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14:01, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

IV: The Manor.

Posted by Man in BlackFor group 0
Lam Durus
player, 105 posts
Tue 20 Mar 2018
at 02:40
  • msg #120

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Jory Ranglore (msg # 119):

Lam puts the torch up out of the way or hands it to one not helping and goes over and takes hold of part of the book case near the rest and helps to try to force it open, commenting, stand back if it crashes down in front of us and be prepared to move quickly if it makes a big bang for the Gobs will be on to us.  Shakes his head, thinking, This bookcase will go down hard and once in the catacombs we will have to find another way out or fight for our freedom, I hope there is enough magic to aid us getting out and off the island in one piece.

22:40, Today: Lam Durus rolled 1 using 1d6 with rolls of 1.  Bookcase push.

I think Lam helped get it to open with that roll - eek how far who knows?
This message was last edited by the player at 02:42, Tue 20 Mar 2018.
Man in Black
GM, 164 posts
Tue 20 Mar 2018
at 08:20
  • msg #121

Re: IV: The Manor

Daniv struggles on his own to no avail.  Jory and Lam move to help with broken furniture as wedges. With the combined strength of the trio, the bookcase comes loose with the squealing sound of old nails and wood coming apart.  The whole thing comes crashing to the ground loud enough to alert anyone who may be nearby.  Now revealed is a narrow shaft heading down into utter blackness.  Kerkrin, Jory, and Sal can see the bottom with their sharper eyes.  (And anyone else non-human I may have forgotten.)
Sal Warth
player, 72 posts
ac=10 hp 4
Tue 20 Mar 2018
at 15:54
  • msg #122

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Man in Black (msg # 121):

Jumping out of the way before the case falls.
"Well that wasn't ideal. Lets head down there, quickly before the entire place comes here. Lam, lets slide stuff in front of this door while the others start heading down"

Starting to stack up junk in front of the doorway, as quickly as he can, before descending down the passage way.
Jory Ranglore
player, 128 posts
Half elf hunter
Tue 20 Mar 2018
at 21:11
  • msg #123

Re: IV: The Manor

Jory throws Four handfulls of junk to barricade the door and then starts to climb down the hole.
Lam Durus
player, 106 posts
Tue 20 Mar 2018
at 21:25
  • msg #124

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Jory Ranglore (msg # 123):

Puffing with the added effort, Lam just shakes his head a moment after the noise settles and he looks into the hole and then away to help block the door.

Sal, great idea, Lets gather some broken furniture and barricade the door"  Those with better vision go first and clear the way down, the rest of us will follow with torches.

Sal, looks like you and I should be the last down in case we have company back here and defend our group plus you better vision will help if i have to make it dark in the back.

Jory, take the lead with Keesteak, and Kerkrin, everybody else follow suite taking torches and be ready.

Daniv Jensen
player, 129 posts
Tue 20 Mar 2018
at 22:22
  • msg #125

Re: IV: The Manor

Why don't we just slide the bookcase in the way?  It is a simple question, punctuated by Deniv kneeling down and trying to push the heavy piece of furniture towards the entrance of the room.
Lam Durus
player, 107 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 01:58
  • msg #126

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Daniv Jensen (msg # 125):

Lam, will help if it is possible to slide the bookshelf over as part of he blockage.
player, 24 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 08:57
  • msg #127

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Daniv Jensen (msg # 125):

This is what I was thinking as he stands next to the bookcase he helped move from the secret doorway; then gives Daniv a hand before following down the passage.

I'll take an unlit torch so we can have light later rather than burning them all now.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:59, Wed 21 Mar 2018.
Man in Black
GM, 165 posts
Sat 24 Mar 2018
at 02:06
  • msg #128

Re: IV: The Manor

The group can hear noise down the hallway as they barricade the door.  It sounds like doors down the hall are being kicked in as the pirates search for the source of the noise.  As the last people are crawling into the chute, something hits the barricaded door.

(More when I get back to my books.)
Lam Durus
player, 108 posts
Sat 24 Mar 2018
at 18:19
  • msg #129

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Man in Black (msg # 128):

Lam being one of the last down the stairs into the darken hallway below, takes a couple of loose chair or table legs or spindles and tries to set them on some of the steps down sort of as a slowing technique and or a way to know the pirates/Goblins/Orcs have started down the steps.  Maybe this will slow them down enough to give us that valuable seconds to escape from here.  Quickly guys, they are at our door now.  Keestake I hope there is another way out.
Daniv Jensen
player, 130 posts
Sat 24 Mar 2018
at 18:36
  • msg #130

Re: IV: The Manor

With the bow unstrung and put into the quiver with the remaining arrows, Deniv takes the spear in hand as the others begun filing down into the tunnel.
This is not good. they will be coming for us.  We will have to fight at some point.
Sal Warth
player, 73 posts
ac=10 hp 4
Sat 24 Mar 2018
at 18:50
  • msg #131

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Daniv Jensen (msg # 130):

Towards the rear, but not last, that position is for Lam, Sal has a dagger in each hand, ready for a fight.
Assuming the tunnel is too small to help Lam stack up debris to slow down the pursuers.

player, 25 posts
Sun 25 Mar 2018
at 20:24
  • msg #132

Re: IV: The Manor

As the group moves down and along, Einlian turns the unlit torch over and starts whittling away at the tip, making a rough point.
Jory Ranglore
player, 129 posts
Half elf hunter
Sun 25 Mar 2018
at 20:27
  • msg #133

Re: IV: The Manor

Jory was going down into the dark hole and looks around to see if any creature is visible down there.
Man in Black
GM, 166 posts
Mon 26 Mar 2018
at 01:31
  • msg #134

Re: IV: The Manor

You're in a dank chamber with rough stone walls and a damp, oppressive atmosphere.  This large chamber seems to have been partitioned off into three storerooms, each piled high with crates and jars; each storage area is about 20 feet broad and 40 feet deep, and the areas are separated from one another by walls of red brick.  To the south, a low shaft leads deeper into the catacombs. There is no noise except for the distant drip of water, a faint scurrying, and the burning of your torches.

Keestake looks around until he spots a lever in the wall.  He shows no hesitation as he grabs it and pulls hard.  A loud rumbling noise echoes through the halls followed by some screams.  A dust cloud flies down the chute to fill the room.
Lam Durus
player, 109 posts
Mon 26 Mar 2018
at 02:07
  • msg #135

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Man in Black (msg # 134):

Choking form the dust cloud, Lam emerges into the area the group is in, What happened, cough, a wall of dust descended upon me and the cough lights went out abovecough,

He looks about, where to cough down further or shall we quickly check this area first?

Deeply breathing in to catch his breath and gain a bit of himself again, cough, Lam points to the south where the low shaft leads deeper into the catacombs Jory scout into the lower passage area but not too far, Daniv, support him if he runs into trouble.

looks to Keestake, that was great what you did - i hope, but Keestake, is there any value to searching these storage rooms here or shall we go on further into the catacombs right away?

As he awaits Kreestakes thoughts, Lam turns to the rest of the group, Quickly, Edward, Desmond, Einlian, Leozaren, Melisana and Rebeccah,  spread out and search the three storage rooms one room at a timehoping the 6 of them can get through the areas quickly he turns to Tath and Sal can you two keep a watch one the group as they search. then points to Gunnar then the hallway/stair way they came down from Gunnar, stay near the way we just came down from in case anything does gets in  here as our rear guard .

Moving to be next to Keestake I'll stick here with Kreestake until we are ready to move on and keep an eye on the whole affair best I can.
player, 26 posts
Mon 26 Mar 2018
at 05:00
  • msg #136

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Lam Durus (msg # 135):

Covering his face up with the cloak wasn't good for the smell but at least it meant he could breath air instead of dust. It appeared the dust cloud had caught everyone by suprise but what actually happened, were they now trapped or secure down here?

With the orders given and torches just about burning the dust that doesn't start to settle, Einlian started to search.
Sal Warth
player, 74 posts
ac=10 hp 4
Mon 26 Mar 2018
at 13:49
  • msg #137

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Einlian (msg # 136):

Sal takes it all in, and looks around to see if he spots anything interesting.
Keeping watch as Lam suggested, however if he does see a box of food of some sort he will grab a quick bite.
player, 45 posts
Mon 26 Mar 2018
at 14:36
  • msg #138

Re: IV: The Manor

Tath nods to Lam and moves off with those searching keeping an eye out for any dangers that may preset themselves.
Daniv Jensen
player, 131 posts
Mon 26 Mar 2018
at 18:51
  • msg #139

Re: IV: The Manor

Do we have a torch we can take with us?  Daniv asks his question as he joins Jory to scout ahead.  He feels himself better suited to tactics, perhaps, rather than scouting or front-line combat.  However, his own time directing others does not seem, to him, to have worked out very well.
player, 27 posts
Mon 26 Mar 2018
at 21:22
  • msg #140

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Daniv Jensen (msg # 139):

Holding his up I have this one that's not lit, for later
Man in Black
GM, 167 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2018
at 10:00
  • msg #141

Re: IV: The Manor

Keestake looks happier than he's been since the group rescued him.  He grins with glee and begins to speak without seeming to address anyone in particular.  "Well, we made it. Knew we would. Haven't been down here in a while."

"Remember the worst trip I ever had to make down here. Right after them first pirates left, 60 years ago. I had to do right by my sovereign, don't you think? I couldn't leave him lying there, hacked up and stripped down. Had to prepare him right and fine for the afterworld.

"So I hauled his body down here. Hard work that was. Dressed it up in some clothes and goods that the pirates missed.  Laid it in a crypt near his son. Hauled his queen's body down, laid it between her husband and her son. That was grisly work. I was sad. Never been so sad since.

"Himself had a ring, something he'd found adventuring. Made things happen, if you just wished for it. But they'd
stabbed him in the back before he got a chance to do any wishing.

"I took it off him and prayed that they'd never decay, they'd always be in one piece when it was time for the dead to rise up for the afterlife. Knew I'd done right; it always seemed his eyes followed me after that. Year after year after that, he never decayed.

"He's in as good a shape now as he ever was, likely. Don't know for sure. Haven't been down here in a while.  You need to get used to your quarters, you know. You're going to be down here a piece. You're not leaving, you know. No
more so than me.  Y'see, I really couldn't let you wander off with the Sea King's treasures and pretties.  Can't let you profane the tomb of his son. What kind o' servant would I be if I let that happen?

"I wanted to get down here and shut up that shaft when the orcs first landed, but they got me. You've done me a favor. Got me down here so that I could shut it off.  Sorry to say you won't be leaving. You're not going to find the entrance to the tombs.  Going to die here, like me. Say, that's a pretty good idea."

The crazed old man pulls a dagger out from under his tunic and launches himself at the party.
player, 28 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2018
at 19:21
  • msg #142

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Man in Black (msg # 141):

Hearing the old man, Keestake, talk, showed how mad he had become no matter how clever he had been.

Einlain turns the torch back around and bops the old man on the head with the thick end.

ooc: 20:20, Today: Einlian rolled 9 using 1d20.  Bop Keestake on head.
Can't see that hitting but hey ho

After reading Jory's post...
To clarify, Einlain was to "bop Keestake on head", this means to knock out

This message was last edited by the player at 09:35, Wed 28 Mar 2018.
Daniv Jensen
player, 132 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2018
at 20:05
  • msg #143

Re: IV: The Manor

Daniv sees the old man pull his dagger and charge at them.  Without really thinking about what he is doing, the young man shifts his grip upon the spear, draws back, and attempts to fling it at the codger.

16:04, Today: Daniv Jensen rolled 3 using 1d8.  Damage.
16:03, Today: Daniv Jensen rolled 10 using 1d20-2.  Spear chucking.

Sal Warth
player, 75 posts
ac=10 hp 4
Tue 27 Mar 2018
at 20:21
  • msg #144

Re: IV: The Manor

In reply to Daniv Jensen (msg # 143):

Sal is astonished at the turn of events.
Not wanting to hurt their "friend"  he simply stays in the back.  Stays in the back waiting for the zombie family to come surprise them from the rear.
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