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17:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Battle for Volturnus-1.

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
GM Heath
GM, 862 posts
Mon 17 Nov 2008
at 17:44
  • msg #1

The Battle for Volturnus-1

This is the final battle with the Sathar.  As this is difficult to run online without all the counters, I will be making modifications as we go.  Please make sure your characters are returned to full health and decide what primary weapons will be used and ready.  A quick review of the inventory may be worthwhile.  Please make any character updates too.

You return to the Eorna, report that all races are cooperating, and the Eorna are pleased.  And just in time!

All that can be done has been done to prepare the planet for defense against the hideous worms. The initial reports arriving at the Eorna complex beneath the ruins of Volkos are good; the Eorna planetary defense batteries have kept the Sathar fleet at bay, and many of the Sathar shuttles have been destroyed attempting to land ground troops on the planet.

The successful landing of a large Sathar army has been detected. After scanning the planet, the Sathar advanced in the direction of Vokos. They should arrive in full battle array sometime tomorrow morning. They number at least 30,000 plus robots and other weapons!

Knowing the terrain better than anyone else, the Eorna determined that the best place to stop the Sathar drive is along the ancient abandoned road which runs along the east side of the dry canal toward Volkos. It is clear that if the Sathar penetrate the Eorna complex below Volkos, Volturnus is doomed.

The following are the Volturnus forces. They are brave but poorly armed.

Yourselves, with such weapons as you have gathered on Volturnus.

150 Eorna, armed with laser rifles, to be used as an elite skirmishing force. They also have some cybernetically controlled megasauruses.

4,000 Ul-Mor cavalry mounted on lopers and eager for battle.

12,000 Edestekai armed with pikes and spears.

6,000 Kurabanda armed with hang gliders. They are hidden in the ruins overlooking the battlefield. They are armed with bows and arrows and also with four fragmentation grenades each. The grenades were discovered by the Eorna in an old, long abandoned armory.

1,000 Mechanon combat robots.

You have no choice except to fight, as the Sathar are totally merciless and do not negotiate. You are outnumbered by an enemy better armed than yourselves.
The morning will decide the fate of a world, and probably your own destinies as well.

Some things to keep in consideration throughout the battles:

1) The battle will be four separate encounters.

2) At the beginning of any turn during any encounter except encounter number 4,
the player characters may call for a charge by their Ul-Mor reserves. The number of Ul-Mor available to charge will vary from 4 to 8, according to the Ul-Mor Charge Table:

Dice Roll   Number Of Ul-Mor Available
01-20        4
21-40        5
41-60        6
61-80        7
81-00        8

Note that this option may be used only once. If this option is used, deduct the number of Ul-Mor who charge during use of the option from the number available to charge in encounter number 4.

This option may be used only if the Volturnus forces succeed in destroying or capturing the automatic cannon in encounter number 1.

To use this option, the player characters may, at the beginning of any turn during any encounter except encounter number 1, call for the Kurabanda air attack. The Kurabanda will launch themselves from the tops of the ruins overlooking the battlefield and attempt to glide over enemy units, drop- ping hand grenades as they fly over. They will attempt to land behind the enemy units
and then open fire with their bows and arrows. Gliding Kurabanda will arrive over the encounter map 3 turns after being called for. They will move 50 meters on the map that turn, and land at the end of the move. They may drop their hand grenades over any one enemy counter their own counter passes over during their flight.

The turn after they land, the Kurabanda will be quite helpless, as they must remove their hang gliders and prepare their bows and arrows. A total of 8 Kurabanda will come when this option is used. These Kurabanda all have second level weapons skill with bows and thrown weapons.

Note that dropped grenades have the usual chances for scatter. Each Kurabanda drops four grenades all at once from a special pack. These are fragmentation grenades which will explode on impact.

4) The final outcome will be determined by using an algorithm and percentile roll based on the outcome of the 4 encounters.

GM Heath
GM, 863 posts
Mon 17 Nov 2008
at 18:03
  • msg #2


As morning dawns, your forces are drawn up for the grand battle. Your left flank, anchored by a tiny oasis, is held by the Mechanon forces. The center is defended by the masses of Edestekai pike. On the right, strung out over a long front, is the all-too-thin skirmish line of the Eorna.

Supporting the Eorna are a small group of Megasaurus; the Eorna have captured some of these beasts during your absence and implanted control devices in their brains, turning them into at least partially controllable fighting

The Ul-Mor cavalry, evenly distributed along the line of battle, are in reserve. The hidden Kurabanda are ready to leap from the ruins above to soar over the enemy forces, dropping hand grenades on them. The Kurabanda will then land and pour archery fire into the rear of enemy units.

You, also, have been requested to stand by in reserve, ready to provide crucial help as the battle develops. You can sense the tension rising in your allies as they wait for the attack. In distance to your far left and over a small ridge, a brilliant flash of sunlight reveals the gleaming body of a Sathar warbot! The Battle of Volturnus has started. Your first request for help comes in from the
Mechanons on the left flank. There is just enough time to get to the Mechanons before the warbots hit them.

Here is the battle strategy map:

The first encounter is the bottom of this strategic map (marked "1").

As you arrive at the left flank, the Mechanon forces are about to be heavily attacked all along the line. A strange new Sathar automatic cannon is wreaking horrible damage among the Mechanons. This gun must be destroyed, or the Kurabanda air troops will never be able to join the battle; the cannon would massacre them in the air!

To take out the cannons, you take a small force of mechanons with you.  The terrain is desert, with the occasional cactus and rock.  You get within 200 meters and have the advantage of height looking down.

Your forces are:
4 security robots
4 maintenance robots
1 recoilless rifle
1 heavy laser
(You might remember recovering these last two when saving Slave City One)

The Sathar guarding the cannon are:
2 warbots
4 combat robotss
2 cybots
1 robot brain
2 Sathar
1 Automatic Cannon (both anti-air and ground attacks)

Your options are to kill all the enemies or destroy the cannon they guard, thus forcing a retreat.

For the sake of keeping this moving, I'm going to give you the statistics regarding their forces:

· 2 warbots
(MV 120m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 500; ATT 80; DM 5 heavy
laser shots for 20-200 per shot, 10 machine gun bursts
for 10-100 per burst)

· 4 combat robots
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots at 4-40 per shot)

· 2 cybots
(MV 90m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 100; ATT 80; DM 10 gyrojet
rifle shots at 3-30 per shot)

· 1 automatic cannon
(MV 60m, treat as light vehicle with 60 structure points, manned by 2 Sathar crewmen; ATT 70, fires once per turn; DM 24d10 in square hit, characters in adjacent squares must make STA check or be stunned for 1-10 turns, Robots are never stunned)

The automatic cannon may not move and fire in the same turn. The Sathar crew must be present to fire the automatic cannon. The crewmen are slightly exposed, and should be treated as a hard cover target. The crewmen are also armed with laser rifles with one full clip each.

· 2 Sathar


· 8 robots/combots:  (MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

At least one player character must man the heavy laser and the recoilless rifle if they are being used.

Discuss a battle strategy.  The outcropping of rocks will allow about 3-4 people at a time to move from cover to cover up to the front of the lines where the cannon is.
GM Heath
GM, 873 posts
Wed 3 Dec 2008
at 22:32
  • msg #3


OOC: Okay, now that you know your general strategy, let's take this one round at a time.

First, figure out what your individual character will do (move, move 1/2 rate and fire, or just fire).  If moving, you can find shelter behind a cactus or rock about every 50 meters for cover.  So make sure you know how much you can move each round (and halve that if firing too).

Second, keep in mind the ranges.  You are currently at 200 meters away from the Sathar force you are attacking.  That will affect your shooting ability and be affected by the range of your weapons.

Third, if attacking, make sure to identify which of the targets you are attacking.

Fourth, if you are doing or saying anything else, include that as well.

Anything else?

You have initiative first round (as a surprise attack).
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:33, Wed 03 Dec 2008.
player, 112 posts
Thu 4 Dec 2008
at 01:12
  • msg #4


Frisky will fire the heavy laser at the automatic cannon!
player, 121 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 4 Dec 2008
at 02:34
  • msg #5


 Maintaining as much cover as possible Professor Kri'lik will give support to the heavy weapons crews as they will most likely be under heavy fire once the battle begins. As he is somewhat skilled in beam weapons technology the Vrusk stays closer to the heavy laser crew than the recoiless rifle.
player, 76 posts
Thu 4 Dec 2008
at 17:36
  • msg #6


S'Krllk is armed only with the crossbow-blowgun spear-like weapon from the Edestekai. As it is basically worthless against the mechanized forces, he will attempt to skirt the battle and move around the right flank to get close enough to fire upon the Sathar operating the cannon.
At the same time, the combat robot and maintenance robot under his control will be with the central assault force, attempting to keep the defenders focussed away from the flanks by firing at whatever they can while advancing slowly.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:41, Thu 04 Dec 2008.
GM Heath
GM, 874 posts
Thu 4 Dec 2008
at 17:45
  • msg #7


OOC: Okay, in an effort to get this easiest to follow, please see the following tactical map.

THERE ARE 8 OF YOU AND 8 ROBOTS!  That's a perfect match.  You each control 1 maintenance robot and 1 security robot in addition to your own character.  So each move tell me where your robots and character will go, and what they will do.

(I made 1 error, in that I stated maintenance robot and combat robot.  In actuality, they are all combat robots, but apparently there weren't enough counters in the game, so they said to substitute Maintenance Robot counters.  In any case, we'll still call them that so we can identify them as they go across to battle.)

Each of the blocks marked for cover is 50 meters away from the previous one.  Remember that up to 4 people can take cover behind any of the cover areas at any given time.  The rest will have to go without cover or wait until the cover is opened up.

GM Heath
GM, 875 posts
Thu 4 Dec 2008
at 17:58
  • msg #8



Some rules quotes:

Heavy Laser. A heavy laser is about the size of a machine gun. It must be mounted on a tripod or a swival mount to be fired. It has longer range than a laser rifle, and a minimum SEU setting of 5. Otherwise it operates the same as the laser rifle.

Recoilless Rifle. A recoilless rifle is a heavy weapon that must be mounted on a tripod or a swival mount to fire. It fires an exploding shell that causes 12d10 points of damage if it hits. Only one shell can be fired per turn, and loading another shell takes one turn. Inertia screens and skeinsuits halve the damage.

Shock and Unconsciousness. Whenever the roll to hit in combat is 01-02, the target is immediately knocked unconscious for d100 turns. Stimdose can awaken the character sooner.

Variable Power Settings. Laser pistols, Iaser rifles and heavy lasers can be adjusted to fire shots that cause from 1 to 200 points of damage. Players can change the setting at the beginning of every turn. More information on variable power settings is included in the descriptions of laser weapons in the Equipment section.

Any other rules you want posted, just let me know.

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:10, Thu 04 Dec 2008.
Sergi Watchman
player, 125 posts
Fri 5 Dec 2008
at 15:46
  • msg #9


I believe that the RR and Me (S) should be with Ba, who is acting as gunner.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 406 posts
Fri 5 Dec 2008
at 17:44
  • msg #10


Bartja will fire the recoilless rifle at the security warbot in the front lines to the farthest south (the closest one).
Desiraye Lipost
player, 579 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Sun 7 Dec 2008
at 00:17
  • msg #11


Just for clarity, we are currently concentrating on the firing cannon only?  WE're spread out and near those nasty Sathar Warbots...
player, 113 posts
Mon 8 Dec 2008
at 17:37
  • msg #12


So Frisky will fire at the cannon with the heavy laser, since it will do the most damage and can handle the range.  One of Frisky's combots will remain to assist and fire at anything firing at the heavy laser area.

The other of Frisky's combots will move forward to the first embankment and duck behind it for cover.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 581 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Mon 8 Dec 2008
at 23:14
  • msg #13


Desiraye will run to the first cover she can get to dodging and weaving as she goes.
GM Heath
GM, 878 posts
Mon 8 Dec 2008
at 23:25
  • msg #14


Make sure you each tell me what your two robots will be doing too.

Right now I have Frisky's combot and Desiray going to the first embankment.  (There's room for 4 total.)
Desiraye Lipost
player, 582 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Mon 8 Dec 2008
at 23:29
  • msg #15


GM Heath:
Make sure you each tell me what your two robots will be doing too.

Right now I have Frisky's combot and Desiray going to the first embankment.  (There's room for 4 total.)

sorry, 4+ robots
Bartja Nemuco
player, 407 posts
Tue 9 Dec 2008
at 01:04
  • msg #16


Bartja has one of his combots stationed with him to defend, and the other he puts into Desiraye's control at the front lines.
player, 122 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 10 Dec 2008
at 02:07
  • msg #17


Kri'lik sends his two droids to the front lines as well where they can be of good use in the assault. Command authorization is also given to Desiraye. Meanwhile the professor will hang back near the heavy laser providing support fire as needed. As soon as someone is hit however, that individual will become his main objective to administer medical treatment.
Sergi Watchman
player, 126 posts
Wed 10 Dec 2008
at 15:48
  • msg #18


My two combat robots will move towards the second line of cover, the intention being once they arrive to keep down behind the cover but to fire at the flanks and rear of any enemy passing the cover on either side.  (I'm hoping here for shots as lessor armour and/or surprise)
player, 77 posts
Wed 10 Dec 2008
at 15:51
  • msg #19


After careful reflection, I find I had suggested S'Krllk was going to the right flank when I meant the left. As this is far from cover, he will be trying to remain as unobtrusive as possible (please enjoy with me the image of a large humanoid grasshopper with forelimbs in his pockets whistling as he meanders away from the fray).
His combots will be slowly advancing to the middle cover and firing upon whatever targets of opportunity present themselves.
GM Heath
GM, 879 posts
Thu 11 Dec 2008
at 19:26
  • msg #20


Fire is exchanged from both sides...

Due to distance, most shots miss, except the following:

Frisky's robot out on the front line was hit for 24 dmg.

Frisky hit the automatic cannon, rendering it useless for the next turn.

Sergi's robot movements to the second embankment were successful.

One of Kri'lik's robots doesn't fit behind the embankment (max 4), and it is hit for 36 damage.

Bartja's combot is hit and destroyed by a Sathar warbot.

One sathar combat robot is hit twice and destroyed.

The Sathar robots and combat robots move forward, approaching the fourth embankment.  The infantry hangs back.

Please let me know where you and your robots end up at the end of the second round, and what actions are being taken.  The embankments are #1 through #4, starting at the far right.  Remember, only up to 4 behind an embankment at a time for full cover.
player, 114 posts
Thu 11 Dec 2008
at 21:15
  • msg #21


Frisky fires at the automatic cannon again.

Frisky sends his other robot forward to the first embankment, using it as cover if available, and has it fire at the nearest or most injured warbot.
player, 78 posts
Thu 11 Dec 2008
at 22:22
  • msg #22


S'Krllk will be moving as far out on the left flank as possible, his intent is to avoid conflict with non-biologicals and he will therefore fire only when he can fire at biologicals.
The robots controlled by S'Krllk will be attempting to advance to the embankment number two and fire on whatever targets are nearest them.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 585 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Sat 13 Dec 2008
at 22:09
  • msg #23


Desiraye orders one of her robots to stay behind the barricade they are at now and give them covering fire.  Then, she will order the 2nd robot she has to advance to the next barricade, with her (Dodging), at the quickest speed and once there, provide covering fire.

OOC: What would the approximate distance ne to the cannon, robots, Sathar, etc.?
This message was last edited by the player at 23:56, Thu 18 Dec 2008.
player, 123 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 15 Dec 2008
at 15:36
  • msg #24


 Kri'lik holds his position and gives supporting fire as needed. He orders his two robots to follow Desiraye (I beleive that would be 4 behind the 2nd barricade?) and to concentrate their fire upon her designated targets.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 409 posts
Mon 22 Dec 2008
at 22:02
  • msg #25


Bartja sends his two warbots to the second barricade as he fires at the nearest warbot.
GM Heath
GM, 883 posts
Wed 24 Dec 2008
at 19:53
  • msg #26




Frisky fires the heavy laser at the automatic cannon but misses!  Bartja hits a warbot with the recoilless rifle for 71 dmg.  Desiraye misses, but her two robots hit for a combined 50 damage against the nearest warbot.  S'Krllk's robot hits for 14 damage on the warbot.  Sergi and Becka hit the warbot for a combined 210 damage.  It looks about half destroyed.  (If not stated, all other shots missed.)

The Sathar are also firing back!  A cybot's weapon explodes in his face for 24 damage.  It goes to get another weapon from the back lines.

Bartja is hit!  Bartja is hit by the remaining cybot.  Bartja takes 8 damage.

Desiraye's first robot is hit!  The second warbot hits it for 108 damage.  It is DESTROYED!

Inta is hit!  Inta is hit by the fourth combat robot (cr4).  She suffers 19 damage.

The automatic cannon prepares to fire next round.

The warbots remain at barricade #4 (but not under cover).  The three combat robots and one cybot are behind cover at the barricade.  The remaining cybot (returning with a new weapon) is at barricade 4 but with no cover.

S'Krllk makes it to the point of barricade 4, stealthily hiding.  He is now right at the front lines of the enemy.

NOTE: There are also 18 Sathar in the background (marked as "Sathar Infantry").  They are watching the battle and preparing their own weapons.  (Don't ask me why the numbers of icons on the map don't match the numbers of enemies--company typo maybe.)

(Nomenclature Example: B=Bartja; B1=Bartja's first robot; B2=Bartja's second robot; b2=barricade 2.

(I may have misstated and said you have 2 robots each.  The number equates to just 1 robot each, although you may assign your robot to another player.  Bartja's robot was assigned to Sergi, and Frisky's was assigned to Desiraye.  Bartja's was destroyed, leaving one for Sergi)

OOC: What would the approximate distance ne to the cannon, robots, Sathar, etc.?

50 yards for each barricade, about 200 yards total from your heavy laser area to their cannon.

Here's the weapon table for reference:

I'm assuming all laser rifles are set to the highest of 20 SEU and reloaded after each shot.  Given the reserves you found from the pirate camp at the Edestekai, you have plenty of ammo for those.

· 2 warbots

1wb= b4
(MV 120m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 255/500; ATT 80; DM 5 heavy
laser shots for 20-200 per shot, 10 machine gun bursts
for 10-100 per burst)
(MV 120m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 500; ATT 80; DM 5 heavy
laser shots for 20-200 per shot, 10 machine gun bursts
for 10-100 per burst)

· 4 combat robots

1cr=(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots at 4-40 per shot)
2cr= b4
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots at 4-40 per shot)
3cr= b4
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots at 4-40 per shot)
MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots at 4-40 per shot)

· 2 cybots

1cy=(MV 90m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 76/100; ATT 80; DM 10 gyrojet
rifle shots at 3-30 per shot)
2cy= (MV 90m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 100; ATT 80; DM 10 gyrojet
rifle shots at 3-30 per shot)

· 1 automatic cannon
(MV 60m, treat as light vehicle with 60 structure points, manned by 2 Sathar crewmen; ATT 70, fires once per turn; DM 24d10 in square hit, characters in adjacent squares must make STA check or be stunned for 1-10 turns, Robots are never stunned)

The automatic cannon may not move and fire in the same turn. The Sathar crew must be present to fire the automatic cannon. The crewmen are slightly exposed, and should be treated as a hard cover target. The crewmen are also armed with laser rifles with one full clip each.

· 2 Sathar


B1=b2 (MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

D1= b2
MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

D2=b3 (Kri'lik's robot)
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 64/100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each

F1= (see Desiraye Se2)

I= (back row)
I1= MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

K= (by the heavy laser - cover fire?)
K1= (see Desiraye D2)

S= (moving stealthily forward - at b4)
S1= b2
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

Se1= b2
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:57, Wed 24 Dec 2008.
player, 79 posts
Fri 26 Dec 2008
at 15:09
  • msg #27


S'Krllk has had so much fun on this wonderful resort planet, that he is quite prepared to do something stupid. Therefore, he attempts to sneak up on wb1 and access the robots controls to turn it against it's own forces.
In the meantime, s2 should be taking potshots at wb2.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 589 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Sat 27 Dec 2008
at 16:28
  • msg #28


As long as Desiraye can see what S'Krllk is trying to do, she will reach for her chronocom and send out a message to everyone.  "It's Desi!  All ground units, Direct weapons fire to give some covering fire for S'Krllk.  He's up to something and I want to give him a chance of whatever it is he's trying.  Support weapons, Take out that goddamn cannon beofre it obliterates us all!" 

She doesn't wait for a reply and takes aim from cover and directs the remaining robot with her to fire at targets around but, not near S'Krllk's position.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:15, Tue 06 Jan 2009.
player, 125 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 27 Dec 2008
at 19:31
  • msg #29


Hearing Desiraye's command through the comms the aged Vrusk stands upon his many feet and rushes to the nearest barricade. Once there he focuses his aim upon upon the groups target of the moment and fires. The professor also takes note of where Bartja and Inta are in case they call for a medic.
GM Heath
GM, 886 posts
Tue 6 Jan 2009
at 18:53
  • msg #30


S'Krllk has had so much fun on this wonderful resort planet, that he is quite prepared to do something stupid. Therefore, he attempts to sneak up on wb1 and access the robots controls to turn it against it's own forces.
In the meantime, s2 should be taking potshots at wb2.

When you try to use a skill, could you post your base percentage in the skill (robotics, in this case)?  Thanks, it saves time for me.

Same with anyone shooting.  It can be a private line or public...your choice.
player, 80 posts
Tue 6 Jan 2009
at 19:15
  • msg #31


S'Krllk is level three in robotics. I'm not sure what the percentage would be to deactivate the robot as I haven't asked what level these robots would be.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 410 posts
Tue 6 Jan 2009
at 23:12
  • msg #32


Bartja fires the recoilless at the automatic cannon.
GM Heath
GM, 887 posts
Tue 6 Jan 2009
at 23:22
  • msg #33


S'Krllk is level three in robotics. I'm not sure what the percentage would be to deactivate the robot as I haven't asked what level these robots would be.

So you would have 30% (10% times your skill level) + 50% (the base success rate for changing a robot's mission) - 20% (the modifier for an alien robot) = 60%

(There may be other modifiers, such as doing it under time pressure and in the midst of battle.  I therefore use another -10%, giving you a 50/50 shot.  However, you are exposed to the other robots while you do this and may be attacked by them.  If you are hit by them, you will fail (i.e., are delayed) and must either quit the attempt or continue to try to finish it next round)

FOR EVERYONE:  For each skill you use, go the rules and identify first the skill and then the subskill.  The subskill used tells you the base percentage chance.

Technician Skill

There are five Technician subskills: Operate Machinery, Repair, Detect Alarm/Defense, Deactivate Alarm/Defense and Open Locks. A techkit is needed for all these subskills except Operate Machinery.


Success Rate: 50% + skill level

Computer Skill

There are eight separate subskills to Computer skill: Operate Computer, Write Programs, Defeat Security, Bypass Security, Display Information, Manipulate Programs, Interface Computers and Repair Computers.


Success Rate: 100% + skill level - computer level

Before he can use any other subskill, the computer specialist must be able to operate the particular type of computer he is working on. The chance to successfully operate a particular type of computer is 100% plus 10 x the expert's level, minus 10 x the computer's level. A roll of 96-00 is not automatic failure. Once a specialist has operated a computer successfully, he can operate that computer anytime, unless it is modified.

Martial Arts

Success Rate: 1/2 DEX or 1/2 STR + skill level

Demolitions Skill


Success Rate: 30% + skill level

Weapon Skills

Success rate: 1/2 DEX + skill level
GYROJET WEAPONS skill applies to gyrojet pistols, gyrojet rifles, grenade rifles, grenade mortars and rocket launchers.

MELEE WEAPONS skill applies to axes, brass knuckles, chains, clubs, swords, electric swords, sonic swords, knives, sonic knives, vibroknives, nightsticks, polearms, shock gloves, spears, stunsticks and whips.

PROJECTILE WEAPONS skill applies to automatic pistols and rifles, bows, muskets, needler pistols and rifles, machine guns and recoilless rifles.

THROWN WEAPONS skill applies to all grenades and thrown axes, knives and spears.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:23, Tue 06 Jan 2009.
player, 116 posts
Fri 9 Jan 2009
at 00:49
  • msg #34


Frisky also fires at the automatic cannon.
GM Heath
GM, 888 posts
Fri 9 Jan 2009
at 00:50
  • msg #35


OOC: I've noticed that some of you are not stating what your robots are doing.  Please double check the stats under your names to see how many robots you have.  If you have delegated them to Desiraye, they are already listed under Desiraye's name.

You can refer to them all (robots and enemies) using the codes I use above.

Example:  S1 goes to B3 indicates Sergi's robot #1 goes to barricade #3.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:51, Fri 09 Jan 2009.
GM Heath
GM, 891 posts
Mon 12 Jan 2009
at 18:29
  • msg #36



Frisky fires the heavy laser at the automatic cannon, hitting it for 125 damage!  One of the operators of the cannon appears to be killed by the shot.  It does 30 structural damages (leaving 30 left to destroy it).

Bartja fires at the cannon too but misses.

S'Krllk sneaks up on the warbot and starts reprogramming it...

Desiraye fires and hits a combat robot nearby.  Her robot does the same, and they destroy it!

Becka and her robot also fire at the nearest combat robot.  Her robot misses, but she hits, doing 110 dmg, destroying it!

There are two robots which have not been directed to do anything.  They fire at the other combat robot at barricade 4, both hitting it...and it is destroyed.  You have taken out all the combat robots at barricade 4!

Kri'lik fires but misses.

Inta fires but misses.

Sergi fires but misses.

Inta's robot fires and does 60 damage on the damaged warbot.

S'Krllk successfully reprograms the warbot!  It turns and fires into the crowd of sathar and begins going after them.

The 18 Sathar begin retreating, but the robots remain, including the automatic cannon.

One cybot fires and hits Inta's robot for 30 damage.  Another cybot fires and hits Becka for 18 damage.

The warbot fires and...destroys' Becka's robot.

Then the automatic cannon fires!  It is a direct hit...on Frisky!  The blast causes 124 damage on Frisky, pretty much annhilating him and the heavy laser.  But you have little time to ponder on your companion's death.  The automatic cannon begins turning toward the southeast.  (It takes one turn to move and one turn to fire.)

S'Krllk was lucky the Sathar ran because he wasn't shot at...that round.  But he is open and exposed by the reprogrammed warbot that is now chasing the Sathar.

(Nomenclature Example: B=Bartja; B1=Bartja's first robot; B2=Bartja's second robot; b2=barricade 2.

OOC: What would the approximate distance ne to the cannon, robots, Sathar, etc.?

50 yards for each barricade, about 200 yards total from your heavy laser area to their cannon.

Here's the weapon table for reference:

I'm assuming all laser rifles are set to the highest of 20 SEU and reloaded after each shot.  Given the reserves you found from the pirate camp at the Edestekai, you have plenty of ammo for those.

· 2 warbots

1wb= b4
(MV 120m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 155/500; ATT 80; DM 5 heavy
laser shots for 20-200 per shot, 10 machine gun bursts
for 10-100 per burst)
(MV 120m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 500; ATT 80; DM 5 heavy
laser shots for 20-200 per shot, 10 machine gun bursts
for 10-100 per burst)

· 4 combat robots

1cr=(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots at 4-40 per shot)
2cr= b4
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots at 4-40 per shot)

3cr= b4
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots at 4-40 per shot)

MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots at 4-40 per shot)

· 2 cybots

1cy=(MV 90m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 76/100; ATT 80; DM 10 gyrojet
rifle shots at 3-30 per shot)
2cy= (MV 90m; IM/RS 8/80; STA 100; ATT 80; DM 10 gyrojet
rifle shots at 3-30 per shot)

· 1 automatic cannon
(MV 60m, treat as light vehicle with 60 structure points, manned by 2 Sathar crewmen; ATT 70, fires once per turn; DM 24d10 in square hit, characters in adjacent squares must make STA check or be stunned for 1-10 turns, Robots are never stunned)

The automatic cannon may not move and fire in the same turn. The Sathar crew must be present to fire the automatic cannon. The crewmen are slightly exposed, and should be treated as a hard cover target. The crewmen are also armed with laser rifles with one full clip each.

· 2 Sathar


B1=b2 (MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

D1= b2
MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

D2=b3 (Kri'lik's robot)
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 64/100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each

F1= (see Desiraye Se2)

I= (back row)
I1= MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

K= b1
K1= (see Desiraye D2)

S= front lines past b4!
S1= b2
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

Se1= b2
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)
(MV 120m; IM/RS 7/70; STA 100; ATT 70; DM 20 laser
rifle shots for 4-40 each)

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:32, Mon 12 Jan 2009.
Sergi Watchman
player, 127 posts
Mon 12 Jan 2009
at 23:51
  • msg #37


Both my robots and myself will move to the next barricade and attempt to fire on the Heavy Cannon.
player, 127 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 13 Jan 2009
at 01:28
  • msg #38


 "Good job S'Krillk!" Yells the professor from behind his barricade of cover. Popping up to fire at targets of opportunity as they present himself he had just repositioned himself behind his cover again when the blast from the automatic can fired. The concussion was almost deafening. The Vrusk reflexively covered his head in his hands as if protecting himself. It was then as he looked back upon their side of the battle that the cannons fire found its mark. "!!"
 Quickly rising again fro his cover Kri'lik fires his laser rifle again at the nearest target.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:39, Tue 13 Jan 2009.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 411 posts
Tue 13 Jan 2009
at 04:48
  • msg #39


Bartja gulps at seeing Frisky disintegrated and fires again at the automatic cannon.  "Take it down, folks!" he says.  "I think they're coming after me next."  He notes that he is in the southeasterly direction from the cannon.
player, 81 posts
Tue 13 Jan 2009
at 14:57
  • msg #40


Realizing that his current level of exposure could lead to vaporization (an example has been noted) S'Krllk will perform some broken-field running back to a barricade. S1 should be continuing to fire at the non-reprogrammed warbot.
GM Heath
GM, 893 posts
Fri 16 Jan 2009
at 17:34
  • msg #41


There was a question about what the marking were by the automatic cannon.  That is root vegetation.

The sporadic floater root vegetation on the map does not influence movement or combat, although it can be burned, producing dense black smoke.

I've decided to give partial cover if you get behind it.  (You will also see it on an upcoming battle.)
Desiraye Lipost
player, 593 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Tue 20 Jan 2009
at 22:19
  • msg #42


Whatever robots Desiraye has left under her control, she directs them to fire at the remaining cybots that are left by the cannon to cover her movement to the root vegetation just in front of the cannon.  Before she moves, Desi calls on the comlink to the others, "I'm moving to the vegetation in front of the cannon.  Target all remaining robots since the Sathar are retreating.  Looks like only one gunner and two robots left.  See you all on the other side if I don't make it!"

Desiraye prepares herself for the sprint to the area in front of the cannon area.  When she makes sure all of her gear is secured and whatever cover fire she is given, Desiraye sprints out from her cover and begins to make her move.

OOC: Here goes nothing...
This message was last edited by the player at 22:19, Tue 20 Jan 2009.
GM Heath
GM, 894 posts
Tue 20 Jan 2009
at 22:43
  • msg #43


Desiraye runs forward.  Desiraye has enough time to set the vegetation on fire.  The Sathar robots' scanners and targeting appears to be momentarily thrown off by this.  Black smoke also rises into the air, obscuring the vision of the automatic cannon (both to and from it).

Kri'lik fires at a cybot, missing it.

Bartja fires and hits the automatic cannon.  Sergi also fires at the automatic cannon and hits it.

S'Krllk runs back out of the way...and makes it safely with the robots in confusion.

Becka runs to barricade 4, lobbing a frag grenade up and over the burning vegetation.

You hear an explosion.  The automatic cannon appears incapacitated.  The robots have gone into confusion and are retreating.

Desiraye Lipost
player, 594 posts
Desiraye Lipost
Corporate Investigator
Wed 21 Jan 2009
at 14:00
  • msg #44


Desiraye moves away from the smoking vegetation so she can catch her breath and try to see what is going on when she hears the firing die down in the area.  She breathes a sigh of relief when she sees the cannon has been taken out (incapacitated) and the rest of the Sathar forces in retreat.

Desiraye will call on the comlink to the others as she moves over to where Becka is, "It's Desiraye.  Pack up all our gear and get down here.  Pick up any weapons, powerpacks, screens or anything that will be of use to us.  We'll have to come back for Fr'ssky when this is all over with."  Desi then turns to Becka, "Nice job with the grenade, you did good!  We're not done though!  Let's se what we can pick off the dead and get out of here."

Desiraye will start to pick through the dead's weapons, ammo, and other items they might have on them to use later on in the day.  Screens or skeinsuits would be helpful if still in good shape.
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