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The Test of the Faithful - 3.

Posted by DM HeathFor group 0
Shae Shadowglen
player, 137 posts
Mon 23 Feb 2015
at 19:40
  • msg #189

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Shae continues to sidle toward the far corner by the chest to stay out of the range attack and to keep the beholder as surrounded as possible and to keep out of any area affect spell, including her own firewall.  She begins casting a new spell, her eyes narrowing in the bright light, and her arm outstretched to the beholder as she says, "Begone, ye fiend from the eternal pit of hell!"
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 185 posts
Mon 23 Feb 2015
at 22:29
  • msg #190

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Didit had stayed in the sidelines all along. She was a good shot with a bow, but she hadn't had the time to get one when she ran for her life, back in the future of her homeworld. So she had awaited on the others before deciding what to do. She began to ready a spell for as soon as the Beholder was visible from behind the flames.

Magic missile, five missiles

DM Heath
GM, 5416 posts
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 20:28
  • msg #191

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Borimer is recovering and slightly dazed from being hurled across the room, and loses his typical initiative bonus.

The beholder has significant initiative bonuses and begins its attack.

First, the wall of flame dissipates as its central eye focuses an anti-magic ray that hits it and extends out toward the entry point of the room.  The anti-magic ray causes a 90 degree arc to extend in front of the beholder that causes all magic to cease to function.  This essentially extends from the entire left side of the beholder (your right) diagonally to the corner of the room to your left.  The area is slightly illuminated by pinkish light.  The ray moves with the central eye, and no spellcasting or magic is effective in that area of effect.

It also goes into an Eye Frenzy due to the massive damage it suffered last round.

It centers a disintegration ray at Donovan again.  This time, Donovan is not so lucky.  He screams in pain as his body, including all his gear, disintegrate into nothingness.

It centers its next attack against Borimer again with a new eye stalk.  This one sends out a cause serious wounds against Borimer.  (Borimer succeeds in saving throw, taking only half damage, but it is still 23 hp damage!)

Its next eye stalk next attempts a charm person spell against Kahan, but Kahan shakes it off because he is standing in the anti-magic ray zone.

Its final eye stalk sends out a death ray toward Tahldar, but Tahldar is also in the anti-magic zone and avoids being instantly killed.

The beholder begins moving toward Tahldar and Kahan.

Due to the anti-magic ray, the spells of Tahldar and Kahan instantly fail.

Borimer is drawing his bow and arrows to fire.  He is also along the left hand wall where he was thrown by the Beholder and outside the anti-magic zone.

Shae is moving up the left-hand wall (which is outside the anti-magic zone) toward the fallen giant chest.  She begins casting, but then is interrupted as something surprising happens...

The chest is not a chest at all!  A pseudopod lashes out from the chest, and you realize it is some sort of hard-shelled creature mimicking a treasure chest, down to the pigmentation of its skin.  The pseudopod catches Shae by surprise, hitting her directly in the chest.  (10 hp dmg.)  Further, the pseudopod is covered in some sort of glue-like substance that sticks fast to Shae.  Shae's spell is interrupted and lost.

Lukas fires but misses with both arrows.

Leo fires his blowgun but misses.  He has successfully moved behind the beholder in the darkness.

Borimer misses with both arrows.

Shapfren had been in the sidelines on the left side of the room, and is just out of the range of the anti-magic ray.  She casts a magic missile spell, and hits the beholder as five magic darts shoot from her fingertips.  (25 hp damage.)

Killer Mimic
Hp: 90
AC: 7
Attacks: 3d4 (pseudopod smash)
Special: Camouflage, Glue

Leogold Silvershaper
player, 92 posts
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 20:52
  • msg #192

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Leo tries to silently put down the blowgun and draw his dagger and move in to attack from behind.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 187 posts
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 21:06
  • msg #193

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

"Donovan!!" Didit screams, tears rolling through her cheeks as she focuses on the damn beholder, she keeps playing the same melody to bring it down faster.

It is in times like this that I wish not having spent all of my slots on flying. Magic missile

DM Heath
GM, 5417 posts
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 21:44
  • msg #194

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

So Shapfren is casting magic missile again?

Leo is trying for a backstab?
Kahan Singh
player, 1737 posts
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 21:52
  • msg #195

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Kahan draws his mace and rushes the beholder, knowing that his spells won't do him much good at this point.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 312 posts
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 22:33
  • msg #196

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Tahldar never thought being caught in an anti magic ray would be a good thing, but upon seeing what happened to Donovan he is glad he is.  With no time for tears for his fallen companion, Tahldar looks at the Beholder and contemplates trying to stay in the ray and use his dagger upon the creature, but he knows a now non magical weapon wielded by his thin limbs will do nothing to the creature.

With a sigh he rushes from the safety of the anti magic ray in hopes of firing another lightning bolt on the Beholder.

OOC:  Tahldar will move out of the anti magic ray and cast lightning bolt.  If possible he will stay away from the mimic.  His is a 9 dice bolt.  I won't roll due to the chaos as I might not get the spell off.

Leogold Silvershaper
player, 93 posts
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 22:39
  • msg #197

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

OOC - yes, since it at least appears that the beholder is distracted fighting the others and is mainly focused on forward actions with all the eye stalks.
DM Heath
GM, 5418 posts
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 22:58
  • msg #198

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

OOC: The beholder can turn his anti-magic ray on or off at will, though I suppose your characters won't know this.  Also, he is directly coming after what he perceives as the most powerful spellcaster: Tahldar--Tahldar also being the one, along with Borimer, who hurt the beholder the most with the initial lightning bolt.  So Tahldar is in his direct line of sight and attack (pardon the pun?) with his single large eye focusing its attention on him for now.
Lukas Rimshank
player, 67 posts
Gnomish Locksmith
Sat 28 Feb 2015
at 01:49
  • msg #199

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Lukas takes site on shooting some more arrows provided that he has a clean shot.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:45, Mon 02 Mar 2015.
player, 2579 posts
Ac 0 Hp 52/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Sat 28 Feb 2015
at 03:08
  • msg #200

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Borimer sees that he can attack the left flank of the beast and strikes out twice, fear slowly rising in his throat.
DM Heath
GM, 5420 posts
Mon 2 Mar 2015
at 16:52
  • msg #201

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

OOC: I am not subtracting out magic "pluses" from weapons.  So a +1 magic weapon still does +1 to attack and damage regardless of the antimagic ray.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 138 posts
Mon 2 Mar 2015
at 21:26
  • msg #202

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Seeing that no one is coming to her rescue, Shae begins transforming into a polar bear, stretching out--her skin being covered in white hair as she grows to giant size to escape and attack the mimic. (She will attack mimic with paws once transformation is complete.)
DM Heath
GM, 5421 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2015
at 20:34
  • msg #203

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Leo starts circling around behind in the shadows, his dagger flashing into his hands.

Shapfren begins casting...

Shae begins transforming into a polar bear...

Kahan rushes the approaching beholder with his Mace of Disruption raised high to strike a blow...

Lukas remains in the corner, pulling out more arrows to fire...

Tahldar begins moving out of the anti-magic ray.  However, he finds that this may prove impossible since it has a 90 degree arc and the beholder is coming straight at him, the giant eye focused on him.

Borimer rushes forward and gets to strike first, his bonuses helping him out again.  Unfortunately, one swing goes wide and the other bounces harmlessly off the beholder.

The beholder goes next... (But does not get an eye frenzy this round--1d6 chance per round after taken below 1/2 hit points.)

It has caught up to Tahldar, probably still remembering the vast amount of damage from the last lightning bolt.  It turns off its anti-magic ray to attack Tahldar.  This leaves Tahldar unprotected from its tentacle magic attacks, but also allows him to start his lightning spell...

One tentacle fires out a ray that Tahldar equates with a "finger of death" spell that can instantly kill.  The spell severely injures Tahldar but does not kill him.  (Saving throw succeeds, but 22 hp damage.)  The attack not only hurts Tahldar but also makes him lose his lightning bolt spell.

Another tentacle fires a magic ray at Borimer, and Borimer suddenly feels himself hit with a slow spell.  (Saving throw failed. 1/2 movement and attacks next round.  Saving throw vs. magic at end of each round to shrug it off.)

Kahan swings and miraculously hits the otherwise distracted beholder.  His mace of disruption does massive damage on evil creatures such as this.  (19 hp total damage.)

Lukas' arrow shots go wide, bouncing harmlessly off the beholder.

Leo jumps up and does an impressive backstab on the beholder.  (Critical hit, natural 20.  14 damage.)

Shapfren follows up with her magic missile spell, hitting the beholder.  (20 hp damage.)

The beholder is now gravely wounded and visibly furious...

The mimic and Shae are in their own struggle.  It sends out another pseudopod to slam into Shae.  (10 hp dmg.)  Shae is now attached to two glue-covered tendrils, but she is also in a polar bear form able to attack back next round.

Killer Mimic
 Hp: 90
 AC: 7
 Attacks: 3d4 (pseudopod smash)
 Special: Camouflage, Glue

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:36, Wed 04 Mar 2015.
Leogold Silvershaper
player, 94 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2015
at 21:14
  • msg #204

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Having used his advantage and surprise now gone, Leo rushes over to attack the mimic next round with dagger still in hand.

Primary Weapon:
Dagger (d4/d3) [attks/rd] 1/1 (3/1) +1/+2 (+5/+2)
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 190 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2015
at 21:29
  • msg #205

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

"How long until that things dies!" Didit muses while continuing with her song. She was still terrified to death by the danger it posed. Nobody wanted to follow Donovan's fate.

Cast Magic missile again, directing three missiles to the beholder and the rest to the Mimic, if the beholder is dead by then, all of them to the mimic
Shae Shadowglen
player, 140 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2015
at 21:58
  • msg #206

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Shae will let out a roar in her polar bear form and attack the mimic with everything she's got.
Kahan Singh
player, 1740 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2015
at 22:08
  • msg #207

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

OOC: Is Kahan still in the antimagic ray?
DM Heath
GM, 5422 posts
Wed 4 Mar 2015
at 22:12
  • msg #208

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

The antimagic ray was turned off by the beholder, so it is not currently active.  (However, since the beholder will have automatic first initiative, it could turn it back on.  To be outside the "potential" ray, you will need to put yourself to the side or behind the beholder.  It is currently focused on the area where Tahldar and Borimer are at, so Kahan can probably maneuver out of the way, but they probably cannot.  If they try to do that, a DEX check with -4 modifier will apply.  For Kahan, a DEX check +1 will apply.)
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 314 posts
Thu 5 Mar 2015
at 00:17
  • msg #209

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Tahldar staggers as he is hit by the Beholders ray.  With a twist he barely avoids the full brunt of the death ray.  He knows he got lucky even though he still was gravely hurt as the full brunt would surely kill him.  However Tahldar is made of sterner stuff than he seems and steels himself for further battle.

Knowing the Beholder will keep it's anti magic trained on him to ruin any spell he may try, the mage pulls forth his dagger and strikes.

OOC:  Dagger attack missed as I suspected it would...

player, 2580 posts
Ac 0 Hp 52/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Thu 5 Mar 2015
at 01:23
  • msg #210

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Borimer tries to finish the beholder while struggling to move.
Kahan Singh
player, 1741 posts
Thu 5 Mar 2015
at 03:02
  • msg #211

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Kahan will attempt to smash the beholder into the ground with another hit of his mace.
Lukas Rimshank
player, 68 posts
Gnomish Locksmith
Sat 7 Mar 2015
at 19:18
  • msg #212

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

More arrows, Lukas comments to no one particular, "I really need to get me some of that magical stuff, my normal weapons are useless against this thing"

13:17, Today: Lukas Rimshank rolled -2,10,5,21,2 using d10-3,d20+3,d6,d20+3,d6. more of arrows.
Sure hope the 21 hits

This message was last edited by the player at 19:19, Sat 07 Mar 2015.
DM Heath
GM, 5424 posts
Sat 7 Mar 2015
at 19:18
  • msg #213

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 3

Enraged and nearly dead, the beholder sends its eye beams after Kahan.  One hits Kahan with massive damage as he feels his vitality drain from him.  (40 hp dmg.)  Another strikes out to charm Borimer as he approaches, but Borimer shrugs off the charm spell.  Next, it lashes out with its sharp teeth at Kahan but misses.

Kahan strikes back, making a deadly hit with his Mace of Disruption.  (Critical hit. Beholder is killed.)

Borimer was already swinging, and his blade sinks into the beholder as its large eye closes in death.

Shapfren concentrates her magic missiles on the mimic, hitting it.  Leo and Lukas also turn their attacks in that direction.  Leo hits but Lukas misses.

Shae the polar bear strikes out, hitting the mimic with claws and teeth.

The mimic is crushing and biting at Shae from two sides, plus teeth.  (23 hp dmg.)

Tahldar runs over and strikes with his dagger but misses.

As the party converges around the mimic for another round of attacks, it easily dispatches the creature and begins extracting Shae from the glue-like pseudopods as she transforms back into her half-elven shape.

You look at your two slain enemies and your own damaged bodies, glad to be out of danger.

But you are still trapped in the dome room with the ledge around the top.  A pinkish lightning-like light flashes around the room with the death of the beholder, bringing the door behind you back open and the sinking floor back to its regular level.
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