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14:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
player, 541 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 20 Jun 2012
at 01:41
  • msg #5

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik's insectoid body shudders visibly as he observes the riot.

"Yes accommodations. Some rest would do nicely." He says as he rubs the area where the beam weaponry had nearly taken his life. Now that he had acquired a new albedo screen from the RIK Trade House he was feeling a bit safer.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1289 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Wed 20 Jun 2012
at 23:51
  • msg #6

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"I don't think that's completely out of the question.  It has been a long day already!"
GM Heath
GM, 1703 posts
Wed 20 Jun 2012
at 23:59
  • msg #7

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

You make it to Jedsis and see a nearby hotel accommodation; it is now darkening toward evening.  As you gather your gear and make your way to the hotel, a scene in the back alley catches your attention.

A group of five Humans and three Yazirians can be seen standing over two Vrusk. Cries of, "Get up bug, we ain't finished yet!" and "Smash its skull !", are clearly audible above the sickening sound of blows to the Vrusks' carapaces. One of the victims calls to you for help, and the thugs turn round.

The thugs' Human leader wears an eye patch and wields a sonic sword. He grins at you, revealing his broken teeth and says, "That's the second lot tonight. At this rate there won't be many left." The leader notices there are Vrusk with you and seems to grow tense.

So there are 7 thugs total plus the leader.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:59, Wed 20 June 2012.
Player, 97 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 22 Jun 2012
at 19:19
  • msg #8

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer, raises his pistol and says, "Step away from the Vrusk."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1290 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 16:20
  • msg #9

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to Hammer (msg # 8):

Following Hammer's lead, Desiraye draws out her laser pistol as she appraoched closer to the mob and takes aim at the leader with the sword.  "You've had your fun here for the night!  Take you and your friends somewhere else.  There's already been enough people hurt here this evening!"

STR/STA: 65/62
DEX/RS: 60/60

IM: 6


Beam Weapons: 6 [DEX:30 + 60 = 90%]

Firing 2 shots at [4] SEU (DAM: 4d10+8) leader with the sword & eye patch if him or his men make any threatening moves towards us or the downed Vrusk.
player, 542 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 18:12
  • msg #10

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Following the cue of his companions Professor Kri'lik does the same and draws his heavy beam pistol. It to is pointed at the leader.

"We are not the common sort you are used to preying upon. Take one more step towards us and you die!"

Persuasion - 30% + empathy implant.

If Desi fires I will as well, two shots 5d10 dmg, 45% at the leader.

player, 336 posts
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 21:12
  • msg #11

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Without a word, S'Krllk draws his needler. Expressionless, he draws a bead on one of the seven thugs.
GM Heath
GM, 1704 posts
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 18:54
  • msg #12

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Your boldness has taken them by surprise.  Just as the leader points and says, "Get the Vrusk!" your shots fire out, taking the leader down.

The other seven thugs turn and charge, aiming primarily for the Vrusk in the group -- S'Krllk and Kri'lik.

One of the thugs (thug 1) drops his club and grabs the leader's sonic sword as he rushes at you.  Another (thug 2) reaches down and grabs an automatic pistol from the leader's holster, where he stands back to fire.

The other five thugs are armed as follows:

Thug 3: Vibroknife
Thug 4: Knife
Thug 5: Knife
Thug 6: Club
Thug 7: Club

All the thugs have military skeinsuits.


Thug 1 is charging at S'Krllk
Thug 2 is aiming at Desiraye.
Thug 3 is charging at Kri'lik
Thug 4 is chargin at S'Krllk
Thug 5 is charging at Kri'lik
Thug 6 is charging at S'Krllk
Thug 7 is charging at Hammer
Player, 98 posts
Pause. Computing.
Tue 26 Jun 2012
at 00:08
  • msg #13

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer fires at Thug 7.
player, 543 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Tue 26 Jun 2012
at 01:59
  • msg #14

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

"So that's it. You all are ready to die! So be it!" The professor yells. My goodness what am I becoming. I am supposed to preserve life not take it. But if I do nothing I will surely perish. Acting quickly Kri'lik draws his laser pistol into his left hand and brings both weapons to bear upon the advancing foe.

Persuasion - 30% + empathy implant.

Firing 2 shots from each pistol at thug number 3. Rules say -10% per shot, but do not say cumulative. Laser pistol set to 5 SEU (5d10), Frontier heavy blaster (5d10).
45% base -10= 35% each.

GM Heath
GM, 1705 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 00:15
  • msg #15

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Waiting on S'krllk and Desiraye's actions.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1291 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 00:52
  • msg #16

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Already having her weapon pointed in the direction of the 'leader', Desiraye brings the sights of her laser pistol on the thug who picked up the auto-pistol and fires at him twice.

STR/STA: 65/62
 DEX/RS: 60/60

IM: 6


Beam Weapons: 6 [DEX:30 + 60 = 90%]

Firing 2 shots at [4] SEU (DAM: 4d10+8) at the thug picking up the autopistol

player, 337 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 01:32
  • msg #17

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk fires his needler, aiming first at the thugs charging him directly. Being S'Krllk, what he hits is determined by factors other than what he aims at.
GM Heath
GM, 1706 posts
Mon 2 Jul 2012
at 20:21
  • msg #18

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)


The 7 remaining thugs advance.

Hammer fires at and hits Thug 7 with two of three shots.  (32 STA damage.)

Kri'lik pulls out an extra laser pistol and fires 2 shots from each, with marginal success at hitting Thug 3.  (25 STA damage)

Desiraye fires two well aimed shots at the thug picking up the weapon from the leader, taking him down.  (55 STA damage; thug unconscious)

S'krllk fires his needler but misses the thug.

The remaining 6 thugs reach you and attack...

S'krllk is hit with a knife and a club.  (16 STA damage.)

Kri'lik is hit with a vibroknife.  (16 STA damage.)

The remaining thugs miss.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1292 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 02:40
  • msg #19

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 18):

Not changing her setting instead changing her focus on attacking two [2] seperate thugs wih he laser pistol.  Desiraye yells to her companions trying to inspire them, "C'mon now!  Fight like your life depends on it!"

 STR/STA: 65/62
  DEX/RS: 60/60

IM: 6


Beam Weapons: 6 [DEX:30 + 60 = 90%]
20 SEU Clip: 12/20 SEU

Firing 2 shots at [4] SEU (DAM: 4d10+8) at two of the closest and threatening thugs
player, 338 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 05:13
  • msg #20

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

S'Krllk murmurs something about knowing who to shoot, and fires at the thug attacking him with a club. "I will not be cracked by the likes of you!"
Player, 99 posts
Pause. Computing.
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 19:53
  • msg #21

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer fires 3 more shots at thug 7.
player, 544 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 23:10
  • msg #22

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Kri'lik fires four more shots into the closest thug, hoping to disable him quickly.

35% hit. Last two shots from the heavy blaster (5d10 each)
GM Heath
GM, 1707 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 23:20
  • msg #23

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)


Thug 7 goes down with Hammer's shot. (6 remaining.)

Kri'lik takes down thug 4.  (5 remaining.)

S'krllk hits thug 6 and hurts him.

Desi fires a round of shots.  She hits with one shot and takes out thug 5 as she gets him in the side of the head.  (4 remaining.)

The 4 thugs attack...

This time, Kri'lik his hit with a club, but only takes 4 damage.  The other thugs miss.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1293 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 00:11
  • msg #24

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 23):

Desiraye knows she only has enough energy for one good shot left.  She turns her laser pistols sights on one of the remaining thugs and fires her last round.

STR/STA: 65/62
DEX/RS: 60/60

IM: 6


Beam Weapons: 6 [DEX:30 + 60 = 90%]
20 SEU Clip: 16/20 SEU

Firing 1 shots at [4] SEU (DAM: 4d10+8) at [1] of the closest and threatening thugs
Player, 100 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 17:07
  • msg #25

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Hammer punches the thug that S'krllk is attacking with the club.
player, 339 posts
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 19:08
  • msg #26

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Having fired at the thug with the club, S'Krllk switches targets and fires at the one with the knife.

14:07, Today: S'Krllk rolled 11 using 1d100+10. shoot the knifing thug.

player, 545 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 20:09
  • msg #27

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Trying something different, Kri'lik strikes out with the depleted blaster at the nearest foe then fires two more shots from his laser pistol at the same target.
GM Heath
GM, 1708 posts
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 20:15
  • msg #28

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

One more thug is taken down, and the remainder scatter into the night.

The two Vrusk the thugs were attacking are in bad shape and need immediate medical attention.  (-28 STA and 2 STA.)

"Help us," pleads the one who is still conscious.  You will need to help yourselves because there is no help or aid anywhere around.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1294 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 02:43
  • msg #29

Re: Dark Side of the Moon 1-3 (Investigation)

Desiraye quickly reloads her laser pistol with a fresh powerclip and then returns it to her spring holster.  She turns to the others, "Kri'lik, S'Krllk, tend to the wounded!  Hammer, secure the one's that are down and their weapons in case they get any funny ideas if they wake up."  Desiraye walks over to the Vrsuk that is still conscious and asks, "You're safe now.  We're here to help you!"
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