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20:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Test of the Faithful - 5.

Posted by DM HeathFor group 0
Kahan Singh
player, 1779 posts
61/81 HP AC 1
Thac0 16 Level 9 Cleric
Mon 18 May 2015
at 17:37
  • msg #23

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

In reply to DM Heath (msg # 20):

Would it be possible to make the light-jewel into a necklace of sorts with a strap or something? If so Kahan will wear it. Also before going to bed Kahan will put on the Brooch he took from Grung. We don't know exactly what it does but what better way to find out than wearing it?
DM Heath
GM, 5495 posts
Mon 18 May 2015
at 17:42
  • msg #24

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

The box that holds it is about the size of a human foot.  It could be strapped about the waist on a belt.  If you take the glowing jewel out, I'm not sure what ingredients you have to strap it to anything (chains, jewelmaker equipment) since it would need to be fastened like jewelry or have a good chance of falling out and getting lost (or being covered up if put in a pouch).

The box has a clasp-like handle on top, and it opens by two mirrored doors that open horizontally (not vertical like a chest or normal jewelry box).  The two doors can be locked open (to spread the light like a lantern with the mirrors) or locked closed (to keep out all light).

DM Heath
GM, 5496 posts
Mon 18 May 2015
at 18:00
  • msg #25

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

To answer from the Comment Thread:
You found two more entrances to the south to tests, but you don't know which is which yet.  You also have not explored the door to the east of the semicircle room where you are at.  There is also an open door leading to a corridor leading south beyond the other two tests.

You are in the semicircular room marked "7"
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 214 posts
Tue 19 May 2015
at 02:07
  • msg #26

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"So which way to go? go right or take the longest path?"
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 355 posts
Tue 19 May 2015
at 13:16
  • msg #27

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Let's go with the closest one, here on the right." Tahldar replies.
Leogold Silvershaper
player, 127 posts
Tue 19 May 2015
at 14:10
  • msg #28

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Leo nods in agreement.  "Might as well make sure it's safe enough behind this one."
DM Heath
GM, 5497 posts
Tue 19 May 2015
at 16:05
  • msg #29

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

You will also need to decide if the gnomes follow you into the test or stay outside.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 155 posts
Wed 20 May 2015
at 18:41
  • msg #30

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Shae says, "Let's leave the gnomes out of the test.  If the beetles are trapped on the north side, then we just make sure the doors to that semicircle room are closed.  Then the gnomes should be safe.  One thing's for certain, these tests are dangerous.  Maybe there's a spell to help protect them while we're gone?" she suggests.
Kahan Singh
player, 1780 posts
61/81 HP AC 1
Thac0 16 Level 9 Cleric
Wed 20 May 2015
at 19:53
  • msg #31

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"I can cast a warding spell that will cause an exploding glyph to go off when something gets too close to it, but that won't help against a large group of beetles," Kahan responds, remembering about that odd brooch that Grung had been carrying and deciding that right now might be a good time to try it on to see what it does.
DM Heath
GM, 5498 posts
Wed 20 May 2015
at 22:25
  • msg #32

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

See message 4 at: link to a message in this game

1) Berillian Brooch -- held by Kahan.  (The Berillian Brooch, when worn, gives a +3 to all saving throws and skill checks involving wisdom, intelligence, or charisma.  It may have other magical properties that will be discovered over time.)

Shapfren Diditlew
player, 215 posts
Wed 20 May 2015
at 22:54
  • msg #33

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Maybe an illusion to hide the door from the other side too?"
Shae Shadowglen
player, 156 posts
Wed 20 May 2015
at 23:39
  • msg #34

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"What about making a magic wall of some sort or changing out these walls with rock to mud or something?  Or maybe we could tell them to wait in the semicircular room with the doors closed until we get back.  That might be the simplest solution." Shae remembers how they were all safe in that room overnight.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 356 posts
Thu 21 May 2015
at 00:16
  • msg #35

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Or how about no spells and have them stay where we were overnight as it seemed pretty safe there.  We should be conserving as much of our strength as possible.  We still are going to have a dragon to deal with sooner or later."
player, 2610 posts
Ac 0 Hp 90/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Thu 21 May 2015
at 07:57
  • msg #36

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Always a good ending when it comes to dragons..."  Borimer tends to his armor and weapons for the time being, having no better ideas for how to keep their gnomish wards safe.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 157 posts
Thu 21 May 2015
at 16:03
  • msg #37

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Shae looks at Tahldar with a wry expression.  "I wish I had suggested that.  Oh, wait, I did suggest it about ten seconds ago."  She laughs.
DM Heath
GM, 5499 posts
Thu 21 May 2015
at 16:27
  • msg #38

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

You put the gnomes in the semicircular room and close the doors to keep them safe.  (If you want any additional warding spells or anything, let me know.)

Then you remember that in the previous test, you found out what the test was by placing the cube under the doorway and seeing what word lights up.

Borimer and the group are able to successfully open both of the stone dragon doors by pushing the orb and rolling the door up.

You place the golden cube under the door to the west, and the word "MADNESS" lights up on one side of the cube.  You place the cube under the eastern door, and the word "MIGHT" lights up on the cube.

(I think I forgot to say this, but the words on the cube disappear into its intricate carvings again every time you leave the specific "test," but then reappear and stay permanent when the gem from each test is place in its slot in the semicircular room.)

The doors begin to close almost immediately after opening them.  In the brief glimpse you had, you saw that each of these two rooms is a dark, unadorned square room with a 10 foot square pit leading down to darkness.  One ancient iron wrought ladder leads down on each side of each pit.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:36, Thu 21 May 2015.
Lukas Rimshank
player, 87 posts
Gnomish Locksmith
Thu 21 May 2015
at 17:58
  • msg #39

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

OOC: were in room 8 right?  and the description given is for the other two rooms right?

We have madness, might and  ????  remaining?

DM Heath
GM, 5500 posts
Thu 21 May 2015
at 18:29
  • msg #40

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Oops, room 8 is supposed to be blacked out because you haven't gotten there yet.  You are in the hallway between the two rooms with the black pits.

You have completed the tests for DARKNESS, FEAR, and CONFUSION.  You have left the tests for MADNESS, MIGHT, and EVIL.
Shapfren Diditlew
player, 216 posts
Thu 21 May 2015
at 22:19
  • msg #41

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Madness, Might and Evil, Why not go with Madness next? It sounds like the worst of these two, and maybe we should face it fresh than at the end"
Kahan Singh
player, 1781 posts
61/81 HP AC 1
Thac0 16 Level 9 Cleric
Fri 22 May 2015
at 00:25
  • msg #42

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Evil could also be worse depending on how evil they mean." the priest responds, adjusting his necklace to make it comfortable.
Tahldar of Tyrannia
player, 357 posts
Fri 22 May 2015
at 01:33
  • msg #43

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"I'm worrying most about madness.  They all have to be done, so let's be on to might and go from there.  I'm betting Borimer is going to have his hands full with that one." Tahldar replies.  With a smirk he adds "Or should I say hand?"

"All jesting aside though, we really need to find a restorative spell and get that arm back."

Shapfren Diditlew
player, 217 posts
Fri 22 May 2015
at 02:16
  • msg #44

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

"Not sure if you remember fear and confusion, those two were harsh, and madness comes too close to them for my liking. I suggest we go with that one first"
player, 2611 posts
Ac 0 Hp 90/90
Thac0 12 Mvt18"
Fri 22 May 2015
at 06:54
  • msg #45

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Tahldar of Tyrannia:
"I'm worrying most about madness.  They all have to be done, so let's be on to might and go from there.  I'm betting Borimer is going to have his hands full with that one." Tahldar replies.  With a smirk he adds "Or should I say hand?"

"All jesting aside though, we really need to find a restorative spell and get that arm back."

Borimer chuckles and points a stump at the wizard, "Let's hope it's mighty enough."  In the back of his mind the warrior struggles against the feeling that his hand was gone to faceless gods forever.  He nods at Shapfren's suggestion, "Dead is dead, I'm good either way we decide."
This message was last edited by the player at 07:08, Fri 22 May 2015.
Leogold Silvershaper
player, 128 posts
Fri 22 May 2015
at 15:24
  • msg #46

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Leo listens to the group discussion about the next course of action and chips in, "I imagine we risk death no matter which one we choose, so we could just simply try the closest one", he says in the direction of the closest one to the west.  "Besides that, the longer we stand here, the greater chance of us attracting those little buggers."
Shae Shadowglen
player, 158 posts
Fri 22 May 2015
at 16:33
  • msg #47

Re: The Test of the Faithful - 5

Shae says, "Me too.  Let's just go with madness next.  Just keep your wits about you," she adds with a grin.
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