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15:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

Posted by Servant of the Dark MaidenFor group 0
Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 551 posts
Sat 10 Sep 2016
at 02:35
  • msg #972

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

They go off escorting him

Jhaelnya follows sighing "so we go explain the degree of danger were facing And pray they listen"
Arminna Xun'sohna
player, 363 posts
Sword Dancer (SP) L12
AC 2, HP 77/77
Fri 23 Sep 2016
at 22:14
  • msg #973

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

Arminna smiles to Jhaelnya as they enter the village. "I have faith in you, my friend.  I know that you will convince them of the danger."
Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 552 posts
Thu 29 Sep 2016
at 02:24
  • msg #974

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

She bows and nods "I am honored by your confidence." and goes, clearly once more the Energetic and eager young Bard Devoted to Svartheims Defense.
Arminna Xun'sohna
player, 364 posts
Sword Dancer (SP) L12
AC 2, HP 77/77
Fri 7 Oct 2016
at 22:22
  • msg #975

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

Arminna smiles at Jhaelnya's energy and enthusiasm.  She prays that the villagers will listen to her and heed the warning.

OOC:  I have the feeling that you want Arminna to do something, and I'm missing what it is.
Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 553 posts
Sun 9 Oct 2016
at 01:52
  • msg #976

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

(would like to skip to high level status it could shake things up a little)

She hears some reports of Dwarves,  "but unlike any dwarves I ever saw before others are Clannish and Paranoid, these, they were EVIL enjoying causing pain, I could feel it, they tortured other Dwarves and Drow alike that  they'd captured to death. I know it must seem foolish to worry about what the enemy do to each other, but it disturbs me..."
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:00, Sun 09 Oct 2016.
Arminna Xun'sohna
player, 365 posts
Sword Dancer (SP) L12
AC 2, HP 77/77
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 22:42
  • msg #977

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

OOC:  How far ahead did you want to skip?  I don't have any High Level books.

Also, who hears the reports, and to whom is she talking?

Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 554 posts
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 02:13
  • msg #978

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

(OOC: Maybe level 17? And say some scout)
Arminna Xun'sohna
player, 367 posts
Sword Dancer (SP) L12
AC 2, HP 77/77
Tue 15 Nov 2016
at 22:54
  • msg #979

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

OOC:  So are we also going to skip the part getting the villagers to clear the cavern, and move on to the strange acting Dwarves?

Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 555 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2016
at 22:21
  • msg #980

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

(OOC: No was just gettin confused myself sorry thanks for reminding me lets go ahead and warn the villagers)
Arminna Xun'sohna
player, 368 posts
Sword Dancer (SP) L12
AC 2, HP 77/77
Tue 22 Nov 2016
at 22:52
  • msg #981

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

OOC:  OK, so they are headed back to the village, and Arminna has asked Jhaelnya to rally the villagers.

Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 556 posts
Thu 24 Nov 2016
at 01:40
  • msg #982

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

The villagers react with disbelief "your saying Evil demonic ::BIRDS are now a threat to us?" not entirely convinced. having heard the story but needing a bit of convincing "I dont doubt your honesty, lady of Eilistraee." Bows slightly,. "But..."
Arminna Xun'sohna
player, 370 posts
Sword Dancer (SP) L12
AC 2, HP 77/77
Tue 29 Nov 2016
at 22:52
  • msg #983

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

"The threat is real," Arminna replies in a grave voice to the villager.  "You have seen the harm caused by just one drow affected by the Simpathetics.  That is why it must be stopped before many more are . "
Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 559 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2016
at 23:12
  • msg #984

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

The elder asks "I have your sworn word Arminna?" the a sigh and a reluctant nod.,

"That will be enough I assure you but I cannot allow the diruption he'd cause in my village I am sorry, but your renown has spread far and wide Arminna, the sentence of death is hereby commuted to banishment"

The girls Father is yelling "Not even a token pennance!? Even with compulsion-"

elder firmly "He will have to make his life anew some new community... That should be pennance enough for him" Still with his outrage the lad may be best off banished... sadly.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:18, Wed 30 Nov 2016.
Arminna Xun'sohna
player, 371 posts
Sword Dancer (SP) L12
AC 2, HP 77/77
Fri 9 Dec 2016
at 23:18
  • msg #985

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

Arminna nods.  "It remains to be seen that he can even be returned to society," she says.  "In the meantime, we must eradicate the Simpathetics in the cave before they can spread."
Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 560 posts
Sat 10 Dec 2016
at 15:11
  • msg #986

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

"You reccomend we begin eliminating them immediately... how do we guard against being... affected by them?" is clearly nevous

Jhaelnya is not particularly reassuring

"only the mightyiest of magics can interdict their their madness... I reccomend work in groups and avoid any skin to skin contact with them whatsoever. I know its imperfect, but its the best I can suggest"
player, 2 posts
Sun 25 Dec 2016
at 06:08
  • msg #987

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

A tall drow approaches. Though he is wearing a hooded cloak, the glint of mail shines through as does the flair of white hair in spiky chunks. He is young for one who carries himself with such authority but clearly mature and capable. As you take more of him in you see that he carries a bow slung across his back and a rod with a spiked ball at the tip in his left hand.

He stops and bows, saying, "Forgive my intrusion, I am Vhurdaer and I was sent to investigate the rumors of foul play. What is the latest on this strange case of a boy?"
Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 561 posts
Mon 26 Dec 2016
at 19:24
  • msg #988

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

A drow lady, looking perhaps a bit along in years, but still hale.

shes got a peg foot.

"We have reasonable cause to suspect the boy was not in total control of his actions" sighs.

"Suffice it to say... Simpathics, a evil race of birds from tthe abyss, found him they... they feed on virtue, devour it, leaving only malice, greed and spite"
player, 3 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 03:52
  • msg #989

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

"Aye, I gathered that." Vhurdaer said as the older drow described the boy's mental faculties.

"Yes, we must destroy this flock of birds. Who will be going on this venture into their nesting ground?"
Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 563 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 04:40
  • msg #990

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

sighs "We have yet to decide... this is an operation that must be handled carefully... As those who engage a Simpathic at Melee, might well succumb to their influence"

"We must ask dark questions, such as, "are we ready to strike dead our own comrades if the need presents itself? What is the best way to minimalize any such risks?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:37, Tue 27 Dec 2016.
player, 6 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 15:16
  • msg #991

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

The justicar considered the dilemma. He had no desire to lose control of his mind or emotions. "Do they have to peck you to infect you? I am a fair shot with a bow and my armor is sturdy, but that is still a risk to great to take."
Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 564 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 15:42
  • msg #992

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

"Basicly yes, but they dont infect, rather they feed, they consume virtue and kindness. And they dont peck when doing so, rather they land on someone, and can seem very sedate on someones shoulder"  says clarifying things.
player, 7 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 16:53
  • msg #993

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

Vhurdaer wasn't sure how to proceed, perhaps someone with arcane powers could do more, but then he had a thought, "You said when they land on a person they begin to consume virtue, do they require contact with the skin? Would armor protect someone or would they feed through the metal? What could we make that could prevent them from landing on us? Perhaps some decoys? A scarecrow?"
Servant of the Dark Maiden
GM, 565 posts
Wed 28 Dec 2016
at 00:30
  • msg #994

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

"I am unsure if they require direct contact with flesh or not..." Looks troubled

"I recognized this threat... but I know what is not known about them is more then what is known"


"They usualy charm someone... to feed on them... but can o nly charm one person at a time... I reccomend  operating in groups of at least a dozen... just in case we encounter a family unit does that make sense to you?
player, 8 posts
Wed 28 Dec 2016
at 04:47
  • msg #995

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

Vhurdaer nodded in agreement with the plan. A dozen should be plenty. There were surely safeguards against charm effects like the one being described but he knew little of such arcana.
Arminna Xun'sohna
player, 372 posts
Sword Dancer (SP) L12
AC 2, HP 77/77
Wed 28 Dec 2016
at 21:01
  • msg #996

Re: the tunnels tremble with anticipation.

"A dozen should be sufficient," Arminna adds.  "Plus, we can ready a few surprises for them."
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