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13:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scene 13.1: The Brig.

Posted by GM ZaboemFor group 0
GM Zaboem
GM, 376 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sun 25 Feb 2018
at 21:21
  • msg #17

Scene 13.1: The Brig

I just want to clarify some details. The coyote does not have glowing red eyes. When approaching the ship, lots of coyotes were heard in the distance but not seen. Nearby objects include one bucket, steel chains (used condition), loin cloths or underwear, and a hospital gurney with <strike>torture</strike> medical tools.
PC, 7 posts
Human Mutant
Wild Psi-Stalker
Sun 25 Feb 2018
at 21:49
  • msg #18

Scene 13.1: The Brig

In looking for a weapon Na-Wa picks up which ever of the torture/medical tools can best be called a knife.

"Na-Wa can kill pet coyote of bloodsuckers with this." and holds up his new 'knife'.
Jason Damien
PC, 11 posts
True Atlantean
Undead Slayer
Sun 25 Feb 2018
at 22:23
  • msg #19

Scene 13.1: The Brig

I do not remember seeing it earlier, buut vampires can control bats, canines, and rats to do their bidding.  Usually, they act as guardians, the Atlantean saus to the ranger.  He turns back to Na-Wa.  Yes, you could.  But, I'm less likely to get hurt if I get bitten than you are.
He looks at the coyote and imitates its growl.  He then charges down the hall towards the wild canine to deliver a powerful kick.

17:22, Today: Jason Damien rolled 14 using 4d6.  MD.
17:22, Today: Jason Damien rolled 18 using 1d20+4.  Kick.

GM Zaboem
GM, 378 posts
Master Gamemaster
Mon 26 Feb 2018
at 09:01
  • msg #20

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Na-Wa finds a steel scalpel with a very small blade. It looks like something he would break easily, but it also looks sharp. Dried blood coats the blade with as a crust.
GM Zaboem
GM, 379 posts
Master Gamemaster
Mon 26 Feb 2018
at 09:15
  • msg #21

Scene 13.1: The Brig

For the upteenth time, an NPC has rolled a natural 1 in combat. For the first time this campaign, we get to use the mega-damage bodily injury chart from Page 359 of Rifts: Ultimate Edition.

Jason charges and attacks the canine with a large kick. The coyote fails to back away in time. Jason's foot pierces directly through the animal's body (destroying 1D4 organs) and out the other side. Jason now has the cadaver of a coyote around his leg.

Everybody roll to save vs Horror Factor 14 or start dry heaving at the image.
Jason Damien
PC, 12 posts
True Atlantean
Undead Slayer
Mon 26 Feb 2018
at 13:21
  • msg #22

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Unfortunately for the coyote, it seems to move right in the way of the Atlantean's foot.  Jason does not even stop, the coyote's ribcage and abdomen forming almost a shoe around his foot as he tears through the diaphram to practically liquefy lungs and heart.  He almost appears to be limping as he strides to the next room with a purpose.
08:20, Today: Jason Damien rolled 7 using 1d20+2.  Perception.
Well, that roll sucked.
06:40, Today: Jason Damien rolled 23 using 1d20+8.  Horror Factor.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:57, Mon 26 Feb 2018.
PC, 8 posts
Human Mutant
Wild Psi-Stalker
Mon 26 Feb 2018
at 15:45
  • msg #23

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Na-Wa seen many bad things but the sight of the foot going through the coyotes leg was too much. Na-Wa doubles over and dry heaves once before throwing up a bunch of thick green bile from the contents of his stomach.
GM Zaboem
GM, 380 posts
Master Gamemaster
Tue 27 Feb 2018
at 01:05
  • msg #24

Scene 13.1: The Brig

In the tinkerer's workshop, the prisoners find much of their missing gear. There are also electric lights, soldering tools, and miscellaneous electronic parts. It is up to you guys what you find in this room out of your starting equipment.

Here is a list of items not found in the room:
Bruce the rune sword
any oversized gear like a hover bike
any silver (including jewelry)
Wilk's brand laser weapons*
long e-clips* (shorts were left in the room)
high explosive hand grenades*
flashbang grenades*

Items marked with an asterisk were confiscated and currently being used by the vampire posse.

Jason arranged to bury and hide some of his gear nearby. Lucas and Na-Wa may have done the same with some of their pieces of gear if they want that.
Lucas Rowland
PC, 9 posts
Ex-Tundra Ranger
Tue 27 Feb 2018
at 19:13
  • msg #25

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Having turned around to discuss the situation, Lucas misses the charging punt. When he hears the footsteps and wet thunk from the hallway, he quickly turns and hurries out to see if he can help. Seeing the atlantean dragging the coyote corpse down the hallway, his hand comes up to cover his mouth. Instead of gagging, though, a soft snicker is heard escaping. "Could have waited to see if your boots were in the next room..." He hurries to join Jason in the next room, giving Na Wa his privacy.

Picking up what things he can find that are his, he quickly starts getting dressed while still looking around for what's missing. "Crap! What the... Stupid vampires. That silver was expensive." Half dressed, he rifles through a couple piles with a crestfallen look. He lifts one of his pistols, looking at it forlornly. "Well, this is useless now. Bunch of thieves." He re-holsters the pistol and finishes getting dressed. The empty, and now useless pistols once again strapped to his sides, he lifts a rifle from the diminishing pile and loads it with the ammo still present before slinging it over his back and picking up a wooden club and unsheathing a similar knife.
Jason Damien
PC, 13 posts
True Atlantean
Undead Slayer
Tue 27 Feb 2018
at 19:16
  • msg #26

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Finding the gear he had brought with him, Jason knows the loincloth his is wearing is the remains of his toga.  His tattered cloak he found wrapped around his things.  He kicks the coyote off his leg, sending the carcass flying across the room, as he pulls free his sandals and a gunbelt with a right-hand hogleg holster holding a strange looking, sawed-off shotgun.  On the left side, there is a leather strap with six loops that each hold a round wooden stake.
He pulls free the sawed-off, revealing the red gemstone centered atop the copper-sheathed, steel barrels, with the wood of the receiver and grip encrusted with copper and gold filagree.  He breaks open the action to see the dim,blue glow in each chamber, and he smiles.  Apparently, they had seen the empty shell loops around the belt and believed his fancy shotgun worthless.
There is also a shoulder-rig holding a Welling handgun, but he knows the magazine is empty, a utility belt with ammo pouches he expects are empty since his Wilks pistol and rifle are missing, and a flat flashlight with stretchy band and a cross painted on the lens.
Soon, the the belts, shoulder-rig, sandals and cloak are donned, and looks over at Lucus.  You psychic?  You might need this, he says in his accented English as he tosses the headlight to the former Tundra Ranger.
PC, 10 posts
Human Mutant
Wild Psi-Stalker
Wed 28 Feb 2018
at 04:29
  • msg #27

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Na-Wa sees his stuff, but doesn't see Wohn-Ecke, his sword. He quickly puts on his armor, a set of Coalition Robot/Vehicle crewman armor that has been re-painted tan with OD green and dark green striping. The wild Psi-Stalker grabs his energy pistol (a CP-30 pulse pistol), five short e-clips and three vibro knifes. He inserts one of the short e-clips into the pistol before putting it in its holster.

"Bloodsucker's took Wohn-Ecke. We try to find yes?"
Lucas Rowland
PC, 11 posts
Ex-Tundra Ranger
Wed 28 Feb 2018
at 05:06
  • msg #28

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Lucas catches the head lamp from Jason with a shake of his head. "Not overly so, no. Though I left most of my gear back at the cache since it wouldn't be much use against vampires. So, I'll take all the help I can get. How does it work?"

Hearing the worried tone in Na-Wa's voice, Lucas turns to the psi-stalker. He might miss the ammunition for the pistols, but others had bigger concerns. He tried to calm his companion. "Of course we'll look. We still need to look for Jason's friend too, don't we? We can look for both. Wohn-Ecke was your sword, right?"
Jason Damien
PC, 16 posts
True Atlantean
Undead Slayer
Wed 28 Feb 2018
at 05:22
  • msg #29

Scene 13.1: The Brig

You just put the band around your head, the switch at the top turns it on.  Keep the light to the front.  Their mind control relies on eye contact, but the shadow of the cross on the lens will burn them so they won't be looking you in the eyes.  Check it first.
He turns to Na-wa as he begins to pull the stakes from the gun belt.  You will get your sword back, and you can behead the bodies so we can cremate them.
He looks for a relatively sharp piece if metal that he can use to split each of the stakes in half, so the each have four to use as weapons.  As long as the stake goes in a vampire's heart and stays there, it is immobilized.  Then decapitate and burn the bodies and the heads separately.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:29, Wed 28 Feb 2018.
GM Zaboem
GM, 385 posts
Master Gamemaster
Wed 28 Feb 2018
at 06:19
  • msg #30

Scene 13.1: The Brig

As the boys enjoy shopping for the stuff that they already owned, the sounds of combat outside ramp up again with cries and gunshots. Jason finds a small electric circular saw which quickly slices up the wooden stakes for him. There is also a Wilk's Laser Wand tool here if anyone wants to loot that. Even as Jason cuts, some sort of loud explosion goes off nearby. The steel walls of the small metal room shake and the electric lights go out. It's suddenly very dark inside the ship.
Lucas Rowland
PC, 12 posts
Ex-Tundra Ranger
Wed 28 Feb 2018
at 16:36
  • msg #31

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Such timing, it almost made Lucas believe in some greater design. The lights go out as if on cue, and he flips the switch on the head lamp casting the shadow of a great cross on the far wall. Slipping the band around his head, he pulls out another flashlight from one of the small pouches on his armor and flips that light on too. "I have a spare if anyone wants one. I also have several stakes myself. I might not know much, but wooden stakes through the heart is a fairly traditional anti-vampire tactic. He hefts the club in his other hand. "Not sure this will do much good for cutting off heads, though, and I left my lighter with our other gear. Will that laser cutter catch something on fire?"

OOC: I'm assuming the flashlights work. if not, let me know and i'll edit.
PC, 11 posts
Human Mutant
Wild Psi-Stalker
Wed 28 Feb 2018
at 19:00
  • msg #32

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Na-Wa nods when asked about Whon-Ecke being his mind talking sword. He then asks for a wooden knife to kill bloodsuckers with.

 “Can Na-Wa have wooden knife for killing bloodsuckers?”
Jason Damien
PC, 17 posts
True Atlantean
Undead Slayer
Thu 1 Mar 2018
at 02:29
  • msg #33

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Jason hands six of the "half" stakes to the shorter, bald and pale mutant.  He smiles as Lucus reveals his own stakes.  Keep your head on a swivel.  They will try to get around behind you.
He takes the offered flashlight, intending to take the lead.  We have to find the Tattoo Master.  That might be easier if we take our the Leeches first.  He heads out of the room to try to locate the fighting.
PC, 12 posts
Human Mutant
Wild Psi-Stalker
Thu 1 Mar 2018
at 02:53
  • msg #34

Scene 13.1: The Brig

In reply to Jason Damien (msg # 33):

Na-Wa takes the six wooden knifes and slides them into some of the empty equipment pouches on his armor. "Na-Wa forget where to stab bloodsuckers with wood knives."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:54, Thu 01 Mar 2018.
Lucas Rowland
PC, 13 posts
Ex-Tundra Ranger
Thu 1 Mar 2018
at 03:19
  • msg #35

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Lucas chuckles darkly. "Na-Wa, anywhere and everywhere. Do as much damage as you can, and try not to get hurt yourself." On his way out of the room, he slows next to Na-Wa and taps him on the chest over the heart. "If you can stick one of the wooden knives right there in the vampires, then push it all the way in and leave it there and that vampire should stop moving. In that case, find another to fight." He continues past, pocketing the laser tool on the way, but stops in the hallway to make sure everyone is moving together. Things would be bad enough without anyone getting separated. His off hand now free, he gets one of his own stakes ready before moving out.
GM Zaboem
GM, 390 posts
Master Gamemaster
Thu 1 Mar 2018
at 03:37
  • msg #36

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Armed and armored, the three prisoners move out of the Tinkerer's workshop. The two flashlights seem to provide adequate lighting for navigation and -- maybe -- fighting. As they exit the room, they hear heavy footsteps and clanging metal heading their way.

A pale figure appears in the hallway in front of them. The snarling creature does not have the glowing eyes of a vampires seen earlier. It has the dark and sunken eyes of a cadaver but strong jaws and large teeth. It's entirely naked except for dirt and looks somewhat like it may have once been a tall human male. The creature is thin but over six feet tall. The cross from the flashlight beam that Lucas wears seems to have no effect on it.A Lore: Demons and Monsters skill roll can identify this critter

Immediately after the corpse-thing appeared, two other figures tear holes in the steel ceiling. These figures look even more like rotting corpses, but they do have the eyes of vampires, hungry vampires. Other than their eyes and fangs, they look like decomposing corpses of women in simple dresses. They are dropping down onto the three men. A separate skill roll of Lore: Vampires or Lore: Demons and Monsters would be needed to properly identify these enemies.

It's time for initiatives.

PC, 13 posts
Human Mutant
Wild Psi-Stalker
Thu 1 Mar 2018
at 03:42
  • msg #37

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Jason Damien
PC, 18 posts
Thu 1 Mar 2018
at 03:54
  • [deleted]
  • msg #38

Scene 13.1: The Brig

This message was deleted by the player at 11:48, Thu 01 Mar 2018.
Lucas Rowland
PC, 15 posts
Ex-Tundra Ranger
Thu 1 Mar 2018
at 09:03
  • msg #39

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Jason Damien
PC, 19 posts
True Atlantean
Undead Slayer
Thu 1 Mar 2018
at 14:25
  • msg #40

Scene 13.1: The Brig

This is not going well.  The first creature's sudden appearance actually startles the Undead Slayer, more so when he is unable to identify it.  Then the two women drop in amongst them, making the situation even worse.  Terror grips him just a moment, but it is enough to cause him to drop the flashlight as he takes a step back into the bulkhead.
Σκατά (Skatá)!  His exclamation is in a language not heard on Earth, outside its use by the Atlanteans, for at least a couple of hundred years.

Well.  those rolls kinda sucked.
22:50, Today: Jason Damien rolled 9 using 1d20+8.  Vs Horror Factor.  Well, Natural 1.
22:49, Today: Jason Damien rolled 4 using 1d20+1.  Initiative.  Nevermind...
22:49, Today: Jason Damien rolled 33 using 1d100.  Lore: Demons and Monsters @ 64%.  The Ladies.
22:49, Today: Jason Damien rolled 80 using 1d100.  Lore: Demons and Monsters @ 64%.  First Creature.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:33, Thu 01 Mar 2018.
GM Zaboem
GM, 393 posts
Master Gamemaster
Fri 2 Mar 2018
at 08:01
  • msg #41

Scene 13.1: The Brig

Private Lines included
Going by skill rolls alone, Jason should recognize the dirty male corpse-thing, and Lucas should identify the two female corpse-things. Considering their backgrounds, it makes more sense for this to work the other way around, so I reversed it.

I didn't call for Horror Factor rolls, because you knew that trouble was coming. The failures and successes correspond with the initiative order, though, so it worked out thematically.
Initiative Chart
Lucas 20
Vampire Chick A 15
Vampire Chick B 15
Corpse-Thing 10
Na-Wa 4
Jason 4

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