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The League Of Pathfinders Bestiary.

Posted by League HistorianFor group public
League Historian
GM, 150 posts
Chronicler of the
League Of Pathfinders
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 05:19
  • msg #1

The League Of Pathfinders Bestiary

This thread will contain all known records and information on threats unique to this game that the League has gathered. Typical monsters or other threats already included in the Paizo bestiary will generally not be listed.

While your character may not have specifically encountered or know anything about a threat, they have free access to the leagues library to browse and learn more about the various threats.
League Historian
GM, 155 posts
Chronicler of the
League Of Pathfinders
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 22:27
  • msg #2


N Small Aberration (Void–Spawned)
Iniat +4 Senses darkvision 60'; Soulsight
AC 18, touch 15, FF 14 (+4 Dex, +3 Nat, +1 Size)
HP 31 (4d8+8)
Fort +6,Ref +8, Will +0
DR 5/good
Immune Cold, Disease, Poison
Resist Acid 5, Electricity 5
Speed 40', Climb 20', Burrow 20'
Melee 2 Claws +7 (1d4+4+Grab)
Str 8
Dex 18
Con 15
Int -
Wis 8
Cha -
CMB: +10
CMD: 15
SQ: Agile, Improved Grab, Mindless, One With The Void, Souldrain, Whispers of Oblivion
Agile (Ex): A Voidling uses his Dex modifier instead of Str modifier on attack rolls, damage rolls, and CMB.
One With The Void (Ex): For every other Voidling that threatens a creature, a Voidling gets a cumulative +1 to hit, +1 damage, and a +1 to CMB.
Souldrain (Su): Any creature that begins its turn grappled by a Voidling suffers 1 Cha drain.
Soulsight (Ex): To a Voidling a creature with a soul burns as brightly as a roaring bonfire. A Voidling has Blindsight 120' against any creature that has a Cha score of 1 or higher.
Whispers of Oblivion (Su): A constant murmuring of chaos and madness surround a Voidling in a 30' radius. Any creature that enters or begins their turn in this aura must make a Will save DC 16 (+1 per additional Voidling aura) or be shaken and sickened until the beginning of their next turn. This is a mind-affecting (fear) effect.
League Historian
GM, 156 posts
Chronicler of the
League Of Pathfinders
Wed 27 Mar 2019
at 22:29
  • msg #3

Void Master


CE Medium Aberration (Void–Spawned)
Iniat +10 Senses darkvision 60'; Soulsight
AC 22, touch 17, FF 15 (+3 Dex, +5 Nat, +1 Dodge, +3 Insight)
HP 80 (9d8+27+9 Toughness)
Fort +12,Ref +12, Will +9
DR 5/good
SR 19
Immune: Ability Damage/Drain, Cold, Disease, Mind-Effecting Affects, Negative Energy Effects, Paralysis, Poison, Stunning
Resist Acid 10, Electricity 10
Aura (Su, 10' radius):  A Void Master radiates an intense area of cold around it. If a character enters or begins their turn in the Void Master's aura, they take 1d6 cold damage.
Speed 30', Fly 60' (good)
Melee 2 Slams +15 (1d8+8+Souldrain)
Str 20
Dex 16
Con 17
Int 14
Wis 16
Cha -
CMB: +14
CMD: 30
FEATS:  Alertness, Dodge, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Slam)
SKILLS:  Fly +19, Know (Arcana) +14 , Know (Religion) +14, Perception +15 , Stealth +15, Survival +15
LANGUAGES:  Aklo, Common (Can only understand; They do not speak)
SQ:  Indifferent Insight, Master of All and Nothing, Souldrain
Indifferent Insight (Ex):  A Void Master adds their Wisdom modifier as an insight bonus to AC, attack rolls, CMB, CMD, damage rolls, initiative rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Master of All and Nothing (Su):  A Void Master may, as a full-round action, grant any voidlings it can see either a move action or a standard action.
Souldrain (Su): Any creature that is hit by a Void Master's slam takes 1 Cha drain.
Soulsight (Ex): To a Void Master a creature with a soul burns as brightly as a roaring bonfire. A Void Master has Blindsight 120' against any creature that has a Cha score of 1 or higher.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:33, Wed 27 Mar 2019.
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