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07:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

First day in Cambete, First Show of the Season.

Posted by BenFor group 0
GM, 37 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 02:04
  • msg #1

First day in Cambete, First Show of the Season

The group eventually gets back to their wagons, and settles in for the night.  The wagons are mobile homes, with space for sleeping inside, though most are cramped and members of the troupe often sleep outside, even up on top of the wagons, when the weather is good.   Tonight it is cold:  it is still early in the season, and here, close to the great heights of the Alps, cold weather holds on as long as it can.  Well into spring there is frost in the morning, and often, a cold fog in the air.

Hylensia and Celeste make rounds of the troupe, making sure everyone is accounted for, no one wandered off and gone missing, no one having any problems.  That would be bad, on the night before the first show.

Performers tend to be slow to rise in the morning.  Most are definitely not what would be called “morning people”.  But the Argentos’s are used to that.  The first show isn’t until afternoon.  Plenty of time for everyone to sleep in as long as possible… except of course, those doing their guard duty shifts, and those with animals to take care of.

Alayna may want to sleep in.  The horse generally has other plans.  Ssasha has it easier, as the snakes do not have to be fed daily.

On the other hand, sleeping in is made harder by the fact that they have camped in the middle of a market.  The general noise and commotion of the town is hard to shut out.  People talking, children shouting, dogs barking, the banging from the smithy, the creak of wagons.  By mid morning it is very hard to sleep even for those determined to do so.

Very fortunately, the cook is not a performer and always wakes up on time.  Having done this for years, he knows there is no set breakfast time- he just stays ready to serve food whenever bleary eyed performers drag themselves over.  The Troupe visited the Halfling lands a few years back, and the Halflings were intrigued by the possibility of a breakfast that drags out all morning.
player, 24 posts
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 02:57
  • msg #2

First day in Cambete, First Show of the Season

Tahra emerges, has breakfast, and reports to the Argentos. If they have nothing for her to do, she retires to her tent to await clients.
Lindon Laru
player, 11 posts
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 03:11
  • msg #3

First day in Cambete, First Show of the Season

Having actually turned in at a reasonable hour, Lindon has no qualms waking with the market and slips out to greet the new morning.  And get something to eat.
player, 29 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 03:14
  • msg #4

First day in Cambete, First Show of the Season

Alayna actually slept well, cuddled up with her horse as was her habit.  Because of that, she actually got to sleep a little in, but as expected, Angel wanted food and attention and woke the half-elf eventually.

A creature of habit, the young teen did her morning stretches and movements, warming up her muscles and doing a light workout.  As usual, she wore a bodysuit as she did this, unconcerned with being seen by anyone.

Still, she was efficient in feeding her horse, making sure the other horses were taken care of, then brushed Angel before taking time to clean and then go eat before warming up the great white horse.
Og Worman
player, 41 posts
Barbarian Wizard
Too Hot, Hot Damn
Wed 3 Oct 2018
at 05:04
  • msg #5

First day in Cambete, First Show of the Season

Normal morning routine was an immediate sugar or caffeine intake (fruit or coffee) and a two mile run before real breakfast, then another hour of weightlifting of calisthenics. The body sufficiently beaten into submission, it was time for a second dose of sugar and caffeine while reading or studying. But today was show day, so straight to breakfast he went.

“What’s cooking cookie?” He grumbled, sugar and caffeine was a necessity for a warm welcome. He hoped to catch Phileas for a quick word about upsetting the orc, but first he sat down with a full plate and proceeded to slowly turn that frown upside down.
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