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08:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Posted by ST-JediFor group archive 0
Natalya Shrevchenko
Camarilla PC, 13 posts
Cha:4 Man:5 App:5
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 00:17
  • msg #93

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Natalya smirked as Dragon took his place at the center of everything. Always one for the grand gestures. She smiled kissing him on the cheek as he drifted by. "Be gentle with them...they're all blundering around offending everyone." She didn't feel it necessary to explain any further. Dragon would know who she was talking about, and find the same level of amusement in it.

As Dragon asked the question, Natalya waited to see how the others would answer. For her thus far, it had been an interesting evening. A delightful conversation, and so many awkward blunders, by the new ones. They all had potential, but she had to wonder at some of the choices made.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 18 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 07:23
  • msg #94

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

DJ was lost in the music, even after it ends his head continues to nod to the beat. A Toreador does what a Toreador does...

When the Prince asks his question though he has enough to snap out of his trance long enough to shrug and nod his head. This wasn't his scene and he was unsure if he would ever really fit in, especially as everything that he felt made him him was rejected left and right that very night.

Then again his sire had promised him a new life like none other and the Prince was both his host and his gateway into this new realm and while his beef with authority would keep him from kissing ass he was at least respectful enough to show appreciation for the tasty treats.
Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 22 posts
Cha:3 Man:4 App: 3
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 21:16
  • msg #95

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Seeing the energy brought to the floor by the prince himself, something Abigail would never have expected of one of his position, she smiled and joined any others who stepped onto the floor.

That said, she kept her movements restrained, more due to her elegant dress than most other things.

when he paused to speak to the room, she nodded, then curtsied respectfully, afterall he was without a doubt one of the most powerfull kindred in the city, there was no reason to infuriate him due to any voersight on her part.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 23 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Fri 11 Jan 2013
at 16:31
  • msg #96

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alex was just about to answer Marissa when Gabriel made his entrance, his mouth seemed to work on its own without producing a sound, trying to gather his wits about the guy. The man advanced and helped himself to some drinks without having even said a word.

He was making his way back into the thread of the conversation that had just been broken when the music changed completely... that had all the looks of being staged, but knowing it was not salvation and so, without really wanting, his foot started tapping the floor without him even noticing. The Prince's entrance was quite something... not Princely... at least not how he would have pictured it in his wildest dreams, but one had to recognize the guy had class... a style not easily copied too, and a charm that was hard to beat. It was clear why his Sire had not wanted to tell him much about him, "You'll see..." was that what he had said ?...

He moved in to dance, for a minute, he was not a nosferatu, but the rich play boy of his youth, and so when the Prince asked if they were enjoying he just nodded... the spirits he had drank, surely helped.
Juan Lorenzo
Elder NPC, 13 posts
Tue 15 Jan 2013
at 08:35
  • msg #97

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

OOC: Was going to see if Marissa/Madhu/Gabe/Yuki was going to add a post here, but seeing as how they haven't, I'm continuing onward.

The prince greeted Natalya warmly, kissing her first, and letting a hand linger on the small of her back.  "Always." He said to her, a trademark smirk on the corner of his lips.  Anyone witnessing the two could see the prince doted on her.

Then he turned towards the Keeper of Elysium.  "Courtney, all is well.  You can relax.  But please, kill my music.  Or at least turn it down to a manageable level so I can speak without it being heard in the background."  The Keeper of Elysium, immediately, and politely, dismissed herself to the other room where she did as instructed.  The music, now just more classic rock, was turned down to a level where it was little more then background fluff.

The prince took a drink from his own chalice of sorts, and then set it to the side on the table.  He reached into a coat pocket and withdrew a cigar.  He snapped his fingers, producing a small flame at the tip of his index finger.  He used it to light the cigar, took a long puff, exhaled a line of smoke, and shook his hand as though it were a match he was putting out.  "Madhu Ahkilesh."  The prince said the name loud enough to make a point.  "Front and center."
This message was last updated by the player at 08:35, Tue 15 Jan 2013.
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 29 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Tue 15 Jan 2013
at 08:47
  • msg #98

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Madhu looked confused for all of two seconds, put his cup down and rose. As he walked he smoothed his clothes out and approached the Prince. The Prince didn't cut a particularly intimidating figure, the opposite in fact, Madhu thought.

Where John had been imposing with this quiet energy coming off of him Juan felt... friendly. Accessible. Of course, Madhu knew this was all an act and had everything to do with the Prince's force of personality and how he wanted to be perceived tonight. The Brujah had heard the stories. They used to call Prince Juan, Dragon, some old nickname from long ago, before Madhu was embraced. Here though, it became something to fear... Dragon, The Giant Slayer...

Madhu blinked the thoughts out of his head and stopped a respectful distance from the Prince. Madhu was no giant, yet, and the Prince had called them all here for a reason. The Brujah suspected that, with the possible exception of Natalya, that he was the eldest of those assembled. He had nothing to fear here. So his steps were even, measured, confident.

"Your Majesty?" Madhu stopped and made a deferential movement with his head, acknowledging the Prince's vast status. Long gone were the days were someone would be expected to bow and scrape, but a little theatrics to stroke someone's ego never hurt, especially when it was designed to show respect.
Juan Lorenzo
Elder NPC, 14 posts
Tue 15 Jan 2013
at 09:15
  • msg #99

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

The prince exhale another long line of smoke from his vanilla flavored cigar.  He watched Madhu approach.  "Madhu.  It goes without saying that you are a ghoul procurement specialist.  Did you realize that nearly a decade ago, it was your services that brought Yuki here to my attention?" He smirked and waved a hand to indicate his youngest childe.  It wasn't much of a surprise the Brujah would have little if any recollection of such a transaction.  Most of the time, dealings were done without knowledge of exactly who was getting what - especially in the kindred circles.  Kindred often had vast connections, numerous resources, and a very valid desire to remain anonymous.  "The name I use for such things is Erik Lehnsherr."

OOC: +1 exp for anyone who can PM me the significance of the name Erik Lehnsherr and why the prince would use it.

That name may or may not have rung a bell.  It just depended on how familiar Madhu was with dealings a decade old.  "It has also come to my attention that you've been speaking with the elder Catrina Armstrong, first of the elders to claim this city as home and childe of Joachim the ancient, the oldest known, active, Brujah."  The prince paused.  He looked at his cigar.  He rolled it between his thumb and index finger.  He inhaled again and exhaled another vanilla-ey plume of smoke.  "She has selected you to speak for her in her absence."

The prince reached into an inner coat pocket and withdrew a small box.  "Congratulations.  You are now an acknowledged status holder in this city.  That grants certain benefits that I am quite certain you will capitalize on."  He tossed the small box, barely three inches by three inches by three inches to Madhu.  "Take pride.  I wouldn't allow such a move unless I thought it was appropriate for the entire city."
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 24 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Tue 15 Jan 2013
at 09:38
  • msg #100

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alex stood entranced over the transaction, it had been hard not to take a step backwards when the Prince had lit a flame on his finger...

His thoughts erratically jumped from one subject to the next 'that had been weird, the irrational fear that fire now provoked in him, for he had not yet been burned with it... but the guy there, could just make it apear and dissapear with a flick of his fingers... And now, what the fuck did Magneto had to do with it ? and that that old vampire would even know the original name was almost as much of a wonder... reading comics is he? Alex, knew them by heart of course, he had grown up with marvel, he had not liked most DC, except for some series which where his absolute favourite... those writen by Gayman namely, but X-Men had been like the bread and butter of his childhood.  Erik searched for mutants all over the place much like Xavier... but with other meanings in his head, looking for the highest potential, the most powerful, much like it had been done to him by Bernard Shaw... funny the Dragon would feel much more attracted to the villain.'

He saw the object fly towards Madhus hands and waited in expectation to see what it would contain.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:39, Tue 15 Jan 2013.
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 30 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Tue 15 Jan 2013
at 09:48
  • msg #101

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Madhu nodded as the Prince spoke, remembering the transaction. He had never actually seen Yuki, but looking at her now he thought she matched the description, assuming he was remembering them properly at all. It hadn't been that long ago, but the contract had been rather innocuous, so Madhu had not paid it much attention himself. Really, the only thing that stuck out about the job was that someone pointed out that the name was very obviously an alias.

"It brings me joy to know you were pleased with the results of my work then, Your Majesty." He smiled at the Prince, that same gracious smile he had given everyone when he arrived.

Madhu caught the box easily enough, palming it with his left hand. Then he fell silent and let the Prince continue, and when Juan had, Madhu replied, "I thank you for your confidence, Your Majesty, I will do my utmost to not disappoint you, nor my elder in this position."

After he spoke he looked down at the box, moved it over in his hands and opened it...
This message was last edited by the player at 10:05, Tue 15 Jan 2013.
Juan Lorenzo
Elder NPC, 15 posts
Tue 15 Jan 2013
at 10:14
  • msg #102

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

"No problem.  It is me who owes you thanks.  You will add to the stability of this city"  The prince watched, the smirk still on his lips as Madhu opened the box.  "It's nothing, I know, but there's a black Caddy waiting for you in valet parking.  It's a sexy ride, classy, rugged, tough, and loyal.  Like you."

There was a little jingle when the box was shaken.  There were two items inside.  The first, and obvious, was a key.  It was a car key, and it had a valet number on it, indicating that the valet parking had the other key.  The crest on the key holder had the Cadillac symbol emblazoned on it.  The other item was much more valuable.  It was a ring, an expensive one.  It was platinum, with a small, clear emerald set into it.  Engraved into the ring on the inside were the words "To the Ivory Tower we place faith and loyalty."  The words were in the Hindi language.  Looking closer, beneath the emerald, was the symbol of clan Brujah.

This was...

A primogen's ring.


Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 31 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Tue 15 Jan 2013
at 10:31
  • msg #103

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Madhu went wide-eyed. Humbled for a moment. The car was fantastic, at least he believed. He knew Cadillac. They had been highly sought after cars in Mumbai because they were so expensive. If the Prince had given him one, it must have been special. Cars were temporary, even one surely as fine as what he had received.

The ring though. The ring was an altogether different situation. Gems set in metal were permanent. This ring was an immediate mark to those that knew what it was. In the city it identified Madhu as a position holder, someone with power, even with as little as Madhu actually had. It also meant eyes would be on him. Madhu nodded, mostly to himself, and slipped the ring on. "Again, I thank you."
Gabe LaFortune
Camarilla PC, 2 posts
Cha 2, Man 2, App 2
Sx, CSx
Thu 17 Jan 2013
at 15:19
  • msg #104

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

The Prince walked into the room and everyone’s attention was immediately upon him. By training Gabriel paid less attention to Juan than he did to the others at the gathering judging their reactions and instinctively looking for threats as he would for any client.  Ignetz had provided him with a dossier of not only the Prince, but of every other important Kindred in the city. It was important after all to know all the players and as much about their habits and motivations as possible to survive the games played by members of the Camerilla.

All were toadying to Juan as expected, Gabriel would naturally have to play along. He smiled at the Prince and gave him the slightest nod as he raised his still full glass of vitae as a form of salute to the man. He was a power to be respected even if he was a member of the clan of Warlocks.

He watch as the mere Neonate Madhu (a Brujah of some little renown whose skills for acquiring proficient Ghouls may be of some interest) was elevated to the status of Primogen, which according to his Sire was somewhat unusual for the Camerilla as their Elders maintained an iron clad grip on their control of the newly created (anyone younger than 100 years). Once again, as per the dossier provided by Ignetz, the Prince was young himself and more apt to buck the status quo. Seemingly an unusual trait for a Tremere, but one the Assimite Neonate could appreciate, he didn’t want to be a nobody for ever… Gabriel would earn himself a reputation and status.
Natalya Shrevchenko
Camarilla PC, 14 posts
Cha:4 Man:5 App:5
Fri 25 Jan 2013
at 04:34
  • msg #105

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Natalya clapped politely smiling at Madhu's ascension. She cast an amused glance at DJ Inferno, her eyes flashing as a reminder and warning that things could change very quickly in this place and it wouldn't do to upset those higher on the social strata.

Moving forward she kissed Madhu on the cheek and congratulated him on his new position, genuinely pleased for him. She wondered what Dragon was playing at. The elders of the city would not be pleased by this announcement, but he did everything according to his own plan. She had her own suspicions as to what the plan might be. The problem with annoying the elders was that in addition to being hidebound and traditional, they had a lot of allies, friends, influence and power. After sharing a few words and pleasantries, Natalya moved back into the crowd, nudging young Jason to greet the new Primogen.
Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 23 posts
Cha:3 Man:4 App: 3
Fri 25 Jan 2013
at 09:18
  • msg #106

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Abigail gave a court nod and smile at the elevation, and approached Madhu, extending a hand to congratulate him.
Now that  he actually held the position, he could of course wield it as well, until he had, it would have been wrong to respond to him as if he ddid, afterall, the camarilla worked on these formalities.
"congratulations with your new position, Mr. ahkilesh"

Whether he took her hand or not, she would curtsy and then move on, making room for others to follow.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 25 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Fri 25 Jan 2013
at 10:16
  • msg #107

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alex moved in after Abigail, he crossed the distance that separated them nimbly, with a smile in his dried up leathery face as he extended his hand towards Madhu "My most sincere congratulations", he said as he inclined his head in respect.

This time, should he take it, the hand shake would be firm, he had been insulting enough before. "I am sure your new position will keep you busy and away from other more mundane matters, but I would very much love to see your new transport medium whenever suits you best". He hoped that this would serve several purposes, to make clear that Madhu would have other responsibilities was one, but showing him that he was not afraid of meeting him alone, and, what was more, willing to, to talk out whatever was left to talk... and of course, letting him show off that new toy, it was one hell of a car if he was not mistaken, and just by commenting he was also praising the Prince's present.... or so he hoped.

Then, turning to address the Prince, Alex bowed deeply "Your Majesty", and waited for a few seconds in case the Prince deemed it right to address him then and there before moving back with the rest.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:18, Fri 25 Jan 2013.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 19 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Fri 25 Jan 2013
at 16:00
  • msg #108

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

At first DJ was only partially paying attention, giving the half-hearted automatic applause seen at every award show but as he noticed the bigger deal the others were making of it he put a bit more effort into his applause.

"Congrats, Madhu."
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 32 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Sat 26 Jan 2013
at 15:39
  • msg #109

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Madhu took everyone's congratulations in turn. Unable to contain his smile. He allowed himself that small happiness, but he didn't forget the reason he was here tonight.

He kissed Natalya on the cheek in return, thanked her in turn and moved on after a polite moment. He took Abigail's hand, quick, gentle shake.

Turning to Alexander he agreed that they should probably talk sometime soon, perhaps after the party tonight, and then moved on...

He inclined his head to DJ, still unsure of the Toreador, and still wanting to keep his distance from him, but he offered a polite thank you and then stepped back away from the crowed, partially to gloat, partially to clear the area around the Prince so they could all move on with other things for the night.
Juan Lorenzo
Elder NPC, 16 posts
Sat 26 Jan 2013
at 16:27
  • msg #110

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

The prince watched with what could guess what a slightly amused smirk on his lips.  His attention drifted as the crowd gave their thanks.  First it drifted to his cigar, which thankfully was burning all even.  Then it difted to Natalya and then finally towards Alexander.  "Mr. Youngblood.  Front and center."
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 26 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Sat 26 Jan 2013
at 19:15
  • msg #111

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alexander literally took a step forward towards the Prince and bowed his head again in respect waiting for the Dragon to say whatever he had to, so, taking that step, he just repeated himself as an echo, changing only the two words intonation into a question "Your Majesty ?".

He'd have to thank the Prince for his present, but it seemed a bit rude to do so now, before he even had the opportunity to address the direction that he wanted the conversation to take.
Juan Lorenzo
Elder NPC, 17 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2013
at 06:52
  • msg #112

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

The prince waited until Alexander approached.  Then he sighed.  Heavily.  Audibly.  "Mr. Youngblood...where should I begin?"  He looked away and inhaled deeply from his cigar.  The vanilla scent was quite powerful.  He waited a second or two longer and exhaled, sending a long line of smoke up and away.

"You are the anti-harpy in this group.  Your sire is Virgil Youngblood, one of the most vulgar, unbecoming kindred in this city.  He is also one of the most powerful in both blood and status.  He is a personal friend of mine and I value his council highly.  It goes without saying that this puts you in a very peculiar position.  The wisest among your peers will realize your internal resistance to mental command and seek to exploit that.  Those who think ahead will try to indebt you, or use you for personal gain.  Those out for the quick rush will just try and diablerize you." Dragon smiled darkly.  It was a wicked, sinister smile directed only at Alexander.  It was also gone in just an instant.

OOC: You can spend a wp point and make a DC9 Courage roll to not get the willies.  Do not botch!

"This of course, says nothing for your clan's dealings in dirty secrets.  Keep up your inquisitive, cautious nature and you'll find more and more doors opening if you can properly pay off the debts for doing so with your own sources of information."

OOC: Benigno, you can have Alexander make a Perception + Empathy roll at difficulty 8.

The prince paused.  He looked at his cigar, rotating it between index finger and thumb.  He glanced over the assembled kindred one more time and continued.  "Having said that, I do not appreciate your inexcusable gossip regarding the nature of my relationship with Ms Germaine Marshall." He put a dismissive hand up.  "You should have just asked me.  It would have saved you a lot of trouble and the verbal smackdown from your seniors.  The nature of our relationship is simple.  I'm the prince.  She's not.  She wanted the job.  I got it.  She didn't.  End of story."

The prince used the ashtray, lightly tapping and twisting the cigar.  "Now as my gift to you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out another small box.  This one was some sort of valuable metal that looked like a cross between gold and silver.  It was polished and had a very clov-y scent to it.  Engraved in the corner were the initials C.K.  "Make sure you give this to Christian when you see him.  Don't mention that you got it from me.  Let him make up his own mind."

The prince paused again.  He inhaled and then exhaled.  "Dismissed.  D.J.  You're up."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:53, Sun 27 Jan 2013.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 27 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Sun 27 Jan 2013
at 18:59
  • msg #113

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alexander cringed a bit as the Prince looked at him... 'a look that showed the beast... a hungry beast that seemed to hunger for him...' and almost took a step backwards, but somehow managed to at least control that instinctive reaction, if nothing else. Thoughts had to be controlled, and thoughts like those even more so.

Scary as it was, the man was giving out sound advice, at least, he hoped that it was only that, and not really giving out ideas for the rest.

'Cautiousness seemed to be the key word there, he had not been cautious enough that was clear, little to do about it now anyhow.'

His thoughts shifted in and out of what the Prince was saying, trying to keep a critical mind to what he was being said, and by the time the Prince was done, he found himself holding the box and trying to figure out what the fuck it was about, and what he, Alexander, wanted to do with that dangerous toreador...

"Thank you, your Majesty" he said bowing and moving back to the rest, and a long drink of whatever he found closest on the tray.

11:48, Today: Alexander Youngblood rolled 2 successes using 2d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 with rolls of 7,6. Per + empathy.
Failed, forgot to set difficulty to 8

This message was last edited by the player at 19:00, Sun 27 Jan 2013.
Marissa Lee
Camarilla PC, 9 posts
Chr: 3 Man: 4 App: 3
Sta 0.5; CS 0.0
Mon 28 Jan 2013
at 07:30
  • msg #114

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

When Dragon had turn his attention to Alexander, Marissa lifted her glass and gave a warm smile. Hopefully he would catch the subtle attempt to draw his attention to her. It was one thing to acknowledge the Prince's presence, it was a complete different thing to approach him when the invite had not been given, not to mention he seemed to be making his rounds to everyone at the party, Marissa would graciously await her turn.

She watched Alexander and Dragon carefully, spying the small transaction between them. She couldn't help but wonder what the Prince had given him, and hopefully before the night was done she could find out.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 20 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Tue 29 Jan 2013
at 17:45
  • msg #115

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

After witnessing the verbal lashing that Alexander received DJ nearly choked when the Prince called his name. Since the incident...incidents would be more appropriate... DJ had retreated from the spotlight. A party animal and attention hog but one who had the base wits to realize when and where he was out of his league. He tried to make a splash and flopped, now was the time to stay back and let it all fade from memory.

Being called front and center was the opposite of what DJ wanted. The struggle was clear on his face, and it was becoming more clear to those watching why DJ clung to his mask so much, his face revealed his every thought, his every emotion. Masked he was aloof and mysterious, exposed his mind was an open book.

DJ's flight or fight instinct kicks in but neither option is viable. He can't run, he can't fight it...he just has to hope to survive.

He takes a deep breath and steps forward and bows his head.
Juan Lorenzo
Elder NPC, 18 posts
Cha: 5 Man 5 App 5
Sta 5.0, ESt 2.0, CSt 5.0
Tue 29 Jan 2013
at 18:57
  • msg #116

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

The Prince shook his head and smirked when DJ came forward.  "You are a Toreador.  You wear your thoughts very close to the surface..." The prince eyed DJ with a curious(?) expression.  He was quite difficult to read when he wanted to be.  But then, the guy who held all the cards in the deck usually was.

"You have balls.  A set of big, brass ones.  Don't ever let anyone take them from you.  Especially neonates like these in this room.  You don't answer to them.  Your sire is Dora Delavergne." The prince narrowed his eyes and then leaned back, tapping his cigar in the ashtray once more.  It was about halfway gone now.  "Your proper attire set out for you this evening was done on purpose.  It was educational.  It was not meant as ridicule, and the education wasn't yours, but everyone else's.  You see, here you are, walking up in here looking like a fool, getting smacked around by kindred who had no business - Courtney aside - to do so, and yet with the drop of a dime, you switched it up and are now one of the more impressive members of this room to look at.  You're being congratulated by the prince for having a huge set of balls.  Who looks like the idiot now?"

Dragon paused.  He inhaled and exhaled again from the cigar.  The cherry on the end glowed an impressive orange color.  "You are a catalyst DJ.  You make things happen.  That's something I personally appreciate.  It's a personality trait that reminds me, of, well, me.  My ascension to power isn't as mythological as many elders would have you believe.  It's just that I don't accept the status quo.  The only way to get ahead of your peers in this world of darkness is to do what they are not doing and make a big enough splash that they are forced to notice and acknowledge.  Do you understand?"

The prince cocked his head to the side, set the cigar down, and moved to the other side of the room so that all eyes had to turn to be on him.  He went for a new "chalice" of blood.  This time he went directly for the hard stuff, the Kuei-Jin vitae.  "Which reminds me.  In a few short weeks, Riley Ishikawa will be hosting something of a private, coming out party for Miranda Jane.  I want you to get yourself noticed by Mary Jane.  You want to be the DJ she wants there at that party.  Your secondary purpose for being there will be to blow up Riley's spot.  You don't want to trash her or make her look bad, just less cool.  That in turn, will get back to Germaine, who will be annoyed, but unable to retaliate in any fashion without earning herself the wrath of your sire."  The prince smiled darkly.  It was the same smile he gave Alexander a moment ago.  Just like then, the smile was gone in an instant, the very same instant that gold and ivory cup reached his lips...
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 21 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Tue 29 Jan 2013
at 20:39
  • msg #117

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

DJ came out expecting to lose his jugular but he quickly became confused by what the Prince had to say. Praise? Compliments? An important task? For a moment DJ looks like he was just smacked senseless but then it happens, right at the corner of his perfect mouth.

A twitch that leads to a curve that leads to a giant shit-eating grin. The cocky bastard was back and it would take quite the effort to deflate his ego this time.

"Consider it done, your majesty. Riley will be page ten news."
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