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17:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

Posted by Capricious WyldFor group 0
Samuel Walsh
player, 6 posts
Wed 14 Nov 2018
at 00:21
  • msg #12

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

Everything seems to pull at him, scream from inside and out, so many sensations, and it's way too much for Samuel's mind and body to handle, and so it stops trying, and he falls, collapsing to the balcony floor unconscious.

Warmth on his skin stirs him, light thru his eyelids fully bringing him awake and for a moment he panics, then realizes he's himself again,stretching, getting his bearings before getting to his feet and dragging himself inside, heading towards the kitchen to get something to drink,images from the previous night swirling thru his mind, so many questions begging for answers.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 8 posts
Wed 14 Nov 2018
at 00:23
  • msg #13

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

the morning light comes for a moment it stings a little but you can still see easily enough in spite of it.
Samuel Walsh
player, 7 posts
Wed 14 Nov 2018
at 06:58
  • msg #14

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

His eyes squinted against the normal amount of light that comes in thru the windows,feeling like he has some weird kind of hang-over as he makes it to the fridge, yanking it open, grabbing the big carton of oj, remembering to shut the door yet forgoing grabbing a glass as he would usually use. Shuffling into the living room and dropping into his recliner, Samuel starts chugging the juice, finally pausing to take a breath, feeling a bit more like himself yet his mind still races with questions, still so confused.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 9 posts
Wed 14 Nov 2018
at 07:10
  • msg #15

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

no answers are forthcoming he can feel the power at the back of his mind... but fires of rage likely aren't strong enough to drive him to much.

He try meditating or anything?
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:35, Wed 14 Nov 2018.
Samuel Walsh
player, 8 posts
Wed 14 Nov 2018
at 23:27
  • msg #16

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

(he doesn't meditate as such, at least that's not what his family calls it)

As he sits there, he can feel something pulling at him,seeming to be calling to him, wanting his attention,yet when he concentrates nothing happens,as if he's pushing on a pull door.

Sighing, Samuel closes his eyes and tries to clear his head, to make his mind blank, the way his dad taught him to do when he's studying, everything is in there, it's just a matter of relaxing and letting it flow,to trust himself and not over think, to caress, not force.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 10 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2018
at 01:20
  • msg #17

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

The day goes smoothly enough , but soon after dusk he can Sense something he does not know what in his home...  he cant see it but can feel it,  that it has an interest in him.
Samuel Walsh
player, 9 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2018
at 02:04
  • msg #18

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

Pacing, not something Samuel can ever remember doing,yet now he can't seem to stop,to settle,the feeling he's not alone driving him nuts since he's looked everywhere several times already,yet found nothing.

Not sure why, the events of late heavy on his mind, the words out of his mouth before he even realizes he's talking,much less can stop them "say something already", how silly it seems not even registering.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 11 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2018
at 02:17
  • msg #19

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

No words respond but the shadows seem to come to life in answer

gathering from across the penthouse coming together in a Bat shaped shadow

My son... my son... it communicates mind to mind... .and something seems eerily appropriate about being addressed this way I have waited so very long for this night to meet you.
Samuel Walsh
player, 10 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2018
at 08:59
  • msg #20

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

His eyes open wide and for a moment he's sure he's seeing things since shadows don't move like these seem to be, and yet the bat shape he sees before him is there, it's definitely not a trick of the light or his imagination and,as close as it is, he feels himself moving towards it, stopping almost mid-step when he hears, more like feels, the voice that isn't a voice.

"who are you?" His voice soft, barely a whisper yet he's sure it's enough,his heart racing yet Samuel is almost eerily calm,a feeling deep inside that whatever is happening is what is meant to be, that it's right.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 12 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2018
at 13:31
  • msg #21

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

the shadows are oddly comforting somehow.

The Entity seems Bizzarely focused on him.

I am Bat It says simply, and though thats laughably obvious that it is a Bat in front of him it seems to have deeper meaning

I have loved you since the day I was able to bless you Claiming you as Mine

It seems, as dark and shadowy as it is to regard him warmly even Paternally.

Last night you finally came into your own this Night I claim you again
Samuel Walsh
player, 11 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2018
at 22:36
  • msg #22

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

What do you ask of me?" he begins, the question one of many yet the first to be made into words as he accepts what he as been told, feeling in his depths, the link,a kind of completeness he's never felt before.

"What about my parents, do they know you, did they know this would happen?" even as he asks,Samuel can feel something inside him stirring, as if it's seeking Bat's embrace almost physically,to add to what is happening, tho he's sure it's just yet another part of what's going on that he doesn't understand.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 22:36, Thu 15 Nov 2018.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 13 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2018
at 22:44
  • msg #23

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

I don't know how much they understood, the last meeting with supernatural I know of them having was when you were a Baby you were taken to the Caverns in the Umbra where I blessed you   It seems warms towards him and almost amused

I ask nothing more of you then that you be ready to create others, take baby humans or bats into the Sacred Caverns and bless them. You are my child and I want you kept safe  Stay safe, gather information, but only engage the forces of enemy when you must
Samuel Walsh
player, 12 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2018
at 23:07
  • msg #24

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

"Who are our enemies? How will I know them?" he asks, having to stop himself from adding Father, since it's not actually right yet seems appropriate in it's own way.

"Anything you ask, I'll do of course, but there's so much I don't understand, like will what happened last night happen again?" deep inside he's cringing, not out of fear persey, but that he's making the creature mad asking so many questions.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 14 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2018
at 23:13
  • msg #25

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

Our enemys are legion many werewolves hate us it was they who carried out a pogrom against the Camazotz the werebats, long ago. the Formori, Humans possesed by banes, evil spirits now seeking to wreck death and destruction everywhere they go. And worse... worse of all for our enemys...

He shudders   with fear and grief.

Is... Me. a part of me No, I am but part of it seeks to corrupt or destroy you.
Samuel Walsh
player, 13 posts
Fri 16 Nov 2018
at 00:59
  • msg #26

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

"Will I know them on sight?  the werewolves and Formori,was it? Can I sense them?" He accepts the existence of the creatures he's being told of where in the past he'd have been leery, since if what he's been thru is real and it is,if Bat is real,which he seems to be, then logically the others must be as well.

Samuel starts to reach out to try to comfort the shadow out of reflex, the emotion it's showing touching deep inside."I think I understand, we all have a good side and a bad side, your's are just more real, more manifest" He pauses, trying to gather his thoughts "I'm stronger than I seem, you'll see, I'll be ok and make you proud" the words very much like say to his parents.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 15 posts
Fri 16 Nov 2018
at 01:57
  • msg #27

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

The werewolves

pauses thinking

Some are enemies, some are allies

a Generation ago a group of Werewolves came into the Umbra the spirit world into Malfeas itself and roused me again from within it, giving me hope again, I tell you this only so you know  not all  Werewolves are enemys of your people. Some are some are friends some are allies of convenience. Even amongst enemys, their are both Misguided Gaians, and The Dancers suffice it to say they are3 EVIL they have a number who serve it
Seethes in frustration

the Difference is Misguided Gaians you may humiliate if you must, but you may not kill or permanently Maim Tempting as it may be, Dancers are unambiguously THE ENEMY

It knows I blessed someone it could feel it the creation for the first time in centurys  of a new Camazotz. but it has no idea who or where
Samuel Walsh
player, 14 posts
Fri 16 Nov 2018
at 22:27
  • msg #28

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

"What's the Umbra? can I go there? Is it where the Sacred Caverns you mentioned are?" He knows at the moment that's not the most important thing, but it's all so much and that's what his mind latched onto right this second.

"It sounds like I need to judge the Werewolves on their own merits, as individuals not as a group, but make sure to keep what I am a secret, is that it?"

Samuel sighs, he can see and hear all the different emotions that the Shadow is feeling and dealing and there doesn't seem to be much he can do to help. "You have my word,I'll do everything I can for you, to make you proud" His words as serious as any he's ever uttered.

"There is so much I don't understand,is there a way I can find answers without  disturbing you every time I'm lost? Or will you be around?" As weird as it may be, he finds himself hoping for more visits,and not just to get information.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 16 posts
Fri 16 Nov 2018
at 23:43
  • msg #29

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

Judging them on their own merits is important, but remember, the Dancers are all evil, not that its that hard to tell that, though many dancers pretend to be other kinds of beings, when it suits them.

Tilts his head Sadly at the thought

Again, many of them are pledged to it.

Smiles at the question about the Umbra.

You can indeed go to the umbra, by immersing yourself in shadow or darkness in a few minutes you can traverse worlds.

to the final bit

Theirs a pack of Werewolves 2 citys over that helped to facilitate  your creation, you can trust them.


Trust but never forget they are NOT Camazotz
Samuel Walsh
player, 15 posts
Sat 17 Nov 2018
at 01:43
  • msg #30

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

"I won't let my guard down around them, especially if they seem to weird or different from their own kind, Dancers won't get me" Samuel pledges, having more questions about them but deciding it's something he can learn on his own,feeling the weight of the Shadow's emotions again.

His heart lightening and a smile coming to his lips when the other smiles, his eyes light up "that sounds awesome, I'll check it out later, carefully, of course.

"I can arrange time off from school, this is more important, and my parents will just have to understand, right? I think I need to go meet them, see what they're like"

pausing for a moment,again very serious....

"I won't forget that, I promise"
Capricious Wyld
GM, 17 posts
Sat 17 Nov 2018
at 03:56
  • msg #31

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

nods Before I go, one thing I would teach you the means of communicating with spirits, it will make you somewhat mightier when it  comes to dealing with spirits . which will make acquiring other gifts easier.

Doesn't really teach anything but he can definitely feel the power to speak to spirits being transferred INSTALLED almost into him.


Good, treat them with respect wary respect, but respect nonetheless.
Samuel Walsh
player, 16 posts
Sat 17 Nov 2018
at 04:42
  • msg #32

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

"I always welcome anything you want to teach me, I'll learn everything you want me to know" Samuel feels honored at being given something so special.

Not sure what he was expecting, it was definitely not what happened,not a word spoken,yet he knows something's occurred , that he's changed, and even feels a bit giddy.

"I will, respect,like trust, has to be earned, and never given blindly"
Capricious Wyld
GM, 18 posts
Sat 17 Nov 2018
at 04:58
  • msg #33

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

They can help you summon spirits to learn a few more gifts in the coming weeks the ability to communicate with them yourself makes it easier for you to negotiate yourself.
Samuel Walsh
player, 17 posts
Sat 17 Nov 2018
at 05:06
  • msg #34

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

Not sure why, Samuel bows a bit,hoping it comes out right "thank you, I promise not to take advantage, or to be a pest" He can feel the weight of the gift he was given and what it means.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:07, Sat 17 Nov 2018.
Capricious Wyld
GM, 19 posts
Sat 17 Nov 2018
at 14:58
  • msg #35

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

he nods

I Have overstayed myself my son we will meet again I am sure.  He then screeches and flys off.
Samuel Walsh
player, 18 posts
Sun 18 Nov 2018
at 07:58
  • msg #36

A quiet life ripped asunded by a reborn power.

Words sticking in his throat unspoken, all Samuel can think to do is wave, watching the creature go,already missing him already looking forward to their next meeting.

Not sure what to do, he walks back over and picks up his juice, taking a huge swig, savoring it as he walks into the library, booting up his computer, sipping more slowly as he waits for it to do it;s thing, preparing the e-,ails he's going to send, to his parents and to his  professors, hoping they understand.
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