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You live Changelessly until...

Posted by The LightFor group 0
The Light
GM, 3 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 01:47
  • msg #1

You live Changelessly until...

Things are unexceptional even boring in your life currently

Unremarkable and uneventful yet you've heard of weird reports across town recently...
Amy Willows
player, 1 post
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 14:18
  • msg #2

You live Changelessly until...

Amy reread her article on the Annual Meeting of the Duck Breeders, added a missing comma, and breathed a sigh of relief as she pressed send. She had been warned by her editor that most of journalism wasn’t sensational Pulitzer-winning stuff, but she had hoped for something more interesting than this endless string of car accidents and meetings of this club and that society.

She told herself that someone had to do it, and she knew how much it meant to many people to see their names in print, as she checked her watch. It wasn’t as late as she had assumed, so, with a new spring in her step, she grabbed her trusted Leica and made for the nearby woods.

Some day soon, she knew, she would graduate to writing reviews on performances and on local politics. And from there, it was just a step to wildlife reporting from exotic places like Manaus, or Mozambique. She froze, as she spotted a squirrel just a few feet ahead, licking its tiny claws with abandon. She raised her Leica slowly, adjusted the focus with one practiced motion, and snapped a picture. The squirrel turned its head and stared at Amy with a strange mixture of fear and curiosity before it ran up a nearby oak tree.

Amy checked the picture, and settled onto a tree trunk in a waiting stance, immobile, to become part of the forest around her.

Photography was like fishing in that it required patience. She allowed her mind to wander, and thought about the weird reports she had heard.
The Light
GM, 4 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 16:04
  • msg #3

You live Changelessly until...

She doesn't find anything in particular sadly... but latter that night she has a dream

A backyard of a normal enough looking home then she sees a storm cellar going downstairs

there she gets the sense something unwholesome, something malevont is waking at long last but she cannot see or hear what...
Amy Willows
player, 2 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 17:07
  • msg #4

You live Changelessly until...

There are many dreams that are but distant memories when the sun's ray fall on the bed in the morning, and there are others, the ones that remain with you throughout the day.

This dream followed her into the shower, and she shared it with her flatmates over breakfast. Lucy, her mind already clearly set on her workday, was characteristically dimissive of her description, but the ever sensitive Gael earnestly suggested to Amy to respect the voice from her subconscious.

So it was with mixed feelings that she walked towards the Herald's Offices, peering into gardens left and right, not sure if she was looking for the stairs from the dream or proving to herself that she was being silly.

ooc: I've introduced her flatmates. I have no idea if they will be important (meriting merits), or whether they are pale shadows, or not-quite-yet cold bodies. I am happy to leave the question in suspension. It would be great if you gave me a place name and season (country, state), so I know if this is a seaside place, and can choose appropriate temperature, plants, animals...

The Light
GM, 5 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 17:21
  • msg #5

You live Changelessly until...

(Lets say in Autumn around the bible belt? not the coast)

she doesn't find the stairs right away...
Amy Willows
player, 3 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 18:34
  • msg #6

You live Changelessly until...

Work turned her mind away from mysterious stairs. Amy's piece wasn't rejected. Some of it was tacitly accepted and some even drew grudging praise, with only a few elements altered or criticized, and none of the editor's comments unfair or insubsubstantial. She knew the old man was trying to help her, but knowing that he was right did nothing to make it easier for her.

She had to walk a bit to buy lunch. The Mumbai House, an Indian restaurant where she often went for the noon-special vegetarian take-away was several streets from the Herald. She had been tasked with another assignment for tonight, a student concert at Red Lick Middle School, which meant she wouldn't be able to eat with Lucy and Gael, but it also meant she had the afternoon to herself.
The Light
GM, 6 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 18:41
  • msg #7

You live Changelessly until...

Say go to evening she feels Increasingly restless... and having a difficulty getting to sleep tonight.
Amy Willows
player, 4 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 19:06
  • msg #8

You live Changelessly until...

By the time she got home, it was too late for a trip to the woods, so she lazed away the time till the school concert in front of her computer, watching wild-life photos and Lucy's new PETA video. She almost missed the concert, but made it in time to be treated to a number of performances, not all of them on key, but all celebrated by supportive parents.

A young African-American girl with a violin stood out, playing the second movement of Mozart's Night with so much feeling that the room fell silent, awestruck. She tried to find the girl to get a statement for the article, but missed her and talked to her proud music teacher instead.Amy was grateful for the girl's performance, because it would be easier to find words of praise for the concert, and she didn't have the heart to mention the disharmonies.

Back home, she rejected an offer by her flatmates to join them for a beer in the kitchen, and typed a first draft with the impression still fresh. Although she felt tired, sleep didn't come. She changed her mind and joined Lucy and Gael's drinking in her old flower-print pajama. They had graduated to tequila, but she only drank one before she realized that they had too much of a headstart, and instead sat on the porch looking at the sky. Something was bugging her, the kind of restless voice at the back of your head you get when you know ou've missed or forgotten something. Amy dialed her aunt's number, choosing the number only because it was earlier in California, but didn't speak when it went to voicemail. Instead, she ended the call and paced the porch.
The Light
GM, 7 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 19:27
  • msg #9

You live Changelessly until...

she hears something but when she trys focusing on the sound it vanishes...

A sound that is somehow ominous...  Nothing is tto be seen for the moment but...
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:05, Thu 24 Oct 2019.
Amy Willows
player, 5 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 20:36
  • msg #10

You live Changelessly until...

Amy cocks her head and listens into the darkness for the sound.

Maybe it is an animal?

She silently curses herself for putting on her pajama and quickly changes into a set of dark, practical clothes and hiking boots. She picks up her Leica, flash and her mini-tripod. Although she is not afraid of the dark, as she tells herself, she pockets her mobile without thinking.

Then she decides to walk down the street hoping for a raccoon, or a skunk, or some rarer animal.
The Light
GM, 8 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2019
at 20:46
  • msg #11

You live Changelessly until...

She finds a place between 2 buildings as shes gone behind it she hears a hiss

If she faces she'll see a mishappen thing that is not normal or human not entirely anyway coming at her!
Amy Willows
player, 6 posts
Fri 25 Oct 2019
at 11:50
  • msg #12

You live Changelessly until...

Amy's first impulse is to run, as she has no weapon and no experience in hand-to-hand combat. But then she remembers all the animal programs thatb she has seen on TV that tell you never to run from a threat.

It can't be real!

Her mind tells her. And then her journalistic impulses kick in: She brings her trusted Leica up to eye level, clicks on Automated Settings, and photographs whatever it is.

The flash goes off, illuminating the darkness for a split second.
The Light
GM, 9 posts
Fri 25 Oct 2019
at 15:41
  • msg #13

You live Changelessly until...

it is visibly Startled then enraged and trys to attack you actually manages to knock you down then...

(Permission for blossoming granted)
Amy Willows
player, 8 posts
Tue 29 Oct 2019
at 06:16
  • msg #14

You live Changelessly until...

Something changes. Time seems to slow down to a crawl then stop altogether.

Amy's fear is still there, but it is smaller now. She looks at herself. She is wearing a dark green dress, in a style that she has seen on Roman statues of Goddesses.

Her hair feels different, curlier and smelling freshly, and as she touches it she realizes that it has been done up with artlful neglect. She still has a camera bag in the form of a belt pouch. The fresh smell emanates from her in a cloud of harmony.

Weirdest, she finds herself holding a piece of bamboo wood that is about a foot long. She doesn't exactly realize that it is a magic blowgun - she simply knows, even remembers using it.

She now knows that the creature isn't evil or trying to harm her: "What are you?", she asks curiously.

ooc: She uses the charm sweet fragrance and scores 3 successes. Please set the diceroller to nwod.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:18, Tue 29 Oct 2019.
The Light
GM, 26 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 02:29
  • msg #15

You live Changelessly until...

(Dice roller Set)

Its startled for a moment by the bright light before it...
Amy Willows
player, 9 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 4/4 Wisps: 9/10
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 04:22
  • msg #16

You live Changelessly until...

The creature hasn't harmed her, which shows that you can't judge a book by its cover. She suddenly knows that the poor creature doesn't speak her language and that she must speak its own. She focuses and says: "Let's be nice to each other. I just want to photograph you if that's okay for you?. Tell me, where are you from and what are you?"

ooc: Beats speak + wp point -->5 successes (extraordinary success).
She tries to talk the creatures into talking rather than fighting (1 success on Man + soc + 2 from previous roll).
I've realized that everyone involved has the trusting condition (she + monster). It opens 2 doors, so depending on the creatures stats, it will either be trusting or try to eat her next). It is weird, but she's a princess not a superhero.

This message was last edited by the player at 04:24, Wed 30 Oct 2019.
The Light
GM, 27 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 04:27
  • msg #17

You live Changelessly until...

it looks at her then suddenly gets over things and rushes her clearly hungering for her life...
Amy Willows
player, 10 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 04:55
  • msg #18

You live Changelessly until...

Amy feels a deep sense of betrayal. She had overlooked the things ugliness, had been willing to trust it completely, and now that.
"You will pay for this", she announces coldly, raises her blowgun to her lips and shoots a tiny spring green dart covered with a powerful opiate at the thing.

ooc: Shame that didn't work. Means that both res and com of the monster are at least 3. Well, at least it resolves the trusting condition (I assume I get a beat for her trouble).
Sensitivity rolled (no successes)
Firearms + dex (1 success): 1+3=4 damage + thing must roll sta + res -3 or be drugged

The Light
GM, 28 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 07:12
  • msg #19

You live Changelessly until...

(sure lets go ahead and make a XP Chart for the Game)

Creature succumbs to the drug thankfully.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:13, Wed 30 Oct 2019.
Amy Willows
player, 11 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 07:30
  • msg #20

You live Changelessly until...

ooc: not sure what an xp chart is, but I added a way to transparently log xp gaining and spending on the sheet. Does the creature sleep? My character would never kill it unless she absolutely had to
The Light
GM, 29 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 08:13
  • msg #21

You live Changelessly until...

(No it Cannot sleep)
Amy Willows
player, 12 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 08:41
  • msg #22

You live Changelessly until...

Amy stares at the drugged thing. It still moves, and it is still dangerous. She could probably kill it, snuff it out with her blowgun. She lifts it to her lips, then hesitates.

It is alone, and it is ugly, unloved. Like a wild animal, it may not be truly evil, but simply hungry. She want to help it, but not by becoming its next meal.

She considers running, actually starts to make some steps away from it trusting in her ability to outrun it in its drugged state. But then another thought hits her: Who is it going to eat in my stead?

She turns, grits her teeth and shoots another tiny green dart at the creature.

ooc: dex + firearms -->3 successes + 3 damage  = 6 damage
Amy Willows
player, 14 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 08:44
  • msg #23

You live Changelessly until...

ooc: if that thing is dead, now would be a good moment to meet her furry retainer, because I have no idea what to do with the body.
The Light
GM, 30 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 14:10
  • msg #24

You live Changelessly until...

it gasps but continues trying to attack her just barely alive... a being of pure hate...
Amy Willows
player, 16 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 14:16
  • msg #25

You live Changelessly until...

This time, Amy doesn't hesitate. She does step back a little to keep the hateful thing at a distance, and shoots yet another dart at its misshapen form.

ooc: 2 successes-->5 damage
The Light
GM, 31 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 14:22
  • msg #26

You live Changelessly until...

it Rapidly Dessicates Dissolving into dust that floats away on the air.
Amy Willows
player, 17 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Thu 31 Oct 2019
at 06:30
  • msg #27

You live Changelessly until...

Amy drops down on the curb. She feels like crying, both because this was confirmation that evil was real, and because she instictively knows that her life will never be the same again. Gone are the days of lounging in bed. She has been given a mission, has been called to serve humanity.

She stubbornly sticks out her chin. No tears. Service.

She gets up with new puropse.
The Light
GM, 33 posts
Thu 31 Oct 2019
at 15:48
  • msg #28

You live Changelessly until...

she feels the need pulling on her.

The thing she confronted was no living being... and now is dust thankfully the identity survived.
Amy Willows
player, 18 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Thu 31 Oct 2019
at 18:05
  • msg #29

You live Changelessly until...

Amy sits for a while, then feels a slight prickle and realises she is her old self again.

She goes home.
The Light
GM, 34 posts
Thu 31 Oct 2019
at 18:57
  • msg #30

You live Changelessly until...

she makes it home without incident.

(Keep in mind the phylacters something Created by your transformation not simply imbued with power)

whats she do when home?
Amy Willows
player, 19 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Thu 31 Oct 2019
at 22:06
  • msg #31

You live Changelessly until...

Getting home, Amy checks the kitchen but the others are in bed already. Not sure if she should tell them, she makes her way to bed, not without brushing her teeth first. It feels anticlimatic, and she smiles at herself for missing the action.
The Light
GM, 35 posts
Thu 31 Oct 2019
at 22:08
  • msg #32

You live Changelessly until...

Shes able to sleep soundly enough...

(Oh, consider the Learn charm Data MAster, with an upgrade you could use your own eyes as Cameras)
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:37, Fri 01 Nov 2019.
Amy Willows
player, 20 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 21:54
  • msg #33

You live Changelessly until...

I  the morning, Amy tries to dismiss her memories from the night before, but she simply can't rid herself of them. There are other memories as well, more distant, something to do with Queens and Nobles, but too vague to pin down.

She knows she needs more information, and her first stop is the internet. There must be others like her, somewhere, she thinks as she googles using the words: light, princess, superhero, transformation, hunt monster, in different combimations.

ooc: Int + computer (2 successes). She can keep rolling more, if you want.
The Light
GM, 37 posts
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 22:55
  • msg #34

You live Changelessly until...

eventually she finds a forum that Looks for all the world like its for some kind of pretend game...

Using terms like Royal Noble Princess hopeful and Sensitive.
Theirs some Random idiot on one forum whos coming in saying "Stop fighting you people your all being brainwashed!!! Nothing good uses children to fight their war"

but only reply is "Your part of the collection of Well meaning Fools the Stars of Bethlahem arent you? We appreciate your good intentions, but we know what were doing"
Amy Willows
player, 21 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Sat 2 Nov 2019
at 07:01
  • msg #35

You live Changelessly until...

When she checks her watch, she realizes it is later than she had planned, and that she will have to hurry to the birthday interview with the 90-year-old woman for the Herald.

She manages to ring the bell, still a little breathless, of the woman's appartment, only two minutes late.
Amy Willows
player, 22 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 15:10
  • msg #36

You live Changelessly until...

The interview turns out to be a lot more interesting than expected, when the old woman starts talking about how she escaped Nazi Germany as a teenager, and has some very candid views on the current President's wish to leave the Paris Agreement.

Writing the article will be a challenge, of course, but some challeges are worth it.
The Light
GM, 39 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2019
at 22:44
  • msg #37

You live Changelessly until...

She finds a lot of valid facts

along with a bit of garbage.
Amy Willows
player, 23 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Sat 9 Nov 2019
at 13:20
  • msg #38

You live Changelessly until...

Then Amy goes grocery shopping: She buys three carrots, two apples, pasta, toothpaste, and tomato sauce.
The Light
GM, 41 posts
Sat 9 Nov 2019
at 18:07
  • msg #39

You live Changelessly until...

things go well enough...

She hears that theirs creepy disappearances of pets and livestock under suspicious circumstances.
Amy Willows
player, 24 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 18:25
  • msg #40

You live Changelessly until...

Amy decides that it is time to do something about her powers, and starts learning about moving to Sierra Leone, so she can find problems worthy of her talents.
The Light
GM, 42 posts
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 18:47
  • msg #41

You live Changelessly until...


(Ok if I drop her in a sitch so we stop talking past each other?)
Amy Willows
player, 25 posts
troubadour of clubs
Will: 3/4 Wisps: 8/10
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 18:59
  • msg #42

You live Changelessly until...

at the moment, it feels a bit frustrating
The Light
GM, 43 posts
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 19:44
  • msg #43

You live Changelessly until...

in a few days say she finds the remains of a Dog its horribly mutilated evidence of predation but the tooth and claw marks don't match any animals she knows of...
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