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Here There Be Giants 3.

Posted by DM HeathFor group 0
Player, 2 posts
Fri 20 Sep 2013
at 15:48
  • msg #32

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Hatchman follows them, looking around for anything strange in the cavern and seeing if there is any easy way to climb up to the tunnel.
Leogold Silvershaper
player, 64 posts
Fri 20 Sep 2013
at 16:27
  • msg #33

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Leo scouts out with the group, but then starts to head back looking at all three tunnels heading out of the area, muttering to himself. "They said they turned right and down at the four caverns, so the one they came down must slope up going back the way they came."

OOC:waiting for GM to confirm if I find what I am looking for.
DM Heath
GM, 4918 posts
Fri 20 Sep 2013
at 16:44
  • msg #34

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Leo can only scout out the first two tunnels since the other requires getting up there.

Leo finds that the two tunnels interconnect through a larger cavern that leads to the southwest, like this.

Leogold Silvershaper
player, 65 posts
Fri 20 Sep 2013
at 17:44
  • msg #35

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Leo throws up his hands in frustration. "This just doesn't make any least if that parchment was right. I mean it read right down slope at cavern 4 caverns Which should mean if it was them mapping down that the tunnel we are looking for going out would slope up. Right?" he asks no one in particular looking around at the faces of the group.
Player, 3 posts
Fri 20 Sep 2013
at 17:52
  • msg #36

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Hatchman strokes his thin beard as he looks up and down the corridors, back and forth, bacvk and forth.  He is trying to remember details.

He says, "Actually, we had never traveled into the cavern with the big lake and water.  We were coming up from the south side, just like you.  But I think I remember that we came down from that tunnel up there and then turned left down one of these side tunnels.  That's how we ended up down in that direction.  That being said, if we climb up to the tunnel and go southeast, I think that takes in the direction we came from.  Too bad we didn't leave ropes for ourselves to climb back up."
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 57 posts
Sat 21 Sep 2013
at 00:13
  • msg #37

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

"Shall we go south west then?  We can always return and try to climb up to the south east tunnel if we have to." Tahldar asks of his group.

OOC:  For the heck of it while we decide which way to go I'll do a quick scan for secret doors in the tiny cavern with the SW and SE exits.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:15, Sat 21 Sept 2013.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 51 posts
Sat 21 Sep 2013
at 00:38
  • msg #38

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

"I'm good at climbing, if you want it, I can go there carrying the tip of a rope and secure it for you to go there"
player, 2337 posts
Ac -1s-2p-3b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 13 Hp 80/80 Mvt18"
Sat 21 Sep 2013
at 01:12
  • msg #39

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

"How about we check out the lower passage first, and then Shapfren can get a rope for us to climb up into the other one?"
Leogold Silvershaper
player, 66 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2013
at 12:44
  • msg #40

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Leo responds. "I am fine with that if everyone else agrees."
DM Heath
GM, 4920 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2013
at 15:18
  • msg #41

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

You find no secret passages.

The very large cavern to the south (with the southwest exit) is similar to the others, with spotted stalagmites and stalactites.  Its exit to the southwest is once again a very large tunnel over twenty feet high and about 50 feet wide.  Otherwise, there is nothing odd about it.

(Not sure if you were going to continue southwest or not.)
player, 2338 posts
Ac -1s-2p-3b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 13 Hp 80/80 Mvt18"
Mon 23 Sep 2013
at 18:58
  • msg #42

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Borimer continues forward with the group, heading southwest ever-wary of ambush.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 52 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2013
at 19:20
  • msg #43

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Shapfren advances close to the walls, mandoline in hand, and alert in case Leo makes a noise indicating danger.
DM Heath
GM, 4921 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2013
at 21:17
  • msg #44

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

You move to the southwest.  The tunnel curves sharply to the south, climbing up huge platforms of natural steps about 5 feet tall each.

Hatchman, Lukas and Donovan indicate that they think they came this way during their time stuck in the caves.

The tunnel eventually straightens out and goes south, where it branches off into large corridors heading west, south, and northeast.  The Hatchman group (let's call it that for now) thinks they went south or west but none are quite certain which at this point.

player, 2339 posts
Ac -1s-2p-3b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 13 Hp 80/80 Mvt18"
Mon 23 Sep 2013
at 23:09
  • msg #45

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

"How about west first, and if it's a dead end or another intersection, than we check south to continue our map, eventually taking the east passage as well...?"
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 53 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2013
at 23:20
  • msg #46

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

"I think we should go East first, it is out best chance to escape this cave exploring the places we haven't been in before, which I believe is still the priority"
Player, 4 posts
Mon 23 Sep 2013
at 23:31
  • msg #47

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

"East works for me," says Hatchman. "I think going west or south puts us in backtrack mode toward those crazy viper monsters.  I'll go either way, though."
player, 2340 posts
Ac -1s-2p-3b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 13 Hp 80/80 Mvt18"
Mon 23 Sep 2013
at 23:43
  • msg #48

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

"East is also good,"  Borimer agrees.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 58 posts
Tue 24 Sep 2013
at 00:00
  • msg #49

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Tahldar shrugs in agreement at going east.  He cares little which way they go as long as they keep moving.  He has said little about it, but a growing mustard seed of fear that they will encounter a giant gnaws at his mind.  He wishes for little more at the moment than to be out of the catacombs, the faster the better.
Donovan Redmond
player, 7 posts
Tue 24 Sep 2013
at 02:34
  • msg #50

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Donovan follows as fast as his little legs can carry him.

OOC: Is he still small?
Leogold Silvershaper
player, 68 posts
Tue 24 Sep 2013
at 13:02
  • msg #51

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Leo thinks to himself they should probably travel up each about 100 yards to see if any of them start to rise, but hold his comments and follows the others backwards down the NE passage.
DM Heath
GM, 4923 posts
Thu 26 Sep 2013
at 19:14
  • msg #52

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

You explore a little further around, and then go to the northeast.

In the main cavern, you see a tunnel heading to the west, and as you circle it around in a counterclockwise direction, you find what appear to be two stone doors, one heading west and one heading south.  The stone doors appear to be enormously heavy, and each is connected to a pulley similar to the one by the pit you crawled out of.  Even use of the pulley appears to require significant strength, and this again gives you the thought of giants.  The pulley and door do not appear to have been used recently.  The south door is somewhat larger than the western one.  The west door is about 10 feet wide by 20 feet tall.  The south door is about 20 feet wide by 15 feet tall.  (So south is wide and squat while the western is tall and thin.)

You continue around to the northeast passage.  This leads to another large, rounded cavern.  There is no other exit from this cavern.

Here, you see even further signs of occupying giants.  There are various blackened firepits on the ground, the walls are black from smoke, and the ceiling itself is at least a hundred feet high with what appear to be numerous small holes like pores leading up. The holes are about five inches wide.  There are also some scattered items like broken wood for tools, a stone box that has some firewood in it, some tattered cloths, and even a large piece of cloth 15' x 15' that might well have served as a blanket for a giant.  As with the other areas, it does not appear that this area has recently been used.

So the possibilities are to look around this room, try to go through the stone door to the west, try to go to the stone door to the south, go west down the tunnel, or backtrack around to the giant stone steps.

The group that was rescued never ventured this far south, so they think they must have gone down the tunnel to the west since they don't remember seeing these types of indicia of giants here.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:16, Thu 26 Sept 2013.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 28 posts
Thu 26 Sep 2013
at 23:19
  • msg #53

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Shae looks around the campfires to see if she can tell how long it's been since they were used.  She also looks through the dirt and ashes for anything of interest.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 60 posts
Thu 26 Sep 2013
at 23:34
  • msg #54

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

As Shae searches, Tahldar examines the walls with his keen elven eyes for any secret compartments.
Donovan Redmond
player, 8 posts
Thu 26 Sep 2013
at 23:44
  • msg #55

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Donovan looks for tracks.
player, 2341 posts
Ac -1s-2p-3b/Save +4dodge
Thac0 13 Hp 80/80 Mvt18"
Fri 27 Sep 2013
at 01:48
  • msg #56

Re: Here There Be Giants 3

Borimer turns around and stands at the southwest opening the party just walked through, keeping guard against any incoming danger.
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