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Hell in a Handbasket.

Posted by rogue4jcFor group 0
player, 64 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2004
at 05:53
  • msg #11

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

This thread assumes there is a literal Hell beyond simply the hell of regret, lost potential, and separation from the presence of God.
player, 2 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2004
at 23:02
  • msg #12

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

I think a name change would be suitable, too. I am, for the most part, a non christian. And that makes it seem as though I am, for the most part, wrong.

However, on topic.

I don't think that all non Christians will go to their own Hell (or Christianities, really....why go to another religions hell?), just as not all Christians will go to their Hell.
GM, 163 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2004
at 23:12
  • msg #13

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

I'll leave the name up. It's no different than the question of "Will ALL non-Muslims go to hell?"
It's a perspective driven question, and should be considered as such. I'm not muslim, so the question from my view is wrong, but that doesn't invalidate the question. It can be discussed, or not.
player, 42 posts
Tue 6 Jul 2004
at 02:32
  • msg #14

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

Christianity has been around only approximately 2,000 years...  Were all the people who lived before the death of Jesus Christ doomed to an eternity in hell simply because they were born at the wrong time, through no fault (or choice) of their own?
player, 55 posts
Tue 6 Jul 2004
at 02:53
  • msg #15

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

Actually, everyone went to Hell before Christ(except Mother Teresa).  In Hell there is a river, and on one side is a lake of fire, where all who did not believe that the Christ would come would burn for ever.  On the other side of the river was 'Abraham's Bosom' where all the faithful spent time in peace.  When Christ opened the Kingdom of Heaven, they entered.

Christianity has been around approximately 6,000 years.  All of time has looked either forward or backwards to the time of Christ.  Modern Christians look back, and ancient Christians looked forward.
'Your father Abraham saw My time, and rejoiced...'
GM, 168 posts
Tue 6 Jul 2004
at 03:03
  • msg #16

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

A simple answer to the question,
Were all the people who lived before the death of Jesus Christ doomed to an eternity in hell simply because they were born at the wrong time, through no fault (or choice) of their own?

No they weren't doomed. The sacrifice of Jesus was for all sins. All meaning past present and future sins. So those who sinned before Jesus' sacrifice, they could be forgiven of those sins.
player, 17 posts
Tue 6 Jul 2004
at 06:56
  • msg #17

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

I think no one will go to heaven.... and when you die you die... and your soul disappears...
player, 11 posts
I dont consider you wrong
Please dont tell me I am
Tue 6 Jul 2004
at 13:22
  • msg #18

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

"Christianity has been around approximately 6,000 years."

CHRISTianity around for 6000 years? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight,

Me, I believe that when we die, our shells (meaning, us without our ka(our bodies, everything but the soul)), as well as any ka that wish to go or have been forced into going, are guided to the underworld by Anubis and Ap-uat, where they are taken into the kingdom of Osiris.

*glances at her bio breifly before pressing the "post" button*
player, 71 posts
Fri 9 Jul 2004
at 07:39
  • msg #19

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

Is this a discussion about where you go after death or if Christians believe non-believers will go to hell or if we think others in our religions will go to hell?  I'm not sure I follow, but since my religion doesn't believe in a literal hell, I guess the answer's easy enough.
GM, 183 posts
Fri 9 Jul 2004
at 07:49
  • msg #20

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

I think it was started about just a christians perspective on non christians. but no reason this thread is special and not allowed to derail :) Just kidding about the derailing. It's just a natural thing to have offshoot ideas build. No reason for more thoughts about it to come up.
player, 17 posts
Fri 9 Jul 2004
at 20:39
  • msg #21

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

It was started as a non-christian's curiousity in a christian belief... ^^
player, 10 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2004
at 00:11
  • msg #22

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

The good old chick tracts... just to examplify:

Do you agree? good works, pure lives, count for nothing if you don't have true belief in Jesus as the savior? Even if you don't worship anyone else either? And do believe you are doing the work of God?
GM, 205 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2004
at 00:54
  • msg #23

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

In a simple answer, yes. But let me clarify. We don't work to earn our to heaven. As a christian, we don't donate money, volunteer time, etc to get into heaven. The sacrifice of Jesus erased the complete punishment of our sins. Our God is a personal God, one of a compassionate Father. He's there for us. And it is through that gift we are taken to heaven. Without the mercy of God, none of can be in his presence. Not me, not anyone, according to the bible.

My personal opinion is that some people, including some christians are under the belief, that being good is enough to earn their way to heaven. And yet in the bible it says we are not going to heaven from our works, so that none of us can boast. We do not need to help 5 old ladies across the street, feed 986 starving homeless people, volunteer 9 children with homework for one year, plus ... in order to say, "ok, I did my part, I can sit here and wait, because I earned my way to heaven now."

From the perspective of the bible, there is nothing we can do to make God love us anymore than He does right and forever.

Do I believe I am doing the work of God? Tough question, as it's gonna be a biased answer. I'm going to say and leave it at a simple answer. If just one person is ever affected by this, and that could mean Lycaon hates my answers but repeats it to another, who repeats that to another, and that person is affected, and becomes saved, in the end, it was from God, and therefore God is working through me, and Lycaon. I try, and that's all I can do.

Incidently, I didn't read the tract.
player, 23 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2004
at 01:05
  • msg #24

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

That was an intresting strip... taught me a little more about Christianity ^^ I was told by someone who wants to be a minister that being a good person and doing good things gets you to heaven, no matter your religion (hence a reason why I asked this question) I suppose that I should give him that link ^^ Even though I'm not Christian, I don't want him to find out by someone else.
player, 98 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2004
at 05:14
  • msg #25

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

We don't work to earn our to heaven. As a christian, we don't donate money, volunteer time, etc to get into heaven. The sacrifice of Jesus erased the complete punishment of our sins. Our God is a personal God, one of a compassionate Father. He's there for us. And it is through that gift we are taken to heaven. Without the mercy of God, none of can be in his presence. Not me, not anyone, according to the bible.

I have to take issue with this statement.  If you read the second chapter of James, it talks repeated about how faith without works is dead, the same as a body without a spirit.  Some Christians believe that simple faith is enough and then don't worry about how they live their lives.  That never ceases to amaze me.

After all, Jesus' sacrifice was to take away the sins (and not the "punishment" of sins) of "repentant" sinners, not all sinners, and certainly not all sinners who simply believed in his divinity.  Of course, if you believe in a literal hell, this seems cruel.  Under LDS beliefs, there are many gradations of rewards based on the type of life you lead (i.e. how closely you conform your actions to God).  If you repent of ALL your sins and adjust your behaviors accordingly, then you can access the Mercy of Christ and ascend to the presence of God.

And judgment will not be based on exact values.  It will be made based on the actions, knowledge and abilities of each specific person.

Another thing I don't understand along these lines is why some people believe that unbaptized babies go to hell.  Can someone explain that to me?
GM, 222 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2004
at 05:25
  • msg #26

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

That verse in james is used out of context. It's saying that faith will show in your actions. It's not saying you earn your faith.
Obviously, once you follow Jesus, then you do as He says.
Jesus sacrifice was for all sins. Not some sins. All sins.
Biblically speaking,if you're judged, it's two ways, up or down. There's no "well you only hit 2 old ladies, so that makes you less a sinner then that guy over there who hit three."

All children are innocent to God. They are born with sin, but are not responsible for them until they are of age to understand.

I beleive for the most part a protestant doesn't baptize until old enough to understand. Some protestant baptize babies, and catholics do as well. But most protestants allow the person to be baptized when they are making a commitent to the Lord.
player, 102 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2004
at 05:47
  • msg #27

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

That verse in james is used out of context. It's saying that faith will show in your actions. It's not saying you earn your faith.
Obviously, once you follow Jesus, then you do as He says.
Jesus sacrifice was for all sins. Not some sins. All sins.
Biblically speaking,if you're judged, it's two ways, up or down. There's no "well you only hit 2 old ladies, so that makes you less a sinner then that guy over there who hit three."

Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this.  James does not say it "will" show; he is saying it "must" show.  He is giving a mandate.  And Hitler will be judged differently than Mother Teresa because of their actions and receive rewards/punishments accordingly.
player, 103 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2004
at 05:50
  • msg #28

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

Rogue:  Just to clarify, do you believe that heaven and hell is an all or nothing thing?  You're either in or you're out?
player, 48 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2004
at 12:13
  • msg #29

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

What about limbo?
GM, 224 posts
Sat 10 Jul 2004
at 15:14
  • msg #30

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

Yes, at the end, either you're in, or out.
player, 3 posts
Might makes right:
God wins
Tue 16 Nov 2004
at 18:33
  • msg #31

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

John 14:6  "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the light.  No one comes to the father except through me."

According to this, Jesus is saying that all who don't follow him go to hell.

As for Jack Chick, I like his tracts.  After I played DnD for about a year, I read his "Dark Dungeons" tract on how Dungeons and Dragons is evil and LMAO'ed.
player, 965 posts
Affiliation: LDS
Wed 17 Nov 2004
at 01:31
  • msg #32

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

John 14:6  "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the light.  No one comes to the father except through me."

According to this, Jesus is saying that all who don't follow him go to hell.

I think the meaning of this is:  (1) Everyone is a sinner, (2) sinners cannot enter the Kingdom of God, so (3) since Jesus is the only way to forgiveness of sins, it is only through him that one can enter the Kingdom of God.

Your proposition also is circular in that its prerequisite is a belief in Christianity.  You have to believe in the divinity of the New Testament to believe that.

Your proposition also assumes there is a "hell."  The jews did not believe in a literal hell, so it is doubtful that just being separated from the "Father" is meant to imply hell per se.  If you believe that being separated from the Father is "hell," then this is true...but aren't we separated from the "Father" right now?  So are we in hell right now?
player, 44 posts
no Jesus, no peace
know Jesus, know peace
Wed 17 Nov 2004
at 01:43
  • msg #33

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

Jesus lives in our hearts, so I'd say no, we are not seperated. As for what the jews believe or do not believe, it really shouldn't matter. Jews do not believe that Jesus is the Christ, and therefore, their beliefs would be wrong according to Jesus/God.
player, 968 posts
Affiliation: LDS
Wed 17 Nov 2004
at 02:30
  • msg #34

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

But my point is:  Since Jesus was a Jew and never mentioned Hell, how can we assume he was saying non-Christians will go to Hell?  I agree with you that no one can enter the kingdom of the Father except through him, but that doesn't invariably lead to the conclusion that there must be a Hell and the alternative is Hell when his own religion didn't teach of a hell.  It did teach of the limbo state of "paradise" before final judgment...
player, 47 posts
no Jesus, no peace
know Jesus, know peace
Wed 17 Nov 2004
at 02:45
  • msg #35

Re: Will ALL non-Christians go to hell?

Heath, I know you have a fairly working knowledge of the bible, so you would agree hell is spoken of in the bibel. Considering the word of God is Jesus, then doesn't that mean if the bible speaks of hell, that Jesus knew that would be spoken of?

As you can imagine, as a christian, I believe Jesus is God, and that His word knew hell would be a factor when Jesus was living and speaking of these things.
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