of them air currently air spirits, hopefully they should have some connections with your locals.
DM Kitty
GM, 130 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 15:51
  • msg #960

Re: CoDM needed

WW, surely you have typer's cramp by now! :P

And you'd better get better long before Christmas, that's an order! ;)
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:53, Tue 27 Nov 2007.
DM Windwalker
GM, 591 posts
Property of
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 16:35
  • msg #961

Re: CoDM needed

Thank you guys!!!  *hugs all around*  No kisses, I might get everybody sick and then where would RoA be?  :p

Feeling a bit better because that strong pain killer the doctor gave me is the good stuff!  :p  Whatever he gave me to help me cough up all the stuff in my lungs is working too, but it's still hard to breathe.  And my temp is still too high, but not as dangerous as it was.  Still, I'll have to stay careful for awhile so I don't get worse again.

Anyway...good, no hurting babies or kids!  In case nobody's noticed, I'm so way kid-friendly.  :p  Since I am and will always be one myself, I figure I should kinda stand up for them.  *giggles*  *begins to sing...*

I don't wanna grow up.
I'm a Toys-r-Us kid.
There's a million toys at Toys-r-Us
that I can play with!
From bikes to trains
to video games,
It's the biggest toy store there is!
I don't wanna grow up,
'Cause if I did,
I couldn't be a Toys-r-Us kid!

Sorry.  :p  *giggles*  My own personal theme song.  Though growing up, I didn't get to shop there, it was too expensive for my parents.  We were really poor.  But I've spoiled my kids rotten with it.  :p  Oh!  That reminds me, I just got great news!  My kids and I LOVE Build-A-Bear workshop (and I think that Anni likes it to after his introduction to it while visiting us this year - ask him to show you his kitty cat dressed in St. Louis Cardinals finery!).  For every dollar you spend, you earn a point, and during your birthday months you get 1.5 points (that means we've got March and July through October if you include my nephew, and we do because we take him with us and let him get things there, and December).  Earning 100 points earns you a certificate for $10 off any purchase in the store.  Well sometimes I'm scatterbrained and forget to print out and use those certificates.  :p  So I just called them to see if we could figure out which I've not used because the kids really, really want to go and make Rudolph (check out how cute it is at for Christmas.  I can't afford to buy them each one at $22 a pop.  That's four because I'm totally addicted to Christmas, snowmen, and reindeer and would need one too.  Anyway, the lady was fabulous and sweet, even put up with my awful coughing and silliness because I can't think straight under all these meds.  We worked out that I have SEVEN certificates available!  Now, I already have coupons for $5 off a $25 purchase.  So I can let the kids make Rudolph and even get him a small accessory for about $5 so that each of their totals will be over $25.  Then use a coupon to get it to a bit over $20, then use the certificates to pay that off and only owe a few dollars for each of theirs and about $10 for mine!  Isn't that great!?

Oh, and I'm going to be able to get the kids a Wii for Christmas, the only other thing they really, really want!  My momma is going to buy the system and a few of the things needed like extra controllers, and then she's going to let me use her credit card to buy a few games since I just don't have enough money right now to get them much.  I used my latest paycheck to get the girls some perfume and jewelry and games and Joshua some toys and games, but only a few things each so this is really, really great news!

And I just have to tell oldest is so excited...she just loves that I'm in the church Christmas play, if you ask her, I'm the best singer in the entire world.  She's so biased.  :p  Anyway, she wants to be like me when she grows up and tries very hard to be a good singer, and she is.  And she got a speaking part and a SOLO in her school Christmas play!  *beams proudly*  Before I got sick I practiced with her a lot and she's doing really great.  I read her lines with her and then play the piano for her to sing her solo.  I'm so proud of her!

Oh, and no typer's cramp for me.  :p  The last time I checked, I typed at well over 150 wpm so I can go on and on and on and not get tired.  After all, this is how I talk to Anni every day.  :p

Oh yes, I almost forgot!  It might seem like I'm so materialistic, caring so much about giving the kids good things for Christmas.  I am a little probably, but I have such good memories of pretty packages under the tree, the anticipation, the excitement...that I want to share with the kids.  I just love seeing their little faces...  Anyway, I teach them much more than that, I promise.  And I can prove it.  Yesterday after I picked up the kids from school, we got in the car and the radio station was talking about some kids that needed adopting for the Christmas season.  Their parents can't afford to buy them much if anything, so other people can "adopt" them and get them 3-5 toys, one new outfit, and mittens, a scarf, and a hat.  You can get more, but that's the minimum the station asks for you to get.  Well all three of my kids were just heartbroken at hearing that.  I tell them, but when other people talk about it, too, and can give the names of some of these kids, well that just kind of brings it home.  My babies were so upset that they begged me to let them adopt one of the children for Christmas.  I explained to them that if I did, then that would mean less presents for them on Christmas morning.  And they didn't care.  What were new toys to them when they have so many wonderful things already, when they already have warm clothes, coats, hats, gloves, and scarves?  My kids got it!  They understood!  And so we adopted a 3-year-old named Elijah.  I've already bought the books for him and will spend the last of my Christmas money on the clothing and toys.  *wipes tears away*  And my momma said that she would pay for pajamas and slippers for Elijah.  Isn't that wonderful!?  I'm so proud of my wonderful kids!
DM Kitty
GM, 131 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Tue 27 Nov 2007
at 16:43
  • msg #962

Re: CoDM needed

GAH!  My eyes!  Too much text! :P

(Sorry, I feel silly today.)
DM Windwalker
GM, 593 posts
Property of
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 10:11
  • msg #963

Re: CoDM needed

Uh-oh.  I'm hallucinating and am way too mellowed out.  :p  Some kind of adverse reaction to my meds.  Aren't I so much fun?  I just talked to one of the doctors at my hospital's local clinic, and he thinks I need to go in first thing in the morning but that I should be okay through the night at least.  But I'm way to jittery, like muscle and brainwise, to sleep.  :p  Normally I'd be a bit upset about my symptoms, but I'm so not.  I guess that can be a good thing.  :p  *giggles*
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 110 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 10:49
  • msg #964

Re: CoDM needed

Eek! *hides* Scary high lady! :p

>> No, really, meds are fun, I guess, but I'm always the one who has to stay sane and look after the giddy one. >< Which gets less fun when that person is overtired, grouchy and in a foul mood... but they're doped up to their eyeballs on painkillers and other medicine, so they're insane and giddy-happy at the same time.

So I guess what I'm saying is, get enough sleep :p
DM Windwalker
GM, 594 posts
Property of
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 10:55
  • msg #965

Re: CoDM needed

I can't.  It's nearly five in the morning, I've not slept a wink, and I'm still totally unable to sleep.  I am now making this really, really cool noise when I swallow though.  It's like those little rubber poppy thingies that you push down onto a table or onto a window and then the suction builds up and then it lets go and that little pupper just jumps up!  Or away, if it was on a window, of course.  But it sounds really cool to make that sound every time I swallow.  That just started.  I like it.
DM Kindred
GM, 219 posts
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 16:48
  • msg #966

Re: CoDM needed

Poor WW, get better soon!

P.S. Your kids are sweet
PC praguepride
player, 84 posts
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 20:04
  • msg #967

Re: CoDM needed

Wow...just wow. WW, you're crazy :D
This message was last edited by the player at 20:04, Wed 28 Nov 2007.
PC Shigoki
player, 19 posts
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 21:01
  • msg #968

Re: CoDM needed

You are enjoying a 'toxic' release of endorphins (did I spell it right?) by sickness and medicine fight. :S I don't think its bad. I have one of those every 2 years. Cant take much care of my person some times. I also get high on not sleeping. I tell you, its bad for the job because I'm just so happy the kids don't know what to make of me. They expect me to be on the same mood the next day and they get disappointed that I'm in a bad one.
One time a electric tower exploded, the kids where all scared and I was like 'hahahaha scary rats'
DM Kitty
GM, 132 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Wed 28 Nov 2007
at 22:53
  • msg #969

Re: CoDM needed

I'm sure, eventually, you'll get so tired that you'll fall asleep.  Or faint...but hopefully the former. ;)
PC Shigoki
player, 20 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 01:00
  • msg #970

Re: CoDM needed

That only happened when I was awake 5 days. Cant figureout when did I fall sleep.
DM Windwalker
GM, 595 posts
Property of
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 04:01
  • msg #971

Re: CoDM needed

Well, it turns out I was having a severe allergic reaction, and if Anni hadn't kept me up all night talking, it might have been...well...extremely bad...  My throat swelled so slowly that it is doubtful I would have noticed before suffocating to death according to both my personal feelings and the professional opinion of the doctors.

Anyway, I'm over my lovely hallucinations.  It was like what I would imagine being on LSD and marijuana at the same time might be.  But since I've never done either, I can't say for sure.  :p

But I'm not crazy, I'm mental.  :D
PC praguepride
player, 85 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 16:29
  • msg #972

Re: CoDM needed

Wow, that's actually pretty scary.

On a side note I'm actually working on a project to help link gene expressions to medication dosages for use for pharmacists. It's not really applicable right now, but once genetic testing becomes the norm for people it will really start to shine.

Also, glad to hear you're feeling better.
DM Kool
GM, 130 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 19:58
  • msg #973

Re: CoDM needed

That sounds like a scary episode last night.  Hope you're better now.
DM Kitty
GM, 133 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 20:20
  • msg #974

Re: CoDM needed


Annihilator, keep taking care of her!
Windwalker, get better!

And yes, those are both orders. ;)

I'll keep you in my prayers.
PC quickj
player, 144 posts
Commiting the oldest sins
in the newest ways!
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 20:49
  • msg #975

Re: CoDM needed

Damn WW! Sounds like a close call. Glad to hear you are recovering. Good luck!
DM Koboldking
GM, 23 posts
The king of kobolds in
all his koboldy majesty.
Thu 29 Nov 2007
at 23:34
  • msg #976

Re: CoDM needed

Wow, I'm glad you're ok WW. Hope you get better soon.
PC solo
player, 76 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2007
at 08:31
  • msg #977

Re: CoDM needed

PC praguepride:
Wow, that's actually pretty scary.

On a side note I'm actually working on a project to help link gene expressions to medication dosages for use for pharmacists. It's not really applicable right now, but once genetic testing becomes the norm for people it will really start to shine.

Now, that's scary! Don't think I'd like my genetic code to be available to every pharmacist.
PC Ionari
player, 10 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2007
at 13:47
  • msg #978

Re: CoDM needed

I might even be fine if it were available just to pharmacists, but of course it wouldn't be - they would use Microsoft, or Google, to store the information, and from there it would leak all over.  It might not even leak "intentionally" (e.g. through contracts with those ubiquitous "third party service providers") - our British friends can fill us in on recent issues with accidental leaks of private information...
PC praguepride
player, 86 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2007
at 22:44
  • msg #979

Re: CoDM needed

The key about this information, as far as privacy is concerned is that it only tells pharmacists how you'd react to a certain drug.

They wouldn't be able to look it up and say "hey, this guy's prone to heart attacks" or "this lady is going to get cancer in 5 years." Think about it more like allergy information. This is taking knowledge about your allergies to a new level, the genetic level.
PC Alesandra
player, 7 posts
Like felines!!
Sat 1 Dec 2007
at 00:13
  • msg #980

Re: CoDM needed

Will this be able to tell me if Im alegic to someone? Or how about genetic compatibity (did I spell it right?)?
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 143 posts
Sat 1 Dec 2007
at 00:26
  • msg #981

Re: CoDM needed

allergic to people?

I'm pretty sure that that's impossible, as anything other people would do would be done by your own body and have you allergic to yourself.
PC Ionari
player, 11 posts
Sat 1 Dec 2007
at 00:38
  • msg #982

Re: CoDM needed

PC praguepride:
The key about this information, as far as privacy is concerned is that it only tells pharmacists how you'd react to a certain drug.

They wouldn't be able to look it up and say "hey, this guy's prone to heart attacks" or "this lady is going to get cancer in 5 years." Think about it more like allergy information. This is taking knowledge about your allergies to a new level, the genetic level.

Presumably you aren't going to test each person for likely reactions to every known drug, just for the drugs he or she is considering using.  But, tell me what drugs you are considering using, and I can make a pretty educated guess at what ailments you might have...
PC Brianna
player, 73 posts
Sat 1 Dec 2007
at 01:12
  • msg #983

Re: CoDM needed

DM Pinkbunny:
allergic to people?

I'm pretty sure that that's impossible, as anything other people would do would be done by your own body and have you allergic to yourself.

My husband can have what appears to be an allergic reaction to his own sweat, if his skin is broken or even just slightly abraided in the area.  I noticed this years ago when I scratched an itch on his back before he showered after exercise, and a doctor did finally agree, in some surprise, that it appeared to be so.  And I believe some couples' inability to conceive can relate to the female's apparent allergy, or auto-immune reaction, to the male's 'contribution'.
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 111 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Sat 1 Dec 2007
at 09:34
  • msg #984

Re: CoDM needed

Brianna - sounds more like psoriasis or something like that. Either that, or he had some toxins in his body that it was trying to sweat out (like when you have a cold or flu) and you ended up reintroducing them... I itch abominably, most of the time, but especially when I've been sweating or am in that wierd, irritating too-hot-but-not-quite-hot-enough-to-sweat stage. And yes, I get horrible rashes afterwards.
PC Brianna
player, 74 posts
Sat 1 Dec 2007
at 19:25
  • msg #985

Re: CoDM needed

Well, it's not psoriasis, and if it's a toxin, he has it all the time, over a period of many, many years.
PC praguepride
player, 87 posts
Sat 1 Dec 2007
at 20:06
  • msg #986

Re: CoDM needed

PC Ionari:
PC praguepride:
The key about this information, as far as privacy is concerned is that it only tells pharmacists how you'd react to a certain drug.

They wouldn't be able to look it up and say "hey, this guy's prone to heart attacks" or "this lady is going to get cancer in 5 years." Think about it more like allergy information. This is taking knowledge about your allergies to a new level, the genetic level.

Presumably you aren't going to test each person for likely reactions to every known drug, just for the drugs he or she is considering using.  But, tell me what drugs you are considering using, and I can make a pretty educated guess at what ailments you might have...

How it works is that every pharmaceutical drug is an inhibitor of some sort. It blocks some receptor site and that is what causes the change in your body. It has a vector, a target receptor site. Through genetic testing they can determine if you have an increased or decreased tolerance to a specific drug based upon your expression of that receptor site, and so they could plan accordingly if you need an increased or decreased dosage.

Keep in mind i'm just a computer techie, not a biologist or a pharmacologist. This is the dumb down version they told me to build, so it probably isn't accurate, but a best guess in layman's terms.
PC solo
player, 77 posts
Mon 3 Dec 2007
at 07:55
  • msg #987

Re: CoDM needed

I still wouldn't want that info to be available to pharmacists. :-)
PC praguepride
player, 88 posts
Mon 3 Dec 2007
at 11:07
  • msg #988

Re: CoDM needed

Bah, it doesn't matter because this is a long way off anyway. We barely understand what anything does right now, let alone being able to use it.
PC praguepride
player, 89 posts
Mon 3 Dec 2007
at 11:23
  • msg #989

Re: CoDM needed

Second time around:

I just found one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands. Very interesting music video.

For those of you curious, the interesting video snippets are from a french film, Vidocq.

I might have to find this one so I can understand what is happening. However, it looks cool from the music video.
PC Brianna
player, 75 posts
Mon 3 Dec 2007
at 19:25
  • msg #990

Re: CoDM needed

Well, it might not be that far off; they already know how to create drugs that target a specific receptor site.
PC praguepride
player, 90 posts
Mon 3 Dec 2007
at 19:39
  • msg #991

Re: CoDM needed

Yeah, targetting's "easy." You can look at the receptor site and using compounds tailor a chemical to bind with that site.

It's like the childrens puzzel with the different shaped blocks and the box with the different shaped cutouts in it. Just observation allows you to identify what fits where.

Now what causes the cutouts to be shaped like the way they are? That is the current mystery. We have very little idea of what makes the receptor site react a particular way. What makes a person more or less susceptible to a chemical, what makes these receptor sites more or less prevelent in your body, that's the mystery.
DM BadCatMan
GM, 439 posts
I am the Master
and you will obey me.
Thu 6 Dec 2007
at 01:25
  • msg #992

Re: CoDM needed

In a week's time, I'll be going for my black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Patterns, one-steps, terminology, 100 push-ups and sit-ups (but for creaky ol' me, more like 60-70), board and tile breaking, and of course, the 10 minute fight against 5 black belts.

So for the last few weeks, the week to come and maybe the week after that while I recover, I may be erratic, distracted or not up to my usual standards here at RoA whilst I study, train or get beaten senseless.

So, my apologies. Normal service for games I play and DM will resume after.
DM Jim
GM, 134 posts
An old player
in a new place
Thu 6 Dec 2007
at 04:46
  • msg #993

Re: CoDM needed

If you were in theater, I'd say 'break a leg!'... I'm not sure if that's appropriate for this though. ;-)

Seriously though, all the best!
DM Windwalker
GM, 596 posts
Property of
Thu 6 Dec 2007
at 05:08
  • msg #994

Re: CoDM needed

As a music/theater person, break a leg is just about the only way I know to say good luck other than just saying, well, good luck!  :p

Seriously though, you should try grabbing DM Ordon if/when he's around.  He's really into martial arts and is really, really good, too.
DM Kitty
GM, 134 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Thu 6 Dec 2007
at 16:08
  • msg #995

Re: CoDM needed

Hey guys, I've got something for y'all!  You've gotta listen to it. :)
(especially if it irx you how people say happy holidays)

That is so well said...
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:08, Thu 06 Dec 2007.
PC O_man_13
player, 11 posts
Fri 7 Dec 2007
at 01:43
  • msg #996

Re: CoDM needed

The Happy Holidays / Merry Christmas thing always bothered me a bit.

I always used to say Merry Christmas when I was younger, then I meet my best friend who happens to be jewish.

He brought up the typical arguments we've all heard. Instead of hearing it from the "I hate christmas and want to be PC crowd" it became personalized. He didn't hate Christmas he simply wanted to make it clear he doesn't celebrate it, but he does celebrate Honica.

In all honesty, Jewish holidays have a tendacy to be ignored, while Christian ones always get the full stage treatment. He had many stories of manidatory school events (He's a law student) being schedualed by a Christian teacher on his religious holidays without any consideration for his religion. Even when this was brought up to the teacher he refused to changed it. He and several others had to fight for it to be changed.

So I figure the very least I can do is say "Happy Holidays" as a way to acknowledge that Christianity isn't the only religion out there.
DM Pinkbunny
GM, 144 posts
Fri 7 Dec 2007
at 01:54
  • msg #997

Re: CoDM needed

as an atheist I don't care which, as long as you gimme presents. :P

I wished people happy Haunuka(spelling?) on the proper days last year and if I remember the other ones get the same treatment, but otherwise I just oscillate between happy holidays and merry christmas.
PC praguepride
player, 91 posts
Fri 7 Dec 2007
at 03:44
  • msg #998

Re: CoDM needed

FYI: Hanukkah

As one of the many out there that is not a Christian, I like how Happy Holidays goes. Besides, at least here in America most Christmas celebrations have so little to do with religion and Christ it should be called Santamas or Clausmas because nowadays Christmas is about Santa and his presents. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, others can debate, but considering how many holidays there are at this time of year (because Happy Holidays includes New Year's as well) might as well roll them up into a nice general statement that is both accurate and acceptable.

edit: Watched the video and gotta be honest, not a big fan. The argument it presented was that people say "Happy Holidays" because they're afraid to say "Christmas" because it has to deal with Jesus, and I don't agree with that at all. People say (in my opinion) "Happy Holidays" for 2 reasons
  1. The person isn't sure which holiday (if any) a person is celebrating. Saying "Merry Christmas" to someone who celebrates Kwanzaa or Hanukkah is kind of a slap in the face, like "Hey, I don't have the time or the care to find out what you really believe, I'll just make a broad assumption about your holiday preference without bothering to discover the truth."
  2. It's easier to say instead of "Have a merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's, Eid-al-Adha, and Boxing Day" The end of the year has a ton of important holidays, and it would be a pain to have to put up a sign or message to address them all.

And that also brings up a fallacy that I see it. Maybe it's not common, maybe it is but it seems like there's a belief that saying Christ or making references to Jesus around the Jewish is like a dirty word. No, we don't go scattering into the dark when someone brings up Jesus. Just putting that out there.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:09, Fri 07 Dec 2007.
DM Kitty
GM, 135 posts
See dee kee-tee?
Fri 7 Dec 2007
at 05:21
  • msg #999

Re: CoDM needed

Well, I'd like to point out something.  The song mentioned that people say 'Happy Valentine's Day' in February.  Technically, that's a saint's day.  It's a religious holiday; a Christian celebration.

Also, happy holidays?  You know what holiday means, right?  Holy day.  You catching my drift?

And on yet another note, Christianity is in fact the religious heritage of the USA.  It's even in the pledge, and the national anthem, and such!  One nation, under God!  And yet schools still don't teach Christian stuff!  Good grief...
PC O_man_13
player, 12 posts
Fri 7 Dec 2007
at 08:18
  • msg #1000

Re: CoDM needed

Any holiday where you don't get off school or work isn't really a holiday. :)

Other then that I agree whole hearted with you DM Kitty.

I'd also like to point out that it is in our heritage to have a Freedom of Religion. I think the "Happy Holidays" falls into that little box.

The "Happy Holidays" translates into "What ever religion you are have a good event" for me at least.

So if you know someone is Christian say "Merry Christmas" if they're Jewish say "Happy Hanukkah" or whatever.

Just don't assume people are Christian (even though like 80%+ are) when in doubt go back to the general "Happy Holidays"

As a side note:

Saddly, re-reading this stuff makes me sound like a "Political Correctness" type which I'm really not. In fact, I tend to get a great deal of joy pissing those types off normally. So please don't mistake me for one of them. :o
PC praguepride
player, 92 posts
Fri 7 Dec 2007
at 10:08
  • msg #1001

Re: CoDM needed

DM Kitty:
Well, I'd like to point out something.  The song mentioned that people say 'Happy Valentine's Day' in February.  Technically, that's a saint's day.  It's a religious holiday; a Christian celebration.

Also, happy holidays?  You know what holiday means, right?  Holy day.  You catching my drift?

And on yet another note, Christianity is in fact the religious heritage of the USA.  It's even in the pledge, and the national anthem, and such!  One nation, under God!  And yet schools still don't teach Christian stuff!  Good grief...

Hmmm. We'll start from the top

  • People say "Valentine's Day" in Feb> That is true, see my second point about how there's a buttload of holidays in December as opposed to everywhere other month. Also again note that Valentine's day no longer celebrates a Christian saint, but has become a symbol of love, mushy cards, and chocolate.
  • God is not limited to Christianity. Last time I checked Muslims and Jewish worship the same god, it's the details of his prophets/messiahs that are debated. So it would be better to say that our religious heritage is monotheistic, which is very true. Unless you count the Vikings, because their Nordic gods were cool and they were here first. Or unless you count Native Americans who worshiped spirits. Technically they were here first. Hmmm...our heritage really is a mixed bag across all fronts. No wonder we struggle so much with our "cultural identity" when it's such a hodgepodge of the world.

On another note, I think Political Correctness is a terrible phrase to use, so I will invent an equally horrible but more PC version of it in the phrase of "Political Sensitivity." You don't have to like it, just be aware that there are people who believe different things then you and so be careful when making broad assumptions.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:11, Fri 07 Dec 2007.
DM Furyou Miko
GM, 112 posts
The scary priestess
with the glasses...
Fri 7 Dec 2007
at 14:14
  • msg #1002

Re: CoDM needed

I don't have any specific holidays or other religious festivals, but I still celebrate christmas in a mostly christian way because that's how I was brought up - I don't believe that there was anything superhuman about Jesus, or even that he necessarially exists as a person - but I know that he does have power as a symbol, just like Santa exists as an idea - and celebrating is fun. :p

Soo... have a good midwinter, because the best way to celebrate having enough food to last until spring (no-one mention the veg price sensationalistic crap please, food prices always go up this time of year in England, and hello, we've had flooding, of course things are more expensive!) is to eat most of it. ^^
PC Brianna
player, 76 posts
Fri 7 Dec 2007
at 18:28
  • msg #1003

Re: CoDM needed

So you're supporting hibernation (after you eat all that food) as the ultimate winter holiday?  *grin*
DM Wolf
GM, 122 posts
You live, you die
Use your time well
Fri 7 Dec 2007
at 19:02
  • msg #1004

Re: CoDM needed

Well around this time of year I think(If I'm wrong correct me) that most religions have a holy day around this time of day and then it would be the correct thing to use.

Vikings also had holy days around the 24 th of December. Because of the changing of th seasons. Going from darker to lighter. Also if you check other old and now dead religion you'll find many holidays that go around the same time as the jewish, Christian and islamic holy days. To take the 24 th of December as an point of this.

Vikings used it. The druids used it and many more minor religions that existed around the year 300.(When the roman emperor rewrote the bible) Is it just a coincident or maybe some deep plot to more easily gather all under one religion. It's up to you to decide.

Also I saw that Kitty wrote that they don't mix god into school. How great I would say. religion has no place in school or so I think at least.

PS: I'm going to create a new tread seen as we are coming up on the nice 1000 post limit.
DM Kool
GM, 131 posts
The Overmind of all
things creepy-crawly
Fri 14 Dec 2007
at 02:47
  • msg #1005

Re: CoDM needed

You've had flooding?  Send some of that rain over here, we're in drought!
DM Windwalker
GM, 627 posts
Property of
Thu 7 Feb 2008
at 20:12
  • msg #1006

Re: CoDM needed

I'll be leaving this chat up for another week or two before deleting it in our ongoing effort to keep RoA neat and tidy.  If you want any part of it, any links, etc., please save them to your personal computer as soon as possible.

Thank you!  :)
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