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11:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scene 13: The Lair.

Posted by GM ZaboemFor group 0
PC, 487 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Mon 22 Jan 2018
at 13:45
  • msg #41

Combat Round 1

Polk looking down. OH ! it is a chupacabra ! Is that what I look like when I change ? Ewwwww.

Polk feels the impact of the bullet and his talons move to grip where he was hit and grab the bullet as well. "Thanks." he says to whoever shot him he couldn't tell at the moment.

His eyes flickered to the bullet hoping it was silver.

He dives at the bat and drives his talons at the bats heart if he thinks he hits he leaves the bullet.

Activating demon punch -6 ISP
Will punch with talons aimed claw ?

06:43, Today: Polkitain rolled 18 using 1d20+3.  Punch for heart.
06:43, Today: Polkitain rolled 20 using 6d6.  Demon Punch Damage.

GM Zaboem
GM, 327 posts
Master Gamemaster
Tue 23 Jan 2018
at 09:01
  • msg #42

Combat Round 1

Yes, Sixth Sense does apply to these init rolls this time.
PC, 232 posts
Wed 24 Jan 2018
at 02:59
  • msg #43

Combat Round 1

Ethan continued his sprint down the hill, hot on the heels of his wife’s Glittermount. He was pleased when Polk managed to come away from the brief contact with the coyote no worse for it. He was even happier when it fell from the sky, presumably to crash behind the ship.

That joy was short lived however as just a moment later, a large bat flew up from behind the ship. He supposed it could have been the ‘skinchanger’ or one of the vampires. At the moment it didn’t make a lot of difference to him from a practical standpoint as he was still far away to help his draconic friend. “Nothing for it but to keep going,” he thought as his legs and arms continued to piston their way through the night air.

OOC How far away will the ship be from Ethan at the beginning of the next round?
GM Zaboem
GM, 328 posts
Master Gamemaster
Wed 24 Jan 2018
at 07:40
  • msg #44

Combat Round 2

The lumberjacks had a few seconds to position themselves while the vampire posse reacted. Kalista and Ethan are ad close to the ship's hull as they want to get. The ridge is within sniping range of the ship provided that the sniper is using a long gun or a pistol with an effective range of 1000 feet.

As the bat climbs upward in pursuit of Polk-bird, Nix is able to get off the next shot. The only target available is the bat. (roll strike, roll damage please & double it)

Polkatain drops downward, and the two fliers meet in the air where they begin to grapple like feuding falcons. Parrying will not be practical in this fight, and any rolls with impact will push that combatant away and forfeit his next attack. The bat slashes at the bird with tiny but surprisingly strong claws. (7 mega-damage) Polkatain answers with a blow from his birdy talon which seems to tear through the bat's chest. When the bird talon pulls away, the silver it had been clutching is gone.

On the ground, old doors creak as they swing open and monsters emerge. Two figures in dirty dusters and wide brimmed hats emerge on the deck. They both carry energy rifles. One of the two looks human and maybe female with a long gun in one hand and a pick axe in the other. The second figure stands tall with tusks gleaming in the moonlight: Severance the Orc.

At dirt level, two more shadowy figures emerge from the horse entrance near the stern of the boat. They attempt to move with stealth, but their effects are fruitless against the Lumberjacks who are waiting for someone to emerge. One carries a pair of knives and wears a blood-soaked smock. The second stands at Dwarf height, wears overalls, and carries a hammer.

At the ship's bow, steel suddenly rends and shatters. A towering and hairy beast emerges from that new hole. A Vampire-Troll with massive claws and super-human muscles steps into the moonlight. He's half-naked and unarmed.
PC, 218 posts
Wed 24 Jan 2018
at 16:34
  • msg #45

Combat Round 2

Smiling as his target was flushed by their hatchling-bait, Nyx squeezed the trigger on his Winchester a few feet ahead of where the bat was, aiming for where it would be as his delicate elven gaze took in the rustling grass and hence the wind

16:30, Today: Nyx rolled 19 using 1d20+6.  Attack - Sniper.
16:31, Today: Nyx rolled 22 using 5d6.  Damage.=> 44 MDC or HP

Distant from the ship and not distracted by the roil and flurry of melee, he called out the foemen on their shared radio channel as they emerged
This message was last edited by the player at 16:49, Wed 24 Jan 2018.
PC, 488 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Wed 24 Jan 2018
at 16:46
  • msg #46

Combat Round 2

Polk tries to see if the bat has stopped moving.

(OOC just a clarification question, is the river nearby ? ))
GM Zaboem
GM, 329 posts
Master Gamemaster
Wed 24 Jan 2018
at 22:06
  • msg #47

Combat Round 2

No the river was two days ride back to the east.
PC, 489 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Thu 25 Jan 2018
at 14:22
  • msg #48

Combat Round 2

Polkitain Winces a bit as the bat strikes and tries flying with the bat towards his allies. Sensing a larger size would be better he allowed himself to become an eagle he had seen eagles and hawks before.

-7 MDC

PC, 241 posts
Fri 26 Jan 2018
at 03:03
  • msg #49

Combat Round 2

Doc shook his head from atop his robot horse, a vampire troll... well, this was going to be fun after all. Doc tips his hat to Severance and begins to move away from the troll, circling wide, "Severance, one of these bullets has your name on it, son." not knowing if the vampire orc could hear him or not. Once in range of the raging beast, Doc would open fire with his revolvers, letting silver fly, aiming at the creatures heart.
GM Zaboem
GM, 331 posts
Master Gamemaster
Fri 26 Jan 2018
at 08:28
  • msg #50

Combat Round 2

We are still in Round 2.

Nyx's aim is true despite darkness and distance. The large bat jerks as its is struck from behind by another silver bullet. The bat's wings fold, and it drops like a rock. The bat smacks into the hard ground face first beneath Polkatain.

Here are our modified initiative rolls:
vamp muscle (the troll) 20
NIX 19
DOC 17
vamp bat 17
Severance 16
vamp stitches 5
vamp tinkerer 5
vamp scout 2

Nix just took his action, so we are counting down from Kalista at 19.

GM Zaboem
GM, 333 posts
Master Gamemaster
Mon 29 Jan 2018
at 09:04
  • msg #51

Combat Round 3

Kalista remains astride her glittermount. The height advantage makes her about eye level to the bruiser who just clawed out the hull, and she looks majestic. She closes the distance to the monster and steadies herself with a classic parry-and-reposte combination. The monster at the same time focuses on her and strides her way.

Doc doesn't wait for those combatants to begin trading blows. He begins pumping silver rounds from his revolvers into the monster. I'm using Doc's earlier rolls. One of those rounds bites deep into the monster's chest.

Severance from the deck of the ship, raises his antique JA-11 Assassin's Energy Rifle. He takes his time, sizing up the Lumberjacks who are still on the ridge across the battlefield from himself.

Arulas doesn't wait and initiates the exchange of firepower. I'm using Arulas' earlier roll that he didn't get to use. The rifle cracks, and a silver projectile rockets through the air towards the orc. The bullet strikes Severance dead center and breaks apart there. The orc's armored coat repels the standard damage attack.

The two vampires at the stern of the boat circle back behind Kalista's charging mount. With knives drawn and fangs gleaming, they jog (almost skip) into the fray. Approaching Ethan first, the medic feels a familiar pressure building inside his brain. Ethan then recognizes the crude marks on the long knife that the shorter vampire carries. It's another one of those false rune weapons again! Ethan is being targeted with a psychic attack and will need to roll a Save vs Psionics.

As the battle is joined on all sides, the crouching vampire to Severance's side flips a pick axe around in one hand. With the other hand, she levels a long gun at the ridge. She sights up Nyx in her scope. The Psi-slinger is out of range of her psychic attacks, but he is still well within range of her Wilk's Laser Rifle.

That only leaves Ethan who has not yet taken an action this melee round.
PC, 233 posts
Mon 29 Jan 2018
at 09:16
  • msg #52

Combat Round 3

Ethan had managed to almost keep pace with Kalista as she rode her steed into battle. He came up just behind her as the remarkably tall bruiser of a monster came out of the ship and headed right for her. He was about to use his ability to create force fields to help when he felt the sickening pressure assail his mind. He turned and saw the two vampires coming for him. The shorter one held a knife that looked all too familiar to him. Having faced this before, he knew what to do. He focused his will, shutting out all psychic interference as if he had erected one of his force fields.

From underneath his helmet, he watches as the two vampires skip...skip in his direction, so confident are they. He flicks his fingers in their direction and encapsulates them in a dome of nearly invisible force.

Today: Ethan rolled 20 using 1d20.  Save Vs Psionics, need 9...Success! Seriously is there a bonus for critical success for a save? ^_^

Ethan spends 200 MDC and places the two vampires under glass. Let them work their way out of that while we deal with the rest. 

This message was last edited by the player at 03:01, Thu 01 Feb 2018.
GM Zaboem
GM, 334 posts
Master Gamemaster
Wed 31 Jan 2018
at 04:24
  • msg #53

Combat Round 3

There is no bonus in official rules, but I will do this for you. The Possession Entity will stop attempting to pick Ethan's brain and move to a different target.

The nerd vampires get trapped. Thus, the fourth melee round begins.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:26, Wed 31 Jan 2018.
GM Zaboem
GM, 335 posts
Master Gamemaster
Thu 1 Feb 2018
at 07:21
  • msg #54

Combat Round 4

The tower of supernatural muscle scowls with its already twisted and deformed face. It lunges at Kalista and her glittermount. It misses horribly. The blood-crazed monster must   not belooking where it is going and trips.
PC, 220 posts
Fri 2 Feb 2018
at 11:32
  • msg #55

Combat Round 4

With the first leech taken care of, Nyx shifted his attention to Severance and his companion. He smiled grimly as the later took him into her sights, trusting his own facility with energy to neutralise her as a threat, whilst he neutralised her permanently!

Assuming the sniper is still in sight and a threat, he continues to plug away at her; otherwise his targets of choice would be Severance then the troll

Attacks for Combat Round 3 - 6 Attacks, each Aimed Shot taking 2

11:25, Today: Nyx rolled 22 using 1d20+6.  Attack - Sniper.
11:27, Today: Nyx rolled 19 using 5d6.  Damage. => Double to 38 HP

11:25, Today: Nyx rolled 25 using 1d20+6.  Attack - Sniper.
11:27, Today: Nyx rolled 15 using 5d6.  Damage. => Double to 30 HP

11:24, Today: Nyx rolled 18 using 1d20+6.  Attack - Sniper.
11:27, Today: Nyx rolled 14 using 5d6.  Damage. => Double to 28 HP

Attacks for Combat Round 4 - 6 Attacks, each Aimed Shot taking 2

11:29, Today: Nyx rolled 26 using 1d20+6.  Attack - Sniper.
11:29, Today: Nyx rolled 12 using 5d6.  Damage. => Double to 24 HP

11:29, Today: Nyx rolled 9 using 1d20+6.  Attack - Sniper.
11:29, Today: Nyx rolled 24 using 5d6.  Damage - Probable Miss. => Double to 48 HP

11:29, Today: Nyx rolled 21 using 1d20+6.  Attack - Sniper.
11:30, Today: Nyx rolled 13 using 5d6.  Damage - Critical. => Doubled Twice to 52 HP

GM Zaboem
GM, 336 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sat 3 Feb 2018
at 05:38
  • msg #56

Combat Round 4

Is Nix still using his Winchester with silver rounds? He saw Severance brush off a bullet from Arulas. He knows that at least Severance is wearing an armored longcoat. The vampiress next to Severance is wearing a longcoat also which might or might not be mega-damage. I'll give you a chance to respond before I resolve these attacks.
PC, 221 posts
Sat 3 Feb 2018
at 08:16
  • msg #57

Combat Round 4

OOC: Yes, he is. It is one of his "charged" weapons so it's regular MDC if it's hitting armour and doubled HP if it's hitting a vampire
GM Zaboem
GM, 337 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sun 4 Feb 2018
at 06:47
  • msg #58

Combat Round 4

Nyx's rifle shouts like thunder and tears into the female vampire. The slug peels off her outer clothing and shatters the plates of an old suit of Huntsman armor underneath. The armor is in threads, and the vampire flinches.
GM Zaboem
GM, 338 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sun 4 Feb 2018
at 06:51
  • msg #59

Combat Round 4

Kalista and Doc are up next. After that, Severance gets a turn. Arulas, Polk, and Ethan still get turns this combat round.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:41, Sun 04 Feb 2018.
PC, 491 posts
dragon hatchling
forest runner
Sun 4 Feb 2018
at 08:32
  • msg #60

Combat Round 4

(Question did the bat stop moving and did it turn back into a person ?)
GM Zaboem
GM, 339 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sun 4 Feb 2018
at 14:59
  • msg #61

Combat Round 4

The bat did stop moving. It did not transform again.
PC, 239 posts
sea titan
Tue 6 Feb 2018
at 00:54
  • msg #62

Combat Round 4

Hey sorry no time right now. Apologies.
Sir Arulas
PC, 289 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Tue 6 Feb 2018
at 01:54
  • msg #63

Combat Round 4

  "Damned armor wearing leafblighter! If I could run down there this would be over by now. Oh well sniper shots were not my strong suit, but I will give it the old Cyberknight try. he says as he sights down the rifle.

Using three actions to aim then firing one shot doing this twice. One action in reserve to dodge.
GM Zaboem
GM, 341 posts
Master Gamemaster
Tue 6 Feb 2018
at 03:24
  • msg #64

Combat Round 4

In reply to Kalista (msg # 62):

No worries, I will just roll for you for now.
PC, 235 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2018
at 06:12
  • msg #65

Combat Round 4

If the situation were any less deadly, Ethan would have found it impossible not to laugh when the giant monster tripped and stumbled right in front of Kalista. Since it was a life or death situation however, instead of laughing, Ethan brought up his laser rifle from the low ready and snapped off a shot at the thing. “Maybe this is something actually vulnerable to regular old lasers,” he thought as squeezed the trigger, releasing a single shot.

Today: Ethan rolled 17 MD using 4d6.  Laser Rifle Damage.
22:08, Today: Ethan rolled 23 using 1d20+4.  Aimed Shot, Laser Rifle.

OOC - Two actions for a single aimed shot on the giant that tripped. Saving other two for dodging.

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