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10:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A Most Disturbing Trend.

Posted by The Powers That BeFor group 0
Larzander Gunderzen
player, 71 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2016
at 15:30
  • msg #51

A Most Disturbing Trend

In reply to Arryn Andrer (msg # 50):

09:29, Today: Larzander Gunderzen rolled 3 using 1d20.  search bed.

Apparently Larzander was unable to find the blood soaked bed....

The Powers That Be
GM, 170 posts
Sat 3 Dec 2016
at 05:49
  • msg #52

A Most Disturbing Trend

In reply to Larzander Gunderzen (msg # 51):

If you're rolling a Int. check then a 3 would be successful, unless your intelligence is below a 3...
Arryn Andrer
player, 89 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 03:33
  • msg #53

A Most Disturbing Trend

Do we turn up anything interesting?
The Powers That Be
GM, 172 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 04:37
  • msg #54

A Most Disturbing Trend

Your search initially seems almost pointless as the state of the room makes discerning minut details near impossible.   As Arryn begins to search through what's left of the bookshelves, Larzander begins his search of the bed and in short time finds that the edge of the sheets, on one side, seem blackened slightly around the edge.  Calling Arryn over to show him, it appeared almost as if it had been slightly burned.  Focusing their search around the bed for any further clues, Arryn manages to locate a small panel hidden beneath the bed under a small stack of moldy old books.
Arryn Andrer
player, 90 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 12:40
  • msg #55

A Most Disturbing Trend

Arryn looks up over the macabre scene that is the blood soaked bed and get Larzander's attention "I've found something here." he said waving the man over. Arryn pointed to the small panel and then took out his knife and tried to pry it open.
Larzander Gunderzen
player, 72 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 15:57
  • msg #56

A Most Disturbing Trend

In reply to Arryn Andrer (msg # 55):

Larz stood next to Arryn as he attempted to open the panel. "Do you think it might be trapped?" he asked. "Sometimes they trap those things don't they?"
Arryn Andrer
player, 91 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 17:15
  • msg #57

A Most Disturbing Trend

Would my check have found the trap if it were trapped or do I need a second roll?
Larzander Gunderzen
player, 73 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 18:07
  • msg #58

A Most Disturbing Trend

In reply to Arryn Andrer (msg # 57):

Sorry my friend, I just didn't want to see you poisoned or blown up...
Stoney Applesmith
player, 44 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 18:12
  • msg #59

A Most Disturbing Trend

In reply to Larzander Gunderzen (msg # 58):

"Cheers!  I'll drink to that!"
Arryn Andrer
player, 92 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 18:18
  • msg #60

A Most Disturbing Trend

Haven't used this system in a long time. I had assumed that find/remove traps would find the traps along with the hidden panel. But maybe I'm wrong.
The Powers That Be
GM, 173 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 23:45
  • msg #61

A Most Disturbing Trend

Normally, you would be correct, but since I'm having you use your find/remove slightly differently, in other words just to locate something, then technically it would require another roll.  The same would apply to removing said trap, if any were found.
Arryn Andrer
player, 93 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2016
at 01:49
  • msg #62

A Most Disturbing Trend

Arryn's knife stopped at Larzander's words and he scrutinized the panel looking for anything dangerous.

20:48, Today: Arryn Andrer rolled 21 using 1d100.  Find Remove Traps  40%.
The Powers That Be
GM, 174 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2016
at 02:25
  • msg #63

A Most Disturbing Trend

As Arryn begins to fiddle with the panel, he manages to wedge his knife under it and begins to pry it up but stops suddenly as he hears the telltale "click" of some sort of mechanism under the panel.  Gauging the situation he is confident that he can disarm the device.  After several tense minutes he slides back out from under the bed to announce that he is pretty certain the trap has been disarmed.
Stoney Applesmith
player, 45 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2016
at 13:56
  • msg #64

A Most Disturbing Trend

In reply to The Powers That Be (msg # 63):

After "searching" around, near the podium, and many long drinks from his bottle, Stoney decides to look in a different spot.
"Hey...what did you find?  There is nothing around here."
He shouts so the entire house can hear.
Arryn Andrer
player, 94 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2016
at 14:26
  • msg #65

A Most Disturbing Trend

Arryn opens the panel that was so fiercely guarded.
The Powers That Be
GM, 175 posts
Thu 8 Dec 2016
at 05:24
  • msg #66

A Most Disturbing Trend

As Arryn slowly lifts the panel, a subtle "click" causes him to wince but seeing nothing further, he feels secure that he disarmed it properly.  As the panel moves aside the trap itself is revealed; a standard fireball device.  Removing the mechanism, Arryn finds a small, green, glass vile with some sort of liquid and what appears to be a crude-looking ring.
Arryn Andrer
player, 95 posts
Thu 8 Dec 2016
at 12:22
  • msg #67

A Most Disturbing Trend

Arryn removes the two items and stands up "Some sort of liquid and a ring. We should show them to Reghar." he said matter of factly before heading downstairs "Reghar come take a look at these items. I imagine they are magical based on the protections around them." he said to the dwarf.
Larzander Gunderzen
player, 74 posts
Thu 8 Dec 2016
at 15:49
  • msg #68

A Most Disturbing Trend

In reply to Arryn Andrer (msg # 67):

"Good job Arryn!" Larzander commented, helping the other man to his feet. "I agree Reghar is the one that is likely to know about such things."
player, 50 posts
Bladesinger Who Me?
Nope, just a drunk.
Tue 13 Dec 2016
at 02:18
  • msg #69

A Most Disturbing Trend

Onyx holds his non-metalic hand out, "I might be able to tell you what the liquid is..."  The stoic elf hadn't really divulged too much of his background but they had seen him use a spell of a sort.  But, what would a drunk know of liquids anyway?  Onyx smirked at his silent jest.
The Powers That Be
GM, 176 posts
Wed 14 Dec 2016
at 23:15
  • msg #70

A Most Disturbing Trend

OOC: Are you attempting a check of some type on the vial or just trying to inspect it and make an educated guess?
Reghar Blackcrow
player, 19 posts
Fri 30 Dec 2016
at 15:24
  • msg #71

A Most Disturbing Trend

Reghar as always a detail oriented individual, he always triple checks everything he does. He took his time to review the first floor of the house, he wanted to make sure he did not miss anything. Of course he heard his companion talk loudly and gasp about something upstair, but he had to finish that floor before moving on to the second floor. Unfortunately, his search led to nothing. He now take a good look at the stair and gets ready to explore the second floor.

Once he climbed the stair, Reghar grasped the whole situation in the span of a heartbeat, blood, claw marks, dead body and the two items. The ring and the glass looks fascinating, as all magical items in Reghar's head. Slowly but surely, Reghar move closer to the two items and began chanting and praying to his god.

Let me see what I can do to help, I am probably not skilled in the right ways to properly identify these items but at least I can make sure they are magical in nature.

OCC: casting detect magic and I try to identify as much as I can the items.
The Powers That Be
GM, 178 posts
Sat 31 Dec 2016
at 05:27
  • msg #72

A Most Disturbing Trend

Indeed both of the items radiate a strong magical aura.  Upon closer scrutiny, the ring is something you have encountered before...why it's a Ring of Protection +1, what luck!  The liquid in the vial, however, is definitely more foreign to you.  It is most assuredly magic in nature and you are pretty certain it is safe, although you cannot say, with any certainty what, it may do.
Stoney Applesmith
player, 46 posts
Sat 31 Dec 2016
at 15:12
  • msg #73

A Most Disturbing Trend

In reply to The Powers That Be (msg # 72):

Stumbling slightly on his approach to Reghar.  "Whattt did you find?"
Seeing the vial near by.
"Oh, let me-e see that. Do yo know what it is?  I can tell what pretty much any liquid is!"
It is a byproduct of trial and error, in the monasteries cellar!"

The Powers That Be
GM, 179 posts
Thu 5 Jan 2017
at 20:13
  • msg #74

A Most Disturbing Trend

As you stare at the objects before you, a sound floats up from the lower level of the house.  It would appear that someone did not shut the door hard enough for the protests from the hinges echos off the ceiling.
player, 2 posts
Thu 5 Jan 2017
at 20:36
  • msg #75

A Most Disturbing Trend

 A young girl, maybe not even eightneen winters old, walks slowly into the building. She wore a black non de script cloak and her dark hair was long and a tattered mess that fell down around her pale face and shoulder.

  She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings as she arranged a boquette of flowers that she had just picked from the garden.

 " Red was always her favorite, wasn't it? But I like black... why is there no black ones?" she mumbled to no one in particular.

 She stopped and her eyes widened as she realized she wasn't the only one here.

 " Hello?" she called out.

 OOC: Will attempt to discern if any of the flowers in the garden are of any use for herbalism.15:40, Today: Moria rolled 5 using 1d20.  herbalism proficiency check -2 int (13).
This message was last edited by the player at 20:43, Thu 05 Jan 2017.
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