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15:55, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sign Here....

Posted by The BossFor group 0
Sarah Julis
player, 9 posts
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 19:39
  • msg #33

Re: Sign Here....

Sarah's grin widened as she returned Horace's shake with a surprisingly firm grip.
Einar Karvonen
player, 25 posts
Salvage Tech
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 19:41
  • msg #34

Re: Sign Here....

Einar's expression did not change, just the same heavy brow and tired looking narrow eyes surrounded by "crows feet".

"Look, kid, this isn't the fuckin' Navy" Einar replied, not in an angry way, but in a no-nonsense tone. "I was born on a freighter and I've never so much as paid rent on a planet. I've been crewing starships, bucking salvage, and and generally working my ass off longer than you've been alive. You name it, I've done it." he began.

"My last stint had me hot bunking for the better part of nine months, drinking the same recycled piss water, breathing air out of worn out scrubbers and pulling straight twelves, no days off, for the bulk of that run. We did not so much as look at a station." he took a sip of some of bottles water the dealer had provided.

"So if you're looking for pressed uniforms and collar brass, you're in the wrong place." He leaned forward in his seat "You crew up with us, you work, cargo, repairs, salvage, whatever pays decent that we can accept with a straight face." He gestured to Horace "As the XO said, you'd likely be under him, running numbers, making sure people get paid, restock, recruitment, job hunting, permitting, keeping the bureaucrats and the docking authorities off our asses. That's what we got.

He took another deep breath. "You got that picture with ya?"
Horace Wymp
player, 48 posts
UPP - 677886
Merchant - Corporate ret.
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 19:44
  • msg #35

Re: Sign Here....

Horace nodded agreement. "Like I said, he has my vote, he does need to use the fresher more often though sometimes." Horace said with a grin.
Florence Pearce
player, 18 posts
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 19:48
  • msg #36

Re: Sign Here....

"Don't take me wrong, I respect competence far more than anything else. But there are a lot of people who won't see past appearances, who will think that if the Captain of a ship is not squared away and presenting well, it is necessarily reflected in his ship and how he handles operations, particularly finances. And the higher the stakes, the more this will be a factor." Florence shook her head. "Even if no one in the crew thinks 'If the captain can do it, I can too' and all take the time to look beyond appearances, bureaucrats, traders, custom officers and whatnot have better things to do and will not want to take the risk. Which will mean endless troubles and little choice in the deals available to the ship, and ultimately, will impact the bottom line."

She waved in the direction of the ship. "There are lots of things you can - and should - capitalize on, and there's something to be said about doing things different, but that doesn't mean there is no competition. At some point, everything will matter, particularly appearance, especially the Captain's. Of course, all that depends on who you want to be doing business with and where. In some cases, I suppose it would get the ship more respect than a suit." Given the grimace, it was pretty obvious she didn't think particularly highly of that.

She took the offered hand, a bit doubtfully. "Thank you. We'll need a contract...contracts... though. Assuming we all agree on whatever comes next of course."

She listened quietly to Einar, and nodded, apparently not particularly impressed. "I do. It doesn't invalidate anything I've said. My objection is on how you currently present yourself, not on you specifically. If you clean up, and get dressed appropriately to whatever circumstances are encountered, I'll be perfectly fine with you as Captain." She seemed about to say more, but bit her lips and stopped there.
Einar Karvonen
player, 26 posts
Salvage Tech
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 20:12
  • msg #37

Re: Sign Here....

"Well, don't hold your breath" he cracked a grin towards Horace. "Wymp will handle your contract" he jerked his head towards the XO then looked to Sarah. "So what's your deal? Said you're a student?" He asked for clarification as he stood and tossed the bottle in the recycling.
Noah Brooks
player, 13 posts
UPP - A99847
Troublemaker - 7 Terms
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 20:12
  • msg #38

Re: Sign Here....

"She seems rather insistent Captain," Noah said with a chuckle.  "I can get you in with my barber if you want," he said as he ran one hand across the side of his head.  "He's got a nice selection of beard oil as well," the former belter added with a smile.
Einar Karvonen
player, 27 posts
Salvage Tech
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 20:25
  • msg #39

Re: Sign Here....

"God damn it Brooks, you too?" Einar laughed. "Look, you've got a magnificent beard, nobody's gonna argue that" he shook his head "We go on a long haul and we'll see how many people are still wearin cocktail dresses and...pressed slacks by the end" he grumbled to himself as he went and got another bottle.

"Not like I knew I was gonna be buyin a ship today..." he turned his attention back to Sarah as he broke the seal.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:25, Sat 23 Nov 2019.
Sarah Julis
player, 10 posts
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 20:26
  • msg #40

Re: Sign Here....

"Graduated, actually. Technically I'm "Doctor Julis", but I think it sounds too formal. Sarah is fine, and really when most people hear "doctor" they think I can work a medical bay." She raised her hand up in a dramatic gesture. "Which I can't, by the way. My bedside manner is rubbish. Now... biochemistry, that's a little different. A whole other can of worms."

She shook her head. "Other than that, I apprenticed for my father as an electronics and computer technician, so I'm not totally useless on a ship. I don't plan on just sitting in my room all day, writing my book. Anyway... it's all in the paperwork I gave Mr. Wymp."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:28, Sat 23 Nov 2019.
Horace Wymp
player, 49 posts
UPP - 677886
Merchant - Corporate ret.
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 20:30
  • msg #41

Re: Sign Here....

"Horace is fine, I'm a step away from being a real doctor, medical type, but never pursued it."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:31, Sat 23 Nov 2019.
Einar Karvonen
player, 28 posts
Salvage Tech
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 20:34
  • msg #42

Re: Sign Here....

Einar nodded, more noticeably when she mentioned Electronics and an Apprenticeship. It seemed to be more in line with his experience.

"Good, and this grant you mentioned is in the neighborhood of eight million credits?" He asked. "'Cause I'm sure you're gonna meet all manner of folks in this line of work. Plenty of stories and opinions, if that's what your in the market for. This for a project? Or a paper?..." he asked, a little curious.
Sarah Julis
player, 11 posts
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 20:53
  • msg #43

Re: Sign Here....

Sarah smiled, clearly delighted that Einar had some interest.
"A book. I don't have a title for it yet, but the elevator pitch is: 'How the culture of the past and present has led to the politics of the now!' ... I think it's going to be an anthology of stories and anecdotes explaining why everything is so volatile right now. Too many people around the systems are in their own bubbles, you know? It might help just a little tiny bit if we could hear the voices of other people... especially if the people in power heard them, you know?"
This message was last edited by the player at 20:53, Sat 23 Nov 2019.
Einar Karvonen
player, 29 posts
Salvage Tech
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 21:02
  • msg #44

Re: Sign Here....

Sarah Julis:
Too many people around the systems are in their own bubbles, you know? It might help just a little tiny bit if we could hear the voices of other people... especially if the people in power heard them, you know?"</seagreen>

Einar nodded and smile with a an expression that suggested he thought that might be an understatement. "True enough, well welcome aboard. I'm sure we'll get a feel for what you can handle on the shakedown, but I'd be interested to read that book when it's all said and done."

He counted off the names in his head. Himself, Wymp, Brooks, Brandle, then the two new girls Sarah and Florence (he had not known them long enough to think of them by surname). Hell, they were still only half full if everybody had their own room.

"How much of a buy in were you thinkin Sarah?" he asked as the Sales staff continued the sizable task of selling and registering a full fledged star ship through a newly formed corporation.
Sarah Julis
player, 12 posts
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 21:15
  • msg #45

Re: Sign Here....

"Oh, that's right, you asked about that didn't you? I'm thinking the full eight million, the grant is for the ship, so I don't see why I should hold any of it back. The research for the book is going to take years, so while I'd love to stuff some of that in my own account to hedge my bets, I'm kind of hoping a full investment will yield a better long-term. For the book, and for my own future."
Einar Karvonen
player, 30 posts
Salvage Tech
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 21:33
  • msg #46

Re: Sign Here....

Einar nodded and looked pensive as he momentarily stared into the distance as he ran the figured.

37.64 out the door, if they held nothing back they would only have to borrow seven million or so. Which was still a staggering sum, and without any capital for the first run, but it was still a good frame of reference.

"Long term's good." he agreed as he crossed his arms and nodded. "I don't think most folks can really get a feel for a ship in the first year anyway" he watched as Horace started his own work.

"Well we've still got plenty of room, even with single bunks, so we may have a few more for you to interview before the day's out." he added optimistically.
Alwin Brandle
player, 14 posts
Sat 23 Nov 2019
at 23:42
  • msg #47

Re: Sign Here....

Alwin had not been present when Florence and Sarah had arrived.  The lobby at the sales office had coffee and some danishes, and it went counter to his personal code of ethics to turn down free food.

When he met back up with the others, the danish already eaten but the cup of coffee still half-full in his left hand, he stood back just a bit as he observed with some wry amusement the verbal interplay between the two newcomers and the men he had already decided to partner with.

When there had been a lull in the conversation he stepped forward, his right hand extended toward the two women in greeting.  "Alwin Brandle, former merchant 2nd Officer," he says without preamble.  "Computer programmer, medic, pilot, communication tech, engineer, steward, raconteur, and occasional layabout."
Horace Wymp
player, 50 posts
UPP - 677886
Merchant - Corporate ret.
Sun 24 Nov 2019
at 13:07
  • msg #48

Re: Sign Here....

"We have a blessing in medics, You plan on being a doctor Alwin?"
Alwin Brandle
player, 20 posts
Sun 24 Nov 2019
at 14:49
  • msg #49

Re: Sign Here....

"That was actually my plan when I was younger," Alwin says in response to Horace, "but the hospital I worked for decided I was of more use to them as a computer tech.  When I pushed to further my medical training, they found an excuse to let me go."

"So I joined up with one of the merchant corps, decided to see the universe a bit.  Did eventually get to further my medical studies, but I never did get to the point where I could get my degree.  Was always busy learning other skills and filling in positions that someone needed me in.  The latter seems to be my lot in life,"
he says, with an odd grin.
Horace Wymp
player, 51 posts
UPP - 677886
Merchant - Corporate ret.
Sun 24 Nov 2019
at 15:05
  • msg #50

Re: Sign Here....

"Well, now you can become a real doctor, Doc Brandle." Horace says with a smile. "I'll be your PA."

"Anyone see Heather or Reggie yet, they should have been here by now."
This message was last edited by the player at 16:50, Sun 24 Nov 2019.
Florence Pearce
player, 20 posts
Sun 24 Nov 2019
at 19:44
  • msg #51

Re: Sign Here....

Florence glanced at Noah, but didn't add anything: of course she was insistent, she was right after all, and on top of that she really didn't want to spend any amount of time in close company of someone with dreadful hygiene. But she had made her point, hopefully it had been heard and she wouldn't have to talk about that again. Though considering what Einar added just after, she was probably overly optimistic if to him basic hygiene was at the same level as nice clothes.

When Sarah mentioned the voices of the people being heard by those in power she lifted an eyebrow, but other than that simply waited silently, not having anything more to add. In fact, she seemed to barely listen to what was said, either not finding it important or deep in thoughts.
Horace Wymp
player, 55 posts
UPP - 677886
Merchant - Corporate ret.
Mon 25 Nov 2019
at 13:49
  • msg #52

Re: Sign Here....

"I suggest we not wait for them and their contribution and just pay 75% and finance 25% for ten years, ayes and nays?" Horace says

"That way we have money for cargo, essentials, arms and other things. We should arm her in these trying times to protect us from pirates too."
Noah Brooks
player, 16 posts
UPP - A99847
Troublemaker - 7 Terms
Mon 25 Nov 2019
at 13:54
  • msg #53

Re: Sign Here....

"That's why humanity is here.. to kick ass and take names.  We absolutely need arms and armor to do that," Brooks said, nodding in agreement to Wymp's proposal.

"Have you ever thought about a nom de guerre Mr., ahem, Wymp?" Noah asked.
Horace Wymp
player, 56 posts
UPP - 677886
Merchant - Corporate ret.
Mon 25 Nov 2019
at 13:59
  • msg #54

Re: Sign Here....

"Everyone can just call me Horace if it makes them feel more comfortable. Mr. Wymp is fine too. I have no problems with my name."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:18, Mon 25 Nov 2019.
Florence Pearce
player, 24 posts
Mon 25 Nov 2019
at 17:40
  • msg #55

Re: Sign Here....

Not having any shares in the ship - and not particularly displeased by it at the moment - Florence didn't answer anything when Horace asked about their investment. She did agree with the whole 'better safe than sorry', particularly if they operated around new colonies where scums like pirates were more likely to be found, but since it already seemed to be the consensus, there was no point adding anything.

Instead, she took a small laptop out. Surprisingly, the laptop didn't seem to be a known model but rather a custom work of good quality. Then she started to type a few things on it, apparently not bothering with the discussion around her.
Alwin Brandle
player, 22 posts
Mon 25 Nov 2019
at 19:02
  • msg #56

Re: Sign Here....

"How often would we have to make our payments on this loan," Alwin asks, "and are there any worlds besides this one that would be authorized to accept payment?"

Alwin rather disliked being tied down to a loan, to be honest, but unless someone else just happened to show up and would be willing and able to cover the rest of the ship's cost, he didn't see much of a way around it.
Horace Wymp
player, 58 posts
UPP - 677886
Merchant - Corporate ret.
Mon 25 Nov 2019
at 19:05
  • msg #57

Re: Sign Here....

"Any Class A or B starport can accept the monthly payment. I'd like to be paid off too, but we need another 10MCr to do that. Options? Ideas?"
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