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Shapfren's Climb.

Posted by DM HeathFor group 0
DM Heath
GM, 4927 posts
Mon 30 Sep 2013
at 14:55
  • msg #1

Shapfren's Climb

OOC: This thread is private to Shapfren.  She can call back through the tunnel for the others to hear her.  Please post anything she SAYS in the main thread (and it can be repeated here too, if wanted).  Anything she DOES should just be posted here since the others cannot see her or what she sees.

Shapfren rounds the corner.  Trails of water drip onto the path.  It truly would be slippery for anyone else, but she is able to navigate climbing around without too much of a problem. (Skill check made.)

The narrow tunnel goes about another 30 feet, sloping downward, into a pitch black room.  Only her infravision guides her because there are no glowing crystals here.

She drops into a cavern about 20 feet wide and 40 feet long covered with large rocks.  The water from the sloping crack in the wall collects here into a standing puddle about 5 feet in diameter.

She hears a strange sound from above and sees something moving across the ceiling.

She then realizes that these are not large rocks on the floor.  These are eggs, at least 40 or 50 of them.

And what is moving across the ceiling looks very familiar to the camouflaged shimmering the party saw when it encountered the Visperillion, winged snake-like monster.  It has not yet revealed itself, but those ticking sounds it is making sound threatening as they bounce off the walls.  You realize it is probably guarding something, like these eggs.

Looking quickly around, and up, Shapfren also quickly realizes that there are hundreds of bats on the ceiling above, or rather, the same bat-like creatures that are parasitic to the visperillions and that Shae now keeps as a pet.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:00, Thu 14 Nov 2013.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 55 posts
Mon 30 Sep 2013
at 18:14
  • msg #2

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Seeing the danger, Shapfren made her best effort to get as close to the bottom of the cave as possible, not only to avoid further risk from a fall, but also to be able to set her hands free and be able to hold her mandoline. Once she did so she said in a loud voice. "Please Send in Thaldar, probably best if he is secured with a rope. I found a nest and I don't have enough fireballs to blast it on my own!!"
DM Heath
GM, 4929 posts
Tue 1 Oct 2013
at 20:03
  • msg #3

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae falls into the puddle at the bottom of the slope, suddenly aware with her infravision of the same things Shapfren saw.

The camouflaged outline seems to have moved, but you can't tell where it is in the darkness.  It seemed smaller than the other visperillion viper creature, but you can't tell much more than that.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 58 posts
Tue 1 Oct 2013
at 20:44
  • msg #4

Re: Shapfren's Climb

"Still think those can be spared?, because unless you can somehow befriend the monster thing like you did with the bat we are on for a high dose of pain. And I thought one was enough"
DM Heath
GM, 4931 posts
Tue 1 Oct 2013
at 21:26
  • msg #5

Re: Shapfren's Climb

You suddenly hear something above you.  Shap and Shae look up, and half on the ceiling, half on the wall is another of those visperillion creatures.  It is above the large crack that you just climbed (or slid) down, and it has extended its wings menacingly.  As it does so, it lets out a deafening shriek that sounds half bat, half screaming woman.  Its snake-like jaw is open extremely wide, and you can see its large teeth.

However, this one is smaller than the other one you encountered, perhaps only twice the size of a human.

The bats rustle at the sound of the scream.  Several of them dive directly at the extended wings of the visperillion.  A hundred more go crazy, dropping from the ceiling.  They fly right at you...and through the crack you just came down.

But there are still many bats flying crazily through the relatively small cavern.

The young visperillion above you is preparing for an imminent attack on this new threat to its living quarters.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 31 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2013
at 16:13
  • msg #6

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae's spear is instantly in her hand when she sees the snake creature.  She backs away cautiously, prepared to strike out if it attacks.
DM Heath
GM, 4933 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2013
at 21:20
  • msg #7

Re: Shapfren's Climb

The creature jumps down to the ground, ready to attack Shapfren and Shae next round. The ground itself is littered with rocks and the giant eggs, which will make every step a little perilous.  Bats also still circle the ceiling area.

A rope falls down from the crack thanks to Borimer.  Unfortunately, the creature stands between you and the rope.  It has dropped to the large puddle to attack.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 59 posts
Wed 2 Oct 2013
at 23:39
  • msg #8

Re: Shapfren's Climb

"Take cover!!" screamed Shapfren as she began to perform a very aggressive tune, it was the same that she had performed back in the arc when nobody else could hear it thanks to the silence that predominated in the area.

Cast fireball centering it in the other side of the cavern so shae and Shapfren don't take as much damage 

DM Heath
GM, 4936 posts
Fri 4 Oct 2013
at 16:56
  • msg #9

Re: Shapfren's Climb


Shae heeds Shapfren's warning and steps to the back of the cave.  The cave is 40 feet long by 20 feet wide, and Shapfren lets loose a fireball that lights up the cavern and sends a heat wave over both of you, but leaves you unharmed.

The smaller visperillion is not so lucky.  Along with the destruction of about 15 eggs, the creature is burnt badly by the heat.  (19 hp dmg.)  But it is also enraged by the heat.  It runs at you, striking out with claws and sharp teeth.  (This will occur in round 2.)  The bats also begin coming toward you, as if suddenly controlled by the creature.

Young Visperillion
  (Original creature)
  HP: 41/60
  AC: 2
  Special Attacks: (swallow whole), ?
  Special Defenses: chameleon camouflage, ?

Parasitic Vampire Bats (4)
  HP: 8
  AC: 7 (1 if flying erratically)
  Special Attacks: disease, ?
  Special Defenses: ?
Shae Shadowglen
player, 32 posts
Fri 4 Oct 2013
at 22:42
  • msg #10

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae casts a spell, and a flaming ray like a blade flows from her hand that she uses to strike the creature when it gets close.

Casting flame blade.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 61 posts
Sat 5 Oct 2013
at 01:02
  • msg #11

Re: Shapfren's Climb

"I don't have more power of that kind, I hope this is enough" Shapfren began playin a faster tune with more cotnrast between lows and highs.

Cast Magic missile

DM Heath
GM, 4946 posts
Mon 7 Oct 2013
at 23:51
  • msg #12

Re: Shapfren's Climb


Shae casts a spell.  A flaming blade appears in her hands.

Shapfren sends magic missiles flying after the smaller visperillion, hurting but not killing it.

It strikes out with two claws and its bite, clamping onto Shapfren with its bite but missing with its claws.  (12 hp dmg.)

Something about its shriek or the tremors in the cave are affecting the eggs around you.  They start to crack as though being broken out of from the inside.

From behind the creature, Tahldar flies into the room.  He is directly behind the creature and floating slightly above the ground.

OOC: Tahldar, please read the description in the posts above to get caught up on the description of the room.

Currently, you are all lined up with Tahldar at the entrance to the grotto, the creature facing Shae and Shapfren, and Shae and Shapfren directly in front of the creature.  The eggs are scattered throughout the room but the ones closest to where Tahldar just entered have been destroyed by the first fireball.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 71 posts
Tue 8 Oct 2013
at 01:03
  • msg #13

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Without delay Tahldar whirls into action.  "I'm gonna cast web!  Burn it and I'll cast another!" he shouts.  Seeing the two beset by the creature and god's know what else once the eggs hatch, he casts the spell in hopes of saving, or at least helping them.

OOC:  I will cast a web to cover the floor.  Web covers 8 10' cubes so it will cover the entirety of the cavern.  However I will leave enough space for Shae and Shapfren to maneuver, let's say at least a 10' swath.  I would curl it around them but web needs two opposing anchor points so it will have to be from one side of the cavern to the other.  This means I'll be using 6 of the 10' cubes.  Before I cast I will move up to just into the mouth of the tunnel entering the cavern in hopes I can use the other two 10' cubes to cover the entrance (and protect me from the bats if they choose to attack me).  btw, I have infravision so I can see and Web has a casting time of 2.

Shae Shadowglen
player, 33 posts
Mon 14 Oct 2013
at 21:35
  • msg #14

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae stands back with the flame sword, ready to use it to swipe through any web that comes their way, or to attack the beast if it gets too close.  "Go for it!" she says.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 62 posts
Mon 14 Oct 2013
at 21:43
  • msg #15

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shapfren didn't speak, she just nodded as she kept on playing the same tune again, this time hoping to down the creature for good. However her expression and movements showed her true emotions in the matter, she was very nervous and uneasy at the current situation.
DM Heath
GM, 4948 posts
Mon 14 Oct 2013
at 21:56
  • msg #16

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Round 2
Tahldar begins casting.

Shapfren continues her song.  Magic missiles fly out and strike the beast.

Shae swings her flame sword menacingly as they step back from the creature.

It follows the flame sword slightly as though mesmerized by it.

Tahldar's spell completes, and a web covers most of the floor, including the large Visperillion creature.  Shae cuts away strands that could get in the way of her and Shapfren.

Now, on the west side of the room, you have Tahldar, then the web-covered creature and the eggs are in the center.  And on the east side stand Shae and Shapfren.  The creature is struggling to break through the web.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 72 posts
Tue 15 Oct 2013
at 00:51
  • msg #17

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Tahldar casts another spell in hopes of killing the creature in this room and its soon to be born minions.

OOC:  Assuming I was not able to cover up the entrance with the web and can still see it, I will cast magic missile on the visperillion.  I get 4 missiles.

Shapfren Diditlew
player, 63 posts
Tue 15 Oct 2013
at 00:55
  • msg #18

Re: Shapfren's Climb

"Enough singing, time to start slashing" Shapfren unsheated her sword and made a pass against the immobilized vesperillion, but there where too much webbings in the way,

19:54, Today: Shapfren Diditlew rolled 1 using 1d20. Attack  (THAC0 17).

DM Heath
GM, 4950 posts
Wed 16 Oct 2013
at 17:08
  • msg #19

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae and Tahldar attack.  Magic Missiles fly at the creature and Shae finishes it off with the flame blade.  Meanwhile, Shapfren trips over an egg and falls directly into the web, sticking there.  (Critical miss.)

The young viper-like creature is now dead, but all the noise and movement seems to have brought the eggs to activity in self preservation mode.  The shells of the eggs are cracking, and you see noses and claws poking out of some of the cracks as the new visperillion babies try to escape their eggs.  You recall hearing once that the poison of young reptiles is more dangerous than the poison of adults because it comes in concentrated fashion.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 73 posts
Wed 16 Oct 2013
at 18:04
  • msg #20

Re: Shapfren's Climb

"Shapfren, can you get yourself out?" Tahldar says as he sees his companion get stuck in the web's sticky strands.  "Shae, as soon as she's free burn the web with your flame blade.  With luck it will finish off the babies.  If it doesn't I'll cast another web and you can fry them again!"

OOC:  Would Shae's attack with the flame blade on the previous turn, on the webbed Visperillion, have caught the web on fire?

DM Heath
GM, 4951 posts
Wed 16 Oct 2013
at 18:28
  • msg #21

Re: Shapfren's Climb

No, that would require a moment to try to set it on fire where there is a few seconds of contact, not just slashing through it.  (That would also have proven quite painful to Shapfren.)
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 64 posts
Thu 17 Oct 2013
at 15:41
  • msg #22

Re: Shapfren's Climb

"No time, set the web in fire right now!. If these things manage to hatch things will get just worse" says Didit while trying to get unstuck on the web even recurring to slash it with her sword
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 74 posts
Thu 17 Oct 2013
at 17:22
  • msg #23

Re: Shapfren's Climb

OOC:  Assuming the newly hatched babies can't escape the web, Tahldar will hold his action to cast another web upon Shae burning the first one away.  But only if the babies don't all die from said burnt web.  Which does 2d4.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 34 posts
Thu 17 Oct 2013
at 18:48
  • msg #24

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae begins burning the web with her flaming sword, trying to make sure as many eggs catch on fire as possible.
DM Heath
GM, 4957 posts
Fri 25 Oct 2013
at 16:24
  • msg #25

Re: Shapfren's Climb

The fire is catching, the eggs are burning, and the room is filling up with smoke.  It is unlikely, however, that every last egg will get burnt in time, especially with the web blocking the way.

You hear the sounds of a battle wafting down from above.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 65 posts
Fri 25 Oct 2013
at 17:40
  • msg #26

Re: Shapfren's Climb

did I manage to get free?
DM Heath
GM, 4958 posts
Fri 25 Oct 2013
at 17:41
  • msg #27

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Sorry, yes, Shapfren got free but received 6 hp damage from the burning fire.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 75 posts
Sun 27 Oct 2013
at 21:49
  • msg #28

Re: Shapfren's Climb

OOC:  I think the web burns in 1 round.  In any event, after if burns away how many of the eggs and hatchlings survive?  If more than just a couple eggs/hatchlings are still capable of fighting I will stay and cast another web.  If 2 or less do then I will fly and up and help the others.
DM Heath
GM, 4959 posts
Thu 31 Oct 2013
at 17:13
  • msg #29

Re: Shapfren's Climb

There are 8 left.  They are getting out of their shells and will attack in one round.  They are smaller versions of the larger ones, and they writhe and are attracted to the heat, which is making them come out of their shells faster.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 76 posts
Thu 31 Oct 2013
at 18:01
  • msg #30

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Seeing eight of the hatchlings preparing to attack Shae and Shapfren, Tahldar prepares another web spell.

OOC:  I will cast a web, seeking to fill the chamber again and cover all eight creatures, but not Shae or Shapfren.  I will leave a 10' swath for them to manuever in.  Hopefully no creatures will be in this swath...

DM Heath
GM, 4963 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2013
at 23:22
  • msg #31

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Tahldar casts another web spell.  This time, all but 3 eggs are covered, leaving Shapfren and Shae to just fight three emergin vipers.  Those three eggs were missed because they happen to be right next to Shapfren and Shae.

The web also blocks the way between them and the crack that leads out to the others.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 66 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2013
at 23:29
  • msg #32

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shapfren made a swing against the closest viper

17:29, Today: Shapfren Diditlew rolled 8 using 1d20. attack (Thaco 17).

Shae Shadowglen
player, 35 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2013
at 23:31
  • msg #33

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae also stabs out at the nearest one.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 77 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2013
at 23:47
  • msg #34

Re: Shapfren's Climb

His spell supply nearly exhausted, Tahldar reaches into his mind and plucks the last for the day in his minor store and casts it upon the creatures attacking Shae and Shapfren.

OOC:  I will cast magic missile.  I get 4 missiles.  I will split it up in two groups so one creature on Shae will get 2 missiles and one on Shapren will get the other two.

DM Heath
GM, 4964 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 00:03
  • msg #35

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Round 1
The three remaining babies emerge from their eggs.

Magic missiles fly from Tahldar, hitting two of them.

In a remarkable streak of bad luck, Shae and Shapfren both manage to completely miss the targets, which are now hissing and ready to strike out next round.  They are about the size of a large dog, and are slimy as they break free to attack, extending their wings opening their extraordinarily elongated jaws to strike with razor-sharp teeth.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 78 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 01:01
  • msg #36

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Tahldar does not like the situation Shae and Shapfren are in, especially since he finds himself very low on available spells.  Grimly he assesses the situation and casts the remaining spell that will aid them, though he feels it may not be enough.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 67 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 03:20
  • msg #37

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shapfren made more swings as she tried to take more distance from the hatchling "DO you happen to have more of those?"

21:19, Today: Shapfren Diditlew rolled 4 using 1d20. attack again and retreat.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:21, Thu 07 Nov 2013.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 36 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 16:35
  • msg #38

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae continues to swing.  "Come on, we can get these little buggers!"
DM Heath
GM, 4965 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 19:05
  • msg #39

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Round 2
Both Shapfren and Shae strike out, but they both miss the oncoming creatures.

Tahldar draws his dagger and casts a spell.  6 mirror images of himself appear around him.

The creatures attack.  Two miss, but one of them sinks its teeth into Shapfren.  (Critical hit, natural 20.)  Shapfren immediately feels her arm swell in pain and the burning is intense.  (5 hp damage, plus 1 from poison.)  She remembers that young snakes are often more venomous than the full grown ones due to the concentration of poison.  (Saving throw missed.)
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 79 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 19:24
  • msg #40

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Hoping he is not too late, Tahldar flys to Shapfren's aid and plunges his dagger with keen accuracy at the creature he hurt prior with magic missiles.

OOC:  I will fly down and close and attack.  I will try to interpose myself between Shapfren and the creature I am attacking.  I will focus on one already hurt by magic missiles.  I hit an AC0 for a total of 4pts.  I have no other protective magic running other than the mirror image so my AC is what is on my character sheet.

Shae Shadowglen
player, 37 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 19:39
  • msg #41

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae will also step forward and attack one of the creatures hit by Tahldar with his magic missiles.
DM Heath
GM, 4966 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2013
at 17:34
  • msg #42

Re: Shapfren's Climb


This time, two of the things are sliced open and killed as Tahldar, Shae and Shapfren all hit with their attacks.

The remaining visperillion creature lashes out but misses.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 80 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2013
at 18:30
  • msg #43

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Tahldar rips his dagger from the dead creature and turns on the last.  Delivering another solid blow, he drives his dagger into the creatures hide.  "Let's finish this and burn off the webs so we go back up and help the others!" he says in hopes of boosting their morale.

OOC:  Attack the last creature.  Hit an AC0 for 3 total points.

Shae Shadowglen
player, 38 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2013
at 19:00
  • msg #44

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Shae also rips out her spear and stabs it at the other.
DM Heath
GM, 4968 posts
Sat 9 Nov 2013
at 00:20
  • msg #45

Re: Shapfren's Climb

Tahldar hits the viper with his dagger, but it is Shae that skewers it with her spear.  It writhes a moment before flopping over dead.  (Critical hit.)  All the creatures appear dispatched for now.

Shapfren feels further pain from the poison seeping through her.  (1 hit point damage.)

OOC: Poison damage will continue until the poison leaves the system or is cured.  It can be healed, but the damage will continue to accumulate.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 68 posts
Sat 9 Nov 2013
at 01:21
  • msg #46

Re: Shapfren's Climb

"I don't feel so good" Shapfren laid again on the floor looking to focuss all of her force into enduring the pain from the bite and the burns "Any idea if there are other things of relevance in here?"
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 81 posts
Sat 9 Nov 2013
at 02:12
  • msg #47

Re: Shapfren's Climb

OOC:  Are there any more vipers/eggs that are still alive but trapped in the second web?  In any event it needs to be burned away before we can leave, but it would be useful to know if there are any vipers that are still alive and could potentially survive a second burning.  And thereby be a threat to us.
DM Heath
GM, 4969 posts
Mon 11 Nov 2013
at 17:49
  • msg #48

Re: Shapfren's Climb

The vipers are all dead.  If they didn't die by the fire, they were unviable and died upon their shells being cracked.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 82 posts
Mon 11 Nov 2013
at 20:27
  • msg #49

Re: Shapfren's Climb

"I'd carry you Shapfren up above, but I am not strong enough.  I will get the ointment to cure the poison and be back as fast as I can!"

OOC:  I will fly up and get the keoghtoms ointment from Kahan then fly back to heal Shapfren and cure the poison.  Though I think we might be a couple of in game rounds ahead of those above us.

Shapfren Diditlew
player, 69 posts
Mon 11 Nov 2013
at 23:20
  • msg #50

Re: Shapfren's Climb

"Wait, Shae didn't you used to live among nature? Could you now someway to help me with this?"
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