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12:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scene 3: The Trail Continued.

Posted by GM ZaboemFor group 0
PC, 53 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 10:55
  • msg #99

By the Way

"We should move on", stated Nyx coolly, eyes drawn to the column of smoke, "We have lingered long enough." After a moment he considers their prisoner, "Her we leave pinned to the tree or in the belly of the beast-", gesturing to Lund's Behemoth, "- else we see carrion of her kind or worse"
PC, 80 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 11:57
  • msg #100

By the Way

Doc shrugged, "Tried to tell you lady, the rest ain't quite as nice. Leave her, she starves she starves. Maybe her friends will come find her, the ones me and you didn't take care of I mean." he grins, somewhat sadistically actually.
PC, 41 posts
sea titan
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 12:08
  • msg #101

By the Way

Kalista came back, "She is a prisoner, prisoners should be treated fairly. Handcuff her, I will take responsibility for her." She brought the girl a bottle of water while the others fished for handcuffs. She does not interrogate the girl, that is not her purpose. Her purpose is to show by example how someone should act in this circumstance.
PC, 81 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 12:12
  • msg #102

By the Way

Doc rolled his eyes, "Not gut shotting her is fair. Them woulda cut you down without batting an eye. I get we can't go 'round killin' anyone that upsets us. But keepin' em around to screw us later ain't smart." Doc shrugged and headed back towards the Behemoth.
PC, 42 posts
sea titan
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 12:27
  • msg #103

By the Way

Kalista did not show her exasperation, "Treating a surrendered enemy fairly includes finding a place that can properly hold and or try them for their crimes. I am not a savage, and I will not stoop to crimes myself simply because she may have committed them."
PC, 82 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 12:45
  • msg #104

By the Way

Doc stopped, turned and faced Kalista, "We'll try this one your way, best tie her good. She gets loose, she gets a bullet." he says, pointing to his forehead. "You trust the system too much Kalista, you ain't from these parts I reckon. Most judges and sheriffs are as crooked as the ones you wanna put in front of em. Sometimes the only justice you get, is what you hand out. You got a code, I like that. I don't like your code. I have a code too." at this point Doc winks and grins "We gon' get along fine ma'am. Pretty thing like you, can handle herself. My kinda woman." Then he heads to the Behemoth.
PC, 44 posts
sea titan
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 12:53
  • msg #105

By the Way

Kalista so rarely showed anger that when it happened it was something of a shock. She spun on her heel coming at Doc. Her face and body language said "I am ticked off." Even with all that she is still polite. "I am not a girl, a pretty thing, a babe, or a chick. I am a woman, a lady, and a cyberknight, and you will treat me as such or by all that is holy I will challenge you to single combat. Am I clear, sir?"
PC, 84 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 12:56
  • msg #106

By the Way

Doc grinned, "I reckon I called you a woman, if you pay attention, even if I added pretty to it. Now if you wanna wrestle, you ain't gotta get all up tight, just ask doll." It was clear now, Doc had gotten under her skin a bit and couldn't be helped from chiding her one more time. "I'll try to do better and mind my words, but that offer to wrestle stands... ma'am." with that he tips his hat.
PC, 47 posts
sea titan
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 13:11
  • msg #107

By the Way

Kalista gave him a glare that could have put a hardened CS soldier on the rune but eventually let the whole thing slide with a roll of her eyes. "Men..." as if the very word were at once alluring and repulsive. She walked away, back to her prisoner.
Sir Arulas
PC, 85 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 13:34
  • msg #108

By the Way

All Arulas can do is laugh. He escorts the prisoner to an empty supply closet, unless the Behemoth has holding cells in which case he goes there. Along the way he says "You got lucky. Kalista and I are cyber-knight. Talk is one thing, but no actual harm would have been done to you. Now you get standard rations. Not my cooking, but still edible if only barely so. Water and maybe a bit of juice if I can find some extra. Coffee, abysmal stuff that it is, will be offered at room temp or slightly better. Thing is all we want is the person making those rune weapons. They kill people like you and don't blink. We try to keep even bad people alive."
PC, 54 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 14:41
  • msg #109

By the Way

As the prisoner is led off Nyx sighs at his brother, "Should have just shot her"
PC, 86 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 14:57
  • msg #110

By the Way

Doc nodded to his brother, "Ah, yeah. Figure we let the goody goodies have their way now. If it backfires, we handle it our way from now on, yeah?"
PC, 148 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Wed 10 Aug 2016
at 15:04
  • msg #111

By the Way

Polkitain can hear clearly what the others were talking about and shook his head.

"I don't know if I will ever understand fully people. I thought pretty was a compliment."
GM Zaboem
GM, 107 posts
Master Gamemaster
Fri 12 Aug 2016
at 01:58
  • msg #112

By the Way

Samuel decides how the inside of his Behemoth is organized. I doubt that he has a dedicated prisoner cell, but he might -- that's up to him. A supply closet is more likely.

At the gunfighter's suggestion, the team quickly gathers whatever remains of their own gear and claimed loot. They shuffle into the Behemoth behind the prisoner or onto their horses.

The prisoner glares hatefully but does not resist. She doesn't try to escape either. As she is being pushed into her closet-cell-bunk-toilet, she does say something to the Cyberknight. She says, "You're wrong about one thing, psycho-knight. She wouldn't kill me. Killing is too kind. You'll see."

Arulas' psychic inspection of the runic weapons reveals something startling. These items are not authentic rune weapons in the tradition of his homeland. Instead, they are cheap vessels which each contain a Syphon Entity. One entity inhabits each metal weapon. These alien spirits are sinister supernatural predators with considerable psychic powers, but they are quiet and docile at the moment.
Sir Arulas
PC, 87 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Fri 12 Aug 2016
at 04:09
  • msg #113

By the Way

 Arulas scrubs his face and simply walks over to the intercom(big robot probably has one) and hits the broadcast internal button. ++"Guys could we get everybody to the lounge please. This just got a whole lot more complex."++ As soon as everybody gets to the lounge he starts "Ok guys sit down. Ok these are not rune weapons of any kind that I have seen. They are cheap metal containing a powerful psionic evil badass. This is bad real bad."
Samuel Lund
PC, 88 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2016
at 05:03
  • msg #114

By the Way

"Well I figured it was really bad if the Lady who hired us was worried about it. Can you be a little more specific about the bad assness of the evil so we can appreciate how real the bad might be?"
PC, 50 posts
sea titan
Fri 12 Aug 2016
at 14:12
  • msg #115

By the Way

Kalista reached out with her own psychic senses toward the rune weapons.
PC, 151 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Fri 12 Aug 2016
at 14:14
  • msg #116

By the Way

"Do you need me to come in, or should I stay up here and keep a look out."

Polkitain asked as he turned looking about for anyone approaching.
Sir Arulas
PC, 88 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Fri 12 Aug 2016
at 18:30
  • msg #117

By the Way

"Think psychic vampire and you would be close I think. For now they are quiet and sleeping I would like them to stay that way. No telling the carnage these things would wreck if they got out."
Samuel Lund
PC, 90 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2016
at 23:08
  • msg #118

By the Way

To Sir Arulas, "So what could get them out? Maybe some kind of pre-program breaking point for the weapon or a certain number of kills? Is that even possible?"
GM Zaboem
GM, 108 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sat 13 Aug 2016
at 04:54
  • msg #119

By the Way

A successful Lore: Monsters and Demons skill roll will provide all there is to know about Syphon Entities. A successful Lore: Psychic skill roll will provide just the basics.
Sir Arulas
PC, 89 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Sat 13 Aug 2016
at 06:23
  • msg #120

By the Way

In reply to GM Zaboem (msg # 119):

OOC: Lore Monster was nearly a botch. Lore Psychic was a fail. Lore Magic however was a pass. I got an 11 and I needed a 30% or less. I rolled Lore Magic to figure out what I could about Rune weapons after having one on hand.
PC, 51 posts
sea titan
Sat 13 Aug 2016
at 13:57
  • msg #121

By the Way

Name them, Kalista can make a check too.
Sir Arulas
PC, 90 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Sat 13 Aug 2016
at 16:28
  • msg #122

By the Way

 "That makes no sense. Syphon Entities are not flowery, pacifistic plant people. I am so confused about that right now. Now Rune weapons are not my area of expertise. Very few are capable of making them. Let me think some more on it."
PC, 52 posts
sea titan
Sat 13 Aug 2016
at 17:20
  • msg #123

By the Way

Kalista searches her own knowledge.

13:20, Today: Kalista rolled 38 using 1d100. Demon Lore out of 80%.
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