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20:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown.

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
GM Heath
GM, 1378 posts
Fri 28 Jan 2011
at 17:53
  • msg #1

Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown


DAY 115


Everyone makes preparations for the final assault of the last two robots.  Baralou is now destroyed.

Yag gets on the computer and sees what he can find.

Baralou has deleted many critical function programs on the ship.  Yag will be unable to repair life support.  Your time is running out...

Life support indicates you have 1 hour, 30 minutes left until things get critical aboard Moneyspider.  The areas are currently affected as follows:

Deck 8: currently no oxygen or life support.
Deck 7: currently no oxygen or life support
Deck 6: 30 minutes remaining
Deck 5: 30 minutes remaining
Deck 4: 45 minutes remaining
Deck 3: 1 hour remaining
Deck 2: 1 hour, 30 minutes remaining
Deck 1: 1 hour, 30 minutes remaining

Snobol: unaffected

You are currently on deck 5.  Deck 6 has most of the personal affects you have and/or might want for the long term, including equipment.

There is only one way you can survive until rescue, you realize:  You must get to Snobol and wait there, which means riding up that elevator again.

Yag also finds a command that reads:

Download remaining 4% to portable drive?  Y/N
Purge remaining 4%? Y/N
Download and Restore Remaining 4% to System?  Y/N

Yag unfortunately cannot find much in the way of details.  Every time he tries to access now, he gets a message:

Enter Passcode: _________

Yag knows there is not supposed to be a passcode for even this basic information, so Baralou apparently inserted one to ensure your demise.

You have one minute until the robots are able to break through the security door.  List your actions for one minute's time:  healing, etc.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:55, Fri 28 Jan 2011.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 959 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 28 Jan 2011
at 21:40
  • msg #2

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Desi begins to pull out her supply of TD-19 and a timer.  She begins to set it up and then turns to Ellen, "We don't have a lot of time here.  I got [4] kilos of explosives here and we've got to get our gear from the next deck up and get off the ship before were dead.  We could also try and fight off the robots with weapons & grenades but, we could be in for a long fight.  Both of those robots are going to be tough even though the bigger one is damaged.

I need to get an idea of what [4] lilos of explosives is going to do to the ship before i attempt it Ellen?  Or, we need to find away  around these things since we can't seem to shut them off."

GM Heath
GM, 1379 posts
Fri 28 Jan 2011
at 21:43
  • msg #3

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Ellen says, "4 kilos of explosive may damage the interior of the ship but won't breach the hull or anything.  I suppose we'll need to go back into the computer room to avoid being hurt ourselves."
player, 63 posts
Sat 29 Jan 2011
at 05:22
  • msg #4

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Kuurn comes blobbing back.  "Blow that door already!  We don't have enough firepower to take down the ice cutter.  Who's injured?"
player, 393 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 29 Jan 2011
at 06:28
  • msg #5

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Doctor Kri'lik spends the time administering first aid on S'Krllk as he does not have the time to perform surgery. "Watch yourself, this isn't much but it is the best I can do for the moment." He says the to the injured Vrusk.

-1 Biocort

Primary Skill Area: BIOSOCIAL
Medical Level 3
  Administering Drugs      - 100% (100%)
  Diagnosis                - 90%  (60% + Sk Lvl)
  First Aid                - 100% (100%)
  Minor Surgery            - 70%  (40% + Sk Lvl)
  Major Surgery            - 50%  (20% + Sk Lvl)
  Controlling Infection    - 80%  (50% + Sk Lvl)
  Curing Disease           - 70%  (40% + Sk Lvl)
  Neutralizing Toxins      - 60%  (30% + Sk Lvl)
  Activating Freeze Fields - 60%  (30% + Sk Lvl)

player, 238 posts
Sun 30 Jan 2011
at 07:03
  • msg #6

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

S'Krllk attempts to move towards the life support systems, moaning something about a blaze of glory hurting too much.
player, 207 posts
Robotics + computers
Sun 30 Jan 2011
at 17:48
  • msg #7

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag selects the option to download the remaining 4% to a portable drive. As he does so he says, "Doc, I'm pretty banged up over here. Any chance of some First Aid?"
player, 394 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sun 30 Jan 2011
at 20:51
  • msg #8

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

If given time Kri'lik with also give Yag a dose of Biocort (First Aid 100%)
Desiraye Lipost
player, 961 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Mon 31 Jan 2011
at 00:13
  • msg #9

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Desi takes out the [4] kilos of TD-19 and begins to set it around the door and takes one of the variable timers and sets it with enought time to get back into cover with the others.  Before they get ready, Desi looks to the others, "If the explosion goes off the right way, there shouldn't be too much left but, be prepared to shoot.  Change your power clips or make sure your ammo is topped off."

Setting timer & charge (30% + 20% [skill]= 50%) & [5] rounds to set charge

STR/STA: 65/58
DEX/RS: 60/60
IM: 6


Beam Weapons: 5
DEX: 30

Laser Pistol (Clip): 12/20 (after firing this round)
Laser Rifle [Backpack]: 40/100
Albedo Screen Up: 50/50
Skeinsuit: 32
This message was last edited by the player at 00:14, Mon 31 Jan 2011.
player, 64 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2011
at 04:58
  • msg #10

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Kuurn finds cover behind whatever he can and aims his laser rifle at the door.
GM Heath
GM, 1380 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2011
at 18:04
  • msg #11

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag and S'Kllk get biocort.  The party hides behind the wall.  The smoke from the smoke grenade clears.

And then it happens.  The far wall breaks open, and you see the large ice cutter robot with laser torch held high, and next to it the radioactive engine maintenance robot.

Desi hits the explosion, denoting the explosives right next to the two robots.  The explosion is defeaning, and you hear strained metal and concrete breaking and cracking as smoke again fills the room, this time particles of fine sand from the damage to the walls.

When you step out, you see that both robots are disabled beyond repair -- broken, dented, and smoldering.  You can make your way around them.

Deck 8: currently no oxygen or life support.
Deck 7: currently no oxygen or life support
Deck 6: 25 minutes remaining
Deck 5: 25 minutes remaining
Deck 4: 40 minutes remaining
Deck 3: 55 minutes remaining
Deck 2: 1 hour, 25 minutes remaining
Deck 1: 1 hour, 25 minutes remaining

Snobol: unaffected

GM Heath
GM, 1381 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2011
at 18:32
  • msg #12

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag successfully downloads the 4% onto a small portable drive, which he disconnects and pockets.

OOC:  I'm assuming you will all be going to Snobol to wait out the last days until rescue.  You will have about 20 minutes to go down to deck 5 and gather whatever you will be bringing with you before oxygen and air pressure are gone.  Please list what you will do in that 20 minutes, and anything else you will do before heading to the elevator.

I will then hand out XP.  The last portion of this adventure is not in the actual adventure but is part of the segue into the next one.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 962 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Mon 31 Jan 2011
at 20:14
  • msg #13

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

In reply to GM Heath (msg #11):

Desi sticks her head out from behind the wall and finally smiles.  She lets out a whelp of joy when she sees how good a job the plastic explosives did on shutting down the bots.  Fist pumping (ala Jersey Shore), Desiraye shouts out her excitement to everyone, "YESSSSS!  SUCK ON THAT!"

Realizing that she's probably looking a little dumb for her actions, Desi composes herself and looks to the others, "Ahem, sorry but, that's the first time in weeks I could smile with some kind of satisfaction.  We're going to have to get moving and get our gear and whoever else's gear we can manage and get to Snobol.

We don't have much time and we're going to have to leave and bury our dead later when the relief ship arrives.  It's a crappy thing to do but you can hate me later for it.  Let's do this!"

player, 208 posts
Robotics + computers
Mon 31 Jan 2011
at 22:17
  • msg #14

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"Ha! Great shot, Desi. Now everyone, quickly down to Deck 5 to get our gear. I can't fix the life support systems so we're going to have to hurry."

He reloads his Gyro pistol, pockets the portable drive and joins the group to head to Deck 5.

Base to hit with gyrojet: 48
STA: 16 [had First Aid today, no other medical assistance]
Skeinsuit STA left: 14
Ammo left in weapon: 10

GM Heath
GM, 1385 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2011
at 22:49
  • msg #15

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Remember that you will need about two weeks of food and water, in addition to any gear you are carrying up there.  Unless specified otherwise, I'm assuming you are taking your basic gear, and some food and water.  Feel free to post a list of what you are taking if you desire.

XP hand out:

Please each of you take 12 XP and use as you see fit. 

Starting next adventure, I will probably use a new method on passing out XP that should hopefully be somewhat objective and fun.
GM Heath
GM, 1391 posts
Tue 1 Feb 2011
at 20:48
  • msg #16

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

You gather your basic belongings and food and rush to the elevator.  The countdown continues behind you as you get to the top deck and prepare to leave Moneyspider for good.

You also remember to grab some communications equipment.  You recall that Snobol had the big explosion which probably damaged some or all of the computers there. You also grab your protective suits and gas masks.

When all is said and done, you have only a few minutes to throw things into the elevator and ascend.  Moneyspider drops below as you travel to Snobol.  When you finally arrive, you step out onto the deck to see the area still in ruins from the explosion.

There is now no return to Moneyspider without proper equipment.

The area around L1 and L2 (micro still) are fairly well destroyed.  The rest of the station was not affected by the explosion.  There are transport tubes to take you to the rest of the ship.  The computer marked M/CR appears to still have some life left to it, but you are not sure about how badly it was damaged.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:49, Tue 01 Feb 2011.
player, 209 posts
Robotics + computers
Tue 1 Feb 2011
at 21:47
  • msg #17

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag runs to the M/CR computer and checks to see if it is operable. He'll quickly glean as much data as he can from it; if possible, he'll use it to see what is on the portable drive that he downloaded.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 971 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Tue 1 Feb 2011
at 21:52
  • msg #18

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Desiraye takes a look around and surveys the area.  "Kuurn, me and you have security.

Doc, look after the injured and see what you can do to get them stabilized.

Yag, the computers are all yours.

Everyone stay alert, we don't know what happened since we left and the Sapes might still be around."

GM Heath
GM, 1392 posts
Tue 1 Feb 2011
at 22:26
  • msg #19

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

The computer will only display the following message:


Otherwise the computer seems locked up and not very operable.  That appears to be the last message recorded by the computer, and since it wasn't here the last time you were up in Snobol, it must be a rather recent message.
player, 212 posts
Robotics + computers
Wed 2 Feb 2011
at 00:36
  • msg #20

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"I don't like the sound of that.

There's another computer up at S5, near the shuttle dock. If I can get on that then maybe I can find out more of what Baralou's done. I think we need to be ready to battle our way through Snobol."

player, 65 posts
Wed 2 Feb 2011
at 03:20
  • msg #21

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Desiraye Lipost:
Desiraye takes a look around and surveys the area.  "Kuurn, me and you have security.

Doc, look after the injured and see what you can do to get them stabilized.

Yag, the computers are all yours.

Everyone stay alert, we don't know what happened since we left and the Sapes might still be around."

"Got it" says Kuurn curtly.
player, 396 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 2 Feb 2011
at 15:13
  • msg #22

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Doctor Kri'liks multiple legs kick about like an insect who is turned upside down as he floats randomly about inside Snobol due to the zero gravity. "I'm not made for this." He can be heard saying.

"Does anyone else need first aid? Ellen are there any emergency stores here in Snobol?"

Yag and S'Krllk both have taken biocort for today so no more help for them... Whats that +10 STA I think. Are there any shuttles or starships parked inside Snobol at this time?
GM Heath
GM, 1395 posts
Wed 2 Feb 2011
at 18:35
  • msg #23

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

A reminder of Snobol:

Snobol is composed of frozen water (ice) and
carbon dioxide at -140°C. The chambers that have
been excavated along Snobol's axis (the Starship
Dock and the Shuttle Dock), gain no artificial
gravity from its rotation, and since Snobol has no
noticeable gravity of its own, both have zero-G.

There are three areas of Snobol:

1- Micro still: where you are now, which was mostly destroyed in the explosion.  The microstill has 1/5 gravity.
2- Shuttle Dock: the S5 area (effectively no gravity)
3- Starship Dock (where the rescue starship will likely pick you up)...this is also where your original starship dropped you off at (effectively no gravity)

These areas are mostly carved out of ice caves, and there are further ice caves stemming off and deeper into Snobol itself in the ice mine (S3).

There are two transport tubes, one leading to each of the other two areas on Snobol:

Transport Tubes
Envt: P = Std; T = 15; O = Std; G = 0-0.2

Passengers (up to five at a time) are carried
between boarding points in self-propelled capsules
(each tube has one) at 100 meters per turn. Each
boarding point has a "call" button to summon the

Yag is going to the S5 area (shuttle dock area).  Up to four others may join him in a single transport tube.

There are no shuttles or ships here now.  There is one on Moneyspider and two were destroyed going to or from Jetsom (yours and the previous crew).

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:02, Wed 02 Feb 2011.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 975 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Wed 2 Feb 2011
at 18:56
  • msg #24

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Desi is still above 1/2 her STA but wouldn't turn down some healing.
GM Heath
GM, 1396 posts
Wed 2 Feb 2011
at 19:02
  • msg #25

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

I edited the above post to give a refresher.
player, 213 posts
Robotics + computers
Wed 2 Feb 2011
at 19:12
  • msg #26

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag waits until everyone who wants it has taken First Aid, then says: "I'm gonna push the button to call the transport tube. I've got a bad feeling about what might be on the transport when it shows up, so everyone get your weapons ready and trained on the tube."

He pushes the button, then takes cover, takes out his gyro pistol and waits.
GM Heath
GM, 1397 posts
Wed 2 Feb 2011
at 19:33
  • msg #27

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

His worries were unwarranted.  The transport tube arrives empty.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 976 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Wed 2 Feb 2011
at 23:57
  • msg #28

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"What the hell do you think Baralou had to do with the Sapes?  Experimentation?"
player, 240 posts
Thu 3 Feb 2011
at 07:19
  • msg #29

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"Just because the data was on a single computer does not mean the two bits of data were connected. Perhaps the Baralou expansion project had nothing to do with the Sapes, but was being communicated at the same time."
"On the other hand, wasn't there a problem with the Sapes becoming violent?"

S'Krllk limps along, apparently devoid of the joie de vivre with which he has become synonymous.
player, 399 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 3 Feb 2011
at 14:48
  • msg #30

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"I think that may have been due to the lack of food from the infected dispenser." Says the vrusk in response to S'Krllk's Sape remark.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 978 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 3 Feb 2011
at 19:11
  • msg #31

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"That's true Doc but, we don't know what that sonuvabitch did to them after we came back to the ship.  Then again, it could've been in process of doing something to them or testing something on them before we got here.

Safest thing to do right now is treat them as questionable and try and maybe fix the food dispenser.  Maybe the testing did get them violent although, lack of food could make anyone who needs it get violent.

Doc, would you mind taking a look at my injuries please?  Last thing I need is to get an infection while we're stranded here!

You all did well up there and thank you for your help too Ellen.  Your cool head made a difference!"

This message was last edited by the player at 19:33, Thu 03 Feb 2011.
NPC, 3 posts
Thu 3 Feb 2011
at 19:27
  • msg #32

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Ellen nods silently, her face showing that this has been a complete disaster and will mean the end of her career, even if she survives.

OOC: FYI, Baralou was female, and was a robot, so probably "she" or "it" are better than "he," in case that was confusing anyone.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 979 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 3 Feb 2011
at 19:34
  • msg #33

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

In reply to Ellen (msg #32):

Gotcha on the reference & changed accordingly
player, 401 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 4 Feb 2011
at 06:58
  • msg #34

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"Sure thing Desiraye. Hold still..." The Vrusk then pulls out a shot of biocort and gives it Desi. "Its not much but it should do you for now."

+10 STA I believe.
player, 214 posts
Robotics + computers
Fri 4 Feb 2011
at 17:26
  • msg #35

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"I'm gonna get in that tube and head up so I can check out that computer. Are you all coming with me? Be nice to have some military heft along for the ride" growls Yag.
GM Heath
GM, 1400 posts
Fri 4 Feb 2011
at 22:13
  • msg #36

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

So is Yag going alone?
Desiraye Lipost
player, 980 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 4 Feb 2011
at 22:18
  • msg #37

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"I'm gonna get in that tube and head up so I can check out that computer. Are you all coming with me? Be nice to have some military heft along for the ride" growls Yag.

"I'll go with you Yag.  Kuurn, stay with the others and set up some kind of perimeter please.  We'll keep in touch through comms and try and get to the bottom of this."

With that, Desi will take off her mostly used power backpack and puts a 20SEU powerclip into her laser rifle on a setting of [5]SEU and then goes of with Yag to check the computers.
GM Heath
GM, 1402 posts
Mon 7 Feb 2011
at 19:27
  • msg #38

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag and Desi go to the workable computer area  (S5) through the transport tube.

The transport tube opens onto a simple foyer that leads to a tunnel running the length of the docking jetty.

There is zero gee here, so you have to move in the foyer and tunnel by means of hand-holds.

There is a life-support unit here that maintains the temperature and oxygen levels in this room, as well as in the transport tubes and the starship dock
(S2). There are also the Term-9 computer terminal and the M/SD (Snobol Dock) computer that controls the life-support unit and the HKK-R2 robot.

Currently, the foyer room appears empty.  The shuttle that was there, and that brought you back from Moneyspider, appears to have been damaged by Baralou...or boobytrapped.

Yag goes into the computer and puts in the small drive downloaded from Moneyspider.

The computer displays a screen:

Computer activated.  Notification sent.  Please wait...

Yag sees that he can send a copy of whatever is displayed to where the other party members are at.  (So everyone can see what is here, even on the busted computer below.)

The computer displays:

Portable drive recognized.  Uploading index...

It seems like a long time is passing for such fast computers.  Then it displays:

Baralou access granted.  Report update:

Project Baralou successful.  Two sapes destroyed in conversion.  Eight sapes converted.

Connection with Moneyspider lost.  Control of sapes converted to HKK-R2.  Waiting for override password.

Access to hidden files desired:  Y/N

OOC: Everyone can see the displays and communicate via the intercom, so don't feel like anyone has to be left out here.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:27, Mon 07 Feb 2011.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 983 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Mon 7 Feb 2011
at 21:09
  • msg #39

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"Converted to what?" Desi says over the intercom when she begins to read the screen on Project Baralou.

"Doesn't sound so good if the RKK robot has control over them.  Leads me to think that he did some cybernetic stuff to them or something like that.   Looks like the fight may not be over!

Kuurn, get a check on grenades to see what you guys down there have.  Robot guys, any ideas?"

GM Heath
GM, 1403 posts
Mon 7 Feb 2011
at 21:16
  • msg #40

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

As Desi talks and everyone stares at the screen, it continues to flash:

Access to hidden files desired?  Y/N

player, 216 posts
Robotics + computers
Mon 7 Feb 2011
at 21:36
  • msg #41

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag grits his teeth and presses the 'Y' key.
GM Heath
GM, 1404 posts
Mon 7 Feb 2011
at 21:54
  • msg #42

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

The computer screen essentially separates into two windows.  The top window relates to "Project Baralou," and the bottom relates to the data being accessed on the portable drive, as follows:


Baralou access in effect.

Input override sequence to cancel notification to HKK-R2.

There is a flashing cursor underneath this to put in some kind of code, but you realize you don't have the code, and Baralou, being a robot, could have put anything random in there and would never forget it.

Accessing alien datapad...

Mass file corruption detected...files deleted...

#&$(##~contact Ky*#&!)#n at ByChem for anal#*$&! Venturi*#&!*!#(@~
#*$(#&!~catalyst detect&#(*$~)(@%%Jetsom infection caus#&$&#~)#(!@#
(!*&$Matrix succes&~(!@*#@control#(!!)~!@collateral damag#%*@body co#
deaths inconsequent@!%$%#$&*#~#Akizk must die#*&@(#crew eliminat##*!(@
#~!&#(#bio-chemicals needed$&##*!)!invasion imminent$#*!new race$*#!
code nam#&@Shadow&#Rakon.#&*!#$*#####!(#$~$@($*@~$@~$&%!)*$@(*!@*~

Alien messag#*($&**!(. Following decod&# and translat#@:

&*$ the stars carry this mess#&$*# of &#*$#!%
Heretics accord$#*#%# Qantariate&$#@!%#&*#@(!
Symbol of #*&$#&~)@$(##@!~(~%#%^#@%!to death@$
#&*(!@#&*will arrive in#*!%)#*(cycles*#&%#$#@

The computer then shuts off the message, sending you a message that the files have been corrupted and cannot be accessed without risk of complete deletion.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:56, Mon 07 Feb 2011.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 984 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Mon 7 Feb 2011
at 22:38
  • msg #43

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Desiraye laughs when she reads the garbled part that can only be made out as, "Contact KY at ByChem for Anal..."  She knows that the garbled transmission isn't a joke but rather something serious that appears to her about some alien invasion and possibly someone being on the inside at ByChem that knows about it.
GM Heath
GM, 1405 posts
Mon 7 Feb 2011
at 23:00
  • msg #44

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

ROFL.  That was a complete accident!
Desiraye Lipost
player, 985 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Tue 8 Feb 2011
at 00:01
  • msg #45

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
ROFL.  That was a complete accident!

I understand that & that's the way my pathetic little brain works!
Desiraye Lipost
player, 986 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Tue 8 Feb 2011
at 00:38
  • msg #46

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
There is a flashing cursor underneath this to put in some kind of code, but you realize you don't have the code, and Baralou, being a robot, could have put anything random in there and would never forget it.

Accessing alien datapad...

Mass file corruption detected...files deleted...

#&$(##~contact Ky*#&!)#n at ByChem for anal#*$&! Venturi*#&!*!#(@~
#*$(#&!~catalyst detect&#(*$~)(@%%Jetsom infection caus#&$&#~)#(!@#
(!*&$Matrix succes&~(!@*#@control#(!!)~!@collateral damag#%*@body co#
deaths inconsequent@!%$%#$&*#~#Akizk must die#*&@(#crew eliminat##*!(@
#~!&#(#bio-chemicals needed$&##*!)!invasion imminent$#*!new race$*#!
code nam#&@Shadow&#Rakon.#&*!#$*#####!(#$~$@($*@~$@~$&%!)*$@(*!@*~

Alien messag#*($&**!(. Following decod&# and translat#@:

&*$ the stars carry this mess#&$*# of &#*$#!%
Heretics accord$#*#%# Qantariate&$#@!%#&*#@(!
Symbol of #*&$#&~)@$(##@!~(~%#%^#@%!to death@$
#&*(!@#&*will arrive in#*!%)#*(cycles*#&%#$#@

The computer then shuts off the message, sending you a message that the files have been corrupted and cannot be accessed without risk of complete deletion.

OK, here's what Desi is thinking right now about this message:
1. It looks like there's a contact in the ByChem Corp who may be involved in whatever this is
   that is going on with Baralou.  Maybe when we get a chance, run a search of employees
   (starting with Ellen) on who this person may be [KY*#&!N]
2. Looks like the message is that the Matrix was a success, for the most part.
3. Appears that the crew was part of the experiment the whole time, to include the Sapes, and
   their loss was inconsequential.
4. Azkizk was the one we kept in the Freeze field and appeared to figure out how to defeat
   the Matrix?  It seems feasible that they would want him dead but, was it before or after
   we defeated the Matrix, or so we think we did?
5. The bio-chemicals here are needed for or against an invasion?
6. Invasion Imminent by new Race?

That's all she's got for now and there may be multiple stabs in the dark...
GM Heath
GM, 1406 posts
Tue 8 Feb 2011
at 00:45
  • msg #47

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Azkizk was the Vrusk captain, who is now dead.  (As you will recall, Baralou killed the captain, and then the crew started dying off one by one.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:46, Tue 08 Feb 2011.
player, 408 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 8 Feb 2011
at 07:05
  • msg #48

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Professor Kri'lik stares at the screen via the intercom, "Crap...invasion? I just want to get off this ball of ice."
GM Heath
GM, 1407 posts
Wed 9 Feb 2011
at 18:26
  • msg #49

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

The top screen flashes:

Time Expired.  Password Not Input.
HKK-R2 has been notified to investigate source of problem.

Desiraye Lipost
player, 987 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Wed 9 Feb 2011
at 18:40
  • msg #50

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"We also need to worry about what was done to the Sapes too!"In reply to Kri'lik (msg #48):
player, 241 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2011
at 04:00
  • msg #51

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

S'Krllk watches the screen, and mumbles, "With our luck, Baralou was HKK-R1."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 988 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 10 Feb 2011
at 15:32
  • msg #52

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"How many more days until the relief ship gets here Ellen?"
NPC, 4 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2011
at 18:01
  • msg #53

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Ellen answers Desi through the intercom.  "Eleven days.  And I don't like the sounds of this message.  HKK-R2 is another of those ice cutter robots.  And it looks like it's heading your way from the ice tunnels."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 989 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 10 Feb 2011
at 19:04
  • msg #54

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Ellen answers Desi through the intercom.  "Eleven days.  And I don't like the sounds of this message.  HKK-R2 is another of those ice cutter robots.  And it looks like it's heading your way from the ice tunnels."

"Can't block the tunnel.  Used the last of the Kaboomite back on the Moneyspider.  How long before it gets to us Ellen and can it get to you guys down there if we take the transport back?"
NPC, 5 posts
Thu 10 Feb 2011
at 19:09
  • msg #55

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Ellen says, "It depends on how extensive the caves go.  I think at a minimum it can cut through the walls from the caves to get at us.  The caves were recently pressurized and added oxygen.  Someone had the bright idea of putting the sapes to work back there assisting the HKK-R2 robot.  From what I recall, Baralou had been talking a few times about setting brainwave communication devices in the sapes so they would obey commands.  We might not want to be split up right now, not if Baralou has set them to guard the place.  That's 8 sapes and another ice cutter robot after us."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 990 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 10 Feb 2011
at 22:48
  • msg #56

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Ellen says, "It depends on how extensive the caves go.  I think at a minimum it can cut through the walls from the caves to get at us.  The caves were recently pressurized and added oxygen.  Someone had the bright idea of putting the sapes to work back there assisting the HKK-R2 robot.  From what I recall, Baralou had been talking a few times about setting brainwave communication devices in the sapes so they would obey commands.  We might not want to be split up right now, not if Baralou has set them to guard the place.  That's 8 sapes and another ice cutter robot after us."

Desiraye unslings her laser rifle and hits the chronocom to transmit, "OK, we're on our way back in a couple of minutes.  Be prepared for a fight.  We need to decide how to handle this.

Yag, get what you think we'll need and let's get back to the others.  I'll cover you."

GM Heath
GM, 1408 posts
Fri 11 Feb 2011
at 00:34
  • msg #57

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Even as Desi is talking, you realize it is too late.

The ice mines have an entrance to and from S5 located in what would be the ceiling area (though this is zero gee, so that is not relevant).

Desi and Yag hear sape chatter and approaching metallic movement from above them inside the nearby room as the hatch to the caves opens.

Here is a map to show locations.  The ice cave opens up into the room between the transport tubes and has a pressurization hatch as shown.

Desiraye Lipost
player, 991 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 11 Feb 2011
at 02:46
  • msg #58

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Desi reaches down and powers up her Albedo screen as she taps Yagrith on the shoulder, "We need to get out of here now Yag!"  Desiraye makes sure her rifle is set on [10]SEU output as they look to make thier way back to the rest of the group.
player, 217 posts
Robotics + computers
Fri 11 Feb 2011
at 06:33
  • msg #59

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag looks panicky. He is low on stamina and has only the remnants of a skeinsuit to protect him. He gets in the transport tube motioning for Desi to join him (assuming the tube is is still here) and hits the button to send it back to the rest of the group.
GM Heath
GM, 1409 posts
Fri 11 Feb 2011
at 18:38
  • msg #60

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Getting in the tube, you find that it has been locked in place under a security lockdown.  You are stuck.

You hear a robotic voice say, "Search the other bays."  Then you hear footsteps going off in the other direction and the clunking of metal coming down in the area between the tubes.

OOC: FYI, the ice caves are very cold (hopefully you have your chillsuits on), but they are transversable if you can get up to them.

From the far room, the other party members can only watch with horror on the screen, helpless to do anything.

That is, until they realize they will soon have their own problems coming their way.

Desiraye Lipost
player, 992 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 11 Feb 2011
at 21:08
  • msg #61

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

In reply to GM Heath (msg #60):

"I know you're in no shape to fight so we're going to have to hide it out.  Find us a place for now then we can try to sandwich them in between the others!"
GM Heath
GM, 1410 posts
Fri 11 Feb 2011
at 21:56
  • msg #62

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

OOC: There is the one shuttle on the "south" side of the dock that can be entered.  Otherwise, you'll need to be specific on how you're going to hide.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 994 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 11 Feb 2011
at 22:13
  • msg #63

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
OOC: There is the one shuttle on the "south" side of the dock that can be entered.  Otherwise, you'll need to be specific on how you're going to hide.

The shuttle it is then
GM Heath
GM, 1411 posts
Fri 11 Feb 2011
at 23:12
  • msg #64

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

The others hear the opening of hatch doors.  You see that there has been a makeshift hatch installed directly overhead (where the letters L1 are located).  It is mostly obscured due to the earlier explosion, but that's where your visitors are coming from, and they will be here...soon.
NPC, 6 posts
Fri 11 Feb 2011
at 23:13
  • msg #65

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Ellen is beginning to get afraid again.  She pulls out her laser pistol and says, "I didn't know they had expanded the ice caves to be so expansive and reach every area.  That must have been part of Baralou's plan."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 995 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Sat 12 Feb 2011
at 00:45
  • msg #66

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

As they make their hide sight in the shuttle, Desiraye tries to contact the others using the chronocom on low volume.  "Try to use grenades as much as you can.  frags first to wear them down then try the doze and tanglers to incapacitate the Sapes.  Direct damage from the frag grenades should bring down their health enough for the tangler & doze to take better effect.

Robots a totally different problem.  We may be able to knock out the robot and that will knock out the control of the Sapes.

We'll try to sandwich them between us and attack them as long as they dont find us first.  Don't forget we got those grenades and stuff from the turrets that may help!"

player, 242 posts
Sat 12 Feb 2011
at 05:07
  • msg #67

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

S'Krllk goes to the computer, and begins to work on it. "Maybe I can use the same communications path that gave the HKK robot a command to get us and tell him to lay off. If not, perhaps there's some way to control the sapes from here."
"Anyway, there's nothing obvious to shoot, yet, so I might as well put the time to use."

player, 409 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 14 Feb 2011
at 08:19
  • msg #68

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Following Desi's advice Doctor Kri'lik readies two frag grenades, one in each hand. Once he has identified hostile targets he throws both in the same direction yelling "Grenade!"

No throwing weapons skill...
GM Heath
GM, 1412 posts
Mon 14 Feb 2011
at 19:00
  • msg #69

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag and Desi:

Yag and Desi find that one ice cutter robot and two sapes are descending (in zero gee).

Yag and Desi run to the shuttle.  The hatch leading to the shuttle is locked with a security 3 lock and will need to be bypassed to get into the shuttle.

The robot and 2 sapes are at the point marked S5 on the map.

The others, including Ellen, find that 6 sapes are opening the hatch door and descending.

Kri'lik throws a frag grenade into the opening. (Remember, in zero gee, you have to roll a reaction speed check in addition to your roll to avoid losing balance and spinning.  You have to regaing control by making a reaction speed check.)  Kri'lik failed to make his grenade go into the opening with the sapes.  The grenade bounces off, flies in zero gee, and explodes near the transport tube area.  The grenade does not hurt anyone but does manage to damage the transport tubes.

Kri'lik has also thrown himself off balance and begins to spin out of control.

S'Krllk goes to the computer, but the only really working computer is the one where Yag and Desi were at, so he is unable to do anything there.

The 6 sapes begin descending into the area just west of the transport tubes.

One thing everyone notices that is different about the sapes is they all seem to have mechanical devices surgically implanted on one sides of their heads like half size football helmets.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 999 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Mon 14 Feb 2011
at 23:06
  • msg #70

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
Yag and Desi:

Yag and Desi find that one ice cutter robot and two sapes are descending (in zero gee).

Yag and Desi run to the shuttle.  The hatch leading to the shuttle is locked with a security 3 lock and will need to be bypassed to get into the shuttle.

The robot and 2 sapes are at the point marked S5 on the map.

One thing everyone notices that is different about the sapes is they all seem to have mechanical devices surgically implanted on one sides of their heads like half size football helmets.

Desi knows her mags are topped off in her weapons so she takes a minute to try and figure out a plan with Yagrith so they're on the same page.  "OK Yag, we're inside a rising bucket of crap and they're isn't much help in sight.  I know you're still hurting pretty bad but we got no one else to help us right now but ourselves.  I think we need to get by them and lose 'em in the caves for awhile until I can try and whittle them down.

We can try and hide you in the shuttle and I can try and divert them away from you and even if I can, there's no telling that that's going to work.  I think there might be some stuff in the shuttle that Parson and Sergi left there but again, I'm not sure.

I need to know what you're capable of handling right now!  I can try and go at 'em with the rifle and see what I can do before we try and get past them.  I still have some grenades left but, we don't have a lot of time.  We need to help ourselves before we can help the others.  Talk to me Yag."

GM Heath
GM, 1414 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2011
at 01:26
  • msg #71

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag and Desi will have approximately 2 free rounds before the robot and 2 sapes reach them.  The only weapon the sapes have is their arms, and the only weapon the ice cutter has is its powerful laser for excavating.

The other group gets one free attack on the approaching 6 sapes.  What is happening is that they have to come through the hatch one at a time to fit.  A well lobbed grenade throw still might do substantial damage if it can get into the hatch.
player, 243 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2011
at 04:48
  • msg #72

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

S'Krllk mutters, and fumbles with the needler as he realizes it was not reloaded after being uselessly emptied previously. Finally, his last clip is in and he's ready to shoot.
player, 411 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 15 Feb 2011
at 06:42
  • msg #73

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

"That, that’s why I'm a doctor!" Yells the spinning and twisting Vrusk as he floats about in zero-g. With his free hand he does his best to try and regain some control and stabilize himself. Once he does so he braces his body against a structure and if there is still time will try and throw his other frag grenade at the approaching sapes.
player, 218 posts
Robotics + computers
Tue 15 Feb 2011
at 06:45
  • msg #74

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

[OOC: Sorry, have been out of town since Thurs. Will read up and post ASAP, hopefully tomorrow (Tues).]
GM Heath
GM, 1417 posts
Tue 15 Feb 2011
at 21:53
  • msg #75

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Doesn't Desi have any grenades on her?  If I were you, I'd probably take my two free attacks with grenades or high powered rifles, then try to circle around and run, throwing grenades or otherwise keeping them at a distance but engaged.

Same is true with the others.  If you all go to the western sided room, the sapes will have to go single file to get to you.  Snipe shoot anyone?
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1002 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Wed 16 Feb 2011
at 00:48
  • msg #76

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
Doesn't Desi have any grenades on her?  If I were you, I'd probably take my two free attacks with grenades or high powered rifles, then try to circle around and run, throwing grenades or otherwise keeping them at a distance but engaged.

Same is true with the others.  If you all go to the western sided room, the sapes will have to go single file to get to you.  Snipe shoot anyone?

OOC: Desi does indeed have grenades and a scoped laser rifle.  I'm just trying to get Yag involved
GM Heath
GM, 1419 posts
Wed 16 Feb 2011
at 18:06
  • msg #77

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

What I have is:

Kuurn will shoot
S'Krllk will shoot
Kri'lik will throw another grenade
Ellen will shoot

Desi will probably use a sniper rifle but is waiting on Yag's response.  Yag may be out of contact right now, so Desi may just want to post her final move assuming Yag will do what she tells him

I'm not sure what Yag is doing, but we can resolve the lower level one first.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1003 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Wed 16 Feb 2011
at 22:52
  • msg #78

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

In reply to GM Heath (msg #77):

Desi will throw a frag grenade 1st and will offer one up to Yag if he doesn't have any.

Sniper fire to follow...
GM Heath
GM, 1420 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2011
at 00:12
  • msg #79

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag and Desi throw two frag grenades.  Both manage to keep their balance, and the grenades fly gracefully through the air.  There is a loud explosion as the two frags find their marks, exploding right near the targets.

Ice Cutter Robot: 71 dmg.  (429/500 STA)
Sape 1: 73 dmg.  (47/120 STA)
Sape 2: 98 dmg.  (22/120 STA)

You have one more round of attacks and then then will reach you.

Kri'lik catches his balance and throws another grenade.  This one finds its mark!  The four sapes in the corridor are all hit by the explosion.  However, this grenade toss also throws Kri'lik off balance once again.

S'Krllk fires his needler, hitting the closest Sape that has just descended.  (61 dmg.)  He manages to keep his balance in the zero-gee.  Remarkably, all three shots from S'Krllk hit their mark.

Kuurn fires too, also hitting the closest sape.  (31 dmg.)  Kuurn barely maintains his balance.  He misses his second shot.

Ellen fires her laser pistol, hitting the same sape.  (30 dmg.)  Ellen is thrown off balance and is spinning in the zero gee.  Her second shot goes wild when she begins spinning.

You have one more free attack before the sapes reach you and attack.  The other four are descending, so there is only one last chance for a grenade throw before they are all too close.

Sape 1:  3/120 STA (laser and needler damage)
Sape 2:  120/120 STA
Sape 3:  29 dmg (grenade) (91/120 STA)
Sape 4:  33 dmg (grenade)  (87/120 STA)
Sape 5:  43 dmg (grenade) (77/120 STA)
Sape 6:  43 dmg (grenade) (77/120 STA)
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:23, Fri 18 Feb 2011.
GM Heath
GM, 1421 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2011
at 00:28
  • msg #80

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yag goes into Yazirian battle rage at this point.  (+20 to hit in melee.)
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1006 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 18 Feb 2011
at 03:01
  • msg #81

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
Yag goes into Yazirian battle rage at this point.  (+20 to hit in melee.)

Desiraye reaches for another grenade from her vest and throws it towards the approaching robot & Sapes.  She uses whatever she can to brace herself to keep control over herself and hopes that Yag isn't rushing in to meet the Sapes in hand-to-hand combat just yet.  "Yag!  One more grenade then I'll cover you to try and get by the robot or whatevers left."

Desiraye throws another of her frag grenades.
player, 244 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2011
at 06:08
  • msg #82

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

S'Krllk mechanically aims at the sapes, and fires. He says nothing, and merely shoots the nearest still moving sape while allowing the minimal kick of the needler to push him away from the advancing danger.
player, 413 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 18 Feb 2011
at 06:43
  • msg #83

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Seeing the success of his second throw the doctors resolve strengthens therefore he tries to regain his balance and throw another frag grenade.

(I'll have one more frag after this throw.)
GM Heath
GM, 1422 posts
Fri 18 Feb 2011
at 20:04
  • msg #84

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Everyone takes their last free round:

Desi and Yag throw grenades, hitting near the approaching sapes.

Ice Cutter Robot: 93 dmg.  (336/500 STA)
Sape 1: 72 dmg.  (Dead)
Sape 2: 90 dmg.  (Dead)

The two sapes are killed by the grenades before they reach Desi and Yag.  The ice cutter robot has approached and is ready to attack next round.

Down below, the six sapes attack.  Everyone manages to catch their balance.

Kri'lik throws another grenade. It finds its mark, hurting the rearward 4 sapes.

Sape 3:  54 dmg (grenade) (37/120 STA)
Sape 4:  44 dmg (grenade)  (43/120 STA)
Sape 5:  47 dmg (grenade) (30/120 STA)
Sape 6:  34 dmg (grenade) (43/120 STA)

Kri'lik catches himself securely and finds good balance.  (Critical pass on the reaction check; Kri'lik will not lost balance next round regardless.)

Kuurn, S'Krllk and Ellen fire again.

Two of S'krllk's needler shots find their mark.  (37 dmg.)  The frontmost sape begins floating dead, his body carried forward toward you from the momentum, blood seeping out and hanging morbidly in the air from the needler strikes.

Kuurn fires twice with his laser pistol, hitting once.  He hits once (28 dmg) but then loses his balance and begins spinning.

Ellen fires twice and scores a critical hit and a regular hit with her laser pistol.  (102 total dmg)  The sape begins spinning toward you, merely a corpse.  Its damage was all lasers, so luckily there is no blood.

Sape 1:  (dead)
Sape 2:  (dead)

Ellen loses her balance (critical miss).  She will be unable to attack next round.

Sape 3 and 4 move through the bodies.  They will get to attack next round.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:33, Fri 18 Feb 2011.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1008 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 18 Feb 2011
at 20:25
  • msg #85

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
Everyone takes their last free round:

Desi and Yag throw grenades, hitting near the approaching sapes.

Ice Cutter Robot: 93 dmg.  (336/500 STA)
Sape 1: 72 dmg.  (Dead)
Sape 2: 90 dmg.  (Dead)

The two sapes are killed by the grenades before they reach Desi and Yag.  The ice cutter robot has approached and is ready to attack next round.

Desi brings her laser rifle up to her shoulder and shouts to Yag, <Purple>"I'll distract the robot Yag.  Try to get around it so we can try and get past it and get to the others!"

Desi fires two [10] SEU shots towards the robot hoping she can get Yag out of the way for now due to his injureies and hopefully herself.

STR/STA: 65/58 [60]
DEX/RS: 60/60
IM: 6

CURRENT STA: 50/58 [60]

Beam Weapons: 6
DEX: 30

Laser Pistol (Clip): 20/20 (after firing this round)
Laser Rifle [Clip 10/10]: 20/20
Albedo Screen Up: 50/50
Skeinsuit: 32
This message was last edited by the player at 20:28, Fri 18 Feb 2011.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1010 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 18 Feb 2011
at 23:36
  • msg #86

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

After Desi fires her laser rifle dry, she will reload and continue to fire [2] 10SEU shots at the robot until it is destroyed.  Desi will try and move out of the robots way as much as she can and try to cover Yag.
player, 245 posts
Sat 19 Feb 2011
at 04:48
  • msg #87

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

S'Krllk mechanically aims at the breathing sapes, and fires. He says nothing, and merely shoots the nearest living sape while allowing the minimal kick of the needler to push him away from the advancing danger. The fires of intelligence slowly dim in his compound eyes.

OOC: Sorry, couldn't help it.
player, 414 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 19 Feb 2011
at 06:01
  • msg #88

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

As the remaining two sapes rush forward Doctor Kri'lik draws his two holstered laser pistols and tries to fire upon the enemy.

45% beam weapons, using two weapons which I think is -10% each...? set at 10 SEU and attached to power pack. Will fire as much as he can.
GM Heath
GM, 1424 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 19:00
  • msg #89

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

But Kri'lik is a vrusk, which means he's ambidextrous.  So he doesn't get an offhand penalty, but I think it is -10% for just using two weapons.
GM Heath
GM, 1425 posts
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 19:11
  • msg #90

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

OOC: I can't believe how lucky you guys just got on this!

The ice cutter robot has reached Desi and Yag and is raising its powerful 20d10 damage laser torch to fire at Desi.  The barrel is only a few feet away as Desi shrinks back to avoid the inevitable fire of a laser of such industrial quality it has been used to carve caves out of this hunk of rock.  But when it fires, something goes horribly wrong.  The laser torch explodes in the face of the robot, damaging it severely.  (Critical miss, backfire, 111 dmg.)

Desi takes the opportunity to fire two shots point blank as Yag makes his way around the robot.  She hits with both shots.  (99 dmg.)  (210 total damage, plus laser torch is now inoperable.)

Yag correctly makes it around to the back side of the ice cutter robot without incident.

Ice Cutter Robot: 93 dmg.  (126/500 STA)
Sape 1: 72 dmg.  (Dead)
Sape 2: 90 dmg.  (Dead)

Desi begins reloading to fire again.

Yag prepares to fire at the robot from behind.

Down below, Ellen, Kri'lik, S'Krllk, and Kuurn have their hands full. A barrage of firing commences.

Ellen finds her balance but is unable to attack.

Kuurn finds his balance and fires.

Only one needler shot and two laser shots find their marks, but it is enough to take down one sape and hurt the next.

Sape 3:  Dead
Sape 4:  18 dmg (grenade)  (25/120 STA)
Sape 5:  47 dmg (grenade) (30/120 STA)
Sape 6:  34 dmg (grenade) (43/120 STA)

The three remaining sapes attack.

The first sape launches itself at Kri'lik but misses.

The second sape launches itself at Kuurn and grapples him with a painful wrestling hold as it pummels Kuurn.  (18 dmg.)

The last sape launches itself at Ellen and also gest a painful hold on her.  (23 dmg.)

Ellen and Kuurn must first escape the holding maneuvers or have the sapes holding them die or get injured to lose their grip.  (20+ points of damage will cause the sape to lose its grip.)

Firing at the sapes while twisting arms and legs with Kuurn and Ellen has a chance of hitting the wrong target.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:00, Tue 22 Feb 2011.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1011 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 23:16
  • msg #91

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
OOC: I can't believe how lucky you guys just got on this!

The ice cutter robot has reached Desi and Yag and is raising its powerful 20d10 damage laser torch to fire at Desi.  The barrel is only a few feet away as Desi shrinks back to avoid the inevitable fire of a laser of such industrial quality it has been used to carve caves out of this hunk of rock.  But when it fires, something goes horribly wrong.  The laser torch explodes in the face of the robot, damaging it severely.  (Critical miss, backfire, 111 dmg.)

Desi takes the opportunity to fire two shots point blank as Yag makes his way around the robot.  She hits with both shots.  (99 dmg.)  (210 total damage, plus laser torch is now inoperable.)

Yag correctly makes it around to the back side of the ice cutter robot without incident.

Ice Cutter Robot: 93 dmg.  (126/500 STA)
Sape 1: 72 dmg.  (Dead)
Sape 2: 90 dmg.  (Dead)

Desi begins reloading to fire again.

Yag prepares to fire at the robot from behind.

OOC: WOW!  I couldn't believe it, we are VERY lucky...

BIC: Desi will continue to fire & still dodge the robot as she is able
This message was last edited by the player at 09:19, Wed 23 Feb 2011.
player, 415 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 23 Feb 2011
at 06:20
  • msg #92

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Kri'lik hopes his next volley of shots find their mark because if they don't hes about out of SEUs!

Assume I fired 4 times last attack. Will do so again this turn with another 4 shots at the sape attacking him leaving 20 SEUs in the powerpack. 45% -10% for two weapons = 35% x 4
player, 246 posts
Wed 23 Feb 2011
at 06:34
  • msg #93

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

S'Krllk methodically fires another burst at the untangled sape, slowly floating back as the minimal kick of the needler moves him. He appears unconcerned that he is about to be pulling the trigger on an empty weapon, unless it means he would keep pulling the trigger on the empty weapon without noticing.
GM Heath
GM, 1426 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2011
at 17:40
  • msg #94

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

The sape on Kuurn pummels the dralasite, hurting him severely.  (29 dmg.  I'd have to check, but Kuurn may actually be dead or dying now.)

The sape grappling ellen also begins attacking her severly like a mad ape.  Blood oozes from her mouth and begins floating around the room.  She appears dead.

S'Krllk fires and hits the loose sape once, killing it.

Kri'lik fires, hitting the sape on Kuurn twice.  Miraculously, Kri'lik does not hit Kuurn.  The sape, however, abandons Kuurn and turns to launch itself at Kri'lik.

Up above, the ice cutter robot swings hard, swiping Desi with its powerful metal arms.  (35 dmg.)

Desi fires back, hitting the ice cutter robot twice.

She gets in one more shot (on the next round), and the ice cutter robot falls silent and still.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1012 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 24 Feb 2011
at 20:35
  • msg #95

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
Up above, the ice cutter robot swings hard, swiping Desi with its powerful metal arms.  (35 dmg.)

Desi fires back, hitting the ice cutter robot twice.

She gets in one more shot (on the next round), and the ice cutter robot falls silent and still.

OOC: I hope that the Inertia suit will absorb 17 of that damage?

BIC: Desi recoils from the hit from the robots arm, and drops another SEU clip from her rifle as she looks to make sure Yag is still OK.  She reloads a fresh clip into her rifle and looks to move to try and help the others below.
GM Heath
GM, 1427 posts
Thu 24 Feb 2011
at 20:37
  • msg #96

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Yes, it does.

Yag and Desi begin moving in the zero gee toward the entrance to the ice caves.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1013 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 24 Feb 2011
at 21:12
  • msg #97

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

GM Heath:
Yes, it does.

Yag and Desi begin moving in the zero gee toward the entrance to the ice caves.

OOC: Sweet!

BIC:  "Helps on the way, hold on," Desiraye calls out over the chronocom to the others.

STR/STA: 65/58 [60]
DEX/RS: 60/60
IM: 6

CURRENT STA: 33/58 [60]

Beam Weapons: 6
DEX: 30

Laser Pistol (Clip): 20/20 (after firing this round)
Laser Rifle [Clip 7/10]: 20/20
[1] Laser Rifle Clip: 10/20
[2] Laser Rifle Clip: 0/20
Albedo Screen Up: 50/50
Skeinsuit: 14
This message was last edited by the player at 02:15, Fri 25 Feb 2011.
GM Heath
GM, 1428 posts
Sat 26 Feb 2011
at 00:28
  • msg #98

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

S'Krllk and Kri'lik are left alone to deal with the last two sapes.  Both are badly wounded, one is nearly dead.

They fire off their weapons, trying to steady themselves against a wall.

Kri'lik hits twice, and the severly injured sape floats by him, smelling of ice and sweat.

S'krllk also fires and hits, and the last sape is also killed.

You take a moment to relax.  A minute later, Desi and Yag float through the door, having navigated the ice caves.

And now, you have only to wait...

Everyone gets 2 XP.
player, 247 posts
Sat 26 Feb 2011
at 07:31
  • msg #99

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

S'Krllk points his (empty) needler at floating sape corpses and pulls the trigger, again and again and again.
"Stupid slow beasts, you should have killed me by now."
player, 416 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 26 Feb 2011
at 22:06
  • msg #100

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

Having delpelted his powerpack the Vrusk takes it off and tosses it to the floor. Perhaps given time he can find a power charger to refill it.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1014 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Sun 27 Feb 2011
at 04:11
  • msg #101

Re: Bugs in the System 13 - Final Countdown

If there's nothing that can be for Kuurn & Ellen, Desi will try and make sure that they all contribute because that should help break up the time over the next eleven days.
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