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I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Posted by ST-JediFor group archive 0
GM, 65 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Tue 30 Oct 2012
at 10:41
  • msg #1

I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Rules for this post:  Choose one of these songs listed below.  It is your "Theme Song" for this post.  It can't be another song and no, I won't alter this list.  There is a reason for this particular list.  If you absolutely cannot find a song on this list that you think is suitable for your character then I guess you miss out.  :P

Treat it as though the song were playing in the background so that if someone were reading your little scene and listening to the song, they would "get it"  If you are having trouble with this concept, ask, and I will try to elaborate a little more.

Onto the Good Stuff:  This is a special look into your character!  This is your chance to have the spotlight in the opening credits!  You are the boss!  Be as creative as you wish.  In this particular scene, you are calling the shots, so there is no dice rolling.  Think of it like the opening credits in a television show where each of the characters gets a little summary of their awesomeness.  That's what you get to do here.  Make it as long as you wish, but it must be a minimum of 3 3-5 sentence paragraphs.

Here's What You Can't Do:  You can't metagame another PC or NPC.  A Mortal is okay.  Don't be dumb.  You're not the prince, after all.  :P  That's pretty much it.

Theme Song List

01. You're Going Down (Sick Puppies)
02. Pumped Up Kicks (Foster the People)
03. Copperhead Road (Steve Earle)
04. Song of the South (Alabama)
05. Dream On (Aerosmith)
06. Old Time Rock & Roll (Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band)
07. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2)
08. *Foreplay/Longtime (Boston)
09. Livin' On A Prayer (Bon Jovi)
10. Shadow of the Day (Linkin Park)
11. Rockstar (Nickelback)
12. *Takin' Care of Business (Bachman Turner Overdrive)
13. *Gimme Three Steps (Lynard Skynard)
14. Ready to Go (Republica)
15. 3rd Rock From The Sun (Joe Diffie)
16. Paradise City (Guns N Roses)
17. (S)aint (Marylin Manson)
18. The Warrior (Scandal)
19. *I Heard it Through the Grapevine (Creedance Clearwater Revival)
20. A Country Boy Can Survive (Hank Williams Jr)
21. Spirit In The Sky (Norman Greenbaum)
22. Bring Me To Life (Evanescence)
23. Runnin' Down A Dream (Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers)
24. *Twilight Zone (Golden Earring)
25. Stiff Upper Lip (AC DC)

* Using one of these songs is worth an additional +1 experience points
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 3 posts
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 01:30
  • msg #2

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Using the Skinny Puppies song.

The basement was always fairly well illuminated with old florescent lights, giving the bare, unfinished concrete on the walls and floor a greenish tint. There was a large tarpaulin on the floor, Josh could feel it on his feet, even though he couldn't see it thanks to the duct tape wrapped around his eyes. One eye had been caught open when the tape was put around his head. It itched and burned, but Josh couldn't rub it as his arms were tied to his sides and the rear legs of the chair. He could move them only an inch or so. Behind him would be two large plastic bins and a barrel of some kind of acid. The smell stung his nose. Josh couldn't remember the name. His body would be cut up, and put in the bins, then the acid would be poured in until his body liquefied, then it would be poured into a storm drain.

Josh knew all of this because he used to be on the giving end of this treatment. That was until he got busted by the cops. For the last week he had been feeding them information, but his old boss, that weird Indian guy, apparently had contacts everywhere...

He heard the heavy steel door open then close. Madhu Ahkilesh. Supposedly his name meant Honeyed Demon. Josh thought now that it was fitting. His old boss was always so calm, always had just the right words to get you to do his bidding, or to defuse a situation, and he was certainly a monster. Josh had stood behind where he was now three other times before now, and the scenes were always gruesome. Madhu would have a scalpel, a taser, a bottle of acid, a hammer, and pliers.

The tape was cut off. Josh cried out as the adhesive ripped his eyelashes away, blinking furiously. He looked at Madhu and he sobbed.

"I am disappointed in you Joshua. I had high hopes for you. You could have been my friend. Instead... you chose to be my enemy." Madhu sighed and watched Josh squirm. The man was gagged. The Brujah had no interest in hearing his pleas for mercy. Joshua had known the stakes, and he had not only lied, but he had betrayed Madhu, to the police no less. Madhu had known the night Joshua had been busted, of course, and had been feeding him false information ever since, so no damage was done, but still... It was the principle of the matter.

"You know what's coming don't you?" Lifting the hammer high into the air Madhu brought it down between Josh's legs. His eyes bulged, and he threw up. The gag was removed, mostly to stop him from drowning. "I know you told them everything Joshua. I knew the night you were busted with that girl. Didn't you notice your assignments had changed? You've been fed false information ever since. Dead end after dead end, and they promised you protection?" Madhu smirked and poured the acid over Joshua's head, and as Joshua screamed he knew this pain would last for hours until he begged to die...
Yuki Nagasawa
Camarilla PC, 1 post
Man 3, Cha 2, App 4
Sx, Csx, Rx
Mon 5 Nov 2012
at 00:16
  • msg #3

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life


An undead arises from its ashes, a ghoul dies in its place ... the heavy oak doors of the Chantry open up. Lights of the mustang flicker for a moment. Foot steps onto the pebbled area. A hand opens the door of the driversseat. The interior lights slowly come to life. A short red dressed female in her late 20's slides in gracefully. Softly cursing removing her high heeled shoes, rubbing the calf of her ankle and slipping into a pair of worn out shoes. Her hand reaches to the place where 2 deep teethmarks had been just recently. As if checking for blood, somehow it still hurted. Pursing her lips a couple of times letting her tongue erotically slide across it. Did this woman still taste blood. Then as she opens up her purse she takes out a deep red lipstick and looks into the rearmirror.


"Damnation be damned. You havent aged a day sweetheart" Yuki blew herself a kiss and turned the switch to fire up the engine of her mustang. A deep low roar could be heard. Yuki reached to the radio and flipped through a series of radio networks. Nothing, why did they have to wait to air some propper music .. then

"My kind of song, lets go .." Slowly the Mustangs wheels started to roll towards the gates that lead into/out of the Chantries propporty. Once onto the paved road Yuki let her feet sink deeper onto the gasthrottle. With that the Mustang shot forward. Destination would be her own apartment. Somehow a few weeks before she had gotten a notice the letting of the apartment would be terminated in a week. Having read the letter Yuki had panicked at first. Now, she knew better. She would lave the apartment for good and take up residence within the chantries walls.

Turning on the music louder Yuki reflected upon herself how the past 5 years had been. All the dirty work, the research, the things she had seen and that what she would miss. Had it been precognition that she had bathed herself into the glory of the morning sun just a day ago ? She understood well that doing that again would mean the final solution to an undeads life. Among other options that was to say. Perhaps a century from now she would have found the solution to

".. bring me to life" With that he mustang took a turn and into the lane where she would collect her belongings. One last time.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:53, Thu 08 Nov 2012.
Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 4 posts
Assamite Politician
Wed 7 Nov 2012
at 21:08
  • msg #4

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Dream On (Aerosmith)

It was a somber event, her uncle had asced her to come, granted he wasn't really her uncle, but he was her godfather, and the next best thing to a father she had, his wife the closest thing toa  mother she had ever had.

His wife was the reason she was present this evening, she had died of old age, not much of a surprise really, but considering their relationship while both women ahd been alive, it was only natural for her to be invited.
"Ah good evening, aren't you Patricks girl?.
I swear you haven't changed in the slightest."

one of the policement at the funeral asked her, after parting from the group, she didn't recognize him.

She hadn't made it for the service, it had been during the day, but the wake was in the evening, and she'd promised she'd be there.
"Yes, I'm sorry, I've bene out of town for a few years, a lot of faces seem to judt... flow together"
Her 'uncle' came to her rescue.
"this is Pete, he was my partner after your old man passed away, until I got myself a solid desk"
She beamed a smile at her uncle, then at Pete.
"ah, was he rough on you?, believe me, I know how he gets.
Please excuse me, I'll go pay my respects now"

She smiled and winked at the younger officer, before moving past them, to the cask where her 'aunt' lay, unmoving.
even now, with my own heartbeat only a faint memory, i can't seem to observe the truly dead without that sadness
she sighed, reaching to touch her aunts hand, gently resting hers on it.
I hope the lord takes good care of you, you were always a kind 'mother' to me

She turned, and saw her uncle regard her with a frown furrowing his brow.
"I am sorry uncle, but I cannot stay long, you know how it gets"

She reached within her bag, and withdrew a small brooch, a token really, one which she now fastened to her mothers garb, a small dove holding what seemed to be an olive branch.

Then she returned to ehr uncle, and gave him a hug on the way out.
"please take care of yourself old man, you're all i have left"
the lie, the pretense, it was rough on her near these people about whom she ha cared while mortal, whom she still cared about, but it was necessary, for their safety.

Ignetz hadn't been too happy with the idea fo her going, nor with her staying in contact with her uncle, but while he could have forced the issue, and kept her away from them, he had realized the contact allowed her to stay grounded, and he realized that her ucnle only had a few more years to live, he had extracted from her a promise though, that her uncle would be the alst of her mortal relatives she maintained contact with, once he was gone there was to be no more, an easy promise to make, everyone else with whom she had mortal ties lived far away, so they both knew it was one easily kept.
By then her transition into an undead monster should be complete, but maintaining cotnrol of the beast, that would be an eternal struggle, one she would win every day she gave it no ground.

The driver looked up as she approached the limo.
"are you ready to leave Mistress?"

she nodded to him, regarding the servant-ghoul for a moment before proceeding to the door he opened for her.
"Yes Ismail, let us return home to our family"
Then she entered the limo, leaning back and closing her eyes, resting while she had the option to.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 1 post
Thu 8 Nov 2012
at 19:39
  • msg #5

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Twilight Zone (Golden Earring)"
Damn didnt even know this group, great song to discover, I thought it was just the twilight zone theme song.

1st October 2010 - Ghent (Belgium) 00:15 am,_night.jpg
The watch on his wrist ticked slowly, he could hear it with an acute precision that he wouldn't have believed possible but a few months ago, his senses, his strength, his reflexes... they all had been awakened since that first drink of blood, Virgil's blood, just the mere thought of it made him long for more.

The watch on his wrist ticked slowly. Time seemed to sluggishly advance as he waited for the call. He was lying on an old bed, that was probably full of tics or worse, and looked at the ceiling of his room in that cheap hotel, "La belle vue", cracked and stained, with its paint hanging in tatters, and at the corners showing stains of moss and humidity.

The place was crap, a brothel advertised as a hotel with red neons, where whores from all the centre of the city came with their customers. Screams of pleasure and pain faked and real could be heard through the thin walls, and he might have even felt aroused were it not for the anxiety he felt. 'What was going on? why the delay ?'.

He breathed in and out, slowly concentrating on the burning thread in the bare lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, he was now regaining ownership of his life "It was never your life, ass wipe" came unbidden, the voice of Virgil back to his mind. And he had been right, now he would regain it, and to do so, he needed to face his fears, and end all ties... his 'friend' the one who had betrayed him, and well... the russians.

He was still trying to decide who would prove harder to kill. He had never killed, and to go from there to killing a friend... even a betraying bastard... well, that was a quantum leap. On the other hand, to think that he would also take a band of armed russian mobs... well, that was damn right crazy... how had he got there ?... his head seemed to spin, a vertigo sensation overcoming him, fear gripping his stomach.

The watch on his wrist continued to tick slowly, and his head continued to spin and spin. It felt unreal. He closed his eyes, and continued to breathe in and out, as the gay couple next door, fucked their asses to oblivion.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:10, Sat 10 Nov 2012.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 2 posts
Thu 8 Nov 2012
at 22:08
  • msg #6

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Twilight Zone (Golden Earring)"

1st October 2010 - Ghent (Belgium) 01:45 am - At "The Belle Vue" Hotel
A lone loud bang on the door woke him, could it be possible, had he fallen asleep ? 'Fuck fuck fuck... you are never going to make it if you loose yourself like this Alexandre' he thought as he collected himself and tried to make sense of what he had heard.

As his wits returned to him so did the fear. He tried to control it by concentrating on the problem... what had that noise been ?, a gun? some fucking next room ?... nah, the fucking had all but stopped and only some faint shouts and panting "Oui oui oui" could be heard. Probably a flamish bitch with a walloon customer if one was to judge the bad french accent she had.

That left the door... or a gunshot.

He had been expecting a call, no more, but he was a curious cat and so he carefully opened the door to the badly lit corridor.  There, lying on the floor, a huge man with squarely cropped blond hair was staining with his own blood, the orange and blue carpet that ran all along the hall with cigaret burns scattered all over.

'A gunshot then.' he thought curiously detached of the whole scene. A huge hole with feathers stuck on it gaped from the russian guy's forehead as a third eye oozing a pinkish milkshake of red and light grey. He had been shot muffling the shot with a pillow... or so it looked. Anyway, he knew the guy... it was one of those he had come to kill.

He quickly bent and pulled the corpse into the room, looked around to check there was no one, and broke the light on the bulb in the corridor by his door, so that the blood on the floor would not be seen. He went back into the room closed the door, and looked at the man, the gun, and the backpack that someone had carefully lay on top of the mans belly.

Yevgeny, had been the man's name... he remembered. But what was he doing here ?. He picked up the gun, it was still warm, a gleaming and well cared for, a Benelli M4 Super 90, black as hell, and still warm. Alexandre picked it up and left it on his right side, on the bed after inspecting it and checking it was loaded and in perfect working condition.... it was an excellent gun for what he had come to do, one shot usually did it, and as long as he was close enough, it was practically impossible to miss.

He picked up the bag, it was a sleek small sports backpack reinforced to wear tight on on the body, the Benelli would fit inside if pulled to its main pieces, and still one could even wear a coat on top of the backpack. Inside, there was a note, a vial, some lock picks and a big knife in a plain leather strap that could be adjusted to arm or leg.  He didn't do it though, he just put the knife in one of his coat's pocket, and the lock picks on the other.

That done, he took the note and the vial. It was his Virgil's handwriting, with a quickly scratched note on the back of it in another's handwriting:
"I fed your fucking friend information about your coming back, and charming residence at the hotel... I am sure it will make things easier for you, as you will see... but thats as far as I will go, you do the rest. Soon as you receive this get your bloody ass moving and finish their bloody excuses of lives to gain yours back. Fear ends now, I pay the drink tonight, do this well, and I'll give you what's yours by right".

On the back of the paper it just said: "This one was mighty fast, he was here 5 mins after the information leek... your friend has sold you out... 'again'. Get moving, they are coming for you". It was just signed with a letter B.

"Fuck". He took the vial and went to the mirror with the small lavatory. His hands were shaking and he almost dropped the vial. "Fuck Fuck Fuck" he stopped himself, closed his eyes, and looked at the mirror at his reflection. His traits were slowly changing and he could barely recognize himself on the mirror any more. His hair had grown incredibly thick, and his skin was turning thicker and thicker, and taking a leathery feel... some girls were starting to shone him, and he had always had a touch with girls.

He looked again, setting his jaw, his black eyes seemed harder, he had made a decision, he thought he had made it before but no, he was making it just now.

He opened the vial without trouble and drank it all, picked up the benelli, put the backpack and then his coat on, looked around one last time to check that he had not left anything behind that could incriminate him somehow and looked at his watch before leaving that sorry excuse of a room.

It was 2 am, and the fear was gone.  He had work to do.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:11, Thu 08 Nov 2012.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 3 posts
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 18:30
  • msg #7

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Twilight Zone (Golden Earring)"

1st October 2010 - Ghent (Belgium) 02:00 am - At "The Belle Vue" Hotel
"The russians are already in my tracks... so them first, my dear old friend Caesar next" he whispered to himself as he got in motion.

His jaw was set and his pulse was firm, when he heard the steps climbing up the stairs. He felt dead like a fish and exhilarated at the same time, he quickly took the corpse and lay it on the bed, covering it with the sheets, turned off the lights and put his back to the wall, next to the door, waiting for the two climbing the steps to enter the room.

They were not subtle, the bashed the door with a kick, and busted into the room heading straight for the body on the bed and shooting it on sight. Flashes of light and loud bangs woke the whole hotel as they emptied their magazines.

It was easy... liberating even. Two shots point blank in quick succession. Two big wholes on their backs. Searched their bodies, picked up money, phones and an extra gun, and jumped off the window to the streets below.

He knew where to find them, their headquarter brought nasty memories to him of endless beatings and torture trying to regain a money he never had.. 'Damn damn damn Caesar'. But he knew the fault was all his... hadn't he robbed it for his friend?.

He advanced quickly through the cold wet streets next to the canals hiding his shotgun under the coat.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:31, Sat 10 Nov 2012.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 5 posts
Wed 14 Nov 2012
at 17:58
  • msg #8

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Twilight Zone (Golden Earring)"

1st October 2010 - Ghent (Belgium) 03:00 am - Old building by canal(Ghent Centre)
Alexander reached the tram bridge on the canal behind the building that the russians used. It was a beautiful building in front of the castle. Sergei would most likely be there with a handful of his men. It was his private residence, but as he had no family he kept the top floor for himself, and let his most trusted live in the lower floor using them as guards and service.

img: ""

There was a small cornice running a bit higher than the water that went all the way to their house. The house itself, had a small door to the canal, but it would be locked and guarded, so he decided to try climbing the wall.

He looked once again at the dirty canal were the night shadows played tricks on his eyes making him see rats and other filth everywhere. He secured the shotgun to his back, jumped to the ledge and moved along carefully till he reached the building. Once there, he started climbing. He was not an expert climber by a long shot, but the brick walls were old, and he knew that today everything was to end, one way or the other. The liberation he felt made him relish every moment, awake, feeling the mortar, the brick, the old plumb drains that he used to push himself up.

The window was surprisingly open, Sergei was a paranoid weirdo that would have never left the window open. He thought everything had gone to hell, they had discovered his plans to kill them, and set a trap for him. However, he could hear someone snoring on the bed. He moved in closer, afraid to turn on any lights or make any noises.

On the bed, snoring like a pig was Caesar, naked with two young bitches and a few empty bottles laying on the bed.... The bastard had been celebrating, must have called on Sergei as soon as he heard the news of his arrival and location... 'Le fils de pute'... so that was what his Sire had meant when he said that feeding that information to Caesar would make things easier for him... he knew he'd have doubts and maybe not kill his old friend even after his first treason...

He looked down and found he had the big knife already in his hand, he didn't even recall reaching for it. He had the time to think about it... and decided not to even wake him. He placed the knife carefully between two vertebrae on his nape, and hit it with the palm of his other hand... not even a twitch.

He left the room through the door, careful not to wake the bitches, and closed the door. Now... the rest... and Sergei.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:00, Wed 14 Nov 2012.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 2 posts
Fri 16 Nov 2012
at 03:30
  • msg #9

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Shadow of the Day (linkin park)

In the club, the audience was buzzing in anticipation. The rumors had circulated that after an unexplained hiatus, DJ Inferno was back. Charlotte's big stamp on the underground music scene, DJ had been on the verge of going national when he dropped completely off the radar. Given that the mysterious musician was reclusive to begin with, all it did was spurn more talk and rumors about what he could be up to. Now he was back, and the club was packed to the gills.

Backstage, DJ stared at the ceiling. This was it, his first public appearance since his Embrace, since everything had changed. She had seemed like just another fan at first but quickly proved to be anything but ordinary.

Behind him, the twins were passed out on the couch. He felt bad about draining them so badly but he needed the juice for his upcoming night. He forced the blood to give his skin a more natural, albeit still pale, hue. They would be fine...probably. It didn't matter though, not to his mind. The performance, the music was all that mattered now.

When he stepped out into the spotlight, he didn't hear the roar of the crowd. He didn't hear the club announcer praising him. He didn't hear the women in the front screaming their ears off. All he heard was the music.

When he started the first song, mixing up an old, familiar tune by laying down a drum beat and pounding on his synthesizer, the crowd fell silent. In his mind, everything had faded away as soon as the first musical note hit the air. The blood coursed through his veins as he poured himself into the music. In an earlier time he might have described it as pouring his soul into it but he knew that part of him was gone. Instead, something else was there instead. Sadness? Loss? Something darker?

It permeated his music, and even though it was intense and energetic the mortals couldn't help but hear the sadness in the tune. The words said one thing but the melody said another.

Time had ceased passing for him, all that mattered as the tune he was being forced to play. He couldn't have stopped if he wanted to, like an addict with the needle touching his arm. All he could do was ride it out, take the plunge.

When the last note faded, when he was finally free of his own music, the crowd was slack jawed. Tears were pouring down the eyes of many of the crowd, so powerful was his music, was his Presence. After an awkward silence the cheering sounded. The club felt like it was going to vibrate apart from the noise, but DJ didn't hear any of it.

With the music finally out of him, he just felt empty. The rest of his set that night was solid but everyone knew nothing else he did that night compared to that first beautiful, sad song. Sure the critics and fans cheered but after the set, DJ couldn't help but feel like something had left him that he would never recover. As long as the music kept flowing he could keep filling up that gaping void where his soul had been but he instinctively knew that one night he wouldn't be able to fill it anymore, the music would stop flowing.

DJ figured that would be the night he would stay out to watch the sunrise.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 9 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 17:52
  • msg #10

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Twilight Zone (Golden Earring)"

1st October 2010 - Ghent (Belgium) 04:00 am - Old building by canal(Ghent Centre)
Everything had been smooth as diarrhoea, the same kind of liberating feeling accompanied by the same disgust. He could almost feel the filth on him. Images flew through his head, it felt as if it had been a dream, a dream in fast forward, barelly recognising himself through out the process.

Sergei had left an ugly red splotch on the white tiled kitchen wall, bits of brain blood and skull slowly sliding towards the corpse that waited for them on the floor. A bottle of vodka still on his hand, and a beautiful last generation mobile phone strangely stuck to the left side of his head.

On the opposite side, by the door, two more corpses... he didnt even know the name of these, one of them naked, the other wearing but his trunks and a t-shirt. Both of their bodies heavily damaged, it had taken a total of 4 shots, he had just shot on instinct, without almost looking until they quit twitching.

He looked around, he was still in the kitchen, and the whole job was done by all accounts, the one whoring, the two that came for him, these two here, Sergei and Caesar.

He had to move out of the house, his head was starting to spin too quickly and a sort of vertigo was getting a hold on him, the adrenaline was leaving his system... he knew he had to get out...

He started moving out of the kitchen, towards the door to the canal, his head bursting with flashes and images too vivid to cope with them as they happened, they were coming back to him now that the tension was leaving him. For some reason, an image of Virgil came to him, "Do this right, do this right, and soon you will come to know"

A high pitched incoherent scream behind him, and just the time to turn around and see one of the bitches that he had left alive upstairs pulling the trigger, not even time to regret it. A loud BANG and time suddenly stopping all together, he could feel the heat of the bullet as it approached, as it broke his skin, first the rounded point and then its over heated rear. He could feel his flesh parting like butter tearing muscle and tendons, and finally hitting the bone.

His body sagged down to the floor, devoid of any strength. A blink, it might have been an instant, or an eternity... blurred, Virgil's face, "Soon you will come to know" he whispered.

"When the bullet hit the bone" but he did not know if he had actually said it or the echo of the song had replayed it for him in his mind.
Kenjiro Uesugi
Camarilla PC, 1 post
C: 3 M:4 A:3
Zero Current Status
Wed 19 Dec 2012
at 17:02
  • msg #11

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

Kenjiro breathed in deeply the steam of the bathing pool. Living in America, he had learned to accept many things about Westerners. One thing, He could never get over was the filthiness of the Western Body and Mind. He tried to as often as possible to bathe in a more traditional Japanese manner. He took in fully the moment, and allowing the bath to cleanse the body physically and the body spiritually.

Ben Watanabe, his trusted retainer, as close to a modern Samurai as Kenjiro could hope for. He slid the paper divider open, and signal Kenjiro it was time. Kenjiro stood from the pool. Madame Yumi and her trained hands assisted in drying. He slowly dressed donned the traditional dress of his Samurai heritage. Hebowed as he approached the Shinto altar that held his Dai-sho and practice Bokken. The weight of the practice long and short felt good.

He followed Ben into the dojo area. Before going onto the mat; he exercised the courtesy bow. He stood in the middle as the thugs entered the area. Most were trained in western kick boxing and street fighting, but there was five of them today. He had asked his Sire to arrange for this bout. He realized that since coming to America his Martial training had suffered.

He bowed to them as they entered. He felt his vampiric blood pulsing through him making him faster, stronger,, and able to take more the a normal Human. He mused a moment “Yes More”.

(Theme Music comes on: Paradise City)

The thugs circle him like cowards. They seemed used to fighting with gang tactics. He looked them in the eyes. Most of them were brutish, and physically bigger than him. He accessed who was the most dangerous, and stuck a quick knife hand to the throat that debilitated his first foe.

The others stood in shock for a moment not certain what to do. Kenjiro knew his training was superior, but the four left if they rallied together could defeat him. He moved quickly to the next allowing the foe to step in and throw an off balanced kick. Taking his elbow to the knee of the man; he heard the foes knee shatter. The other were three desperate. Two of them grab him, the largest of the remaining began to strike him many times. Kenjiro knew he could not take much more. Crashing his head back into one of the thugs holding him, he could hear the thug’s cartilage in the nose break. The thug lost his grip. Kenjiro still held by the other spins throwing the other holder to the ground, and still in the same motion he struck the one with the broken nose with a cat’s claw strike to the eyes temporarily blinding him. The last foe wanted to run as in the distance Kenjiro’s cell phone could be heard. It was obviously by the ring tone the one he gave to his clan superiors. Before the thug could run, Kenjiro pulled the Katana like Bokken in an iajutsu strike taking the thug full in the chest as he turned to run. He fell heavy to the ground. Kenjiro circled with the sword drawn full allowing the fallen thugs a chance to submit by rolling off the mat.

Ben Watanabe held the phone off the mat. Kenjiro moved forward. His sire wanted to meet him about business.

Yes, D’angelo-sama. I have finished my business, and of course I will make my time yours. I will be there shortly.”

He would and clan Giovanni would one day remake the city into a Paridise. As he thought of his Paridise City; a smile overcame his face.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:57, Wed 19 Dec 2012.
Jack Gallows
Camarilla PC, 1 post
Man 3, Cha 2, App 2
Sta 0.0; CS 0.0
Sun 23 Dec 2012
at 07:47
  • msg #12

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2)

The tall structure towered over Jack as he stood their assessing the building. The place had been reconstructed on a mana line. He could feel the power flowing under the place. It resinated with power like when you stand too close to a TV and static electricity causes the hair on his arms to stand up. If a full Magic’ed Tremere was standing here he would have seen the colours and felt the power like tuning fork but he was not one of them, not yet but that was not to say he was not trying but at the moment he was the black sheep that needed to be herded.

The building was pretty much what he had expected. Gothic and Victorian and typically Tremere and he had not expected anything less. He had been one of them for over 22 years and he never really felt like he was one of them and they never really saw him as one of them. He was their traitor, the one that watches and keeps them in line, he was their betrayer the one that would put the clan before the individual. He was a loyalist of the Camarilla, he had no ambition other than to make sure that the thing ran smoothly.  Where others had perfected magic he had perfected understanding the human condition, the desire and needs that fill each of them and for the Tremere the need for power and status runs deep in them all.

The first steps were the hardest but he was not to shy away from what needed to be done. No matter how hard or what it cost him he always pushed forwards. This was not his haven but still he checked in regularly, spoke to his sire and the elders. He still had Occult lesson that needed to be attended. He was getting it but it was hard for him, he was a pragmatic person who had always believed in what he could prove, proving magic was difficult and harder than he thought even after his embrace. While the body was willing the mind was stifled and he was trying to throw off the shackles it was just hard.

He arrived at the door and reached for the handle then stopped. He had been told the Power word that needed to be said at the interval as well as the inverted sign that he needed to make to remove the hex and curse and if he did it just right he would be able to walk through the door, get it wrong and it would likely cut him into more pieces then a jigsaw. He said his word and moved his hands as he would taught and the funny thing was is that they used a key as well, and the door open slowly. Another day in the life as a Tremere.

He stepped in quietly taking the place in; and it always felt weird, like stepping into an old movie all that was missing was the old style organ. This existence was not a good fit, but really what was. He was investigator, of both the occult and the Tremere. He was a loyalist in one of the most paranoid and careful clans there was, he was bonded and paid for and at the end of the day the only way to be able freedom was to rise the tower. He smirked but his features still appeared cold, void of warmth. Whatever he was looking for he was not entirely sure that he would find it.

As he stood there words come to his mind, and a beat soft in his head, of all the time and places to get nostalgic now was not it yet the mind was funny thing and it had it own ways, the words coming out softly on his lips.

”I have spoke with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone”

How poetic and totally random a thought no matter how accurate, he closed the door quietly behind him unaware he had forgotten the important part, how could he forgotten the next line was it by chance or was refusing to admit the he had not found what he was looking for as the door clicked softly shut and the frame of Jack Gallows could no longer be seen from the outside world on the street..
GM, 145 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 31 Jan 2013
at 17:42
  • msg #13

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

A couple of you have new characters that you can post in this thread for.  It's worth bonus exp.
Vivian Bruckenberger
Camarilla PC, 1 post
Man: 4 Cha: 3 App: 3
Wed 27 Feb 2013
at 21:32
  • msg #14

Re: I Fibbed!  All Cam PCs!

*I Heard it Through the Grapevine (Creedance Clearwater Revival)

It was 8 pm on that Thursday: the white entrance like a frame on a lone female silhouette wrapped in a white and gray fur coat, crowned by long blonde hair swinging at the rhythm of the heels.

Farther in, down the hall a lean brunette was hiding deep seated with crossed legs in an armchair, gnawing her nails. Her eyes dancing around a bold clerk in white shirt and black pants, like so many nights in the past. Among the rows of brackets his refined walk disappeared past a turn.

The blonde now was high-chin parading through a nest of perfume sprayers, carrying a Godiva shopping bag.

Vivian fretfully got up and walked nervously down the corridors till the exit aisle. She thought about his muscles and felt her cheeks blushing, but a different embarrassment quickly took place.
Nathan ran into the passageway, a new jacket on, and met his fiancé with the sparkling white of teeth and a tight hug. Then she firmly sauntered at his arm heading out.

Wondering on his grave voice Vivian tautly strode up to the outside restaurant, then hopped into the car, started the engine and accelerated to follow them.
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