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Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Posted by DiegoD89
member, 103 posts
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 12:29
  • msg #1

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Hello folks!

There is any GM out there who might be willing to run a game set in one of the following settings of the Palladium Megaverse:

Palladium Fantasy
Heroes Unlimited

I had a game where i was the GM but now i'm interested in joining the game as a player.

It would be nice if the Palladium Fantasy game could be set in the Land of Damned region, as it is a place i neve had the chance to play in.

i don't have any specific ideas for the other settings or about what the adventure or campaign should be, just tell me if you are interested and what do you have in mind.
This message was last edited by the user at 17:59, Tue 09 Jan 2018.
member, 2108 posts
Firing magic missles at
the darkness!
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 17:12
  • msg #2

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

You may have caught me at exactly the right time. I've been in the mood for some Palladium the last little while. Something quick and simple and fun and not too serious or involved.

I have, at the moment, three ideas for stories that would work quite well in Palladium (well, as well as anything works in Palladium anyway). All three of them would be run as one-shot scenarios with a clear start and clear finish, after which the game is over and we all go home.

1. The Hungry Samurai (After the Bomb or Rifts) - like the famous movie, we have a small village of farmers and noncombatants who secure the services of some rough warriors to defend them against a known threat. It would be post-apoc for sure. I could possibly run it in Rifts (so long as we maintain a firm gentleperson's agreement to keep the power level under control) or with mutant animals a la After the Bomb/TMNT and Other Strangeness.

2. The Odyssey Ver 2.0 (TMNT and Other Strangeness/Heroes Unlimited): you're all mutant animals in a lab somewhere, created and trained and grown for some nefarious purpose when BOOM! [Something] Happens. And you have to run. So the adventure is you trying to get from one place to another safely, but the treasure is the friends you make along the way. I think if we do this one I'm set on the mutant animal part, but I could be convinced to let you throw in some HU and be super-powered mutants.

3. The End of the World as We Know it (Heroes Unlimited): There is An Event that unleashes super-powered beings on bustling urban centre of [CITY]. So you're all normal one day and super the next. And you all band together to confront a Threat of some kind that arises the same time you do. There would be a fair amount of focus on the practicalities of such a thing. How can you fight crime and have a job? What would the media scrutiny be like? How would your spouse react to you flying? I'd probably play it in three acts: Victory - Defeat - Avenging.

The Palladium 'system' is a godawful mess, so I like to tinker with it and houserule stuff and make calls on the fly. And I like it when people don't take themselves too seriously and are committed to having fun with the whole thing.

If you don't have all the books for all of the above, that's fine. You know the base system and the particulars can be communicated in-game.

This message was last edited by the user at 17:44, Tue 09 Jan 2018.
member, 105 posts
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 17:45
  • msg #3

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Of them all, I liked the ''end of the world'' synopsis.

I don't know The Hungry Samurai movie (sorry :p) but i liked the premise if it is set on Rifts Earth. but i don't think that would work very well if we had to keep our power levels down, a nearly impossible thing to do on Rifts.

So, for me, a Heroes Unlimited game seems the way to go. i really like end of the world scenarios like Crisis on Infinite eArthsd where the Heroes face almost impossible odds.
member, 2109 posts
Firing magic missles at
the darkness!
Tue 9 Jan 2018
at 19:39
  • msg #4

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

The famous movie I was referring to was Seven Samurai (and/or the Magnificent Seven, the anime Samurai Seven, and many other derivative works). Basically anything where helpless people hire warriors to keep them safe from bandits.

There's a scene in Seven Samurai where the villagers ask the wise old man how they can possibly hire samurai to defend them, when all they have to pay them with is rice. And the old man says "Find hungry samurai."

And by power level I mean, more or less, scope of power. No flying. No teleporting. No airships or convoys of tanks or summoning hordes of devils. It's easy enough to achieve. The only trouble with that scenario is that tactical planning in PbP is impossible. It takes forever and everyone gets bored.
member, 107 posts
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 00:58
  • msg #5

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

So let's stick to The End of the World then. I'm dying for a chance to play Heroes Unlimited.
member, 2110 posts
Firing magic missles at
the darkness!
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 02:06
  • msg #6

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Okay. Let me see what I can get done.

You want 2nd Edition or Revised?
This message was last edited by the user at 02:13, Wed 10 Jan 2018.
member, 108 posts
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 02:57
  • msg #7

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

My book says Revised 2nd Edition, so I'm really confused now lol

Anyway, i have the last edition that was published, whatever edition it is.
member, 2111 posts
Firing magic missles at
the darkness!
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 03:16
  • msg #8

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

That's Revised.

All good.

Let's get started:

link to another game
member, 206 posts
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 09:29
  • msg #9

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

In reply to DiegoD89 (msg # 1):

I am currently running a Rifts campaign. The name of the game is "Dude, Do You Even Rift?" ( link to another game ) I'm a rather laid back GM who is open to most anything. You are welcome to take a look and send a RTJ if you like, and we can use this time to hammer out your character.

The PCs are currently in their second major story arc together, and they've gelled into an mostly-effective team. Because they are in the middle of a mission, it might be an awkward to jump into the action. They are currently hunting a specific vampire on the border between the Pecos Empire and the Vampire Kingdoms. It's a medium-power game with a Dragon Hatchling and a Sea Titan/Cyberknight being the strongest two characters.

Regarding the Nightbane request, I unfortunately just ended a Nightbane campaign a few weeks ago. I cannot help there.

Truemane, all of your scenarios look good to me also. Is your HU game to the public for slobs like me to apply?
member, 109 posts
Wed 10 Jan 2018
at 09:41
  • msg #10

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Hi chupalob, thanks for replying.

I would have to take a look at the scenario and how many players you already has in your game. i usually prefer to start games from day 1 and with 4 to 5 players maximum. By my past experiences, the more players one has the more bogged down the game will be.

But in any case I'll take a look later today when I'm back home from work.
member, 119 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 23:07
  • msg #11

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

I'm looking for a oportunity to play in a Heroes Unlimited game or some other Palladium game!
This message was last edited by the user at 23:11, Fri 19 Jan 2018.
member, 650 posts
Fri 19 Jan 2018
at 23:49
  • msg #12

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

What about Dead Reign, (Palladium, Horror, Zombie?)
member, 121 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 00:45
  • msg #13

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

A good choice and it's a game i would like to play, but i don't have the book yet. It's been on my radar fo quite some time but for some reason or another i always ended up choosing a different Palladium product, like Splicers that i just ordered this week.

What about Heroes Unlimited or Nightbane, for example?
This message was last edited by the user at 00:48, Sat 20 Jan 2018.
member, 118 posts
Lupine from the North
Sat 20 Jan 2018
at 10:21
  • msg #14

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

I would love a good Dead Reign game, Heroes Unlimited or Nightbane.  I would offer to run one, but right now all my books are in storage (just moved and still having trouble getting a place).

I actually thought about running a combo game, Heroes, N&SS, Nightbane, TMNT game mix, leading either to Rifts or possibly Dead Reign.
member, 958 posts
Mon 22 Jan 2018
at 16:25
  • [deleted]
  • msg #15

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was against the forum rules, at 05:12, Wed 31 Jan 2018.
member, 123 posts
Mon 22 Jan 2018
at 19:18
  • msg #16

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Thanks for the info, but i'll would rather join a fresh game.
member, 126 posts
Tue 30 Jan 2018
at 22:57
  • msg #17

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

bump again
member, 960 posts
Tue 30 Jan 2018
at 23:30
  • msg #18

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Nightbane games don't seem to get off the ground on RPol.
member, 229 posts
Wed 31 Jan 2018
at 09:33
  • msg #19

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Hey there,
I have run palladium games on here before but sometimes they simply never take off because it doesn't get past the character creation phase. I have run Palladium Fantasy and could possibly run that if we could get a couple more people.

On the Nightbane Front what are you looking to play ? Would you be interested in Beyond The Supernatural ?
member, 127 posts
Wed 31 Jan 2018
at 09:52
  • msg #20

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

I hve no interest in BTS to be honest, Call of Cthullu seems a much better game for that. but Nightbane seems like a really cool conspiracy setting and i would love to play.

I'm also looking for a Splicers game, got the book last week and the setting really feels awesome with a Terminator feeling.
member, 327 posts
Fri 2 Feb 2018
at 08:57
  • msg #21

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

In reply to silverelf (msg # 19):

I would be very interested in a basic Palladium game tho I'd need a bit of help with character creation.I'm familiar with the overall rules but it has been over 20 years since I played Palladium and don't have that specific book
member, 128 posts
Fri 9 Feb 2018
at 19:16
  • msg #22

Re: Palladium Games (Megaverse)

I feel i should bump this again.
member, 17 posts
Fri 9 Feb 2018
at 20:18
  • msg #23

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

In reply to DiegoD89 (msg # 1):

I would be interested in playing in a Nightbane game.
member, 182 posts
35 years of gaming
Still going strong
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 00:55
  • msg #24

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Just saw the Heroes Unlimited books for sale and planning on buying.  I would be new to the game system.  Consider me interested.
member, 129 posts
Sun 18 Feb 2018
at 12:23
  • msg #25

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

member, 18 posts
Sun 18 Feb 2018
at 17:21
  • msg #26

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

In reply to wolfattack (msg # 25):

How about Nightbane?  Killing some nightlords would be fun.
member, 130 posts
Mon 19 Feb 2018
at 19:26
  • msg #27

Palladium Games (Megaverse)

Totally fine by me. never got the chance to play. again, we just need a GM.
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