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02:56, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Confused we Safeguard our home.

Posted by The LightFor group 0
The Light
GM, 21 posts
Sun 27 Oct 2019
at 12:58
  • msg #21

Confused we Safeguard our home

(You need to spend at least an  hour with the person to roll Circle for Wisps Also note the Running on Fumes Condition.

You get it whenever your Wisps get down to 10-Belief)
Lucy Milles
player, 12 posts
Sun 27 Oct 2019
at 13:33
  • msg #22

Confused we Safeguard our home

(I didn't use wisp so I am still at 7/10 and I am at 7 Belief. I was not sure when you are eligible for Circle, an evening last at minimum 1 hour but I let that at your appreciation)
The Light
GM, 22 posts
Sun 27 Oct 2019
at 13:46
  • msg #23

Confused we Safeguard our home

(Just keep the possiblety of the condition in mind

OOC: Oh? Want to try moving to the Dreamlands? Most Princesses Gain the "Girl underground" Condition anyway.
Lucy Milles
player, 13 posts
Sun 27 Oct 2019
at 15:19
  • msg #24

Confused we Safeguard our home

(Why not. This could be a good first arc for my character, discovers what exactly she is and formally joint the Court of Sword.)
The Light
GM, 23 posts
Sun 27 Oct 2019
at 15:36
  • msg #25

Confused we Safeguard our home

She finds no other monsters tonight.
Lucy Milles
player, 14 posts
Tue 29 Oct 2019
at 16:20
  • msg #26

Confused we Safeguard our home

Lucy patrolled for three more hours without a sign of any monsters, or anyone for that mater. The increasing amount of strange things happenings in the city drived everyone to stay at home in the night.

She made her way back to her home and stealthily returned in her warn bed. Happily she didn't have anything later in the morning, one of the advantage to studies online, and could sleep until late.
The Light
GM, 24 posts
Tue 29 Oct 2019
at 17:21
  • msg #27

Confused we Safeguard our home

She can look into her condition online.
Lucy Milles
player, 15 posts
Tue 29 Oct 2019
at 17:52
  • msg #28

Confused we Safeguard our home

(Online? You talk about the forums the nobles have created?)
The Light
GM, 25 posts
Tue 29 Oct 2019
at 18:21
  • msg #29

Confused we Safeguard our home

Lucy Milles
player, 18 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 17:34
  • msg #30

Confused we Safeguard our home

Lucy woke up late in the morning and began her day. Her parents who worked late the night were present but her sister was already at school. Since she had her powers she patrolled every two nights and her parents had remarked her new wake up schedule. Lucy pretended chatting with a Japanese kendoka about martial arts and the lag explained the odd time.

After the little breakfast, Lucy returned in her room and worked on her class until the lunch. After that she began a new her search of answer for her strange power. Since searching super-power and monster a little to broad, the only true lead was the word Aztallan that she heard in the strange dreams she had.

(I do a roll to see what my search give? And my level of bashing damage had heal right (One point by 15 minutes)?)
This message was last edited by the player at 17:47, Wed 30 Oct 2019.
The Light
GM, 32 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 18:23
  • msg #31

Confused we Safeguard our home

(It healed and made the Int+Computers roll for you got 2 successes.)
Lucy Milles
player, 19 posts
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 15:31
  • msg #32

Confused we Safeguard our home

(What I discover since I won the roll?)
The Light
GM, 36 posts
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 19:01
  • msg #33

Confused we Safeguard our home

(You find that theirs a number of Groups online designed to support either "Nobles" "Princesses" "Hopeful" "Royals" Or "Sensitives"

Theirs some Random idiot on one forum whos coming in saying "Stop fighting you people your all being brainwashed!!! Nothing good uses children to fight their war"

but only reply is "Your part of the collection of Well meaning Fools the Stars of Bethlahem arent you? We appreciate your good intentions, but we know what were doing"
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:07, Fri 01 Nov 2019.
Lucy Milles
player, 20 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 09:42
  • msg #34

Confused we Safeguard our home

(Hello, I was a busy this week end so I could post but I am back now)

Lucy watched the screen of her computer before her, deep in though. Finally she discovered answers to her questions. The word Aztallan had guided her to web site and from here she found other sites.

She was a Noble, a person who had a powerful connection to a mysterious force called the Light, and can reincarnate upon death. Long ago, the Nobles have created several kingdoms until the servants of the Darkness, the opposite of the Light, destroyed them. The souls of the Nobles were trapped in a place called Dreamlands and had only recently broke free and begun to reincarnate.

Honestly the story was outlandish and Lucy would have dismissed it as a nice piece of fiction if it didn't fit so well what was happening to her. That and the story resonated with something deep inside Lucy, probably the part who remembered her past lives. The comment about brainwashing was interesting but Lucy could tell that anyone with Sensitivity couldn't stand to do nothing, no matter their age.

But what shocked her to the core was the nature of the monsters she killed. They were humans once and were twisted by the Darkness. She killed humans being.

(I was thinking to make a Sensitivity roll and hope to gain one Shadows to have the Girl Underground condition and go to the Dreamlands, that okay with you?)

The Light
GM, 38 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 11:38
  • msg #35

Confused we Safeguard our home

(Fine with me, an on vacation with parents can only make brief messages on tablet next week  or so)
Lucy Milles
player, 21 posts
Tue 12 Nov 2019
at 20:56
  • msg #36

Confused we Safeguard our home

(Second busy week and I had my family for the week end, I hoped I could post but that didn't work, but now I am back. I aced the Sensivity roll so no Shadow for me, damn). failed (no successes)

Lucy was deeply disturbed by what she has done but the more she read about the Darkspawn the more her mind calmed and she remembered the student of the dojo who was killed by one of these creature. Maybe they were humans once but now they were no more than zombies.

Finally she contacted one of the manager of the site to present herself and create a account. When she go to bed her mind was at peace with she answer she had and a renewed faith in her purpose, fight the Darkness and, more importantly, help peoples.

(So how do you want to move the game now? Try a dive in the Dreamlands or meet with Amy? Or other? I will be more free this week. And I have resolved my confused condition no?)
The Light
GM, 44 posts
Tue 12 Nov 2019
at 21:49
  • msg #37

Confused we Safeguard our home

(Yes You've resolved confused Say you gain girl underground when you do get shadows?)

Manager of the Site Reccomends she come to a nearbye town sometime

Its always best to have a Nakama sometime you have no choice but to make war as one but yyour less likely to die in a Nakama
Lucy Milles
player, 22 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2019
at 20:50
  • msg #38

Confused we Safeguard our home

(I gain two beat since I resolved a condition and reached a aspiration)

The morning Lucy thank the manager for her reply and begin her day. Now that she has more information she can try to make things better. Apparently the Darkspawn are concentrated near tainted places, where bad thing happened, she could try to discovers some and focus her patrol near bye.

She decide to not do any course today and concentrate on her royal duty. Lucy began by reading the new to see if anything could betray the presence of a Darkspawn (disappearance, murder or other) then she skip to researching areas that could have tainted places.

(Either you can have me see something on the news or you can make a research roll to discover tainted place.)
The Light
GM, 45 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2019
at 22:04
  • msg #39

Confused we Safeguard our home

theirs something like 2 missing persons cases 3 days ago

Both happening the same night

The police have called for a mandatory curfew.

but she'll have to break it to achieve anything..

both the cases happened in some unfashionable neighbourhood.
Lucy Milles
player, 23 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2019
at 20:30
  • msg #40

Confused we Safeguard our home

Lucy had a mission now and it was to resolve two disappearances. First she needed all she could have on the case, if the victims were young women she could try to be a bait.

(Can you give me more informations on the disappearances)
The Light
GM, 46 posts
Tue 19 Nov 2019
at 15:02
  • msg #41

Confused we Safeguard our home

(Want to conduct an investigation. As of yet she knows they both happened same night without a trace the person just vanished but some people are reported as having heard screams.

Both victims were young people one male one female.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:43, Wed 20 Nov 2019.
Lucy Milles
player, 25 posts
Thu 21 Nov 2019
at 22:04
  • msg #42

Confused we Safeguard our home

It was early afternoon when Lucy arrived in the neighborhood where the disappearances happened. The young princess wanted to take a look to the place to see if something could point in the direction of the culprit, then patrol during the night. She had said to her parents she was at the dojo and would have a sleepover with several friends to explain her absent in the night.

The darkspawns were physically warped and need hidden place to escape attention, so the first thing Lucy wanted to visit was the abandoned place and try to see if one of them was recently used.

(I think it's Wits+Investigation no?)
The Light
GM, 47 posts
Fri 22 Nov 2019
at 01:09
  • msg #43

Confused we Safeguard our home

(went with that rolled for you Note under investigation rules you need multiple clues. Likely with different dice pools)
Lucy Milles
player, 27 posts
Tue 3 Dec 2019
at 22:51
  • msg #44

Confused we Safeguard our home

(I'am back. Hoppefully, with the inspection finished, my boss will cut me slack until christmas.

Can you expend a little on your previous post? I have not understood what you mean.)

This message was last edited by the player at 22:52, Tue 03 Dec 2019.
The Light
GM, 51 posts
Wed 4 Dec 2019
at 00:16
  • msg #45

Confused we Safeguard our home

(Have the Chronicles of darkness book? It has rules for the investigation system and clues.)
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