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The Matrix Remastered:  FAQ.

Posted by HeathFor group 0
GM, 1 post
Wed 27 Oct 2010
at 20:44
  • msg #1

The Matrix Remastered:  FAQ

I want to join the game.  Will you accept me?

If you are enthusiastic and will commit to post daily or at least every other day for a long term commitment, then I will almost surely find a way to fit you in regardless of your experience level.

But I don't know the GURPS rules.

Join the club.  Most of the players are new to the rules.  The web site and the threads on this site help guide you.  Lack of rules knowledge is not penalized...lack of consistent posting is.  The first adventure guides you through some of the most basic moves and rules as well as introducing you to the basic premise and storyline.  If you read through these threads, the web site, and the GURPS Lite rules they link to, you shouldn't have any problem.  And even if you don't want to do that, I'll help you along the way.

What is the 48 hour rule?

Basically, if you do not post for your character within 48 hours, I may post for you.  If you continue not to post, your character may not survive for long.  The Matrix is a dangerous place.

What benefits are there to posting regularly?

Your fellow players will like you.  The game will move more quickly.  The only thing slowing down the game is player post speed.  I generally check the threads 2-3 times daily.

Also, your consistent posting may lead to "fudging rolls" in your favor...but don't count on this for sure.  The gods occasionally have pity on their faithful servants. :)

Consistent posting results in more character points at the end of an adventure.  Believe me, it pays off.

Why do so many characters die in this game?

The Matrix is a dangerous place.  I think I mentioned that.  Also, GURPS rules create more realism in combat scenarios than some other systems.  This means that being injured is a serious thing.  Further, players who slack off for a long time often see their characters meet a grisly demise.

To wit, if you are careful and post consistently, you will survive...probably.

When can we use super skills like in the movies?

By collecting character points at the end of adventures, you may use them to purchase skills.  I will be introducing special skills as the adventures progress.

Also, the Focus Skill (which will also increase over time) allows you to move in "bullet speed" (which is the actual term used in making the movies).  The rate of speed and number of times the skill can be used while jacked into the Matrix become important.

Why do you use so those three dots ... so much?

Three dots ... represent a roll.  Because you can't see me roll dice (and because much of the time it is rolled on computer), this is my way of representing this (although not every roll is indicated by the dotted line).

My character has a strange personality.  Is that okay?

Humorous characters, unloveable characters, even misanthropes, are perfectly welcome.  The only thing that is not welcome is a boring character.  Spice up the game...please.

Do you railroad characters into a preset story?

No.  I create the setting, NPC's and the goals.  You control your character, and your character can do whatever you want him to (within the confines of public decency).  That said, I have an idea of what will happen and a general "story arc."  Without this, the game would seem to have no purpose.  But if your character went off on a sidetrek, I'd be there.  I ask only that you respect the desires of the other players when making such decisions.

Can I be Neo?

Neo hasn't been born yet, and won't for many years to come...and he may not ever be born in this universe.  Don't expect this to be just like the movies.  It is modified for a game.  In fact, you will find much more flexibility here than in the movies, and a much more varied world to accommodate players of many types and with different goals.

So what's our goal?

Destroy the machine world, led by the master computer Zero-One, and free the human race.  You can only do that by becoming a "Master of the Matrix."  Good luck.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:51, Wed 27 Oct 2010.
GM, 6 posts
Tue 14 Aug 2012
at 17:15
  • msg #2

Re: The Matrix Remastered:  FAQ

If you are interested in joining, follow these instructions exactly and you should have no problem:

1) Read the next Q&A formatted post below.

2) Read the post after that about creating a character (but don't create one just yet).

3) Read (or at least skim over) the background thread here:  link to a message in another game

4) If you still want to join, send me a PM expressing your interest.

5) If accepted, go back to the character creation thread and create your character.  Let me know when you are done and I will give you extra XP to advance the character.

6) When told, you may join the group and begin posting.  Please start by introducing your character or at least describing him/her in some detail

7) At your leisure, read over the other notice thread posts about house rules, adventure summaries, and whatever else you would like.

8) By now, you should be posting already!

For new or potential players, this thread contains:

1) Basic rules regarding posting and expectations.

2) Character creation and development rules.

3) Basic setting background.

The purpose of this is to make it easy for new players to join this game without feeling burdened by all the posts that have gone before.

This is your sack of essential stuff.  If it ain't here, don't worry too much about it.

GM, 7 posts
Fri 8 Mar 2013
at 18:18
  • msg #3

Re: The Matrix Remastered:  FAQ

Web site of original game and rules:
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