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Realms, Spheres and Gates - Atlas.

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 10 posts
Wed 24 Jul 2019
at 11:16
  • msg #1

Realms, Spheres and Gates - Atlas

Within Creation nestle a hundred Realms, home to Mortal and Monster and Divine. Within nestle the ruined and the fallen, the remnants of a bright and blighted past. Where a thousand courts rose before, now a scattered handful huddle and hunt. Where pantheon and cabals and secret masters ruled, new Divines awake to freedom and curiosity. As new Realms and Gates become known, new places within them, they shall appear here
  1. Tellus Nexus - Wherein lies the Field of Shattering, a Realm to which all Divines must pilgrimage and through where the Divine may travel beyond the Sphaera Divinus
    • [Public] Field of Shattering
  2. Sphaera Divinus - Wherein lie the Divine Realms
    • [Realm] Davnore, home to Ambriel, Goddess of Invention and Travellers, and their Davzu
    • [Realm] Aurorous, home to Anastaria, Goddess of Light and Restoration, and their Luminous Fey
    • [Realm] Golor, home to Dren,Goddess of Kinship and Gifts, and their Shree
    • [Realm] Namanememan, home to Erumanaman, God of Rivers and Boundaries, and their Niaids
    • [Realm] Cadir, home to Llewyddrain, God of Life and Growth, and their Caer
    • [Realm] Sussur, home to Mistral, Goddess of Wind and Paths, and their Auster
    • [Realm] Majistra, home to Myrddin, God of Magic and Creation, and their Ji'lam
    • [Realm] Jalidi, home to Mwraali, Goddess of Pacts and Chains, and their Ahadi
    • [Realm] Aarak, home to Nenak, God of Forge and Runes, and their Thurn
    • [Realm] Rywyn, home to Tael, God of Wilds and Survival, and their Wyvr
    • [Realm] Teros, home to Tamber, Goddess of Death and Memory, and their Bhlem
    • [Realm] Horos, home to Vrai, Goddess of Time and Knowledge, and their Arioi
  3. Sphaera Dolor - Wherein lie the ruined Realms of those who have come before and the shattered pieces of what came before. Beyond the Sphaera Dolor lies the Terre Mortuus and the Sphaera Chao and Mundanus - connected by a tangled skein
    • [Secret] Ruins of Concordance, once more to the Conclave of prior Divines
  4. Terre Mortuus - Wherein is said to lie the Paradises of the Dead and the Realms consumed by those for whom no such place existed. It is said that at the heart of this Sphere lies the Luna Fero
  5. Luna Fero - Where lies a singular savage Realm where fallen Divines prowl, known as Ferae
  6. Sphaera Chao - Wherein lie those Realms consumed by Chaos; circling it, the Lunae Gehenna
  7. Lunae Gehenna - Wherein lies the remnants of the Abyss and those who claimed it
  8. Sphaera Mundanus - Wherein lie those Realms consumed by Law; circling it, the Lunae Caelum
  9. Lunae Caelum - Where lies the remnants of the Ascent and those who claimed it

But beyond the view of the newly Awoken, some Elders yet remain
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:37, Mon 19 Aug 2019.
GM, 19 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 09:34
  • msg #2

Tellus Nexus

[Public] Field of Shattering
Traits: Battlefield, Fated, Peacebonded

Known now as the Field of the Shattering, this was once a Realm - more, it was the Realm of a Divine. Now, it bears the scars of the final battle: the remnants of those who fought; the land, torn and scarred and rent, the colour of ash and perpetually wreathed in mysts and myths; the seas, boiled and vanished; the skies, blood-wrought with flames and storms
  • Gate of Concordia and Confluence - Leading to the Ruins of Concordance and, perhaps, elsewhere

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:40, Mon 19 Aug 2019.
GM, 20 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 09:35
  • msg #3

Sphaera Divinus


[Realm] Davnore
Demesne of Ambriel, Goddess of Invention and Travellers, and their Chosen, the Davzu
Traits: Abundant Flows


[Realm] Aurorous
Demesne of Anastaria, Goddess of Light and Restoration, and their Chosen, the Luminous Fae
Traits: Abundant Flows


[Realm] Golor
Demesne of Dren, Goddess of Kinship and Gifts, and their Chosen, the Shree
Traits: Unknown


[Realm] Namanememan
Demesne of Erumanaman, God of Rivers and Boundaries, and their Chosen, the Niaids
Traits: Unknown


[Realm] Cadir
Demesne of Llewyddrain, God of Life and Growth, and their Chosen, the Caer
Traits: Unknown


[Realm] Sussur
Demesne of Mistral, Goddess of Wind and Paths, and their Chosen, the Auster
Traits: Unknown


[Realm] Majistra
Demesne of Myrddin, God of Magic and Creation, and their Chosen, the Ji'lam
Traits: Abundant Flows

Said to be a Realm of wonder and beauty, it is a place of concentrated magic within nature itself where pools of water may hold the ability to enhance ones magic tenfold, while the mountains may hold gemstones capable to empowering weapons with great magic. Rich in metals and life, it is a place where ones imagination comes to life. Mountain ranges as high as the clouds are matched by plains of orchards that grow fruit within a week. Yet with all this wonder and amazing beauty lies creatures that are as beautiful as they can be deadly.

[Realm] Jalidi
Demesne of Mwraali, Goddess of Pacts and Chains, and their Chosen, the Ahadi
Traits: Unknown


[Realm] Aarak
Demesne of Nenak, God of Forge and Runes, and their Chosen, the Thurn
Traits: Abundant Flows

Known to be a mountainous Realm whose flat lands are either windward jungles or leeway deserts and shublands. However, the surface world is but a fraction of Aarak's true nature. High in the sky, held aloft by massive deposits of magical ores, are great sailing islands and beneath the surface a series of tunnels, caverns, and passages so vast that entire ecosystems dwell within. Spires of coral and rock break up what passable waters exist between the thousands of islands which wreath the Aarak's mainland.

[Realm] Rywyn
Demesne of Tael, God of Wilds and Survival, and their Chosen, the Wyvr
Traits: Unknown


[Realm] Teros
Demesne of Tamber, Goddess of Death and Memory, and their Chosen, the Bhlem
Traits: Unknown


[Realm] Horos
Demesne of Vrai, Goddess of Time and Knowledge, and their Chosen, the Arioi
Traits: Unknown

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:44, Mon 12 Aug 2019.
GM, 21 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 09:35
  • msg #4

Sphaera Dolor

[Secret] Ruins of Concordance
Traits: Conclave, Mystical, Ruins

Flavoured with the fabric of many Divines, Concordance was once the site of their conclave and congress. Abandoned now for millennia, none of the boons of protection survives, though it is filled with the dross and chaff that outlived them.
  • Gate of Concordia - Leading to The Fields of Shattering

[Secret] Kromsheim
Traits: Unknown

{Placeholder}[Secret] Lorn
Traits: Unknown

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:47, Mon 19 Aug 2019.
GM, 22 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 09:36
  • msg #5

Tellus Mortuus


[Lost] Reave's Gate
Traits: Dead, Gated, Eternal

  • By virtue of its nature, the Realm of Reave's Gate is a Gate for Mortal Souls transitioning from Life to Death; from there, they may travel to the Paradise of their Divine, if one exists, to haunt their Divine if not, or to remain waiting if they have none.

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:15, Fri 09 Aug 2019.
GM, 23 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 09:36
  • msg #6

Luna Fero


[Secret] Ferae
Traits: Unknown

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:16, Fri 09 Aug 2019.
GM, 24 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 09:36
  • msg #7

Sphaera Chao

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:10, Thu 08 Aug 2019.
GM, 25 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 09:36
  • msg #8

Lunae Gehenna

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:56, Fri 09 Aug 2019.
GM, 26 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 09:37
  • msg #9

Sphaera Mundanus


{Secret} Palace of Leaves
Traits: Unknown

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:25, Wed 14 Aug 2019.
GM, 27 posts
Fri 26 Jul 2019
at 09:37
  • msg #10

Lunae Caelum

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:36, Thu 08 Aug 2019.
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