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09:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon.

Posted by GM ZaboemFor group 0
PC, 232 posts
Sun 24 Dec 2017
at 21:00
  • msg #28

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Doc shook his head, "Hopin' they leave us a ladder or somethin'... tearin' in would make a lot of noise. Like when Arulas snores Polk... too loud."
Sir Arulas
PC, 283 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Sun 24 Dec 2017
at 21:12
  • msg #29

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

"My snoring?" he says incredulously as if that never happened. "Oh let us not start on your snoring sir. You snore so loud you woke a zombie the other day after it had been the second time. But you still aren't as bad as Kalista." he says with a smirk.
PC, 469 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sun 24 Dec 2017
at 21:14
  • msg #30

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Polk blinks and looks back and forth between his friends, "Do I snore ?"
PC, 233 posts
Mon 25 Dec 2017
at 03:51
  • msg #31

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Doc grinned, "Better watch what you say buddy, she may try to smite you or something... Polk, I don't think you do. I'd be afraid you'd breathe fire or somethin' if you did."
PC, 223 posts
Mon 25 Dec 2017
at 06:02
  • msg #32

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

While waiting for the mysterious cat woman to answer his question, Ethan more or less ignored the banter of his comrades as it mostly seemed to center around playing yet another joke on the baby dragon. His attention was on the still unnamed cat woman for in addition to wanting his question to be answered, a disturbing thought had occurred to Ethan. “What if there are no vampires in the ‘metal house’? What if it is the rest of her pack trying to bait us into a trap? Or there are vampires over there but again, she is part of a trap?”

Ethan hated to think ill of this woman they didn’t even know the name of and had been in the company of for barely a minute but the harsh reality of this world gone mad had wrought changes within his mindset. He wanted to take her and her claim at face value but he was no stranger to treachery. He had encountered more than his share of villainous backstabbers and that had been before the Coming of the Rifts. The addition of to actual monsters to the human variety had done nothing to assuage his sense of caution when dealing with completely unknown and potentially deadly persons.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:41, Mon 25 Dec 2017.
PC, 470 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Mon 25 Dec 2017
at 12:45
  • msg #33

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Polk smiled Yeah that's probably true.

Polkitain crouched low and moved over to stand beside Doc.
the Were-Jaguar
NPC, 3 posts
Tue 26 Dec 2017
at 07:09
  • msg #34

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

The predator answered the questions put before her to the best of her ability. "The prisoner is male but not human. I have never encountered the scent of his kind. His odor is most like that of a this young dragon here but more -- earthy? Yes, earthy like a faerir or. These spoken words do not have words for accurate scents. When I was nearby, a few of the blood drinkers were gathered inside the metal house, no less than five. Their horses are inside the metal house also. These blood drinkers are armed unlike the feral and stupid beasts that you put down at the village."

"I have no name in your tongue, but the birds call me Gibbus. If you are in my territory, you will know it by the scemt maps which I leave on the trees." She scratches a fallen branch with a sharp claw.
PC, 471 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Tue 26 Dec 2017
at 10:50
  • msg #35

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Polk let his senses go out to see if he could sense another dragon.
PC, 227 posts
sea titan
Tue 26 Dec 2017
at 14:42
  • msg #36

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Kalista again speaks the were-woman's words in English.

"Thank you, oh wise one. Gibbus, we will take care of the vampires in the metal house. They will no longer plague your lands." She repeated this, in case the others wished to add to her gratitude.
PC, 472 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Tue 26 Dec 2017
at 14:51
  • msg #37

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Polk seemed very distracted with what he was doing. Very rarely did he ignore his friends but at the moment he seemed to be ignoring everything around him something primal and instinctual taking over.
PC, 208 posts
Tue 26 Dec 2017
at 19:59
  • msg #38

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Awake but still, Nyx had remained quiet whilst the were-creature spun its tail - hands close to his pistols but only the twitching of his little fingers betraying any tension. When she finally spoke her name, he moved them slowly and fluidly to the other brace beneath his pillow. These he drew slowly, a pair of pre-Rifts replica six-shooters, spinning the barrels to check the silver load out

OCC: Apologies, rubbish internet connection
PC, 224 posts
Wed 27 Dec 2017
at 00:40
  • msg #39

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

With his question having been answered by the mysterious Gibbus, Ethan changed the focus of his attention. He readied himself for the impending attack, whatever form it took, by checking on his equipment. He checked that his silver knife was in its sheath on his left hip, that his First Aid bag was filled and everything properly stowed in it. He had slept in the armored boots of his full environmental armor but had shucked the rest of the suit in favor of sleeping on only the moisture whisking under-suit. Now he strapped the segments of armor on to his body and made sure all the connections were secured tightly.

When all of his pre-combat checks were completed, he looked at his companions and gave a thumbs up, indicating that he was ready to move out. “Now we just need a plan,” he thought, waiting for the tactical leaders of the group to workout the details of their assault.
GM Zaboem
GM, 319 posts
Master Gamemaster
Wed 27 Dec 2017
at 06:59
  • msg #40

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Polkatain does not feel nor smell the presence of another dragon, but he has not really been around another dragon before as far as he knows. Things might change when he gets closer.

Gibbus the were-jaguar turns to leave. If no one stops her, she does leave.
PC, 473 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Wed 27 Dec 2017
at 07:29
  • msg #41

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Polk returns to his good natured self.

"I sensed no other dragon. Which is good but now I am curuos what you meant Gibbus by smelling something like me but earthier."
PC, 234 posts
Sat 30 Dec 2017
at 03:50
  • msg #42

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Doc pauses, hoping the cat lady would answer Polks question.
the Were-Jaguar
NPC, 4 posts
Sun 31 Dec 2017
at 08:30
  • msg #43

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

"I cannot say because words are not smells. I've already used the best words I know. You must smell for yourself."
PC, 474 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sun 31 Dec 2017
at 11:09
  • msg #44

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Polk nods slowly, "very well, thank you."

Having been tricked once by the fake egg he was now dubious of such things.

How should we approach ?" he asked Kalista.
PC, 228 posts
sea titan
Sun 31 Dec 2017
at 16:12
  • msg #45

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Kalista shrugged, "Carefully, cautiously, and with as much stealth as we can manage."
PC, 475 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sun 31 Dec 2017
at 16:21
  • msg #46

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Polkitain nodded and handed the Ax to his best pal Doc.

He then changed into a bat.

"Ok stealth mode."
PC, 229 posts
sea titan
Sun 31 Dec 2017
at 16:23
  • msg #47

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Kalista spoke again, "A bat may not be the best option. Vampires can assume that form, and would sense you are not one of them. Perhaps a bird? A sparrow or nightingale?"
PC, 476 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sun 31 Dec 2017
at 16:26
  • msg #48

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

"Ok, I can also blend in real well."

Polk tried to turn into a Grackle (a Southwest bird looks like a small crow) and used his chameleon ability.
PC, 235 posts
Sun 31 Dec 2017
at 17:18
  • msg #49

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Doc nodded, "Sneak in, kill em fast, take anything worth anything and move along."
PC, 477 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sun 31 Dec 2017
at 17:29
  • msg #50

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

"I am more interested in rescuing their prisoner.  Should I scout and let you know or should we go in together ?"
PC, 209 posts
Mon 1 Jan 2018
at 15:15
  • msg #51

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

“Scout ahead, then report back”, suggested Nyx firmly even as he quested ahead with his own supernatural senses

Using his psi power, Sense Evil
PC, 478 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Mon 1 Jan 2018
at 16:15
  • msg #52

Scene 12: Sanguine Moon

Polk nodded and flitted ahead to scout most definitely using his chameleon power and getting more stealthy the closer he got and looking for opening and listening for sounds with his enhanced hearing.
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