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08:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Amazing Avengers #4A: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Posted by WatcherFor group 0
PLAYER, 3 posts
Goddess of the Storm
Ororo Munroe XP:1 PP:1
Thu 9 May 2019
at 01:52
  • msg #17

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Storm caught Namorita's quip just before she dismounted from the ice slide. "Just be glad they don't serve it with barbecue sauce." That would invite extreme violence, and not just from a person's digestive system.

Ororo smiled at the compliment from Clint as she floated nearby. "Thanks, Hawkeye. And it's good to see you here as well." Normally she would enjoy a nice chat with the other members of the Avengers, but it seemed like it was time to get down to business. Storm's eyes faded from blue to white a moment before she subtly moved out of the way of an energy blast from the interior.

"We gotta get in there, but let's not make ourselves targets as we do." Storm hadn't missed the defensive posture that Namorita had taken, nor that Hawkeye was hunkered down, and seemed pinned to his spot. She tried to give everyone outside some visual cover as they moved toward the entrance to the pizza parlor. There was no shortage of humidity, so getting it to come together in a dense cloud should be easy enough for her to accomplish.

Dice Pool:
Team d10
Strong-Willed Leader d8
Weather Supremacy d12
Covert Expert d8

18:50, Today: Storm rolled 2,5,5,6 using d10,d8,d12,d8 with rolls of 2,5,5,6.  Creating cover asset.

Total: 11 Effect d12

PP: 1

Next up: Wolfsbane

This message was last edited by the player at 15:52, Fri 10 May 2019.
GM, 577 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 09:49
  • msg #18

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Be sure to post current PP count at the end of any post with a dice pool

Be sure to pick the Next Action at the end of each turn

Doom Pool (2d6, 2d8) reaction to Storm's attempt to create Cover Asset, Total: 11, Effect: d12:

Watcher rolled 3,4,4 using d6,d6,d8 ((3,4,4)).

Total: 8, Effect: d6

Cover d12 Asset created, can be used in defense by anyone in range

The air around the front of the pizzeria thickens, so much that it becomes literally heavy with moisture, even more than the unaltered day has brought, as it forms into a soup denser than any cloud in the sky, allowing no sight into or out of it. Storm's intention to provide cover for her allies works splendidly, but effectively separating those inside and outside of the pizzeria. While the team outside are no longer targets, there is no seeing into the base, including how Bishop fares alone against against the enemies within.
GM, 578 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 10:32
  • msg #19

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Meanwhile, Wolfsbane follows along with her allies, growing slightly, taking her hybrid-wolf form, claws extending from her fingertips, muscles rippling. The mutant looks around hungrily. Her wolven eyes provide no distinct advantage to see through Storm's obscuring cloud, but she can smell the fear and desperation from at least one combatant.

Next Action: Wolfsbane
PLAYER, 29 posts
The BITCH is back in town
PP:0 XP:12
Thu 9 May 2019
at 11:34
  • msg #20

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Even as Stom's cloud-cover had begun to form, Wolfsbane had already been scanning the place for alternate entry points ... rather than through the gaping 'Lions Den' entry that everyone else was using.

And she was pretty sure that she had a plan.
As the street between she and the enemy fogged up, Wolfsbane was already moving ... loping through the created concealment like a wolf through the morning mists.  On Enhanced Reflexes she moved, swift and without hesitation.  A Covert Master, she might have been nothing more than a shadow in the darkness, a breeze in the mist.

She had her senses about her, and she knew that God would lead her where she needed to be.

d10: Solo
d8:  Faith in God
d8:  Enhanced Reflexes
d12: 'Cover' Asset created by Storm
d10: Covert Master
to create the Asset 'Hunter Unnoticed' to give me a bonus when I eventually strike ... till then, remaining elusive and unnoticed.

-  rolled 1,5,5,1,7 using d10,d8,d8,d12,d10 with rolls of 1,5,5,1,7.  create Asset.
             Are you freaking kidding me!?!   One of the best dice pools I've managed to assemble ever, and thats all I get!
Total 12, Effect d8
and Two Opportunities for the Watcher to use!

Current PP: 3

Next turn: a Villian

This message was last edited by the player at 08:07, Fri 10 May 2019.
GM, 580 posts
Fri 10 May 2019
at 08:53
  • msg #21

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Add d8 to Doom Pool from Wolfsbane's Opportunities (and +1 PP to Wolfsbane)

Be sure to post current PP count at the end of any post with a dice pool

Be sure to pick the Next Action at the end of each turn

At the moment, all heroes can choose between having the Buddy or Team Affiliation until they interact with each other as a group, except for Bishop who will be at Solo until Storm's Asset is removed

Doom Pool (2d6, 2d8) reaction to Wolfsbane's attempt to create Hunter Unnoticed Asset, Total: 12, Effect: d8:
Watcher rolled 3,2,2,4 using d6,d6,d8,d8 ((3,2,2,4))

Total: 7, Effect: d8

Extraordinary Success steps acting Effect die up, to d10

Wolfsbane deftly uses the cover of the cloud to stalk the building, but even with her senses to find her way, her lack of direction and knowledge of the structure leaves her adrift. But dispensing a mauling could be in her near future, when she strikes.

Doom Pool: 2d6, 2d8 +d8 = 2d6, 3d8

Next Action: Teenage Android Red Shirt

Teenage Android Basketball Jersey
NPC, 2 posts
Fri 10 May 2019
at 09:28
  • msg #22

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Inside the pizzeria, contact to the outside is cut off with Storm's dense cloud surrounding the building. A view through the windows is obscured as if concrete covered them. Those within can still see due to the lights but that it is suddenly dark, as if at night except for humidity like at the height of the afternoon, giving it an eerie sensation.

However, the two androids at the front of the restaurant seem not to care at all, as their eyes lock on their target and the cannons that were once arms power up and, once they are humming with maximum energy, are unleashed on the one opponent in the place: Bishop!

Physical attack on Bishop:
Buddy    d6
Foot Soldiers (fodder)    d4
(step up Doom Pool die)
Weapons    d8
Combat Expert    d8

Teenage Android Basketball Jersey rolled 2,3,4,6 using d6,d4,d8,d8 ((2,3,4,6)).

Total: 10, Effect: d6

Doom Pool: 2d6, 3d8 (-d6/+d8) = d6, 4d8

Reaction Needed: Bishop
Next Action: Teenage Android Red Shirt

Teenage Android Red Shirt
NPC, 1 post
Fri 10 May 2019
at 09:32
  • msg #23

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Physical attack on Bishop:
Buddy    d6
Foot Soldiers (fodder)    d4
(step up Doom Pool die)
Weapons    d8
Combat Expert    d8

Teenage Android Red Shirt rolled 2,4,1,8 using d6,d4,d8,d8 ((2,4,1,8)).

Total: 12, Effect: d6

1 Opportunity (available first to Bishop)

Doom Pool: d6, 4d8 (-d6/+d8) = 5d8

Reaction Needed: Bishop
Next Action: Agents

Pizza-Place Agents
NPC, 2 posts
Fri 10 May 2019
at 09:47
  • msg #24

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

The agents inside the pizzeria likewise take aim on the same opponent but, despite being closer to the mutant, show considerably less ability and fortune. Their shots go wide, shooting across the restaurant's interior and smashing through the windows. Though Storm's cloud obscures any sight to the outside, the energy beams project through it, firing wild along their full range. The previous blasts have missed their initial targets but have been more successful in nearly finding secondary marks, namely those unwitting heroes outside the building, and in this case, because of the angles from the agents to their intention, Namorita is in the firing line!

Doom Pool (5d8) attack on Namorita, from Agents 2d8:

Pizza-Place Agents rolled 7,6,5,4,4,6,3 using d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8 ((7,6,5,4,4,6,3)).

Total: 13, Effect: d8

Storm's Cover d12 Asset can be used in defending dice pool

Reaction: Namorita
Next Action: Justice, Iceman

PLAYER, 41 posts
Mon 13 May 2019
at 12:31
  • msg #25

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

"Lets see what you got"
Bishop wasn't that quick; not quick enough to dodge bullets, at any rate.
So instead of moving out of the way he stubbornly held his grounds as the androids leveled their cannons at him, trusting that the energy he already absorbed should make him near-impervious to harm.

His persistence was soon vindicated; the robots were armed with energy weapons, and as the successive blasts hit him squarely in the chest he could feel the raw power surging through his body.

Solo: 1d6
Unrelenting: 1d4
Godlike Durability: 1d12
Combat Expert 1d8
Android Physical Stress 1d12

Bishop rolled 2,4,9,7,2 using 1d4,1d8,1d12,1d12,1d8 with rolls of 2,4,9,7,2.  Defend physical attack (basketball jersey).  Total: 16, Effect: 1d8 vs Total:10, Effect: 1d6.  Attack Resisted

Solo: 1d6
Unrelenting: 1d4
Godlike Durability: 1d12
Combat Expert 1d8

Bishop rolled 2,8,1,10 using 1d4,1d8,1d8,1d12 with rolls of 2,8,1,10.  Defend physical attack.
Total: 18, Effect: 1d4 vs Total 12, Effect 1d6.  Attack Resisted

Energy Battery SFX steps up Energy Blast to 1d12, and Strength to 1d10
Passing on the Watcher's opportunity.

New PP total: 1+2+1 = 4

This message was last edited by the player at 12:33, Mon 13 May 2019.
PLAYER, 4 posts
Mon 13 May 2019
at 23:38
  • msg #26

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

"Neptune!  Somebody wants barbecue, but I'm not on the menu!" she quipped back to Storm.

She did her very best not to be in the spot where that energy bolt passed, attempting to side step it completely.

Team D10
True Sub-Mariner D8
Enhanced Reflexes D8
Combat Expert D8
Storm's aid D12

Namorita rolled 3,3,6,7,7 using D10,D8,D8,D8,D12
Total = 14    Effect = D10 (or D8 if still on buddy, don't think it matters so much since my total beat the attack?)   

"Hey, you're the one who can make it rain! And call hurricane and tornadoes. Can I be on your team-?" 

She wasn't necessarily expecting an answer, but planned to follow Storm and the others, and help out as much she could.      After Vance was stable...she glanced to see if it was the case.
PLAYER, 66 posts
Tue 14 May 2019
at 09:19
  • msg #27

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Add d6 to Doom Pool from Bishop's Opportunity

While Bishop plays out a gambit to not be destroyed by the blasts and Namorita side-steps a barrage of misguided attacks, Justice has held back. In the street, he swoons, then catches himself, but his upright stance is uncertain at best. "Nita... I..." he sputters weakly, barely perceptible. Not only does he not move forward but he loses ground, stepping back, then faltering, then his legs give out and his body collapses heavily to the asphalt in the middle of the street.

Spend d8 from Doom Pool to create Justice Down Scene Complication

Doom Pool: 5d8 +d6 -d8 = d6, 4d8

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:30, Tue 14 May 2019.
Hero, 19 posts
Tue 14 May 2019
at 23:19
  • msg #28

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Iceman had taken a moment to assess the situation before jumping in. Not all mutants are inclined to kick in the door with guns blazing. It was a trial to determine what was going on, though that there was anyone to bring a fight was enough to show why Captain America wanted them here in the first place. Then when he sees one of their own drop to the street -- even if he couldn't see why it happened -- the icy hero got his a course of action. He might not know the guy -- someone near his own age, he surmised -- but they had both gone through the battle in the mansion and that was enough to bond them for this conflict, too. And that guy needs help now.

He slides into action, to not far from where he brought them down on the ice-slide. They might have been fortunate by being between moments when traffic lights would let vehicles through the street but he knew that wouldn't last. He sticks out his arms and his hands instantly freeze the air around them, blasting toward the street to create a barrier around the prone man, to hip-height and the width of the street. "That'll stop the traffic," he says, then drops into a defensive crouch and looks up at the building in front of them. "But there could be other bad stuff."

Iceman lends Ice Mastery d10 to anyone defending Justice

Next Action (new round): Namorita

PLAYER, 5 posts
Wed 15 May 2019
at 22:36
  • msg #29

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Nita gasped when Vance dropped, not anticipating how much he'd been effected.

My fault, she chided herself, he expended too much energy trying to keep me hydrated!

In no time at all, there was a frozen shield-wall about them, courtesy of the X-Men's ice-maker.

"Thanks!" she called out sincerely to Ice-man.   She too went into a defensive crouch, next to Vance where he'd fallen.

"Take what time you need, I'm not going anywhere," she reassured him, placing a hand on his arm.   "And we've acquired some rather bad ass allies."

She was ready on the instant to defend him, if it proved needful...

Buddy D8
True Sub-Mariner D8
Enhanced Reflexes D8
Psych Expert D8
Icy Defense D10

Namorita rolled 5,2,8,1,2 using D8,D8,D8,D8,D10

Total = 13  Asset effect die for Justice = D10

PLAYER, 42 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 03:54
  • msg #30

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Bishop couldn't afford to waste any more time.  The She-Hulk went off by herself through the other side, and now there was an additional complication outside the compound which served to (at the very least) separate him from the Hawk-Eye.

The hostiles weren't even a nuisance, but they needed to go down, and fast.

The energy he absorbed was flowing through his body, the excess of it exuding out uncontrollably - in a palpable red aura surrounding his body, the ruby color of his eyes...  Now was the time to give some it back, before he dangerously overloaded himself.
Lifting his hands, he tapped into his reserve of power and discharged the energy at the two androids - blasting them with everything he's got

Solo 1d6
Make A Difference 1d8
Energy Blast 1d12, 1d12 (Everything I've Got)
Combat Expert 1d8
Android Physical Stress 1d12

06:26, Today: Bishop rolled 5,8,9,1,9,8 using 1d6,1d8,1d12,1d12,1d12,1d8 with rolls of 5,8,9,1,9,8.  Energy blast vs android (basketball jersey).

Spending 2 PP: 1 to add an additional die to the total, and for another effect die
Total: 8+9+8 = 25 Effect: 1d6 (vs basketball jersey), 1d12 (vs red-shirt)

New PP total: 4-2+1 = 3

This message was last edited by the player at 06:20, Thu 16 May 2019.
GM, 582 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 09:44
  • msg #31

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Add d6 to Doom Pool from Namorita's Opportunity

Be sure to post current PP count at the end of any post with a dice pool

Be sure to pick the Next Action at the end of each turn

Doom Pool (d6, 4d8) reaction to Namorita's attempt to create Defending Justice Asset, Total: 13, Effect: d10 (msg #29):
Justice Down Scene Complication d8

Watcher rolled 1,3,2,5,1,1 using d6,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8 ((1,3,2,5,1,1)).

Total: 8, Effect: d8
Extraordinary Success steps up acting Effect die, to d12

3 Opportunities (available first to Namorita)

Doom Pool: d6, 4d8 +d6 = 2d6, 4d8

With some help and Namorita's considerable strength, Vance moves into the cover of the ice barrier and out of the middle of the street. He would not be able to hold himself up without aid, but at least he can move.

The street seems to calm for the length of a breath, before the next barrage of chaos.
Teenage Android Basketball Jersey
NPC, 3 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 10:15
  • msg #32

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Add d6 to Doom Pool from Bishop's Opportunities

Be sure to pick the Next Action at the end of your turn

Defend from Bishop's physical attack, Total: 25, Effect: d6 (msg #30):
Team    d8
Unnecessary Technology    d4
(step up Doom Pool die)
Mechanical Body    d8
Combat Expert    d8

Teenage Android Basketball Jersey rolled 8,1,5,3 using d8,d4,d8,d8 ((8,1,5,3)).

Total: 13, Effect: d8
Extraordinary Success x2 steps acting Effect die up, to d10

1 Opportunity (available first to Bishop)

Doom Pool: 2d6, 4d8 (-d6/+d8) = d6, 5d8

Teenage Android Red Shirt
NPC, 2 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 10:50
  • msg #33

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Defend from Bishop's physical attack, Total: 25, Effect: d12 (msg #30):
Team    d8
Unnecessary Technology    d4
(step up Doom Pool die)
Mechanical Body    d8
Combat Expert    d8

Teenage Android Red Shirt rolled 1,3,8,2 using d8,d4,d8,d8 ((1,3,8,2)).

Total: 11, Effect: d8
Extraordinary Success x2 steps acting Effect die up, to d12++

1 Opportunity (available first to Bishop)

Doom Pool: d6, 5d8 (-d6/+d8) = 6d8

Bishop's blast back rips through both androids, pulverizing their synthetic bodies into less than scrap. Their rendered pieces and parts fall to the dirty restaurant floor like lifeless junk. Another wayward experiment brought low by superior fire-power.

The seedy, bearded guy with the pencil looks up from his foot.

Next Action: Hawkeye
Hero, 3 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 11:19
  • msg #34

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

When Storm put up the cloud around the building, Hawkeye was silent, either from anticipation for what would come next or from being flabbergasted at a move that, at best, did not hurt but did not help their position. "Storm!" He calls to the woman right next to him. "We can't rush the place if we can't see it!"

Lends Combat Expert d8 to action involving the cloud
GM, 584 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 11:25
  • msg #36

The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Spider-Man swings through the air landing next to Hawkeye. "Just the man I was looking for," he says in a loud whisper to not startle the archer. "Was at the tower when we got the call to arms. What's the sitch?"

Next Action: Storm
PLAYER, 5 posts
Goddess of the Storm
Ororo Munroe XP:1 PP:1
Sat 18 May 2019
at 12:29
  • msg #37

Re: The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

"Hey, you're the one who can make it rain! And call hurricane and tornadoes. Can I be on your team-?" 

Storm responded to Namorita. "Yep, that's me, Storm. And yes, please join us! The more the merrier. I'll be heading inside shortly, but I can leave the cloud here for your safety. Just let me know."

Ororo's face swiveled over toward Hawkeye (and thus Spider-Man). "The...building hasn't moved. Nor has the door. If you must see it to believe it, I can help." Storm created a tunnel within the cloud layer that was slightly less murky than the rest of it, though she was a little surprised at the need. Hawkeye could now make out a path to the pizza parlor that he could rush if he didn't remember the way.

As she was still floating next to Clint as the mist dissipated slightly, Ororo saw Spider-Man quietly arrive and whisper to Hawkeye. She gave him a quick wave and a quiet greeting, whispering in kind. "Welcome, Spider-Man. The sitch is that there are bad guys in that building." Ororo pointed in the direction of the pizza parlor. "Bishop is in there with them. Wolfsbane is around here somewhere as well. I'm heading in."

Ororo quietly flew through the thick mist toward the entrance to the pizza joint.

OOC: Is there anything still active inside? Storm will happily provide a little more power to any of the androids still wandering about, though Bishop seems to have quite effectively reduced their numbers. (Nice job, Bishop!)
GM, 585 posts
Mon 20 May 2019
at 09:16
  • msg #38

Re: The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Storm floats through the cloud she has created and toward the building. Though it is child's play her to manipulate what she has created, there is still a thick cover shrouding the place for everyone inside and outside: the benefit -- to obscure for cover -- is also the drawback -- to obscure for sight.

Upon entering the pizzeria, for as far in as she goes, Storm immediately recognizes Bishop -- the mutant claiming to be from the future -- turning from the wreckage of two android bodies, shattered limbs and torsos falling to the floor, still red-hot and smoldering from the strike that tore them apart.
PLAYER, 6 posts
Goddess of the Storm
Ororo Munroe XP:1 PP:3
Mon 20 May 2019
at 19:24
  • msg #39

Re: The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Storm looked around and attempted to quell the fear of being inside such an enclosed space. She felt much better when able to be outside, or at least without a roof over her head. Or large indoor spaces. Ones that were roomy. The inside of this joint was oppressive and hot.

She would feel much better with something at hand, so the mutant weather master reached down and grabbed a nice, sturdy, metal pipe that had fallen there. "This could hurt someone. Shouldn't leave it lying about." The statement seemed to be rather mundane, but she punctuated it by electrifying the entire thing and swinging it lazily about, nodding at the buzzing sound it made as it arced through the air. It was now a Sturdy, Electrified Pipe.

Creating an asset:

Team: d10
Claustrophobia: d4 (+1 PP)
Electrical Blast: d10
Combat Expert: d8

Total: 9 Effect: d10

12:20, Today: Storm rolled 1,4,5,5 using d10,d4,d10,d8 with rolls of 1,4,5,5.  Create asset (elec. pipe).

1 opportunity for the Watcher turned into doom pool die.

1 (previous) PP + 2 (this turn) PP = 3

Next up: Spider-Man

GM, 586 posts
Tue 21 May 2019
at 10:17
  • msg #40

Re: The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Add d6 to Doom Pool from Storm's Opportunity

Doom Pool (6d8) reaction to Storm's attempt to create Sturdy, Electrified Pipe Asset, Total: 9, Effect: d10:

Watcher rolled 7,3,8,4,5,5 using d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8 ((7,3,8,4,5,5)).

Total: 15, Effect: d8

Asset not created

Doom Pool: 6d8 +d6 = d6, 6d8

Storm brandishes the crude instrument but, alas, a piece of pipe is still only a piece of pipe, and a weak one at that, that it starts to crumble when the electricity flows through it. The fact that there would be such a remnant falling from the ceiling notes the poor condition of the building. And Storm's swinging the piece attracts the attention of the two agents behind the counter, who now take full notice of the regal mutant in their midst in addition to Bishop.
PLAYER, 4 posts
Tue 21 May 2019
at 16:35
  • msg #41

Re: The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Spider-Man don't hesitate and jumps into action immediately. Swinging into the pizza place he quickly surveys the scene. "A pizza party, and you didn't invite me. How rude."

"I'll have a double pepperoni with cheese on the crust," he jokes, trying to pinpoint the source of his danger sense and be ready for what's coming.

OOC: Rolling Team d6 + Wisecracker d4 + Enhanced Senses d8 + Swingline d8 + Acrobatic Master d10. Trying to create a Prepared for Assault Asset.

Spider-Man rolled 1,3,6,1,5 using 1d6,1d4,1d8,1d8,1d10 ((1,3,6,1,5)).

So that's two opportunities, will you buy 2 dice or one big for 1 PP?

Result is 11 with d4 effect.

PP 3 (possibly 4), PS 00, ES 00, MS d00

GM, 587 posts
Wed 22 May 2019
at 09:24
  • msg #42

Re: The Amazing Avengers #4: "...Dead Stripes and Dark Stars"

Add d8 to Doom Pool from Storm's Opportunity. Opportunities are always bought as one die; a maximum of 1 PP will always be given per dice pool

Always be sure to pick the Next Action at the end of each turn

Doom Pool (d6, 6d8) reaction to Spider-Man's attempt to create Prepared for Assault Asset, Total: 11, Effect: d4:

Watcher rolled 1,5,4,6,7,8,7 using d6,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8,d8 ((1,5,4,6,7,8,7)).

Total: 15, Effect: d8

Asset not created

Doom Pool: d6, 6d8 +d8 = d6, 7d8

Spider-Man rushes into the pizzeria quickly, too fast to get a good look at what's going on. His wisecrack is lost when the last piece of the remaining android, its torso, falls to the floor, clattering loud and hard enough to break the cheap tile floor beneath it.

Next Action: Agents
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