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01:30, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

All too swiftly I descend into the night.

Posted by The Uncaring NightFor group 0
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 115 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Mon 11 May 2015
at 03:15
  • msg #60

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 59):

Sadie....Jacqueline formally curtsies to the prince... her prince she reminds herself. The idea of a royal was a new one to her.

Rather than saying 'of course' which might be perceived as arrogant, she bows her head slightly, as if earger to please him by receiting them. "I must never diguard the mascarade, nor reveal my nature. Do not embrace.". She hesitates after this one, for clearly her sire had, but as he had said it was interpreted differently or overlooked. "Do not commit the vile crime of Amaranth.".

She glances at all the faces turned toward them. So many eyes feel like a weight upon her. A small burst of courage reminds her, that if she is refused, at least they would be killing one of their own. She did posess their blood, and though she could die, she could not be denied that.

If she was human she would be covered in a cold sweat by now. She waits respectfully for the prince to say something, anything.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:08, Thu 14 May 2015.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 144 posts
Mon 11 May 2015
at 03:36
  • msg #61

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

"Kneel at my feet" He says Getting out a sword and holding it over her as if prepared to behead her.

"Do you pledge to follow our laws, and accept my Decrees, to respect the territory duly granted to other kindred in the city"

assuming Afirmitive he says

"I recognize you Jacqueline." He tells her Suprisingly gently

"As for your entry into the Invictus, that will take..." He allows himself a slight smile, allowing her to see that deep deep down he posseses some sliver of humanity

"Some time, but what else do we have?"

He asks her Sire "Lord Wilston, will you vouch for her?" He asks indicating this is a grave thing to vouch for her

"I will vouch for her, I will guide her, I will teach her our laws, and the skills she must have to be a productive and Loyal member of the First estate"

The Prince nods

"As one who is being Sponsored into the Invictus, you would be rendered his servant essentialy for months or years, until it is decided you should undergo manumission.
Sadie Jenkins
player, 116 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Mon 11 May 2015
at 03:59
  • msg #62

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 61):

She kneels without hesitation, but her mind reels in what should be a dizzying fashion. She feels slightly numb to everything but oddly enough, the feeling of the smooth cold marble floor under her hand. Very little felt colder than her own hand now.

At the prince's recognition she starts. Though the prince frightened her, his subtle show of warmth and humor was not lost on her. She understood more clearly how he inspired loyalty.

Servitude to her sire was not something she was opposed to. Indeed she would do anything he asked of her as it was. Perhaps that was because of his generous nature, and the fact that he never abused his power over her, or was anything but kind. "I will do so gladly." she says honestly.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 145 posts
Mon 11 May 2015
at 04:11
  • msg #63

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

Her sire smiles at that clearly it meant something to him.

He nods "You may return to your seats." He says in dismissal her sire bows and goes

Another bit of music this time another Kindred, one of the Daeva is giving an opera performance, and while her Red dress is borderline illicit in the way it is cut, her talent for music is amazing.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:14, Mon 11 May 2015.
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 117 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Mon 11 May 2015
at 04:38
  • msg #64

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 63):

Jacqueline curtsies again to the prince before following her sire. She hardly remembers the walk back to their seats once they return to them. Her relief is so great she actually sighs. The following preformance is much more enjoyable for her. She finds herself breathing out of habit as she is lost in the music. Not a bad habit to keep while in public, but wholly unecissary here.

She wonders what lessons and tasks she will be asked to complete training as an invictus. She brushes out the satin of her dress, pinched into bunches by her padded chair. She knows what just happened was important, perhaps more important to her than the others involved knew. It heralded with finality, her exit from the mortal world and into a new life. Her human parents would be led to believe she was dead in the next few weeks, along with the rest of the world. She had a new purpose, even a new name.

Jacqueline looks to her sire. "Thank you." she says. It was made clear to her that kindred faced an eternal battle of dwindling humanity. Indeed that this was no gift. But she was glad to be what she was now, even for the bad parts of it. This was better than she ever would have achieved as a mortal; racing the pre-marked path set for her to what? Even if this life wasn't perfect, it was hers.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 146 posts
Mon 11 May 2015
at 04:55
  • msg #65

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

After the opera A flute soloist,  and it ends with Piano and then their all dismissed to go where they will.

After they go and return to the Limousine her sire asks "Jacqueline, would you like to help me plan out Sadie Jenkins Funeral?" He asks her using 3rd person to make it a little easier

"I'll donate up to 16 grand for the event,On top of whatever your parents are willing to spend. I'm sure as a philanthropist and a hopeful patron offering my generousity, Your parents wont think I could have ulterior motives."

sighs "Deciding how you will be remembered is a powerful thing" He advises.

"And might be a bit fun, actually even if your not there to enjoy the show, and it shows how well you understand the art of theater, which is important to the invictus."

"We dont have magical illusion powers, mind you, but do have a flair for the art of Melodrama when it serves

What kind of Tombstone, coffin obviously we cannot do cremation"

"I can arrange catering as well"
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:34, Mon 11 May 2015.
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 118 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Tue 12 May 2015
at 02:57
  • msg #66

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 65):

Jacqueline considers his words carefully. Not many people got to plan their own funeral. The process was not without some heartache, but she agreed that it was important.

The foremost thought with reguards to theater, would be of black, sleek and polished. A subtle refference to the power that taken hold of her. No bright colors or cheery flowers to return the semblance of life. The sense of finality and austere nature of death's claim would be the underscored theme. The coffin would have to be black walnut, with black velvet interior. Dark roses would add, though roses were strange for a funeral. Tulips and lilies were just far too green for her purposes. Catering should be rich foods, mirroring the prestige of the clan she had been embraced into; roasts, cheeses, pate, mousse, nut tarts. Of course kindred could not eat these things (that she knew of), but they reflected a certain class type.

Jacqueline was grateful for her sire's help. She plans with him the next few nights, knowing she cannot have any direct contact with her parents.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 147 posts
Tue 12 May 2015
at 03:23
  • msg #67

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

He pauses "The staking MAY" He emphasizes the term "Not be neccessary, you could enter voluntary torpor, as young as you are you should revive within a few months  a year at most... its not an exact science... some Revive within nights, others take centuries... " He sighs

"But we are, reasonably certain this is yet another thing affected by the strengh of the Man, the stronger your grip on Humanity the easier it is to rouse from slumber." He advises.

"I suggested staking simply because its easier to reverse on demand... but the drawback there other then the potential Sense of finality for you too, of Crawling out of your own grave." He says with a bit of irony in his tone relaxing in the leather seat of the limousine.

"Voluntary Torpor is likely to be a much more relaxing experience, with significantly more peaceful dreams."
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 119 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Tue 12 May 2015
at 14:48
  • msg #68

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 67):

Voluntary torpor sounds much more appealing to her. However, the prospect of not waking up for serval months was too risky. Eddie had been informed of her absence, but she would not want to leave him for such a long period without vitae. Because of what he knew, she could not risk flagging loyalty.

She straightens, as if coming to a decision. "I will have to endure the staking. If I don't wake immediately from a voluntary torpor, there could be consequences.". Discomfort was a small price to pay for security.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 148 posts
Tue 12 May 2015
at 15:28
  • msg #69

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

He nods "Fair enough, the Invictus is an organization that goes to great lenghs to help members who take lenghthy torpor to Keep their assets in order" he nods

They arrive back at his estate and hes going inside "Jacqueline any idea of what kind of dress is best. Black is best of course but what style." He says with a sigh. Looking over things and can show her several options fro reputed tailors.

The maid brings them both goblets of Warmed Vitae and he nods "How thoughtful"

He sighs taking a long thoughtful sip.

He pauses

"A few things on first estate culture to go over He advises

"First just as we went over for your presentation how you dress can say much. offering, accepting, or refusing a gift, can all send messages. If you Display a gift, it says you wish to be associated with the giver, if he is known,  which could in some cases be dangerous.

What kinds of gifts you offer or are offered often have hidden connotations, such as 'Chessboards' Often implying a battle of wits is about to begin.

A gift of an Amaranth Flower informing you that soon you will be targeted for the selfsame hideous crime.

The entire explanation could take weeks to explain its a skill that you develop not really a list I can go through"

"Second Public display of Familiarity, can be taken as offensive.

None but a Childe or a ghoul are ever addressed by their first name. And is considered exceedingly crass to address even such a lowly person by a shortened or diminuitive version of their name. Keep these things in mind."


"Do we always hold to these strictures, no in our private lives we sometimes develop bonds of camaradie, this is for court and formal visits... but the fact two invictus know each other well enough they tolerate informality from each other, is information to note, either their understanding of ettiquite is horribly flawed, or they are close personal friends possibly Relatives"
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:59, Tue 12 May 2015.
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 120 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Tue 12 May 2015
at 16:27
  • msg #70

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 69):

The games of etiquette kindred of the first estate played do not surprise her. Elysium had reminded her of the high court of a european power, more than what the greek name implied. She would have to be clever and observant to survive in this order. At least it was to her advantage that she had no power at all in this organization yet. She was not a very tempting target; the gain was too little to risk any crime to claim it.

She was a fan of satin she had decided while browsing for her formal dress. A black satin dress covering her chest and baring her arms would be formal, yet hint at her youth. The combination of youth surrounded by stark unyeilding black would create quite and effect.

She sips at her cup, glad the maid had brought it. She was becoming much more fond of the woman. She had not fed much recently, fearing she would lose herself to a frenzy. She was well enough now to hunt, but this night had been a busy one.

"I think black satin would be in order. I enjoy the fabric, and it will add."
The Uncaring Night
GM, 150 posts
Tue 12 May 2015
at 17:04
  • msg #71

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

He nods, approving of her choice.

"You have excellent tastes my dear." He says approvingly

"How are you enjoying your tutelage on fencing thus far if I may ask" He says

"Another point how do you feel on tutelage in things supernatural any kinds of Disciplines you wish to pursue, many newly embraced often go crazy with disciplines their first few weeks of the Requiem, you thankfully arent doing that as far as I can tell" He nods approvingly

"Its still a good idea to continue studying them as Supernatural power brings influence."
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 121 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Wed 13 May 2015
at 00:40
  • msg #72

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 71):

"It goes well, my instructor is excellent.". She had approached the lessons with the determination of someone who knew they would have to use what they were learning. "As for other disciplines; I haven't given them much thought. I will have to consider them more carefully." She had already decided what type of business she wanted to run. She planned on approaching the pregnant woman she had frightened sense into (she hoped), the next night. Of course she would have to introduce herself by her new name. "I have decided after the funeral, I will open a clothing store. I have enough capital to start it, though it will use the very last of what my parents gave me.". She had already withdrawn and stored cash at her haven, otherwise she would not be able to use it after her "death". Clothing seemed like a safe investment in this town. Not only was the retail markup substancial, but there was a noticable lack of higher end retail. Well off students and professors would have to looks elsewhere if they wanted luxery clothing.

This brings up another point she had not considered "What would happen to that pregnant woman if I gave her my blood?".
The Uncaring Night
GM, 151 posts
Wed 13 May 2015
at 00:50
  • msg #73

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

He nods

"Good, good, part of why I embraced you my dear is I want pull in the university, influence in Frats and Sorroritys, professors, etc I want influence on the campus" He explains.

"A clothing store sounds like a good business to run and a good entry level business for a Young charming Lord Begining her Requiem."

To her question he sighs pausing...

"Most likely ... she'd miscarry its possible though not likely, you'd create The First generation of a new lineage of family ghouls... Children born for slavery, and who are much more readily trained, then ordinary humans, and can move between being ghouled to not much more easily" He sighs deciding to explain the details

"If my Maid or Eddie were to stop getting blood they'd go through rapid aging that is agonizingly painful, and then either be left worse for wear or crumple into dust"

"But a family ghoul who stops getting blood simply resumes aging at the normal rate, no pain screams... needless to say such servants are considered valuable."

"But So you know The chances are..." He pauses

"Low... if you want to breed family ghouls usualy you spend time picking out good stock then ghoul them a month or so before attempting conception you dont wait to wait longer or else their bodies will become too stolid, and no longer able to process the living energy of creating a child. You have to decide if you want to take the chance."
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:29, Wed 13 May 2015.
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 122 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Wed 13 May 2015
at 04:51
  • msg #74

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 73):

Jacqueline silently weighs the benefits of causing less pain in the long run to mortals, against the sin of enslaving an infant. Somehow simple killing bothered her less.

Knowing her sire's motivations more clearly she comes to a decision. "I will do my best to pull as much influence with university as I can.". Going the route of graduate student and professor wouldn't be distastful to her at all. Especially if it would assist him.

She shakes her head "I could not do that to the woman's baby. I did what I did to her only to improve her outlook, and make her value what she had."
The Uncaring Night
GM, 152 posts
Wed 13 May 2015
at 05:15
  • msg #75

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

He nods "Obedience, that is a good trait. The influence will benefit both of us. And will serve you well once you undergo manumission." he assures her.

He nods "I can respect that, you just need to keep her from discovering what you are till her pregnancy ends. A good learning experience" he adds

"Part of serving the First Estate Is to learn to do things at a remove." He advises her.

"Piece of advice" HE adds

"Part of how the Invictus Indebts members of other covenants and this might work here, show a large amount of generousity We routinely give gifts of Mutual funds Savings bonds etc to ranking members of other Covenants whose gratitude we desire, We Help to Finance Things like The INcense in Circle rituals, the vestments of the Sanctum, the Experiments of the Ordo Dracul... Even at times The social experimentation of the Carthians, A time or two we've helped to finance it for our own reasons. Just as surely as the Lancea Sanctum And Circle can Bargain with Their blood Sorcery We Bargain with our Wealth and connections.

Specifically, help her find a good private school and qualify for any available discounts, or buy a generous vacation plan, in short make the deal so good, she'll never risk doing anything to ruin it."

"Think how you will conduct yourself as you gather the threads of influence you dont have to directly deal with everyone who you need leverage over If you Bond 2 or 3 ranking members of a Frat, you probaly have control of the entire frat, if you can get a meeting with you made into an 'Initiation Rite'" Says with an ironic tone

"You'd be quite amazed how often that works"
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:55, Wed 13 May 2015.
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 124 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Thu 14 May 2015
at 13:47
  • msg #76

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 75):

Jacqueline considers. "I suppose it depends exactly who you want pull with. Being present in studen organizations will give me the chance to manipulate the student body. The real power of the university is the administartion and benificiaries of it's finances. Professors must play into this game too. There is tremendous pressure on them from the school to produce research money.. She had observed much already in her short time at university. Observation and analysis were why she was here so young in the first place.

"Forming a blood bond with one of the owners of the university, as well as manipulating the student body, would be the fastest way to influence any aspect we want.". She, of course, would do anything he asked of her. She wanted his efforts to be well returned though. It would take some research to find where the money really went. Universities after all, wanted to appear less as companies and more as charities. The owners were not highly visable.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 153 posts
Thu 14 May 2015
at 14:15
  • msg #77

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

sighs "Do what you think is best, You know more on modern academia then I, some influence in both is probaly best. Do note" He says pausing

"That you need somewhere to hide readily on quick notice, something more secure then a utility shed, why I was thinking of sorroritys, on campus housing is another option... Bonding A person or two is indeed another option."

Another possiblety that would help you anywhere really is to learn the basics of the Gangrel art of Protean, then you could sink into the Earth,

"Bonding the owners... does sound like a valid approach" He concedes

"And your right few people know who the owners are.

"Thoughts on my suggestions of helping her find things like a vacation plan, and private school tuition, you can get people to ignore all kinds of odditys with things like that.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:15, Thu 14 May 2015.
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 125 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Thu 14 May 2015
at 20:34
  • msg #78

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 77):

This plan sounded good to her. With classes starting in two weeks she would need to establish her business fairly quickly. Applying for a business lisence with her new i.d.s would be the first step, and she planned on having Eddie pick up the forms this upcoming dawn. Very luckily for her, the process could be done via mail or messenger, as long as the proper documentation were included.

"You'll have to excuse me, my sire. I must return to my haven to arrange a few orders of business with my ghoul before dawn.". Her recent acceptance, and plan making with him was encouraging. She was anxious now to get things moving.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 154 posts
Thu 14 May 2015
at 20:47
  • msg #79

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

"It will be a few days before the Paperwork is finished, were busy creating records of your Existence" He smiles "Madam Donahue... in 3 days you can pick up your Drivers license, birth certificate etc, and then you can open an account at any bank you like."

gives location to go

"You can go there, we've got Drivers license, Birth Certificate and Social security card all being drafted just need to slip into the system to get everything registered" Smiles "Behold the strengh of the invictus we can even help you with obtaining a car or motorcycle if you want, you can figure out how to drive from bookstudy, or if we must I can find you a tutor for driving too... pay someone enough and they dont ask questions.."

He nods and lets her go.

the maid curtseys slightly as she leaves.

(Thought we'd go ahead and play through the pick up scene)
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:28, Fri 15 May 2015.
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 126 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Sat 16 May 2015
at 14:06
  • msg #80

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 79):

Jacqueline had purchased a small safe for her faux documents. For all intents and purposes they were her real documents now. She had thought to purchase a bank deposit box instead, but the less opportunities for questions about her youthful appearance, the better. Aside from the fact she would be completely reliant on Eddie to retrieve them for her.

She had sent off the proper copies and forms with Eddie to apply for a business lisence. He hadn't even questioned her reasons when she had asked. It was processing currently, she was sure. She had her eye on an empty venue slightly removed from the businesses surrounding the school. She left a message for the owners the previous night, explaining her interest and desire to view the property during an after hours meeting. It was a medium sized plot, with small shops on either side. The area of town was the old, and original center of town. It was littered with botiques, charming little restaurants, and decades worth of public art contributions. The buildings themselves were old brick or wood, restored and carefully painted. It was the most suitable place in the city for high retail. She was waiting to hear back. She could not, of course, use Sadie's cellphone for any current business. Rather she was using Eddie's home phone, but would need a cellphone.

Once she secured a property, she would contact the vendors, but not before. Because of the lack of credit associated with an i.d. that declared she was barely 18, she would have to put down a large payment with the vendor. Vendors traditionally sold on credit, but in her case, were only willing to lend half of what she needed.

Tonight she would have to feed again. But while it was still early, she planned on approaching the pregnant woman about managing her business. For this, she would need to dress the part. She tucked in her white formal shirt into her tailored skirt. Over this she slipped a fitted formal jacket. Her hair she tied up elaborately; good grooming hinted at authority. The suit itself was a unusual dark and patterned piece, and she added blush to help combat the paleness of her skin against it. Her heels clicked on the floor as she exited her room. Eddie was in the kitchen, heating a premade dinner; what, she wasn't sure. "Good evening Eddie. How's it going?"
The Uncaring Night
GM, 155 posts
Sat 16 May 2015
at 17:13
  • msg #81

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

he nods "Its doing well enough" He advises.

He pauses

"Your pretty dressed up tonight going somewhere?" HE asks.

The pregnant woman is miserable but is eking it out thankfully shes looking at adoption services currently but hasnt finalized anything yet.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:22, Sat 16 May 2015.
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 127 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Sat 16 May 2015
at 18:33
  • msg #82

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 81):

"I am indeed. Which reminds me, will you do me a favor? I need a cellphone, but for obvious reasons I can't go to a store during the day. I'd like you to obtain one.". She hands him three hundred dollar bills. "Thank you Eddie, you're a lifesaver.", she smiles. She starts to leave, then turns back. She had not given Eddie blood in awhile, and he surely must want some. She bites her arm, grabbing a clean empty glass and catching the drops. She lets nearly and inch seep into the glass before covering the small wound. She sets the glass on the table within Eddie's view and walks out the back door.

She had finally taken her sire up on the offer of a car. While she insisted on independence when she could, her funds were limited, with many demands on them now. She could not deny the need for a car any longer. The car itself was a nice, nondescript black audi. Not too flashy, but respectable. She had never been very impressed by cars, but she was very touched by her sire's gifting of it.

She pulls up to the familar apartment complex. The power lines had been repaired, but the poles still bore black char marks. She walks across the scalped grass and onto the cracked walkway leading to the apartment she had in mind. She knocks, noticing the light cheap sound of the wood making up the door. She looked at the distastefully painted high gloss green, waiting for the door to be answered.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 156 posts
Sat 16 May 2015
at 19:23
  • msg #83

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

Eddie pauses "you could have checked walmart they and a few other places are open 24/7" Pauses and asks "Do you want a cell phone or smart phone?" curiously

"Can get a smart phone for this much?"

Her Drivers license if she checks says shes 19 "We thought about going over 21, but didnt want to strain credibility too much, You can use a proxy if you need to buy alchahol over the next 2 years.

At the apt complex after a bit the woman answer angrily "who are you and why are you here at this time of night?" clearly angry, then again why would she not be, at someone knocking at this time.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:34, Sat 16 May 2015.
Jacqueline Donahue
player, 128 posts
Sadie Jenkins
Sat 16 May 2015
at 21:04
  • msg #84

Re: All too swiftly I descend into the night.

In reply to The Uncaring Night (msg # 83):

Jacqueline pauses before replying to Eddie "A smart phone is probably best. If it isn't enough wait until tomorrow night and I'll give you the proper amount.". She isn't interested in getting caught on a store security camara, but she doesn't mention this.

Her blank face meets the answering mother to be. "Apologies for disturbing you so late. You probably don't remember me, though I remember you. We met a few weeks ago. I also remember your unique situation. I have an offer you may be very interested in. May I come in?. She wasn't about to offer this woman a job on her doorstep. Jacqueline probably looked more like a funeral director in her dark formal clothing than a business woman. The fact she hadn't fed only increased the paleness of her face.
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