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10:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill.

Posted by GM ZaboemFor group 0
PC, 273 posts
sea titan
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 10:52
  • msg #13

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Kalista's jaw dropped at the welcome the Atlantean got. She murmured to her husband, "I've never seen that before."
PC, 268 posts
Sat 14 Apr 2018
at 15:21
  • msg #14

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Doc sits silently on his horse, his hands, as always very close to his pistols.
Jason Damien
PC, 85 posts
Atlantean Undead Slayer
Horror/Awe Factor 14
Sun 15 Apr 2018
at 06:50
  • msg #15

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

We are not so illustrious.  My House is a minor house within Clan Acheron.  But, thank you for the vote of confidence, he says to the  guard humbly.
Saint Rozzo?  I suppose I will have to meet with him after we finish our investigation.
GM Zaboem
GM, 462 posts
Master Gamemaster
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 10:52
  • msg #16

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

The guard girl says, "Please do us the honor of coming underground and letting us show you Dwarven hospitality."

Geraldo rolls his eyes. One of the male guards moves over to Doc's side and asks (in bad Elven-Dragonese), "Mister Steel Archer, do you water your horse me want? Moon time soon." The flower girl move to the burros and begin unbuckling their packs.
PC, 274 posts
sea titan
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 11:04
  • msg #17

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Kalista tugged her husband's arm. She moved to follow the others into the Dwarven hall.
GM Zaboem
GM, 463 posts
Master Gamemaster
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 15:00
  • msg #18

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Geraldo nods with approval as Kalista passes in front of the mirror. "Come along the rest of you. Even if you have been here before, you still need to pass the mirror test just like any Hallfolk who leave the Hall. Madam Kalista and Mister Ethan, you know the way down."
Jason Damien
PC, 86 posts
Atlantean Undead Slayer
Horror/Awe Factor 14
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 16:51
  • msg #19

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

It would be impolite to refuse such a request, m'lady, he says to the guard with a smile.  He follows his companions past the mirror, glancing at the somewhat dirty white toga.  It seems some of the silvery trim has a few loose threads, while the gray cloak looks quite well-travelled.  He nods at Captain Geraldo in greeting.
¿Cómo está esta noche, capitán?
PC, 269 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 02:13
  • msg #20

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Doc nodded, very efficient of the dwarves if nothing else. "that's a right clever idea, smart thinkin'." He will of course take the mirror test
GM Zaboem
GM, 467 posts
Master Gamemaster
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 04:54
  • msg #21

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Geraldo pretends that he did not hear the question from Jason (although he clearly did). He honors Doc with a nod almost imperceptible. "Welcome back, Lumberjacks -- and associate. The maidens will care for your animals. You might be pleased to know that the mother and child you saw the last time you were here are both doing well. As for the mirror, I don't know why we didn't think of it before. The priestess suggested it and had us carry it up here from the bath house. Too many of the youth were in love with their own reflections anyway, and the separation from their lovers will do them good." Geraldo seals the door behind them.

Geraldo follows everyone else down the long ramp towards the town below. Jason is being pulled along by the guard who now seems to have her hand permanently attached to his. She says, "Please tell us you will be staying for a long time, Clansman Iason."
Jason Damien
PC, 88 posts
Atlantean Undead Slayer
Horror/Awe Factor 14
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 18:51
  • msg #22

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

The Atlantean cocks an eyebrow as the female guard takes him by the hand.  Um, well, I have a quest to continue.
He shrugs as they follow Lady Kalista and Ethan.  When it is complete, I may be able to return for awhile.  But, as an Undead Slayer, new quests always find me.  It seems that I am a magnet for trouble.  He pausea thoughtfully a moment.  Or, perhaps, trouble is a magnet for me.
GM Zaboem
GM, 470 posts
Master Gamemaster
Sun 22 Apr 2018
at 23:29
  • msg #23

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

As Ethan, Kalista, Doc, and Jason are escorted down the long descending hallway through three checkpoints, the guard says, "You hunt other undead monsters? That's amazing. Have you seen a Yemen? Please tell me all the monsters you have hunters. We know about vampires already, and we have that under control."

Geraldo chastises her, "We do not discuss our military tactics with outsiders, Valentina. -- even if they are friends."

Emerging into a large open cavern, all but Kalista and Ethan see the settlement for the first time. Cobblestone streets are topped with small stone houses and red clay tile roofs. Most of the houses are sized for Dwarven occupants, but a few human families are here as well. Electric lights illuminate a mariachi band (all Dwarves) in front of a small but ornate town fountain. Dwarven and human play soccer together in the winding streets. The interior of Harl Hall could be mistaken for a post card from Spain were it not for the looming carvings of fierce dragons in the fountains and on many roof corners. At the top of a hill, the large stone temple of Dragonright stands as the largest structure.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:30, Sun 22 Apr 2018.
PC, 275 posts
sea titan
Mon 23 Apr 2018
at 10:32
  • msg #24

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Kalista asked politely, "May we visit the young mother? I've felt a special need to check in on her."
Sir Arulas
PC, 331 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Mon 23 Apr 2018
at 13:00
  • msg #25

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

 Arulas follows behind having passed the mirror test that some vampire obviously passed as well. Well that or the far worse thought that the vamps dug into the dwarves refuge. "Tell me if this is over the line, but do you all have seismic sensors?"
Jason Damien
PC, 91 posts
Atlantean Undead Slayer
Horror/Awe Factor 14
Mon 23 Apr 2018
at 14:38
  • msg #26

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

I most recently fought a dimensional ghoul in hand-to-hand personal combat.  However, as they tend to be more mischievous and curious than wantonly dangerous, I let him go on the promise he would just fin d a graveyard somewhere to haunt, rather than continue working for the vampires.  A sad look crosses the young Atlantean's face momemtarily.  Unfortunately, he was killed anyway.
At the captain' s comment against dis ussing tactics, Jason nods his head solemnly.
I trained with a this minor psychic, Jason says as he turns back to the guard, who had boxes built into the bracers of his armor.  He would fill them with toothpicks.  He would use telekinesis to turn them into a weapon of last resort.
He seems impressed with the architecture and the inclusiveness of the hold.  You follow the Church of Dragonwright?
GM Zaboem
GM, 473 posts
Master Gamemaster
Tue 24 Apr 2018
at 04:42
  • msg #27

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Geraldo shrugs when he hears the question from Kalista. "I suppose she's around here somewhere. If you and Doctor Ethan will follow me, we will find her. We don't have inns here, but it's getting late. You two may spend the night at my place while I am working through the night. The three bachelor gentlemen will need to make arrangements with the clergy to find them bunks for the evening." Without awaiting any confirmation, Gerlado veers off down a side street towards the healer's office. He expects others to follow him.

Valentina tells Jason, "Our founders converted to Dragonwright shortly before they rode the rifts to this new land. They eventually decided that it must have been the will of the dragon gods. She then answers Arulas' question. "Seismic sensors? Ha! That would be my bunk in the barracks. If I fall out it, I know that an earthquake has shaken the Hall. Psst, Clansman Ionson, does your companion have a fear of earthquakes?"

Jason arrives at front church door of a temple of Dragonwright, pulled the entire way by Valentina. A sizable crowd of curious dwarves and guards is following them now. I'll assume that Doc and Arulas are here unless they tell me otherwise.

A female dwarf in lizard-like scale mail armor appears from inside. She looks sternly at the boys. She addresses them, "What business brings outsiders to Harl Hall?" She speaks Elven-Dragonese with an unusual growling accent as if she were imitating a dragon.

P.S. That ghoul was lying to Jason to save his own hide. He was colluding with the Hole in the Neck Gang and helping with guard them during daylight hours.
Jason Damien
PC, 92 posts
Atlantean Undead Slayer
Horror/Awe Factor 14
Tue 24 Apr 2018
at 05:45
  • msg #28

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Jason looks askance at the elves when Valentina explains how her bunk is a seismic sensor, glad she did not turn it into something lewd.
With an amused smile, he turns back to her.  Please, Valentina, call me Jason.  Everyone else does, he says with a soft chuckle.  I can see how that would tell you there's even an earthquake.
He pauses thoughfully.  Seismic sensors would also tell when large vehicles are getting close, if someone or something is tunnelling through the ground, or even let you know when there has been an explosion nearby, he says, mildly surprised that she knew about the sensors, considering the apparent level of technogy around them.
It is then they arrive at the temple. Kason watches as they are announced.  When the priestess steps out.  It is then that Jason gives a polite bow and introduces himself, and his companions, in Dragonese/Elven.  We are humble travellers, seeking a place to rest for a day or two before we continue on our quest.  He waves out his arm to group the two elves together.
My first companions and I have just come to your hall after dispatching most of them.  My current companions were staging from here earlier to go after the vampires, that my first companions and I had found.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:52, Wed 25 Apr 2018.
PC, 271 posts
Wed 25 Apr 2018
at 01:58
  • msg #29

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Doc shrugs, "Lady Knight says we needed to come back, so here we are." he says charmingly, with a smile.
GM Zaboem
GM, 475 posts
Master Gamemaster
Wed 25 Apr 2018
at 01:59
  • msg #30

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

I changed my mind. I know that I wrote that Geraldo was leading the newlyweds away. That did not happen. I decided to not sub-divide the party. Instead, Geraldo excused himself to go find the new mother. All the PCs are the front door of the temple.
PC, 276 posts
sea titan
Wed 25 Apr 2018
at 10:38
  • msg #31

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Having been "introduced" Kalista takes a polite curtsy and begins speaking. "We uncovered a next of vampires a days ride from here. Many were dwarves. That alone is no reason to return to your halls. These vampires had a particular trait, double canines, which I've never seen before in vampire. I've been hunting and killing their kind for decades. I was reminded of a wound I encountered here in your halls. The young mother had such a wound on her ankle. I've heard of vampires who cast reflections, so your test may not be foolproof. I would ask permission to investigate this for the good of your colony."
PC, 306 posts
Thu 26 Apr 2018
at 23:04
  • msg #32

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Ethan was pleased that they had been able to enter the Dwarven hill. The mirror test was a clever idea, simple, effective and so much less fatal than say stabbing them through the heart with a wooden stake.

The combat medic was eager to see the mother and child, if not for precisely the same reasons as his wife. Yes, he was concerned that the odd mark on her leg might mean she had been a victim of a vampire attack but Kalista was certainly more qualified than he was to determine if there had been such an attack. More importantly, she would have a good idea on how to root out any hidden vampires and once found, destroy them. No his interest was that of a medical professional, eager to check in on the mother of the baby he had delivered. That eagerness extended to the baby as well. That dwarven baby had been the first non-human baby he had delivered and both from a professional and personal stand point, he wanted to see with his own eyes how the child was faring.

He had followed Geraldo, their guide, to the doors of the temple. He hoped that the dwarf would return quickly with the mother and child or at least good news of them. Ethan understood that their late arrival might mean they would not be able to see them until the next morning. “Then again if baby dwarves are anything like human babies, she will probably be up every couple of hours nursing the infant.”

The thought of the mother dwarf breastfeeding her infant made the medical doctor side of Ethan wonder what the chemical composition of her milk would be. Would it be identical to that produced by a human mother? Different but similar enough so that one could be substituted for the other? Or so dissimilar that they would be incompatible? Whatever the case may be, he was a trained chemist, including bio-chemistry. If he could get a sample, he was certain that after analyzing it, he could identify its chemical components. Once that was done, a synthetic formula could be produced. He had no idea if such a product would be of use to this community of dwarves but he resolved to ask when it seemed convenient. “Hopefully I don’t manage to offend them by asking,” he thought while he waited next to his wife.
GM Zaboem
GM, 481 posts
Master Gamemaster
Thu 10 May 2018
at 06:12
  • msg #33

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

The priestess listens to all three greetings with a perfect poker face. When Kalista mentions a concern of vampires here, she hears a few stifled chuckles from the crowd behind her. All this time, Ethan's eyes glaze over as he becomes lost in his own medi-nerd musings.

When a pause occurs, the priestess of Dragonwright says, "We are very secure in Harl Hall and require no rescue from outsiders. We have means that you do know, both practical and divine, of repelling invasions. If you must see the young mother to relieve your own minds, we will allow it. Our clergy is very busy tonight preparing for our Day of the Dead which begins in the morning. As guests, you may remain in the clergy's home, but you are not allowed to wander at night, and you may not invoke other gods while on church rock. Are these terms understood?"

About this time, Geraldo returns (yeah, that was quick actually). To not exclude Ethan, he speaks in American, "I found the lass. As I suspected, she's still at the healer's clinic. Healer's not there though. I'll escort you there, but be quick about it. I have my duties elsewhere."

The priestess says, (returning to Elven-Dragonese) "Commander Geraldo, we can escort the guests. You need not pull yourself away from your sentry any longer."

Geraldo: "Honor requires that see to our guests. Besides, they seem determined, and I won't be able to pry my pikewoman from that lanky boy's arm until he's done whatever it is he needs to do."

To the crowd, the priestess says, "Go home, all of you. The nightwatch needs the streets clear, and all good dwarves not the in the nightwatch should be in their beds. Go home!" With a abrupt turn, she retreats back into her temple and closes the heavy doors behind her.
Sir Arulas
PC, 339 posts
Sir Arulas Sakarian
Elven Cyber-Knight
Thu 10 May 2018
at 13:39
  • msg #34

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

 Arulas shakes his head when Kalista mentions the vampires being dwarves. Tact was never her way. "This just got harder" he thunks to himself.
GM Zaboem
GM, 483 posts
Master Gamemaster
Fri 11 May 2018
at 01:50
  • msg #35

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Jason just reminded me of something through private message. I'll give him a chance to react to this new information.
PC, 277 posts
sea titan
Fri 11 May 2018
at 10:59
  • msg #36

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Kalista bowed respectfully. "I understand, it is not our will to interfere with you or your way of life. We return out of concern for your safety. When it is alleviated, and at your leae we will depart as friends."
Jason Damien
PC, 101 posts
Atlantean Undead Slayer
Horror/Awe Factor 14
Fri 11 May 2018
at 16:21
  • msg #37

Scene 15: Return to Hollow Hill

Jason looks about at his companions and the people around them.  He looks at the priestess, and her retinue, intently.  His jaw is set and he seems like he is on edge.  He gives Arulas a sidelong glance, muttering quietly to the Cyberknight in English.
Lady Kaliata is correct.  There's at least one present here.  Probably more.  H estands thoughtfully for a few moments.  Be ready.  I may be about to do something stupid.
Jason steps up towards the priestess, standing at his full height as he reaches up to his chest with his right hand, as if performing a salute, touching one of the Tattoos present as he focusses his will:  a Cross surrounded by other, smaller holy symbols of various sorts.  In Dragonese, he speaks in a clear, atrong voice modulated to be heard by all.
I am Iason Ianos Damianos of House Luminine, Atlantean Undead Slayer of Clan Acheron.

Time to invoke the Undead Slayer Horror/Awe Factor of 14.
Cross Surrounded by various Holy Symbols-60', 1 minute/level (3), Effect last 24 hours,
     15 PPE, As Spell Turn Undead.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:13, Fri 11 May 2018.
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