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04:15, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Posted by evileeyore
member, 167 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 21:00
  • msg #1

Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

As the thread title asks?  Would this be permissible?   (I know we could just start a fansite without jase's go ahead, I'm just checking for go ahead first)

The Facebook Unofficial Fansite is here:
This message was last edited by the user at 03:25, Tue 28 May 2019.
member, 9 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 21:03
  • msg #2

Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

I would be willing to do that.
member, 392 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 21:06
  • msg #3

Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

I would join.
member, 624 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 21:50
  • msg #4

Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

There's certainly interest.
moderator, 15721 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 22:09

Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

In reply to evileeyore (msg # 1):

Yes.  As long as you make it clear that it isn't an official part of this site.
member, 1474 posts
I should really stay out
of this, I know...but...
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 23:19
  • msg #6

Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

*puzzled*  I thought you were looking for someplace that wasn't deplorable? grin
member, 1573 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 23:22
  • msg #7

Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

one of  my players   started  a group, just for  my best game here..came in handy  for the 404 thing  as  we  could update each other..also?..a few player s who left for RL..contacted me there, to come back to the GMs  could make   groups for thier own  games.
member, 205 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2019
at 23:55
  • msg #8

Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

My players use a Discord server for basically that purpose. We actually all talk on the regular, so it has turned into a community instead of just an update spot but yeah.  An RPOL Discord would probably burn less when you pee than a Facebook group.
member, 168 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 00:19
  • msg #9

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

*puzzled*  I thought you were looking for someplace that wasn't deplorable? grin

Less deplorable will be sufficient.  Facebook has its pitfalls... but if we start a fansite there and keep the posting down to "Hey is it up?" and "Is there anyone from RPoL up for a meet-up?" then we should be able to avoid the worst that Facebook can be.
member, 1542 posts
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 00:21
  • msg #10

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

I like the discord idea better. Discord is about as close as I'll ever get to social media.
member, 206 posts
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 00:35
  • msg #11

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Less deplorable will be sufficient.  Facebook has its pitfalls... but if we start a fansite there and keep the posting down to "Hey is it up?" and "Is there anyone from RPoL up for a meet-up?" then we should be able to avoid the worst that Facebook can be.

Facebook is also one of the shoddiest pile-of-garbage UIs I've seen out there on the Internet. It's awful. Blech. It's good for visibility, but if we're just advertising internally in the RPOL community anyhow, it doesn't matter and there are plenty of options which we could advertise which are dramatically superior.
member, 170 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 00:52
  • msg #12

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Well, I don't Discord, but I ain't adverse to seeing one set up.  I might even join (I do have a discord account, it just runs pathetically slowly on my potatoe).

So I started a Facebook Group in hell if anyone wants to follow it and post uselessly next time RpoL goes down...  in say 10 more years when the log files overload the disk again.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the user at 00:52, Sat 27 Apr 2019.
member, 207 posts
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 01:02
  • msg #13

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Well, I don't Discord, but I ain't adverse to seeing one set up.  I might even join (I do have a discord account, it just runs pathetically slowly on my potatoe).

The desktop, mobile or browser version?
This message was last edited by the user at 01:02, Sat 27 Apr 2019.
member, 171 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 02:14
  • msg #14

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

The desktop, mobile or browser version?

Desktop potatoe via the browser.
member, 704 posts
Wayfarer of the
Western Wastes
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 05:13
  • msg #15

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

I would be down with a Discord group.  What is this Facebook of which you speak? ;^}
member, 819 posts
Creator of HeroForge
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 05:33
  • msg #16

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
member, 705 posts
Wayfarer of the
Western Wastes
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 06:07
  • msg #17

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

In reply to LonePaladin (msg # 16):

Oh, I don't know... but let's not go there.
member, 1544 posts
Sat 27 Apr 2019
at 07:44
  • msg #18

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

In reply to evileeyore (msg # 14):

The browser is probably why it is so slow for you. The browser has to basically download the entire app, then find all the external connections for things like notifications, etc, every time you check it, and then it sits in memory the entire time.

The app is faster cause most of it sits on the hard drive and has the connections to windows/other os already formed and needs only transfer the actual message traffic.
member, 148 posts
Sun 28 Apr 2019
at 03:55
  • msg #19

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

If someone creates a discord can you post the link here?
member, 175 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Sun 28 Apr 2019
at 04:11
  • msg #20

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

If someone creates a discord can you post the link here?

Probably better if they start a new thread to make it easier to find the link in the future for those looking for it.
moderator, 3814 posts
Keep calm, drink more
Sun 28 Apr 2019
at 14:43

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

We're currently discussing the possibility of setting up a Discord server for RPoL.
member, 177 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Sun 28 Apr 2019
at 18:33
  • msg #22

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

We're currently discussing the possibility of setting up a Discord server for RPoL.

Thumbs up.  When you guys get the link, I'll put it in the Facebook Group as well.
member, 245 posts
Freelance Writer
Sun 28 Apr 2019
at 18:47
  • msg #23

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

We're currently discussing the possibility of setting up a Discord server for RPoL.

Yeah, I'll hop on anywhere there's an 'official' presence to pass along news.
member, 2449 posts
you have to risk the
dark to see the light
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 14:02
  • msg #24

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Hiya all,  I have finally been hit by the 404 bug a few times lately.  There is always the worry about rpol disappearing like it did years ago and we lost many good players/writers.  I have been on here for well over a decade now and will be till my dying days and they pry the cold dead fingers from the keyboard.  Enough said but I have joined the unofficial rpol facebook site and have been a member of but am unfamiliar with this Discord so could someone tell me more about it as I use a chromebook to post from and it does not accept a lot of things.  I just want to keep in the loop and to be able to give my players a link they can use in case of an outage.  Everything seems to be going alright now.
moderator, 3815 posts
Keep calm, drink more
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 14:40

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Discord is a chat application that supports both text chat and voice chat.  You don't have to use voice -- if I do this, I plan on using the text channels, though I may open up a voice channel as well.

There is an app and a desktop version, but you can also open it straight from your browser -- that's usually what I do, through Google Chrome.

It's a nice chat application, without a bunch of bells and whistles that you have to use, and without a lot of hoops to jump through.  Basically, you just create an account and join servers -- which are what used to be called chat rooms, though the server can hold multiple 'threads' for chat (or just text/chat with your friends who have discord by sharing your Discord ID with them and sending/accepting a friend request).

Hope that helps, ladysharlyne. :-)
member, 637 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 14:46
  • msg #26

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Oh yes please, an official RPoL discord channel would be excellent! :D

If I may offer a suggestion?  Make it so that people may change their nicknames by default?  My Discord name is not my RPoL name, and I'd want people to know what my RPoL name was.
member, 614 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 16:01
  • msg #27

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

A bit late in the game to put in my 2c but.

Some sort of social media presence for interested users would be nice but:

1. Not keen on Facebook.

2. Discord is more of a chat app rather than social media site.

3. Has anyone considered setting up a mastodon group?

4. Is twitter a viable option?

5. I have an account on Its not dissimilar to Facebook, but its roleplayer-centric and as far as I can tell spammer and dickwad free.
This message was last edited by the user at 16:02, Mon 29 Apr 2019.
moderator, 3816 posts
Keep calm, drink more
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 16:33

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Discord is the only one I'm considering setting up.  I'm not interested, personally, in a social media presence -- only providing another viable way for users to get in touch with a moderator (at this point, only me for sure via Discord) if the site goes down.

People are free to set up pages on whatever media they like, of course -- just don't look for them to have any sort of 'official' presence unless one of the other moderators or jase want to take it on.  :-)
member, 615 posts
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 17:41
  • msg #29

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Yeah I have a discord account but don't really use it. I only created it because a friend here was on it and it wasn't worth it because we were in different time zones and kept missing each other.

Besides, I get too busy for instant chat.
member, 2451 posts
you have to risk the
dark to see the light
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 17:41
  • msg #30

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

As always thank you for helping me out Shanara!  So it is like the old AOL or Yahoo chats which had different groups in them??  Just let me know when you get it done.  but didn't we use to have a chat connection on here?  Of course if rpol is down it would have been too.  So we have the 'unofficial' facebook already set up and the and I think that this Discord should be enough for any of us with three options to choose from. You CAN get too many. Again thanks to you for all you do for all of us Shanara.
moderator, 3818 posts
Keep calm, drink more
Mon 29 Apr 2019
at 18:04

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Pretty much, shar, except Discord is easier, I think. :-)

Starchaser, I don't really do instant chat, either, except in tiny spurts.  I tend to treat Discord like notes left on a chalkboard ... for those who still know what a 'chalkboard' is. ;)

There is still a chat link here, but it doesn't work for me anymore.  To be honest, I'm not sure if it works for anyone, or it's just that I have a lot of the Java permissions disabled by default.  I haven't had a full-blown IRC client in ... a decade plus ... so I don't know if it still works for IRC or not.
This message was last edited by the user at 18:10, Mon 29 Apr 2019.
member, 1549 posts
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 00:46
  • msg #32

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

In reply to Starchaser (msg # 29):

I never used discord as instant chat. Honestly, unless you are using voice, I'm not really sure how it is any different from a regular forum (except for the tools, such as creating and moderating your own set of threads). If you post, that post stays there, just like a regular forum.

I guess perceptions are a difference, but perceptions don't affect actual capability, just your choices on using that capability.
member, 247 posts
Freelance Writer
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 00:59
  • msg #33

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Yeah, I have never gotten the chat feature here to work. Ever.

Discord text channels hold messages indefinitely. Even from before you've joined (so you can go back and see past messages). I can scroll back through like 2 years of some on some of the Discords I'm in. (though users can delete their own messages, and admins can delete anyone's I think).

But yeah, I'm just looking for a place off-site for 'official' word if the site goes bonkers again. But, I understand that it's also an additional layer of headache to have to potentially moderate a second site.
That's why I thought a Twitter might be sufficient because there you can just post official stuff, don't have to necessarily curate a community, and only respond when there's a need.

That said, I won't be adverse to a Discord with an official member who can come in, pin appropriate notes to the top of the board, and keep news flowing when the site is down.
moderator, 3820 posts
Keep calm, drink more
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 01:35

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

An invitation to the Discord server has been posted to Offsite Gaming, and in the announcement forum.

You will need a Discord account before you can be added to the server.
member, 179 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 03:24
  • msg #35

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Honestly, unless you are using voice, I'm not really sure how it is any different from a regular forum (except for the tools, such as creating and moderating your own set of threads). If you post, that post stays there, just like a regular forum.

It is far easier to navigate to the beginning of a forum thread...  it is also far, far, far easier to save copies of the forum thread, whereas last time I tried to meaningfully save a Discord channel it was unreadable outside of Discord and that makes long threads very hard to search.
member, 248 posts
Freelance Writer
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 03:35
  • msg #36

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

In reply to evileeyore (msg # 35):

Discord has a feature allowing you to search within a thread, either by keyword or by a variety of other options (user, date, date range, etc)
member, 180 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 05:39
  • msg #37

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Discord has a feature allowing you to search within a thread, either by keyword or by a variety of other options (user, date, date range, etc)

That must be new.  When I last used it (probably what 2 years ago now?) it was pretty unusable for anything other than being a chat thread.  But thanks, nice to know if any other games I'm in decide to run over on Discord.
member, 616 posts
Tue 30 Apr 2019
at 08:00
  • msg #38

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Yeah I think the last time I used it was about 2 years ago also. Looks like its evolved a bit from what I remember.

I've recently reinstalled line after many years being off it (only ever had one person on my line account anyway) so I guess I can put discord back on my phone too.
member, 89 posts
Wed 1 May 2019
at 01:59
  • msg #39

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

And this is why I would rather not.  This right here.
member, 190 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Tue 28 May 2019
at 03:30
  • msg #40

Re: Can we start an RPoL Facebook group?

Updated the first post with the link to the Unofficial Fangroup.

Also posting it here:
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