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Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
player, 325 posts
Fri 27 Apr 2012
at 06:09
  • msg #23

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

While the doctor examines the deceased as organic beings, S'Krllk scans the bodies as if they were not. For comparison purposes, he'll also scan everyone else in range (including himself) to look for anomalies.
He's not sure what he's looking for, but he is determined to be looking.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1274 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 28 Apr 2012
at 16:31
  • msg #24

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Desiraye is going to try and maintain her currnet speed and decelerate [1] in case of a turn but will otherwise try and keep up with the other car the best she can.  She pretty much understands that she can catch up to the escaping vehicle due to her bikes greater speed.
GM Heath
GM, 1683 posts
Wed 2 May 2012
at 23:06
  • msg #25

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

You continue the pursuit.  Suddenly, from the left hand side, an ambulance appears racing down the street.  (This is marked with the c.)  Desiraye flies wide to avoid it... and succeeds (reaction speed check successful).  Hammer also tries to avoid it...and barely succeeds.

I am now including the full map.  As you continue the chase, the assassins are following the dotted line.  They plan to escape out the area marked "e."

The area marked with a "d" is a narrow alley connecting the warehouse and the main gate.  This forces the assassins to slow down to a 5.

Any movement over a 5 will result in an extra reaction speed check due to the narrow alley, but it may give you a chance to catch up.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:07, Wed 02 May 2012.
GM Heath
GM, 1684 posts
Wed 2 May 2012
at 23:11
  • msg #26

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

The current speed puts Desi at exiting the alley at the end of the next round and Hammer as entering it.

The assassins will be about 6 squares ahead of Desi at that time and will be traveling at 8 squares per round.

Desi is currently going 10 squares.
Hammer is currently going 9 squares.
Player, 91 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 4 May 2012
at 00:21
  • msg #27

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Hammer will increase to 11 (going 10 this round) and will not slow down for the alleyway.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1275 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 5 May 2012
at 01:19
  • msg #28

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Desiraye will keep her current speed of 10 after the vehicle.  If she can, she sends a message to the two Vrusk back at the ship area.  "See if you can alert the port security.  I think they may be making a break for one of the gates around here!"
This message was last edited by the player at 14:41, Sat 05 May 2012.
GM Heath
GM, 1685 posts
Thu 10 May 2012
at 18:58
  • msg #29

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Desi and Hammer go through the narrow alleyway.  Hammer doesn't quite make it, and he crashes into the wall.  (9 STA damage.)

Desi makes it through, pursuing the assassin's vehicle and getting closer since it was slowing down through the alley.

Desi is getting very close as they round toward the main gate (marked "e").  However, there are RIK vrusk guards there with laser pistols.

There is a large barricade there, which the assassins hit with their vehicle, slowing it severely.  At this point, the four guards open up on the vehicle.  Just as Desi approaches, the vehicle catches fire and explodes with the assassins inside.

Desi pulls her bike up next to the burning vehicle as the guards surround it.  There will be nothing salvageable and no survivors.
GM Heath
GM, 1686 posts
Thu 10 May 2012
at 19:06
  • msg #30

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Meanwhile, Kri'lik and S'krllk have been back searching the bodies and using sensors.

The assassins were Vrusk, apparently belonging to RIK.

REMINDER:  RIK, a Vrusk security trade-house, has been hired to police the major centres of population.

This is of limited help, since the entire security team also seems to belong to RIK.  You find nothing else strange about the bodies.

Even as this is happening, you notice that the robot that had attacked Desi's and Hammer's vehicles is making its way toward you (S'Krllk and Kri'lik).
player, 326 posts
Thu 10 May 2012
at 19:32
  • msg #31

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

S'Krllk glances at the robot, and tells Kri'lik, "I think we may have a problem that could turn to our advantage. Let's see if we can't claim allegiance with this house so that the approaching robot does us no harm. If I can deactivate it, we may be able to glean some data from its memory to move towards clearing this muddy situation."
As he begins to search the dead assassins, he makes the counter-clockwise turning of the eyes that indicates how odd his behavior is, and explains, "After a certain number of blasts in one's general direction, some lines tend to blur, besides, it's not like we're earther ants! Just because the trail is there we don't have to follow it."
Player, 92 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 11 May 2012
at 21:52
  • msg #32

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

If it works, Hammer turns his car around and goes back to the starship.  If not, he exits the vehicle and walks over there, rubbing the pain in his head.
player, 529 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 12 May 2012
at 00:30
  • msg #33

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

The professor glances over to S'Krllk and says, "Is it possible the robot has flagged us with the rest?" He glances back towards the robot and then to heavy beam pistol in his right hand.

What weapons did the assassins have that are now on the ground where we both stand?
player, 327 posts
Sat 12 May 2012
at 04:52
  • msg #34

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

"Yes, I suppose it is. It would just be easier to get data from it if it were in one piece. Besides, I'm a very bad shot."
Seeing nothing else, S'Krllk begins to hastily append a crude RIK symbol to his jumpsuit.
player, 530 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 12 May 2012
at 04:59
  • msg #35

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

"You can disable that right?" Asks the professor. He was not the best shot either.
player, 328 posts
Sat 12 May 2012
at 05:26
  • msg #36

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

"It's easy to disable them, difficult to get to the mechanism to do so. If it appears hostile we should separate. I'll try to get to its access panel, and you run somewhere safe while shooting at it."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1277 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 12 May 2012
at 16:33
  • msg #37

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Desiraye grips the brakes on the cycle and screeches/skids to a halt.  She activates her comm button to call the others, "This is Desi.  Vehicle out of commission by security.  I'm on my way back.  OUt."  Desi will make her way back towards the ship they were on at the same speed that she was chasing the assassins at.
player, 531 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 12 May 2012
at 21:14
  • msg #38

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

"Ah Desi, remember that robot from earlier its headed our way...We..we have a plan though..." Kri'lik looks to his Vrusk companion and starts to slowly put some distance between the two of them in case the robot was actually headed for them.
GM Heath
GM, 1689 posts
Tue 15 May 2012
at 00:24
  • msg #39

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

The robot begins firing toward you -- and the crowd.  Everyone begins screaming and running in all directions.  The RIK identity thing doesn't look like it'll work.  Either the robot is firing randomly at the crowd or is targeting you directly.  It is not apparently firing at the assassins.

Hammer gets his car to turn around and starts back toward the ship.  Desi does likewise, but it will be a delay until they can help the others.
player, 329 posts
Tue 15 May 2012
at 03:08
  • msg #40

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

S'Krllk attempts to dodge through the crowd and flank the robot. Putting his plan to disable it into motion.
player, 532 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 15 May 2012
at 05:02
  • msg #41

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

"Ah crap..." The professor looks through the crowd to see if there are any other security personel that might return fire on the robot. Regardless he draws his heavy beam pistol and aims it at the droid but holds fire until its within short range.

2 shots 45% +aim at short range set at 5 SEU (5d10 dmg).
Frontiersman Heavy Pistol *      Powerclip x2 40      Var    2   Albedo
   - Damage: stun/5d10/10d10/Frag Grenade SEU: 2/5/10/10 each shot

GM Heath
GM, 1690 posts
Thu 17 May 2012
at 19:58
  • msg #42

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

You look around and see there are other security robots around.  However, they seem to have just shut off in unison, as though their power switches were simultaneously flipped.

The security robot launches doze grenades to the right and tangler grenades to the left, catching many of the fleeing civilians.  This also hinders S'krllk's plan.  He dodges one of the tangler grenades.  The zone of fire has caught Kri'lik in the crossfires of this robot as the citizens fall to its other nonlethal weapons.

Kri'lik fires on the robot, scoring a critical hit with his first shot but missing with the second.  (Double damage = 68 damage.)  This does away with the robot's albedo screen and puts a burn in its cylindrical chest.

It fires twice back and hits Kri'lik with both shots.  (58 STA damage, minus absorbtion to albedo screen.)

The robot is still approaching Kri'lik.  S'krllk is horizontally equal with the robot but about 20 yards away, so he can flank it next round if he can dodge more grenades.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1278 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 17 May 2012
at 23:33
  • msg #43

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

"We're on our way back," Desiraye says as she continues back towards the landing pad where the rest of the team is apparently under attack.
Player, 93 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 18 May 2012
at 00:34
  • msg #44

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Hammer will try to ram the robot again, assuming no one's in his way.
player, 533 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 18 May 2012
at 07:06
  • msg #45

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

The professor was quite surprised at the effectiveness of his first shot. This was however short lived. As the two beams of focused energy struck him his mind briefly flashed back to the station they had recently been on and the fact when he tried to buy an albedo screen they had been all out...And that was the last thing he remembered.

35 STA -58 Dmg = -23 STA... Only inertia screen and skien suit both of which are for projecties.
player, 330 posts
Fri 18 May 2012
at 18:23
  • msg #46

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Seeing Kri'lik go down, S'Krllk chitters as he runs a zig zag course to the robot. "figures. escape pirates, tentacled barbarians, deadly robots, and malevolent trans-dimensional pseudo-turtles* only to be done in by my own people's machines"

*He's been downloading earther video categorized as western animation and may have mis-interpreted a reference to those specific reptiles.
GM Heath
GM, 1692 posts
Fri 18 May 2012
at 18:56
  • msg #47

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-2 (Gozorrf Starport)

Kri'lik falls unconscious to the ground, wounded by the laser, and is dying.  (He is at -24 STA now.  SEE RULE POSTED IN THE PLAYER COMMENT THREAD ABOUT REVIVING HIM, WHICH MUST BE DONE WITHIN 10 ROUNDS)

Round 2

The robot continues toward the ship, launching more grenades at the fleeing populace.  S'krllk dodges the grenades.

S'krllk reaches the robot.

(What is S'krllk doing at the robot?  The robot will be turning to attack him at the end of the next round.  If S'krllk is in close, it will be forced to use its limbs; if he is at a distance, it will fire its lasers.)

Hammer turns the corner of the administrative building and begins driving toward the robot.  (He will reach the robot after one more round driving.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:09, Fri 18 May 2012.
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