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22:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The ways of the People.

Posted by Mighty IncarnaFor group 0
Mighty Incarna
GM, 86 posts
Fri 18 Dec 2015
at 00:12
  • msg #135

The ways of the People

He nods and prepares to go to sleep, quite exhausted...
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 72 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Fri 18 Dec 2015
at 15:56
  • msg #136

The ways of the People

He lets him sleep an extra hour than normal before waking him for watch so I can get some sleep. After waking him I curl up next to the fire and fall asleep.
Mighty Incarna
GM, 87 posts
Fri 18 Dec 2015
at 17:20
  • msg #137

The ways of the People

He gets up with a sigh but stands watch through the night not wanting to disapoint will stay standing watch a bit bored but will keep his eys open...
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 73 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Sun 20 Dec 2015
at 22:38
  • msg #138

The ways of the People

When the morning comes just before light breaks He wakes and they begin to pack up camp. The intent is to be on the road by daybreak.

"Let's cover the fire and try to hide the fact that anyone camped here tonight."
Mighty Incarna
GM, 88 posts
Sun 20 Dec 2015
at 22:46
  • msg #139

The ways of the People

He blinks but complys and goes to work putting the fire out and camoflaguing they had a camp set up...
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 74 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Sun 20 Dec 2015
at 22:57
  • msg #140

The ways of the People

Patrious helps him with the task, he doesn't want it to seem like he is just using him for the tasks that he doesn't want to do. As they do he speaks to him more about Garou weapon fetishes, sharing stories and history of what he knows of these things with him.
Mighty Incarna
GM, 89 posts
Sun 20 Dec 2015
at 23:35
  • msg #141

The ways of the People

He nods "My ancestors are Garou, remember? I know well many of these tales of courage, heroism and glory"
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 75 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Sun 20 Dec 2015
at 23:41
  • msg #142

The ways of the People

"Of course I remember it is just always good to share stories so the records want be forgotten. And it gives us something to talk about to kill the time on our way home."
Mighty Incarna
GM, 90 posts
Sun 20 Dec 2015
at 23:49
  • msg #143

The ways of the People

"But while the tales of garou heros may be greater the tales of kin warriors will, fairly or not, spread farther"  he points out, as they go on.
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 76 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Mon 21 Dec 2015
at 00:00
  • msg #144

The ways of the People

"Of course, I know a few but I could always do with hearing some new ones."

Looking expectantly at him.
Mighty Incarna
GM, 91 posts
Mon 21 Dec 2015
at 01:22
  • msg #145

The ways of the People

"Centuries ago had lost several of our tribe to Slavers from some "Civilized"" He makes fun of the phrase  "City, Lions chosen while not above protecting their family will not smile on us if we show we cannot stand on our own two feet, so we chose to ambush the slavers, next time they laid a trap for us Our chieften was able to lead them into an ambush and put all but one of them selected by lot, to death, the sole survivor, was ordered to carry a message back home of how we would repay such actions in the future." He waits hesitatingly...
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 77 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Mon 21 Dec 2015
at 02:29
  • msg #146

The ways of the People

He had brought his horse to a stop and looking and listening intently to him.
Mighty Incarna
GM, 92 posts
Mon 21 Dec 2015
at 02:58
  • msg #147

The ways of the People

"Thus is the tales thats how we handle such things to this day with swift violence, were seen as an ignorant people, by those greedy city dwellers"  he finishes and waits...
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 78 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Mon 21 Dec 2015
at 15:35
  • msg #148

The ways of the People

"I understand, that is the reason I departed the cities years ago. I prefer the open land and way of life outside of the cities but as you seen they have their uses. The other thing about the cities I don't like is the constant stink of having that many people cramped in it's confines."

He then spurs his horse onwards toward home.
Mighty Incarna
GM, 93 posts
Tue 22 Dec 2015
at 00:42
  • msg #149

The ways of the People

he nods "Fair enough" as they continue on their way...

he keeps his horse alongside him...

most of the way there... you find of all things... a Dead tree, with bizzare disturbing runes carved into its bark everything within 13 feet or so is lifeless... you find a few more such patches up ahead... and find... a Dolmen crudely made of local stone... with a dead young women still on it, looking maybe 2 days dead...
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 79 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Tue 22 Dec 2015
at 08:16
  • msg #150

The ways of the People

Seeing the runes and the body he says
"This does not bode well"

He then tries to contact his totem, speaking to buzzard he tries to ask him what does this area in the spirit world look like. He would enter and check himself but he doesn't want to leave the boy alone with what may be around.
Mighty Incarna
GM, 94 posts
Tue 22 Dec 2015
at 16:42
  • msg #151

The ways of the People

He sees A landscape with all life and energy sucked out of it.. A wasteland worse then the one he sees in the physical world... and several banes are beginning to pop up...
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 80 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Tue 22 Dec 2015
at 16:47
  • msg #152

The ways of the People

How far are we from home and how many banes this will determine his course of action. He may rush faster to get back or maybe go in and fight the banes. Also he will keep aware of if this stuff is happening along the way home to determine if whatever is causing this is moving toward his community or not.
Mighty Incarna
GM, 95 posts
Tue 22 Dec 2015
at 16:58
  • msg #153

The ways of the People

Theirs 8 banes only two that powerful but more seem to be trickling in right now...

Your a day from home currently...
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 82 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Wed 23 Dec 2015
at 20:00
  • msg #154

The ways of the People

Patrious tells the boy he will be right back. He then pulls out his sword, looking around to make sure no one is around. He changes to crinos, activating luna's armor and combat healing then steps into the spirit world.

Once there he uses gaia's wrath to thin the heard of banes hopefully just driving off the majority of the banes.

14:02, Today: Patrious Fights with Sword rolled 6 successes using 10d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 7 ((4,3,8,7,10,7,5,10,9,2)).

6 successes for luna's armor

14:04, Today: Patrious Fights with Sword rolled 2 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 ((6,4,3,6,2,2)).

2 successes for wrath of gaia
This message was last edited by the player at 20:05, Wed 23 Dec 2015.
Mighty Incarna
GM, 96 posts
Thu 24 Dec 2015
at 02:39
  • msg #155

The ways of the People

The banes are perplexed then come at him intrigued at his sheer AUDACITY

One looks like a ravagins bear with horns... it hisses at the sight of him... and at the activation of Wrath of gaia... stammers then flees in terror, and the rest follow... away for now... unless he pursues... but this place still reeks of taint...
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 83 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Thu 24 Dec 2015
at 02:54
  • msg #156

The ways of the People

He has done what he could for the time being bit he is no theurge. He thinks to himself "What could he do to help the land and spirit realm. Then he goes back to his breed form and departs to the physical realm where the boy is waiting.

"We should make haste home"
Mighty Incarna
GM, 97 posts
Thu 24 Dec 2015
at 03:01
  • msg #157

The ways of the People

He nods "So it would appear, the leech was telling the truth, unfortunately"
Patrious Fights with Sword
player, 84 posts
Silver Fang Ahroun
PB5, APP3, buzzard totem
Thu 24 Dec 2015
at 05:07
  • msg #158

The ways of the People

"Yes and it also effects the spirit world even more so than this one, there was nothing left except banes. Here give me a hand"

Patrious removes the woman from the alter and wraps her in the skins he was wearing. He then changes to hispo and digs a hole to properly bury her. Once the hole is dug he changes back to homid.

"Let us give her a proper burial then I will destroy this accursed altar. I hope this will bring some semblance of balance back to this land."

He takes his waterskin and cleans the woman's body before wrapping her back up, placing her in the ground and burying her. He then changes to his strongest form and uses his claws to scratch the carvings from the rock and trees and topple the altar.

He then changes back to his human form telling the boy
"Go look around and bring some sapling trees and fresh dirt from a unaffected patch of earth."

While he does this he finishes burying the woman then says in the Garou language.
"Spirits of Gaia, bring your touch back to this charred land, we bring gifts to aid you in this cause. Gifts of life, spirit, and of blood."

He and the boy then then first pour fresh untainted water in the places the trees are to be buried in hopes of washing the taint away. They then place the trees and clean dirton the ground. I then cut myself allowing my blood to drip on the ground and spend a gnosis trying to give it as an offering along with my blood as payment to the spirits of nature.

Looking to the boy
"Though I know no real rite to fix what has been done here I have done what I feel is best. I only hope the spirits will head my prayers."

Before they depart he tries to bring in his memory his ancestors and past lifes experiences to try to find more insight into something of this nature and how to combat or repair it.
Mighty Incarna
GM, 98 posts
Thu 24 Dec 2015
at 07:15
  • msg #159

The ways of the People

He knows this needs to be tended by a theruge, or 3. the boy helps energeticly, doing his level best, though your only able to accomplish so much...
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