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The Test of the Faithful - 5.

Posted by DM HeathFor group 0
DM Heath
GM, 5552 posts
Tue 4 Aug 2015
at 16:27
  • msg #248

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

You begin going up the ramp.  As soon as the person with the gem reaches the top, the ramp begins to raise back into the wall again.  The last few jump up and the ramp is gone.

You are now back in the hall of mirrors.  Behind you, there is no mirror, just a stone wall where the ramp used to be.

The mirrors (which are made of metal, I'll remind you) are everywhere.  They lead down a contorted passage to your left or right, turning about 10 feet.  You see your reflections manifested a hundredfold, and it appears that one mirror on your right which is set at an angle, reflects a distant mirror that has an orange frame around it.  There are no framed mirrors showing to your left.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 387 posts
Wed 5 Aug 2015
at 14:17
  • msg #249

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Disappointed to see yet more mirrors, Tahldar contemplates which way to go.  "Let's go right.  There's an orange jump mirror down there that might get us out of here.  Or it could be another trap, but there's only one way to find out."
Shae Shadowglen
player, 181 posts
Wed 5 Aug 2015
at 17:04
  • msg #250

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Shae nods. "I really don't see any other viable choice either, though if we go left, it might eventually lead to something better than a color framed mirror."  She will follow to the right or left.
Vuzyldiin Teken'tlar
player, 14 posts
Known as 'Vuzyl'
Wed 5 Aug 2015
at 19:11
  • msg #251

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

I agree that heading for something is better than heading into the unknown but what do you mean 'Jump'? The only framed mirror I have seen so far dropped us into the sand that is still filling my boots.

Leaning against the wall that used to be a ramp he pulls off one of his boots and tips some errant grains onto the floor.

Also you have not really explained what you are doing here, swapping gems about in a place that is trying to kill you does not seem like an relaxing way to recover after escaping the destruction of your world so what's the story. How does that happen anyway, what could be powerful enough to kill a world?
Kahan Singh
player, 1802 posts
61/81 HP AC 1
Thac0 16 Level 9 Cleric
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 00:59
  • msg #252

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Can we wait until we aren't in mortal danger to give the history lesson? I understand the confusion and I will gladly explain everything once we get out of here but this should come first. We need the gems to pass a test which will get us through this dungeon and will help us find the cure to a deadly airborne toxin that can kill us all in a matter of days," Kahan answers, heading towards the orange-framed mirror.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 388 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 01:24
  • msg #253

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"We are in a hall of mirrors, some of which are colored.  Those seem to be either traps or transporters to different parts of the maze." Tahldar says to his drow companion.

"As my curt companion has already explained, the gems we need for some sort of test.  Since we have the one need from this test all that's left is to leave.  I was hoping we'd be shuttled straight out as the others have done, but this one is going to make us work for our escape it would seem." he adds as he waits for the group to move on.
player, 2638 posts
Ac 0 Hp 72/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 02:16
  • msg #254

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Borimer heads to the orange framed mirror, avoiding the reflections that confuse him as best as he can.  So he follows brave Kahan.
Vuzyldiin Teken'tlar
player, 15 posts
Known as 'Vuzyl'
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 06:46
  • msg #255

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Airborne toxin? This just gets better...

Following the others his eyes fixed on Borimers shoulders to avoid the mirrors.

Let's just get out of this goddess forsaken place.
DM Heath
GM, 5553 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 17:04
  • msg #256

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

You move toward the orange framed mirror on the right.  The mirrors turn and curve.

You get to a cross section where you can go straight or turn right toward the orange framed mirror.

From straight ahead, you hear a chittering and cackle, just like the one you heard before falling into the sand pit.  Because of the mirrors turning, though, you see nothing but your own reflection straight ahead.  The insectoid chitter picks up speed.  It seems to be coming toward you.
Leogold Silvershaper
player, 158 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 19:29
  • msg #257

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Getting chewed up by possible insects or heading to yet another mirror.  This is great fun", Leo exclaims as he draws his weapon and inches in the direction of the mirror ready to follow wherever the group ends up heading.
Kahan Singh
player, 1803 posts
61/81 HP AC 1
Thac0 16 Level 9 Cleric
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 19:47
  • msg #258

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Borimer, let's hold this thing off! The rest of you, hold hands like before and grab us before you go," Kahan commands, readying his shield and heading down the hallway headfirst into whatever that thing is.
player, 2639 posts
Ac 0 Hp 72/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 20:26
  • msg #259

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Borimer's already on the move to join Kahan in standing against the first threat.  The obsidian-like Godslayer slips into his grasp almost of its own accord, ready for blood...
DM Heath
GM, 5554 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 21:10
  • msg #260

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

You move toward the orange framed mirror, with Kahan and Borimer to fight off the thing in the distance if it closes in on you.

You arrive at the strange mirror.  It is at a dead end.

The orange framed mirror is not a normal metal mirror like the rest.  When you look into it, you see your own reflections...but from above.  You see the tops of your heads and the mirrored floor beneath you, as if the mirror were actually directly above you.

The insectoid noises are indeed following, but they have not caught up yet.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 390 posts
Fri 7 Aug 2015
at 00:08
  • msg #261

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Tahldar reaches out to the orange mirror and touches it.
DM Heath
GM, 5556 posts
Thu 13 Aug 2015
at 16:42
  • msg #262

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

OOC: Sorry for the delays.  Life has been Crazy with a capital Cray and a capital Z.

Tahldar touches the metal orange framed mirror.  He immediately is teleported to the overhead mirror about 15 feet above you and falls crashing to the ground on top of the rest of you.

Borimer somewhat stops his fall by catching him, but Tahldar still hurts his foot.  (2 hp dmg--half speed until healed.)

Lukas is also hit by the falling Tahldar and is sent sprawling to the ground.  (3 hp damage)

You hear the clicking, insectoid noises behind you getting closer.  Now when you look back, you see a green mist also starting to fill up the mirrors from the direction of the sounds.
Vuzyldiin Teken'tlar
player, 16 posts
Known as 'Vuzyl'
Thu 13 Aug 2015
at 17:25
  • msg #263

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

DM Heath:
OOC: Sorry for the delays.  Life has been Crazy with a capital Cray and a capital Z.

OOC: No problem, Real Life comes first

I guess this is my second last stand in this place!

Drawing his Sword and Dagger Vuzyl readies himself to repeat the battle that likely killed him before.

OOC: I am assuming it is too late to make a brake for the last junction in the maze?
player, 2640 posts
Ac 0 Hp 72/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 00:52
  • msg #264

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Borimer puts Tahldar down and turns to face the incoming threat of insects, "I can't fight cursed green of those useful magic spells would be kinda nice right about now..."
Leogold Silvershaper
player, 159 posts
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 01:25
  • msg #265

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Leo draws his dagger and tenses for what happens next.  "I wonder, is it possible to go through the mirror the other way?"
Kahan Singh
player, 1804 posts
61/81 HP AC 1
Thac0 16 Level 9 Cleric
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 01:39
  • msg #266

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"I cannot cast a spell until I know what the gas is. Tahldar, can you make a flame to ignite it again? That would buy us some more time and hopefully not kill us all..." Kahan asks, attempting to move through the group to the other end of the marching order.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 391 posts
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 01:59
  • msg #267

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Tahldar picks himself off the granite floor of the maze and rubs his damaged foot.

"Shapfren, cast a fireball!  I only know lightning and it would be very unwise to cast it with so many mirrors around.  I'd likely zap us all if I did." he says hurriedly in response to Kahan's request.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 182 posts
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 16:41
  • msg #268

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Shae says, "I can do a wall of flame if we need it but that will also block us in at the dead end here."  She pulls out her ancestral spear and begins casting.

Shae will cast Bless for the group:  +1 to saving throws against fear, +1 to attack dice rolls, raises morale of group.
Vuzyldiin Teken'tlar
player, 17 posts
Known as 'Vuzyl'
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 20:18
  • msg #269

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Then does anyone have a torch we can kindle and throw down the tunnel? Or maybe some paper we can fan it with?

Vuzyl's humour seemed forced and there was no joy in it.
DM Heath
GM, 5557 posts
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 21:15
  • msg #270

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

OOC: Right now, you are using the magical light crystal with the box.  I don't think anyone has anything lit.  You'd have to check inventories to see, but I would be surprised if no one has anything to light a torch with.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 229 posts
Sat 15 Aug 2015
at 00:56
  • msg #271

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

I need to know, am I conscious?
DM Heath
GM, 5558 posts
Tue 18 Aug 2015
at 18:15
  • msg #272

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

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