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21:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Blackness 1-2.

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
player, 468 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 12 Aug 2011
at 06:05
  • msg #20

Re: The Blackness 1-2

"Who's this Dr. Legrange? Can he help with the device or only the artifact?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1150 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 12 Aug 2011
at 16:58
  • msg #21

Re: The Blackness 1-2

"Who's this Dr. Legrange? Can he help with the device or only the artifact?"

"And where the hell is this planet Kraatar?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1151 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Tue 16 Aug 2011
at 08:30
  • msg #22

Re: The Blackness 1-2

"If it sounds like we only have roughly two months, we better start doing something quick!"
player, 469 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 16 Aug 2011
at 13:59
  • msg #23

Re: The Blackness 1-2

"If you have not figured the device out yet, please tell us what you have tried so we will not waste time."
GM Heath
GM, 1553 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2011
at 17:26
  • msg #24

Re: The Blackness 1-2

Kyrillian says, "We have tried the machine with these disks.  They change color when they are placed in the slots and the buttons are pushed.  He tried various combinations but didn't seem to get it right.  Beyond that, I don't know many details because Kyrtok was the one doing the experiments, not me."

He says, "Kraatar is a system not too distant, a mountainous, rugged planet is habitable there, and it's where the famous scientist Dr. Legrange lives.  He will soon be presented with an award.  It's his genius mind that may be helpful here, not any particular knowledge he has."

OOC: For those of you who've been around when the adventure voting was going on, you might remember that Kraatar and Dr. Legrange are part of the setting and plot for Dark Side of the Moon.  I will be merging this adventure into that one to keep it fresh.
GM Heath
GM, 1555 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 20:45
  • msg #25

Re: The Blackness 1-2

OOC: I guess we need some combat in here to wake you guys up.  :)
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1152 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 21:14
  • msg #26

Re: The Blackness 1-2

GM Heath:
OOC: I guess we need some combat in here to wake you guys up.  :)

Sorry, been a little busy.

DSotM is one of my all time favorites!

I'm ready to go and BTW, combat is cool!
GM Heath
GM, 1556 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 22:18
  • msg #27

Re: The Blackness 1-2

It's not going to start just yet though...

OOC: I think you guys need a little push regarding the "device."  I'll do intelligence checks and things for you but you will feel very satisfied if you solve it yourselves.  Feel free to experiment with it.  It won't hurt anyone and requires a few tries to see patterns emerge.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1153 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 22:36
  • msg #28

Re: The Blackness 1-2

I was hoping some of the 'tech' guys on the team would be into it more.
GM Heath
GM, 1557 posts
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 22:38
  • msg #29

Re: The Blackness 1-2

This group doesn't seem to be as much into puzzles and riddles as some of my other groups.  The riddle thing on the Pegasus also seemed to stop everyone dead in their tracks.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1154 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 22:44
  • msg #30

Re: The Blackness 1-2

GM Heath:
This group doesn't seem to be as much into puzzles and riddles as some of my other groups.  The riddle thing on the Pegasus also seemed to stop everyone dead in their tracks.

Killed me.  Not good at them at all.

C'mon people, let's get this going again.
player, 62 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 19 Aug 2011
at 16:47
  • msg #31

Re: The Blackness 1-2

Hammer says, "We should go try out the machine and see what it can do."  He goes back to the main room and pushes the button on it.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1156 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Fri 19 Aug 2011
at 20:38
  • msg #32

Re: The Blackness 1-2

While Hammer is at the machine, Desiraye stands a little back and with her hand near her holster just in case something'jumps' into the room and decides to start the alien invasion early.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:39, Fri 19 Aug 2011.
player, 293 posts
Sat 20 Aug 2011
at 04:51
  • msg #33

Re: The Blackness 1-2

S'Krllk watches Hammer, and states, "Perhaps we need to re-arrange the lenses to match the colors of the stars in that message."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1157 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Sat 20 Aug 2011
at 08:20
  • msg #34

Re: The Blackness 1-2

S'Krllk watches Hammer, and states, "Perhaps we need to re-arrange the lenses to match the colors of the stars in that message."

"I'm almost postitve the way wwe first saw them is the orer they should be in!"
player, 470 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 22 Aug 2011
at 06:17
  • msg #35

Re: The Blackness 1-2

Kri'lik looks at the machine to see if there is any Sathar writing on it as well.
GM Heath
GM, 1563 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2011
at 16:54
  • msg #36

Re: The Blackness 1-2

There is no other writing on the machine.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1158 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Mon 22 Aug 2011
at 23:00
  • msg #37

Re: The Blackness 1-2

"Am I wrong?"
GM Heath
GM, 1565 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2011
at 17:59
  • msg #38

Re: The Blackness 1-2

I'm not sure what you mean by "order."  How they were placed in the machine initially when you entered the room was incorrect.  You will have to put the proper colors of disks into the machine slots in the proper order for it to work.
GM Heath
GM, 1580 posts
Thu 8 Sep 2011
at 18:19
  • msg #39

Re: The Blackness 1-2

When the black hand drops the item and disappears, you hear something from behind you in the room, like something moving, yet when you look, nothing is there.  It came as though it were standing on top of the bed and sounded like someone taking a step across the bed.

The device can fit in the palm of your hand.  It is round and has a pulsing glow that looks like this:

Desiraye Lipost
player, 1163 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Sat 10 Sep 2011
at 15:13
  • msg #40

Re: The Blackness 1-2

"WHOA!  What the frak was that?  Did you see that?" Desiraye says excitedly when she sees the hand appear and drop something in the room.
player, 476 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 12 Sep 2011
at 14:01
  • msg #41

Re: The Blackness 1-2

Ever the curious one Professor Kri'lik moves over to the new items and waves his gauntleted left arm above it scanning the device with various gear.

Using Fauna-CAS(Formerly bioscanner), Flora-CAS, Motion Tracker, and Envirokit (Bioscanner, Vaporscanner, Geoscanner).
GM Heath
GM, 1583 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2011
at 23:54
  • msg #42

Re: The Blackness 1-2

The device shows up as something that is not normal matter.  It shows up as unknown, but it also does not radiate anything that appears damaging.  You should be able to touch it without being harmed.

As Kri'lik is scanning and you are all watching, you hear a "bang" from behind you, like a foot or boot slapping the floor.  Even as you turn...and see nothing there...the strange round object lifts up and begins floating out the door.  You will have to run to catch up because it appears that something not visible to your eye is beginning to run down the hall with it.
player, 477 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 17 Sep 2011
at 18:38
  • msg #43

Re: The Blackness 1-2

As Kri'lik begins to run down the hall after the object he says, "Screw this.." He then draws is holstered laser pistol and sets it for 2SEUs and fires several times at where he would thinks a body might be...
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1165 posts
Corporate Investigator
Military PSA
Sat 17 Sep 2011
at 19:43
  • msg #44

Re: The Blackness 1-2

As Kri'lik begins to run down the hall after the object he says, "Screw this.." He then draws is holstered laser pistol and sets it for 2SEUs and fires several times at where he would thinks a body might be...

Tha twas the same thing going through Desi's head when she heard Kri'lik say that and saw the object head out the door.  Once again, in pursuit, Desi draws out her laser pistol and takes off after the object and whoever/whatever grabbed it.
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