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Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron.

Posted by The DirectorFor group archive Z
The Director
GM, 112 posts
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 02:02
  • msg #1

Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

[OOC suggested soundtrack: The Burning Crusade, by Russel Brower]

Well healed and with your backpacks full, you face another go through the Forest of Bron. For Gal and Rorn it's nothing new: they have been roaming in the part of the Forest closest to Gallows End since they were kids, although very seldom in winter.
As often in this season, you are washed in pouring cold rain, that turns to snow in the night.
As you want to avoid using your iron rations, that will be more useful on top of Hellwinter Peak, the hunters of the group, Rorn, Gal and Larson, follow tracks between the trees, while Sir Roland and Garl follow the main path at a relaxed pace, as they are no hunters.
On the first day this strategy pays back and on the first evening you share a deer, although a bit slim, at your first camp, but at the end of the second day nobody catches up with Sir Roland and Garl at sunset.

[Private to Galendra; Rorn; Larson fossas: Sorry, I wont tell you what happened to you right now. First I want to see what the other two do.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:48, Thu 11 Jan 2018.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 92 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 11:43
  • msg #2

Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Sir Roland takes one glance at the fast setting sun, then turns to Garl at his side. "We had best setup camp for the night."

Using his rudimentary woods lore, the Knight (and his companion?) spends the remaining daylight looking for a suitable campsite near the main path. Finding a dryer part of the ground against a sturdy tree or rock outcropping, Sir Roland sets down his pack and begins building a fireplace. With twigs and branches (gathered by Garl?), he quickly gets a cheery fire going. Again calling upon his elementary skill in outdoor survival, he attempts to hide the fire so that it is not easily visible from the path, nor to the eyes of unfriendly creatures lurking in the forest nearby.

[Private to GM: 19:39, Today: Sir Roland Halfstaff rolled 9 using 2d6 vs SKILL 8. Hide fire.]

Laying his weapons beside himself within easy reach, he warms himself at the fire. Glancing up at Garl, he nods. "Larson should have no trouble finding us. When they get out of the forest back to the road, they will be able to follow our tracks here easily."

OOC - Some rp here. :) Get to know each other's story...

There is a moment of silence as the Knight stares blankly into the flickering flame. "My da was a fisherman. He would go out in his boat every morning before the sun rose. And by evening, he would be back, a brace of the day's catch swinging in his hand, a smile on his weathered face. Ma would take his catch, clean them, and cook them over our simple wood fire stove. The whole house would be filled with laughter as we ate what the heavens have provided for our sustenance. We had little in possessions, but as a boy, I felt rich in every way that mattered."

"That was before the orcs came...

Shaking his head as if to clear the evil memories, Sir Roland glances sideways at Garl. "What are your people like? And your family? How did you end up on the road?"
player, 15 posts
Humble farmer's son
SK 7 SM 14/14 LK 11
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 20:56
  • msg #3

Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Using his rudimentary woods lore

That first day Rorn had tentatively questioned The Sir (as he called Roland) about 'getting on in the wild', and after a few minutes he had given the well-armoured fellow an easy going smile and the following tips.  "Yah, so, uh, Sir, always try to find a campsite away from wind.  Don't worry about animals, they don't want to find us unless they're starving and if they're starving they'll find us anyway.

"But wind.  Wind, uh, sucks, you know and it can be avoided and that can save a lot of misery from cold ears and so on.  Also we can probably get away with a cold camp some nights but not always, so we always need a lot of wood around.  Green wood don't burn and the smoke is nasty, so dead wood.  Yeah, I guess we all know this."

He had shrugged before disappearing for the rest of the daylight, looking for some fresh meat.

On the first day this strategy pays back and on the first evening you share a deer, although a bit slim, at your first camp.

Despite a garrulous nature in general, Rorn had been quiet after devouring quite a bit of food, definitely more than his smaller stature might suggest.  Fatigue was clear on his face and he want to sleep quickly.  He was looking forward to doing it again the next day, but strange and terrible dreams plagued his rest; and so it was a bleary-eyed face that met the dawn.

Perhaps the signs of a bad turn were there from the start: almost immediately after waking Rorn sliced his thumb badly while trying to cut the last meat into strips for jerky.  Then he took a mis-step in the nearby stream and soaked both feet in icy water.  At least he hadn't slipped and sprained an ankle ... right??
This message was last edited by the player at 20:58, Wed 10 Jan 2018.
Garl Ligoosh
player, 59 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Thu 11 Jan 2018
at 02:36
  • msg #4

Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

“My people are merry.  Too merry.  Their songs of merriment made me sick, so I left them.  Now I have a stack of musty old books for companions, which is vastly superior!”

Garl isn’t good company tonight...
This message was last edited by the player at 02:38, Thu 11 Jan 2018.
The Director
GM, 115 posts
Thu 11 Jan 2018
at 03:10
  • msg #5

Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

The night pass quietly (apart from the howling wind) and you (Garl and Roland) wake up to a cold dawn.
Still you can't see your companions.
[OOC last night you had to eat iron rations]
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:10, Thu 11 Jan 2018.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 94 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Thu 11 Jan 2018
at 04:23
  • msg #6

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

The Director:
The night pass quietly (apart from the howling wind) and you (Garl and Roland) wake up to a cold dawn.
Still you can't see your companions.
[OOC last night you had to eat iron rations]

Sir Roland wakes up to a cold gray dawn that isn't too much different from his mood. Stoking up the fire until it is a reasonable source of heat, he moves closer to eat his breakfast of iron rations. Between bites of the dried jerky strips, he looks over at Garl.

OOC - Sir Roland consumes another Iron Rations meal. His 2nd including last night's dinner."

"Let's push on towards Hellwinter. And trust that Larson and his team will catch up. If we keep to the path, they would have no trouble finding us. And if they don't, I trust they will also decide to make for Hellwinter peak on their own."

"Our rations are limited. As is our knowledge of woods lore. That rules out any attempt from us to look for them."


Garl Ligoosh
player, 60 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Thu 11 Jan 2018
at 18:39
  • msg #7

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

“I think that’s a bad idea.  We should wait here until they find us.  The last time we split up, I had a rather unfortunate experience...”
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 96 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Fri 12 Jan 2018
at 05:11
  • msg #8

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Garl Ligoosh:
“I think that’s a bad idea.  We should wait here until they find us.  The last time we split up, I had a rather unfortunate experience...”

Brows raised questioningly, Sir Roland turns to glance at Garl. "Friend Garl. Why do you think we are safer by remaining stationary? We have no reason to think that. Whether we stay here, or push on, the risk of unwelcome encounters is the same."

"As for our comrades, they do not know where we are. And we do not know where they are. The only two points of reference all of us have, is this path we are now on, as well as our final destination of Hellwinter Peak. So again staying here doesn't help make it easier for them to find us."

The knight looks up irritably at the rapidly brightening sky. It's going to be another cold gray dreary day trudging through the mud. "Our rations are limited and would better serve us when we get to the Peak where hunting is virtually impossible. I strongly suggest we get going along the path. Make for the Peak. And hope Larson and his team will find us."
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 97 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Sat 13 Jan 2018
at 03:48
  • msg #9

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Seeing that the dour Elf is not going to engage in the discussion, Sir Roland stares at him for several seconds, before laughing out loud. His laughter is genuine and hearty, and given the dismal situation they are in, sounds particularly bright and cheery. He claps Garl on the back. "Cheer up Friend! You are not alone this time! I am sure between your talents and my sword, we will overcome whatever comes our way!"

Finishing up his morning meal, the knight brushes the crumbs off his clothes and stands up. He looks down at his comrade with mirth-filled eyes. "Let's go my good Elf. The day is passing..." Sir Roland picks up his pack and (with the Elf?) begins the day's journey along the road towards Hellwinter Peak...
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 09:55, Sat 13 Jan 2018.
Garl Ligoosh
player, 61 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Sat 13 Jan 2018
at 23:51
  • msg #10

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Garl rises, and grumbles.  But he follows Sir Roland.  There is little else he can do... and as the human pointed out, a party of two was still better than just one.  Still, he bitterly regrets that their other companions have yet to rejoin them.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:53, Sat 13 Jan 2018.
The Director
GM, 120 posts
Sun 14 Jan 2018
at 00:22
  • msg #11

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

After three days of walking you reach the north-eastern border of the Forest and in front of you are the majestic rocks that lead to Hellwinter Pea, on top of which you can see the tower, in a strategic position that allows a great view all around.
Overall, apart from the cold rain and wind, it was an easy trip for you, this time.

You camp there, hoping that your companions will join you soon.
Garl Ligoosh
player, 62 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Mon 15 Jan 2018
at 09:15
  • msg #12

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

As he settles down, Garl keeps a wary eye on the tower.  Something about it makes him nervous.  Maybe he’s just being paranoid, but there seems to be something unfriendly about it...
The Director
GM, 134 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2018
at 14:10
  • msg #13

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Eventually Sir Roland and Garl become worried about their companions and go searching them.
The Director
GM, 138 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 01:54
  • msg #14

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Roland and Garl attention is attracted by loud noises coming from the south side of the path. The noises are like leerings and wild laughs. It doesn't take long for them to recognize the small group of Goblins that you encountered previously and caused so much pain.
You still can't see them, you can only hear them.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 104 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 02:14
  • msg #15

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Looking at Garl, Sir Roland lifts his finger to his lips, signaling for silence. Pointing to his eyes, then in the direction of the sounds, he communicates his intention to spy out the sounds. And finally as he beckons for his Elven comrade to follow, he turns and creeps towards the sounds, making as little noise as he can...

10:09, Today: Sir Roland Halfstaff rolled 12 using 2d6.  Creep towards sounds without being detected

Alas! The Knight steps into a hidden hole in the ground, then blunders right into a tree, causing its branches to rustle alarmingly and snow to fall down!

Certain that the crafties have detected their presence, he swears fluently below his breath, draws his sword and prepares to fight!
The Director
GM, 140 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 02:17
  • msg #16

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

"Who's there?"
You hear the horrible Goblin voice getting closer and closer.
Sir Roland realizes that his foot is stuck in the hole!

[Private to GM:
 First GOBLIN 5 6 1
 Second GOBLIN 6 5 1
 Third GOBLIN 5 7 1

 Short Sword 1223334
 Leader’s Cuirass 0000112
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:31, Fri 19 Jan 2018.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 105 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 02:26
  • msg #17

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

10:18, Today: Sir Roland Halfstaff rolled 11 using 2d6.  Luck check - get foot out of hole 1st try. FAILED.
10:22, Today: Sir Roland Halfstaff rolled 6 using 2d6.  Luck check - get foot out of hole 2nd try. SUCCESS.

Enough time for 2 tries Director?
Before the goblins arrive and fight begins?

Jaws clenched, the Knight furiously tries to jerk his foot out of the hole, but his efforts are to no avail. As the goblins approach and come into view, he lifts his sword and prepares to fight!

OOC - If Roland manages to get his foot out in time, he charges the goblins before they appear, hoping to take them by surprise.
The Director
GM, 141 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 02:36
  • msg #18

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

After the first usuccessful attempt to free his foot, Sir Roland finds himself face to face with the Goblin with the leather cuirass, the one that was injured at your previous meeting, but now his injury looks healed.
The Goblin is surprised and his expression turns into twisted hate.
Before garl catches up, the Goblin has a chance to attack Sir Roland while he's stuck!
"Now we can finally have a proper, even fight..." he whispers, smiling wickedly, before calling his allies: "Come here! Let them drown!"
Finally, after approaching slowly and making various feints, he swings his sword at Sir Roland.

[Private to GM: 20:36, Today: The Director rolled 2 using 1d6.  damage/armour.
20:36, Today: The Director rolled 9 using 2d6.  gobbo.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:37, Fri 19 Jan 2018.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 106 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 03:30
  • msg #19

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

11:22, Today: Sir Roland Halfstaff rolled 5,6 using 2d6,d6.  Attack/Damage.

[Private to GM: Total Attack roll = 8 + 2 + 5 = 15. But I guess there should be a negative modifier for having his foot stuck in a hole. So Director you decide how much is the modifier.]

With one boot stuck in a miry hole, the Knight is too imbalanced to put up a proper defence...

OOC - So does Garl catch up this round? Do I wait for him to respond?
This message was last edited by the player at 03:38, Fri 19 Jan 2018.
The Director
GM, 143 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 04:10
  • msg #20

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

The Goblin, dancing around Sir Roland witha foot stuck, finds a gap in his guard and hits!
[OOC 2 damages before you armour damage reduction]
The Director
GM, 144 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 04:12
  • msg #21

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Finally Sir Roland frees his foot and Garl joins him.
At the same time, three Goblins join the Goblin leader and for a split second you stare at each other.

From behind the shoulders of the Goblins, you hear the voice of Rorn, screaming: "Cowards!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:53, Fri 19 Jan 2018.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 107 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 04:45
  • msg #22

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Sir Roland glances at Garl, then yells his battlecry and charges...again at the larger Goblin Leader...

[Private to GM: 1 HP deducted from previous attack.

12:32, Today: Sir Roland Halfstaff rolled 8,1 using 2d6,d6.  Charge at Goblin Leader! Attack/Damage.

Attack Roll = 8+2+8 = 18
Damage = 2
This message was last edited by the player at 04:46, Fri 19 Jan 2018.
The Director
GM, 146 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 14:39
  • msg #23

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

As Garl joins Sir Roland, the Goblins suddenly get several shades paler: "The witch! It is back from death! RUN!" then they turn around and run away.
As he turns, the Goblin leader is hit again, but he keeps running in panic.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 108 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 15:38
  • msg #24

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Gritting his teeth, Sir Roland makes one more mighty swing at the fleeing Goblin Leader, trying to knock it to the ground!

[Private to GM: 23:30, Today: Sir Roland Halfstaff rolled 5,3 using 2d6,d6.  Strike fleeing Goblin Leader.

Attack = 8 + 2 + 5 = 15
Damage = 3
The Director
GM, 147 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 23:04
  • msg #25

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Sir Roland manages to inflict one more cut to the Goblin Leader, but his leather cuirass helps protecting him and he manages to run away alive, although injured.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 109 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 01:23
  • msg #26

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Spitting in disgust, the Knight thrusts the fleeing wretches out of his mind and quickly makes his way in the direction from where Rorn's voice had sounded.

"Hurry Garl! Our comrades seem in trouble!"
Garl Ligoosh
player, 64 posts
Turn that ofal down!
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 01:33
  • msg #27

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

“I’m right here, lightning bolts and all!”  Garl rushes to aid his companions.
The Director
GM, 150 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 01:38
  • msg #28

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

Garl finds his companions stuck in a pit semi-flooded with freezing, although muddy, rainwater. They are badly bruised, miserable, cold and completely covered in mud.
Apparently, they are feebly trying to get out of there by using a knotted rope.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:41, Sat 20 Jan 2018.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 110 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 01:58
  • msg #29

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

The Director:
Garl finds his companions stuck in a pit semi-flooded with freezing, although muddy, rainwater. They are badly bruised, miserable, cold and completely covered in mud.
Apparently, they are feebly trying to get out of there by using a knotted rope.

Sir Roland pulls up short at the dismal scene and takes a moment to observe the situation, checking to make sure there is no trickery, nor any obvious trap waiting for the unwary rescuer to blunder into.

"Keep watch friend Garl. These goblins are crafty and may doubleback."

After he is certain these are truly Larson, Rorn and Galendra, and that there are no traps waiting to be triggered nearby, the knight steps closer to the pit and reaches out to pull his comrades to safety one by one.
The Director
GM, 152 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 03:13
  • msg #30

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

After this unpleasant and a bit humiliating issue, you march with no further problem until the north eastern border of the forest, hunting on your way for food.
You need to decide if you want to rest here a few days until you recover all your stamina or if you want to press on.
Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 111 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 03:52
  • msg #31

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

The Director:
After this unpleasant and a bit humiliating issue, you march with no further problem until the north eastern border of the forest, hunting on your way for food.
You need to decide if you want to rest here a few days until you recover all your stamina or if you want to press on.

Reaching the edge of the forest, Sir Roland calls a halt. He looks up at the sky, noting the position of the sun, before turning to his comrades. His clear azure blue eyes glance at Rorn, Larson and Galendra in concern. "Let's rest here for a day and night. We set off up to the tower in the morning."

OOC - @Director: By default, Sir Roland will have 2 square meals per 24 hours. Whether game or rations. That's also my recommendation for everybody.

How badly are we all injured? Garl and Sir Roland are both uninjured. 1 day and night's rest with 2 square meals should recover some HP right?

If everyone is ok with resting for 1 day and night here below the mountain, let's also have a watch set for the night. 2 hour sessions. Roland and Rorn. Garl and Galendra. Larson and Roland. Garl and Rorn.

The Director
GM, 153 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 03:57
  • msg #32

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

[OOC you reach the border of the Forest in the evening, so I guess you rest for one night, one full day and another night (you can hunt during the day to save rations), so you can start the climb in the morning.
Considering the cold weather, you can recover up to 6 points of STAMINA. This should be about enough to recover for everybody.]

Sir Roland Halfstaff
player, 112 posts
A stiff-necked
hard-nosed sob
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 04:09
  • msg #33

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

The Director:
[OOC you reach the border of the Forest in the evening, so I guess you rest for one night, one full day and another night (you can hunt during the day to save rations), so you can start the climb in the morning.
Considering the cold weather, you can recover up to 6 points of STAMINA. This should be about enough to recover for everybody.]

[OOC - Thanks Director. If there are no objections, we will do just that.]

As the companions make camp for the night, Sir Roland takes the opportunity to ask about what had happened - how did the trio of hunters fall into the pit, how were the goblins involved, where there any other creatures or beings involved, any other information of interest, etc.
The Director
GM, 154 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 04:13
  • msg #34

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

[OOC OK, so everybody can recover up to six points of STAMINA.
I'll leave this thread open for a while, so you can talk about what happened, but I will also open a new thread about climbing to Hellwinter Peak in parallel and action will countinue there.]

The Director
GM, 156 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 04:18
  • msg #35

Re: Scene 2, part 2: Once again in the Forest of Bron

[OOC the adventure continues here: Link back to this game ]
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