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23:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

In The footsteps of Longinus.

Posted by The Uncaring NightFor group 0
The Uncaring Night
GM, 360 posts
Sun 4 Oct 2015
at 02:36
  • msg #1

In The footsteps of Longinus

(OOC: Insert a scene first of your daya to day life...)

One night while out for a walk a Mysterious stranger Came to you and Commands simply "Follow me" And you were helpless to defy him...

he takes you to a large estate halfway across town inside you find a Ballroom with several people and various... odd peices of iconography including depictions of Jesus christ on the Cross being speared and a lot of bizzare paintings and murals clearly out of myth

theirs many assembled there and the atmosphere is creepy.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:36, Sun 04 Oct 2015.
Gabriel Brickman
player, 1 post
Mon 5 Oct 2015
at 04:03
  • msg #2

In The footsteps of Longinus

Gabriel was, at first, put ill at ease by the oppressive nature of his new surroundings. The entirety of seemed iconoclastic, despite the religious theme a majority of the place portrayed. Gabriel knew that something was off, yet as he began to take it in, he felt more comfortable with the place. His initial interest soon blossomed into curiosity, giving way to a morbid fascination with the place and people that he did not quite understand.  He started simply by studying the murals and tapestries strewn about the estate. Each one held new interest and questions. Each day was a different piece and thus each day became a different study of the baroque themed estate. He asked questions of the patrons and inquired as to the nature of the collection. His curiosity left his sense of self-preservation abandoned on the edge of his mind.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 361 posts
Mon 5 Oct 2015
at 04:44
  • msg #3

In The footsteps of Longinus

The Man who brought him here says "They tell the saga of Longinus, do you know the true story? How he was damned for his crimes And Joined us the Kindred?"

He Flashes Fangs And Offers his wrist, which has no pulse...

"I have brought you here to offer you a choice  Join us in Damnation and Service to Longinus, or die a quick, and uncomplicated death"
Gabriel Brickman
player, 2 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2015
at 02:31
  • msg #4

In The footsteps of Longinus

Gabriel was horrified, but at the same time could not move. His surprise was more reactionary than anything and he could not grasp what was being offered to him. Gabriel took a step back and held his hands in front of himself. "What are you talking about? What are you?" ,was all he managed to stutter.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 362 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2015
at 02:45
  • msg #5

In The footsteps of Longinus

He sighs and rolls his eyes "Can someone here change into a bat please?" in a droll tone

what looks like a young woman wearing a Black but ornate dress comes forward and physicaly shapeshifts... albeit into a Housecat.

"Close enough, you convinced now?" he asks

"We are vampires, and we give you a choice, join us, or die"
Gabriel Brickman
player, 3 posts
Fri 9 Oct 2015
at 03:33
  • msg #6

In The footsteps of Longinus

Gabriel looked around at the others nervously. He chuckled weakly, mostly for his own sake. "I guess I really don't have much of a choice then, do I? What happens next?"
The Uncaring Night
GM, 363 posts
Fri 9 Oct 2015
at 04:13
  • msg #7

In The footsteps of Longinus

The man sighs "You DO have a choice, you may die, and that is a perfectly legitimate option I think" He says stoicly

"If you elect the embrace Bear in mind you will be outcast from Humanity never able to be a part of the life under the sun, Humans and animals alike will Know you for what you are, if not that your a vampire at least that their is something WRONG with you.

You will be dragged into a world of politics and the politics of the Damned not infrequently result in Final death. The enemys of the Lancaea Sanctum will be your enemys and their Friends will be your friends.

Above all Else you WILL be damned and can never hope to see heaven, for your role shall be to shepherd Mortals there"

Knowing all of this do you choose it?" He asks him plainly

"If so what will happen is a ritual where I am Ritually chastised for the blasphemy I must perform here to bring you into the night, you will be ritually blessed, then we will go someplace secluded... and you will die, and be reborn"
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:26, Fri 09 Oct 2015.
Gabriel Brickman
player, 4 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2015
at 01:16
  • msg #8

In The footsteps of Longinus

Gabriel thought, his face pensive. The lure was too great. Not only was this seemingly out of legend, but it was being offered to him. The knowledge and understanding he could have of the mortal world would not be measured in the span of his lifetime, but measured in generations. He looked up at the man and nodded. "I accept."
The Uncaring Night
GM, 366 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2015
at 14:37
  • msg #9

In The footsteps of Longinus

A brand is visibly heated  Its placed uncomfortably close to your cheek but doesnt actualy sear your flesh.

Your prospective Sire bares his back and is flogged in front of the congregation, bruttaly then is branded in a bizzare display of contrition.

The officiating ... priest it would seem is chanting in latin blessing you and your prospective sire both

though sporting scars and burns the man manages to stand and gestures you to follow him.
Gabriel Brickman
player, 5 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2015
at 21:09
  • msg #10

In The footsteps of Longinus

Gabriel nearly vomited during the ritual. He could hardly believe that it was happening in front of him. What kind of creature would do such a thing? He then thought of the words that were said to him and it came to him in glaring realization. Religious fanatics had always existed, but if these...vampires could see that, could enforce the same doctrine for centuries without change, were they fanatics or simply how it was? Questions aside, he did not tarry as he made his way towards his Sire.
The Uncaring Night
GM, 373 posts
Fri 23 Oct 2015
at 21:53
  • msg #11

In The footsteps of Longinus

They go outside under the night sky

"Bare your neck" He says calmly.

that done he'll bite you in the neck it is both painful and Ecstatic... leaving you with waves of bizzare euphoria flowing through you.

then everything goes black...

(Now kindred of Clan Ventrue

you can allocate Disciplines as you fit.


You are buried in a shallow grave, you find you do not need air but still feel overly confined... you must crawl out on your own.
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