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First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there.

Posted by GM Computer HeathFor group 0
GM Computer Heath
GM, 112 posts
Sat 9 Feb 2008
at 00:53
  • msg #53

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

Gunther finds that the vidscreen is off and looks like it doesn't work.  It is old and run down like the rest of the place.

The man says to Ginger, "Mission.  Yes, mission.  Scrubots.  It was something about...Yes, that's right.  Reports of scrubots...attacking citizens.  Cleaning them too vigorously.  That must be it.  That's your mission!"

His eyes droop, and then he punches himself in the nose.  "The mutants will only eat me if I fall asleep.  Have to...stay...awake."  He pokes his eye with his finger.  "Scrubots.  Nothing is clean anymore.  Scrubots.  The transbot.  Maintenance robots.  It's all...gone to hell.  Scrubots."  He pinches himself.
player, 13 posts
CPU Team Leader
Clearance RED
Sun 10 Feb 2008
at 18:07
  • msg #54

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

"Scrubots?  So our mission has to do with scrubots and mutants that eat people?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:07, Sun 10 Feb 2008.
player, 30 posts
R&D Happiness Officer
Clearance RED
Sun 10 Feb 2008
at 18:23
  • msg #55

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

"I'm pretty sure its just to get rid of the scrubots. I think he is just tired."
CL gives the crazy little man some EZ-DUZ-IT.
"He should be better soon."
player, 13 posts
Tech Happiness Officer
Clearance RED
Sun 10 Feb 2008
at 18:53
  • msg #56

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

"I really need some medical attention on my arm!!" Rob says as he holds his arm. He raises his eyebrow as he asks "So now we are to hunt down some clone eating mutant? Wouldn't you all agree this is a little too much like the vidshow 'The Clone Eating Mutant That Ate Sector TKO'?"
GM Computer Heath
GM, 114 posts
Mon 11 Feb 2008
at 05:12
  • msg #57

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

"Yes!" the man says.  "Yes, it's just like that show!"
player, 25 posts
HPD&MC Recording Officer
Clearance RED
Mon 11 Feb 2008
at 09:56
  • msg #58

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

wait this seems odd...the computer sent us to get a mission breifing from a crazy guy in a dusty old abandoned room? I mean scrubots and man eating sound kinda kinky but do you think this is the correct room?
player, 14 posts
CPU Team Leader
Clearance RED
Mon 11 Feb 2008
at 19:00
  • msg #59

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

Ginger says, "Do you think this is the correct room?  Do you think the Computer--our friend--made an error?  Isn't this exactly the type of thing the Computer would want us to do--to root out mutants and take care of whacko robots?"

Then she turns to the guy with a kind voice, "What is your name, Citizen?"
GM Computer Heath
GM, 115 posts
Mon 11 Feb 2008
at 19:59
  • msg #60

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

"Yes!" he says.  "Yes, it is the correct room.  Yes, it is kinky.  Yes, go take care of your mission." In answer to Ginger, he says, "My name is Hans-O-HGF-3.  I have not slept in 8 days.  If I do, the mutants will eat me.  They'll EAT ME!!"
player, 15 posts
CPU Team Leader
Clearance RED
Mon 11 Feb 2008
at 21:41
  • msg #61

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

Ginger says calmly, "Hans, where are we supposed to go to solve this problem?  Is there any way we can help you?  Maybe our happiness officer can give you a happy pill.  Can you give us all the mission parameters?"
GM Computer Heath
GM, 116 posts
Tue 12 Feb 2008
at 04:31
  • msg #62

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

"Yes, yes, I can."  Suddenly, Hans-O's eyes go wide.  "The walls!" he shouts.  "They're coming out of the walls!  I won't let them take me!  You can't make me go!"

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a grenade.  Most of you have never seen a real grenade in use before and yet, strangely enough, every one of you understands at an instinctive level that this one has been triggered.

What do you do?  You can't imagine having enough time to do more than one action.
player, 21 posts
Tech Services Equipmt Guy
Clearance RED
Tue 12 Feb 2008
at 06:10
  • msg #63

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there


Dexter runs for the door as fast as he can.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:12, Tue 12 Feb 2008.
player, 26 posts
HPD&MC Recording Officer
Clearance RED
Tue 12 Feb 2008
at 09:33
  • msg #64

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

"I told you so!!"
Vicsis says while running towards the door.
"Make that garbage disposal of a mutant eat it maybe his stomach can handle it!"
player, 14 posts
Tech Happiness Officer
Clearance RED
Wed 13 Feb 2008
at 14:18
  • msg #65

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

Robs makes a run for the door, right behind Dexter and Vicsis. "Aaaagggg my arm!!!" he yells.
player, 18 posts
Mutation: Eats things.
Security Clearance: Red
Wed 13 Feb 2008
at 23:47
  • msg #66

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

player, 31 posts
R&D Happiness Officer
Clearance RED
Sat 16 Feb 2008
at 02:37
  • msg #67

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

CL runs to the exit with his hands over his head, "No, thats not biology friendly!"
GM Computer Heath
GM, 117 posts
Sun 17 Feb 2008
at 18:12
  • msg #68

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

OOC: Regarding your moves, this is probably a very good time to think about spending perversity points.

Remember the following:  You can spend as many points as you want.  Each point affects your die roll by 1.  You can also spend as many points affecting your party's die rolls (up or down).  You must indicate the number of points you want to use.

There is no limit, so even if your modifier makes your success rate over 20, that's fine too (although a roll of 20 is always a miss, but there are other modifiers...and possible perversity points spent by others AGAINST your roll).

Typically, I will award perversity points at the beginning of a new scene, or within a scene if it is taking awhile.

If you die...and with a grenade it is a possibility, you will lose 20 perversity points when starting up your new clone.

player, 27 posts
HPD&MC Recording Officer
Clearance RED
Mon 18 Feb 2008
at 10:38
  • msg #69

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

PM, all secrets and hushidy hush
player, 15 posts
Tech Happiness Officer
Clearance RED
Mon 18 Feb 2008
at 15:11
  • msg #70

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

PM Feel Very Paranoid!
player, 16 posts
CPU Team Leader
Clearance RED
Tue 19 Feb 2008
at 18:17
  • msg #71

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

player, 19 posts
Mutation: Eats things.
Security Clearance: Red
Thu 21 Feb 2008
at 00:29
  • msg #72

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

Yet another PM. 'Cuz I'm speshall. :P
player, 32 posts
R&D Happiness Officer
Clearance RED
Thu 21 Feb 2008
at 15:13
  • msg #73

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

GM Computer Heath
GM, 120 posts
Thu 21 Feb 2008
at 20:28
  • msg #74

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

The explosion of the grenade is magnificent!  Divine!  And very, very loud and messy.  Parts of Hans get blown all over the walls with the blast of the grenade.  Just before that, you each took the following actions:

Dexter begins running toward the open door (toward the platform).

Right behind him is Vicsis...followed by Rob...

CL runs with them all...

Ginger ducks behind the cover of the overturned security desk...

Gunther runs toward the closed door (not the one by the platform).  It appears unlocked, and he can open it.  He is sure of it!

Peter stands there and stares dumbly at the grenade.  Perhaps he thought it wasn't real.  Perhaps he thought he was in a virtual vidshow of some sort.  Perhaps he was scared out of his jumpsuit.

Then the explosion...

Dexter safely makes it out of the radius of the blast.

Vicsis also makes it safely out.

Rob trips over Vicsis' foot on the way out.  His last thoughts were whether she intentionally tripped him or whether it was an accident.  Then bits of Rob are blown over the room

CL is hit by flying shrapnel and is WOUNDED.

Ginger is protected by the desk, but not completely.  She is WOUNDED.

Gunther gets to the door, but he only got one action, and getting to the door was one action.  Opening and going through is another action.  Gunther is blown into almost as many pieces as Hans.

Peter takes a second to realize his lower body has been blown to smithereens.  Then everything goes black.

Gunther, Rob, and Peter are decanted with their second clones.  They run for the transbot, find the old beat down one waiting, and they jump in.  It still smells like smoke, but the flames are gone.  They soon arrive back with the other party.

Those who survived have a couple minutes to take actions while waiting for the replacement clones to arrive for their companions.  Your ears are still ringing from the sound of the blast.  Hans is splattered all over the wall in a mesmerizing resemblance of some modern art paintings.

Ginger, Vicsis, and CL are covered with tiny bits of what used to be Hans.  Their jumpsuits are not as clean as they used to be.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:31, Thu 21 Feb 2008.
player, 33 posts
R&D Happiness Officer
Clearance RED
Fri 22 Feb 2008
at 15:33
  • msg #75

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

"AGGG I'm dirty! I'm dirty! *squek* I don't like being dirty!"
*begins to clean his suit*
GM Computer Heath
GM, 121 posts
Fri 22 Feb 2008
at 18:52
  • msg #76

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

OOC: To outline what has happened in game terms:

The base "Violence" of the grenade was 20.  Its effects and violence rating went down depending on the distance you were from the grenade and whatever cover/armor you may have had.

This amount (and damage) was also modified accordingly.  The amounts were also modified up or down based on perversity points spent for or against your roll (we had both going on here, although you don't know who applied points against you).  I can safely say, though, that those who had points applied against them all died.  (Take that as a warning/hint about how to handle future...incidents--and no, I'm not drowning in maniacal laughter as I say that.)

What this means (the "20") is that anyone next to the grenade without any modifiers had no chance to survive since we roll a 20 sided die which cannot give you greater than a 20.

You also had 1 action and very little time.  Those who attempted to do 2 things (such as go to a door and open it and go out it, or those who tried to flee and use a mutation, or those who used a "if..then...") in their post didn't get the benefit of the second action (or had bad modifiers against them, such as using a mutation while running for the door).

Over the next week, I will try to post some additional issues, such as the problems using subsequent clones, the process of accusing someone of being a traitor, etc.
Some people may receive extra bonuses for successfully fulfilling a secret society goal (such as the death of an enemy/traitor).

Please make sure you review your character sheets and goals again as we move onto the next scene.  This adventure is balanced so that everyone has an enemy, and your enemy may not be the enemy that thinks your his enemy...or something like that.  In any case, your goals as a team are not unified due to your secret goals, so following the pack is the way to quickly die.

Only three deaths so far...not too bad.

player, 25 posts
Tech Services Equipmt Guy
Clearance RED
Mon 25 Feb 2008
at 20:16
  • msg #77

Re: First Mission/Briefing Room...if you get there

Dexter waits a few moments for his ears to come back to him, then heads back in to check on and help anyone left alive in the room.
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