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22:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2.

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
Bartja Nemuco
player, 507 posts
Wed 12 Dec 2012
at 23:32
  • msg #20

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"Let's go out on the town while we're here and see how the local humans feel about the Vrusk, the unrest, and the Legrange murder.  Maybe we can still find someone who can get us a pass into the Kipur district."
GM Heath
GM, 1785 posts
Thu 13 Dec 2012
at 01:27
  • msg #21

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

You talk to the people, who generally dislike the Vrusk but don't want to talk too much to those with Vrusk in their company such as you.  They are for the most part ambivalent about the murder of LeGrange, seeing it as a burden on their lives with the curfew and riots.  But they don't really want to talk much to strangers.  Jedsis is fairly well dilapidated and has slums.  There is distrust among everyone.

You eat lunch and try some more.  Finally, an antique shop owner gives you the name of "Ejidali" and some directions on how to find him.  "In the Black Market area," he says, giving you directions there.  Then a customer walks in the door, and he quickly shuts his mouth and promptly ignores you and walks off.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 508 posts
Thu 13 Dec 2012
at 07:42
  • msg #22

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

Stepping up close to Desi and the Vrusks so they will not be overheard, Bartja can't help but feel they've gained a small victory here.

"I'm tempted to buy a useless vase just for that tip" he says, indicating the shop keeper who has abandoned them to wait on the other customers.  "Shall we head to the Black Market area and do as he has suggested to locate this Ejidali, or are we walking into a trap?

If it turns out to be some sort of trap, is that all bad?  Should we not find a way to get in touch with the underground elements on this planet?"

player, 590 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 13 Dec 2012
at 15:21
  • msg #23

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"Its the best lead we had at the moment. I say we go check it out, and if it is a trap...well we have been through worse."
GM Heath
GM, 1786 posts
Thu 13 Dec 2012
at 18:12
  • msg #24

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

You follow the shopkeeper's advice.  It takes an hour of walking, and gettinga  bit lost at times in Jedsis, but you eventually find some back streets.  On the front, it looks like people selling everyday items -- fruitstands, magazine racks, small cafes.  But it seems a little more serene here, as if the crime rate here is kept artificially low by someone other than the law.

You find Ejidali, and he denies everything.  Then you explain you are offworlders, and he seems to look at Kri'lik and S'Krllk in a new light.

"Okay, okay," he says.  "I can get you passes.  They'll seem legit.  No problems with security.  The total cost will be 1000 creds and I need you to...well...lift something for me.  I'll have someone get it off you as soon as you're out.  You won't have a problem with that, will you?"  He seems to wait for a response, looking at you closely to make sure you're on the level.

It is now mid-afternoon.
player, 591 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 14 Dec 2012
at 07:00
  • msg #25

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"As long as the passes will work, you got a deal."
Bartja Nemuco
player, 509 posts
Fri 14 Dec 2012
at 08:44
  • msg #26

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

Bartja nods his head in eager agreement with Kri'lik.  "Yeah yeah!  The problems you guys are having here aren't universal and we're not hear to save the planet... least not that we know about anyway."

His tone changing somewhat to a friendly banter, Bartja continues; "If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions - although I'll preface them by saying we want to do this for you but it almost feels like we're paying to play when it's usually the other-way-round for us.  We normally get paid for jobs like this - and I dare say we're good at it!

Sounds risky, so maybe we do this job for you and we get the passes as payment?  We'll put up the 1,000 credits for security, but we'd like to get it back once we perform the job to your satisfaction.  We don't get out with your prize and you get the thousand cred.  We get out, hand over the prize, and we get back the thousand.  We would be willing to leave it with someone we both can trust - if you can think of such a person.

So here are my questions, and I think they're prudent.

What is it that we will be lifting?  Also, we want to be sure we're prepared for the heavy stuff, if you know what I mean.  Do you have any samples of your work or recommend someone who can verify that your passes won't land us in prison?"

Desiraye Lipost
player, 1367 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sun 16 Dec 2012
at 02:33
  • msg #27

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

Desiraye looks around and then addresses Ejidali, "A thousand shouldn't be a problem and if they work, even better.  How long is this going to take and is there any shops that sells weapons around here while we wait?"
GM Heath
GM, 1788 posts
Tue 15 Jan 2013
at 19:56
  • msg #28

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

OOC: Okay, guys, hopefully we're all back and ready to go.

RECAP:  You are in the black market talking to Ejidali.  He will get you passes to get past security for 1000 credits and bringing him back something.

When Bartja questions his work, he says, "Hey, you came to me, right?  You want my help or not?"  He won't budge on the 1000 credits, but says you can put 500 up front and 500 when you get back, and then he'll give you a weapon that could prove useful, even though it's not technically legal.

When asked what he wants lifted, he says it is a vial and syringe in Lab 148, marked as "V180984."  It is small and will go unnoticed if you get past security.

"Best to go in the morning," he says, "when everyone's going in to work. I'll get your passes ready in a couple hours, and I'll get you some lab coats too, if you want."
Bartja Nemuco
player, 511 posts
Wed 16 Jan 2013
at 01:04
  • msg #29

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

Intrigued by the prospect of a new weapon, Bartja concedes. "Sounds like a plan! Just humans going in? I'm thinking on this world, my presence will stick out like a sore digit."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1371 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Wed 16 Jan 2013
at 02:26
  • msg #30

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

Bartja Nemuco:
Intrigued by the prospect of a new weapon, Bartja concedes. "Sounds like a plan! Just humans going in? I'm thinking on this world, my presence will stick out like a sore digit."

"Half up front and the rest on delivery sounds reasonable.  What kind of weapon you got there for us?  Is it to get in or out of the place?

I guess you and Hammer will be our look-outs.  If the Doc and S'Krllk can't get in with me, I'm nominated to go in.  Not sure if that's the best idea but, I'm probably the best one to shoot their way out,"
Desiraye says with a sly smile to Bartja.
player, 594 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Wed 16 Jan 2013
at 15:20
  • msg #31

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"If we must do this to get what we want then lets go."
GM Heath
GM, 1789 posts
Wed 16 Jan 2013
at 17:04
  • msg #32

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

Ejidali says, "You going into research labs and high society area, right?  Your race matter not a whit there.  No discrimination, or so they say.  I go not there myself.  The weapon I acquire for you is...kind of dart gun, let's say.  I get you one rifle version that break down into components and fit in case, and one pistol.  Each hold 10 darts, reusable.  I get you 20 darts and chemicals to put in darts.  Good deal, no?  Should be peaceful.  No shooting.  Just don't get caught stealing, or I never knew you."  He grins.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 512 posts
Thu 17 Jan 2013
at 01:24
  • msg #33

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

Bartja flashes him a toothy grin in return.  "Once this is done, no matter who asks, we never knew you either!" 

Looking at Desiraye, he asks "Is that a weapon you're good with?  I'm not much of a marksman myself, but I like toys!  I would like to reverse engineer one of these dart guns and see if I can't make some small improvements to it.

But for now, are they something we could sneak into this lab without getting caught - just in case we need to defend ourselves once inside?"
he finishes, turning back to Ejidali.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1372 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 17 Jan 2013
at 09:32
  • msg #34

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

GM Heath:
Ejidali says, "You going into research labs and high society area, right?  Your race matter not a whit there.  No discrimination, or so they say.  I go not there myself.  The weapon I acquire for you is...kind of dart gun, let's say.  I get you one rifle version that break down into components and fit in case, and one pistol.  Each hold 10 darts, reusable.  I get you 20 darts and chemicals to put in darts.  Good deal, no?  Should be peaceful.  No shooting.  Just don't get caught stealing, or I never knew you."  He grins.

"We planned on forgeting about you when we were done with our business.  However, if we needed your services again, we would keep you in mind!

Once we have a chance to look at them Bartja, have at it.  I'm thinking the rifle may be too big to bring for this kind of task but, I have another less than lethal option in my suitcase back at the room that may serve us well.

I prefer laser weapons but, I've had some training with gyro and projectile style weapons.  I can always get better,"
she says to her companion.
player, 595 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 17 Jan 2013
at 15:30
  • msg #35

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"So I assume given these dart guns our pistols we have now are not allowed in the 'high society' area?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1373 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 18 Jan 2013
at 02:27
  • msg #36

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"So I assume given these dart guns our pistols we have now are not allowed in the 'high society' area?"

"I think in this instance that it would be good for us to incapacitate someone rather than a deadly force option.  We want to steal something and get away fairly clean with no dead bodies.  Warm, sleeping bodies should recover quickly enough."
player, 596 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Fri 18 Jan 2013
at 15:28
  • msg #37

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"Likely you are correct." Looking down the Frontiersman Heavy Pistol strapped to his left leg the doctor adds, "Good thing this blaster has a stun setting then!"
GM Heath
GM, 1790 posts
Fri 18 Jan 2013
at 16:44
  • msg #38

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

He clarifies his offer:  "I'm sorry, but you do not receive the guns until I receive the syringe.  It's my insurance to make sure you'll actually come back to follow through on the deal."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1374 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 19 Jan 2013
at 04:00
  • msg #39

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"Agreed then.  We will get you your stuff.  I understand the trust isn't there yet but, if this works out for us all, maybe we can do some more business together?"
player, 365 posts
Sat 19 Jan 2013
at 06:16
  • msg #40

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"I prefer using a needler, myself. There's some sort of irony in replying to lethal force with a non-lethal alternative that makes me feel one step ahead of the universe that's trying to kill me."
"Strangely incompetent, this universe we're in."

S'Krllk fiddles with his bodycomp, "Maybe this time they'll be better."
Bartja Nemuco
player, 513 posts
Sat 19 Jan 2013
at 06:28
  • msg #41

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

Bartja nods in acceptance and cracks his knuckles.  "Well, I prefer not to use weapons if it can be avoided.  Hell, I don't even like fighting much, but we'll do this for you.

Just promise me you're not going to unleash a deadly virus on the Vrusk population.  No, wait!  If you are, I don't want to know anything about it..."

Bartja turns to go, then looks back.  "Do we have the directions and the ID's?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1375 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 19 Jan 2013
at 15:48
  • msg #42

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

"I plan on going in using nothing but less-than-lethal force, IF we even need too.  I would prefer not to but, I'm not ready to meet my maker yet or being told what to do and when to do it in a penal colony.  If you don't feel comfortable getting your hands dirty, leave it to me.

We had a discussion when we got off of Volturnus about cross-skills training for all of us.  I think I'm the only, trained military person we have in our group.  We seem pretty sound in most of the other technicsal areas.  Personally, I think we could use another operator dedicated to either a military PSA and or one from the biosocial background, maybe environmental?"

Bartja Nemuco
player, 514 posts
Sat 19 Jan 2013
at 20:37
  • msg #43

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

Bartja taps the artificial side of his skull.  "Learning to shoot is hard!  Rigging up robotics and programming them to help my shooting - much easier.  If there's a lot of blasting our way out, you're the one to take the lead there.  I'll do what I can, but can't promise much accuracy when push comes to shove.

Now if we find any fancy robots in there, those I might be able to handle.

Are we going to be able to take in a toolkit?"
he asks before they leave.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1376 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 21 Jan 2013
at 03:18
  • msg #44

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 2

In reply to Bartja Nemuco (msg # 43):

"I get what you're saying Bartja.  I'm just saying that I'm only one person to shoot back!  We all have our expertise's within the group.  I wouldn't even know which screw to turn first to open up a robot so, maybe we need to look into utilizing robots o our side for support?"
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