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Quest Goals (Dark Side of the Moon and the Qantariate War)

Posted by GM HeathFor group 0
GM Heath
GM, 1715 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2012
at 17:01
  • msg #1

Quest Goals (Dark Side of the Moon and the Qantariate War)


1) Take the datastick (found in Bugs in the System) to someone who can decode and unlock the message found in the Matrix's Hole Between Worlds.

2) Prevent the Qantariate invasion (2 cycles until invasion) (Qantariate are extra-dimensional aliens)

3) Optional: Find out how long a cycle is. (Completed: Each cycle is equivalent to about 1 month.)

4) Optional: Learn more about the Synth (the Qantariate slinter group that opposes the invasion and will help you)

5) Get LeGrange involved: Completed? Legrange was killed.

6) Take the artifact to Tariel Nuna on Kraatar.  She knows about the Shadows of Rakon and can help figure out what it is.  COMPLETED: SHE IS INVESTIGATING ITS USE AND HAS PUT IT IN A SPECIAL SOLUTION TO AVOID OPENING ANY MORE PORTALS.

7) Discover how the Sathar are involved in the Qantariate invasion.

NOTE: The Qantariate will try hard to get the datasphere back from you.


Completed quests:

Escaped the Pegasus and Aurora

Escaped the Qantariate invasion of the space station

Solved how the Blackness Machine works

Found that the Matrix Project was formed to use the Matrix virus against the
Qantariate, but it got out of control

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:27, Wed 24 July 2013.
GM Heath
GM, 1716 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2012
at 17:05
  • msg #2

Re: Quest Goals


1) For RIK Zzik'Ti, you are searching for who killed LeGrange, and what the motives are.

You found three potential suspects while investigating the broadcast interruption:

Kirscht:  This is a human female who has a criminal record for theft.  She normally lives in Jedsis, but visits Quazzt occasionally to visit her ailing grandmother.  You get details of her domicile. (You have not talked to her.)
You broke into her apartment.  Kirscht is apparently a bit of a hoarder.  Her apartment was filled with various nick-nacks in a jumbled mess.  None of them appeared very valuable, and there is no rhyme or reason to them -- ceramic miniatures, old portable phones, a box of empty wallets, another box of keycards, and jewelry stacked in a jewelry box.  She is messy and unsanitary, by the look of things.  She seems slovenly and poor, though the jewelry is probably worth something.  You didn't find anything related to your investigation, but you don't expect 15 minutes was enough time to sort through all this collection of junk.

A note was on her kitchen table that said, "Dear Kirscht, Come visit me in Quazzt when you get a chance.  It's been a long time, and I know you're tired of those bugs down in Jedsis.  The thug bugs are such a pain in all of our arses.  I can also help you with your problem.  Love, Grandmother Elaine."

Kri'lik took a photo of the note.

Semoins is a Vrusk executive who showed up as one of those in the control room.  Semoins was also among those quarantined with you.  He is part of the Clik A'qat trade house, which manufactures glass.  Upon interrogating Semoins, you found that he was told to place a thumb drive in the control room by a dralasite who apparently threatened him.

Blirdor:  This is a dralasite, known to be a prolific gambler and one who is unusually successful.  It appears that this is the dralasite who threatened Semoins and had him place the thumb drive in the control room at the broadcast station.

2) Investigate the KLC as part of your investigation.  (All their weapons are from off world.)

3) Optional: If RIK Zzik'Ti's help is needed, go back to the starport and seek him out.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:26, Wed 24 July 2013.
GM Heath
GM, 1722 posts
Fri 3 Aug 2012
at 17:01
  • msg #3

Re: Quest Goals

4) Investigate SAK offices regarding the broadcast taking responsibility for the assassination of LeGrange. COMPLETE.

5) The characters also have in their safekeeping the interview videotape taken by Charletta during the last interview with LeGrange.

EDIT: Desi gave this to Zzik'Ti for safe keeping, and he put it in a pouch.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:42, Mon 12 Nov 2012.
GM Heath
GM, 1723 posts
Fri 3 Aug 2012
at 18:00
  • msg #4

Re: Quest Goals

Potential areas to visit:

1) Trade Houses:  They are all located in the Business District except Vist'Lat, which is located at the Starport.  (Monorail gets you around for 1 credit each one way trip.)  Trade house inquiries can be made for the following trade houses:

--Vist'Lat (VL) (or otherwise visit the Starport where you landed)
--Clik'Aqat (CA)
--Sik'Triksta (ST)
--Ral'Ik'Ka (RIK)
--Gst'Gsr'St (GGS)

2) Visit your friend Rezz (newly unemployed shuttle pilot)

3) Go to your rooms at the inn owned by Ymen (Rezz's friend)

4) Go back to Starport and talk to RIK Zzik'Ti (Zzik) about your mission or findings, or to ask for help.

5) Figure out where you can find Tariel Nuna to inquire about the artifact.
--Find a way to get a permit to speak with Nuna in the Kipur District.
Got IDs to get in (see below).
Got in, Nuna has the artifact and is checking it out. She gave you official IDs to get in and out of the labs.

6) Jedsis: Talk to the non-Vrusk in Jedsis.  (Note: It is dangerous for Vrusk in this area which is heavily populated by non-Vrusk indigents.)
You spoke to a Vrusk and human at the hotel.

While there (in the hotel bar), you overhear a conversation between a Vrusk and a Human. The two are friends and both work for Sik'Triksta on the monorail. (Racial hatred is not as widespread as Legrange had wished, apparently). While recently at Quazzt's Depression, the Human saw starship lights in the sky, which was very odd since starships are only supposed to land at the starport.  Why they should land at Quazzt is beyond him.  "Probably just extremists," the Vrusk says, which is answered by a shrug from the human."

Hammer then turns to the strangers talking. "Hey, I couldn't help but overhear you talking about the starship lights over at Quazzt's Depression.  Any idea what you think they might have been from?  It sounds really strange yet fascinating."

The Vrusk and Human actually appear quite friendly.  The human turns to the Mechanon curiously and answers, "I don't know for sure.  All these crazy disturbances are from extremist groups.  I know that much.  Kraatar has no shortage of extremists."

"I agree," says the Vrusk.  "You've got the LeGrange extremists, the Vrusk houses, and so forth.  We don't subscribe to that brand of thinking.  It's all just racist if you ask me."

The human says, "Yeah, so whatever's causing starship lights is probably coming from one of those groups.  But the only way to really know for sure is to go to the starport and check their records.  They have records of all landings that take place on the planet.  All landings are supposed to come through the starport, not through Quaazt's Depression."

On a separate occasion, you spoke to some others:
You talk to the people, who generally dislike the Vrusk but don't want to talk too much to those with Vrusk in their company such as you.  They are for the most part ambivalent about the murder of LeGrange, seeing it as a burden on their lives with the curfew and riots.  But they don't really want to talk much to strangers.  Jedsis is fairly well dilapidated and has slums.  There is distrust among everyone.

You eat lunch and try some more.  Finally, an antique shop owner gives you the name of "Ejidali" and some directions on how to find him.  "In the Black Market area," he says, giving you directions there.  Then a customer walks in the door, and he quickly shuts his mouth and promptly ignores you and walks off.

7) Industrial District: More harmony of the races is found here, where many commute for work.

8) Pstriztz'kipure (Kipur): This is where Vrusk executives tend to live and is a beautiful, upper class area.  Stockbrokers, business headquarters, the military wing, and science and university offices are found here.

9) Fioust: This is where the majority of human and Vrusk workers live and is pleasant, but is no Kipur.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:42, Wed 24 July 2013.
GM Heath
GM, 1735 posts
Tue 21 Aug 2012
at 17:43
  • msg #5

Re: Quest Goals

Updated number 5 above
GM Heath
GM, 1745 posts
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 21:38
  • msg #6

Re: Quest Goals

Edited quest goal number 5 above for Dark Side of the Moon.
GM Heath
GM, 1793 posts
Wed 23 Jan 2013
at 21:07
  • msg #7

Re: Quest Goals

In exchange for a dart pistol and dart rifle (collapsible), and for IDs, get Ejidali the syringe and vial in Lab 148 in the research labs, marked as "V180984" (and pay 1000 credits).


This message was last edited by the GM at 19:31, Wed 24 July 2013.
GM Heath
GM, 1885 posts
Mon 1 Jul 2013
at 16:34
  • msg #8

Re: Quest Goals

*Tariel Nuna has asked you to come back the next day (Day 4) to see what secrets they've been able to get out of the Sphere.


"First," she says, "the good news.  Like I told you, the sphere is like a beacon as well as a keyhole to the Qantariate dimension.  And like I said, we had to create a chemical compound to submerge the Sphere in to dampen it and keep the Qantariate creatures from crossing over to our dimension through it.  We've accomplished that."

She shows you a cylindrical glass structure with a slightly amber liquid in it.  Submerged inside you see not only the Sphere, but a strange biological thing that looks almost like the removed organs of a creature.

"Just as we were submerging the Sphere, this thing came out of nowhere.  It must be from the Qantariate dimension, but we don't know if it's from the Shadow Rakon group helping us or from the Qantariate groups attempting the invasion.  Our liquid has kept it in stasis for now.  Until we determine what it is--friend or foe--we don't dare remove it."

"Now for the bad news.  We don't have LeGrange's genius to help us, now that he was assassinated.  So we will need time for the message to be responded to by the Shadows of Rakon that we found yesterday and to decode the schematics.  The problem with decoding is that the message exists simultaneously in parts across multiple dimensions.  It's like piecing together pieces of a puzzle that are separated by oceans."

She continues, "The UPF is sending a ship this way.  They will likely take over the processing of the artifact and making military preparations, but due to the distances involved, it will likely be a week or so before they get here.  We have been communicating with them about our findings, but they have told us to send nothing further, just in case the wrong hands get ahold of the communications. Unfortunately, the Vrusk forces here are not responding well to our requests for better security, especially because of the riots they are facing, but also because we are a non-Vrusk organization and we can't give them details about why we need military personnel here."

She spreads her hands.  "That's about all I have for now.  I'm sure the UPF will want you aboard once they arrive, but they're also going to want better answers regarding LeGrange and if there is any connection between his assassination and the Qantariate or if it's just because he was a loud-mouthed zealot who got in too deep."

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:33, Wed 24 July 2013.
GM Heath
GM, 1896 posts
Wed 24 Jul 2013
at 19:35
  • msg #9

Re: Quest Goals

Return again to Tariel Nuna (Day 5 or later) to get further updates on the investigation into the Datasphere.
COMPLETED, though a terrorist named Teliko broke in and stole the sphere.  She operated it, which opened a portal through which Sathar stepped through, stole the Sphere, and disappeared again.  The portal also released two more of the Blackness creatures, who killed Nuna.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:12, Thu 10 Apr 2014.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1459 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 25 Jul 2013
at 01:01
  • msg #10

Re: Quest Goals

I'm thinking we have to move onto something else
GM Heath
GM, 1984 posts
Thu 10 Apr 2014
at 20:13
  • msg #11

Re: Quest Goals

OPTIONAL: Investigate and determine what terrorist cell Teliko was working for and its connection with the Sathar.
GM Heath
GM, 1986 posts
Thu 10 Apr 2014
at 20:26
  • msg #12

Re: Quest Goals

OPTIONAL:  Report any Sathar or Qantariate involvement in any Kraatar affairs to UPF consulate Grandin Spief, and record any evidence needed to prove such involvement.
Desiraye Lipost
player, 1549 posts
Unemployed Gun-Chick
Military PSA
Thu 10 Apr 2014
at 21:29
  • msg #13

Re: Quest Goals

GM Heath:
OPTIONAL:  Report any Sathar or Qantariate involvement in any Kraatar affairs to UPF consulate Grandin Spief, and record any evidence needed to prove such involvement.

Other than what we have been through right now???
GM Heath
GM, 1987 posts
Thu 10 Apr 2014
at 21:39
  • msg #14

Re: Quest Goals

Yes, this means going forward.  I'll assume you reported to him what you know so far--or he got it from the UPF.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:39, Thu 10 Apr 2014.
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