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09:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad.

Posted by GM ZaboemFor group 0
PC, 179 posts
Tue 6 Jun 2017
at 15:16
  • msg #63

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

OOC you got us elven gunslingers backwards boss.

Doc will use his survival knife and attempt to remove the heads of the vampires before they heal... he was a little upset the silver hadn't killed them outright.
PC, 164 posts
Tue 6 Jun 2017
at 23:03
  • msg #64

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Although he was itching to be in the think of things, Nyx remained in position ready to coordinate the responses from his companions or take out any of the leeches who dared to show themselves
GM Zaboem
GM, 266 posts
Master Gamemaster
Thu 8 Jun 2017
at 02:16
  • msg #65

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

The tussle continued. Polkitain seemed to have the upper hand, but the outcome of this match was anything but certain. Give me another strike roll and parry roll, please.

The Twins
I did. You two must look alike or something. Doc gave one of the fallen monsters a surprise tracheostomy. Then he kept cutting The head came off cleanly under his knife's blade, surprisingly easy in fact.
PC, 380 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Thu 8 Jun 2017
at 12:38
  • msg #66

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Polkitain lashes out again. Trying to rake his glowing spines at the vampires neck.
Still he seems to be clumsy at parrying.

06:36, Today: Polkitain rolled 21 using 1d20+3.  Strike at the vampire.
06:37, Today: Polkitain rolled 6 using 1d20+2.  Parry Attempt.
06:37, Today: Polkitain rolled 18 using 6d6.  Damage.

PC, 180 posts
Thu 8 Jun 2017
at 14:56
  • msg #67

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Doc will take his trophies, and look for a place to burn them. If not the entire body, at least the heads.

OOC damned twins.
GM Zaboem
GM, 268 posts
Master Gamemaster
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 04:43
  • msg #68

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

The dragon and the vampire trade a pair of vicious blows. The vampire claws at the dragon's hide again.

The vampire caught the dragon's downward plunging spine with an excellent parry, but Polkitain twisted inside the vampire's grasp and drove his glowing spine into the vampire's abdomen. The vampire appears very weak and slow from its injuries.

Nobody mentioned starting any fires. Being that the town is packed with dynamite, I'm going to assume that there are no open flames right now.

Doc holds two severed heads by their hair in a single fist. The monsters' bloodshot eyes and fangs in their open mouths only add to the macabre of the scene. Until he decides what he wants to do with them, Doc has a pair of really terrible paper weights. He can hear the running water nearby and he can see glints of golden light. They could be melted in the river beyond the walls, or they could be slowly burnt to dust with the globe of daylight that Kalista's glittermount is producing. Alternatively, he could try lighting a fire in any of the nearby houses. All of these options will take some time.
PC, 181 posts
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 12:27
  • msg #69

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Doc will move towards the globes of daylight, seems safer than the river. "Nyx, eyes up, I got to heads I'm taking to the magic lights. Burn em up and kill some more."
PC, 165 posts
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 12:35
  • msg #70

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

++ Don't worry, won't shoot you, Doc ++, came the reply, a hint of humour in the acknowledgement. Scanning the area around the cottage and the diffuse light, Nyx ensured the way was clear for his twin and then scanned the edge of the woods once more
PC, 381 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 12:36
  • msg #71

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Polkitain regenerated a bit which helped as he decided to just full out attack the vampire seeing that it had slowed down. Roaring proudly he became a twisting ball of claws, fangs and glowing spines.

06:31, Today: Polkitain rolled 13 using 1d20+3.  Demon Punch Attack.
06:32, Today: Polkitain rolled 10 using 1d20+3.  Demon Punch Attack.
06:32, Today: Polkitain rolled 5 using 1d20+3.  Demon Punch Attack.

06:34, Today: Polkitain rolled 28 using 6d6.  Demon Punch Damage #1.
06:35, Today: Polkitain rolled 21 using 6d6.  Demon Punch Damage #2.
06:35, Today: Polkitain rolled 19 using 6d6.  Demon Punch Damage #3.

06:33, Today: Polkitain rolled 17 using 1d20+2.  Parry #1.
06:33, Today: Polkitain rolled 14 using 1d20+2.  Parry #2.
06:33, Today: Polkitain rolled 13 using 1d20+2.  Parry # 3.

Sir Arulas
PC, 235 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 19:12
  • msg #72

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Arulas walk over to the staked vampire and kicks the skull a few feet away. "Just in case fang face. You understand right." Arulas keeps walking towards Polk and his opponent. He stands nearby and lines up a shot for the fanger's head.
First couple actions he lines up a shot and when he has clear one he fires his pistol.
GM Zaboem
GM, 269 posts
Master Gamemaster
Fri 16 Jun 2017
at 04:35
  • msg #73

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

The little dragon struck with dragon-ferocity. The vampire's weak to parry resulted in only an arm being torn off. After the arm, the monster's head came off as well. Polkitain is now over the headless body of a vampire.

The Cyber=Knight delivers a quick staking to one of the headless vampires in the street and peaks his head outside. He's just in time to see a vampire head roll towards him.

The Cyber-knight sees Doc approaching with the pair of severed heads in his arm. Meanwhile, Ethan is looking a little strained.

With a sudden great force, Ethan feels his forcefield give way. The vampires have broken through the wall.
PC, 182 posts
Fri 16 Jun 2017
at 12:09
  • msg #74

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Doc hollers, "Evenin' ma'am." and tosses the heads into the radius of the light she's producing. He tips his hat, and taps his radio, "Brother, you got eyes on anymore near me and this good lookin' lady knight?" he gives her a wink and grin, and as if by magic his second revolver is back in his hand.
PC, 382 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Fri 16 Jun 2017
at 14:23
  • msg #75

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Polkitain now takes out a stake and calmly pushes it into the vampire he beheaded.
He gathers up the skeletons and the head and arm and trots back to Lady Kalista, "Now what do I do with them ?"
PC, 178 posts
sea titan
Fri 16 Jun 2017
at 14:49
  • msg #76

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Kalista acknowledged Doc with a nod. She told Polk to burn the body and heads separately and scatter the ashes in running water.
PC, 383 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Fri 16 Jun 2017
at 14:53
  • msg #77

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

"I don't have a torch, uhm." Polk looks around for any fires.
Sir Arulas
PC, 236 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Fri 16 Jun 2017
at 19:07
  • msg #78

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

 "We don't have time just yet for all that and we are sitting in a literal powder keg. Toss them in the river later. Do we have eyes on Ethan?" Arulas asks.
  The staked vampires are less of a concern than the moving targets.
GM Zaboem
GM, 270 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sun 18 Jun 2017
at 04:54
  • msg #79

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Samuel reports via radio, "I've lost track of all movement outside the wall. Maybe they bugged out and left. Hold on, there's some sort of commotion inside the robot. I need to check this out." With that, Sam drops into radio silence.

At just about the same time, Nyx spots movement in the village streets. A pair of red eyes glance back at him from an alley before vanishing behind a corner. Then another figure dashes through a garden in the side of his eye. The remaining vampires have the chapel surrounded and they are closing in.
PC, 384 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sun 18 Jun 2017
at 13:26
  • msg #80

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Polkitain flies to the wall rampart and breaks off some of the pointed tops to use as really big stakes.

Since he does have the little radio thing he can wear he looks off to the robot in the river. "Sam you ok." He tries him on the radio.

His eyes darting to see if there is anything near the behemoth.
GM Zaboem
GM, 272 posts
Master Gamemaster
Tue 20 Jun 2017
at 03:01
  • msg #81

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

The behemoth is surrounded by water and looks just the same as when Samuel parked it there.
PC, 183 posts
Tue 20 Jun 2017
at 03:21
  • msg #82

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Once the heads have been destroyed, Doc will ready his pistols for more death. "Kalista, see any give a shout. Nyx, you good?"
PC, 167 posts
Tue 20 Jun 2017
at 05:17
  • msg #83

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

In his nest Nyx ignored his brother and took the shot he had lined up, aiming for the bobbing head of the figure darting through the garden

06:15, Today: Nyx rolled 22 using 1d20+7.  Aimed Shot.
06:16, Today: Nyx rolled 18 using 5d6.  Damage - Doubled. => 36

PC, 176 posts
Tue 20 Jun 2017
at 20:23
  • msg #84

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Ethan felt it when his force field that had been reinforcing the wooden wall failed. The energy field, which he still didn't full understand how he created them in the first place, flared and then vanished as it was overloaded by the efforts of the vampires. This was as surprising as it was disconcerting to Ethan. Surprising in that while he hadn't expended a great deal of his energy on the making of the field, he had still invested enough that it had easily been the equal of two suits of heavy body armor placed back to back. That the pair of vampires could shred through it with their claws alone in so short a time was disconcerting for obvious reasons.

The medic keys his helmet mike in response to Sir Arulas. "I'm OK," he says, "but they made it through the force field I had in place to shore up this section of the wall. I'm open to suggestions." While he had been speaking, Ethan drew the silver knife from its sheath on his right thigh. He wasn't overly optimistic about his chances of successfully disabling even one vampire with it, let alone multiples but it was what he had to work with. "Besides," he thought to himself, "I could get lucky. Always a chance for a freak rainstorm right?"
GM Zaboem
GM, 275 posts
Master Gamemaster
Fri 23 Jun 2017
at 04:21
  • msg #85

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Nyx is using silver ammo, right?

The round from the elf's gun stops the sneaking vampire and knocks it backward. The wounded monster crawl-rolls behind the cover of a small wooden garden wall.

Doc is interrupted his thoughts a house cat which darts out of an old old house. The cat runs past him without giving the elf any regard. His keen elven eyes pick up a shadow moving behind the outhouse. Yes, the cat was black.

In the faint light cast the globeof daylight, Kalista and Ethan both figures through a chapel window. Three vampires have emerged from the alleys and are gathering in the street. They are the side of the building behind the back of Nyx.

Polkitain and Arulas are in the street the other side of the chapel, I'm thinking. Polk feels the relief of his injuries healing themselves (fully regenerated now) when is taken surprise. The wooden wall of a small casa suddenly explodes next to them as two more vampires rush them.
PC, 185 posts
Fri 23 Jun 2017
at 11:40
  • msg #86

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Doc, pistols ready, let's the cat go past for the moment, focusing on the shadow he saw. "These things turn into cats?" he asks, as if on reflex one gun followed the cat, his eyes and the other gun search for movement from the area the shadow was seen in.
PC, 388 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Fri 23 Jun 2017
at 13:12
  • msg #87

Scene 10: Rumble in La Ciudad

Polkitain blinks and tries to recover from the surprise.
Reaching down he picks up a shard of wood in each front claw.

With a growl he gets into it with one of the vampires.
He attempts to stake it and parry to avoid it's attacks.

07:10, Today: Polkitain rolled 14,9,14,6 using 1d20+3,1d20+3,1d20+3,1d20+3.  Staking Attempts.

07:11, Today: Polkitain rolled 6,6,9,6 using 2d6,2d6,2d6,2d6.  Stake damage.

07:12, Today: Polkitain rolled 23,15,6,10 using 1d20+4,1d20+4,1d20+4,1d20+4.  Parry Attempts.

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