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Harkahnon Ruins 5a - Undead Attack.

Posted by DM HeathFor group 0
DM Heath
GM, 4378 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 16:55
  • msg #15

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

As you are engaged in battle, you see someone approaching from the balcony room behind you, an elf by the looks of it.
Flint Whisper
player, 112 posts
Human Peasant (Wiz)
Thaco:19 AC:7 HP:31
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 17:08
  • msg #16

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Flint throws another set of magic missiles at the undead creature.
Harak Grayston
player, 37 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 17:27
  • msg #17

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Harak strikes at the bone thing again with his scimitar.
Kahan Singh
player, 1330 posts
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 18:02
  • msg #18

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Seeing that the others seem to have the task under control, Kahan turns around and levels his mace at the elf behind them in a threatening pose. "Come no closer until you identify yourself, stranger." he states, keeping wary of the beast behind him as well as the elf in front of him.
player, 1 post
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 18:28
  • msg #19

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

"I do believe you have a more pressing issue with that then with me.  The time for introductions is not upon us as yet."  Stopping and with a flick of his wrist sends a dagger at the beast the others are engaged with.  Pulling the hood of his cloak up over his head as he works his way around behind the monster.
Grizz Henderson
player, 387 posts
AC=5; THAC0=13
Wed 25 Jul 2012
at 19:16
  • msg #20

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Grizz, a burly human nearly as large as Borimer, but who wears no armor and shows off his chest hair with pride, says, "I hope you have magical weapons, elf.  Normal weapons seem to do no harm to this creature."

Grizz carries a trident as his weapon and appears dressed in drab fisherman attire.
DM Heath
GM, 4379 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 19:39
  • msg #21

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

The creature strikes out, fast as lightning, its claw piercing Grizz through the throat.  (Critical hit, 32 hp damage.)  Grizz is bleeding profusely and is unable to complete his attack this round.

The creature also strikes out again at Borimer, its spear-like claws just missing his shoulder.

Borimer strikes back, making two great hits (out of 3 swings).

The stranger from behind you throws a dagger, which finds its mark in the boneclaw creature's face.

Flint unleashes another round of magic missiles.

Naj is switching weapons to his bow and arrows.

Kahan is switching weapons to his mace and stepping up to the fight.

Harak strikes with his scimitar but misses.

The creature screams in agony against the onslaught and crumbles to the ground, just as the other two creatures approach the large door from behind...
DM Heath
GM, 4380 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 19:53
  • msg #22

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

The two creatures approaching are a hideous sight.

The first one is running at you, unhesitant and vicious.  It is a gaunt creature, humanoid in shape, except for two long, writhing, pale tentacles that sprout from beneath its arms.  Although its features are somewhat goblinoid in appearance, wicked talons cap its long, spindly fingers, and its wide maw opens to reveal many sharp teeth, including six 6-inch long fangs.  Its hairless, gray-skinned body is covered in oozing sores that weep a pale white fluid.  It looks like some fallen goblin or hobgoblin creature back from the dead.

The other trails behind, some kind of apparition.  It floats above the ground, its skeletal face twisted in horrible pain while it makes screaming sounds like the shrieks of the dying.  It seems to be endlessly repeating the babble of the final words of those who have died.

player, 2021 posts
Ac -1s-2p-3b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 14 Hp 70/70 Mvt 18"
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 21:03
  • msg #23

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Borimer meets the charge of the undead goblin creature with two quick slices of his ebony blade.
Harak Grayston
player, 38 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 21:24
  • msg #24

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Harak attacks the same goblin creature.
player, 2 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 21:46
  • msg #25

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Seeing the burly human spray blood after the attack.  Malissin changes course and runs to his side.  Tearing off a piece of his shirt he attempts to staunch the flow of blood.  "Is there a healer among you?"
DM Heath
GM, 4381 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 23:19
  • msg #26

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Because it's getting crowded with a bottleneck, could you indicate the position of your characters?  You can crowd him at the door or step back to totally surround him.  I say this because I think we have too much melee going on with too little space if he doesn't get a couple squares into the room.

Edmure is at F4 and Chrisman is at B3.

The creature will move to the square marked "32d" unless you block its way.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:44, Thu 26 July 2012.
player, 2022 posts
Ac -1s-2p-3b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 14 Hp 70/70 Mvt 18"
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 03:12
  • msg #27

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

as long as it doesn't interfere with borimer's attack he will not try to keep the creature from reaching 32d; not sure where borimer is on the map, he can be placed wherever you think is appropriate for his action
This message was last edited by the player at 04:13, Fri 27 July 2012.
Harak Grayston
player, 40 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 03:23
  • msg #28

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Harak will move to D3 to continue the attack.
DM Heath
GM, 4383 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 16:32
  • msg #29

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Edmure: F4
Chrisman: B4

Borimer: B2
Harak: D3
Grizz: C3

Kahan: D2?
Malissin: F3?
Flint: D4?
Naj: A2?

(I am just trying to get initial placements for the attack, you have a few seconds to position yourselves before the creature attacks, so this does not affect the round at all.)
Kahan Singh
player, 1331 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 16:46
  • msg #30

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Kahan would have been at F,3.

Seeing the damage done to Grizz, Kahan quickly rushes into the room, not worrying about his own personal safety, reaching into his pack to pull out a binding kit, quickly applying it to the warrior's neck.
DM Heath
GM, 4384 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 16:49
  • msg #31

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Where does he want to be for the next round?  That's what I'm looking for.  I thought he was using his mace in melee.
Kahan Singh
player, 1332 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 17:14
  • msg #32

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Kahan was moving up, then he got distracted by the elf coming from behind. He will be near to Grizz, putting himself between the odd goblin thing and the warrior.
player, 3 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 17:32
  • msg #33

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Malissin is next to Grizz having moved up to him in the previous post.
DM Heath
GM, 4385 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 17:49
  • msg #34

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

So let's have Kahan at C3 with Grizz, and Malissin at D2, where he can reach either Grizz or the creature--unless you want something different.
player, 4 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 17:56
  • msg #35

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

In reply to DM Heath (msg # 34):

Works for me
DM Heath
GM, 4388 posts
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 17:11
  • msg #36

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Sorry for the delays.  Having my flash drive crash was not a fun experience trying to recreate 2 weeks of work, but could've been worse.

Here's the final map for the combat round.  If you did not already post your move, please do so.

DM Heath
GM, 4389 posts
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 20:40
  • msg #37

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

OOC: Both creatures are of human size.  Some of you may have misread "guant" as "giant" in the description.  Therefore, damage is as to medium creatures.


Flint moves back out of range, preparing his spellbook.

Borimer swings his sword as the first creature moves to the center of the room, hitting it it severely.  (Critical hit, 26 hp dmg.)

Harak strikes out, and his scimitar does not touch the creature but swings full around and hits mistake?  (4 hp dmg to Malissin.) 

Flint's magic missiles fly out, dealing further damage to the creature.  (9 hp dmg.)

In pain, his blood seeping out of him, Grizz strikes again with his trident, just missing the creature.

Malissin has run to Grizz's side, tearing off part of his shirt to help staunch the blood flow.

Kahan has rushed to Grizz's side as well, pulling out his binding back.  He is binding Grizz.

Naj lets two arrows fly.  One of them finds its mark.  (3 hp dmg.)

The ugly hobgoblin undead creature strikes back...

Its concentration is on the severely wounded Grizz.  It leaps...

...and grapples with Grizz, fastening onto Grizz with its long fangs.  Grizz fails to evade the grapple (critical miss to repel grapple), and he screams as a painful toxin is released into his system from the creature.  Its two tentacles swing out behind it as if to attack any who dare interrupt its...dinner.  (Grizz suffers 11 hp dmg and loses 3 constitution points.)

Grizz falls to the ground.  The severely wounded fisherman had been barely holding on (reduced to 1 hp).  Now this pain is more than he can bear, and he collapses to the ground.  Grizz is dead.

The other undead creature also enters the room.  As soon as it gets in the room, it lets out a soul-numbing scream.  The scream is continuous and the loudest thing you have ever heard.


You cannot speak to each other the next round (because the scream is continuous and so loud).

(Checks being made as saves to the scream...)
Borimer:  (Critical hit) Unaffected by the scream.
Flint:  Save made. Unaffected by the scream.
Harak:  Save made. Unaffected by the scream.
Kahan:  Save made. Unaffected by the scream.
Malissin: Missed.  Deafened for 2 rounds.
Naj: Missed. Deafened for 3 rounds.
Chrisman: Missed. Defeaned for 3 rounds.
Edmure: Critical miss. Deafened for 4 rounds.

The sight of the creature is also horrifying and has its own effects.  (Save checks being made...)

Borimer:  Miss.  Stunned with fear for 1 round. (Cannot attack in round 2.)
Flint:  Sucess. No effect.
Harak:  Success. No effect.
Kahan:  Miss. Stunned with fear for 2 rounds.  (Cannot attack in rounds 2 or 3.)
Malissin: Miss. Stunned with fear for 2 rounds.  (Cannot attack in rounds 2 or 3.)
Naj: Miss.  Stunned with fear for 4 rounds.  (Cannot attack until Round 5.)
Chrisman: Miss.  Stunned with fear for 2 rounds.  (Cannot attack in rounds 2 or 3.)
Edmure:  Immune due to blindness.

player, 2023 posts
Ac -1s-2p-3b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 14 Hp 70/70 Mvt 18"
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 22:04
  • msg #38

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Borimer nearly drops his sword out of abject terror at the appearance of the apparition.

Flint Whisper
player, 113 posts
Human Peasant (Wiz)
Thaco:19 AC:7 HP:31
Tue 31 Jul 2012
at 23:38
  • msg #39

Re: Harkahnon Ruins - Undead Attack

Flint moves behind Kahan and Grizz to B3 and then lets loose a lightning bolt to go through both creatures and into the far room so it won't rebound on any of them.
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