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Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread.

Posted by Dryssa VerneraFor group 0
Security Feature
GM, 387 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2019
at 16:56
  • msg #973

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Darkness is not like Serendipity, and Nothing does not have the "Easy Focus" boon - in fact, she has no boons because she didn't take any drawbacks to her magic; she can in theory cast her darkness while bound and incapable of movement and really, in any condition so long as she's capable of taking a standard action at all, which of course, makes perfect thematic sense: she's a being made of darkness, detatching a portion of herself is very easy.
And where does it say I have to use an action to concentrate? That sounded weird to me so I looked it up and all I can find is that if I get hit (or otherwise distracted) whilst concentrating I have to roll to maintain it. I couldn't find anything about "You have to use your Standard Action to sustain it".

That's because it's not a "Sphere of Power" unique rule - it's just a normal Pathfinder rule: mantaining a spell through concentration requires a Standard action. Here's the link:

And here's the specific passage, which can be found under the "Duration" header:

The spell lasts as long as you concentrate on it. Concentrating to maintain a spell is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Anything that could break your concentration when casting a spell can also break your concentration while you’re maintaining one, causing the spell to end. See concentration.

So, yeah, whenever a sphere ability says "you can mantain the effect with concentration, unless you pay X SP to make it last for (whatever time)", that means "if you don't pay for it, you're gonna be spending your Standard Action mantaining this effect". I can agree that it's not very clear, but those are the rules.
player, 224 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2019
at 18:06
  • msg #974

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Now a whole bunch of DM action now to look forward to with Nothing's post!

Security Feature
GM, 388 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2019
at 19:03
  • msg #975

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Yeah, I'm mostly done.

Adrika, if you want, you can take an attack of opportunity against Shylla - feel free to roll the damage as well, I'll just ignore it if you miss - because she's trying to follow Elise's advice... poorly. She's really not a combatant at all.

If you don't want to take the attack of opportunity, then make a post telling me so.

Once I have an answer to that, the post is ready to go. :)
player, 118 posts
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 14:45
  • msg #976

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Huh, well, that's annoying. Hmm, well, I suppose that's what the "pay mana to just leave it running" thing is for. Silly me was looking under "Concentration" for the concentration rules ;).

In other news, anyone who's been "hit" by me in both my "attacks" so far will have had taken enough "damage" that their Con Mod is reduced by one, muahahaha...No idea (and no real way of knowing) if that much benefits my allies, but, you know, it makes it easier for me >:D.
player, 278 posts
Can't stop
the rock
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 14:48
  • msg #977

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Well, hopefully that curse hits, because if it does, between that and the darkness Farrah should be swinging in the negatives now.

Also, my CON is uneven, and i made the save in the current round, so i haven't really noticed anything so far :P
This message was last edited by the player at 14:48, Tue 27 Aug 2019.
Security Feature
GM, 389 posts
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 15:09
  • msg #978

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Your CON damage is being counted and reducing the Fortitude saves of people, Nothing - and Adrika has ways to target those. So, be sure that it's not wasted effort at all. :)
Carmen Gorgon
player, 267 posts
Just try and catch me
(last time didn't count)
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 15:43
  • msg #979

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

ckydmtdktdkslcyl Can I roll above a ten PLZ game. Sorry for the useless round everyone—and nice going Adrika!
Security Feature
GM, 390 posts
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 15:50
  • msg #980

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

In reply to Carmen Gorgon (msg # 979):

It happens, don't let it get you down!

After all, Adrika did took down the enemies' healer which, if left unchecked, had the ability to heal multiple people at range, as well as the ability to channel energy to heal multiple people in a cone, and the ability to heal people by touching them, and yeah, was basically going to make any damage you inflicted to anybody else completely useless until taken down. Yet now she was the first defeated, thus not having had the chance to heal anybody, and that would not have been possible without you teleporting Adrika there to take her out!

Each of you has a lot to contribute; sometimes rolls will not be in your favour, but sometimes they will (see: how Farrah keeps failing to hit anything), and in the end all that matters is that you help each other; working together, you really are unstoppable.

Don't let the bad luck get to you, just try your best and you will do fine! ^_^
player, 225 posts
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 16:07
  • msg #981

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

yeah... don't let the die roller get you down. It sucks for all of us most of the time. I'm always surprised when I roll over a 10 here :)

I'm feeling much better about the encounter overall now with the healer down, dogs dead, kobold in Grumblejack's hands.

Let's keep the good things rolling!
player, 279 posts
Can't stop
the rock
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 16:09
  • msg #982

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

In reply to Security Feature (msg # 980):

Yeah, like Sec said, the darkness definitely helped. I rolled a 10 total, which barely was enough to hit, but my actual roll was a 5.

Serendipity really does help a lot, especially with a Trait that doubles Luck bonuses (on you). You have it too, right?
Security Feature
GM, 391 posts
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 16:15
  • msg #983

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

In reply to Adrika (msg # 982):

Nobody but you has Serendipity, Adrika, or the Fate sphere, for that matter.
player, 226 posts
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 16:24
  • msg #984

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

In reply to Security Feature (msg # 983):

I think Adrika means the Fate's Favored trait not Fate Sphere
Security Feature
GM, 392 posts
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 16:30
  • msg #985

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Nobody but Adrika has Fate Favoured either. Adrika's build is one of the most well put together of your all, I think because she has a relatively higher level of system mastery.
Carmen Gorgon
player, 268 posts
Just try and catch me
(last time didn't count)
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 16:33
  • msg #986

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Thanks guys :) Alright, Ill stay in good spirits.

I m not sure who that fate comment was directed at, but if me, I don’t have the sphere or trait (my traits are mostly to get class skills).

And oh, that reminds me—I’ve changed my mind on what my level up will be—I’m going more spymaster and less support, so I won’t be taking Fate but WILL be taking Destruction—plus something else that I’ll leave as a surprise ;)
player, 280 posts
Can't stop
the rock
Tue 27 Aug 2019
at 16:38
  • msg #987

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Blind luck, i assure you: This is my first time on Spheres of Might, and most of the work was done by Entropic Sage :P

I thought there was another with Serendipity though? Ah i see, i misunderstood Carmen when she was talking about her planned levelup, and believed she had Fate as well.

We can still be Destruction buddies though :D
player, 282 posts
Can't stop
the rock
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 01:56
  • msg #988

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Since speaking was a free action, i couldn't resist involving myself in the enemy conversation.

It not being my turn it would only have a narrative effect, of course, but it's still fun banter :)
player, 119 posts
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 13:45
  • msg #989

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

I'm pretty much building my character on Rule of Cool, following whatever path makes thematic/narrative sense as we go. I'm not interested in min-maxing or planning out numbers and stuff, I'm just gonna look at my options each time we level up and pick whatever seems both the most fun/cool/creepy and the most useful based on how things have gone so far/what might be good to have in the future. The "make friends immune to the bad shit my darkness can do" option is pretty high on the priority list, don't worry ;).
player, 283 posts
Can't stop
the rock
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 15:58
  • msg #990

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Same here, don't worry. I had been meaning to play an Oracle/Barbarian at some point or another that destroyed everything she touched (Oracle) and fought better with broken weapons (Breaker Archetype Barbarian). For those curious, at level 6 you'd have fully negated the penalty for fighting with broken weapons, and from level 9 on you'd actually be getting a bonus from it.

It's just that in this case, that ended up meshing really well with the class i had my sights set on, which also had an archetype that supplemented it nicely.
Carmen Gorgon
player, 269 posts
Just try and catch me
(last time didn't count)
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 17:53
  • msg #991

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

I don’t minmax per day, though minmaxing is a part of my character—let me explain.

Okay. So I like having specialized roles in campaigns, usually as the “information gathered” or “spymaster.” This means being really really good in several areas— sneaking (Dex), charming (Cha), disguises, scouring, and if need be, killing.

If I DIDNT minmax, my character would be as useless as a one-legged toad; I’m trying to do effectively three classes at once. So optimization, for me, is necessary to play the  CHARACTER I wanna play.

See, with Carmen, I really wanna lean into the spymaster role, and a good spy, a classic spy, can sneak around and charm her targets and kill them in a blink of an eye.

For me, the numbers ARE part of the character—one aspect informs the other. I wanted a character who was a mix of Carmen Santiago and Crona Gorgon, so a Synapse Symbiat was obvious. Now I want to be a spymaster, so minmaxing to somehow get the telekinesis and destruction and conjuration spheres was needed.

I could be sub-optimal and just be a Symbiat, but that would mean not getting to play the character I wanna play, both gamewise and RP wise.

Does that make sense?
player, 227 posts
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 18:05
  • msg #992

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Normally I min/max for story reasons as well... but I'm not very familiar with the sphere's system so I was just going for "hunt and kill people" which seemed "Slayer" to me.

I could definitely have built Cetaen better, but whatever. He's good at somethings and less good at others. We'll get there.
Security Feature
GM, 394 posts
Wed 28 Aug 2019
at 18:08
  • msg #993

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

I definitely think that all of you made very interesting characters, if that helps; although I am obviously always open for helping you get more mileage out of your concepts, I'm very satisfied with what you all came up with. :)

And as always, any trouble you have, or idea you want to explore, just send me a PM and I'll be happy to work with you on it: I wasn't lying when I said that I'll be willing to at least consider any ideas you might come up with! ^_^
player, 284 posts
Can't stop
the rock
Thu 29 Aug 2019
at 08:54
  • msg #994

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Yeah, and don't forget feats are no longer a limited resource, so even then you could fix weaknesses and readjust (to a degree) the direction you want your character to go in, so in that aspect it's much more forgiving than, say, a regular game of D&D.
Security Feature
GM, 395 posts
Thu 29 Aug 2019
at 10:09
  • msg #995

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Yeah, that's the idea - and it's also how you'll be able to get advanced/high-level class features that E6 would otherwise lock you out of; for example, I'd probably let somebody with Eldricht Heritage gain at least some of the higher-level powers (maybe even the capstone, depending on the bloodline in question) even if they didn't met the character level prerequisites for them.

In general, the rule of thumb is, and always will be, the same: if you're interested in any character option, or have some fluff idea that you'd like to see realized into mechanical terms, ask me about it in PM, and I'll try to accomodate your wishes the best I can, so long as they don't break the game apart. :)
player, 285 posts
Can't stop
the rock
Thu 29 Aug 2019
at 10:33
  • msg #996

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Security Feature:
In general, the rule of thumb is, and always will be, the same: if you're interested in any character option, or have some fluff idea that you'd like to see realized into mechanical terms, ask me about it in PM, and I'll try to accomodate your wishes the best I can, so long as they don't break the game apart. :)

This. I got some Traits (slightly) altered, a Bruising Intellect that works off of WIS for example, and there are some gear related things I'd really like that we've discussed.

'Course, it'd be up to the GM when and if the required steps for those are actually going to trigger, but balance is his job, not mine ;)

Edit: Also, we're really close to 1k posts right now. It won't hurt to go beyond it (I've been in games where the OOC thread went over 3k posts, for example), but the 'show all' button at the top stops working and you can't have all posts show up on the same page anymore. Makes it harder to find specific stuff you don't remember what page it was on, but it's the only difference aside from the 'close to 1k' warning that won't go away.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:38, Thu 29 Aug 2019.
Security Feature
GM, 396 posts
Thu 29 Aug 2019
at 10:45
  • msg #997

Re: Wicked Spheres: OOC Thread

Yeah, it's time to close this thread and open up a new one.

As such, this thread is now closed.
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