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09:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Char-Gen and House Rules.

Posted by Hand of FateFor group 0
Hand of Fate
GM, 1 post
The Hand Giveth
And Taketh Away
Sat 6 Jan 2018
at 23:52
  • msg #1

Char-Gen and House Rules

Character Creation:

Character creation will be the same as basic FAE. You can find the Fate Accelerated rules here:

You will be creating new agents of DEUS, so keep that in mind when coming up with a high concept for your character. Character creation for Fate Accelerated is partially collaborative, so start off by choosing the following:
  • High Concept (what makes you a DEUS Agent candidate)
  • Trouble (a fun flaw that you don't mind having invoked against you)
  • Aspect (what motivated your character to join DEUS)
  • (Optional): Approaches array (what your character is good, ok, and bad at)

Scenes, Sessions, and Milestones in Play-by-Post:

FAE was designed for playing in person, meaning there will have to be some tweaks for play-by-post. Scenes will work as normal, with the ending of action/things to do being the end of a scene. Sessions and campaigns will have to work a little differently. Instead of having sessions and campaigns, I'll take a television series approach and have "Episodes" and "Seasons." An episode will be the end of a session. The end of a campaign will be the end of a Season. I'll start a new thread for each episode, giving the number and the title (Ex: S1E1: Answering the Call).

Milestones are when your character advances (see p.33-34 of the FAE rulebook). Using Episodes and Seasons also makes Milestones easy. The end of an Episode will be a Minor Milestone. Every three episodes will be a Significant milestone. A Major Milestone will happen at the end of a Season.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:50, Thu 31 Dec 2020.
Hand of Fate
GM, 2 posts
The Hand Giveth
And Taketh Away
Sat 6 Jan 2018
at 23:59
  • msg #2

Char-Gen and House Rules

Posting Conventions: Please use the following conventions when posting
  • Tense: Third person present tense (Batman grabs the crowbar and swings it at Captain Clown!)
  • Dialogue: "Pick a color and stick with it," said the GM.
    • "Bold for yelling!"
    • "Small for whispering..."
    • Italics for thoughts...
  • OOC: Use orange text and make sure to post your rolls (it makes it easier for me to reference than to pull up a bunch of windows)
  • Biography Pt 2: Please use Biography Pt 2 to show how many Fate Points you have left.

Aspects and Boosts: To make it easier for everyone to see, I'm going to capitalize and embolden aspects and boosts. I'll also use a simple color coding system. I'm going to use Green for aspects/boosts that help the PCs, Red for aspects/boosts that hurt the PCs, and Yellow for aspects that anyone can use. If it has a free invocation, I'll put a * next to it. If it is just a boost that disappears once used, I'll put B next to it.

For example, Mulder is CUNNINGLY CAMOUFLAGED* as he approaches the MOMENTARILY BLINDEDB Scully in the DARK AND DIMLY LIT warehouse manned by EAGLE-EYED cultists.

Whenever you want to use an aspect or boost, make sure to type it in your post.


Play-by-Post Initiative: Rather than go by the Quickly approach modifier, I will do initiative in two ways:

1) Normal: Whoever posts first goes first.
2) Potential for Players Being Surprised: I will ask players to roll the situationally appropriate approach (ex: Forceful to withstand flashbang, Careful to spot sneaking enemies, Quickly to react against monsters bursting through a door). If less than half of the players roll above 0, then the players will be surprised.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:58, Thu 31 Dec 2020.
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