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20:15, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
GM Heath
GM, 1861 posts
Mon 20 May 2013
at 16:48
  • msg #1

Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

You travel back to the black market area and gather outside Ejidali's store.

(He was the one who sent you for the vial, and after you pay him the final 500 credits and give him the vial, he will give you two black market weapons, a pistol and a disassembling rifle, both dart-type weapons.)

The streets here are somewhat busy, since a lot of black market business is transacted in the evening.

The black market area is much more low tech, without any neon or high tech signs.  The plackard above the door reads "Ejidali's Wares," and it flaps in a slight breeze.  A sign on the door reads "CLOSED."

OOC (as a reminder): Ejidali had said,
"The weapon I acquire for you is...kind of dart gun, let's say.  I get you one rifle version that break down into components and fit in case, and one pistol.  Each hold 10 darts, reusable.  I get you 20 darts and chemicals to put in darts." 

Bartja Nemuco
player, 557 posts
Mon 20 May 2013
at 23:00
  • msg #2

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Bartja looks to see that everyone was ready for the worst-case, then turned to knock on the door.  He steps to the side as they wait for someone to answer the door.  If no one does, he tests it to see if it might have been left unlocked (by chance).
Player, 132 posts
Pause. Computing.
Tue 21 May 2013
at 00:16
  • msg #3

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Hammer has his laser pistol ready at his side as he dances from foot to foot. "Between the Qantariate, the Sathar invaded lab, and the black market, it's  been a busy day," he says. "Who should do the talking here? Desiraye? Bartja?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1430 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Tue 21 May 2013
at 00:48
  • msg #4

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Desiraye showers & changes her clothing and redresses for the meeting with their contact this evening.  She brings a wide range of her personal weapons and makes sure they're concealed properly and then switches out the partially used SEU clip in her pistol for a fresh new one.  "I'm a little pissed right now Hammer so I would think that anyone else but me would be a good choice to talk to Ejidali right now until we get more information from him.  If it's all the same to you, I'll carry the creds for this shit bird.  At least we know that the weapons we're getting are darts and they should hold the stuff we need to fight those creatures."
player, 20 posts
Blob-shaped Lie Detector
Stretchy Pugilist
Thu 23 May 2013
at 02:36
  • msg #5

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

After a long steam bath to shake out the cobwebs and get psyched for the next phase of a most eventful episode, all of it entirely unexpected, Orvo joins the others outside the shop in the black market district.  Keeping to the back of the group, he feigns disinterest and a nonchalant demeanor in the event anyone is watching them.  Orvo doesn't want to appear observant.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1431 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 23 May 2013
at 13:10
  • msg #6

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

In reply to Orvo (msg # 5):

Desirye walks over to Orvo when he's done with his bath, "You need a weapon besides your fists?"
GM Heath
GM, 1862 posts
Thu 23 May 2013
at 20:53
  • msg #7

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

You all have your weapons (the ones allowed, anyway).

Bartja knocks on the door.  You see a face peek through and recognize Ejidali.  He unbolts the door to let you in.  The lights are dimmed as he ushers you to the seats.

"You were successful, no?" he asks.  "You gets the vial?"

Ejidali is a Yazirian, and is middle aged or a bit older.  He rubs his hands together frequently in a nervous motion and looks over his shoulders from time to time.  He also speaks in a low voice quite often, which is not too uncommon here in the black market.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 558 posts
Thu 23 May 2013
at 22:58
  • msg #8

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Bartja removes his ever-present shades in the dimmed room and takes his time getting comfortable as his companions do the same.  He then waits for a dramatic pause before nodding to Hammer to produce the vial.

"Before we hand this thing over, you may have noticed we have an extra companion with us tonight" he begins, nodding towards Orvo.  "This is not by accident and I'm sure you would be interested in hearing the tale, since it nearly cost us our lives as well as our reputations.

But before we regale you with our adventures, perhaps we should collect our pay.  After what we've been through, we're hoping for more than Credits.  We're suggesting that you be willing to reproduce this compound we have brought you and ensure the darts you are giving us will have a lifetime supply of it with them.  After what we've seen - or not seen as the case may be - we would really appreciate being prepared to face the Qantariate when next we meet....and we're pretty sure we'll meet one of them again soon."

Bartja leans forward, getting close to their contact as he adds for emphasis "unless you're working for them or the Sathar - in which case you're going to have a real problem with us."
GM Heath
GM, 1863 posts
Thu 23 May 2013
at 23:52
  • msg #9

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

He takes a step back.  "I cannot synthesize it.  Not me.  I'm just a mule.  But I will get your reward, yes.  I don't need stories.  I know nothing.  Of course it's dangerous thing to get.  That's why you get reward.  Big risk.  Big reward, no?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1432 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 24 May 2013
at 01:01
  • msg #10

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Desiraye stands back and lets Bartja do the talking and then looks back to Orvo, and saying to the others quietly when Ejidali, "Maybe Orvo can confirm but, I believe him that he's just a mule.  We need to find out who this stuff is going to.  Or, we say screw it and take the reward.  We know this stuff works on those creatures."
Bartja Nemuco
player, 559 posts
Fri 24 May 2013
at 13:06
  • msg #11

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Bartja nods in agreement.

"We know it works and we need it ourselves.  We need to know who its going to.  If the Qatariate gets hold of it - and they've already proven to us that they're after it - then they'll likely reverse engineer it so they can come up with a defense against it.

The truth is Ejidali, the Sathar are working with the Qatariate."

Standing up, Bartja approaches the mule and spreads himself out threateningly.  "Are you working for the Sathar?  Is that who is paying us to get this?  We have to know!"

Turning to Orvo, he adds "We need to know the truth.  Our new acquaintance here has a little injection we'd like to give to you, Ejidali.  If you speak the truth, then you won't mind a little Telol to confirm it!  If you speak lies, we would know it now."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1433 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 24 May 2013
at 15:23
  • msg #12

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Bartja Nemuco:
Bartja nods in agreement.

"We know it works and we need it ourselves.  We need to know who its going to.  If the Qatariate gets hold of it - and they've already proven to us that they're after it - then they'll likely reverse engineer it so they can come up with a defense against it.

The truth is Ejidali, the Sathar are working with the Qatariate."

Standing up, Bartja approaches the mule and spreads himself out threateningly.  "Are you working for the Sathar?  Is that who is paying us to get this?  We have to know!"

Turning to Orvo, he adds "We need to know the truth.  Our new acquaintance here has a little injection we'd like to give to you, Ejidali.  If you speak the truth, then you won't mind a little Telol to confirm it!  If you speak lies, we would know it now."

Desiraye looks to the rest of the team for their approval.  "Objections?"
GM Heath
GM, 1864 posts
Fri 24 May 2013
at 16:47
  • msg #13

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

He takes another step back, clearly worried at this suggestion.  "They make me," he says.  "They make me do it.  Sathar do it all."

You hear a noise from the back and five Sathar jump into the room, guns leveled.

Having failed at his mission to get rid of you with the rewards, Ejidali dives to the ground to huddle in a corner.  "Now you done it," he says in your general direction.  "You make them mad."
Bartja Nemuco
player, 560 posts
Fri 24 May 2013
at 18:06
  • msg #14

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Grinning wildly, Bartja leaps at the nearest Sathar worm, intent on using his martial art skills on the beast.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
11:05, Today: Bartja Nemuco rolled 87 using 1d100. MA Attack (50).
11:04, Today: Bartja Nemuco rolled 13 using 1d10+8. Initiative.

He's a bit clumsy, however, and ends up doing his best to just avoid being shot.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1436 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Fri 24 May 2013
at 23:37
  • msg #15

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Desiraye turns on her Albedo powerscreen and then draws her K-Pulse pistol from its holster and fires three [3] shots at the Sathar that just popped out of hiding.

19:35, Today: Desiraye Lipost rolled 76 using 1d100. K-Pulse Pistol [Shot #3].

19:35, Today: Desiraye Lipost rolled 50 using 1d100. K-Pulse Pistol [Shot #2].

19:35, Today: Desiraye Lipost rolled 82 using 1d100. K-Pulse Pistol [Shot #1].
player, 379 posts
Sat 25 May 2013
at 05:10
  • msg #16

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Paying no attention to the settings, S'Krllk pulls his laser pistol and fires, while calmly stating, "Finally, someone trying to shoot us directly, feels like home."

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
00:10, Today: S'Krllk rolled 81 using 1d100. laser, set at whatever he last had it on

player, 21 posts
Blob-shaped Lie Detector
Stretchy Pugilist
Sun 26 May 2013
at 05:00
  • msg #17

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

In reply to Desiraye Lipost (msg # 6):

Orvo acts sad.  "Shucks I got all cleaned up and fancy like and that's what you ask me.  If I had eyelids, I'd be winking.  Aside from these beauties?  Well, I can toss stuff pretty good.  Got a Tangler you want me to hurl?"

OOC:  Sorry I'll play catchup and try to weave stuff in.
player, 22 posts
Blob-shaped Lie Detector
Stretchy Pugilist
Sun 26 May 2013
at 05:04
  • msg #18

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

In reply to Bartja Nemuco (msg # 11):

Orvo listen's to mule, focusing on his body language.  What is this guy hiding?

01:02, Today: Orvo rolled 2 using 1d100. empathy test.

OOC: should have saved that for the martial arts test!
player, 23 posts
Blob-shaped Lie Detector
Stretchy Pugilist
Sun 26 May 2013
at 05:10
  • msg #19

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Orvo charges the nearest Sathar and wacks that worm in its slimy snout, shouting, "KAPOW" as he throws two jabs and a hook.

"Alright stinkers.  It's clobberin' time.  Who else needs a beating?"

01:07, Today: Orvo rolled 38 using 1d100. martial arts punchin' time.  Needed 40 or under.
Player, 133 posts
Pause. Computing.
Tue 28 May 2013
at 16:28
  • msg #20

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Hammer fires his laser pistol at one of the Sathar that is not being attacked by martial arts or fists to avoid hitting one of his companions.  Setting 3.
GM Heath
GM, 1867 posts
Wed 29 May 2013
at 21:44
  • msg #21

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

I think I'm just waiting on Kri'lik's action.
player, 619 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 30 May 2013
at 01:46
  • msg #22

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Hoping to take the sathar by surprise, Krilik draws his heavy frontiersman blaster pistol, thumbs the setting to energy grenade and shoots into the emerging group of enemies.

(as a reminder I understand sathar. The blaster uses 10 seus and acts as a frag grenade.)
GM Heath
GM, 1868 posts
Thu 30 May 2013
at 23:43
  • msg #23

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

A blaze of gunfire ensues...

Bartja leaps but doesn't succeed in his melee attack.  Orvo jumps in and punches a Sathar twice, knocking it off its aim (automatic miss).  (6 dmg.)

S'krllk fires but misses.

Hammer fires and hits one of the Sathar.  (26 damage.)  The Sathar is badly wounded.

Desiraye hits twice with the K-Pulse pistol.  (31 total damage.)

Kri'lik fires his frontiersman blaster pistol in its energy grenade setting into the part of the Sathar that will not also hit his companions engaged in melee.  The energy grenade creates a violent explosion that sends pieces of wares into splinters and destroys a corner of Ejidali's shop.  It also badly injures two of the Sathar.  (43 and 44 damage.)

The Sathar fire back...

Bartja is hit in the gut.  (24 STA damage.)  Hammer is also hit.  (20 STA damage.)  The other shots miss their mark.

EDIT:  If you have albedo screens (Bartja and Hammer), they can absorb some of this damage per the rules.  The Sathar are firing lasers.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:45, Thu 30 May 2013.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1437 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sun 2 Jun 2013
at 14:30
  • msg #24

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

OOC: THAT, is an awesome picture of a Sathar!

BIC:  Trying to find what little cover there might be, Desiraye will continue to engage the Sathar who are firing ranged weapons at the group with another three [3] rounds.

10:32, Today: Desiraye Lipost rolled 1 using 1d100. K-Pulse Pistol [Shot #3].

10:32, Today: Desiraye Lipost rolled 78 using 1d100. K-Pulse Pistol [Shot #2].

10:32, Today: Desiraye Lipost rolled 70 using 1d100. K-Pulse Pistol [Shot #1].

OOC2:  I think that third shot may have been a nasty one for one of the Sathar's day...
This message was last edited by the player at 14:33, Sun 02 June 2013.
player, 620 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 3 Jun 2013
at 06:10
  • msg #25

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

If Kri'lik has an opportunity for another energy frag burst into the Sathar without ideally hitting his own team he will do so again. If not he draws his K-Pulse pistol with his other hand and fires off three rounds into the nearest Sathar.

Beam Weapons 45%
Player, 134 posts
Pause. Computing.
Mon 3 Jun 2013
at 16:44
  • msg #26

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Hammer fires at a Sathar not too close to his companions.  He will make a called shot to the head.
player, 380 posts
Tue 4 Jun 2013
at 03:14
  • msg #27

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

S'Krllk sidles a bit and fires again.

OOC: 22:14, Today: S'Krllk rolled 27 using 1d100. shoot the Sathar.
player, 24 posts
Blob-shaped Lie Detector
Stretchy Pugilist
Tue 4 Jun 2013
at 03:22
  • msg #28

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Orvo nods at the Sathar he just clocked, starts making wide circles with his grey noodley arms and fists, throws in some fancy foot work for effect.  Then Orvo goes in for the next clobber:

23:19, Today: Orvo rolled 41 using 1d100. next combo punch when it's pugilin' time.

OOC:  drat!  Missed it by that much!
Bartja Nemuco
player, 561 posts
Tue 4 Jun 2013
at 13:40
  • msg #29

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Bartja's silvery-aura of the albedo screen flashes brightly as it deflects the lasers energy, leaving him unscathed.  Grinning maniacally, he tightens his fists against the brass knuckles and launches a calmer assault against the worm.  Conventional wisdom stated that the Sathar were never captured - at least not for long.  He intended to see otherwise...

He gritted his teeth, but couldn't bring on a rage that would help him fight.  Instead, he remained calm and calculated, timing his punches for the moment the worm let down his guard.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
50% Chance to hit, +3 Damage
06:31, Today: Bartja Nemuco rolled 90 using 1d100. Battle Rage? (NO)
06:32, Today: Bartja Nemuco rolled 24 using 1d100. attack1.
06:36, Today: Bartja Nemuco rolled 9 using 1d10. Damage1. (12 Total)
06:32, Today: Bartja Nemuco rolled 10 using 1d100. attack2. (Knock Out!)
06:36, Today: Bartja Nemuco rolled 9 using 1d10. Damage2. (12 Total)

GM Heath
GM, 1869 posts
Thu 6 Jun 2013
at 18:56
  • msg #30

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)


OOC: Overall, you guys made some great rolls.

A volley of shots and punches fills the air.

The two sathar being fought by Bartja and Orvo pull out vibroknives.

Desiraye hits dead on in the head, killing a Sathar.

Hammer also makes his called shot to the head, killing yet another Sathar.

Orvo misses.

Kri'lik fires three shots, hitting with one of them.

Bartja swings and knocks down his Sathar.  As it hits the ground, badly wounded, it pulls something from a hanging pouch.  It is small, roundish, and begins blinking and beeping when he pushes a button.

Ejidali is recovering from where he was at the side of the room.  "Grenade!" he yells as he makes for the front door.  This parlor room is small enough that everyone is likely to be caught in the radius of the blast, even the other Sathar.

Another of the Sathar lifts some sort of controller and pushes a button.  A blast from behind the far wall sends dishes and antiques off their shelves and to the floor, and you see a large fire erupting, which silhouettes the remaining two Sathar and the one holding the grenade.

The last Sathar swings down and hits Orvo with the vibroknife, slashing across his tentacle arm but causing only minor injury.  (6 damage. An inertia or skeinsuit will halve this damage.)

Setting for Round 3:
You still stand fighting in the front shop area of Ejidali's place.  Beyond the far wall in another part of the shop, a fire from the explosion is starting to engulf the store.

Two Sathar still stand attacking, one with a laser pistol (wounded) and one attacking Orvo.  The final Sathar is gravely wounded from Bartja and holds some sort of grenade in one hand that is about to go off.

Ejidali is panicked and running toward the front door to escape.
GM Heath
GM, 1870 posts
Thu 6 Jun 2013
at 19:04
  • msg #31

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Desiraye Lipost:
OOC: THAT, is an awesome picture of a Sathar!

I thought so too.  Even though it looks like a Sathar, I don't think that was the artist's intention.  I certainly didn't find it under a search for sathar pictures.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 562 posts
Fri 7 Jun 2013
at 04:04
  • msg #32

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Bartja stands over his fallen foe, realizing that the Sathar have always had a pension for self-destruction over capture.  He quickly goes over his options mentally:

1)  Dive for cover or the door after Ejidali to avoid the grenade OR
2)  Pitch the grenade out of the room, thus potentially saving everyone from it's effects OR
3)  Dive on the grenade and sacrifice himself.

Diving on the grenade seemed the most heroic option, but didn't appeal to Bartja's sense of self preservation.  He considered Option 2 also, but realized he would first have to disarm the Sathar, then successfully pitch the device out of the room through the door that Ejidali was about to open.

Option 1 it was then - and Bartja turned to dive after the fleeing villain.  If he couldn't capture a Sathar today, he would capture their pawn - but once they were safely outside of course...
Player, 135 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 7 Jun 2013
at 17:56
  • msg #33

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Hammer follows suit, running for the front door as he fires his laser pistol while retreating.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1438 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 8 Jun 2013
at 14:12
  • msg #34

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Desirayes' attention goes to the fire and then to the two remaining Sathar left in the fight.  She yells out, "GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!  ORVO!  GET DOWN!"  Deis lines up the sights of her K-Pulse pistol and fires three [3] rounds at the Sathar still engaging Orvo in hand-to-hand before trying to get out of the way of the fire and grenade blast.

10:06, Today: Desiraye Lipost rolled 6 using 1d100. K-Pulse Pistol [Shot #3].

10:06, Today: Desiraye Lipost rolled 57 using 1d100. K-Pulse Pistol [Shot #2].

10:06, Today: Desiraye Lipost rolled 36 using 1d100. K-Pulse Pistol [Shot #1].
player, 621 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Mon 10 Jun 2013
at 14:37
  • msg #35

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Not knowing exactly where the Sathar will toss the grenade, Kri'lik looks around for some cover and starts to move in its direction. While doing so he takes a gamble and thumbs his frontiersman blaster to stun and fires off a shot at the wounded Sathar.

A live Sathar prisoner would bolster their mission greatly.

beam weapons 45%
GM Heath
GM, 1871 posts
Mon 10 Jun 2013
at 17:26
  • msg #36

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

OOC: The only way to truly get out of the way of the fire and grenade blast are to exit the shop since you are still near the entry doors.  There are counters and tables around that would help shield you.  I wasn't really sure which options you guys are using so I will make my best guesses unless you clarify specifically.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1439 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 10 Jun 2013
at 20:44
  • msg #37

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

GM Heath:
OOC: The only way to truly get out of the way of the fire and grenade blast are to exit the shop since you are still near the entry doors.  There are counters and tables around that would help shield you.  I wasn't really sure which options you guys are using so I will make my best guesses unless you clarify specifically.

OOC: If it is possible, can we make for the door/exit and use the counter for cover so long as we/I are moving to get out of the store?
GM Heath
GM, 1872 posts
Mon 10 Jun 2013
at 20:46
  • msg #38

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Yes, but outside is safer.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1440 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Mon 10 Jun 2013
at 21:49
  • msg #39

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

GM Heath:
Yes, but outside is safer.

Make for the door firing or fire and make for the door.  Whichever is more feasible an action
GM Heath
GM, 1873 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2013
at 23:14
  • msg #40

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Everyone makes for the door in a rush.  Desi fires, and hits and kills the Sathar, giving Hammer and Orvo a chance to escape.

Kri'lik makes for cover.

The beeping on the grenade gets faster...and louder...

Ejidali also runs to the door, but like most dralasites, he is slow.

Everyone makes it out of the shop except for Orvo, Ejidali, and Kri'lik when the grenade goes off.  It is some sort of incineration grenade.  It decimates the body of the Sathar, kills the other remaining Sathar, and sets the shop into an extremely hot blaze.

Kri'lik was not complete safe from the heat behind the cover.  (10 dmg.)  He runs out of the shop before the blaze can bring the building on top of him.

Likewise, Orvo is hit by the explosion, his dralasite body burning.  But at least he is a little distance away, lowering the damage.  (14 dmg.)  Orvo then slips out of the shop before it can burn him up.

Ejidali is badly injured, his limbs flailing as he slams against the wall and falls to the floor.  You hear him scream as the flames overtake his body, and then he is silent.

Soon, you are sure the authorities will arrive.
Player, 136 posts
Pause. Computing.
Fri 14 Jun 2013
at 18:22
  • msg #41

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Hammer looks around. "Well, there goes our reward," he says pragmatically.  "Maybe we should get out of here before the authorities arrive." He is assuming Ejidali died in the explosion and fire.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 563 posts
Fri 14 Jun 2013
at 23:34
  • msg #42

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Bartja dusts himself off and turns off the Albedo Screen before looking after the injured.  He's no doctor, but he can assist if needed.

"Well, no reward for us except knowledge.  We now know that the Sathar are trying to get this formula and either they aren't communicating well with the Qantariate or they are at odds as well.  Why else would a Qantariate break into the lab to steal this stuff if they had already hired us to get it through the Sathar agents?

It doesn't make complete sense, but perhaps they are at war with each other or there are factions warring against each other.  We can use this to our advantage somehow.

Let's return to the lab once this all blows over.  I've got the paperwork on this formula.  Maybe we can rent lab space and make this ourselves.  If we can make some of it, we can load up needlers with it to fight Qantariate invaders."

player, 25 posts
Blob-shaped Lie Detector
Stretchy Pugilist
Sun 16 Jun 2013
at 03:47
  • msg #43

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Orvo grimaces while sitting on the floor, hunched over, trying to  let as much night air as possible cool his charred back side.  "Son of a bees wax" he manages at the bristling pain.  Listening to the others, he adds, "Has anyone seen or heard of this many Sathar acting together in Federation territory?  I thought even one was rare - using agents the more likely means.  Could they have one of those Qantariate snappy show-up-wherever-I'm-not-invited-devices?  Sathar seem to be teeming everywhere, don't they?"

Orvo will spend 5 rounds increasing his surface area to volume ratio (arms and legs and torso stretched as much as possible) to increase the amount of oxygen contacting his skin.  "Ahhhh," he says as he feels the fry, "if I were a real doctor I'd pump myself full of some pain meds right now."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1441 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sun 16 Jun 2013
at 13:58
  • msg #44

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Desiraye looks around the area to make sure everyone that is important made it out in one piece but, a little damaged to some extent.  She reaches down to her magazine pouch and retrieves a fresh power clip for her K-Pulse pistol, reloads, and places the partially spent one in a pouch or pocket for the time being.  "Yeah, our reward is down the damn drain but, we did get some good Intel I'm not sure staying around would be a completely bad idea since we should be reporting that there are Sathar on world and authorities should know about it.  Better yet, we can let out contact know what happened ere to give them a little insight on what's going on here.  Sound better?"
GM Heath
GM, 1874 posts
Mon 17 Jun 2013
at 17:00
  • msg #45

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Soon, the fire authorities arrive, and the Vrusk are manically putting out the fire as the local police arrive.

They immediately put you into "protective" custody and take you to the station to answer some questions.  You are all herded into a room where two Vrusk officers ask what happened.  "Arson is punishable by 10 years hard labor," says one.

Your weapons are taken from you during the arrest and another says, "You better have a good explanation for why you have these weapons."

They wait for a response.
Player, 137 posts
Pause. Computing.
Mon 17 Jun 2013
at 22:10
  • msg #46

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Hammer says, "Self protection only, I assure you.  We are conducting an official, or maybe not so official, investigation with RIK Zzik'Ti.  You can check.  He's in charge of starport security. The fire was caused by sathar that were in the building, not us.  We're trying to get to the bottom of the murder of LeGrange."
GM Heath
GM, 1875 posts
Tue 18 Jun 2013
at 19:18
  • msg #47

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

The authorities begin looking up the information and then step out to make a call.  He comes in a few minutes later.  I just spoke with RIK Zzik'Ti.  He says he never heard of you and doesn't know what you're talking about.  Nevertheless, he wants us to transport you and your possessions over to him for investigation."

You are transported back to the Starport, where RIK Zzik'Ti leads you into a back room and gives you back your weapons.

"You need to keep my name out of this.  Your investigation for me is not to come to light.  Next time, I won't be able to help you."  He then says, "So tell me, what have you found?  Anything related to LeGrange's murder?  And what were you doing way out there in the black market district next to a raging shop fire?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1443 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Tue 18 Jun 2013
at 20:45
  • msg #48

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Desiraye had remembered too late (OOC'd this yesterday) and was unable to stop Hammer after he had already made the comment about Zzik'Ti and kept her mouth shut until they were brought to the RIK station for questioning.

"IT wasn't intentional Zzik'Ti.  We're not sure what this is related to but, we found that there are Sathar operating on your planet here!  We understand this isn't relating too much to the LeGrange investigation but, I wouldn't rule it out.  We were killing some time in the district and we happened upon the shop keeper."
GM Heath
GM, 1876 posts
Tue 18 Jun 2013
at 20:49
  • msg #49

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

He says, "Sathar on this planet?  Don't be ridiculous.  Kraatar has never had the presence of Sathar.  Ever.  You must have mistaken another race for the Sathar.  Humans have a tendency to do that sometimes."  His Vrusk features reveal nothing as he makes that condescending statement.  "Well, it is getting late.  I trust you will have more success in the coming days."  He makes sure you have your gear back.

It is currently evening.
player, 381 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2013
at 02:36
  • msg #50

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Quietly, S'Krllk says, "Humans do, Zzik'Ti. I do not."
"Whatever else you do, you should be on your guard. The Sathar are never profitable.

He says nothing else, and merely waits for his gear to be returned and the group to leave. In the meantime, he runs diagnostics and checks the sensor packs on his bodycomp. Of course, in the process he has to scan the area, almost out of habit.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1444 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Wed 19 Jun 2013
at 08:24
  • msg #51

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Placing her weapons back in their holsters and the rest of her gear on her person, Desiraye adds, "Zzik'Ti, you're trusting us to investigate LeGrange.  Some of us well know all too well what Sathar look like back from Volturnus, we know what we saw and we know there's a problem.  You need to talk to Tariel Nuna at lab in the Kipur District!  She may be able to shed more light on this."
This message was last edited by the player at 08:28, Wed 19 June 2013.
GM Heath
GM, 1877 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2013
at 17:37
  • msg #52

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Zzik'Ti looks taken aback, as if his honor has been insulted.  "I am in charge of security at this Starport.  I can assure you that no Sathar has ever come through here on my watch.  I do not know the Tariel Nuna, nor do I wish to go to Kipur district."  You can sense that he has prejudice against that area, since it seems to treat other races as equal to Vrusk.

"Nevertheless, I will ask around about any Sathar, though it will make me look the fool.  In the meantime, I suggest you find something substantial on LeGrange's killer.  Last I heard, you were on to three suspects:  Kirscht, Semoins, and Blirdor.  Did you find anything on them?"
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1445 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 20 Jun 2013
at 01:21
  • msg #53

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

In reply to GM Heath (msg # 52):

"Please don't take offense, we aren't suggesting that they came through the starport.  Their using some weird technology that let's them jump into areas like through a jump machine or something like that.  Don't say anything but, do be wary of a possible threat."
player, 622 posts
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Thu 20 Jun 2013
at 14:40
  • msg #54

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

"Friend, do not let your pride blind you. The Sathar were there, 5 of them."

Persuasion 35%
GM Heath
GM, 1878 posts
Thu 20 Jun 2013
at 16:40
  • msg #55

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

(Persuasion failed.)

"I'll believe it when I see it.  Maybe you think you saw Sathar.  Maybe you were drugged by this Nuna character.  They are known to do strange experiments in those labs over in Kipur.  And we all know that teleportation or 'jump' technology is but a pipe dream proven to be infeasible.  But I am more interested at the moment in your progress on LeGrange."
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1446 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Sat 22 Jun 2013
at 21:21
  • msg #56

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

"You're correct.  We were a little interested in making a couple of bucks and it didn't stray us too far from our mission, so we thought.  We will be starting fresh on our investigating on the LeGrange matter in the morning," Desiraye says humbly enough to show that there was some error on the groups part.
player, 26 posts
Blob-shaped Lie Detector
Stretchy Pugilist
Sun 23 Jun 2013
at 12:21
  • msg #57

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Orvo observes this officer that thankfully enough has set them all free.  But Orvo is perplexed at his unflinching position about Sathar on this world.  Orvo thinks of the Dralasite expression, "pride'll get you nowhere."

Orvo puts his feelers out (metaphorically speaking) to see if this guy is legit with what he's expressing and what's going on internally.
08:16, Today: Orvo rolled 9 using 1d100. Empathy test.
Bartja Nemuco
player, 564 posts
Mon 24 Jun 2013
at 02:00
  • msg #58

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Bartja files the experience away in his memory to mull over when there is a moment to think.  Investigating LeGrange's murder had given them a pass on the planet, but there were much greater threats than anything Zik'Ti would be able to accept.

Once they were free of RIK protection, Bartja breathed a sigh of relief and asked his companions several questions:

"What do you think the odds are the Legrange was somehow wrapped up in all of this?  If he was the most knowledgeable on the planet, it could be he was 'silenced' for some reason.  I had thought it was just our pass to the planet - this investigation - but I think we might should take it more seriously.  He might actually have had some sort of involvement with the Qantariate or even the Sathar.  At least, that what my instincts are telling me.

Which lead do we pursue next?"

GM Heath
GM, 1879 posts
Mon 24 Jun 2013
at 16:27
  • msg #59

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

GM Heath
GM, 1880 posts
Mon 24 Jun 2013
at 18:34
  • msg #60

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

Zik'Ti gets an important call and excuses himself, asking you to hurry and find something he can use to solve this assassination before the riots start up again.  Then he hurries off, reminding you of the reward involved.

It is nighttime, so you return to your hotel, which has now been fixed.  (I assume Orvo joins them.  Otherwise, he will be stuck in the dorms with the other visiting lab workers...and no security protection in case anyone else shows up.)

As you turn on the daily broadcasts in your hotel, the Ssi'Aq'Krr (SAK) news service broadcasts this report that catches your attention:

"Today's shock news bulletin is that in the wake of the riot in Jedsis, Vist'Lat has sacked all of its Human workforce. Humans living in VL company houses have been forcibly evicted by RIK per-sonnel, and in some areas of Jedsis, street-fighting has again erupted. Attempts by the Commercial Council to reinstate the workers have been rejected by VL, who claim that they are a danger to the starport."

You rest comfortably that night without incident.  (Everyone injured regains 1 point of lost stamina.)
GM Heath
GM, 1881 posts
Mon 24 Jun 2013
at 18:35
  • msg #61

Re: Dark Side of the Moon - Day 3 (Evening)

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