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09:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scene 2: The Trail.

Posted by GM ZaboemFor group 0
PC, 82 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Fri 24 Jun 2016
at 15:02
  • msg #46

Scene 2: The Trail

"Ok I could do that Doc."

Polkitain uses his psychic abilities and flies over to the tree to talk with the crows and ask them whats up.

-6 ISP

PC, 21 posts
sea titan
Fri 24 Jun 2016
at 18:11
  • msg #47

Scene 2: The Trail

In reply to Doc (msg # 37):

Nodding to the twins, "Likewise. Kalista Nugendare, Lady Cyberknight," her simple self introduction.

Kalista volunteers to remain outdoors and keep watch, she does not require sleep as often as most people, and meditation allows one to remain aware of ones surrounds while still resting the body and mind. She does not bother with campfire.

Her senses alert her to danger and she is on her feet and armed with her rifle in a moment, using her psychic senses and the sensory array in her armor to spot the threat.
PC, 32 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2016
at 19:23
  • msg #48

Scene 2: The Trail

Given the choice of sleeping inside the Behemoth, on his own bed, in his environmentally controlled quarters , with nary a insect, snake or bandit in sight or sleeping outside on a bedroll along with ants, spiders, snakes and the vampire threat, Ethan elects to sleep in his bed.
Sir Arulas
PC, 56 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Fri 24 Jun 2016
at 23:56
  • msg #49

Scene 2: The Trail

 Arulas is doing light exercise. Mostly Cyber-Knight excercises to increase his sensitivity to other things. When the danger arrives he snaps his eyes open. The monitor that he was attempting to affect returning to perfection. The little bit of static fades quickly.
Samuel Lund
PC, 49 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2016
at 00:42
  • msg #50

Scene 2: The Trail

Samuel hits a button in the cockpit, since night is about to fall. Over the main headlights and on all the other external lights 'Crosses' slide down. He looks down at the extensive instrument readouts to see what might be going on outside of visual sight range.

Using the intercom he says, "Hey Ethan, please come to the cockpit so I can explain a couple of controls to you."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:46, Sat 25 June 2016.
GM Zaboem
GM, 51 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sat 25 Jun 2016
at 05:23
  • msg #51

Scene 2: The Trail

Kalista and Polkatain are outside of the Behemoth. Samuel, Ethan, and Arlus are inside. Nyx and Doc are exiting the robot to investigate the flock in the tree.

Samuel's study of the instruments reveal only that they are functioning. The short hills of the surrounding countryside offer a pretty good view by radar of the surrounding countryside. Other than the tree right here a couple of buzzards passing well to the north, there is nothing on the radar screen. Infrared and external cameras both offer an excellent view of the immediate surrounding area. Internal sensors offer green reports across the board.

Ethan hears Sam's summons and also the cawing outside which is growing louder.

Polkatain first notices that the crows are not alarmed by his presence which is unusual. Most native animals of this world run away from him. His psychic power would have calmed them if they were panicked though. He sends out a psychic query which can be translated as "wussup". The description reads that this power targets one animal at a time. Different crows in this murder will answer differently. Give me a D40 roll please.

As the twins approach the tree, the situation escalates. The crows are beating the wings and cawing at the tops of their lungs. The Mustang tries to get away, tugging on its rope violently. It looks like it might injure itself as it bucks and pulls away from the tree, but its rope holds fast. Suddenly, both feel a pushing against them, like they were both shoved in the chest by drunken cowboy looking to start a barroom brawl. Doc has the Gymnastics skill, so he can maintain his balance with a successful skill roll. Nyx has 6th Sense, so I'll give him a 25% chance also. If these rolls fail, the twins are knocked on their backs. If the rolls succeed, they are merely pushed backwards a step.

Kalista feels a danger rising somewhere near her. She suddenly feels a tap and hears a plink as something hits her armor on her right shoulder. It felt like a pebble being thrown at her, but her armor is undamaged.

Note for Arlus: I am assuming that his horse was tied up near the stream in the normal cowboy way. If Arlus would have instead kept his horse inside the Behemoth, we can change this so that the horse was inside the entire time. The downside is that Arlus will need to clean up after his steed in the morning.
PC, 33 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2016
at 06:18
  • msg #52

Scene 2: The Trail

Ethan hears Sam's voice on the intercom, summoning him to the pilot's compartment. He sets down the book he had been reading, one of Erin Tarn's, and gets out of his bunk. "Interesting perspective she has on the time before the Rifts," he thought as he slipped his feet into his boots. "For the most part she is more or less spot on but some of her theories..." he chuckled as he finished lacing his boots and tucked his fatigue pants into the tops.

Finished with that, he taps on the wall intercom, "I'll be right there" he says to Sam and then exits his quarters. As he walks along the corridors to reach the bridge, he hears the cawing of crows. "Well that's odd. Just how loud are those birds that I can hear them through all that armor and bulkhead plating? What the hell is going on outside?"

Then he arrived on the bridge and saw Sam pouring over the sensors. "I'm guessing your lesson on the controls is on hold on account of whatever is bothering those birds?" he says to his friend. "Is everyone else alright?"
Samuel Lund
PC, 50 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2016
at 12:24
  • msg #53

Scene 2: The Trail

"Not sure Ethan. The Scope is clean and nothing out of the normal is coming up on thermal or ultraviolet sensors. Seems to be the crows are having a bitching session about us being parked here....."
PC, 46 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2016
at 13:06
  • msg #54

Scene 2: The Trail

Doc stumbles and falls at the sudden push, he shakes his head, and quickly gets back to his feet, "You mystic types best get to figurin' what's up with these birds, else it's time for a little fun." a hint of hope in his voice as his hands drift toward his silver plated revolvers, which he kept loaded with silver bullets.
PC, 83 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sat 25 Jun 2016
at 14:19
  • msg #55

Scene 2: The Trail

Polkitain cawed at the flock looking at the vast number of crows.
He also let his other senses reach out including his natural ability to see the invisible.

08:18, Today: Polkitain rolled 10 using 1d40.  One Die Fourty roll.

PC, 27 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2016
at 19:31
  • msg #56

Scene 2: The Trail

Nyx regarded the crows curiously as he and his twin approached the tree, his head cocked to one side. When the back of his neck tingled with a feeling of danger his hands moved automatically to hang by his pistols and he was ready when whatever force buffeted him and leaned to one side to keep his balance. As his brother fell he drew his pistols and hardened his mind

OOC: 20:27, Today: Nyx rolled 11 using 1d100.  Balance, 25%.
Activating Mind Block

GM Zaboem
GM, 52 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sun 26 Jun 2016
at 01:44
  • msg #57

Scene 2: The Trail

One lone crow drops down off of its branch and flies onto the Mustang. It scratches at the horse's flank with its claws. The damage is only a minor scratch, but the horse is in a full panic now. The two Arabians still look like they don't care. The glittermount is beginning to back away from the tree.

At this point, anyone who makes a successful Perception Roll of 17 or better will notice someone special about a specific crow. This includes Ethan and Samuel who are observing events electronically.

Immediately after the attack against the Mustang, half of the murder (roughly twenty crows) leap out of the tree and fly towards the twins and-or the open door to the robot behind them.

The Mustang tumbles over onto the ground.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:34, Sun 26 June 2016.
Samuel Lund
PC, 51 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2016
at 03:34
  • msg #58

Scene 2: The Trail

Samuel is not looking at individual birds, but at the whole flock diving towards the Behemoth. He shuts the bay doors until somebody outside asks for them to be opened. Then goes goes and gets into his armor.

"Looks like there is some kind of bad ju-ju with the crows. I am going to go get into my armor."
GM Zaboem
GM, 54 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sun 26 Jun 2016
at 03:38
  • msg #59

Scene 2: The Trail

Okay, Samuel is doing his thing, and the doors are closing behind the twins. He is still entitled to that Perception Roll you want it.
PC, 28 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2016
at 04:34
  • msg #60

Scene 2: The Trail

OOC: Just thinking but I failed the Perception check
05:31, Today: Nyx rolled 12 using 1d20 ((12)).
PC, 36 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2016
at 06:08
  • msg #61

Scene 2: The Trail

Ethan looks out of the windshield and over the displays but sees no cause for any of what s happening outside. He nods his head at Sam as he leaves to gets his body armor. "Roger, I will stay here until you get back," he says.

23:05, Today: Ethan rolled 16 using 1d20.  Perception. So close!
PC, 29 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2016
at 06:11
  • msg #62

Scene 2: The Trail

With the crows diving towards them, Nyx calmly begins to take potshots
PC, 47 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2016
at 12:17
  • msg #63

Scene 2: The Trail

Doc has a grin on his face, but there is a certain anger behind it now, "Brother, let's handle this mess, yeah?" he fires two shots from his laser pistols into the group of folks heading towards him and his brother.

08:16, Today: Doc rolled 5 using 2d6.  dmg.

08:16, Today: Doc rolled 7 using 2d6.  dmg.

08:15, Today: Doc rolled 23 using 1d20+4.  shootin' crows.

08:15, Today: Doc rolled 21 using 1d20+4.  shootin' crows.
PC, 84 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sun 26 Jun 2016
at 13:47
  • msg #64

Scene 2: The Trail

"They seem to be controlled, like a hive mind. Do vampires control crows ?"

He looked at one of the crows fly down and attack the mustang.

"Hey leave that alone, that's Sir Arulas horse!"

When part of the flock took off Polkitain worried about his companions and breathed a puff of his toxin cloud into the crows leaving the tree.

07:46, Today: Polkitain rolled 17 using 1d20+3.  Perception.
Polkitain saw something strange about one of the crows.

PC, 22 posts
sea titan
Sun 26 Jun 2016
at 20:41
  • msg #65

Scene 2: The Trail

perception Nat 20 for 22

Calista fired at the tree itself.
GM Zaboem
GM, 55 posts
Master Gamemaster
Mon 27 Jun 2016
at 06:33
  • msg #66

Scene 2: The Trail

Doc is firing his revolvers. Which weapons are Nyx and Kalista using?
PC, 30 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2016
at 08:41
  • msg #67

Scene 2: The Trail

OOC: Probably the Wilks-Remi Six Shooters
PC, 85 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Mon 27 Jun 2016
at 13:48
  • msg #68

Scene 2: The Trail

Polkitain said, "Doc, Nyx, green glowy eyes."

Polkitain flew towards the unique crow.

"Why do you attack my friends ? We mean you no harm." Polkitain was tense knowing that shape or form didn't really matter as he himself could shapeshift.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:23, Mon 27 June 2016.
PC, 23 posts
sea titan
Mon 27 Jun 2016
at 15:42
  • msg #69

Scene 2: The Trail

Kalista is currently armed with her JA-12 Sniper.
Sir Arulas
PC, 57 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Mon 27 Jun 2016
at 19:19
  • msg #70

Scene 2: The Trail

"Aw come on that was a good horse." Arulas seems annoyed rather than pissed off. The twins are taking potshots and Polkitain is breathing poison gas. Arulas grabs his rifle and takes a single shot at the murder of crows.

Rolled a 22 on perception. Natural 20 as well. That is a little crazy. Will roll attack in a minute
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